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Copyrights @计量经济圈(ID:econometrics666), 社群推荐。
Confounding in CausalInference
Wei Pan
Causality andModern Science: Third Revised Edition
Mario Bunge
An Introductionto Causal Inference
Judea Pearl
Causality:Statistical Perspectives and Applications
Carlo Berzuini
Probability: For the Enthusiastic Beginner
David Morin
Mastering 'Metrics: The Path from Causeto Effect
- Joshua David Angrist
Counterfactuals and Causal Inference:Methods and… -
Stephen L. Morgan
Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer
Judea Pearl
Judea Pearl
Causal Inference for Statistics, Social, and Biome…
- Guido W. Imbens
Confounding in Causal Inference
Wei Pan
CausalInferences and Abductive Reasoning
Chong Ho Yu
Causal Inferencein Econometrics
Van-Nam Huynh、 Vladik Kreinovich
StatisticalCausal Inferences and Their Applications in Public Health Research 2016-11
Hua He、 Pan Wu
TargetedLearning: Causal Inference for Observational and Experimental Data
Mark J. van derLaan、 Sherri Rose
The SAGEHandbook of Regression Analysis and Causal Inference
Henning Best、 Christof Wolf
StatisticalModels and Causal Inference: A Dialogue with the Social Sciences
David A.Freedman、 David Collier
Applied BayesianModeling and Causal Inference from Incomplete-Data Perspectives 2004-09
Andrew Gelman、 Xiao-Li Meng
Case Studies andCausal Inference: An Integrative Framework
I. Rohlfing
The Role ofCausal Models in Inductive Inference Based on Categories
Xinzhi Chen、 Hee Seung Lee
Making itFormally Explicit: Probability, Causality and Indeterminism
GáborHofer-Szabó、 Leszek Wroński
Causality:Philosophical Theory meets Scientific Practice
Phyllis Illari、 Federica Russo
Frederic PMiller、 Vandome Agnes F
Guanglei Hong
Causality:Objectives and Assessment: Challenges in Machine Learning, Volume 4 2012-11
Isabelle Guyon、 Dominik Janzing
Causality, Or,the Philosophy of Law Investigated
George Jamieson
Financial Crisesand Earnings Management Behavior: Arguments and Evidence Against Causality
Bruno Maria Franceschetti
Evidence,Decision and Causality
Arif Ahmed
Causality,Meaningful Complexity and Embodied Cognition
A. Carsetti
Causality, Correlationand Artificial Intelligence for Rational Decision Making
Causality inSociological Research
Jakub Karpinski
Causality andProbability in the Sciences: v. 5
Dr. FedericaRusso、 Jon Williamson
Time SeriesModels, Causality and Exogeneity
Omar F. Hamouda、 J. C. R. Rowley
Stochastic Causality
Maria CarlaGalavotti、 Patrick Suppes
Causality andCausal Modelling in the Social Sciences: Measuring Variations
Federica Russo
BayesianNetworks and GIS Techniques for Modelling Land Degradation
Oumer Ahmed
Causality in Macroeconomics
Kevin D. Hoover
Mechanism and Causalityin Biology and Economics
Space, Time andCausality: An Essay in Natural Philosophy
J. R. Lucas
ComplexSocio-Technical Systems: Understanding and Influencing the Causality of Change 2012-07
W. B. Rouse、K.R. Boff、 P. Sanderson
Causality; thePlace of the Causal Principle in Modern Science
by MarioAugusto Bunge
Uncertainty andcausality in practical inference
by Hillel JEinhorn
名称Three Essays on Causality Approach to Modeling Long-term Economic Growth 作者Piyachart Phiromswad
撰稿⼈University of California, Davis
Causal Inference and ScientificParadigms in Epidemiology
Steven S. Coughlin - 2010 -
Causal inference
K. J. Rothman -1988 -
Causal inference for multi-levelobservational data with application ...
Guanglei Hong - 2004 -
Case Studies and Causal Inference: AnIntegrative Framework
I. Rohlfing - 2012 -
This frameworkis applied to research design tasks such as case selection and process tracing.The book presents the basics, state-of-the-art and arguments for improving thecase study method and empirical small-n research.
From Predictive to Causal Inference: TheUse of Multivariate ...
2014 -
The time seriesof covariance that multivariate GARCH models generate, however, hold
profoundpromise for informing pre-existing causal inferential debate throughout thesocial sciences. A research methodology framework is needed.
Complete Identification Methods forCausal Inference
Ilya Shpitser - 2008 -
Using theframework of graphical causal models which formalizes a variety of causalqueries, such as causal effects, counterfactuals and path-specific effects ascertain types of probability distributions, I will develop algorithms which ...
Causal Inference in Econometrics
Van-Nam Huynh,V ladik Kreinovich, S ongsak Sriboonchitta - 2015 -
This book isdevoted to the analysis of causal inference which is one of the most difficulttasks in data analysis: when two phenomena are observed to be related, it isoften difficult to decide whether one of them causally influences the ...
Explanation in Causal Inference: Methodsfor Mediation and Interaction
Tyler VanderWeele - 2015 -
and approachesto mediation and interaction from the causal inference literature employingcounterfactuals. This counterfactual approach can be extended to addressquestions of mediation and interaction by extending the counterfactual ...
A Review of Causal Inference
Dayang Liu - 2009 -
Abstract: Inthis report, I first review the evolution of ideas of causation as it relatesto causal inference.
Applied Bayesian modeling and causalinference from incomplete-data ...
Donald B. Rubin, A ndrewGelman, X iao-Li Meng - 2004 -
This book bringstogether a collection of articles on statistical methods relating to missingdata analysis, including multiple imputation, propensity scores, instrumentalvariables, and Bayesian inference.
Causality: Models, Reasoning, andInference
Judea Pearl - 2000 -
The book willfacilitate the incorporation of causal analysis as an integral part of thestandard curriculum in statistics, business, epidemiology, social science andeconomics.
Causal Inference Methods for EstimatingLong-term Health Effects of ...
Corwin Matthew Zigler - 2016 -
Parametric Potential-outcome SurvivalModels for Causal Inference: A ...
Zhaojing Gong - 2008 -
Causal Inference, Path Analysis andRecursive Structural Equations ...
1988 -
Restricted Structural Equation Modelsfor Causal Inference
Jonas Martin Peters - 2012 -
Essays in Causal Inference and PublicPolicy
Avi Isaac Feller - 2015 -
Thisdissertation addresses statistical methods for understanding treatment effectvariation in randomized experiments, both in terms of variation acrosspre-treatment covariates and variation across post-randomization intermediateoutcomes ...
Causal Inference in Urban and RegionalEconomics
Nathaniel Baum-Snow, F ernando Ferreira - 2014 -
Recovery ofcausal relationships in data is an essential part of scholarly inquiry in thesocial sciences.
Statistics and Causality: Methods forApplied Empirical Research WolfgangWiedermann, A lexander von Eye - 2016 -
The book isdivided into five accessible and independent parts. The first part introducesthe foundations of causal structures and discusses issues associated withstandard mechanistic and difference-making theories of causality.
Latent Variable Modeling and Applicationsto Causality
Maia Berkane - 2012-
The papers inthis volume are representative of a wide variety of disciplines in which theuse of latent variable models is rapidly growing. The volume is divided intotwo broad sections.
The Oxford Handbook of Causal Reasoning
Michael Waldmann -2017 -
Causal Analysis in Population Studies:Concepts, Methods, Applications HenrietteEngelhardt, H ans-Peter Kohler, A lexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz - 2010 -
This bookpresents both theoretical contributions and empirical applications of thecounterfactual approach to causal inference.
Foundations of Bayesianism
D. Corfield, J onWilliamson - 2013 -
This is anauthoritative collection of papers addressing the key challenges that face theBayesian interpretation of probability today.
Multilevel Modeling of Social Problems:A Causal Perspective
Robert B Smith - 2014 -
Uniquelyfocusing on intersections of social problems, multilevel statistical modeling,and causality; the substantively and methodologically integrated chapters ofthis book clarify basic strategies for developing and testing multilevel ...
Why: A Guide to Finding and Using Causes
Samantha Kleinberg - 2015 -
This book helpsyou think about causality in a structured way: What is a cause, what are causesgood for, and what is compelling evidence of causality?
Causality: A Study of SeventeenthCentury Philosophy
Daisie Radner - 1969 -
Theories of Causality: From Antiquity tothe Present
John Losee - 2012 -
This volume is awide-ranging history of answers that have been given to these three
questions,and their relationship to scientific understanding.
Causality and Explanation
Wesley C. Salmon - 1998 -
This uniquevolume brings together twenty-six of his essays on subjects related tocausality and explanation, written over the period 1971-1995.
A probabilistic theory of causality
Patrick Suppes - 1970 -
Capturing Connectivity and Causality inComplex Industrial Processes
Fan Yang, P ing Duan, S irish L. Shah - 2014 -
In this chapter,we focus on the relationship between different time series to capturecausality in the process. For a pair ofprocess variables, various data-based methods can be applied to detect causality. These methods can becategorized ..
Causality and Science
Nalini Kanta Brahma - 2008 - ⽆预览 -
The writing ofthis book has afforded him pleasure in his leisure moments, and that pleasurewould be much increased if he knew that the perusal of it would create any bondof sympathy between himself and the angling community in general.
The perception of causality
Albert Michotte -1963 - 阅读内容摘录 -
Correlation and causality
David A. Kenny - 1979 -
Structuralmodeling; Covariance algebra; Principles of path analysis; Models with observedvariables as causes; Measurement error in the exogenous variable and thirdvariables; Observed variables as causes of each other; Single unmeasured ...
Causality in natural science
Victor Fritz Lenzen - 1954 - 阅读内容摘录 -
Causal Overdetermination andContextualism
Esteban Céspedes - 2016 -
This workexplains how different theories of causation confront causal overdetermination.
Causal Reasoning: A Systems Approach
John Charles Francis - 1992 -
Synthesizes thecausal reasoning used in artificial intelligence, and the traditional expert systemapproaches based on heuristic knowledge, thus providing a methodology foranalyzing causal mechanisms in physical systems.
Causation & Causality: Two Mirrorsof the Cause
S. K. Leung - 2002 -
With DavidHume's profound philosophical doubts on causation at the background, this bookattempts to answer many difficult questions.
Visualizing Causality in Context UsingAnimation
2007 -
Keywords:visualization of causality, perception of causality, causal overlay, visualcausal vector。