Application of Collaborative Optimization on a RBCC Inlet-Ejector System


Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm for numerical optimization

Self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm for numerical optimization
u l
Abstract—In this paper, we propose an extension of Self-adaptive Differential Evolution algorithm (SaDE) to solve optimization problems with constraints. In comparison with the original SaDE algorithm, the replacement criterion was modified for handling constraints. The performance of the proposed method is reported on the set of 24 benchmark problems provided by CEC2006 special session on constrained real parameter optimization.
2006 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation Sheraton Vancouver Wall Centre Hotel, Vancouver, BC, Canada July 16-21, 2006
Self-adaptive Differential Evolution Algorithm for Constrained Real-Parameter Optimization
“DE/rand/1”: Vi ,G = Xr ,G + F ⋅ Xr ,G − Xr G
1 2 3,
“DE/best/1”: Vi ,G = Xbest ,G + F ⋅ Xr ,G − X r G 1 2,



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Ant Colony Optimization

Ant Colony Optimization

Ant Colony Optimizationwith Immigrants Schemesfor the Dynamic Vehicle Routing ProblemMichalis Mavrovouniotis1and Shengxiang Yang21Department of Computer Science,University of LeicesterUniversity Road,Leicester LE17RH,United Kingdommm251@2Department of Information Systems and Computing,Brunel UniversityUxbridge,Middlesex UB83PH,United Kingdomshengxiang.yang@Abstract.Ant colony optimization(ACO)algorithms have proved tobe able to adapt to dynamic optimization problems(DOPs)when theyare enhanced to maintain diversity and transfer knowledge.Several ap-proaches have been integrated with ACO to improve its performancefor DOPs.Among these integrations,the ACO algorithm with immi-grants schemes has shown good results on the dynamic travelling sales-man problem.In this paper,we investigate ACO algorithms to solve amore realistic DOP,the dynamic vehicle routing problem(DVRP)withtraffic factors.Random immigrants and elitism-based immigrants are ap-plied to ACO algorithms,which are then investigated on different DVRPtest cases.The results show that the proposed ACO algorithms achievepromising results,especially when elitism-based immigrants are used.1IntroductionIn the vehicle routing problem(VRP),a number of vehicles with limited capacity are routed in order to satisfy the demand of all customers at a minimum cost (usually the total travel time).Ant colony optimization(ACO)algorithms have shown good performance for the VRP,where a population of ants cooperate and construct vehicle routes[5].The cooperation mechanism of ants is achieved via their pheromone trails,where each ant deposits pheromone to its trails and the remaining ants can exploit it[2].The dynamic VRP(DVRP)is closer to a real-world application since the traffic jams in the road system are considered.As a result,the travel time be-tween customers may change depending on the time of the day.In dynamic optimization problems(DOPs)the moving optimum needs to be tracked over time.ACO algorithms can adapt to dynamic changes since they are inspired from nature,which is a continuous adaptation process[9].In practice,they can adapt by transferring knowledge from past environments[1].The challenge of such algorithms is how quickly they can react to dynamic changes in order to maintain the high quality of output instead of premature convergence.C.Di Chio et al.(Eds.):EvoApplications2012,LNCS7248,pp.519–528,2012.c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg2012520M.Mavrovouniotis and S.YangDeveloping strategies for ACO algorithms to deal with premature conver-gence and address DOPs has attracted a lot of attention,which includes local and global restart strategies[7],memory-based approaches[6],pheromone ma-nipulation schemes to maintain diversity[4],and immigrants schemes to increase diversity[11,12].These approaches have been applied to the dynamic travelling salesman problem(DTSP),which is the simplest case of a DVRP,i.e.,only one vehicle is used.The ACO algorithms that are integrated with immigrants schemes have shown promising results on the DTSP where immigrant ants re-place the worst ants in the population every iteration[11].In this paper,we integrate two immigrants schemes,i.e.,random immigrants and elitism-based immigrants,to ACO algorithms and apply them to the DVRP with traffic factor.The aim of random immigrants ACO(RIACO)is to increase the diversity in order to adapt well in DOPs,and the aim of elitism-based im-migrants ACO(EIACO)is to generate guided diversity to avoid randomization.The rest of the paper is organized as follows.Section2describes the problem we try to solve,i.e.,the DVRP with traffic factors.Section3describes the ant colony system(ACS),which is one of the best performing algorithms for the VRP.Section4describes our proposed approaches where we incorporate immigrants schemes with ACO.Section5describes the experiments carried out by comparing RIACO and EIACO with ACS.Finally,Section6concludes this paper with directions for future work.2The DVRP with Traffic JamsThe VRP has become one of the most popular combinatorial optimization prob-lems,due to its similarities with many real-world applications.The VRP is classified as NP-hard[10].The basic VRP can be described as follows:a number of vehicles with afixed capacity need to satisfy the demand of all the customers, starting from and returning to the depot.Usually,the VRP is represented by a complete weighted graph G=(V,E), with n+1nodes,where V={u0,...,u n}is a set of vertices corresponding to the customers(or delivery points)u i(i=1,···,n)and the depot u0and E={(u i,u j):i=j}is a set of edges.Each edge(u i,u j)is associated with a non-negative d ij which represents the distance(or travel time)between u i and u j.For each customer u i,a non-negative demand D i is given.For the depot u0, a zero demand is associated,i.e.,D0=0.The aim of the VRP is tofind the route(or a set of routes)with the lowest cost without violating the following constraints:(1)every customer is visited exactly once by only one vehicle;(2)every vehicle starts andfinishes at the depot;and (3)the total demand of every vehicle route must not exceed the vehicle capacity Q.The number of routes identifies the corresponding number of vehicles used to generate one VRP solution,which is notfixed but chosen by the algorithm.The VRP becomes more challenging if it is subject to a dynamic environment. There are many variations of the DVRP,such as the DVRP with dynamic de-mand[14].In this paper,we generate a DVRP with traffic factors,where eachAnt Colony Optimization with Immigrants Schemes for the DVRP521 edge(u i,u j)is associated with a traffic factor t ij.Therefore,the cost to travel from u i to u j is c ij=d ij×t ij.Furthermore,the cost to travel from u j to u i may differ due to different traffic factor.For example,one road may have more traffic in one direction and less traffic in the opposite direction.Every f iterations a random number R∈[F L,F U]is generated to represent potential traffic jams,where F L and F U are the lower and upper bounds of the traffic factor,respectively.Each edge has a probability m to have a traffic factor, by generating a different R to represent high and low traffic jams on different roads,i.e.,t ij=1+R,where the traffic factor of the remaining edges is set to1 (indicates no traffic).Note that f and m represent the frequency and magnitude of changes in the DVRP,respectively.3ACO for the DVRPThe ACO metaheuristic consists of a population ofμants where they construct solutions and share their information with the others via their pheromone trails. Thefirst ACO algorithm developed is the Ant System(AS)[2].Many variations of the AS have been developed over the years and applied to difficult optimization problems[3].The best performing ACO algorithm for the DVRP is the ACS[13].There is a multi-colony variation of this algorithm applied to the VRP with time win-dows[5].However,in this paper we consider the single colony which has been applied to the DVRP[13].Initially,all the ants are placed on the depot and all pheromone trails are initialized with an equal amount.With a probability1−q0, where0≤q0≤1is a parameter of the pseudo-random proportional decision rule(usually0.9for ACS),an ant k chooses the next customer j from customeri,as follows:p k ij=⎧⎨⎩[τij]α[ηij]βl∈N k i[τil]α[ηil]β,if j∈N k i,0,otherwise,(1)whereτij is the existing pheromone trail between customers i and j,ηij is the heuristic information available a priori,which is defined as1/c ij,where c ij isthe distance travelled(as calculated in Section2)between customers i and j, N k i denotes the neighbourhood of unvisited customers of ant k when its current customer is i,andαandβare the two parameters that determine the relativeinfluence of pheromone trail and heuristic information,respectively.With the probability q0,the ant k chooses the next customer with the maximum proba-bility,i.e.,[τ]α[η]β,and not probabilistically as in Eq.(1).However,if the choice of the next customer leads to an infeasible solution,i.e.,exceed the maximum capacity Q of the vehicle,the depot is chosen and a new vehicle route starts.When all ants construct their solutions,the best ant retraces the solution and deposits pheromone globally according to its solution quality on the correspond-ing trails,as follows:τij←(1−ρ)τij+ρΔτbestij,∀(i,j)∈Tbest,(2)522M.Mavrovouniotis and S.Yangwhere0<ρ≤1is the pheromone evaporation rate andΔτbestij =1/C best,whereC best is the total cost of the T best tour.Moreover,a local pheromone update is performed every time an ant chooses another customer j from customer i as follows:τij←(1−ρ)τij+ρτ0,(3) whereρis defined as in Eq.(2)andτ0is the initial pheromone value.The pheromone evaporation is the mechanism that eliminates the areas with high intensity of pheromones that are generate by ants,due to stagnation be-haviour1,in order to adapt well to the new environment.The recovery time depends on the size of the problem and magnitude of change.4ACO with Immigrants Schemes for the DVRP4.1FrameworkThe framework of the proposed algorithms is based on the ACO algorithms that were used for the DTSP[11,12].It will be interesting to observe if the framework based on immigrants schemes is beneficial for more realistic problems,such as the DVRP with traffic factors,as described in Section2.The initial phase of the algorithm and the solution construction of the ants are the same with the ACS;see Eq.(1).The difference of the proposed framework is that it uses a short-term memory every iteration t,denoted as k short(t),of limited size,i.e.,K s,which is associated with the pheromone matrix.Initially, k short(0)is empty where at the end of the iteration the K s best ants will be added to k short(t).Each ant k that enters k short(t)deposits a constant amount of pheromone to the corresponding trails,as follows:τij←τij+Δτk ij,∀(i,j)∈T k,(4)whereΔτk ij=(τmax−τ0)/K s and T k is the tour of ant k.Here,τmax andτ0are the maximum and initial pheromone value,respectively.Every iteration the ants from k short(t−1)are replaced with the K s best ants from iteration t,a negative update is performed to their pheromone trails,as follows:τij←τij−Δτk ij,∀(i,j)∈T k,(5) whereΔτij and T k are defined as in Eq.(4).This is because no ants can survive in more than one iteration because of the dynamic environment.In addition,immigrant ants replace the worst ants in k short(t)every iteration and further adjustments are performed to the pheromone trails since k short(t) changes.The main concern when dealing with immigrants schemes is how to generate immigrant ants,that represent feasible solutions.1A term used when all ants follow the same path and construct the same solution.Ant Colony Optimization with Immigrants Schemes for the DVRP523 4.2Random Immigrants ACO(RIACO)Traditionally,the immigrants are randomly generated and replace other ants in the population to increase the diversity.A random immigrant ant for the DVRP is generated as follows.First,the depot is added as the starting point; then,an unvisited customer is randomly selected as the next point.This process is repeated until thefirst segment(starting from the most recent visit to the depot)of customers do not violate the capacity constraint.When the capacity constraint is violated the depot is added and another segment of customers starts.When all customers are visited the solution will represent one feasible VRP solution.Considering the proposed framework described above,before the pheromone trails are updated,a set S ri of r×K s immigrants are generated to replace the worst ants in k short(t),where r is the replacement rate.RIACO has been found to perform better in fast and significantly changing environments for the DTSP[11].This is because when the changing environ-ments are not similar it is better to randomly increase the diversity instead of knowledge transfer.Moreover,when the environmental changes are fast the time is not enough to gain useful knowledge in order to transfer it.However,there is a high risk of randomization with RIACO that may disturb the optimization process.A similar behaviour is expected for the DVRP.4.3Elitism-Based Immigrants ACO(EIACO)Differently from RIACO,which generates diversity randomly with the immi-grants,EIACO generates guided diversity by the knowledge transferred from the best ant of the previous environment.An elitism-based immigrant ant for the DVRP is generated as follows.The best ant of the previous environment is selected in order to use it as the base to generate elitism-based immigrants.The depots of the best ant are removed and adaptive inversion is performed based on the inver-over operator[8].When the inversion operatorfinishes,the depots are added so that the capacity constraint is satisfied in order to represent one feasible VRP solution.Considering the proposed framework above,on iteration t,the elite ant from k short(t−1)is used as the base to generate a set S ei of r×K s immigrants,where r is the replacement rate.The elitism-based immigrants replace the worst ants in k short(t)before the pheromone trails are updated.The EIACO has been found to perform better in slowly and slightly changing environments for the DTSP[11].This is because the knowledge transferred when the changing environments are similar will be more useful.However,there is a risk to transfer too much knowledge and start the optimization process from a local optimum and get stuck there.A similar behaviour is expected for the DVRP.524M.Mavrovouniotis and S.Yang5Simulation Experiments5.1Experimental SetupIn the experiments,we compare the proposed RIACO and EIACO with the existing ACS,described in Section3.All the algorithms have been applied to the vrp45,vrp72,and vrp135problem instances2.To achieve a good balance between exploration and exploitation,most of the parameters have been obtained from our preliminary experiments where others have been inspired from literature[11].For all algorithms,μ=50ants are used,α=1,β=5,andτ0=1/n.For ACS,q0=0.9,andρ=0.7.Note that a lower evaporation rate has been used for ACS,i.e.ρ=0.1,with similar or worseresults.For the proposed algorithms,q0=0.0,K s=10,τmax=1.0and r=0.4.For each algorithm on a DVRP instance,N=30independent runs were executed on the same environmental changes.The algorithms were executed for G=1000iterations and the overall offline performance is calculated as follows:P offline=1GGi=1⎛⎝1NNj=1P∗ij⎞⎠(6)where P∗ij defines the tour cost of the best ant since the last dynamic change of iteration i of run j[9].The value of f was set to10and100,which indicate fast and slowly changing environments,respectively.The value of m was set to0.1,0.25,0.5,and0.75, which indicate the degree of environmental changes from small,to medium,to large,respectively.The bounds of the traffic factor are set as F L=0and F U=5. As a result,eight dynamic environments,i.e.,2values of f×4values of m, were generated from each stationary VRP instance,as described in Section2,to systematically analyze the adaptation and searching capability of each algorithm on the DVRP.5.2Experimental Results and AnalysisThe experimental results regarding the offline performance of the algorithms are presented in Table1and the corresponding statistical results of Wilcoxon rank-sum test,at the0.05level of significance are presented in Table2.Moreover,to better understand the dynamic behaviour of the algorithms,the results of the largest problem instance,i.e.,vrp135,are plotted in Fig.1with f=10,m=0.1 and m=0.75,and f=100,m=0.1and m=0.75,for thefirst500iterations. From the experimental results,several observations can be made by comparing the behaviour of the algorithms.First,RIACO outperforms ACS in all the dynamic test cases;see the results of RIACO⇔ACS in Table2.This validates our expectation that ACS need 2Taken from the Fisher benchmark instances available at Colony Optimization with Immigrants Schemes for the DVRP525 parison of algorithms regarding the results of the offline performancef=10f=100m⇒ tests of comparing algorithms regarding the offline performance, where“+”or“−”means that thefirst algorithm is significantly better or the second algorithm is significantly betterAlg.&Inst.vrp45vrp72vrp135f=10,m⇒⇔ACS++++++++++++EIACO⇔ACS++++++++++++EIACO⇔RIACO++++++++++++f=100,m⇒⇔ACS++++++++++++EIACO⇔ACS++++++++++++EIACO⇔RIACO−+++++++++++sufficient time to recover when a dynamic change occurs,which can be also observed from Fig.1in the environmental case with f=100.This is because the pheromone evaporation is the only mechanism used to eliminate pheromone trails that are not useful to the new environment,and may bias the population to areas that are not near the new optimum.On the other hand,RIACO uses the proposed framework where the pheromone trails exist only in one iteration.Second,EIACO outperforms ACS in all the dynamic test cases as the RI-ACO;see the results EIACO⇔ACS in Table2.This is due to the same reasons RIACO outperforms the traditional ACS.However,EIACO outperforms RI-ACO in almost all dynamic test cases;see the results of EIACO⇔RIACO in Table2.In slowly and slightly changing environments EIACO has sufficient time to gain knowledge from the previous environment,and the knowledge transferred has more chances to help when the changing environments are similar.However, on the smallest problem instance,i.e.,vrp45,with f=100and m=0.1RIACO performs better than EIACO.This validates our expectation where too much526M.Mavrovouniotis and S.Yang1300 1350 1400 1450 1500 1550 16000100200300400500O f f l i n e P e r f o r m a n c eIterationvrp135 - f = 10, m = 0.1ACS RIACO EIACO 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 34000100200300400500O f f l i n e P e r f o r m a n c eIteration vrp135 - f = 10, m = 0.75ACS RIACO EIACO 1200 1250 130013501400 1450 1500 1550 16000100200300400500O f f l i n e P e r f o r m a n c e Iteration vrp135 - f = 100, m = 0.1ACS RIACO EIACO 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 34000100200300400500O f f l i n e P e r f o r m a n c eIterationvrp135 - f = 100, m = 0.75ACS RIACO EIACOFig.1.Offline performance of algorithms for different dynamic test problems 1300 1350 1400 1450 15000. 1.0O f f l i n e P e r f o r m a n c e r vrp135, f = 100, m = 0.1RIACO EIACO ACS 2200 2300 2400 2500 2600 27000. 1.0O f f l i n e P e r f o r m a n c ervrp135, f = 100, m = 0.75RIACO EIACO ACS Fig.2.Offline performance of RIACO and EIACO with different replacement rates against the performance of ACS in slowly changing environmentsknowledge transferred does not always mean better results in dynamic environ-ments.On the other hand RIACO,was expected to perform better than EIACO in fast and significantly changing environments,since the random immigrants only increase the diversity,but that it is not the case.This may be possibly because of too much randomization that may disturb the optimization process and requires further investigation regarding the effect of the immigrant ants.Ant Colony Optimization with Immigrants Schemes for the DVRP527 Third,in order to investigate the effectiveness of the immigrants schemes,fur-ther experiments have been performed on the same problem instances with the same parameters used before but with different immigrant replacement rates, i.e.,r∈{0.0,0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1.0}.In Fig.2the offline performance of RIACO and EIACO with the varying replacement rates are presented3,against the ACS performance,where r=0.0means that no immigrants are generated to re-place ants in the k short(t).The results confirm our expectation above,where the random immigrants in RIACO sometimes may disturb the optimization and de-grade the performance.On the other hand,elitism-based immigrants in EIACO improve the performance,especially in slightly changing environments.Finally,the proposed framework performs better than ACS,even if no immi-grants are generated;see Fig.2.The RIACO with r=1.0performs worse than the ACS,whereas the EIACO with r=1.0better than ACS.This is because RIACO destroys all the knowledge transferred to the k short(t)from the ants of the previous iteration with random immigrants,whereas EIACO destroys that knowledge but transfers new knowledge using the best ant from the previous iteration.6ConclusionsDifferent immigrants schemes have been successfully applied to evolutionary al-gorithms and ACO algorithms to address different DOPs[11,16].ACO-based algorithms with immigrants,i.e.,RIACO and EIACO,have shown good perfor-mance on different variations of the DTSP[11,12].In this paper,we modify and apply such algorithms to address the DVRP with traffic factors,which is closer to a real-world application.The immigrant ants are generated either randomly or using the previous best ant as the base and replace the worst ones in the pop-ulation.The aim is to maintain the diversity of solutions and transfer knowledge from previous environments in order to adapt well in DOPs.Comparing RIACO and EIACO with ACS,one of the best performing ACO al-gorithms for VRP,on different test cases of DVRPs,the following concluding re-marks can be drawn.First,the proposed framework used to integrate ACO with immigrants schemes,performs better than the traditional framework,even when immigrant ants are not generated.Second,EIACO is significantly better than RI-ACO and ACS in almost all dynamic test cases.Third,RIACO is significantly bet-ter than ACS in all dynamic test cases.Finally,the random immigrants may disturb the optimization process with a result to degrade the performance,whereas elitism-based immigrants transfers knowledge with a result to improves the performance for the DVRP with traffic factor.An obvious direction for future work is to hybridize the two immigrants schemes.However,from our preliminary results the performance of the hybrid scheme is better than RIACO but worse than EIACO in all dynamic test cases. Therefore,tofind another way to achieve a good balance between the knowledge 3The experimental results of the remaining problem instances and dynamic test cases are similar for EIACO,whereas for RIACO there is an improvement when r>0.0 on the smallest problem instance.528M.Mavrovouniotis and S.Yangtransferred and the diversity generated would be interesting for future work.An-other future work is to integrate memory-based immigrants with ACO,which have also performed well on the DTSP[12],to the DVRP with traffic factors. 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5. Ant Colony Optimization

5. Ant Colony Optimization
ACO [1, 24] is a class of algorithms, whose first member, called Ant System, was initially proposed by Colorni, Dorigo and Maniezzo [13, 21, 18]. The main underlying idea, loosely inspired by the behavior of real ants, is that of a parallel search over several constructive computational threads based on local problem data and on a dynamic memory structure containing information on the quality of previously obtained result. The collective behavior emerging from the interaction of the different search threads has proved effective in solving combinatorial optimization (CO) problems. Following [50], we use the following notation. A combinatorial optimization problem is a problem defined over a set C = c1, ... , cn of basic components. A subset S of components represents a solution of the problem; F ⊆ 2C is the subset of feasible solutions, thus a solution S is feasible if and only if S ∈ F. A cost function z is defined over the solution domain, z : 2C à R , the objective being to find a minimum cost feasible solution S*, i.e., to find S*: S* ∈ F and z(S*) ≤ z(S ), ∀S ∈ F. Given this, the functioning of an ACO algorithm can be summarized as follows (see also [27]). A set of computational concurrent and asynchronous agents (a colony of ants) moves through states of the problem corresponding to partial solutions of the problem to solve. They move by applying a stochastic local decision policy based on two parameters, called trails and attractiveness. By moving, each ant incrementally constructs a solution to the problem. When an ant completes a solution, or during the construction phase, the ant evaluates the solution and modifies the trail value on the components used in its solution. This pheromone information will direct the search of the future ants. Furthermore, an ACO algorithm includes two more mechanisms : trail evaporation and, optionally, daemon actions. Trail evaporation decreases all trail values over time, in order to avoid unlimited accumulation of trails over some comp onent. Daemon actions can be used to implement centralized actions which cannot be performed by single ants, such as the invocation of a local optimization procedure, or the update of global information to be used to decide whether to bias the search process from a non-local perspective [27].


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Modern, optimization-based control technique Successful applications in many industrial fields Can handle hard constraints on states and inputs Optimization of some performance criterion Applicable to nonlinear, MIMO systems
A system is strictly dissipative on a set W ⊆ Z with respect to the supply rate s if there exists a storage function λ such that for all (x , u ) ∈ W it holds that λ(f (x , u )) − λ(x ) ≤ s (x , u ) − ρ(x ) with ρ > 0.
k =0 x (k |t + 1) x (t + 1) state x input u t+1 u (k |t + 1) k =N
Basic MPC scheme



Collaboration"The objects within a program must collaborate; otherwise, the program wouldconsist of only one big object that does everything."-- Rebecca Wirfs-Brock, et. al.,Designing Object-Oriented Software,Prentice Hall, 1990 INTRODUCTIONCollaboration, to my mind, is not discussed enough. It is one of the essential elements of object-oriented analysis and design. As Booch says:"Equally important [as inheritance] is the invention of societies of objects that responsibly collaborate with one another. ... These societies form what Icall the mechanisms of a system, and thus represent strategic architecturaldecisions because they transcend individual classes." [The C++ Journal, Vol. 2,NO. 1 1992, "Interview with Grady Booch"]In this article we will talk about what collaboarations are and why they are so important. We will discuss how collaborations are unearthed through analysis of the problem domain, and how they are designed into the application. We will also discuss the C++ "friend" mechanism, and how it aids the design of collaborations.Some of the examples in this article use a variation of the Booch Notation for describing analysis and design decisions. Where necessary I will digress to explain the notation.WHAT IS COLLABORATION?A collaboration occurs every time two or more objects interact. A collaboration can be as simple as one object sending one message to another object. Or it can be a as complex as dozens of objects exchanging messages. In fact, an entire application is really a single gigantic collaboration involving all of the objects within it.An object-oriented application can be broken down into a set of many different behaviors. Each such behavior is implemented by a distinct collaboration between the objects of the appliation. Every collaboration, no matter how small or large, always implements a behavior of the application that contains it.Imagine an object-oriented application as a network of objects connected by relationships. Collaborations are the patterns of messages that play through that network in pursuit of a particular behavior. A collaboration can be viewed as an algorithm which spans this network, using many different objects and methods. The algorithm is distributed across the network of objects, and so does not exist in any one place.This is in distinct contrast to the behaviors of a class. All behaviors pertinent to a class are methods of that class. They exist in one place. But an object-oriented application is made up of many such classes. Its behaviors are a synthesis of the individual class behaviors. So the application's behaviors are distributed through the classes as collaborations.This identification with the behaviors of the application gives collaborations a very central role in the analysis and design of object-oriented programs. It is these behaviors, after all, that we are trying to achieve. If the collaborations which implement them are not properly designed, then the application will be inaccurate or brittle.IDENTIFYING COLLABORATIONSCollaborations are typically unearthed during the analysis of the problem domain. The first step in this process is to discover the primary classes and their relationships. These are arranged into a model of the static structure of the application. To test this structure, behavioral scenarios are examined. In each scenario we ask which objects will be present, and how they will respondto one particular event. We then attempt to figure out which messages are sent between the objects in order to handle the event. It is within these scenarios that the first hints of collaboration are to be found. For example, consider an application to automate a public library. The analysis of such an application might yeild the following static model. This model is by no means complete, itsimply shows a few of the classes in the problem domain.This diagram is called a class diagram. It is typical of those produced during object-oriented analysis. It is similar to an entity relationship diagram (ERD), except that it uses Booch symbols. It shows the classes in the model, and the static relationships between those classes. In this case we see that the Library employs some number of Librarians . It also maintains a list of all the library cards which identify the Borrower s that the Library is willing to loan books to.Lets examine the behavioral scenario related to borrowing a book from the library. A Borrower takes a book up to a Librarian and presents his or her library card with a request to check the book out. The librarian enters the book id and library card number into a terminal.This creates an event from which we can trace out the flow of messages through the system.This diagram is called an object diagram. It shows the objects that we expect to participate in the behavior, and shows the messages and data that flow between those objects. Note that each message is numbered in the sequence that it occurs.We have shown the initial event as the CheckOut message which is sent to theLibrarian object (message #1). The message includes the BookCopy , which is an objectwhich represents a particular copy of a book. The message also contains the LibraryCard ofthe Borrower. The Librarian asks the Library to look up the Borrower from theLibraryCard(#2), The Library in turn asks the LibraryCardList for the same information (#3).Once in possession of the Borrower, the Librarian checks its status (#4),to see if itis allowed to check out any books. In this example, the Borrower is allowed to check outbooks, so the Location of the book is set to the Borrower (#5), and the appropriate return date is set (#6).This behavioral scenario is a first step towards identifying the collaboration for checking a book out of the library. Its purpose, at this stage, is to prove that the static model is capable of supporting the behavior. But is also gives us a very good idea of the methods that the classes will need in order to properly collaborate.Every behavior of the application should be modeled in this way. From this work a set of behavioral scenarios is generated. Each of these is an early representation of the collaborations within the application.DESIGNING COLLABORATIONSIdentification is not enough. By analyzing the problem domain we have compiled a list of proto-collaborations. Now we need to design the detailed structure of the application so that the collaboration can be supported. This involves replacing the weak relationships in the analysis model, with strong OOD relationships such as inheritance (IsA), containment (HasA) and usage relationships. This is done by inspecting the behavioral scenario to see how the messages flow.For example, the first message in the library collaboration comes to the Librarian from the outside. This implies some kind of LibrarianTerminal object which knows about the Librarian.LibrarianTerminal contains a Librarian. This relationship means that the LibrarianTerminal has intrinsic knowledge of the Librarian. This is important if the LibrarianTerminal is to send a message to the Librarian.The second message in the collaboration is between the Librarian and the Library. Since none of the data currently flowing in the collaboration has identified a particular Library object, the Librarian must has intrinsic knowledge of the Library. Oncemodel. In the analysis model the Library employed the Librarian. However, in this design, the Librarian contains the Library. Although the analysis model makes perfect sense by itself, it does not support the needed collaboration at the detailed level. Thus, the direction of the relationship must changed to support the collaboration.Message number 3 is sent from the Library to the LibraryCardList. Again, intrinsic knowledge is needed, again implying containment. Moreover, we know from the analysis model that the LibraryCardList identifies all the Borrowers. This too implies containment.Message number 4represents the Librarian interrogating the Borrowerabout its ability to borrow books. Intrinic knowledge is not implied since the Borrower was returned to the Librarianthrough message number 2 and 3. Thus we say that the Librarian usesthe Borrower , but does not contain it. The using relationship, represented by the double line and white ball, implies that the used object is somehow made available to the user via the user's interface. By the same reasoning, messages 5 and 6 imply that the Librarian uses the classBookCopy, since it finds out about the BookCopy from the LibrarianTerminal in message #1.collaboration. Similar exercises need to occur for each of the collaborations unearthed through the analysis.Notice that the static model of the analysis was used in the creation of our collaboration, and that the collaboration was then used to refine the static model. This oscillation between the static and dynamic models is typical and essential. We only showed one small oscillation, but in a real analysis and design, the oscillations would continue many more times before the design was considered sufficiently refined. Each change to the static model sheds new light on the dynamics of the collaborations. Each refinement made to the collaborations may expose deficiencies in the static model.TYPES OF COLLABORATIONWe can classify the ways in which classes collaborate into 4 broad categories. Each of these categories has to do with the relationships between the collaborating classes. The differences between these 4 classifications has to do with the intimacy of the collaboration. Some collaborations take place strictly through their public interfaces, and are therefore not very intimate. Other collaborations require closer coupling between the participants.•Peer- to-Peer collaborations All the collaborations that we have studied so far have been of the Peer-to-Peer variety.Peer-to-Peer collaborations occur when two unrelated classes exchange messages. This is the most common form of collaboration. Typically, peer-to-peer collaborations are not intimate; i.e. the collaborators do not depend upon special knowledge of each other. In C++, they are seldom declared as friends. This is not a hard and fast rule however. Sometimes intimacy is indicated. Containers and iterators are an example of peer-to-peer collaborators which are generally intimate and require friendship.•Sibling Collaborations A Sibling collaboration occurs when two or more classes, derived from a common base,exchange messages. Often such collaborations are more intimate than the Peer-to-Peer variety,BookCursor base class is abstract, which is signified by the triangular icon. BookCursor represents the set of classes which search the library for books. The three siblings represent different scopes in which such searches can occur. You can search an entire shelf with ShelfCursor , an entire aisle with AisleCursor and the whole library withLibraryCursor . Notice that the siblings make use of each other in a directional manner. TheLibraryCursor uses the AisleCursor which in-turn uses the ShelfCursor . This makes perfect sense, since searching the library is a matter of searching all the aisles, and searching an aisle is a matter of searching all the shelves within the aisle.This kind of hierarchical relationship is typical of sibiling collaborations. Each sibling builds on the facilities of the other. However, siblings are often able to deal with peer clients as well.When dealing with peers, the relationship is usually not as intimate as when dealing with aHere we see a client sending the Search message to object (x):LibraryCursor . The name of the object is 'x', but the parenthesis indicate that the name is local to this diagram, and not known to the rest of the design. It's kind of like a local variable. Object 'x' responds by sending itself the Initialize method, which is handled by the BookCursor base class.This method clears a set of counters in the BookCursor which keep track of statistics concerning the search.Since each of the siblings must be able to deal directly with clients, they must each respond to the Search method by initializing the base class with the Initialize method. However,when we are searching the entire library, we want all the statistics gathered in the base class of the LibraryCursor object, rather than spread out through a bunch of AisleCursor and ShelfCursor objects. So the LibraryCursor object 'x' tells the AisleCursor to use the statistics counters in the base class of 'x'. Moreover, the AisleCursor passes this information along to the ShelfCursor as well. This information is passed using the PrivateSearch method, which is designed for intimate use between siblings, rather than general purpose client access.Since the classes have a method that they wish to keep private amongst themselves, they should declare the method to be restricted to private access. In order for the siblings to access the methods, they must be friends of each other. Thus we modify the class diagram to show thefriendship.•Base-Derived collaborationsWe saw a small example of a Base-Derived collaboration in the previous example. Such collaborations occur when a derived class exchanges messages with its base. Such collaborations are often very intimate; base and derived classes know a lot about each other and can take advantage of that knowledge. Such collaborations typically involve short term violations of class invariants, i.e. they temporarily leave the class in an illegal state between Here we see an elaboration of part of the previous example. The LibraryCursor object initializes itself by sending itself the Initialize message. The BookCursor base class handles this message and sends the InitializeDerived message back to the derived class (probably via virtual deployment). Thus, the base portion of the class is initialized first, and then the base class initializes the derived class. In between these two messages, the object is in an invalid state, being only partially initialized. Certainly the InitializeDerived method should be private and virtual.•Auto-Collaboration Auto-collaboration occurs when an object sends a message to itself. This is the most intimate of all collaborations, since the object is generally talking to itself. Such collaboration is typically used to encapsulate portions of the implementation. For example, task x may be a component of many of the methods of class Y. Rather than coding task x in each of these methods, it makes better sense to create a new method which performs task x. Certainly such a method should be kept private, since its function is never meant to appear in isolation from theHere we see a typical case of auto-collaboration. When a LibraryCursor object is sent the Search method, it invokes the PrivateSearch method. The data item sent along is presumably its own base class. Notice how this encapsulates the task of searching within the PrivateSearch method. No other method of this class knows the details of a search.USING FRIENDSHIP IN COLLABORATIONIn one of the examples above, we used friendship to aid the collaboration of siblings. Friendship is also sometimes used in peer-to-peer collaborations. In early versions of C++, before the protected keyword was added, friendship was also used to support base-derived collaborations. In fact, the proliferation of base classes declaring their derivatives as friends was a principle factor in the decision to add protected access to the language.Friendship allows unrelated classes to participate in intimate collaborations. This is important when several classes are working together to present a single abstraction. As a case in point, take the example of the LibraryCursor. This class collaborated with its sibling AisleCursor to present a single abstraction: that of searching the entire library for books. This collaboration required that the two classes be friends.Such multi-class abstractions are an important design technique. There are situations where it is not practical or possible to represent an abstraction as a single class. A good example of this is iterators. Container classes and their iterators represent a single abstraction. But there is simply no good way to represent this abstraction as a single class.Another role of friendship is to prevent private portions of a collaboration from leaking out into the public arena. Again, the LibraryCursor class provides us with an example. The PrivateSearch method is a dangerous method to make public. It badly violates the invariants of the BookCursor abstraction. Friendship allows these dangerous functions to remain private to the abstraction, and to be used by the friends participating in that abstraction.When many classes collaborate, the use of friendship to solve the problems of access and efficiency will result in classes that are bound tightly to each other. Sometimes they can be so tightly bound that they cannot be separated from each other.Certainly we want to avoid, at all costs, huge networks of classes which are all friends and which all take great liberties with each others internal parts. Such a perversion could not be called object-oriented. Also, we want to avoid the temptation to use friendship to join two very separate abstractions. If such abstractions need to be joined in some way, the joining should generally be accomplished through their interfaces, or through an intermediary class.However, when two ore more classes are truly part of the same abstraction, then tight binding and friendship should not be discouraged. As Rumbaugh says: "Some object-oriented authors feel that every piece of information should be attached to a single class, and they argue that associations violate encapsulation of information into classes. We do not agree with this viewpoint. Some information inherently transcends a single class, and the failure to treat associations on an equal footing with classes can lead to programs containing hidden assumptions and dependencies." [Object Oriented Modeling and Design, Rumbaugh et. al., Prentice Hall, 1991]Since friendship can only be given, and cannot be taken, the choice of who to give friendship to becomes a design decision. This means that the class is designed to collaborate with certain special friends. The collaborators become members of a team which work more closely together than normal in order to achieve a single end. Thus, encapsulation is not lost, nor even compromised. The "capsule" simply widens to enclose all the friends.SUMMARYIn this article we have examined collaboration. We have shown that all the behaviors of an application are implemented through collaborations. We have shown how collaborations are first detected in the analysis phase of a project, and how their static and dynamic elements can be expressed using the Booch notation. We have shown how the static and dynamic views can be iterated to provide successive refinement of the application's design. We have discussed the various types of collaborations, and typical situations when they may be used. Finally we have discussed the role of friendship in collaborations.Collaboration is at the heart of OOA/OOD. The proper design of an object-oriented application depends upon a thorough and detailed understanding of the collaborations which implement its behaviors.。



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Collaborative innovation in the public sector

Collaborative innovation in the public sector

COLLABORATIVE INNOV ATION IN THE PUBLIC SECTORBen BommertABSTRACTThis article claims that there is a need for a new form of innovation in the public sector because bureaucratic (closed) ways of innovating do not yield the quantity and quality of innovations necessary to solve emergent and persistent policy challenges. Based on these shortcomings the article defines a set of criteria, which a suitable form of public sector innovation needs to fulfill. The article shows that collaborative innovation meets these criteria because it opens the innovation cycle to a variety of actors and taps into innovation resources across borders, overcomes cultural restrictions and creates broad socio-political support for public sector innovation. The article highlights risks and issues associated with collaborative innovation and that the concept should not be discarded on these grounds since there is no suitable alternative to tackle emergent and persistent challenges. Finally, the article suggests capacities, which government needs to develop to successfully implement collaborative innovation. However as research on innovation in the public sector is rather thin the article suggests a map for further research to substantiate the role of collaborative innovation in the public sector.INTRODUCTIONThose less concerned with the study and practice of innovation in the public sector might claim that innovation in the public sector is an oxymoron. However, that conclusion is a fallacy if one considers the numerous innovations, which the public sector produces. Some of the most celebrated innovations are the Open University and the National Literacy Strategy in the UK. The yearly award winners of the Ford Foundation’s Innovations in American Government program, administered by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, serve as another example in the US. There are probably various examples of public sector innovation from other countries, which could prove that innovation and public sector are not mutually exclusive. However, some professionals and academics claim that the public sector needs to find radically new ways of innovating (Harris and Albury, 2009; Eggers and Kumar Singh, 2009; Nambisan, 2008). The simple reasoning behind this claim is that current public sector innovation would not yield the innovations necessary to tackle today’s radical challenges such as climate change, aging society, obesity and the financial crisis (Harris and Albury, 2009). These academics and professionals propose a new form of innovation, which is called “collaborative innovation”, as the cure for the alleged innovation problem of the public sector. One might readily accept that the public sector faces complex challenges, which are unmet. However, one might less readily accept that a different form of innovation constitutes a convincing alternative. One reason for this doubt is that research about public sector innovation is rather thin and the level of conceptualization low (Hartley, 2005). For example there are various definitions of what counts as an innovation in the public sector (Moore, 2005). In this research environment it is difficult to clearly establish what is different about the alternative form of innovation and to claim that it possesses characteristics which make it more suitablethan current forms. In order to be persuasive a proposal for collaborative innovation needs to offer clear answers to what Simons (2001) calls stock issues such as: is there a need for change? Is the proposal workable in theory? Is it the best solution? I will address an adapted version of these stock issues to investigate the research question: Is collaborative innovation a suitable form of innovation in the public sector?To answer this research question I first present the proposals of collaborative innovation and their origins. Second, I will investigate the need for a new form of public sector innovation. Third, I will set up criteria to investigate whether collaborative innovation meets this need. Fourth, I will evaluate the risks and delineate issues of collaborative innovation. Fifth, I will discuss alternatives. Sixth, I will point out which capacities government1 needs to develop to adapt collaborative innovation. Finally, I will draw a conclusion and outline aspects for further research.PROPOSALS FOR COLLABORATIVE INNOVATIONIn this part of the part the article I will introduce proposals for collaborative innovation and relate them to relevant public and private sector theories. Most recent and prominent proposals for collaborative innovation have been made by Nambisan (2008), Eggers and Kumar Singh (2009) and Harris and Albury (2009). Even though the proposals differ in depth and scope the core suggestion is similar: government should adopt a form of innovation, which “utilizes the innovation assets of a diverse base of organizations and individuals to discover, develop, and implement ideas within and outside organizational boundaries“ (Eggers and Singh, 2009: 98). Nambisan defines collaborative innovation as a “collaborative approach to innovation and problem solving in the public sector that relies on harnessing the resources and the creativity of external networks and communities (including citizen networks as well as networks of nonprofits and private corporations) to amplify or enhance the innovation speed as well as the range and quality of innovation outcomes“(2008: 11). From these statements one can derive the principal feature of collaborative innovation, which is that the innovation process is opened up, that actors from within the organization, other organizations, the private and third sector and citizens are integrated into the innovation cycle (idea generation, selection, implementation and diffusion) from the earliest stage onwards. Proposals for collaborative innovation are based on the assumption that the active participation of a wide range of actors with their innovation assets (intangible: knowledge, creativity etc. and tangible: money and other physical assets) will increase the quantity and quality of innovations.These proposals imply that the locus of innovation should be determined by the availability of innovation assets and not by the formal boundaries of a bureaucratic organization2. Moreover, the role of the actors is less defined by formal rules as in a bureaucratic organization but by the match between innovation assets and the problem. Consequently, the innovation cycle can be divided between different actors or entirely entrusted to one based on the availability of innovation assets.1 The term government refers to government organization (national, regional and local) and public service organizations. The difference is the degree of autonomy from the central authority as defined by Moore and Hartly, 20082 Characterized by a closed/silo structure and hierarchy/top-down processesProponents of collaborative innovation also point out the important role, which ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) play in collaborative innovation. According to Eggers and Singh “technology has made it possible for governments to build networks that promote the flow of ideas and information in and out of organizational boundaries” (2009: 91). ICT facilitates coordination and knowledge sharing at low costs across boundaries and thus supports collaborative innovation. Even though this section presents the principal features of collaborative innovation our understanding is only limited without knowledge about the origins of collaborative innovation. In the next sections I trace the origins of collaborative innovation in the public and private sector.ORIGINS OF COLLABORATIVE INNOVATIONPublic Sector OriginsCollaborative innovation can be connected to the concept of networked government3. According to Moore “the concept of networked government includes not only effective coordination across government organizations but also the possible integration of both for profit and non profit sector organizations into production systems designed to achieve public purposes” (2009: 191). This loose definition of networked government underlines the idea of collaborative innovation in the sense that assets of diverse actors across organizational boundaries should be used. However, this concept refers to the production process of public value (Moore, 1995) and not the innovation process. Arganoff (2007) on the other hand emphasizes the value of networked management to enable government to find solutions to complex problems. According to Arganoff the work of contemporary public management is “enmeshed in the symbolic-analytic challenge of applying particular types of data, information, and knowledge to complex situations” (2007: 221). The network approach helps to overcome this problem solving challenge because “multiple parties mean multiple alternatives to suggest and consider, more information available for all to use, and a decision system that is less bound by frailties of individual thinking” (2007: 221). In contrast to Moore, Arganoff points out the value which networked management plays in the idea generation and selection stage. Arganoff categorizes these kinds of networks as “informational networks”. Besides the benefits of networked management for idea generation Arganoff also presents evidence for its value in implementation and diffusion. In comparison to collaborative innovation proposals, Arganoff focuses only on a small number of “parties”. He only considers the value of “human capital and other resources” (221) within “governments, inter-governmentally and with NGOs” (221) and not of the private/third sector or citizens.Besides Arganoff, Hartley (2005) points out an explicit relation between networked governance and innovation and describes the different levels of innovation and roles of policy makers, public managers and citizens. However, assumptions about the degree of collaboration and scope of actors involved remain unclear and if at all seem to fall short of the degree and scope of collaborative innovation. It is not made clear who participates in the innovation process besides policy makers, public managers and citizens neither in which stages of the innovation cycle these actors should participate.3 The article treats networked governance and networked government as synonymsConcluding this section one can say that there is a relation between theories of networked governance and collaborative innovation in the public sector with regard to the integration of a variety of actors. Yet, the views on networked governance do not sufficiently explain the scope and width of collaborative innovation. Explanations based on networked governance either only focus on collaborative production of public value or do not recognize the importance of wide and diverse range of actors for collaborative innovation. The circumstance does not mean that public sector theories about networked governance are meaningless in explaining collaborative innovation; however one needs to look outside the boundaries of public sector theory and practice to trace further origins of collaborative innovation. Since many management theories and tools applied in the public sector come from the private sector (Albury, 2005), it is reasonable to investigate in how far collaborative innovation has roots in the private sector.Private Sector OriginsThe idea to include a broad variety of internal and external actors in the innovation cycle originates in the private sector. Chesbrough (2003) describes the opening of the innovation cycle as “Open Innovation”. Open innovation means, “that valuable ideas can come from inside or outside the company and can go to market form inside or outside the company as well“(2003: 43). Chesbrough argues in his book “Open Innovation - The New Imperative for Creating and Profiting from Technology” (2003) that the era of closed innovation, within the boundaries of a company, has passed, since the knowledge monopolies, which some companies once held, were broken up for two major reasons. First, knowledge monopolies often coincided with industrial monopolies, which were largely stripped apart by antitrust laws and secondly knowledge became more widely dispersed “among companies, customers, suppliers, universities, national labs, industry, consortia, and start-up firms” (Chesbrough, 2003: 21). From these circumstances Chesbrough concludes that companies need to open their innovation process to systematically source external ideas and also to leverage their internal knowledge externally4. Thus companies can make the greatest use of the dispersed wealth of innovation assets inside and outside of their companies. Consequently, the innovation cycle should be divided between different actors based on the availability of innovation assets to solve innovation problems.Besides these general theories more concrete approaches to open innovation have been developed. Von Hippel claims in the book Democratizing Innovation(2005) that innovation becomes increasingly democratic in the sense that “that users of products and services—both firms and individual consumers—are increasingly able to innovate for themselves" (29). These innovative users are called “lead-users” who are ”at the leading edge of an important market trend, and so are currently experiencing needs that will later be experienced by many users in that market“ and ”they anticipate relatively high benefits from obtaining a solution to their needs, and so may innovate.“ (Von Hippel, 2005: 22). Moreover, Von Hippel argues that companies should search and integrate lead-user innovations because these innovations promise to be more successful than innovations developed in-house. Von Hippel supports his claim with various examples. One of these examples is that “ 3M divisions funding lead user project ideas experienced their highest rate of major product line generation in the past 50 years“ 4 Glassman and Enkel (2004) conceptualize the flow of ideas for innovation as “outside-in”, “inside-out” and “coupled processes” (outside-in and inside-out)(Von Hippel, 2005: 37) and that the management made sales forecasts for lead user projects, which were 8 times higher than for in-house products.While Von Hippel investigates the benefits of opening the innovation process to lead-users, others concentrate on strategies to “crowd-source” large networks of people for the innovation process. According to Howe “simply defined, crowd-sourcing represents the act of a company or institution taking a function once performed by employees and outsourcing it to an undefined (and generally large) network of people in the form of an open call” (2006). 5 The assumption behind this extreme approach of open innovation is that crowds of people “are remarkably intelligent, and are often smarter than the smartest people in them” (Surowiecki, 2004: 14).This section shows that the principal idea of collaborative innovation to open the innovation process to a large group of actors, to internalize external ideas but also to leverage internal knowledge externally stems from the private sector. Collaborative innovation shares the underlying assumption of open innovation that tapping into the vast innovation assets across organizational boundaries will increase the quantity and quality of innovations. Moreover, it is expected that these innovations will add value in the private sector in terms of higher revenues and in the public in terms of public value. However, the public sector is in various ways different form the private sector and therefore one should not take for granted that the open innovation approach is serviceable in the public sector (Moore, 2009; Windrum and Koch, 2008)6. In the next section I will start to analyze whether open innovation in form of collaborative public sector innovation matches the innovation needs of the public sector.THE NEED FOR A NEW FORM OF PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATIONUnmet challengesThe first step to investigate the claim whether collaborative innovation is a suitable form of innovation in the public sector is to analyze whether there is generally a need for a new form of public sector innovation. The first guiding question is whether there are unmet public sector challenges. Most proponents of the claim that a new form of public sector innovation is needed argue that the public sector has been unable to respond to large scale social, economic and environmental challenges (Harris and Albury, 2009; Albury, 2005; Nambisan, 2008; OECD, 2009; NAO7, 2008; H.M. Government, 2009; Eggers and Kumar Singh, 2009). Harris and Albury (2009) categorize these challenges into emergent and persistent ones. Emergent challenges are climate change, aging society, rise in long term health conditions etc. Amongst persistent problems are mental-health, crime and social order; and alcoholism. Both emergent and persistent problems share that the public sector has not yet found suitable answers (NAO, 2008; H.M. Government, 2009).5 /cs/2006/06/crowdsourcing_a.html6Windrum and Koch mention as some differences: “Social responsibility and accountability …very different set of barriers and enablers for the diffusion of innovations”(2008, 4).7 National Audit OfficeThe supporters of new forms of innovation in the public sector add an element of urgency to their claim by arguing that the current financial crisis exacerbates these challenges. The financial crisis imposes budget constraints and requires governments to find new less costly ways to respond to social, economic and environmental problems. At the same time however government cannot reduce the quality of the services. Citizens demand more and more personalized public services (Albury, 2005, NAO, 2008, H.M. Government, 2009). Albury (2005) characterizes personalized public services as “responsive to needs and aspirations of individuals and communities” (51). These increased expectations towards public service delivery are unmet and pose a challenge to government (Albury, 2005; NAO, 2008; ernment, 2009).Moore (2009) points out another characteristic of these challenges, which makes it difficult for government to find appropriate solutions. According to Moore (2009) these problems cross boundaries (local, regional, national and international)but government responses have often been confined to boundaries and therefore were of little help in meeting the challenges.Even though one might readily accept the claim that there are various unmet challenges and that a continuous failure to respond to those might collapse government and lead to a reduction in welfare, the pressing underlying question is why government is unable to find suitable solutions. In the next section I will attempt to explore this question.DEFICIENCIES OF PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATIONThere are numerous explanations for the deficiencies of public sector innovation in support of new forms of innovation in the public sector. However, these explanations are often shaped to promote a certain case for innovation and remain vague or incomplete. Explanations in the style of “now more than ever, government needs to embrace innovative approaches to daunting problems. The reason is simple: existing practices will not suffice” (Eggers and Kumar Singh, 2009: 3) are overly simplistic and not convincing. I do not intent to establish a complete theory of the deficiencies of public sector innovation in the light of emergent and persistent challenges. Yet, I intend to show in a clearer way what is deficient with regard to public sector innovation and why these deficiencies exist.Eggers and Kumar Singh (2009) claim that government has problems managing the innovation cycle. They underline that government is weak at idea generation, selection, implementation and diffusion. Moreover, government does not innovate strategically in the sense that it “tend(s) to approach innovation as a “one-off” change, using the “big bang” approach instead of a series of new approaches that make up a broader process” (Eggers and Kumar Singh, 2009: 6). Albury (2005) supports this notion and claims that the lack of a strategic approach to innovation manifests itself in the circumstance that government is not a serial innovator. As a consequence of these deficiencies government does not achieve to produce the necessary quality and quantity of innovations in order to meet the emergent and persistent social, economic and environmental challenges.Even though Eggers and Kumar Singh (2009) give an account of what is deficient about government innovation and many scholars would share that account (Namibsan, 2008; Moore, 2005; Hartley, 2005), they do not sufficiently explain why these deficienciesexist. Such an explanation is probably beyond the intention and scope of Eggers and Kumar Singh’s practical advice nevertheless it is pertinent to understand the underlying reasons. Such an understanding will put us in a better position to evaluate whether collaborative innovation is a suitable form of public sector innovation.EXPLAINING DEFICIENCIES OF PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION Many professionals and scholars (Moore, 2009; 2005; Hartley, 2005; Harris and Albury, 2009, Mulgan and Albury, 2003) blame the bureaucratic nature of government expressed in organizational and cultural restrictions for the weaknesses of the innovation cycle. For the purpose of this article I will refer to innovation under these conditions as bureaucratic anizational aspects such as hierarchy, silo structures, closed and top-down processes characterize bureaucratic government (Moore, 2009; Borins, 2006; Hartley, 2005) and impact the innovation cycle negatively. Due to these characteristics participation in the innovation cycle is restricted to a limited number of participants on the inside of government. According to a study by NAO “Innovation Across Central Government” (2008) the innovation cycle is dominated by senior management inside the organization and there is no or little integration of other actors (e.g.: private sector, frontline staff, citizens and the third sector). These characteristics of bureaucratic government ignore the innovation resources, which are available on different levels of an organization and across its boarders to fuel the innovation cycle. Hence, it is argued that the quantity and quality of ideas generated, selected, implemented and diffused is reduced. Moreover, the closed nature of public sector innovation reduces transparency, trust and commitment to take up innovations and as a consequence weakens the implementation and diffusion of innovations.Next to these organizational barriers to innovation in the public sector there are cultural restrictions. A fundamental obstacle is the risk-averse culture which limits leadership, funding and experimentation necessary to generate, select, implement and diffuse ideas (NAO, 2008; Mulgan, 2007; Albury, 2005; Mulgan and Albury, 2003). One reason for risk aversion is fear of public blame for failure (Mulgan and Albury, 2003) or the image that government would gamble with public money (Schorr, 1988). Since the socio-political environment (media, public, politics) is primarily responsible for these allegations one could argue that a skeptical attitude of the socio-political environment towards public sector innovation is at least one of the root causes of a lacking culture of risk taking in bureaucratic innovation.The lack of support in the socio-political environment can also serve as an explanation for the “one-off” and “big-bang” approach towards innovation. These innovations mostly occur in response to imminent threats. In those cases public awareness, media and political support create an environment in which risk taking is legitimized, leadership and funding is made available and experimentation possible. Conversely, if any of the three is missing the window of opportunity for innovations narrows and the innovation cycle slows or breaks down.Certainly, these explanations of the deficiencies of public sector innovations are not complete. Accounts will vary within jurisdictions and types of government. Moreover, depending on these differences the weaknesses of the innovation cycle and corresponding explanations might differ. Despite these qualifications this part of the article shows that government faces challenges managing the innovation cycle andproducing the right quantity and quality of innovations to meet emergent and persistent challenges. Furthermore, this part explains these deficiencies in terms of the bureaucratic nature of government, i.e. restrictive organizational and cultural aspects. With regard to the later the part draws a relation between risk-taking and the determining influence of the broader socio-political environment and the impact on leadership, funding and experimentation. As a consequence of this analysis, I can say that there is a need for a new form of public sector innovation. In the next part I will analyze in how far collaborative innovation is a suitable form of public sector innovation to meet that need.COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION IS A SUITABLE FORM OF INNOVATIONIN THE PUBLIC SECTORCriteria to assess collaborative innovationBased on the findings of the previous part I can roughly define the criteria, which collaborative innovation needs to fulfill to be deemed a suitable from of public sector innovation. In the previous part I delineated the major causes of the deficiencies of public sector innovation. A criterion, which logically follows from that relationship, is whether collaborative innovation helps to overcome the restrictive organizational and cultural aspects of public sector innovation. Moreover, collaborative innovation needs to be able to influence the broader socio-political environment for public sector innovation.In response to organizational restrictions, collaborative innovation needs to (1) open the innovation cycle to internal and external innovation assets. With regard to cultural obstacles collaborative innovation needs to (2) facilitate risk-taking. On a broader scale collaborative innovation needs to (3) promote a positive attitude towards public sector innovation and risk taking in the socio-political environment. If the causal relationship holds a fulfillment of these criteria will improve the elements of the innovation cycle and increase the quantity and quality of public sector innovations. In the next section I will apply these criteria and investigate in how far collaborative innovation offers a suitable alternative to bureaucratic public sector innovation.EVALUATING COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION Collaborative innovation opens the innovation cycle to a diversity of actors across hierarchies and organizational boundaries (Nambisan, 2008; Eggers and Kumar Singh, 2009; and Harris and Albury, 2009). According to proposals for collaborative innovation government should tap into the vast innovation assets inside and outside of the organization, but also leverage internal innovation assets externally. By opening the innovation cycle and allowing the flow of innovation assets across internal and external boundaries, collaborative innovation meets the first criterion. Consequently, the opening of the innovation process has the potential to improve the elements of the innovation cycle in various ways.Idea generation is strengthened, because government can use “a wide range of knowledge, (creativity) and expertise that is both local and global, lay and professional” (Fung, 2008: 58) to find better solutions to complex unmet needs. Idea selection can beimproved. One way is that government includes a greater number of actors in the selection process and thus increases the possibility to overcome “groupthink” (Janis, 1972), which arises in small decision making groups.Idea implementation and diffusion is facilitated. One reason why implementation and diffusion is supported is that actors who have participated in the idea generation and/ or selection process are more likely to accept and promote innovations, because of having ownership and responsibility. Moreover, based on the innovation problem and the distribution of innovation assets external actors might be better positioned to implement and diffuse the innovation. Collaborative innovation gives government the opportunity to shift the locus of implementation and diffusion to the actor who is most capable and thus strengthens the implementation and diffusion elements of the innovation cycle. Entrusting external actors with implementation and diffusion also allows a greater degree of risk-taking necessary for implementation and diffusion. External actors are less likely to be accused of wasting taxpayers’ money and therefore enjoy more room for risk-taking(supportive leadership, funding and experimentation). Thus by opening the innovation cycle government can find ways to circumvent cultural obstacles to public sector innovation and improve implementation and diffusion.Despite the fact that the opening of the innovation cycle constitutes a possibility to overcome cultural barriers to risk taking, one has to point out that the barriers still remain. However, collaborative innovation can influence the broader socio-political environment, which in turn might change government’s culture of risk taking and enable leadership, funding and experimentation. The inclusion of a broad set of actors into the innovation cycle might increase their understanding of the need of innovation and the need of risk taking, which it entails. Especially, in the case of citizens a greater degree of awareness about the requirements of risk taking through participation might result in more understanding, trust and support for public sector innovation (Fung, 2009). This in turn might reduce fear of shaming and blaming and encourage risk taking. Consequently, collaborative innovation enables government to circumvent cultural obstacles towards risk taking but also to remove these through influencing the broader socio-political environment. Based on these results collaborative innovation fulfills criteria two and three and by supporting a culture of risk taking strengthens idea implementation and diffusion.8Concluding this section, collaborative innovation helps to overcome organizational and cultural restrictions of the innovation cycle. Moreover, it has the potential to shape public support for public sector innovation and risk taking. Consequently, collaborative innovation fulfills the criteria set out in the previous section and is likely to strengthen the elements of the innovation cycle and increase the quantity and quality of innovations to respond to unmet persistent and emergent challenges. However, this discussion remains abstract and only few general examples have been given of how collaborative innovation improves the innovation cycle, the quantity and quality of innovations. I will account for these shortcomings in the next section.8Risk taking refers to the support of controlled experimentation and not to excessive spending on uncertain projects.。

2 Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms 3

2 Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms 3

3.1 The Basic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2 Reducing the Pareto Set by Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 Introduction
Many real-world problems involve simultaneous optimization of several incommensurable and often competing objectives. Usually, there is no single optimal solution, but rather a set of alternative solutions. These solutions are optimal in the wider sense that no other solutions in the search space are superior to them when all objectives are considered. They are known as Pareto-optimal solutions. Consider, for example, the design of a complex hardware/software system. An optimal design might be an architecture that minimizes cost and power consumption while maximizing the overall performance. However, these goals are generally con icting: one architecture may achieve high performance at high cost, another low-cost architecture might considerably increase power consumption|none of these solutions can be said to be superior if we do not include preference information (e.g., a ranking of the objectives). Thus, if no such information is available, it may be very helpful to get knowledge about those alternate architectures. A tool exploring the design space for Pareto-optimal solutions in reasonable time can essentially aid the decision maker to arrive at a nal design. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) seem to be particularly suited for this task, because they process a set of solutions in parallel, eventually exploiting similarities of solutions by crossover. Some researcher suggest that multiobjective search and optimization might be a problem area where EAs do better than other blind search strategies Fonseca and Fleming, 1995] Valenzuela-Rendon and Uresti-Charre, 1997]. Since the mid-eighties several multiobjective EAs have been developed, capable of searching for multiple Pareto-optimal solutions concurrently in a single run. In spite of this variety, it is di cult to determine the appropriate algorithm for a given problem because it lacks extensive, quantitative comparative studies. The few comparisons available to date are mostly qualitative and restricted to two different methods quite often, the test problems considered are rather simple. As a consequence, it sometimes seems that every new application results in a new multiobjective EA. In this study we have chosen another way. Firstly, we carried out an extensive comparison of di erent multiobjective EAs that bases on two complementary quantitative measures|the test problem was a NP-hard 0/1 knapsack problem. The experience we gained from the experiments led to the development of a new ap1

Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer for global optimization of multimodal functions(1)

Comprehensive learning particle swarm optimizer for global optimization of multimodal functions(1)

IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTA TION, VOL. 10, NO. 3, JUNE 2006281 Comprehensive Learning Particle Swarm Optimizerfor Global Optimization of Multimodal FunctionsJ. J. Liang, A. K. Qin, Student Member, IEEE, Ponnuthurai Nagaratnam Suganthan, Senior Member, IEEE, andS. BaskarAbstract—This paper presents a variant of particle swarmoptimizers (PSOs) that we call the comprehensive learning par- ticle swarm optimizer (CLPSO), which uses a novel learning strategy whereby all other particles’historical best information is used to update a particle’s velocity. This strategy enables the diversity of the swarm to be preserved to discourage premature convergence. Experiments were conducted (using codes available from .sg/home/epnsugan) on multimodal test functions such as Rosenbrock, Griewank, Rastrigin, Ackley,and Schwefel and composition functions both with and without coordinate rotation. The results demonstrate good performance of the CLPSO in solving multimodal problems when compared with eight other recent variants of the PSO.Index Terms—Composition benchmark functions, comprehen- sive learning particle swarm optimizer (CLPSO), global numerical optimization, particle swarm optimizer (PSO).I. I NTRODUCTIONPTIMIZATION has been an active area of researchfor several decades. As many real-world optimizationproblems become increasingly complex, better optimizationexperienc es of the swarm to search for the global optimum inthe-dimensional solution space.ThePSOalgorithmis easy toimplementand hasbeen empir-ically shown to perform well on many optimization problems.However, it may easily get trapped in a local optimum whensolving complex multimodal problems. In order to improvePSO’s performance on complex multimodal problems, wepresent the comprehensiv e learning particle swarm optimizer(CLPSO) utilizing a new learning strategy.Thispaper isorganizedas follows.Section IIintroducestheoriginal PSO and some current variants of the original PSO.Section III describes the comprehensive learning particle swarmoptimizer. Section IV presents the test functions, the experi-mental setting for each algorithm, the results, and discussions.Conclusions are given in Section V.II. P ARTICLE S WARM O PTIMIZERSA. Particle Swarm OptimizerPSO emulates the swarm behavior and the individuals repre-algorithms are always needed. Unconstrained optimization sentpoints in the problems can be formulated as a -dimensionalminimization problem as follows: the thdimension ofthe th particleare updated asfollows [1],[2]:whereis thenumber of theparameters tobe optimized.The particle swarm optimizer (PSO) [1], [2] is a relatively (2)new technique. Although PSO shares many similarities with evolutionary computation techniques, the standard PSO does not use evolution operators such as crossover and mutation.where ticle; .PSO emulates the swarm behavior of insects, animals herding, birds flocking, and fish schooling where these swarms searchposition yielding the best fitness value for the th particle; andfor food in a collaborative manner. Each member in the swarm coveredby the wholepopulation. adapts its search patterns by learning from its own experience tionconstantsreflecting theweighting ofOstochastic accelera-and other members ’ experiences. These phenomena are studiedtion terms that pull each particle towardand mathematical models are constructed. In PSO, a member tions, the swarm, called a particle, represents a potential solutionbers in the range [0, 1]. A particle ’s velocity on eachdimensionwhich is a point in the search space. The global optimum is re-isclamped to a maximum magnitudegarded as the location of food. Each particle has a fitness value positive constant valueand a velocity to adjust its flying direction according to the bestlocity of thatdimension is assigned toWhen updating the velocity of a particle using (1), dif-Manuscript received May 3, 2005; revised July 15, 2005.ferent dimensions have differentThe authors are with the School of Electrical and Electronic Engi- neering, Nanyang Technological University, 639798 Singapore (;;; baskar_mani@).Digital Object Identi fier 10.1109/TEVC.2005.857610research ers use the following updating equation:1089-778X/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE282IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTA TION, VOL. 10, NO. 3, JUNE 2006A linearly decreasing inertia weight over the course of searchwas proposed by Shi and Eberhart [8]. Parameters in PSO arediscussed in [9]. Shi and Eberhart designed fuzzy methodsto nonlinearly change the inertia weight [10]. In [11], inertiaweight is set at zero, except at the time of reinitialization. In ad-dition to the time-varying inertia weight, a linearly decreasingis introduced in [12]. By analyzing the convergencebehavior of the PSO, a PSO variant with a constriction factorwas introduced by Clerc and Kennedy [13]. Constriction factorguarantees the convergence and improves the convergencevelocity.Improving PSO’s performance by designing different typesof topologies has been an active research direction. Kennedy[14], [15] claimed that PSO with a small neighborhood mightperform better on complex problems, while PSO with a largeneighborhood would perform better on simple problems.Suganthan [16] applied a dynamically adjusted neighborhoodwhere the neighborhood of a particle gradually increases untilit includes all particles. In [17], Hu and Eberhart also usedadynamicneighborhoodwhereclosest particles in theperformance space are selected to be its new neighborhoodin each generation. Parsopoulos and Vrahatis combined theglobal version and local version together to construct a unifiedparticle swarm optimizer (UPSO) [18]. Mendes and Kennedyintroduced a fully informed PSO in [19]. Instead of using theandpositions in the standard algorithm, all theneighbors of the particle are used to update the velocity. Theinfluence of each particle to its neighbors is weighted based onits fitness value and the neighborhood size. Veeramachaneni et Fig. 1. Flowchart of the conventional PSO.Comparing the two variants in (1) and (3), the former can have a larger search space due to independent updating of eachdimension, while the second is dimension-dependent and has a smaller search space due to the same random numbers being used for all dimensions. Equation (1) always yields better per- formance on unrotated problems than the rotated version of the problems. Equation (3) performs consistently on unrotated and rotated problems [3]. As the first updating strategy achieves alarger search space and always performs better, we use (1) inthis paper. The flowchart of the standard PSO employing (1)isgiven in Fig. 1.B. Some Variants PSOSince its introduction in 1995 by Kennedy and Eberhart[1],[2], PSO has attracted a high level of interest [4]–[7]. Manyre-searchers have worked on improving its performance invariousways, thereby deriving many interesting variants. One of thevelocity dimension, the FDR-PSO algorithm selects one otherparticle , which has a higher fitness value and is nearer tothe particle being updated.Some researchers investigated hybridization by combiningPSO with other search techniques to improve the performanceof the PSO. Evolutionary operators such as selection, crossover,and mutation have been introduced to the PSO to keep the bestparticles [21], to increase the diversity of the population, and toimprove the ability to escape local minima [22]. Mutation op-erators are also used to mutate parameters such as the inertiaweight [23]. Relocating the particles when they are too close toeach other [24] or using some collision-avoiding mechanisms[25] to prevent particles from moving too close to each other inorder to maintain the diversity and to escape from local optimahas also been used. In [22], the swarm is divided into subpopula-tions, and a breeding operator is used within a subpopulation orbetween the subpopulations to increase the diversity of the pop-ulation. Negative entropy is used to discourage premature con- variants [8] introduces a parameter called inertia weightthe original PSO algorithms as follows:into(4)The inertia weight is used to balance the global and localsearch abilities. A large inertia weight is more appropriate forglobal search, and a small inertia weight facilitates localsearch.the results of these searches are integrated by a global swarmto significantly improve the performance of the original PSO onmultimodal problems.LIANG et al.: COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING PARTICLE SW ARM OPTIMIZERIII. C OMPREHENSIVE L EARNING P ARTICLE S WARM O PTIMIZERAlthough there are numerous variants for the PSO, prema-ture convergence when solving multimodal problems is still themain deficiency of the PSO. In the original PSO, each par-283ticle learns from its andthe social learning aspect to only the makesthe original PSO converge fast. However, because all particles in the swarmlearn from the even ifthe current global optimum, particles may easily be attracted to theregion and get trapped in a local optimum if the search envi-ronment is complex with numerous local solutions. As, the fitness value of a particle is possiblydetermined by values of all parameters, and aparticle that has discovered the region corresponding to the global optimumin some dimensions may have a low fitness value because of thepoor solutions in the other dimensions. In order to make betteruse of the beneficial information, we proposed new learningstrategies to improve the original PSO [30]. In [30], all parti-cles’are usedto update thevelocity ofany oneparticle. This novel strategy ensures that the diversity of the swarm is pre-served to discourage premature convergence. Three versions ofPSO using the comprehensive learning strategy were discussedand demonstrated with significantly improved performances onsolving multimodal problems in comparison to several othervariants of the PSO. Among the three variants, the CLPSO isthe best, based on the results. Hence, we further investigate theCLPSO in this paper. Fig. 2.Selection ofexemplardimensions forparticle .A. Compehensive Learning StrategyAll theseIn this new learning strategy, we use the following velocity updating equation:(5)space using the information derived from different particles’historical best positions. To ensure that a particle learns fromgood exemplars and to minimize the time wasted on poor direc-tions, we allow the particle to learn from the exemplars until thewhere definesparticle ceases improving for a certain number of generationss the particle shouldfollow.responding dimension of any particle’s including its own, and the decision depends on probability ,referred to as the learning probability, which can take different values for 1)Instead ofusingparticle’s own different particles. For each dimension of particle , we generate exemplars, allparticles’a random number. If this random number is larger than corresponding dimension will learn from its own, the ; other-wise it will learn from another particle’s . Weemploy the tournament selection procedure when the particle’s dimension canlearn fromdifferent learns from another particle’s asfollows.1) We first randomly choose two particles out of the popu- aparticle maylearn from thecorrespondingdimension of lation which excludes the particle whose velocity is up- differentparticle’s dated. 3)Instead oflearning fromtwo exemplars(2) We compare the fitness values of these two particles’s and select the better one. In CLPSO, we define the fitness value the larger the better, which means that when solving minimization problems, we will use the negative function value as the fitness values.3) We use the winner’s as the exemplar to learn fromfor that dimension. If all exemplars of a particle are itsatthesametime ineverygeneration as intheoriginalPSO(1)and (3),eachdimension of aparticlelearnsfromjustoneexemplar for afewgenerations.B. CLPSO’s Search BehaviorThe above operations increase the swarm ’s diversity to yieldown, we will randomly choose one dimension tolearn from another particle ’s’scorresponding di-mension. The details of choosingare given in Fig. 2.284IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTA TION, VOL. 10, NO. 3, JUNE 2006Fig. 3.(b) The CLPSO’s and the original PSO’s possible search regions per variable in a swarm with five members.(a). (c)., theandever, the is more likely to provide a larger momentum, asis likely to be larger than the . Hence, themay influence the particle to move in its directioneven ifticle beit is in a local optimum region far from the global optimum. Ifand are on the same side of the particle’s current po-sition and if it points to a local optimum, the particle will movein that direction and it may be impossible to jump out of theranges for the th particle of PSO asand CLPSO, as shown in (9) at the bottom of the page.local optimum area once its falls into the same local op-timum region where the is. However, in our new learning strategy, the particle can fly in other directions by learningfromrespectively.other particles’when the particle’sinto the same local optimum region. Hence, our new learning strategy has the ability to jump out of local optimum via the co-operative behavior of the whole swarm.swarm. In order to compare the potential search spaces of PSO and CLPSO, both algorithms are run 20 times on a (unimodal) sphere function and a (multimodal) Rastrigin function defined inIn order to compare the original PSO’s and CLPSO’spoten-Section IV-A.tial search spaces, first we omit the old velocitycom-ponent. If we let , in the original PSO and in CLPSO allbe equal to one, the update equations of the original PSO andCLPSO reduce to the following equations:(6) Table I presents ’s mean value of the 20 runs. andand versus the iterations are plotted in Fig. 4.From Table I and Fig. 4, we observe that CLPSO’s updating strategy yields a larger potential search space than that of theoriginal PSO. The multimodal Rastrigin’s function’s meanis ten times larger than that of the unimodal sphere function. By increasing each particle’s potential search space,(7)the diversity is also increased. As each particle’spossibly a good area, the search of CLPSO is neither blind norLet us consider the fourth particle in a swarm with five members as an example. The potential search spaces of the original PSO and the CLPSO on one dimension are plotted as arandom. Compared to the original PSO, CLPSO searches more promising regions to find the global optimum. Experimental results in Section IV support this description.line in Fig. 3. For the fourth particle whose position isdifferent cases are illustrated in Fig. 3: (a), threeand(c) ,values yielded different results on the same problem if theample,is theis the ,(9)LIANG et al.: COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING PARTICLE SW ARM OPTIMIZER285Fig. 4. Comparison of PSO’s and CLPSO’s potential search space. (a)andsphere function. (d) forRastrigin’sfunction.TABLE I M EAN V ALUE OF FORS PHERE R ASTRIGIN F UNCTIONS IN 20 R UNSwhile on the rotated problems, differentvaluesyield the best performance for different problems. Different values yield similar results on simple unimodal problems while seri-ously affecting CLPSO’s performance on multimodal problems.In order to address this problem in a general manner, we pro-pose to set suchthat eachparticle has adifferent Therefore, particles have different levels of exploration and ex-ploitation ability in the population and are able to solve diverseproblems. We empirically developed the following expressionto set a valuefor eachparticle:(10)searchbounds, inmanypracticalproblems,there areboundson thevariables’ranges. Thesearch rangefor a problem Fig. 5 presents an example of assignedfor apopulationof 30. Each particle from 1 to 30 has a0.05 to 0.5.D. Implementation of Search Boundsvalueranging fromThough we have shown in [30] the CLPSO to be ro- fitnessvalue of aparticle andupdate its bust to initialization and independent of upper and lower theparticle is inthe range.Since allexemplars arewithin the286IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTA TION, VOL. 10, NO. 3, JUNE 2006Fi g . 7. C L P S O ’s r e s u l t s o n s i x t e s t f u n c t i o n s w i t h d i f f e r e n t r e f r e s h i n g ga p. Fig. 6.Flowchart of the CLPSO algorithm.range, the particle will eventually return to the search range. The complete flowchart of the CLPSO is given in Fig. 6.E. Adjusting the Refreshing GapThe refreshing gap parameterneeds be tuned. In this sec-tion, six different kinds of ten-dimensional (10-D) test functions are used to investigate the impact of this parameter. They are the sphere, Rosenbrock, Ackley, Griewank, Rastrigin, and ro-tated Rastrigin functions as de fined in Section IV . The CLPSOis run 20 times on each of these functions, and the mean valuesof the final results are plotted in Fig. 7. As all test functions areFig. 8. The landscape maps of Group D problems. (a) Composition function 1 (CF1). (b) Composition function 5 (CF5).and better results on the sphere function. For the other five testminimization problems, the smaller the final result, the better functions, better results were obtained whenit is. From Fig. 7, we can observe that can in fluence the re-sults. Whenis zero, we obtained a faster convergence velocityLIANG et al.: COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING PARTICLE SW ARM OPTIMIZER287 IV. E XPERIMENTAL R ESULTS AND D ISCUSSIONA. Test FunctionsAs we wish to test the CLPSO on diverse test functions andour main objective is to improve PSO’s performance on mul- timodal problems, we choose two unimodal functions and 14 multimodal benchmark functions [32]–[35]. All functions are tested on ten and 30 dimensions. According to their properties, these functions are divided into four groups: unimodal prob- lems, unrotated multimodal problems, rotated multimodal prob-lems, and composition problems. The properties and the for- mulas of these functions are presented below.Group A: Unimodal and Simple Multimodal Problems: 7)8)1) Sphere function(11)2)Rosenbrock’s functiondimensions than higherdimensions [36]. The Weierstrass function is continuous butdifferenti able only on aThe first problem is the sphere function and is easy to solve. The second problem is the Rosenbrock function. It can be treated as a multimodal problem. It has a narrow valley from the perceived local optima to the global optimum. In the experiments below, we find that the algorithms that perform well on sphere function also perform well on Rosenbrock function.Group B: Unrotated Multimodal Problems:3) Ackley’s functionis a complex multimodal problem with a large number oflocal optima. When attempting to solve Rastrigin’s function,algorithm s may easily fall into a local optimum. Hence, analgorithm capable of maintaining a larger diversity is likelyto yield better results. Noncontinuou s Rastrigin’s function isconstruct ed based on the Rastrigin’s function and has the samenumber of local optima as the continuous Rastrigin’s function.The complexity of Schwefel’s function is due to its deep localoptima being far from the global optimum. It will be hard tofind the global optimum if many particles fall into one of thedeep local optima.Grou p C: Rotated Multimod al Problems:In Group B, somefunctions are separable and can be solved by using 1-D(13) searches,wherein Group C, we have four rotated multimodal problems. Torotate a function, first an orthogonal matrix shouldbe gener-4) Griewanks’s functionmatrix to getthe newrotatedvariable5)Weierstrass function(15)Whenone dimensionin6) Rastrigin’s functionIn thispaper, we used Salomon ’s method [37] to generate the orthog- onal matrix.288IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTA TION, VOL. 10, NO. 3, JUNE 20069)Rotated Ackley’s function10) Rotated Griewanks’s function11) Rotated Weierstrass function (22)than CF1 since evenafter the global basin is found, the global optimum isnot easy to locate. The landscape maps of these two composition functions are illustrated in Fig. 8. T h e g l o b a l o p t i ma, the corresponding fitness value (23)the search ranges each function are given in Table II. Biased initializations are12) Rotated Rastrigin ’s function13) Rotated noncontinuous Rastrigin ’s function(24)··· PSO with inertia weight (PSO-w) [8]; PSO with constriction factor (PSO-cf) [13]; Local version of PSO with inertia weight (PSO-w-local); 14) Rotated Schwefel ’s function(25)CPSO-H [29]; CLPSO.Among these PSO local versions, PSO_w_local and PSO_cf_local were chosen as these versions yielded the best results [15] with von Neumann neighborhoods where(26)In rotated Schwefel ’s function, in order to keep the global op- timum in the search range after rotation, noting that the original global optimum of Schwefel ’s function is at [420.96, 420.96, , 420.96 ], andareused instead of ’s function has better solutions out of the search range , when ,, i.e. is set in portion to thesquare neighbors above, below, and one each side on a two-dimen- sional lattice were connected. FIPS with U-ring topology that achieved the highest success rate [19] is used. When solving the 10-D problems, the population size is set at ten and the maximum fitness evaluations (FEs) is set at 30 000. When solving the 30-dimensional (30-D) problems, the population size is set at 40 and the maximum FE is set at 200 000. All experiments were run 30 times. The mean values and standard deviation of the results are presented.distance between and the bound.Group D: Composition Problems: Composition functions are constructed using some basic benchmark functions to obtainmore challenging problems with a randomly located global optimum and several randomly located deep local optima. The1More composition functions can be found at .sg/home/EPNSugan/.LIANG et al.: COMPREHENSIVE LEARNING PARTICLE SW ARM OPTIMIZERTABLE IIG LOBAL O PTIMUM, S EARCH R ANGES AND I NITIALIZA TION R ANGES OF THE T EST F UNCTIONS 289When solving real-world problems, usually the fitness calcu- lation accounts for the most time as the PSO is highly compu- tation efficient. Hence, the algorithm-related computation times of these algorithms are not compared in this paper. Further, the main difference between the CLPSO and the original PSO is the modified velocity updating equation, which has been made simpler in the CPSO. The complexity of the new algorithm is similar to the original PSO. In the experiments, a serial imple- mentation is used, while it is easy to be modified to a parallel implementation. With a parallel form, the performance is likelyFromthe results,we observethat for theGroup Aunimodalproblems, since CLPSO has a large potential search space, itcould not converge as fast as the original PSO. CLPSO achievedbetter results on all three multimodal groups than the originalPSO. CLPSO surpasses all other algorithms on functions 4,5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16, and especially significantlyimproves the results on functions 7 and 8. According to theresults of -tests, these results are different from the secondbest results. The CLPSO achieved the same best result as theCPSO-H on function 6, and they both are much better thanto be not affected much due to batch updating ofcomputational efficiency improves.whileC. Experimental Results and Discussions1) Results for the 10-D Problems: Table III presents the means and variances of the 30 runs of the nine algorithmsperform s better on more complex problemswhen the otheralgorithms miss the global optimum basin. The Schwefel’sfunction is a good example, as it traps all other algorithms inlocal optima. The CLPSO successfully avoids falling into theon the sixteen test functions with . Thebest resultsamong the nine algorithms are shown in bold. In order to deter- mine whether the results obtained by CLPSO are statistically different from the results generated by other algorithms, the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank sum tests are conducted between the CLPSO’s result and the best result achieved by the otherOn the two composition functions with randomly distributedlocal and global optima, CLPSO performs the best.Comparing theresults andtheconvergence graphs,amongthese nine PSO algorithms, FDR-PSO has good local searchability and converges fast. PSO with inertia weight (PSO-w)eight PSO versions for each problem. The valuespresentedin the last row of Tables III and IV are the results of -tests. An value of one indicates that the performances of the two al- gorithms are statistically different with 95% certainty, whereas value of zero implies that the performances are not statisti- cally different. Fig. 9 presents the convergence characteristics in terms of the best fitness value of the median run of each algorithm for each test function.versions where the whole population is the neighborhood. PSOwith constriction factor converges faster than the PSO withinertia weight. But PSO with inertia weight performs betteron multimodal problems. UPSO combines global PSO andlocal PSO together to yield abalanced performance betweenthe global and the local versions. PSO with inertia weight (PSO-w-local), PSO with constriction factor (PSO-cf-local)290IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTA TION, VOL. 10, NO. 3, JUNE 2006TABLE IIIR ESULTS FOR 10-D P ROBLEMSand FIPS with a U-ring topology are all local versions. Theyall perform better on multimodal problems than the globalversions. Among the three, FIPS yields a comparatively betterperformance. CPSO-H presents good performance on someunrotated multimodal problems and converges faster whencompared to CLPSO. However, its performance is seriouslyaffected after rotation. Although CLPSO’s performance is alsoaffected by the rotation, it still performs the best on four rotated problems. It can be observed that all PSO variants failed onthe rotated Schwefel’s function, as it becomes much harder to solve after applying rotation.2) Results for the 30-D Problems: The experiments con- ducted on 10-D problems are repeated on the 30-D problems and the results presented in Table IV. As the convergence graphs are similar to the 10-D problems, they are not presented. From the results in Table IV, we can observe that the algorithms。


Faculty of Economics
Optimization Lecture 2
Marco Haan February 21, 2005
Last week
• Optimizing a function of more than 1 variable. • Determining local minima and local maxima. • First and second-order conditions. • Determining global extrema with direct restrictions on variables.
2x1 + 3x2 = 10. In this case: f(x1,x2) = x1½ x2½ and g(x1,x2) = 10 – 2x1 – 3x2.
We want to maximize f(x1,x2) subject to g(x1,x2) = 0.
Suppose that, from g(x1,x2) = 0 we can write x2 = γ(x1).
max f (x1, x2 ) max f (x1, (x1)) (x1).
'(x1) f1(x1*, (x1*)) f2 (x1*, (x1*)) '(x1*) 0.
f1(x1*, x2*) f2 (x1*, x2*)
g1(x1*, x2*) g2 (x1*, x2*)
We’ve seen this in Micro 1!
Take the total differential: dx2 = γ’(x1 ) dx1
Also: g1(x1, x2) dx1 + g2(x1, x2) dx2 = 0

Global Optimization

Global Optimization
Summing Algorithm: 1. Initialization The n-spin input register is initialized in an equallyweighted mixed state that represents all of the sample points i = 1, 2, . . . ,N
SN,k = Σi fi
which converges exponentially fast to the sum SN, as the number of spins k increases
Summing Algorithm: Outline of the Algorithm 1. Initialization of an ensemble mixture of input states representing all of the numbers i = 1, 2, . . . ,N with equal weight 2. The function f is applied to the mixture, using a single unitary transformation Uf to perform the function evaluation for every input state i at once. This parallelism results in an ensemble mixture which contains all of the values fi in the output register 3. Measurement of the output register averages the contributions from the entire ensemble, yielding a signal proportional to the sum SN,k



Collaborative filteringCollaborative filtering,即协同过滤,是⼀种新颖的技术。








主要使⽤的算法有 Bayesian belief nets , clustering , latent semantic , 最近⼏年⼜出现了使⽤SVM 等的CF算法。



⽐较说Google News[3],在它的系统中,使⽤了⼀种将Memory-Based与Model-Based两种⽅法混合的算法来处理。




Multi-Objective Collaborative Optimization Based on Evolutionary AlgorithmsSu Ruiyi"Beijing System Design Institute ofElectromechanical Engineering,No. 31 Yongding Road, Haidian District,Beijing 100854, Chinae-mail: sry@Gui Liangjine-mail: gui@Fan Zijiee-mail: zjfan@State Key Laboratory of Automotive Safety and Energy, Department of Automotive Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084, ChinaThis paper proposes a novel multi-objective collaborative optimi-zation (MOCO) approach based on multi-objective evolutionary algorithms for complex systems with multiple disciplines and objectives, especially for those systems in which most of the disci-plinary variables are shared. The shared variables will conflict when the disciplinary optimizers are implemented concurrently. In order to avoid the confliction, the shared variables are treated as fixed parameters at the discipline level in most of the MOCa approaches. But in this paper, a coordinator is introduced to handle the confliction, which allocates more design freedom and independence to the disciplinary optimizers. A numerical example is solved, and the results are discussed. [DOl: 10.1115/1.4004970]Keywords: multidisciplinary design optimization, multi-objective optimization, collaborative optimization1 IntroductionMultidisciplinary design optimization (MDO) was developed for large scale and complex engineering problems and has attracted much attention in recent years [1-3]. The two challenges of MDO are computational and organizational complexities [2]. The MDO problem involves large size of design variables, multiple objectives, interdisciplinary coupling, etc., which increase the computational expense. Moreover, the interdisciplinary coupling requests data transfer and decision interaction among different disciplinary codes and groups, which bring challenges to the organization of software modules and staffs. Several MDO approaches have been developed to deal with these challenges, such as concurrent subspace optimization [4], collaborative optimization (CO) [5], bi-level integrated system synthesis [6], and analytical target cascading [7].Collaborative optimization [5] is one of the most popular MDO approaches, which decomposes the complex engineering problem into multiple disciplines, components, or subsystems. Each subsystem can be optimized concurrently by a different subject expert group employing appropriate codes. The interaction among disciplinary analysis codes is described by an interdisciplinary compat- 'Corresponding author.Contributed by the Design Automation Committee of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN. Manuscript received January 13, 2011; final manuscript received August 25, 2011; published online October 18, 2011. Assoc. Editor: Shapour Azarm.Journal of Mechanical Design ibility function. Meanwhile, a system level optirruzer is introduced to minimize the design objectives and ensure the interdisciplinary compatibility.One of the computational challenges in complex systems is raiseddue to multiple objectives. The typical CO approach can be readily used to solve multi-objective problems by applying an aggregate function to convert multiple objectives to a single objective. Forexample, Tappeta and Renaud [8] used the weighted sum method in the system level optimizer to handle multiple objectives. However, thedisadvantages of using the aggregate function in CO are that it cannotfind the Pareto optimal set in a single run and is unable to capture any Pareto solutions on the non convex part of the Pareto frontier [9].These difficulties can be overcome by introducing thepopulation-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) to the CO framework. This multi-objective collaborative optimization(MOCO) approach has been studied by Depince et al. [10], Aute andAzarm [11], and Li and Azarm [12]. In their approaches, the system objectives are optimized at the system level and each is alsodecomposed to be considered at the subsystem level, both system andsubsystem problems are solved by an MOEA. Their work shows that the combination of MOEAs and CO can obtain the Pareto optimalsolutions of multi-objective and multidisciplinary problemseffectively.However, for complex systems where most of the variables areshared and significant to more than one discipline, the previous approaches [1Q-12] have organizational and computational troubles,because the shared design variables are considered as fixedparameters at the subsystem level. For example, the window pillars of a bus body are sensitive to the rollover crash safety and significant tothe Noise, Vibration, and Harshness (NVH) performances. Both thecrash and NVH groups expect to design the pillars independently. However, this cannot be achieved as the pillar variables are treated asfixed parameters in the disciplines. As such, it brings troubles toorganization. Moreover, as the shared variables are fixed during the optimization, the design freedom of disciplinary groups is reduced: Ifmost of the disciplinary variables are shared, there would be littlefreedom at the subsystem level, which makes it difficult to find the feasible solutions. In this case, the disciplinary optimization ismeaningless and the MDO of the complex system will fail. This is thecomputational trouble.Both organizational and computational troubles, aforementioned,will be solved in this paper by proposing a novel MOCO framework, where the shared variables can be varied at the subsystem level. Thus,the disciplinary groups have the most design freedom to obtain thePareto optimal solutions effectively. In order to handle the difference of the shared variables from different disciplines, a coordinator (calledmiddle coordinator) is introduced. Consequently, the typical bi-levelCO framework is transformed to a tri-level framework, where the system level problem is solved by an MOEA, while both thesubsystem and middle level problems are solved by the sequentialquadratic programming (SQP) method.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sec. 2describes the terminology of MDO problems; Sec. 3 gives the detailsof the proposed approach; Sec. 4 solves a numerical example and discusses the results; and Sec. 5 concludes the paper.2 TerminologyFigure 1 shows a fully coupled three-discipline nonhierarchic system, which was commonly used in the literature [6] and [8]. Eachbox annotated with Di is a discipline or subsystem, which calculatesthe outputs according to the inputs. For discipline i, the inputs include the design variable vector Xi and state variable vector Yji (j =I- i); theoutputs are composed by the objective vector fi, constraint vector gi and state variable vector Yij (i =I- j). The state variable vector Yu is calculated in discipline i and used in discipline j. The design variablesof discipline i comprise local variables Xli and shared variables Xshi' It isseen that both state variables and shared variables are interdisciplinary coupling factors in an MDO problem.Copyright © 2011 by ASME OCTOBER2011, Vol.133 / 104502-1。


9/11/2001 Fall 2001, Copy Right P. B. Luh 2
• The major segments in the course
– Mathematical optimization concepts and algorithms, focusing on methods that can solve practical large-scale problems (7 lectures) – Operations scheduling for manufacturing and service sectors, making use of optimization methods learned in the first segment (4 lectures) – Strategy, planning, and operations of modern supply networks, exploring distributed and collaborative decision-making and optimization within a networked environment (4 lectures)
Modeling and Optimization of Complex Networked Systems: Applications to Operations Scheduling and Supply Network Management
Peter B. Luh, Visiting Professor Center for Intelligent and Networked Systems Department of Automation Room 503, Main Building Tsinghua University Phone: 6279-2438 Email: Peter.Luh@

Collaborative teleoperation via the internet

Collaborative teleoperation via the internet

Collaborative Teleoperation via the Internet Ken Goldberg,Billy Chen,Rory Solomon,Steve Bui, Bobak Farzin,Jacob Heitler,Derek Poon,Gordon Smith Alpha Lab,IEOR Department,UC BerkeleyWe describe a system that allows a distributed group of users to simultaneously teleoperate an industrial robot arm via the Internet.A java applet at each client streams mouse motion vectors from up to30users;a server aggre-gates these inputs to produce a single control stream for the ers receive visual feedback from a digital camera mounted above the robot arm.To our knowledge,this is the first collaboratively controlled robot on the Internet.To test it please visit:/1IntroductionIn most teleoperation systems,a single user input controls a single robot.Several researchers have considered the prob-lem of one user controlling multiple robots;for a review of research in cooperative teleoperation see[1].Here we con-sider the inverse problem:combining multiple user inputs to control a single industrial robot arm.We proposed the term“collaborative teleoperation”to describe such a many-one control architecture.Consider the following scenario in space or undersea:a group of users are working together to control a telerobot. Each user monitors a different sensor and submits control inputs appropriate to that sensor information.All of these inputs must be combined to produce a single control input for the telerobot.If the inputs can be put into vector form, one solution to this“control fusion”problem is to average all inputs.Since each user has access to a different noisy sensor,The Central Limit Theorem(Appendix A)suggests that the average may yield a more effective control signal than that from any individual source.In this paper,we describe a client-server system on the Internet that facilitates many simultaneous users cooperat-ing to share a single robot resource.The closest precedent we have found is Cinematrix,a commercial software system that allows a roomful of participants to collaboratively con-trol events projected on a screen[2].Collaborative control IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, April2000,San Francisco,CA.For more information please con-tact goldberg@.Of course the CLT assumes independence and zero-mean noise,which may not be satisfied in achieved using two-sided color-coded paddles and a com-puter vision system that aggregates the colorfield resulting from all paddle positions.The developers report that groups of untrained users are able to coordinate aggregate motion, for example to move a cursor through a complex maze on thescreen.Figure1:User interface on the Internet.The top window displays live video of the robot and Ouija board in our lab-oratory.The bottom window displays user force inputs cor-responding to mouse movements.Since1994,our lab has implementedfive systems that allow users to interact remotely via the Internet to control a physical robot.In the1994Mercury Project[3],users queued up for5minute individual control sessions.In the 1995Telegarden project[4],user motion requests were in-terleaved so that each user seemed to have simultaneous control of the robot.These two control models are analogous to the batch andmulti-tasking approaches to mainframe computing.They suffer from the standard latency and throughput problems associated with time sharing.In this paper we experiment with a control model where motion commands from multi-ple simultaneous users are aggregated into a single stream of motion commands.2Related WorkGoertz demonstrated one of thefirst“master-slave”teleop-erators50years at the Argonne National Laboratory[5].Re-motely operated mechanisms have long been desired for use in inhospitable environments such as radiation sites,under-sea[6]and space exploration[7].See Sheridan[8]for an excellent review of the extensive literature on teleoperation and telerobotics.Internet interfaces to coke machines were demonstrated in the early1980s,well before the introduction of the WWW in1992.One of thefirst web cameras was the Tro-jan coffee pot at Cambridge.The Mercury Project’s Inter-net robot[3]went online in August1994.In Sept1994, Ken Taylor,at the University of Western Australia,demon-strated a remotely controlled six-axis telerobot with afixed observing camera[9].Although Taylor’s initial system re-quired users to type in spatial coordinates to specify relative arm movements,he and his colleagues have subsequently explored a variety of user interfaces[10].Also in October 1994,Wallace demonstrated a robotic camera[11]and Cox put up a system that allows WWW users to remotely sched-ule photos from a robotic telescope[12].Paulos and Canny have implemented several Internet robots with elegant user interfaces[13,14].Bekey and Steve Goldberg used a six-axis robot,rotating platform,and stereo cameras to allow re-mote scholars to closely inspect a rare sculpture[15].Since then there have been a number of Internet-controllable mo-bile robots and other devices;see[16,17]for surveys. Online games like Quake[18]have quite complex collab-oratively controlled environments over the Internet.Gener-ally each user controls an independent element or avatar so that the system as a whole is collaboratively controlled.3ApplicationAs an application of collaborative control,we selected the Ouija[19]board game,familiar to many from their youth. Several users play the game together by placing their hands together on a sliding plastic disk known as a“planchette”. The planchette is free to slide over a board marked with let-ters and messages such as Yes and No.The group of users poses a question.As each user concentrates the planchette slides across the board to indicate an answer.Although we do not address the claim the planchette is influenced by su-pernatural powers,it is in many cases influenced by the conscious and unconscious movements of all participants. In this way the planchette aggregates information from a group of noisy receptors.4User InterfaceFigure1illustrates the interface at the client’s Internet browser.One goal in designing the graphical user interface (GUI)is to remain faithful to the user’s experience playing the original game.A list of“players”(active clients)is up-dated and displayed to the right.At the bottom,the current “question”is displayed.The question is randomly selected from afile and is parameterized to include the name of one player.Past experience suggests that if we allow users to type in questions,the question display would quickly de-generate into graffiti.New clients register by providing an active email address,a userid,and password.They can then re-enter the system at any time using this password.After a few screens of instruction,the user arrives at the screen displayed in Figure1.Figure2:System architecture:each client runs two applets, Applet V for video feedback and Applet C for control. Figure2describes the system architecture.Each client gets two applets;each communicates with a unique server in our lab.Applet and Server V provide live streaming Video feedback of the robot and planchette motion.Applet and Server C coordinate control of the robot.The user’s mouse serves as a local planchette.The user is asked to place both hands lightly on the mouse.Sub-tle mouse motions are monitored by Applet C,resulting in small motion of the displayed planchette icon in Applet C’s window.These motions are continuously sampled by the client’s applet to produce a motion vector that is sent back to Server C at periodic intervals,currently once every5sec-onds.Server C collects motion vectors from all active clients, averages,and then sends a global motion command to therobot.The resulting planchette motion is observed by all active clients through Applet V.5HardwareFigure3:Robot with Planchette.System hardware includes of two PCs,a CCD camera,and an Adept604-S4axis robot arm.Webserver V is a Pentium II266running Windows NT 4.0SP5.Server V runs the Apache1.3.3server and a com-mercial software package called InetCam which handles live video.Server V also holds a FlyVideo’98windows-compatible video card that is connected to a color CCD camera.The video card is capable of either full motion capture, at30frames per second,or single still image captures.For our purpose,we used the full motion capture capabilities of the card.Resolution of video captures can be set up to a maximum of640x480with12,24,or32-bit color reso-lutions.It supports connections of the following types75 ohm IEC coaxial input(cable TV),composite video input (RCA),S-Video input(SVHS),audio input,and line audio output.The supplied driver allows us to set resolution rates and color resolution as well as configure optimal settings for hue,contrast,color,and brightness.Webserver C is an Intel Pentium II,266MHz,running Red Hat Linux version5.2.This machine runs an Apache Web server version1.3.3.Webserver C handles HTML client requests.The Robot Server also runs on this machine.The Robot Server is attached through an RS-232serial con-nection to a controller for an Adept604-S robotic arm with four degress of freedom.The Adept controller runs the V+ operating system and programming language.6SoftwareAfter a user registers and enters the system,the client down-loads one25KB java archive that includes all classes for Applets V and C.Initially,we kept each Applet separate, but discovered that for slow(14.4Kbps)connections,Ap-plet V would loadfirst and then begin streaming video, which would consume the bandwidth and prevent loading of Applet C.6.1Applet V:Streaming VideoIn our initial design,we implemented two server-side scripts:one that took a snapshot from the capture card once-per-second and converted it to a black-and-white GIF, and another CGI script which then pushed the image to the client’s web browser once-per-second.This had two draw-backs.First,we wanted to use inter-frame compression to reduce bandwidth usage since each image was roughly70 kB.Second,Microsoft Internet Explorer,as of version5, does not implement support for the server-side push func-tion.We chose a commercially available streaming video package,Inetcam version2.1.0[20].Currently,Inetcam runs only under Windows95/98/NT.We configured the In-etCam server with frame resolution=240x180,compres-sion rate=65%,maximum frame rate=5per second,and max number of simultaneous users=30.6.2Applet C:Planchette ControlApplet C displays a small window with a representation of the planchette.Applet C also displays two text panels:one listing current players and another listing the question being considered.When Applet C has been downloaded,it es-tablishes communication to Server C through a socket con-nection.Through this connection,the client sends desired force vectors to Server C every3seconds.Server C aggre-gates force commands from all active users and controls the robot.Server C also transmits information about the current question being asked and the player list back to each Applet C.To control the robot from Server C,we developed code based on Java I/O streams that can communicate with Adept’s V+programming-language(which has several functions for handling serial I/O).Testing revealed that ev-ery120bytes or so,one or two bytes would be mysteriously lost.Wefixed this problem by slowing down the connection to4800bits per second.We originally wrote applet C usingJava 1.1,but found that as of June 1999few browsers sup-ported that version so we re-wrote it in Java 1.0using the Java Development Kit (JDK)and the Abstract Windowing Toolkit (AWT).7Planchette MotionModelFigure 4:Planchette Coordinates .As described above,Applet C at each client sends a desired motion vector to Server C every 3seconds.At the client,the user’s mouse position is read by a local java applet and a ”virtual”planchette is displayed in the lower window as it tracks the user’s mouse.To make the interface more re-alistic,planchette motion is based on an inertial model.We treat the vector from the center of the planchette screen to the current mouse position as a force command.Consider the coordinate frame defined in Figure er specifies desired acceleration .We model frictional drag on the planchette with a con-stant magnitude and a direction opposite the current veloc-ity of the planchette.If the current velocity of the planchetteisand the magnitude of the constant fric-tional acceleration is then ,and.So that.The re-sulting velocity of the planchette is:.The virtual planchette is updated locally 30times a second,so seconds.One suggestion was that we should “normalize”the input force vector from the user after polling cycle.This has the positive effect of treating no motion as a zero force input,but has the negative effect of causing confusion due the dif-ference in cycle time between the local planchette motion and the remote planchette motion.For example if the re-mote planchette is in the upper left and the user wants to move it to the lower right,he or she will position the localplanchette in the lower right,but after one cycle this posi-tion would be treated as zero and the user would be unable to move the planchette any further in the desired direction.Thus we do not normalize the input force vector.Summing the inputs from all users gives us the net de-sired acceleration of the planchette,,and .Then .The physical robotaccepts commands in the form of a desired goal point and speed.To avoid the robot moving outside the viewable re-gion,we calculate a goal point on the boundary of the re-gion.For example,with a region defined by and ,we project the robot’s current position in direction until it hits the boundary.Let .To calculate the goal point,the following equation for cor-responds to each of the four possible regions of :Then .We send the robot controller amove command toward goal point (x,y)with speed.This procedure is repeated every 3seconds.8Experimental Data andAnalysisFigure 5:Test Maze M1.To test collaborative control performance in the presenceof noise,we replaced the Ouija board with a diagram of a maze and asked test subjects to use our interface to nav-igate through the maze as shown in Figure 5.Figure 6illustrates the camera image after it is corrupted by noise (we turn down brightness and resolution differently at each client).We detect maze boundaries in software to prevent the planchette from moving across a maze wall or from leaving the maze itself.The test subjects were two femaleFigure6:Two views of the Maze corrupted by digital noise. undergraduates.Neither had any previous experience with the system.For each trial,we recorded their total naviga-tion time in seconds,first individually(A and B),and then when working collaboratively(A+B):Subject Trial1Trial2Trial3A146139105B177141175A+B657172As described in the Appendix,the Central Limit Theorem suggests that the average of all controls may yield better performance than that from any single source.Since each player has different noisy information about the maze and the current location of the planchette,the last line in the table suggests that performance improves when the players collaborate.9Summary and Future WorkWe have described a system for collaborative teleoperation on the Internet using a shared control model using vector averaging.The notion of collaborative control is relevant to a broad range of systems including market prices,voting,and the shared development of software systems such as Linux.The researchfield of Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)studies such systems usually outside the domain of robotics.See[21,22,23]for a sample of the literature in this area.The well-known“Delphi Method”[24]for group decision making developed in the1960’s by Olaf Helmer and Norman Dalkey at the RAND Corporation is built on a similar model of input averaging.As of February,Ouija2000has1000registered players. Past experience suggests that user load(and complaints!) will force us to refine our implementation.We will con-tinue maze experiments with different test subjects and will also test the effect of differing time delays.We also plan to experiment with other control models,for example winner-take-all or weighting the average based on prior perfor-mance by each user.Appendix AIn statistics,the Central Limit Theorem describes how in-dependent random variables can be combined to yield an estimate that gets more accurate as the number of variables increases.Let be an input from user.Consider that each is an iid random variable with mean and variance Let denote the arithmetic average of the inputs and denote the normalized random variableThe Central Limit Theorem states that as approaches ,approaches a normal distribution with mean zero and unit variance.AcknowledgmentsWe thank Brian Carlisle,Gil Gershoni,Michael Idinopulous,Hiro Narita,Tiffany Shlain,Joan Sulaiman,and Heidi Zuckerman-Jacobson for their contributions to this project.Ouija2000will be included in the Whitney Biennial in New York.References[1]O.Khatib,K.Yokoi,K.Chang,D.Ruspini,R.Holm-berg,,and A.Casal.Coordination and decentralized cooperation of multiple mobile manipulators.Journal of Robotic Systems,(13(11)),1996.[2]Racheland Lauren Carpenter. .[3]K.Goldberg,M.Mascha,S.Gentner,N.Rothen-berg, C.Sutter,and Jeff Wiegley.Beyond the web:Manipulating the physical world via the www.Computer Networks and ISDN Systems Journal, 28(1),December1995.Archives can be viewed at /dept/raiders/.[4]K.Goldberg,J.Santarromana,G.Bekey,S.Gentner,R.Morris,C.Sutter,and J.Wiegley.A telerobotic garden on the world wide web.Technical report,SPIE OE Reports,June1996.Visit:[5]Raymond Goertz and R.Thompson.Electronicallycontrolled manipulator.Nucleonics,1954.[6]R.D.Ballard.A last long look at titanic.NationalGeographic,170(6),December1986.[7]A.K.Bejczy.Sensors,controls,and man-machineinterface for advanced teleoperation.Science, 208(4450),1980.[8]Thomas B.Sheridan.Telerobotics,Automation,andHuman Supervisory Control.MIT Press,1992. 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Multi-objective Optimization

Multi-objective Optimization

Chapter2Multi-objective OptimizationAbstract In this chapter,we introduce multi-objective optimization,and recall some of the most relevant research articles that have appeared in the international litera-ture related to these topics.The presented state-of-the-art does not have the purpose of being exhaustive;it aims to drive the reader to the main problems and the ap-proaches to solve them.2.1Multi-objective ManagementThe choice of a route at a planning level can be done taking into account time, length,but also parking or maintenance facilities.As far as advisory or,more in general,automation procedures to support this choice are concerned,the available tools are basically based on the“shortest-path problem”.Indeed,the problem tofind the single-objective shortest path from an origin to a destination in a network is one of the most classical optimization problems in transportation and logistic,and has deserved a great deal of attention from researchers worldwide.However,the need to face real applications renders the hypothesis of a single-objective function to be optimized subject to a set of constraints no longer suitable,and the introduction of a multi-objective optimization framework allows one to manage more informa-tion.Indeed,if for instance we consider the problem to route hazardous materials in a road network(see,e.g.,Erkut et al.,2007),defining a single-objective function problem will involve,separately,the distance,the risk for the population,and the transportation costs.If we regard the problem from different points of view,i.e.,in terms of social needs for a safe transshipment,or in terms of economic issues or pol-11122Multi-objective Optimizationlution reduction,it is clear that a model that considers simultaneously two or more such objectives could produce solutions with a higher level of equity.In the follow-ing,we will discuss multi-objective optimization and related solution techniques.2.2Multi-objective Optimization and Pareto-optimal SolutionsA basic single-objective optimization problem can be formulated as follows:min f(x)x∈S,where f is a scalar function and S is the(implicit)set of constraints that can be defined asS={x∈R m:h(x)=0,g(x)≥0}.Multi-objective optimization can be described in mathematical terms as follows:min[f1(x),f2(x),...,f n(x)]x∈S,where n>1and S is the set of constraints defined above.The space in which the objective vector belongs is called the objective space,and the image of the feasible set under F is called the attained set.Such a set will be denoted in the following withC={y∈R n:y=f(x),x∈S}.The scalar concept of“optimality”does not apply directly in the multi-objective setting.Here the notion of Pareto optimality has to be introduced.Essentially,a vector x∗∈S is said to be Pareto optimal for a multi-objective problem if all other vectors x∈S have a higher value for at least one of the objective functions f i,with i=1,...,n,or have the same value for all the objective functions.Formally speak-ing,we have the following definitions:•A point x∗is said to be a weak Pareto optimum or a weak efficient solution for the multi-objective problem if and only if there is no x∈S such that f i(x)<f i(x∗) for all i∈{1,...,n}.2.2Multi-objective Optimization and Pareto-optimal Solutions13•A point x∗is said to be a strict Pareto optimum or a strict efficient solution for the multi-objective problem if and only if there is no x∈S such that f i(x)≤f i(x∗) for all i∈{1,...,n},with at least one strict inequality.We can also speak of locally Pareto-optimal points,for which the definition is the same as above,except that we restrict attention to a feasible neighborhood of x∗.In other words,if B(x∗,ε)is a ball of radiusε>0around point x∗,we require that for someε>0,there is no x∈S∩B(x∗,ε)such that f i(x)≤f i(x∗)for all i∈{1,...,n}, with at least one strict inequality.The image of the efficient set,i.e.,the image of all the efficient solutions,is called Pareto front or Pareto curve or surface.The shape of the Pareto surface indicates the nature of the trade-off between the different objective functions.An example of a Pareto curve is reported in Fig.2.1,where all the points between(f2(ˆx),f1(ˆx))and (f2(˜x),f1(˜x))define the Pareto front.These points are called non-inferior or non-dominated points.f1(xFig.2.1Example of a Pareto curveAn example of weak and strict Pareto optima is shown in Fig.2.2:points p1and p5are weak Pareto optima;points p2,p3and p4are strict Pareto optima.142Multi-objective Optimization2Fig.2.2Example of weak and strict Pareto optima2.3Techniques to Solve Multi-objective Optimization ProblemsPareto curves cannot be computed efficiently in many cases.Even if it is theoreti-cally possible tofind all these points exactly,they are often of exponential size;a straightforward reduction from the knapsack problem shows that they are NP-hard to compute.Thus,approximation methods for them are frequently used.However, approximation does not represent a secondary choice for the decision maker.Indeed, there are many real-life problems for which it is quite hard for the decision maker to have all the information to correctly and/or completely formulate them;the deci-sion maker tends to learn more as soon as some preliminary solutions are available. Therefore,in such situations,having some approximated solutions can help,on the one hand,to see if an exact method is really required,and,on the other hand,to exploit such a solution to improve the problem formulation(Ruzica and Wiecek, 2005).Approximating methods can have different goals:representing the solution set when the latter is numerically available(for convex multi-objective problems);ap-proximating the solution set when some but not all the Pareto curve is numerically available(see non-linear multi-objective problems);approximating the solution set2.3Techniques to Solve Multi-objective Optimization Problems15when the whole efficient set is not numerically available(for discrete multi-objective problems).A comprehensive survey of the methods presented in the literature in the last33 years,from1975,is that of Ruzica and Wiecek(2005).The survey analyzes sepa-rately the cases of two objective functions,and the case with a number of objective functions strictly greater than two.More than50references on the topic have been reported.Another interesting survey on these techniques related to multiple objec-tive integer programming can be found in the book of Ehrgott(2005)and the paper of Erghott(2006),where he discusses different scalarization techniques.We will give details of the latter survey later in this chapter,when we move to integer lin-ear programming formulations.Also,T’Kindt and Billaut(2005)in their book on “Multicriteria scheduling”,dedicated a part of their manuscript(Chap.3)to multi-objective optimization approaches.In the following,we will start revising,following the same lines of Erghott (2006),these scalarization techniques for general continuous multi-objective op-timization problems.2.3.1The Scalarization TechniqueA multi-objective problem is often solved by combining its multiple objectives into one single-objective scalar function.This approach is in general known as the weighted-sum or scalarization method.In more detail,the weighted-sum method minimizes a positively weighted convex sum of the objectives,that is,minn∑i=1γi·f i(x)n∑i=1γi=1γi>0,i=1,...,nx∈S,that represents a new optimization problem with a unique objective function.We denote the above minimization problem with P s(γ).It can be proved that the minimizer of this single-objective function P(γ)is an efficient solution for the original multi-objective problem,i.e.,its image belongs to162Multi-objective Optimizationthe Pareto curve.In particular,we can say that if theγweight vector is strictly greater than zero(as reported in P(γ)),then the minimizer is a strict Pareto optimum,while in the case of at least oneγi=0,i.e.,minn∑i=1γi·f i(x)n∑i=1γi=1γi≥0,i=1,...,nx∈S,it is a weak Pareto optimum.Let us denote the latter problem with P w(γ).There is not an a-priori correspondence between a weight vector and a solution vector;it is up to the decision maker to choose appropriate weights,noting that weighting coefficients do not necessarily correspond directly to the relative impor-tance of the objective functions.Furthermore,as we noted before,besides the fact that the decision maker cannot be aware of which weights are the most appropriate to retrieve a satisfactorily solution,he/she does not know in general how to change weights to consistently change the solution.This means also that it is not easy to develop heuristic algorithms that,starting from certain weights,are able to define iteratively weight vectors to reach a certain portion of the Pareto curve.Since setting a weight vector conducts to only one point on the Pareto curve,per-forming several optimizations with different weight values can produce a consid-erable computational burden;therefore,the decision maker needs to choose which different weight combinations have to be considered to reproduce a representative part of the Pareto front.Besides this possibly huge computation time,the scalarization method has two technical shortcomings,as explained in the following.•The relationship between the objective function weights and the Pareto curve is such that a uniform spread of weight parameters,in general,does not producea uniform spread of points on the Pareto curve.What can be observed aboutthis fact is that all the points are grouped in certain parts of the Pareto front, while some(possibly significative)portions of the trade-off curve have not been produced.2.3Techniques to Solve Multi-objective Optimization Problems17•Non-convex parts of the Pareto set cannot be reached by minimizing convex combinations of the objective functions.An example can be made showing a geometrical interpretation of the weighted-sum method in two dimensions,i.e., when n=2.In the two-dimensional space the objective function is a liney=γ1·f1(x)+γ2·f2(x),wheref2(x)=−γ1·f1(x)γ2+yγ2.The minimization ofγ·f(x)in the weight-sum approach can be interpreted as the attempt tofind the y value for which,starting from the origin point,the line with slope−γ1γ2is tangent to the region C.Obviously,changing the weight parameters leads to possibly different touching points of the line to the feasible region.If the Pareto curve is convex then there is room to calculate such points for differentγvectors(see Fig.2.3).2 f1(xFig.2.3Geometrical representation of the weight-sum approach in the convex Pareto curve caseOn the contrary,when the curve is non-convex,there is a set of points that cannot be reached for any combinations of theγweight vector(see Fig.2.4).182Multi-objective Optimization f1(xFig.2.4Geometrical representation of the weight-sum approach in the non-convex Pareto curve caseThe following result by Geoffrion(1968)states a necessary and sufficient condi-tion in the case of convexity as follows:If the solution set S is convex and the n objectives f i are convex on S,x∗is a strict Pareto optimum if and only if it existsγ∈R n,such that x∗is an optimal solution of problem P s(γ).Similarly:If the solution set S is convex and the n objectives f i are convex on S,x∗is a weak Pareto optimum if and only if it existsγ∈R n,such that x∗is an optimal solution of problem P w(γ).If the convexity hypothesis does not hold,then only the necessary condition re-mains valid,i.e.,the optimal solutions of P s(γ)and P w(γ)are strict and weak Pareto optima,respectively.2.3.2ε-constraints MethodBesides the scalarization approach,another solution technique to multi-objective optimization is theε-constraints method proposed by Chankong and Haimes in 1983.Here,the decision maker chooses one objective out of n to be minimized; the remaining objectives are constrained to be less than or equal to given target val-2.3Techniques to Solve Multi-objective Optimization Problems19 ues.In mathematical terms,if we let f2(x)be the objective function chosen to be minimized,we have the following problem P(ε2):min f2(x)f i(x)≤εi,∀i∈{1,...,n}\{2}x∈S.We note that this formulation of theε-constraints method can be derived by a more general result by Miettinen,that in1994proved that:If an objective j and a vectorε=(ε1,...,εj−1,εj+1,...,εn)∈R n−1exist,such that x∗is an optimal solution to the following problem P(ε):min f j(x)f i(x)≤εi,∀i∈{1,...,n}\{j}x∈S,then x∗is a weak Pareto optimum.In turn,the Miettinen theorem derives from a more general theorem by Yu(1974) stating that:x∗is a strict Pareto optimum if and only if for each objective j,with j=1,...,n, there exists a vectorε=(ε1,...,εj−1,εj+1,...,εn)∈R n−1such that f(x∗)is the unique objective vector corresponding to the optimal solution to problem P(ε).Note that the Miettinen theorem is an easy implementable version of the result by Yu(1974).Indeed,one of the difficulties of the result by Yu,stems from the uniqueness constraint.The weaker result by Miettinen allows one to use a necessary condition to calculate weak Pareto optima independently from the uniqueness of the optimal solutions.However,if the set S and the objectives are convex this result becomes a necessary and sufficient condition for weak Pareto optima.When,as in problem P(ε2),the objective isfixed,on the one hand,we have a more simplified version,and therefore a version that can be more easily implemented in automated decision-support systems;on the other hand,however,we cannot say that in the presence of S convex and f i convex,∀i=1,...,n,all the set of weak Pareto optima can be calculated by varying theεvector.One advantage of theε-constraints method is that it is able to achieve efficient points in a non-convex Pareto curve.For instance,assume we have two objective202Multi-objective Optimization functions where objective function f1(x)is chosen to be minimized,i.e.,the problem ismin f1(x)f2(x)≤ε2x∈S,we can be in the situation depicted in Fig.2.5where,when f2(x)=ε2,f1(x)is an efficient point of the non-convex Pareto curve.f1(xf 2(x)£e2x)f1(xFig.2.5Geometrical representation of theε-constraints approach in the non-convex Pareto curve caseTherefore,as proposed in Steurer(1986)the decision maker can vary the upper boundsεi to obtain weak Pareto optima.Clearly,this is also a drawback of this method,i.e.,the decision maker has to choose appropriate upper bounds for the constraints,i.e.,theεi values.Moreover,the method is not particularly efficient if the number of the objective functions is greater than two.For these reasons,Erghott and Rusika in2005,proposed two modifications to improve this method,with particular attention to the computational difficulties that the method generates.2.3Techniques to Solve Multi-objective Optimization Problems21 2.3.3Goal ProgrammingGoal Programming dates back to Charnes et al.(1955)and Charnes and Cooper (1961).It does not pose the question of maximizing multiple objectives,but rather it attempts tofind specific goal values of these objectives.An example can be given by the following program:f1(x)≥v1f2(x)=v2f3(x)≤v3x∈S.Clearly we have to distinguish two cases,i.e.,if the intersection between the image set C and the utopian set,i.e.,the image of the admissible solutions for the objectives,is empty or not.In the former case,the problem transforms into one in which we have tofind a solution whose value is as close as possible to the utopian set.To do this,additional variables and constraints are introduced.In particular,for each constraint of the typef1(x)≥v1we introduce a variable s−1such that the above constraint becomesf1(x)+s−1≥v1.For each constraint of the typef2(x)=v2we introduce a surplus two variables s+2and s−2such that the above constraint be-comesf2(x)+s−2−s+2=v2.For each constraint of the typef3(x)≤v3we introduce a variable s+3such that the above constraint becomesf3(x)−s+3≤v3.222Multi-objective OptimizationLet us denote with s the vector of the additional variables.A solution(x,s)to the above problem is called a strict Pareto-slack optimum if and only if a solution (x ,s ),for every x ∈S,such that s i≤s i with at least one strict inequality does not exist.There are different ways of optimizing the slack/surplus variables.An exam-ple is given by the Archimedean goal programming,where the problem becomes that of minimizing a linear combination of the surplus and slack variables each one weighted by a positive coefficientαas follows:minαs−1s−1+αs+2s+2+αs−2s−2+αs+3s+3f1(x)+s−1≥v1f2(x)+s−2−s+2=v2f3(x)−s+3≤v3s−1≥0s+2≥0s−2≥0s+3≥0x∈S.For the above problem,the Geoffrion theorem says that the resolution of this prob-lem offers strict or weak Pareto-slack optimum.Besides Archimedean goal programming,other approaches are the lexicograph-ical goal programming,the interactive goal programming,the reference goal pro-gramming and the multi-criteria goal programming(see,e.g.,T’kindt and Billaut, 2005).2.3.4Multi-level ProgrammingMulti-level programming is another approach to multi-objective optimization and aims tofind one optimal point in the entire Pareto surface.Multi-level programming orders the n objectives according to a hierarchy.Firstly,the minimizers of thefirst objective function are found;secondly,the minimizers of the second most important2.3Techniques to Solve Multi-objective Optimization Problems23objective are searched for,and so forth until all the objective function have been optimized on successively smaller sets.Multi-level programming is a useful approach if the hierarchical order among the objectives is meaningful and the user is not interested in the continuous trade-off among the functions.One drawback is that optimization problems that are solved near the end of the hierarchy can be largely constrained and could become infeasi-ble,meaning that the less important objective functions tend to have no influence on the overall optimal solution.Bi-level programming(see,e.g.,Bialas and Karwan,1984)is the scenario in which n=2and has received several attention,also for the numerous applications in which it is involved.An example is given by hazmat transportation in which it has been mainly used to model the network design problem considering the government and the carriers points of view:see,e.g.,the papers of Kara and Verter(2004),and of Erkut and Gzara(2008)for two applications(see also Chap.4of this book).In a bi-level mathematical program one is concerned with two optimization prob-lems where the feasible region of thefirst problem,called the upper-level(or leader) problem,is determined by the knowledge of the other optimization problem,called the lower-level(or follower)problem.Problems that naturally can be modelled by means of bi-level programming are those for which variables of thefirst problem are constrained to be the optimal solution of the lower-level problem.In general,bi-level optimization is issued to cope with problems with two deci-sion makers in which the optimal decision of one of them(the leader)is constrained by the decision of the second decision maker(the follower).The second-level de-cision maker optimizes his/her objective function under a feasible region that is defined by thefirst-level decision maker.The latter,with this setting,is in charge to define all the possible reactions of the second-level decision maker and selects those values for the variable controlled by the follower that produce the best outcome for his/her objective function.A bi-level program can be formulated as follows:min f(x1,x2)x1∈X1x2∈argmin g(x1,x2)x2∈X2.242Multi-objective OptimizationThe analyst should pay particular attention when using bi-level optimization(or multi-level optimization in general)in studying the uniqueness of the solutions of the follower problem.Assume,for instance,one has to calculate an optimal solu-tion x∗1to the leader model.Let x∗2be an optimal solution of the follower problem associated with x∗1.If x∗2is not unique,i.e.,|argmin g(x∗1,x2)|>1,we can have a sit-uation in which the follower decision maker can be free,without violating the leader constraints,to adopt for his problem another optimal solution different from x∗2,i.e.,ˆx2∈argmin g(x∗1,x2)withˆx2=x∗2,possibly inducing a f(x∗1,ˆx2)>f(x∗1,x∗2)on the leader,forcing the latter to carry out a sensitivity analysis on the values at-tained by his objective function in correspondence to all the optimal solutions in argmin g(x∗1,x2).Bi-level programs are very closely related to the van Stackelberg equilibrium problem(van Stackelberg,1952),and the mathematical programs with equilibrium constraints(see,e.g.,Luo et al.1996).The most studied instances of bi-level pro-gramming problems have been for a long time the linear bi-level programs,and therefore this subclass is the subject of several dedicated surveys,such as that by Wen and Hsu(1991).Over the years,more complex bi-level programs were studied and even those including discrete variables received some attention,see,e.g.,Vicente et al.(1996). Hence,more general surveys appeared,such as those by Vicente and Calamai(1994) and Falk and Liu(1995)on non-linear bi-level programming.The combinatorial nature of bi-level programming has been reviewed in Marcotte and Savard(2005).Bi-level programs are hard to solve.In particular,linear bi-level programming has been proved to be strongly NP-hard(see,Hansen et al.,1992);Vicente et al. (1996)strengthened this result by showing thatfinding a certificate of local opti-mality is also strongly NP-hard.Existing methods for bi-level programs can be distinguished into two classes.On the one hand,we have convergent algorithms for general bi-level programs with the-oretical properties guaranteeing suitable stationary conditions;see,e.g.,the implicit function approach by Outrata et al.(1998),the quadratic one-level reformulation by Scholtes and Stohr(1999),and the smoothing approaches by Fukushima and Pang (1999)and Dussault et al.(2004).With respect to the optimization problems with complementarity constraints, which represent a special way of solving bi-level programs,we can mention the pa-pers of Kocvara and Outrata(2004),Bouza and Still(2007),and Lin and Fukushima2.4Multi-objective Optimization Integer Problems25(2003,2005).Thefirst work presents a new theoretical framework with the im-plicit programming approach.The second one studies convergence properties of a smoothing method that allows the characterization of local minimizers where all the functions defining the model are twice differentiable.Finally,Lin and Fukushima (2003,2005)present two relaxation methods.Exact algorithms have been proposed for special classes of bi-level programs, e.g.,see the vertex enumeration methods by Candler and Townsley(1982),Bialas and Karwan(1984),and Tuy et al.(1993)applied when the property of an extremal solution in bi-level linear program plementary pivoting approaches(see, e.g.,Bialas et al.,1980,and J´u dice and Faustino,1992)have been proposed on the single-level optimization problem obtained by replacing the second-level optimiza-tion problem by its optimality conditions.Exploiting the complementarity structure of this single-level reformulation,Bard and Moore(1990)and Hansen et al.(1992), have proposed branch-and-bound algorithms that appear to be among the most effi-cient.Typically,branch-and-bound is used when the lower-level problem is convex and regular,since the latter can be replaced by its Karush–Kuhn–Tucker(KKT) conditions,yielding a single-level reformulation.When one deals with linear bi-level programs,the complementarity conditions are intrinsically combinatorial,and in such cases branch-and-bound is the best approach to solve this problem(see,e.g., Colson et al.,2005).A cutting-plane approach is not frequently used to solve bi-level linear programs.Cutting-plane methods found in the literature are essentially based on Tuy’s concavity cuts(Tuy,1964).White and Anandalingam(1993)use these cuts in a penalty function approach for solving bi-level linear programs.Marcotte et al.(1993)propose a cutting-plane algorithm for solving bi-level linear programs with a guarantee offinite termination.Recently,Audet et al.(2007),exploiting the equivalence of the latter problem with a mixed integer linear programming one, proposed a new branch-and-bound algorithm embedding Gomory cuts for bi-level linear programming.2.4Multi-objective Optimization Integer ProblemsIn the previous section,we gave general results for continuous multi-objective prob-lems.In this section,we focus our attention on what happens if the optimization problem being solved has integrality constraints on the variables.In particular,all262Multi-objective Optimizationthe techniques presented can be applied in these situations as well,with some lim-itations on the capabilities of these methods to construct the Pareto front entirely. Indeed,these methods are,in general,very hard to solve in real applications,or are unable tofind all efficient solutions.When integrality constraints arise,one of the main limits of these techniques is in the inability of obtaining some Pareto optima; therefore,we will have supported and unsupported Pareto optima.f 2(x)f1(xFig.2.6Supported and unsupported Pareto optimaFig.2.6gives an example of these situations:points p6and p7are unsupported Pareto optima,while p1and p5are supported weak Pareto optima,and p2,p3,and p4are supported strict Pareto optima.Given a multi-objective optimization integer problem(MOIP),the scalarization in a single objective problem with additional variables and/or parameters tofind a subset of efficient solutions to the original MOIP,has the same computational complexity issues of a continuous scalarized problem.In the2006paper of Ehrgott“A discussion of scalarization techniques for mul-tiple objective integer programming”the author,besides the scalarization tech-niques also presented in the previous section(e.g.,the weighted-sum method,the ε-constraint method),satisfying the linear requirement imposed by the MOIP for-mulation(where variables are integers,but constraints and objectives are linear),2.4Multi-objective Optimization Integer Problems27presented more methods like the Lagrangian relaxation and the elastic-constraints method.By the author’s analysis,it emerges that the attempt to solve the scalarized prob-lem by means of Lagrangian relaxation would not lead to results that go beyond the performance of the weighted-sum technique.It is also shown that the general linear scalarization formulation is NP-hard.Then,the author presents the elastic-constraints method,a new scalarization technique able to overcome the drawback of the previously mentioned techniques related tofinding all efficient solutions,com-bining the advantages of the weighted-sum and theε-constraint methods.Further-more,it is shown that a proper application of this method can also give reasonable computing times in practical applications;indeed,the results obtained by the author on the elastic-constraints method are applied to an airline-crew scheduling problem, whose size oscillates from500to2000constraints,showing the effectiveness of the proposed technique.2.4.1Multi-objective Shortest PathsGiven a directed graph G=(V,A),an origin s∈V and a destination t∈V,the shortest-path problem(SPP)aims tofind the minimum distance path in G from o to d.This problem has been studied for more than50years,and several polynomial algorithms have been produced(see,for instance,Cormen et al.,2001).From the freight distribution point of view the term shortest may have quite dif-ferent meanings from faster,to quickest,to safest,and so on,focusing the attention on what the labels of the arc set A represent to the decision maker.For this reason, in some cases we willfind it simpler to define for each arc more labels so as to represent the different arc features(e.g.,length,travel time,estimated risk).The problem tofind multi-objective shortest paths(MOSPP)is known to be NP-hard(see,e.g.,Serafini,1986),and the algorithms proposed in the literature faced the difficulty to manage the large number of non-dominated paths that results in a considerable computational time,even in the case of small instances.Note that the number of non-dominated paths may increase exponentially with the number of nodes in the graph(Hansen,1979).In the multi-objective scenario,each arc(i,j)in the graph has a vector of costs c i j∈R n with c i j=(c1i j,...,c n i j)components,where n is the number of criteria.。



Computers have become an integral part of our daily lives,transforming the way we work,learn,and communicate.Here is an essay on the various uses of computers in English:Title:The Multifaceted Uses of ComputersIntroduction:In the modern world,computers are indispensable tools that have revolutionized various aspects of our lives.From personal use to professional applications,computers have proven to be versatile machines with a wide range of purposes.Body:munication:One of the most significant uses of computers is in communication.Email,instant messaging,and social media platforms enable people to connect with friends,family,and colleagues across the globe.Video conferencing tools,such as Zoom and Skype,have made remote meetings and virtual collaboration possible,even during the COVID19 pandemic.cation:Computers have transformed the educational landscape by providing access to a wealth of information and resources.Online courses,ebooks,and educational software have made learning more accessible and interactive.Students can now research topics, collaborate on projects,and submit assignments electronically,making the learning process more efficient.3.Entertainment:Computers have revolutionized the entertainment industry,offering a variety of options for users.From streaming movies and music to playing video games,computers provide endless entertainment possibilities.They have also given rise to new forms of media, such as podcasts and online videos,which have become popular sources of content.4.Business and Productivity:In the business world,computers play a crucial role in managing operations,automating tasks,and improving efficiency.They are used for tasks such as data analysis,inventory management,and customer relationship management.Additionally,productivity software like Microsoft Office allows professionals to create documents,spreadsheets,and presentations with ease.5.Research and Development:Computers have become essential tools for researchers and scientists.They enable complex calculations,simulations,and data analysis,which are vital for scientific advancements.In fields such as medicine,engineering,and environmental science, computers have contributed to breakthroughs and innovations.6.Creative Expression:For artists and designers,computers offer a digital canvas to create and edit various forms of art.Graphic design software,3D modeling tools,and digital illustration programs allow creators to bring their ideas to life.Musicians can also use computers to compose, record,and produce music using digital audio workstations.7.Ecommerce and Online Shopping:The rise of ecommerce has made shopping more convenient than puters enable users to browse products,compare prices,and make purchases online.This has led to the growth of online marketplaces and the expansion of businesses beyond traditional brickandmortar stores.Conclusion:In conclusion,computers have a myriad of uses that extend beyond simple data processing.They have become essential tools for communication,education, entertainment,business,research,creative expression,and ecommerce.As technology continues to advance,it is likely that the applications of computers will only continue to grow and evolve,further shaping our world in unprecedented ways.。



文章标题:深入探讨“optimization”词根词缀的意义与应用在当今社会中,我们经常听到一些装满了“optimization”词根词缀的词汇,比如optimization(优化)、optimize(优化)、optimal (最优)等等。



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2. 深入了解“optimization”词根词缀在不同领域的应用- 在这一部分,我们将讨论“optimization”词根词缀在各种领域中的应用,包括工程、经济学、计算机科学、管理学等。


3. 解析“optimization”词根词缀的实际意义与重要性- 本部分将探讨“optimization”词根词缀在实际生活与工作中的意义与重要性。


4. 总结与展望- 我们将对全文进行总结性的回顾,重点强调“optimization”词根词缀的意义与应用。






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APPLICATION OF COLLABORATIVE OPTIMIZATION ON A RBCCINLET/EJECTOR SYSTEMZiaul Huque and Nayem Jahingir†CFD InstituteDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringPrairie View A & M UniversityPrairie View, TX.ABSTRACTCollaborative Optimization is a multidisciplinary design optimization architecture that allows coupled engineering design problems to be uncoupled and solved concurrently. This decentralized design strategy allows domain-specific issues to be accommodated by disciplinary analysts, while requiring interdisciplinary decisions to be reached by consensus. The present investigation focuses on application of the collaborative optimization architecture to the multidisciplinary design of an integrated inlet/ejector system of a 2-D axisymmetric rocket based combined cycle (RBCC) engine. Posed to suit the collaborative architecture, this design problem was characterized by three design variables and one constraint. An optimized primary thruster size and exit pressure were obtained. The CFD simulations of the inlet/ejector system were carried out with FDNS. The data from the response surface was used to train a neural network, which was used to approximate the objective function by a nonlinear gradient based optimizer code NPSOL.INTRODUCTIONThe low specific impulse of rocket-based vehicles along with the use of expendable stages results in a high cost per pound to deliver payload to orbit. A major goal driving current space propulsion research is to significantly decrease the cost of access to space. There are currently efforts underway to develop reusable launch vehicles that promise to decrease long-term costs as compared to the traditional expendable staged vehicles. One way to use high-efficiency airbreathing cycles during ascent in a reusable system is through the use of combined-cycle propulsion (CCP) systems. Associate Professor† Graduate Research Assistant CCP systems can be broadly divided into two categories: airbreathing combined-cycles and combined cycle systems which include a rocket sub-system. Airbreathing combined cycle engines are intended primarily for missions involving high –speed cruises in the atmosphere, but are not candidates for transatmospheric flight. While there are many types and variations of CCP systems, one class of rocket-based CCP systems shows promise for Earth-to-orbit (ETO) missions. These are engines that operate in rocket-ejector mode and also have the capability of operating in ramjet, scramjet, and rocket-only modes, and are typically referred to as rocket-based combined-cycle (RBCC) engines. A schematic of a RBCC engine is shown in figure 1. Many of the advantages of RBCC engines result from certain synergistic benefits that would not occur if the two units operated separately1. The ability to utilize the rocket as an ejector increases the thrust. Afterburning in rocket-ejector mode, using the ramjet/scramjet fuel injectors, further increased the thrust and specific impulse compared to the rocket alone. As the ratio of the bypass air to the rocket exhaust increases with increasing flight speed, the specific impulse continues to increase, as the cycle more closely resembles ramjet operation. In ramjet and scramjet modes, the rocket could be advantageously used as a fuel injector and mixing enhancer. In the rocket-only mode, the use of the engine duct as a highly expanded nozzle at high altitudes increases the specific impulse of that mode of operation. Another key advantages of RBCC systems is the reduction in the amount of onboard oxidizer required. This decreases the size and, therefore, the weight, of the tank and vehicle.An integrated inlet/ejector is one of the most critical parts of a RBCC engine propulsion system. Its design must be such that it delivers air to the engine at the desired mass flow rate and flow conditions for all flight Mach numbers. This delivery must be accompanied by as little losses, drag, weight, and complexity as possible. In short, the design is a trade-off or compromise between a high-pressure recovery and low drag. This38th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit7-10 July 2002, Indianapolis, IndianaAIAA 2002-3604compromise can only be found after several propulsion and vehicle performance calculations, which strongly depends on the mission of the vehicle. Multidisciplinary optimization (MDO) promises to be the future design tool to provide guidance in making proper trade-off decisions.Collaborative optimization is new design architecture whose characteristics are well suited to large-scale, distributed design2. The fundamen-tal concept behind the development of this archi-tecture is the belief that disciplinary experts should contribute to the design decision process while not having to fully address local changes imposed by other groups of the system. This decentralized decision strategy is not only a practical approach to design, but may also allow for the use of existing disciplinary analyses without major modification.The objective of this study is to optimize a 2-D axisymmetric inlet/ejector geometry of a RBCC engine. (MDO) architecture, tied with response surface and neural networks technique has been used for this purpose.2. APPROACHES2.1 GENERAL:The RBCC flow path configuration for this analysis was axisymmetric with a single primary thruster on the engine centerline. The primary thruster was housed in a center body that created an annular constant area inlet. Figure 1 defines some of the RBCC design variables. The Inlet/Ejector plane is defined to be the exit plane of the primary thruster. The secondary inlet length (L) was a function of two of the trade space variables, L/D and A s/A5. A s is the area of the secondary flow area at the mixer inlet plane and A p is the area of the primary thruster exit area plus any base area surrounding the thruster. A5 is the total flow area at the ejector/mixer inlet plane (A s + A p) and A8is the flow area of the ramjet burner. The engine design variables that defined the trade space were: secondary inlet aspect ratio L/D;A s/A5, the ratio of secondary to total flow areas; and A8/A5, ratio of ramjet burner to ejector/mixer inlet areas. Each variable had three values so that the initial trade space was 27 configurations. But to implement the collaborative optimization concept successfully each discipline was considered independent the effect of others. So for each section (3X3)=9 cases were ran. The design variables are shown in table 1 and 2.The performance of the secondary inlet area was measured with the pressure recovery factor, which is the static pressure ratio of the secondary flow inlet to the ejector/mixture inlet. And the ejector/mixer performance was measured with by-pass ratio, which is the ratio of secondary to primary mass flow rate. The geometric definition of the 18 configurations was provided by an engine design spreadsheet. All grids contained the same number of nodes in the freestream, inlet, ram burner and nozzle portions of the domain. The number of nodes in the axial direction of the ejector/mixer varied because of their different lengths. A consistent axial delta-s was used in the ejector/mixer region.The FDNS computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code was implemented with a two-specie model: air and specie of average hot-gas properties. This analysis was non-reacting and the standard k- turbulence model was implemented. The free stream far field boundaries were set to conserve total pressure of one atmosphere at nozzle exit. All engine surfaces were set to no-slip adiabatic walls and the centerline of the engine was set to an axisymmetric boundary condition. The primary thruster’s mixture ratio was 4.0, with a chamber pressure of 500 psi. For this case there was no downstream introduction of GH2.This case was chosen as the baseline geometry to optimize. Primary thruster mass flow rates were kept constant for all configurations but each A s/A5 ratio resulted in a different primary thruster area ratio, therefore, a different primary thruster exit pressure. The A s/A5=0.64, 0.76 and 0.88 had exit pressures of 0.347, 0.52, and 1.04 atmospheres respectively. Primary thruster exit flow properties were defined as fixed inlet conditions for the ejector/mixer analysis.2.2 NEURAL NETWORK:Neural networks are composed of simple elements operating in parallel. These elements are inspired by biological nervous systems. As in nature, the network function is determined largely by the connections between elements3. A neural network (NN) can be trained to perform a particular function by adjusting the values of the connections (weights) between elements. Commonly neural networks are adjusted, or trained, so that a particular input leads to a specific target output. The network is adjusted, based on a comparison of the output and the target, until the network output matches the target. Typically many such input/target pairs are used, in this supervised learning, to train a network. In this study back-propagation neural network was used. Standard back propagation is a gradient descent algorithm. The term back propagation refers to the manner in which the gradient is computed fornonlinear multi-layer networks. Present study used NN to build a response surface from 18 CFD runs of a steady sate flow of an inlet/ejector system and later it was used for evaluating an objective function. The data was entered into the net as [3x1] matrix. In the first layer “tangsig” function from MATLAB NN toolbox was used as transfer function in three neurons. In the second layer “purelin” was used in one neuron.2.3 COLLABORATIVE OPTIMIZATIONThe collaborative optimization (CO) architecture, a form of multidisciplinary optimization method, is designed to promote disciplinary autonomy while achieving interdisciplinary compatibility. Development of collaborative optimization is discussed in4. The algorithm has been applied by researchers to a number of different design problems; the trajectory of a lunar ascent vehicle5, the sizing of a medium range transport aircraft6, and the design of a single-stage-to-orbit booster7. In all of these problems the algorithm successfully converged to an optimal solution. In this paper CO is applied to optimize an integrated inlet/ejector system of a 2D RBCC engine.The CO architecture is described in figure 8. In this approach the problem is decomposed along analysis-convenient boundaries and subspace optimizers are integrated with each analysis-block. Through subspace optimization each group is given control over its own set of local design variables and is charged with satisfying its own domain-specific constraints. Explicit knowledge of the other groups constraints or design variables are not required. The objective of each subspace optimizer is to agree upon the values of the interdisciplinary variables with the other groups. A system-level optimizer is employed to orchestrate this interdisciplinary compatibility process while minimizing the overall objective. The system level optimizer module, minimizes (or maximizes) an objective function subject to constraints just like any standard optimization problem. The design variables (known as target variables) are set by the system level optimizer to improve the objective function.An inlet/ejector in a RBCC engine is a single discipline system from multidisciplinary optimization point of view. Since any change in geometry or flow condition on boundaries, will affect the whole system from entrance to the nozzle at the end. On the other hand, as problem gets bigger by including more and more variables, using a single optimizer will be more difficult even by isolating the inlet/ejector from other disciplines in the vehicle design. So it is logical to start the inlet/ejector as a multidisciplinary optimization problem.The design was decomposed into two disciplines named as Inlet section (secondary flow area, red enclosure in fig.1) and Ejector/Mixture section (isolator and diffuser section, blue enclosure in fig.1) for implementing CO. In this study only the geometric variables at the baseline design were optimized. The secondary to primary area ratio A s/A5 was the only coupling variable for this CO algorithm. The limiting value for L/D was 1.0-4.0, for A s/A5was 0.6-0.9 and for A8/A5 was 1.0-3.0. One linear constraint was applied to the ejector mixture section. The objective function in the inlet was the static pressure recovery, and for the mixture/ejector it was by pass ratio, . The objective function used in this analysis wasMin F = 1/ + 1/ .i.e Min F= P i/P s + m p/m swhere, Pi.= Static pressure at the free inlet, Ps.= Static pressure at the secondary inlet, m s= secondary mass flow rate and m p = primary mass flow rateSystem Level:P= [A s/A5, F]Min F (Z) = (Z1, Z2,) + (Z2, Z3)s.t. 2,1;0)(==jzgjSubsystem 1:P1=[L/D, A s/A5, ]Min21121111)()()(iiiizyzxxg+=s.t.iiiuxl<< for i = 1, 2Subsystem 2:P2=[A s/A5, A8/A5, ]Min22222222)()()(iiiizyzxxg+=s.t.iiiuxl<< for i = 2, 3X1 represents L/DX2 represents A s/A pX3 represents A8/A5Linear Constraints: Secondary area (A s) should be equal or grater than 1/3 of Ram burner area (A8)i. e, X2 > (1/3) X33X2– X3 > 0.03. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS3.1 Flow Field overview:Color contours of static pressure and Mach number on the RBCC internal flow path for two configurations; case-1 and case-3are shown in figure-2 and 3 respectively.The freestream zones downstream of the nozzle were omitted from these images. The rocket engine plume is clearly visible on the horizontal centerline. The Mach number contours indicate that the flow is entirely subsonic as it entered the diffuser section of the duct. The average Mach number at the nozzle exit was approximately 0.75.The Mach number contours of the A s/A5=0.64 (case-1) configuration indicate the primary flow attached to the mixer wall sooner and incurred significantly stronger shocks than the A s/A5=0.88 (case-3) configuration. The shocks were caused by the primary flow’s interaction with the secondary flow and the mixer wall. The increasing length of inlet section reduces the inlet angle, which increases the pressure recovery. The effect of pressure recovery with L/D ratio is shown in Figure4. Figure 5 indicates the largest driver in the by-pass ratio was A s/A5.This was a result of the different primary thruster exit pressures. For the range ofA s/A5 studied, the primary thruster exit pressure0.52 atm. (A s/A5=0.76), pumped the most secondary air flow. A8/A5 had less dramatic but yet significant effects on by pass-ratio. The trends of pressure recovery and by pass ratio for all configurations are summarized in figure 4 and 5 respectively.3.2 Optimization results:The CFD data of 18 cases were used to generate a response surface. This response surface was used for training the neural network and later it was used for objective function evaluation, during the optimization process. At first step the decomposition was done for a simple bounded from in which two disciplines are both limited to the domain variables. In this form the collaborative optimization will converge in first iteration because two disciplines will agree with system level suggestion. In the second run, one linear constraint was applied in one of the disciplines such that when that discipline receive the suggested value from the system level, that will not necessarily agree, and start sending back the new suggestions as it was trying to decrease the discrepancy between the system level variable and it’s own suited variable. Some of the optimally constraints are mentioned in [8]but the applied constraint was chosen arbitrarily to show the effect of constraints existence.After 63 iterations, system level converged to the optimum value. Figure 6shows a convergence history of system level objective function and constraints. The value of objective function jumps from one solution domain to another, as it tries to reduce the interdisciplinary discrepancies. The results show that the minimum value of the function always occurred when the constrains are relatively big and the iterations continue. Figure 7 shows the system level convergence of design variables.CONCLUSIONSIn this investigation, the collaborative optimization architecture was used to perform multidisciplinary design of an inlet/ejector of 2-D RBCC engine. Posed to suit the collaborative architecture, this design problem was characterized by 3 design variables and 1 constraint. A moderate primary thruster size and exit pressure less than ambient concept was obtained which is very much consistent with current research9,10 on RBCC engine. It appears a primary thruster exit pressure moderately below than ambient is more desirable than primary thruster exit pressure significantly more or less than ambient. The practical advantages of collaborative optimization like the ability to use domain-specific analyses, inherent system flexibility and modularity, distributed analysis optimization capability and significant reduction in communication requirements make the architecture well-suited for the optimization of a 2D RBCC inlet/ejector system.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThis work has been supported by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center under grant No. NAG8-1668.REFERENCES1. Escher, William J. D. and B. J. Flomes:A Study of Composite Propulsion Systems For Advanced Launch Vehicle Application, Contract NAS7-377, The Marquardt Corporation, Van Nuys, California, 1966,Vol.1-7.2. Braun, R.: Collaborative Optimization: An Architecture for Large-Scale Distributed Design, PhD thesis, Stanford University, June 1996.3. Sparks Jr., D.W., and Maghami, P. G.: Neural Networks for Rapid Design and Analysis, AIAA-98-1779.4. R.D. 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Figures of Merit Results for the Inlet/Ejector Trade StudyFigure: 2(a) Pressure contour of the RBCC internal flow path for the configuration, L/D=1.175,A s /A p =0.64 and A 8/A 5=2.0 (CASE-1).Figure: 2(b) Mach contour of the RBCC internal flow path for the configuration, L/D=1.175,A s /A p =0.64 and A 8/A 5=2.0 (CASE-1).Figure: 3(a) Enlarged view of Pressure contour of the ejector section of RBCC internal flow path for theconfiguration, L/D=1.175, A s /A p =0.88 and A 8/A 5=2.0 (CASE-3).Figure: 3(b) Enlarged view of Mach contour of the ejector section of RBCC internal flow path for theconfiguration, L/D=1.175,A s /A p =0.88 and A 8/A 5=2.0 (CASE-3).L/D RatioP r e s s u r e R e c o v e r y (%)A 8/A 5 RatioB y P a s s R a t i oFigure: 5: Comparison of By Pass Ratio ofEjector Section.10203040506070C o n s t r a i n t s , L o g ||g i *||-5-4-3-2-1O b j e c t i v e F u n c t i o n1.4751.4801.4851.4901.4951.5001.5051.5101z 2g Figure 8: The Collaborative Optimization Architecture in Detail。
