Translation of discourse汉英篇章翻译
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(一)A Comparison Between Chinese Discourse and English Discourse
1.The Similarities
1.1 Cohesion (衔接) It concerns how the actual words we hear or see are mutually connected within a sequence.
Translation of discourse
Week 12
Translation of discourse
பைடு நூலகம்
What is the discourse?
Discourse means either "written or spoken communication or debate" or "a formal discussion of debate. The term is often used in semantics and discourse analysis. A discourse often meets seven standards of textuality.
eg. 你不比外头新买新讨的,你一进去了,就开了 脸,就封你作姨娘,又体面,又尊贵。 Your position will be quite different from that of a girl brought from outside, for as soon as you enter our house, we shall go through the ceremonies and give you the rank of a secondary wife, treated with all respect and honor.
(二) cohesion and coherence
1 cohesion Halliday & Hasan 在Cohesion in English 中将英语的衔接手段分成五大类
照应 reference 替代 substitution 省略 ellipsis 词汇衔接 lexical cohesion 连接 conjunction
2.3 Subject consciousness VS Object consciousness
Chinese discourse ---Subject consciousness (主体意识) ---person as subject English discourse ----Object consciousness (客体意识) ----Thing as subject
1.2 Coherence (连贯性)
It concerns the ways in which the components of the textual word are mutually accessible and relevant. (distribute knowledge or attain an object)
1.1 reference
Personal reference (人称照应) 人称照应是通过人称代词 (如 they, she, him 等)、所属限定词(如his, your, its 等) , 和所属代词( hers, theirs , mine 等)来实现。 英语人称代词以及相应的限定词的使用 率大大高于汉语。
(Tr. Yang Xianyi & Gladys Yang)
1.2 Substitution
Substitution could be found in Chinese language and English Language, but comparatively, it is used more frequently in English Language.
篇章(text)是表达整体概念的语义单位。 篇章是语言在交际中,特别是在书面交 际中的对象和理想单位。它不只是一连 串句子和段落的集合,而是一个结构完 整、功能明确的语义统一体。(陈宏薇) 篇章翻译是指高于句子层次或句以上的 语言单位的翻译。(王治奎)
语篇指不完全受句子语法约束的在一定 语境下表示完整意义的自然语言。它具 有形式和逻辑的一致性。语篇并非是互 不关联的句子的简单堆积,而是一些意 义相联系的句子为达到一定交际目的, 通过各种衔接手段而实现的有机结合。
-玛丽学近代文学,不学近代语言学。 -她学近代历史么?
-Mary studies modern literature and doesn‟t do modern linguistics. -Does she do modern history?
1.3 ellipsis
Chinese --------repetition English---------ellipsis
3) 这个时候他来了,而这时我根本想不到 他会来。 He came at a time when I least expected him. 4) 那时一个寒冷潮湿的晚上,这样的晚上 大部分人呆在家里。 It was one of those cold, wet evenings when most people stay indoors.
He knew how ashamed he would have been if she had known his
mother and the kind of place in which he was born, and the kind of people among whom he was born.
近朱者赤,近墨者黑。 Association with the good can only produce good, with the wicked, evil.
阅读训练人的眼睛,说话训练人的口齿, 写作训练人的思维。
Reading exercises one‟s eyes; speaking, one‟s tongue; while writing, one‟s mind.
孔乙己是站着喝酒而穿长衫的唯一的人。他身材 高大;青白脸色,皱纹间时常夹些伤痕;一部乱蓬蓬 的花白的胡子。穿的虽然是长衫,可是又脏又破,似 乎十多年没有补,也没有洗。(《孔乙己》) Kong was the only long-gowned customer to drink his wine standing. He was a big man, strangely pallid, with scars that often showed among the wrinkles of his face. He had a large unkept beard, streaked with white. Although he wore a long gown, it was dirty and tattered, and looked as if it had not been washed or mended for over ten years.
2) 这只猴子最了不起的技能是学会驾驶 拖拉机。到了九岁的时候,这只猴子已 经学会单独表演驾驶拖拉机了。 The monkey‟s most extraordinary accomplishment was learning to operate a tractor. By the age of nine, he had learned to solo on the vehicle.
1.5 conjunction
连接成分本身就具有明确含义,通过在 语篇中使用这类连接性词语,“人们可 以了解子句之间的语义联系,甚至可经 前句从逻辑上预见后续句的语义。(胡 壮麟,1994:92)
表示添加信息: and, also, too, furthermore, besides, moreover, in addition, what is more… 表示因果关系:because, for, for this reason, since, as a result, thus, therefore, so, consequently, of course, accordingly… 表 示 文 章 意 义 的 转 折 或 对 比 : although, however, on the contrary, still, but, otherwise, despite, nevertheless, though, in fact, on the other hand, as a matter of fact…
General principle
英汉语篇在结构形态和逻辑关系上相似 时,一般可以采用“临摹”的办法,按 照源语的发展思路,在译语中复制或基 本照搬源语行文的建构方式。这种方法 称作“逻辑顺组” (logic copying)。 由于汉英在语言结构,语篇衔接模式, 逻辑层次等方面存在广泛的差异,汉英 互译时往往需要进行 “逻辑重组” (logic reshuffling)
1.6 Situationality (语境性/情境性) It concerns the factors which makes a text relevant to a situation of occurrences.
1.7 Inter-textuality (互文性) It concerns the factors which make the utilization of one text dependent upon knowledge of one or more previously encountered texts.
1.3 Intentionality (意图性) It‟s about the writer‟s attitude or purpose of creating the discourse. 1.4 Acceptability (可接受性) It concerns the text receiver‟s attitude. A good discourse should be totally acceptable by the readers. 1.5 Informativity (信息性) It concerns the extent to which the occurrences of the presented text are expected or unexpected.
2.2 Parataxis VS Hypotaxis
Chinese discourse -----parataxis (意合) English discourse------hypotaxis (形合) eg. 牡丹江水,汹涌澎湃,万马奔腾,一泻千里。 Waves upon waves, the Peony River rushed violently down its long course like a horse galloping.
2. The Differences
2.1 Inductive vs Deductive
Chinese Discourse → Inductive(归纳性) →Spiral English Discourse → Deductive(演绎性) →Straight
他出生在这一类人中间,出生在这种地 方,他还有这样的母亲,这些要是让她 知道的话,他会多么丢人。
1.4 lexical cohesion (词汇衔接)
Chinese-------- lexical repetition (词汇重复) English---------Semantic repetition (语义重复 or relative pronoun)
1)每年有2000多个等待器官移植的病人濒 于死亡……(人体)器官的短缺非常严重。 More than 2.000 patients are dying annually while waiting for transplants,…the shortage of organs is so serious