snagging method A judging method of pullpick for woven fabric.


检验方法 英语

检验方法 英语

检验方法英语One common method of testing is the laboratory method. In a laboratory setting, scientists are able to control and manipulate conditions in order to observe the effects of certain variables. This allows for a more controlled and systematic approach to testing, which can be helpful in identifying cause-and-effect relationships.Another method of testing is the field method. In this approach, testing is conducted in real-world settings, such as in a workplace or community. This method allows for a more realistic assessment of how a product or process will perform in actual use, but it can also be more challenging to control for all variables.In addition to these methods, there are also standardized tests that are used to assess the performance of products or processes. These tests are often developed by industryorganizations or government agencies and are designed to provide consistent and reliable results across different testing facilities. Standardized tests can be useful for comparing the performance of different products or processes, but they may not always accurately reflect real-world conditions.One important aspect of testing is the selection of a representative sample. In order for test results to be meaningful, the sample being tested must be reflective of the larger population or system. This can be a challenging task, especially when testing complex systems or processes. Careful consideration must be given to the selection of a sample that accurately represents the full range of conditions and variables that may affect the performance of the product or process being tested.When conducting tests, it is important to carefully record and analyze the data that is collected. This caninvolve using statistical methods to identify patterns or trends in the data, as well as conducting thorough inspections and evaluations of the test results. This careful analysis is critical for drawing meaningful conclusions from the testing process.One potential challenge in testing is the presence of bias or confounding variables. Bias can occur when the test conditions or methods inadvertently favor one outcome over another, while confounding variables are outside factors that can influence the test results. Both of these issues can undermine the validity of test results, so it is important to carefully consider and account for them in the testing process.Finally, it is important to communicate the results of testing effectively. This may involve preparing detailed technical reports or documentation, as well as presenting the results to stakeholders in a clear and understandable manner.Effective communication of test results is critical for ensuring that the findings are properly interpreted and used to inform decision-making.In conclusion, testing methods vary depending on the specific product or process being evaluated. Laboratory testing, field testing, and standardized testing are all common approaches, each with its own strengths and limitations. Careful consideration must be given to sample selection, data analysis, and potential biases in order to ensure that test results are meaningful and reliable. Effective communication of test results is also critical for ensuring that the findings are properly used to inform decision-making.。



保留时间 retention time被分离样品组分从进样开始到柱后出现该组分浓度极大值时的时间,也既从进样开始到出现某组分色谱峰的顶点时为止所经历的时间,称为此组分的保留时间,用tR表示,常以分(min)为时间单位。


 半峰宽 peak width at half-height又称半宽度、半峰宽度、区域宽度、区域半宽度,是色谱峰高一半处的峰宽度,用y1/2(或W1/2)表示。

半峰宽与标准偏差的关系为: 倍频 overtune基频以外的其他振动能级跃迁产生的红外吸收频率统称为倍频。


 表面增强拉曼Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering简称SERS。




 薄膜法thin film method适用于高分子化合物的红外光谱测定。


top 差示分光光度法 differential spectrophotometry分光光度法中,样品中被测组分浓度过大或浓度过小(吸光度过高或过低)时,测量误差均较大。



 超临界流体色谱 supercritical fluid chromatography,SFC以超临界流体作流动相,以固体吸附剂(如硅胶)或键合在载体(或毛细管壁)上的有机高分子聚合物作固定相的色谱方法。



石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定葛根粉中铅的不确定度评定冉雪琴1,赵心悦2,王维静1(1.成都东部新区公共卫生中心,四川成都 641418;2.四川大学华西公共卫生学院分析测试中心,四川成都 610044)摘 要:目的:采用石墨炉原子吸收光谱法对葛根粉中铅含量进行测定,并对检测结果不确定度进行评定与表示。




关键词:原子吸收光谱法;铅;不确定度;痕量分析Uncertainty Evaluation for the Determination of Plumbum in Kudzuvine Root Powder by Graphite Furnace AtomicAbsorption SpectrometryRAN Xueqin1, ZHAO Xinyue2, WANG Weijing1(1.Chengdu Eastern New Area Public Health Center, Chengdu 641418, China; 2.Analysis and Testing Center of WestChina School of Public Health, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610044, China) Abstract: Objective: To determine the lead content in kudzuvine root powder by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry, and to evaluate and express the uncertainty of the result. Method: By describing the measuring procedure of lead, the main components of influencing uncertainty were listed and quantified, and the synthetic standard uncertainty and extended uncertainty were calculated. Result: The content of Pb in kudzuvine root powder measured by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry was (0.032±0.014) mg·kg-1 (k=2). Conclusion: Standard curve fitting and parallel multiple measurements are the two components that have a great influence on the measurement uncertainty of lead. The observation value of blank test has a significant influence on the trace analysis results. Reasonable design of standard curve and optimization of standard curve fitting, standardized experimental operation and control of measurement precision can reduce the measurement uncertainty.Keywords: atomic absorption spectrometry; plumbum; uncertainty; trace analysis葛根,又名粉葛、葛条,是豆科植物野葛的根,属于一种中药材,因具有缓解人体氧化、抗炎、解酒护肝、保护神经等功效而受到人们的青睐[1]。



美国FDA分析方法验证指南中英文对照美国FDA分析方法验证指南中英文对照八、、I.INTRODUCTIONThis guida nee provides recomme ndati ons to applica nts on submitt ing an alytical procedures, validati on data, and samples to support the docume ntati on of the identity, strength, quality, purity, and potency of drug substances and drug products.1.绪论本指南旨在为申请者提供建议,以帮助其提交分析方法,方法验证资料和样品用于支持原料药和制剂的认定,剂量,质量,纯度和效力方面的文件。

This guida nce is in ten ded to assist applica nts in assembli ng in formati on, submitt ing samples, and prese nti ng data to support an alytical methodologies. The recomme ndati ons apply to drug substa nces and drug products covered in new drug applicati ons (NDAs), abbreviated new drug applicati ons (ANDAs), biologics license applications (BLAs), product license applications (PLAs), and supplements to these即plicatio ns.本指南旨在帮助申请者收集资料,递交样品并资料以支持分析方法。

A method for delignification of pulp

A method for delignification of pulp

专利名称:A method for delignification of pulp 发明人:Samuelson, Hans Olof申请号:EP86117166.8申请日:19861209公开号:EP0225638B1公开日:19900314专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The present invention solves the problems encountered when charging oxygen (0) to and removing inert gas from the reactor gas obtained in the activation of lignocellulosic material with gas that contains nitrogen dioxide (N0) and subsequent delignification of the material, the material being preferably in the form of chemical, aqueous cellulose pulp. The invention resides in a method which is characterized by separating (5) gas rich in nitrogen oxides from the lignocellulosic material during and/or after the activation thereof; by treating (6) all or part of the separated gas rich in nitrogen oxides with oxygen (7) in an amount corresponding to 10-200 mole percent calculated on the amount of nitric oxide (NO) present in the gas rich in nitrogen oxides separated for this treatment; by bringing (8) oxygen-treated gas into contact with lignocellulosic material so as to activate the material; and by separating gas lean in nitrogen oxides from the lignocellulosic material during a stage of the activation process different to that from which gas rich in nitrogen oxides was taken; and by removing (9) gas lean in nitrogen oxides from the process.申请人:MO OCH DOMSJO AKTIEBOLAG代理机构:Barz, Peter, Dr.更多信息请下载全文后查看。


申请人:RANUA, Jukka,LILLEBERG, Risto 地址:Revontulentie 6 FIN-02100 Espoo FI,Karnaistenkatu 30 A FIN-08100 Lohja FI,Tikasmäenkuja 6 FIN-02200 Espoo FI 国籍:FI,FI,FI 代理机构:SEPPO LAINE OY 更多信息 relates to a method for adjusting the fibrous properties of chemical pulp, mechanical pulp or chemi-mechanical pulp, for adjusting the smoothness of the properties and for decreasing any variation in quality. According to the method, in the manufacture of pulp, a wood material is used, which is selected according to the number of the tree’s annual rings. The wood material is classified according to the number of annual rings into categories that represent a certain fibre dimension property, such as the fibre length or the fibre coarseness. The wood material is classified by log or group of logs at any stage in connection with the felling of the wood or in the plant or at some stage of the chain between the stub and pulping and grinding or a refiner.



专利名称:PREPARING METHOD FOR XANTHOPHYLL CRYSTALS WITH HIGHER CONTENT OFZEAXANTHIN FROM PLANT OLEORESIN 发明人:XU, Xinde,SHAO, Bin,CHAO, Hongjuan,LAO, Xuejun,SUN, Xiaoxia申请号:EP10841903.7申请日:20100318公开号:EP2522655B1公开日:20170719专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:The invention makes public a preparing method for xanthophyll crystals with higher content of zeaxanthin from plant oleoresin. The current methods generally are to get quite pure crystal forms of xanthophyll or zeaxanthin, and they refer to several separation steps. The invention mixes the xanthophyll diester-containing plant oleoresins and food grade alcohol solvents to form even solution, and then soap-dissolve the solution under an alkaline environment; then replenish organic solvents and emulsifiers into the reaction solution and drop some alkali solution into the solution to make partial xanthophyll crystals be tranformed to be zeaxanthin through epimerization reaction; after the reaction is finished, add the mixed solvents of alcohol solvent and water to separate out the crystals; use the method of centrifugation or filtration to get the crystals; wash the crystals several times with the mixed solution of deionized water and alcohols to remove the impurities among the crystals; recrystallize the gained crystals with absolute ethyl alcohol, and then dry the crystals to get the products. The invention can gain mixture crystals that contain xanthophyll and zeaxanthin at one time in quitehigh collection rate, and it is convenient for the followed product application.申请人:ZHEJIANG MED XINCHANG PHARM地址:CN国籍:CN代理机构:ProI European Patent Attorneys更多信息请下载全文后查看。

Method and apparatus of growing a thin film

Method and apparatus of growing a thin film

专利名称:Method and apparatus of growing a thin film发明人:Sven Lindfors,Ivo Raaijmakers申请号:US10270745申请日:20021011公开号:US20030121469A1公开日:20030703专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:A method and apparatus for growing a thin film onto a substrate is disclosed.According to one embodiment, a plurality of substrates, each having a width and a length,are placed in a reaction space and the substrates are subjected to surface reactions of vapor-phase reactants according to the ALD method to form a thin film on the surfacesof the substrates. The reaction space comprises an elongated gas channel having a cross-section with a width greater that the height and which has a length which is at least 2 times greater than the length of one substrate in the direction of the gas flow in the channel, the channel having a folded configuration with at least one approximately 180 degree turn in the direction of the gas flow.申请人:LINDFORS SVEN,RAAIJMAKERS IVO更多信息请下载全文后查看。




电感耦合高频等离子体光源 电感耦合高频等离子光源(ICP)是本世纪60年 代出现的一种新型的光谱激发光源。等离子体是一 种由自由离子、电子、中性原子与分子所组成的在 总体上呈中性的气体。在近代物理学中,把电离度 大于0.1%,其正负电荷相等的电离气体称为等离子 体。ICP装置由高频发生器和感应器、炬管和供气系 统、试样引入系统三部分组成。高频发生器的作用 是产生高频磁场以供给等离子体能量。感应圈一般 为以圆铜管或方铜管绕成的2-5匝水冷线圈。等离 子炬管由三层同心石英管组成。ICP焰明显地分为三 个区域:焰心区、内焰区和尾焰区。内焰区温度约 6000-8000K,是分析物原子化、激发、电离与辐射 的主要区域。

薄膜法 thin film method 适用于高分子化合物的红外光谱测定。 将样品溶于挥发性溶剂后倒在洁净的玻璃板 上,在减压干燥器中使溶剂挥发后形成薄膜, 固定后进行测定。

差示分光光度法 differential spectrophotometry 分光光度法中,样品中被测组分浓度过大或浓 度过小(吸光度过高或过低)时,测量误差均较大。为 克服这种缺点而改用浓度比样品稍低或稍高的标准 溶液代替试剂空白来调节仪器的100%透光率(对浓 溶液)或0%透光率(对稀溶液)以提高分光光度法 精密度、准确度和灵敏度的方法,称为差示分光光 度法。差示分光光度法又可分高吸光度差示法,低 吸光度差示法,精密差示分光光度法等。

半峰宽 peak width at half-height 又称半宽度、半峰宽度、区域宽度、区域半 宽度,是色谱峰高一半处的峰宽度,用y1/2 (或W1/2)表示。半峰宽与标准偏差的关系 为:

倍频 overtune 基频以外的其他振动能级跃迁产生的红 外吸收频率统称为倍频。v=0至v=2的跃迁称 为第一个倍频2n,相应地3n, 4n……等均称为 倍频。

detecting method

detecting method

detecting methodDetecting MethodIntroduction:Detecting method refers to the process of identifying, analyzing, and determining the presence or absence of a certain condition or object. It plays a crucial role in various fields such as science, technology, medicine, and security. In this article, we will explore some common detecting methods used in different domains.1. Visual Detection:Visual detection is one of the most intuitive and widely used methods. It relies on human eyes or optical instruments to identify and analyze visible objects or phenomena. For example, in surveillance systems, cameras capture images or videos, which are then analyzed by algorithms to detect suspicious activities or objects.2. Audio Detection:Audio detection utilizes sound waves to identify specific patterns or signals. It is commonly used in fields such as speech recognition, music analysis, and acoustic monitoring. For instance, voice assistants like Siri or Alexa candetect and process human speech by analyzing audio signals. 3. Chemical Detection:Chemical detection involves the analysis of chemical substances or reactions to determine the presence or concentration of particular components. It is extensively applied in areas like environmental monitoring, food safety, and forensic analysis. For instance, gas sensors can detect the presence of harmful gases in the air, ensuring a safe working environment.4. Biological Detection:Biological detection focuses on identifying and analyzing biological materials or processes. It is widely used in medical diagnostics, genetic testing, and environmental research. For example, DNA sequencing techniques can detect genetic mutations and provide valuable information for disease diagnosis and treatment.5. Magnetic Detection:Magnetic detection relies on the measurement of magnetic fields to identify and analyze magnetic materials or properties. It is commonly used in applications such as metal detection, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), andmagnetic sensors. Metal detectors, for instance, use electromagnetic fields to detect the presence of metallic objects in various scenarios.6. Thermal Detection:Thermal detection involves the measurement and analysis of heat or temperature variations. It is widely used in fields like building automation, energy management, and medical imaging. Infrared cameras, for example, can detect heat signatures and identify potential energy losses or anomalies in buildings.7. Motion Detection:Motion detection is a method to identify and analyze moving objects or changes in the environment. It is extensively utilized in surveillance systems, traffic monitoring, and human-computer interaction. For instance, security cameras equipped with motion sensors can detect any movement in their field of view and trigger alarms or recording.8. Data Mining:Data mining refers to the process of discovering patterns or relationships in large datasets. It is commonly used in fields like finance, marketing, and scientific research. Byapplying statistical algorithms and machine learning techniques, data mining can detect anomalies, predict trends, and make valuable insights from complex data. Conclusion:Detecting methods play a vital role in various domains, enabling us to identify, analyze, and understand the world around us. From visual and audio detection to chemical, biological, magnetic, thermal, motion detection, and data mining, these methods provide valuable information for decision-making, problem-solving, and innovation. As technology continues to advance, new detecting methods will emerge, further enhancing our ability to explore and comprehend the complexities of our universe.。



1.2 结构分析
确定物质中元素的排列组合方式 晶系 (Crystal system ) 晶胞参数 (Cell parameters ) 原子坐标, 按等效点系描述 (atom
coordinates in the unit cell) 物相分析 (mineral phases)
晶胞常数: a, b, c, α, β,
原子坐标(Atomic coordinates):
Байду номын сангаас
例如:石盐的结构 (NaCl) Fm3m a = 5.628A Cl: 4a, 0,0,0 Na: 4b, ½,½,½.
1.3 表面形态
观察物质的表面形貌——微形貌 宏观 — 微观 — 超微观: 宏观:肉眼观察; 微观:显微镜、电子显微镜; 超微观:扫描隧道电子显微镜、原子力显微镜。
For example
C (Carbon): 可能是石墨(graphite) 、金刚石 (diamond)、富
勒烯(C60)、碳纳米管、石墨烯(Graphene),因 为它们结构不同 (原子排列不同)。
SiO2: α-石英、β-石英、硅藻土、玛瑙、玉髓、……
Al2SiO5: 红柱石(Andalusite)、蓝晶石 (Kyanite)、硅线石
Radiating Isotope放射同位素
2.1.4 其它方法
a) 电子探针( Electron Probe Microscopic analysis,简称EPMA)
类似于XRF, 但电子探针的光源是电子束,而且是对微区 进行分析 ,因此也被称为微区化学成分分析方法。



Unit3Thescientificmethod科研方法Unit 3The scientific method科研方法Every scientist dreams of lighting up some dark corner of the natural world —or, almost as good, of finding a dark corner where none had been suspected. The most careful observations, the most elaborate calculations will not be fruitful unless the right questions are asked. Here is where creative imagination enters science, which is why some of the greatest scientific advances have been made by young, nimble minds.每一位科学家都渴望探明自然界未知领域的客观规律;或者说每一位科学家都渴望找到一处前人尚未耕耘过的研究园地。



Scientists study nature in a variety of ways. Some approaches are quite direct: a geologist takes a rock sample to a laboratory and, by inspection and analysis, finds out what it is made of and how and when it was probably formed. Other approaches are indirect: nobody has ever visited the center of the earth or ever will, but by combining a lot of thought with clues from different sources, a geologist can say with near certainty that the earth has a core of molten iron. No matter what the approaches to particular problems may be, however, the work scientists do always fits into a certain pattern of steps. This pattern, a general scheme for looking at the universe, has become known as the scientific method.科学家以各种方式研究自然。

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