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A.Know trAffiCrules.B.LeArn toDriveC Arefully.C.LeArn toDriveAnDknow trAffiCrules.
12.When mustn’t the mAnDriveA C CorDing to the pAssAge?
A.After heDrinks.B.After he hAsAColD.C.After heDoesn’t feel hAppy.
15.Her sonCoke,But now hemilk.
A. useDtoDrink; is useDtoDrinkingB. useDtoDrinking;Drinks
C. is useDtoDrinking; useDtoDrinkD. wAs useDtoDrink; isDrinking
6.WhAtAre they tAlkingA Bout?
A.Shopping online.B.PlAying sports.C.The wAy to feelBetter.
7.HowDoes the womAn like shopping online?
A.It mAkes her exCiteD.B.ItCosts herAlot of money.
JohnBrown wAs poor when he wAs young, so he hA Dno money toBuy gooDslothes. When he wAs___16___,heDiDnot weAr gooDClothes,___17___.As hisClothes were so olD, theColors in the mAteriAl fA DeD(褪色)over the yeArs. So they were quiteDifferent form___18___AnDhe wAs glA DtoDressDifferent(不同地)form other men. OfAll hisClothes, he likeDone of his olD___19___Best. It wAs mA De ofAkinDof mAteriAl thAt he likeD. Even when he went outsiDe, he wAs___20___the olDCoAt.
10.NowA D Ays, it’sConvenient(方便的)AnDCheAp for usAshAreD–BiCyCle.
A. riDeB. to riDeC. flyingD. to fly
11.一TheCheeseDoesn'tgooD. WhyDon't we go toBuy some freshCheese?
A. moreC ArefulB. mostC ArefullyC. mostC ArefulD. moreC Arefully
9.The stAmp show is very interesting. I think it’s.
A.Busy visitingB.worth visitingC.reA Dy to visitD.A Ble to visit
A.AtB. inC. toD. on
14.--- Hi Lingling! How wAs your sChool trip?
--- We tookAtour to NAnwAn LAke..
A. TAkeC Are!B. It wAs greAt fun!C. HAveAgooDtrip!D. It looks reAlly greAt.
2.WhyDo moreAnDmore people go to workByBike?
A.BeC Ause it isAgooDwAy to keep fit.
B.BeC Ause it isAgooDwAy to sAve time.
C.BeC Ause it isAgooDwAy to sAve money.
期末测 试 卷
1.WhAt wAs the weAther like lAst SunD Ay?
3.How soon will the fooDBe reA Dy?
A In 12 minutes.B.In 15 minutes.C.In 20 minutes.
4.WhereC An the mAnBuyAA C Arf for his mother?
A.On the first floor.B.On the seConDfloor.C.On the thirDfloor.
4.Let’sDisCuss the proBlemAnDtheBest wAy toDo it.
A. put onB.C AtCh up e e up with
5.---C An you finish the work?
--- InA Bout two weeks.
18.A. otherB. othersC.AnotherD. the other
19.A.CoAtsB. shirtsC. pAntsD. sweAters
20.A. inB. ofC. forD. unDer
21.A.BreAkfAstB. lunChC.DinnerD. supper
22.A.AskeDB. tolDC. proteCteDD. stoppeD
A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How fAr
6.JA CkMike knows littleChinese. TheyC An’t unDerstAnDtheChinese text.
A. Not only;ButAlsoB.As;AsC. Either; orD.Both;AnD
A.Movie stArs.B.FAmous moDels.C.StuDentsAnDteA Chers.
10.When will the show stArt?
A.At 8:00A.m.B.At 8:15A.m.C.At 8:30A.m.
11.WhAt shoulDthe mAnDo if he wAnts toBeADriver?
Afew minutes lAter, he wAlkeDto his plA Ce in the restAurAnt withAnother olDCoAt,But the gAtekeeper followeDhim, shouting louDly, “Stop! YouC An’t go in like thAt!”
A. will heCome; willComeB. he willCome;Comes
C. heComes; willComeD.Does heCome;Comes
3.The work wAshArDit took us quiteAlong time toDo it.
A. suCh; thAtB. so; thAtC. too; thAtD. too; to
1.--- WhAtheAvy rAin it wAs!
--- Yes,But I loveAirAfter it rAins. It smells so fresh.
A.the;AB.A; theC.the; theD.A;A
2.IDon’t know when.When he,I’llC All you.
John’s___25___fA Ce turneDBlA Ck, “Do you think I’m going to tAke it offAny more?”
16.A.BigB. olDerC. olDestD. the olDest
17.A.AlsoB. tooC. eitherD.As well
B.BeC Ause she wAs illAnDDiDn’t hAve time toDo it.
C.BeC Ause sheAlwAys plAyeDonline gAmesAllD Ay.
15.WhAt is the girl going toDoBeforeBreAkfAst tomorrow?
一SounDs greAt!
A. seeB. finDC. sounDD. tAste
12.If itsunny tomorrow, I will go shopping with my frienDin the supermArket.
A. willBeB.BeC. isD. wAs
13.TAiwAn isthe southeAst ofChinA.
23.A.BuyB. sellC. weArD. like
24.A. WhenB. UntilC. IfD.BeC Ause
C.It’sAgooDwAy to feel relAxeD.
8.WhAtAre the two speAkers tAlkingA Bout?
A.AC Ar show.B.AtAlk show.C.AfAshion show.
9.Who will moDel theClothes in front of the GreenBuilDing?
7.IDon’t like living in theCityBeC Ause it istheCountrysiDe.
A.As quitetAsB. more quietly thAnC. not so quietAsD. less quietly thAn
8. -HowC Areful Jim is! - He writes ____ in ourClAss.
A.She is going to sChool.B.She is going to tAkeArun.
C.She is going to tAkeABus.
A.B.C.D. E.
One morning he went toAniCe restAurAnt for___21___in his olDCoAt.At theDoor of the restAurAnt, the gAtekeeper___22___him form entering it. “WhAt is the mAtter?”heAskeDAngrily(生气地). The mAn pointeDto the olDout. “Don’t you___23___it?”John shouteD, “___24___youDon’t like it, I’ll tAke it off.”
13.How mAny suggestionsAre mentioneD?
14.WhyDiDn’t the girl finish her homework?
A BeC Ause she forgot toDo her homework.பைடு நூலகம்
5.WhAtDoes theBoyDo toCeleBrAte hisBirthD Ay?
A.He hAsApArtyAt home.B.He goes to the pArk with his frienDs.
C.He wAtChesAfilm with his frienDs.
12.When mustn’t the mAnDriveA C CorDing to the pAssAge?
A.After heDrinks.B.After he hAsAColD.C.After heDoesn’t feel hAppy.
15.Her sonCoke,But now hemilk.
A. useDtoDrink; is useDtoDrinkingB. useDtoDrinking;Drinks
C. is useDtoDrinking; useDtoDrinkD. wAs useDtoDrink; isDrinking
6.WhAtAre they tAlkingA Bout?
A.Shopping online.B.PlAying sports.C.The wAy to feelBetter.
7.HowDoes the womAn like shopping online?
A.It mAkes her exCiteD.B.ItCosts herAlot of money.
JohnBrown wAs poor when he wAs young, so he hA Dno money toBuy gooDslothes. When he wAs___16___,heDiDnot weAr gooDClothes,___17___.As hisClothes were so olD, theColors in the mAteriAl fA DeD(褪色)over the yeArs. So they were quiteDifferent form___18___AnDhe wAs glA DtoDressDifferent(不同地)form other men. OfAll hisClothes, he likeDone of his olD___19___Best. It wAs mA De ofAkinDof mAteriAl thAt he likeD. Even when he went outsiDe, he wAs___20___the olDCoAt.
10.NowA D Ays, it’sConvenient(方便的)AnDCheAp for usAshAreD–BiCyCle.
A. riDeB. to riDeC. flyingD. to fly
11.一TheCheeseDoesn'tgooD. WhyDon't we go toBuy some freshCheese?
A. moreC ArefulB. mostC ArefullyC. mostC ArefulD. moreC Arefully
9.The stAmp show is very interesting. I think it’s.
A.Busy visitingB.worth visitingC.reA Dy to visitD.A Ble to visit
A.AtB. inC. toD. on
14.--- Hi Lingling! How wAs your sChool trip?
--- We tookAtour to NAnwAn LAke..
A. TAkeC Are!B. It wAs greAt fun!C. HAveAgooDtrip!D. It looks reAlly greAt.
2.WhyDo moreAnDmore people go to workByBike?
A.BeC Ause it isAgooDwAy to keep fit.
B.BeC Ause it isAgooDwAy to sAve time.
C.BeC Ause it isAgooDwAy to sAve money.
期末测 试 卷
1.WhAt wAs the weAther like lAst SunD Ay?
3.How soon will the fooDBe reA Dy?
A In 12 minutes.B.In 15 minutes.C.In 20 minutes.
4.WhereC An the mAnBuyAA C Arf for his mother?
A.On the first floor.B.On the seConDfloor.C.On the thirDfloor.
4.Let’sDisCuss the proBlemAnDtheBest wAy toDo it.
A. put onB.C AtCh up e e up with
5.---C An you finish the work?
--- InA Bout two weeks.
18.A. otherB. othersC.AnotherD. the other
19.A.CoAtsB. shirtsC. pAntsD. sweAters
20.A. inB. ofC. forD. unDer
21.A.BreAkfAstB. lunChC.DinnerD. supper
22.A.AskeDB. tolDC. proteCteDD. stoppeD
A. How longB. How oftenC. How soonD. How fAr
6.JA CkMike knows littleChinese. TheyC An’t unDerstAnDtheChinese text.
A. Not only;ButAlsoB.As;AsC. Either; orD.Both;AnD
A.Movie stArs.B.FAmous moDels.C.StuDentsAnDteA Chers.
10.When will the show stArt?
A.At 8:00A.m.B.At 8:15A.m.C.At 8:30A.m.
11.WhAt shoulDthe mAnDo if he wAnts toBeADriver?
Afew minutes lAter, he wAlkeDto his plA Ce in the restAurAnt withAnother olDCoAt,But the gAtekeeper followeDhim, shouting louDly, “Stop! YouC An’t go in like thAt!”
A. will heCome; willComeB. he willCome;Comes
C. heComes; willComeD.Does heCome;Comes
3.The work wAshArDit took us quiteAlong time toDo it.
A. suCh; thAtB. so; thAtC. too; thAtD. too; to
1.--- WhAtheAvy rAin it wAs!
--- Yes,But I loveAirAfter it rAins. It smells so fresh.
A.the;AB.A; theC.the; theD.A;A
2.IDon’t know when.When he,I’llC All you.
John’s___25___fA Ce turneDBlA Ck, “Do you think I’m going to tAke it offAny more?”
16.A.BigB. olDerC. olDestD. the olDest
17.A.AlsoB. tooC. eitherD.As well
B.BeC Ause she wAs illAnDDiDn’t hAve time toDo it.
C.BeC Ause sheAlwAys plAyeDonline gAmesAllD Ay.
15.WhAt is the girl going toDoBeforeBreAkfAst tomorrow?
一SounDs greAt!
A. seeB. finDC. sounDD. tAste
12.If itsunny tomorrow, I will go shopping with my frienDin the supermArket.
A. willBeB.BeC. isD. wAs
13.TAiwAn isthe southeAst ofChinA.
23.A.BuyB. sellC. weArD. like
24.A. WhenB. UntilC. IfD.BeC Ause
C.It’sAgooDwAy to feel relAxeD.
8.WhAtAre the two speAkers tAlkingA Bout?
A.AC Ar show.B.AtAlk show.C.AfAshion show.
9.Who will moDel theClothes in front of the GreenBuilDing?
7.IDon’t like living in theCityBeC Ause it istheCountrysiDe.
A.As quitetAsB. more quietly thAnC. not so quietAsD. less quietly thAn
8. -HowC Areful Jim is! - He writes ____ in ourClAss.
A.She is going to sChool.B.She is going to tAkeArun.
C.She is going to tAkeABus.
A.B.C.D. E.
One morning he went toAniCe restAurAnt for___21___in his olDCoAt.At theDoor of the restAurAnt, the gAtekeeper___22___him form entering it. “WhAt is the mAtter?”heAskeDAngrily(生气地). The mAn pointeDto the olDout. “Don’t you___23___it?”John shouteD, “___24___youDon’t like it, I’ll tAke it off.”
13.How mAny suggestionsAre mentioneD?
14.WhyDiDn’t the girl finish her homework?
A BeC Ause she forgot toDo her homework.பைடு நூலகம்
5.WhAtDoes theBoyDo toCeleBrAte hisBirthD Ay?
A.He hAsApArtyAt home.B.He goes to the pArk with his frienDs.
C.He wAtChesAfilm with his frienDs.