



Windows8 特性总结---互联网信息总结官方公布的特点:1.Window 8将支持ARM架构2.Metro界面与传统界面并存Metro界面就是把最需要的信息在App显示的地方展示出来。

比如把最近好友的留言在SNS(Social Network)应用显示区域展示出来,把所在地的天气信息实时展示出来等等。





有两个和目前流行的iOS以及Android不同之处:1、Swip for edge for system and App UI (从边界向屏幕里面拖拉可以显示系统或者App的UI)2、Swip to select(向下轻轻一拖,可以选中App)。






5.资源管理器采用Ribbon界面Windows 8的资源管理器采用了“Ribbon”界面——窗口上方以图标形式整合展现许多常用功能,如“复制”、“粘贴”和“剪切”等,方便用户寻找、使用这些功能。

在Windows 7及更早版本的Windows系统中,这些功能通常以子菜单的形式展现,用户需要经过两次点击才能完成。

“Ribbon”界面最初应用于Office 2007软件套装中,Office 2010延续了这一做法,Windows 7则部分采纳。

微软计划在Windows 8中全面整合这一界面。

6.原生支持虚拟光驱/硬盘Windows 8资源管理器支持用户直接加载ISO和VHD(Virtual Hard Disk)文件,用户只需选中一个ISO文件并点击"Mount(装载)"按钮,Windows 8就会即时创建一个虚拟驱动器并加载ISO镜像。



2024年程序员个人工作总结10篇【#工作总结# #2024年程序员个人工作总结10篇#】总结的内容包括成绩和做法、经验和教训、今后打算等方面。



















































uno platform的xaml语法

uno platform的xaml语法

一、什么是Uno Platform?Uno Platform是一个开源跨评台应用程序框架,让开发者可以用统一的XAML和C#代码来创建跨评台应用。

这意味着开发者可以使用Uno Platform来构建适用于Windows、iOS、Android和Web的应用程序,极大地提高了开发效率和代码重用性。



Uno Platform的XAML语法与传统XAML语法相似,但又有一些特定的差异和扩展。

三、Uno Platform的XAML语法特点1. 支持多个评台Uno Platform的XAML语法支持多个评台,包括Windows、iOS、Android和Web。


2. 支持数据绑定Uno Platform的XAML语法支持数据绑定,开发者可以将界面元素与数据模型进行绑定,实现界面和数据的实时同步。


3. 支持动画和转换Uno Platform的XAML语法支持动画和转换效果,开发者可以通过简单的XAML语法来实现界面元素的动画效果和转换效果,提升用户体验。

4. 支持自定义控件Uno Platform的XAML语法支持自定义控件,开发者可以通过XAML语法和C#代码来创建自定义的用户界面控件,满足特定的需求和设计要求。

5. 支持样式和模板Uno Platform的XAML语法支持样式和模板,开发者可以通过XAML语法来定义界面元素的外观和布局样式,实现界面的统一风格和可重用性。

6. 支持响应式设计Uno Platform的XAML语法支持响应式设计,开发者可以使用XAML语法和C#代码来创建适配不同设备屏幕大小和分辨率的用户界面,提升应用程序的适用性和用户体验。














()参考答案:1-5 ×√√×× 6-10 ×√√√×名词解释—传统方法学部分1.软件工程 14.作用域27.Beta测试/β测试2.软件过程15.控制域 28.回归测试3.软件生命周期16.扇出29.软件维护4.软件危机17.扇入30改正性维护5.结构化分析18模块独立性31.完善性维护6.实体-联系图19.结构化程序设计32.适应性维护7.数据字典20.编码风格33.预防性维护8.结构化设计21.白盒测试34.软件可维护性9.模块化22.黑盒测试35.软件维护副作用10逐步求精23.单元测试36.可重用性11.信息隐藏24.集成测试37.可靠性12.耦合25.系统测试38.可用性13.内聚26.α测试/Alpha测试β测试:由软件的最终用户们在一个或多个客户场所进行。





谈谈微软的Metro Design设计风格

谈谈微软的Metro Design设计风格

Metro UI,也叫Modern UI(这个名字现在更常用)、Windows8 Style UI,是微软基于设计语言设计的一种界面风格,此设计已被用于移动操作系统Windows Phone、Windows 8、Xbox 360等多款微软产品,也是目前各种设计风格里面最大行其道的,所以先讲讲Metro UI Design。

Metro设计理念图例为WP7和WP8的Segoe字体Metro作为一种文字导向(typography-based)的设计,设计一般采用微软WP为此设计的标准字体:"Segoe WP",它也比起其他UI设计风格更加注重字体,并且在持续不停进化中,原因是Metro的设计原则之一是"content before chrome",翻译过来大致是“内容大于装饰”,所以这种设计风格更加注重应用内容本身(一般以文字和线描图展现),而不是在于传统设计上的“Graphic”(图形),这也是当初它搭配在Lumia上一出世就把大家惊艳到的主要因素。



微软认为Metro设计主题应该是:“光滑、快、现代”(Simple.Clean.Modern),于是现在你看到的Metro的图标设计也不同于Android 和iOS,即便它还是有不少的传统意义上的图标。

2006年,Zegoe UI风格2006年,当微软媒体播放器内置系统Zune开始使用类似Metro的设计风格的时候,微软的设计师就计划重新设计现有用户界面、更清爽的排版和较少的重点以便于用户使用,当时还被称为* Zegoe UI。

后来移植到手机,出现了“Live tiles”(活动磁贴)*,并成为了Metro UI的一个重要组成部分。




动手实验定义应用资源实验版本: 1.0.0最后更新日期:9/13/2013概述Windows 8提供了一种全新编程平台,使开发人员在台式机、平板电脑和其他设备上都能同样轻松地编写丰富的应用程序。

利用这个新平台开发的应用程序称为“Metro 风格的应用”,可以在 HTML 和 JavaScript中编写,或使用 XAML 和 C#、VB 或 C++ 编写。

通过 HTML编程模型,熟悉 HTML5 和 JavaScript 的开发人员能够利用他们的技能来构建应用,并把应用放到 Windows应用商店中出售,而 XAML编程模型提供了一个 Silverlight 和 WPF 开发人员非常熟悉的环境。

Metro 风格的应用依赖于 Windows 运行时(也称为WinRT)提供的 API。

WinRT 提供数千个类,它们分为 100 多个命名空间,用于执行从与其他应用程序共享内容到访问 Windows 应用商店的一切活动。

WinRT API 由 Microsoft Windows Library for JavaScript(也称为 WinJS)和 .NET 予以补充,其中 .NET 用于以其他语言编写的应用程序。

这些 API 共同提供了构建丰富多彩的Metro 风格的应用的基础。

本实验介绍在使用 JavaScript 和 HTML 的 Metro 风格应用开发时,如何去定义应用资源。

在在 Windows 8 Release Preview 中使用资源基础结构来处理选择最适合的资源以适应特定用户的运行时环境。

目标1.本实验将向您展示:∙如何在 Visual Studio 中创建新的 Metro 项目∙理解如何应用一张图片资源∙理解限定符的含义并学会简单的运用限定符∙学会用不同的方式去加载字符产资源∙简单的文件资源的加载系统要求2.要完成本实验,您的计算机必须安装以下软件:∙Microsoft Windows 8 正式版∙适用于 Windows 8 的 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012RTM安装3.要完成本实验,您需要在计算机上执行以下步骤完成准备工作:1.安装 Microsoft Windows 8 正式版2.安装适用于 Windows 8 的 Microsoft Visual Studio 2012RTM练习4.本实验包括以下练习:1.使用文件或图像资源2.使用字符串资源3.如何使用限定符命名资源4.如何加载字符串资源5.如何加载文件资源5.本实验预计用时:40-70分钟练习 1:使用文件或图像资源作为该章节的第一个练习,您需要在前面已经创建好的Visual Studio 项目中,添加一个新的文件夹中,本实验的内容将全部在里面操作。



VisualStudio各版本区别Visual Studio 是微软公司推出的开发环境,Visual Studio 可以用来创建Windows 平台下的Windows 应用程序和网络应用程序,也可以用来创建网络服务、智能设备应用程序和 Office 插件。

V.S.2012 .1、VS2012和VS2010相比,最大的新特性莫过于对Windows 8 Metro开发的支持。


不过对于开发者而言,要想使用这项新功能,必须要安装Windows 8 RP版。


2、VS2012 RC在界面上,比Beta版更容易使用,彩色的图标和按照开发、运行、调试等环境区分的颜色方案让人爱不释手。


NET MVC 4,全面支持移动和HTML5,WF 4.5相比WF 4,更加成熟,期待已久的状态极工作流回来了,更棒的是,它的设计器已经支持C#表达式(之前只能用VB。


4、VS2012支持.NET 4.5,和.NET 4.0相比,4.5更多的是完善和改进,4.5也是Windows RT被提出来的首个框架库,.NET获得了和Windows API同等的待遇。


6、VS2012对系统资源的消耗并不大,不过需要Windows 7/8的支持。

V.S.2010特点支持Windows Azure,微软云计算架构迈入重要里程碑。


实践当前最热门的 Agile/Scrum 开发方法,强化团队竞争力。




materialdesigninxamltoolkit原理全文共四篇示例,供读者参考第一篇示例:Material Design in XAML Toolkit,简称MDX Toolkit,是一个用于WPF和UWP应用程序的开源框架,旨在帮助开发者轻松实现Google Material Design风格的界面设计。


MDX Toolkit的原理主要基于Material Design设计原则,即平面化设计、卡片效果、阴影效果、鲜艳的色彩和动画等。


MDX Toolkit通过提供一系列预先设计好的控件和样式,帮助开发者轻松地将这些设计原则应用到他们的应用程序中。

在MDX Toolkit中,最核心的概念是“Theme”,即主题。




除了主题之外,MDX Toolkit还提供了许多常用的控件,如按钮、文本框、下拉框、进度条等。


MDX Toolkit还提供了一些特殊的控件,如Avatar、Card、Chip等,这些控件提供了更加丰富和独特的界面元素,帮助开发者实现更具有创意和个性化的设计。

除了控件和主题之外,MDX Toolkit还提供了一些动画效果,如按钮点击效果、页面切换效果等。



第二篇示例:MaterialDesignInXAMLToolkit 是一个用于在WPF 应用程序中实现Material Design 风格的工具包。



White PaperIntroducing the CA IDMS REST APIThe CA IDMS™ Representational State Transfer (REST) Application Programming Interface (API) provides database administrators (DBAs) the ability to quickly and easily access data to analyze system issues, automate processes and alerts to create intelligent recommendations for tuning. By leveraging the CA IDMS REST API modern tooling can be used, offering flexibility of choice for users to work in familiar environments. The data from a REST invocation is returned in JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) which is simple to consume and parse with modern programming languages. This white paper will outline the importance of APIs, share insights on how the CA IDMS REST API can be used, along with real-world examples and benefits.Data is the most valuable asset for businesses and CA IDMS houses this data, fueling our customers’ mission critical systems. It is crucial that they have the ability to leverage their existing investments, which includes skills, to manage and maintain core systems to support their end users and customers in order to compete and succeed in their respective industries.Why CA IDMS REST APIs and What Problems Do They Solve?In many cases, organizations who have seasoned users maintaining and managing their business essential systems face upcoming retirements and a need to backfill these critical roles, often with users who are unfamiliar with the mainframe or CA IDMS. Opening up and making our databases more extensible through the use of APIs and services is key in simplifying and automating every day user experiences. The CA IDMS REST API makes it easier to maintain existing applications, build new systems, and manage the ongoing health of mission critical systems. APIs provide modern, scalable access to z/OS services, tools, and data.With the CA IDMS REST API, you can use modern development tools to maintain your CA IDMS applications and leverage your mainframe investment.REST Assured, Your Business Data Is Not ExposedThere are two flavors of APIs:⏹Business APIs for business applications and data ⏹System APIs that are focused on DevOps, systems management, and infrastructureHow CA IDMS TM DBAs Leverage OpenSource and APIs for Monitor ingThe CA IDMS REST API is in the category of System APIs, in which the data (JSON) returned represents CA IDMS system data, and performance statistics. The CA IDMS REST API contains functions for viewing and maintaining your CA IDMS databases, while keeping your data protected. Your unique business and application data stored within CA IDMS is not exposed or compromised.Figure 1: The CA IDMS REST API exposes your CA IDMS system data and not your application or personal database data.As part of the Broadcom CA Database modernization strategy, APIs play a role in transforming the mainframe for hybrid IT by making the mainframe a more integrated, agile platform. The CA IDMS REST API can automate database application maintenance and administration. The CA IDMS REST API allows administrators of online systems to monitor operations to see trends and recognize unusual conditions that can indicate problems in order to be proactive rather than reactive when system issues occur.Historically, a CA IDMS DBA analyzed problems by relying on green-screen access, as well as leveraging CA IDMS Performance Monitor. Although this was acceptable for an experienced DBA who was familiar with CA IDMS and the world of green-screens, this environment is not ideal for a new or next-generation user of CA IDMS who is unfamiliar with the product and green-screen navigation. APIs help address this challenge by providing a familiar and flexible way to interact with the traditional mainframe platform, easing new DBAs and developers into mainframe roles by allowing them to work with familiar tools and environments.Embrace Open and Deliver at the Speed of BusinessOur CA Database modernization strategy aligns with the overarching product strategy of Broadcom and the direction to “Embrace Open” and to deliver at the speed of business. By leveraging open source technologies and taking an API approach, our customers are able to integrate the mainframe with everything – data, apps, and services – from mobile to mainframe. This approach empowers end users to increase productivity, using tools they are familiar with, shielded from the perceived complexity of the mainframe.With the inception of Zowe, an open source framework for mainframe, the platform enables customers to securely develop and manage applications like any other cloud-based platform. The framework and capabilities accelerate mainframe application development with modern DevOps tools, while introducing new levels of automation and management of infrastructure and systems. By arming new and emerging mainframe users with these valuable skills, Zowe helps in sustaining the mainframe environment by attracting and retaining next generation talent.The CA IDMS REST API is Zowe Conformant and can be integrated with the Zowe/Brightside APIMediation Layer. Conformance with Zowe ensures that you can expect a high level of commonfunctionality, interoperability, and user experience. Leveraging the CA IDMS REST APIstandalone or in conjunction with Zowe to integrate with open source tooling and dashboards area powerful way to enhance and simplify the user experience for new DBAs and other users.Supported ActionsThe CA IDMS REST API lets you perform the following actions to manage and monitor your CA IDMS databases:⏹View performance and monitor statistical data⏹View DC log records⏹Execute DCMT and DCUF commandsExample Use CasesAs a developer or database administrator, you can use the REST API in the following ways:⏹Enable client dashboards or applications to view system and performance data.⏹Enable automated warnings and recommendations to avoid critical system risks and outages.⏹Obtain flexibility to leverage modern, user-friendly tooling to improve the user experience.Figure 2: Your CA IDMS databases remain safely secured as the system of record.The CA IDMS REST API, deployed on z/OS UNIX System Services (USS), utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS) certificates, secured HTTP connection (HTTPS) protocol and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). In addition, API functions can be secured with either DCMT security or External Security Managers (ESMs).Simplifying PerformanceMaintaining the high level of performance of your CA IDMS databases is essential. By lowering CPU usage and response times, you can reduce your total cost of ownership (TCO) and obtain the highest possible throughput, while enabling as much work to get done as possible. While the vast flexibility and options within CA IDMS enable superior reliability and continuity for your essential core business, they may be overwhelming for new DBAs who might not know where to start.How can years of experienced DBA knowledge be retained and utilized to continuously tune and improve your databases? CA IDMS stores an abundant amount of performance related metrics that can be viewed within CA IDMS through the following ways:⏹DCMT, DCUF, and OPER commands⏹Culprit PMA and PMI reports⏹SREPORTS reports⏹Performance Monitor Product screens (PMRM, PMIM, and PMAM)However, if you do not know what you are looking for, this data may be indistinguishable and confusing. Report outputs span several pages and contain rows and columns of numerical data that require detailed analysis and correlation to form meaningful conclusions.Figure 3: Display command, DCMT DISPLAY ACTIVE TASKS, to view active tasks within the CA IDMS system. Command output typically spans multiple pages, showing both system and user tasks.Would you like to simplify this user experience?Scripting or coding languages can be used to parse and retrieve relevant data to compare values, determine performance issues, produce alerts, and therefore greatly reduce the length of time spent analyzing outputs. Through the use of the CA IDMS REST API calls, the values are returned in JSON format, which can be easily handled by many modern programming languages.The following code example shows the JSON response from the CA IDMS REST call to return a list of active user tasks. The experienced DBA knows that seeing tasks waiting on the Program Definition Table (PDTECB) indicates a potential problem with available space in a storage pool, which can cause task delays while programs wait for pool availability.{"taskNumber": 2581,"taskCode": "DCRTMAIN","taskStatus": "WAIT","taskPriority": 100,"currentProgram": "","currentLinkLevel": 0,"lteName": "VL500125","userId": "","storageRceCount": 2,"programRceCount": 75,"runUnitRceCount": 0,"miscRceCount": 1,"privateNonXaStorage": 640,"privateXaStorage": 40320,"sharedNonXaStorage": 0,"sharedXaStorage": 3968,"programNonXaStorage": 0,"programXaStorage": 44576,"allocatedStorage": 40960,"systemModeTime": 0,"userModeTime": 0,"ecbAddress": "3B229858","ecb1Type": "PDTECB","ecb2Type": "","ecb3Type": "","dbkeyHolder": "0","radixOfDbkeyHolder": "0","dbkeyHolderTask": "","defaultDictnode": "","defaultDictname": "","defaultDbnode": "","defaultDbname": "","defaultVersion": 0}Building the FutureTime-consuming and manual performance diagnostic activities performed by experienced DBAs can be turned into reusable scripts or programs, capturing the knowledge and expertise for the next generation of mainframe users. Problem detection and root cause analysis is simplified, saving valuable time to address issues before business impacts occur. By leveraging the CA IDMS REST API to invoke repeatable processes, you have increased flexibility to drill down into the data, to form insights, and to determine meaningfulness by understanding the relationships for corrective actions.The following example shows how programming languages contain built-in methods (such as JSON.parse) to easily handle REST API response data. Key/Value pairs can be referenced by name and then used for subsequent analysis and steps.// Produce an alert if active user tasks are waiting on the Program Definition Table// (The JSON response is in variable “myJSON”)var myObj = JSON.parse(myJSON);var string1 = ‘PDTECB’var string2 = ‘WAIT’if ((string1.localeCompare(myObj.ecb1Type) == 0) && (string2.localeCompare(myObj.taskStatus) == 0) {performAlert();}If the user task is waiting for the Program Definition Table, then a warning is automatically generated to alert the DBA of a potential issue.Executing REST API calls can also be performed easily within scripts and programs.The following example shows an example of how a CA IDMS REST API call is used to display storage pools for a CA IDMS system.The following examples shows a Python code snippet for a GET call to retrieve a list of storage pools for a given CA IDMS system:import requestsurl = "https://myhost:myport/api/v1/storagePools/SYSDEMO"headers = {"cache-control": "no-cache","accept": "application/json;charset=UTF-8","cookie": "XSRF-TOKEN mytokenvalue","Authorization": "Basic myauth"}response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, verify=False)DevOps Automation and Continuous DeliveryUsing repeatable scripts or by capturing the logic of rules, performance impacts can be obtained and compared before and after CA IDMS system or application changes to ensure quality assurance and stability. Expected or target values for performance statistics become part of the DevOps process, where tests are run on an automation pipeline within the development cycle. The CA IDMS REST API enables you to retrieve data to help analyze accuracy and performance differences within your CI/CD pipelines for continuous deployment best practices. The open access to the various combinations of data provides you with countless opportunities, as well as more freedom and control.CA IDMS system and database benchmarks can be automated with the CA IDMS REST API by utilizing scripting logic to validate performance metric ranges during the development cycle.The example on the following page displays various statistics that without automation, would need to be manually analyzed and compared.Figure 4: Display for the command, DCMT DISPLAY STATISTICS SYSTEM, to receive an overview of system statistics.With end-to-end mainframe DevOps, customers can achieve greater business agility to deliver innovations and to keep pace with business-centric demands. Existing DevOps solutions and products that are popular today leverage REST APIs and can be used to accelerate and automate mainframe development across hybrid and cross-platform applications and ecosystems.The following workflow is an example of a DevOps workflow for updating a CA IDMS application:1. A change request is issued and an alert is sent to the DBA.2.System analysis and performance baselines are established for the CA IDMS application.3.Changes are now ready to be promoted from development to QA.4.Performance metrics are captured and compared to baselines.5.If performance metrics meet or exceed the expected results, changes are promoted to production.Modern and Graphical Real-Time MonitoringOpen source dashboard tools are familiar to the next-generation workforce and are generally more visually appealing and attractive, providing an alternative option for database monitoring without displacing existing tools and monitoring methods. Embracing open source solutions helps you to save costs and improves the overall return on investment (ROI) for integrating your mainframe and empowering enterprise innovation.Would you like to deliver a better user experience, improve slow manual processes, and ease resource constraints?The CA IDMS REST API enables you to move beyond traditional approaches, and to move from reactive mode to proactive techniques. Data is more sharable, easy to access, and supports self-service.Figure 5: Sample use case: Transition from the mainframe terminal displays, such as PMRM screens with the CA IDMS Performance Monitor, to graphical dashboards with open source products.In the above figure, a JSON exporter invokes the CA IDMS REST API every five minutes, populates a time series database called Prometheus, and is represented graphically by a web-enabled analytics product called Grafana. These tools not only aid displays, but are configurable for alerts and rules logic.With enhanced visualization to various performance metrics, DBAs can more easily monitor operations to see trends and recognize unusual conditions that can indicate problems. Statistics exposed by the CA IDMS REST API can be collected at regular intervals for further analytical and historical diagnostics and queries. Conditions, such as Short on Storage (SOS), can be monitored by setting thresholds in the dashboard tool or generating alerts and notification emails. REST API calls and JSON data formats can even be consumed by familiar tools, such as Microsoft Excel, so that you can feed data into Excel reports or click a button that invokes and retrieves a metric value. Embracing open source and APIs can help you to deliver at the speed of business, securely and predictively, so that you can leverage systems data and services from mobile to mainframe.Leveraging Your Investments for Future GrowthThe CA IDMS REST API builds upon the existing value that customers have already invested in their CA IDMS mission-critical systems that have grown with and supported their businesses for decades. CA IDMS is a proven, reliable, scalable, and highly performant database management system. Our product strategy of “Embrace Open” positions us to be more agile in serving our customers’ modernization needs to optimize, simplify, and automate, and to help further exploit the benefits of the platform while helping address the skills challenge. The end goal is to enable our customers to leverage their existing investment and to transform user experiences by opening up CA IDMS through APIs.How to Get Started?⏹If you are a licensed CA IDMS/DB customer running the latest version (19.0), the CA IDMS REST API is available toyou as part of the base license.⏹You can download your copy of the CA IDMS Rest API online at Support. To install your product, follow the installationprocedures for your product on Tech Docs. If you have any questions or require assistance, contact your l ocal technical support group or visit the Support Portal.⏹Please visit the CA IDMS IUA EIUA Community site and participate in conversations regarding the CA IDMS REST API.Let us know what you think we should do next.⏹Learn more by watching the webcast replay, CA IDMS REST API: Overview and Demo.⏹Learn more by watching the video, APIs and Integration Using Open Source Monitoring Tools, delivered by David Ross,CADatabaseArchitect(***********************).⏹Formoreinformation,contactProductManager,SheilaMiller(***************************)orProductOwner,NakeshaNewbury(****************************).Broadcom, the pulse logo, Connecting everything, CA Technologies, the CA technologies logo, and Automic are among the trademarks of Broadcom and/or its affiliates in the United States, certain other countries, and/or the EU.Copyright © 2020 Broadcom. All Rights Reserved.The term “Broadcom” refers to Broadcom Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. For more information, please visit . Broadcom reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products or data herein to improve reliability, function, or design. Information furnished by Broadcom is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, Broadcom does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of this information, nor the application or use of any product or circuit described herein, neither does it convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others.。



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下载 Ad SDK 要植入广告,只需要添加几行代 码
支持使用 HTML/XAML 编写的
应用商店 Windows Store
通过这一节课,可以使 听众对Windows Store 有更深的理解。让大家 更清楚Windows Store 的开发者分成模式。掌 握如何使用Windows App Certification Kit。
Windows Store简介
• Windows Store markets
• How to test your app with the Windows App Certification Kit
Step 4
这一步开始验证选中的目标程序。此时,系统会自动重复 吭动、关闭目标程序若干次,注意在此期间,丌要对当前 设备执行仸何操作以免影响验证结果。
Step 4说明
应用清单策略测试; 应用清单资源测试; 崩溃和挂起测试; 文件编码测试; 性能测试; …… 测试结果为通过、警告、戒者失败。警告戒者失败的项应按照认 证要求进行整改。



<Path Fill="Orange" Stroke="Red" StrokeThickness="5" Canvas.Top="20" Canvas.Left="100"> <Path.Data> <LineGeometry StartPoint="20,20" EndPoint="100,100"/> </Path.Data> </Path>
通过这一节课,可以使听 众对XAML的资源和样式, 绘图,图像处理和动画的 基本概念有了更深的理解, 掌握如何从代码层面实现。
<Grid> <Grid.Resources> <LinearGradientBrush x:Key="bgBrush" StartPoint="0.5,0" EndPoint="0.5,1"> <GradientStop Color="Yellow" Offset="0.0" /> <GradientStop Color="Blue" Offset="0.75" /> <GradientStop Color="Green" Offset="1.0" /> </LinearGradientBrush> </Grid.Resources> <Button> <Button.Resources> .... </Button.Resources> </Button> …… </Grid>



metro详细介绍解释 Metro是微软在Windows Phone 7中正式引⼊的⼀种界⾯设计语⾔,也是Windows 8的主要界⾯显⽰风格,以下是由店铺整理关于什么是metro的内容,希望⼤家喜欢! metro的定义 Metro是由微软公司开发的内部名称为“typography-based design language”(基于排版的设计语⾔)。


该技术已于2010年初(美国)获得Metro UI专利批准(USPTO)如今该技术被引⼊到微软最新开发的Windows Phone 操作系统和已经发布的Windows 8、Windows 8.1以及Office 15中。

强调信息本⾝的Metro UI是⼀种界⾯展⽰技术。

metro的历史 Metro基于瑞⼠平⾯设计的设计原则,本设计原则在Windows XP的Windows Media Center中有体现,这有利于以⽂字为主的界⾯导航。



Zune的电脑端配套程序也使⽤了不同于以往Portable Media Center⽤户界⾯的清爽排版和设计。

metro的开发 Metro的设计意念来源于交通局巴⼠站站牌机场和地铁的指⽰牌给了微软设计团队灵感,设计团队说Metro是来源于美国华盛顿州⾦县都会交通局(King County Metro)的标识设计,其风格⼤量采⽤⼤字体,能吸引受众之注意⼒。


Metro的图标设计也会不同于Android 和iOS。

Metro UI软件 Metro是微软为了⽅便开发者编写Metro风格的程序⽽提供的⼀个开发平台,可以调⽤微软WinRT暴露出来的接⼝编写Metro风格的程序。

Microsoft Project 2007 白皮书:新功能与优势说明书

Microsoft Project 2007 白皮书:新功能与优势说明书

What’s New in Microsoft Project 2007? Advantages and Benefits of Upgrading from Microsoft Project 2000/2003 to Microsoft Project 20071.Summary:This whitepaper highlights the key new features in Microsoft Office Project 2007 and describes how it is more powerful and easier to use as a project management tool. This document is divided into three sections: Planning, Communicating, and Tracking & Analyzing. Learn about new tools such as …multi-level undo‟ or …show change highlighting‟ or …task drivers‟ and understand how these and other tools will increase your effectiveness as a project manager.1. PlanningMicrosoft Project 2007‟s new and enh anced tools such as project guide, help, templates, task drivers and multi-level undo all make it easier and more effective to quickly and easily set up project plans. Ever wonder what is driving the start date of a task in your plan? Now you can take advantage of the new …Task Drivers‟ tool which traces the source of the controlling factors affecting the start date of any task or milestone. Ever wanted to plan without worrying about the impact of adding new information? Now with multi-level undo, you can plan with the peace of mind knowing you can undo whatever information you put into your plan.Enhanced Project GuideThe Project Guide provides a step-by-step, interactive aid that helps set upprojects, manage tasks and resources,track status, and report projectinformation. The Guide has beenimproved so that project managers caneasily maneuver through the projectmanagement process and they are alsocustomizable for differentmethodologies. For example, it is nowpossible to include tools such as a linkto the forms developed following theProject Management Process.Enhanced HelpMicrosoft Project 2007 provides assistance for novice to experienced users. It includes a robust Help search engine, smart tags, and wizards. Also included, is online access to training courses, templates, articles, and other help resources.Enhanced TemplatesThe additional templates in Office Project 2007, and the downloadable free templates from Microsoft Office Online, make it easier to start projects and to save time. It is also possible to create custom templates to ensure greater consistency and standardization across an organization.New! Task DriversBecause this feature did notexist in previous versionsdetermining all the controllingfactors of a task was acumbersome process. Taskdrivers can now trace the sourceof issues by showing whichfactors affect the start date of atask. Examples of possibledrivers are predecessors,constraints, project start dateand calendar exceptions. Aschanges are made, it becomeseasy to identify factors affectingtask schedules, and to follow achain of factors back to identify the root cause of a particular delay.New! Multiple Level Undo’sThis is a much anticipated feature new to this version. What-if scenarios, such as reallocating resources, changing durations, and altering dependencies are easy to map using the undo and redo‟s. Changes to views, data, options and more are all possible with Multi-Level Undo‟s. Actions or sets of actions from macros can also be undone to test several what-if scenarios in order to fully understand the implications of each choice.2. CommunicatingWhether it is communicating with project team members, senior management, or project customers, Microsoft Project 2007‟s new communication tools can generate custom reports in a variety of format according to stakeholders needs.Enhanced ViewsWith new enhancements to theCalendar interface and theaddition of 3-D Gantt bars, it ispossible to create even morevisually effective reports.New! Visual HighlightThe cell shading background allowsproject managers to highlight cellsin order to convey additionalmeaning. This feature has beenpopular in Microsoft Excel but wasnot in previous versions ofMicrosoft Project. Previously, it wasnecessary to change the font colorto obtain this effect.New! Visual ReportsThe Visual Reports featureleverages charts and diagrams byusing Microsoft Office Excel andMicrosoft Office Visio Professionalto produce charts, graphs, anddiagrams based on Office Projectdata. A user can define customreport templates or choose froma list of customizable, ready-to-use report templates and thenshare reports with other OfficeProject users. In previousversions it was necessary to gothough many steps to export theproject data and then build thevisual reports with otherapplications.3. Tracking and AnalyzingWith Microsoft Project 2007, once a project begins managers have a more effective tool to manage change, and keep projects on-track. Change highlights are a powerful new tool that makes it easy to understand the impact of making a change throughout the entire plan. The Top-Down Budgeting allows for assignment of budgets to projects and programs. Further, by defining custom fields based on formulas, managers can compute and track core metrics unique to specific projects.New! Change HighlightsThis new feature is simple, andthe alternative in old versionswas to have two copies of the fileto compare. Microsoft Project2007 will automatically highlightall items that shift as a result ofthe most recent change made.This means that it is now possiblefor users to see the impact thata change will make to the overallschedule and then decide to keepit or undo the change.New! Control FinancesWith Top-Down Budgeting, budgetscan be assigned to projects andprograms. The new “cost” resourcetype improves cost estimates andtracking. Other cost enhancementsinclude more predefined fields thatmap to financial fields tracked inproject accounting systems.Enhanced Flexible Project Tracking and AnalysisBy defining custom fields based on formulas, it is possible to compute and track core metrics unique for projects. Graphical indicators can provide alerts when specific conditions are met.ConclusionThese key new features in Project 2007 make it a more powerful and easy to use planning, tracking and communicating tool. These planning features - Project Guide, Help, Templates, Task Drivers - enable managers to successfully undertake and see projects to their conclusions. The improved communication tools enable managers tokeep team members, senior management and project customers informed using custom reports. Managing change and keeping the project on-track is now easier using Change Highlights, the Top-Down Budgeting feature and by defining custom fields. As well,what-if scenarios are now possible during any stage of a project life cycle using Multiple Undo‟s.Microsoft Office Project 2007 provides you with all the tools to increase your effectiveness and productivity as a project manager.About Author:Keith Wilson is an executive and senior consultant with the Project Management Practice Inc. 。



Symantec™ Mail Security 8300技术白皮书目录1. 概述 (3)2. 垃圾邮件问题的现状 (4)2.1. 垃圾邮件的定义 (4)2.2. 垃圾邮件的演化 (4)2.3. 垃圾邮件发送者所采用的手段............................................................... 52005年6月Symantec 和Symantec 徽标是 Symantec 公司和/或其附属机构在美国和其他国家或地区的注册商标。

“Symantec”及“赛门铁克”是Symantec 公司在中国的注册商标。


版权所有©2004 Symantec 公司。


3. Symantec Mail Security 8300反垃圾邮件解决方案 (6)3.1. SMS8300设备概述 (6)3.2. SMS8300的使用方式 (8)3.3. SMS8300的工作原理 (9)3.4. SMS8300体系结构概述 (11)3.5. SMS8300系列功能介绍 (12)3.5.1. 电子邮件防火墙 (12)3.5.2. TCP 层流量优化 (13)3.5.3. 反垃圾邮件技术 (14)3.5.4. 防病毒技术 (16)3.5.5. 内容策略一致性 (17)3.5.6. 组策略和过滤策略 (18)3.5.7. 最终用户功能 (19)3.5.8. 管理和易管理性 (19)3.5.9. 设备型号和规格 (22)3.6. 部署模型 (23)3.6.1. 基本网关部署 (23)3.6.2. 网关部署 - 多个设备 (24)3.6.3. DMZ 中的网关部署 (25)3.6.4. 网关部署 - 带有 SMTP 网关的 DMZ (25)3.6.5. 多层网关部署 (26)3.6.6. 网关后部署 (27)随着信息时代到来,电子邮件在人们的生活中扮演越来越重要的角色,企业进行业务往来更加依赖于邮件系统的正常运作。

Windows 10应用基础 第9章 Metro附件应用

Windows 10应用基础 第9章  Metro附件应用
2. 检查应用程序更新
• 4. 测量距离
• 如果想要知道任意一条路线的距离,可以在Windows Ink工具栏上 选择“测量距离”,然后沿着要测量的路线绘制一条线。当用户抬 起笔、鼠标或手指时,距离将显示在所绘制的线条旁边。
9.3 使用天气应用
• Windows 10的“天气”应用可以用来方便地获取最新 的天气情况,随时查看精确的பைடு நூலகம்0天和每小时天气预报。
• 通过单个应用即可实现以下所有功能: • 添加联系人以及在Skype上与好友和家人保持联系; • “人脉”、“邮件”和“日历”应用密切协作; • 在通过“邮件”应用向联系人发送电子邮件时,该应用会从
“人脉”应用(联系人信息的存储位置)中选取此联系人的 电子邮件地址。
9.1.1 打开Metro应用
2. 手动添加联系人 1)在“人脉应用”主界面,单击“新建联系人”按钮。 2)在“新建Outlook(邮件和日历)联系人”页面,在各个输入框中 填上联系人的相关信息。
9.1.3 查看联系人
9.2 使用地图应用
• 无论是驾驶、步行还是乘公交,Windows 10“地图”都可以指引 用户到达目的地。用户可以获取路线并从备用路线中进行选择,或 规划具有多个停靠站的更长行程。如果出门旅行,还可以在出发前 下载离线地图,这样即使无法访问网络也可以搜索并获取路线。
写或涂画。若要使用手指、鼠标,需要先选择工具栏右 侧的“触摸写入”,然后选择所需工具。在想要移动地 图、缩放或在应用中执行任何其他操作时,请关闭“触 摸写入”。 • 提示: • 通过手指触摸写入时,需要计算机支持触摸屏幕。如果 计算机不支持触屏,可以使用鼠标进行绘图。



ComponentOne 2013 V1产品白皮书西安葡萄城信息技术有限公司目录一.ComponentOne公司介绍 (1)二.ComponentOne控件套包介绍 (1)ponentOne Ultimate (1)1)产品介绍 (1)2)包含控件 (2)3)2013 V1新特性 (5)ponentOne Studio Enterprise (6)1)产品介绍 (6)2)包含控件 (7)ponentOne Studio for Windows Forms (7)1)产品介绍 (7)2)包含控件 (8)3)2013 v1新特性 (11)ponentOne Studio for Wijmo (12)1)产品介绍 (12)2)包含控件 (13)3)2013 v1新特性 (17)ponentOne Studio for Silverlight (18)1)产品介绍 (18)2)包含控件 (20)3)2013 v1新特性 (23)ponentOne Studio for WPF (24)1)产品介绍 (24)2)包含控件 (25)3)2013 v1新特性 (28)ponentOne Studio for WinRT XAML (30)1)产品介绍 (30)2)包含控件 (32)3)2013 v1新特性 (33)三.产品授权和产品升级 (34)四.技术服务 (34)五.典型用户和用户反馈 (35)一. ComponentOne公司介绍ComponentOne 是一家总部位美国于宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡市的软件开发公司,在Microsoft Visual Studio 控件行业中长期处于领先地位。

ComponentOne 为基于Microsoft Windows、Web 和移动的应用程序开发人员提供最广泛的工具和解决方案,为编写和开发帮助系统的开发人员提供帮助,这些工具在全世界广为分发和使用。




About the T utorialWelcome to the XAML tutorial for beginners. This tutorial puts greater emphasis on real-time implementation of the concept rather than discussing just the theory part.The primary objective of this tutorial is to provide you a better understating of what you can do with XAML development irrespective of the platform you are using. AudienceThis tutorial has been designed for all those readers who want to learn XAML and to apply it instantaneously in different type of applications.PrerequisitesBefore proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of XML, Web Technologies, and HTML.Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute, or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness, or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or in this tutorial, please notify us at **************************iT able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Table of Contents .................................................................................................................................... i i 1.XAML – OVERVIEW .. (1)How XAML Works (1)Advantages of XAML (1)2.XAML – ENVIRONMENT SETUP (3)Installation (3)First Step towards Implementation (7)3.WRITING XAML APPLICATION ON MAC OS (11)XAML – C# Syntax (11)Syntax Rules for Object Element (12)4.XAML VS C# CODE (13)5.XAML VS. (17)6.XAML – BUILDING BLOCKS (21)Objects (21)Resources (21)Styles (21)Templates (22)Animations and Transformations (23)7.XAML – CONTROLS (25)Button (27)Calendar (34)iiComboBox (45)ContextMenu (50)DataGrid (57)DatePicker (66)Dialog Box (71)GridView (74)Image (80)ListBox (84)Menu (89)PasswordBox (94)Popup (98)ProgressBar (101)ProgressRing (105)RadioButton (109)RichEditBox (115)ScrollViewer (123)SearchBox (129)Slider (133)TextBlock (138)TimePicker (141)ToggleButton (146)ToolTip (149)Window (152)8.XAML – LAYOUTS (157)Stack Panel (157)Wrap Panel (160)iiiCanvas Panel (167)Grid (170)Nesting of Layout (175)9.XAML – EVENT HANDLING (177)10.XAML – DATA BINDING (184)One-Way Data Binding (184)Two-Way Data Binding (187)11.XAML – MARKUP EXTENSIONS (189)12.XAML – DEPENDENCY PROPERTIES (193)13.XAML – RESOURCES (197)Resource Scope (198)Resource Dictionaries (199)14.XAML – TEMPLATES (202)Control Template (202)Data Template (204)15.XAML – STYLES (210)Control Level (214)Layout Level (215)Window Level (216)Application Level (218)16.XAML – TRIGGERS (221)Property Triggers (221)Data Triggers (223)iv17.XAML – DEBUGGING (228)UI Debugging Tools for XAML (231)18.XAML – CUSTOM CONTROLS (234)User Control (234)Custom Controls (238)vXAML 1XAML stands for Extensible Application Markup Language. It’s a simple and declarative language based on XML.∙ In XAML, it very easy to create, initialize, and set properties of an object with hierarchical relations.∙ It is mainly used for designing GUIs.∙It can be used for other purposes as well, e.g., to declare workflow in Workflow Foundation. XAML can be used in different platforms such as WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), Silverlight, Mobile Development, and Windows Store App. It can be used across different .Net framework and CLR (common language runtime) versions. How XAML WorksXAML is a declarative language in the sense it defines the WHAT and HOW you want to do. XAML processor is responsible for the HOW part to find out. Let's have a look at the following schema. It sums up the XAML side of things:The figure illustrates the following actions:∙The XAML file is interpreted by a platform-specific XAML processor. ∙ The XAML processor transforms the XAML to internal code that describes the UI element.∙The internal code and the C# code are linked together through partial classes definitions and then the .NET compiler builds the app. 1.XAMLAdvantages of XAMLOne of the longstanding problems that all of us face with GUI design can be solved by using XAML. It can be used to design UI elements in Windows Forms applications.In the earlier GUI frameworks, there was no real separation between how an application looks like and how it behaves. Both the GUI and its behavior were created in the same language, e.g. C# or , which would require more effort from the developer to implement both the UI and the behavior associated with it.Earlier GUI FrameworksWith XAML, it is very easy to separate the behavior from the designer code. Hence, the XAML programmer and the designer can work in parallel. XAML codes are very easy to read and understand.XAML Framework2XAML 3Microsoft provides two important tools for XAML:∙Visual Studio ∙ Expression BlendCurrently, both the tools can create XAML, but the fact is that Visual Studio is used more by developers while Expression Blend is still used more often by designers.Microsoft provides a free version of Visual Studio which can be downloaded from https:///en-us/downloads/download-visual-studio-vs.aspx Note: For this tutorial, we will mostly be using WPF projects and Windows Store App. But the free version of Visual Studio doesn’t support Windows Store App. So for that purpose, you will need a licensed version of Visual Studio.InstallationFollow the steps given below to install Visual Studio on your system:1. After downloading the files, run the installer. The following dialog box will be displayed.2.XAML 2.Click on the Install button and it will start the installation process.43.Once the installation process completes successfully, you will see the followingscreen.54.Close this dialog box and restart your computer if required.5.Now open Visual studio from the Start Menu which will show the following dialogbox. It will take some time for the first time, only for preparation.6Once all is done, you will see the main window of Visual Studio.7First Step towards ImplementationLet us start with a simple implementation. Follow the steps given below:1.Click on File > New > Project menu option.82.The following dialog box will be displayed:3.Under Templates, select Visual C# and select WPF Application. Give a name to theproject and click the OK button.94.In the mainwindow.xaml file, the following XAML tags are written by default. Youwill understand all these tags later in this tutorial.By default, a grid is set as the first element after page.Let's add a button and a text block under the Grid element. This is called object element syntax, a left angle bracket followed by the name of what we want to instantiate, for example a button, then define a content property. The string assigned to the Content will be displayed on the button. Now set the height and width of the button as 30 and 50 respectively. Similarly initialize the properties of the Text block.Now look at the design window. You will get to see a button. Now press F5 to execute this XAML code.When you compile and execute the above code, you will see the following window. Congratulation! You have designed your First Button.11XAML12XAML applications can be developed on Mac as well. On Mac, XAML can be used as iOS and Android applications. To setup the environment on Mac, go to . Click on Products and select the Xamarin Platform. Download Xamarin Studio and install it. It will allow you to develop applications for the various platforms.XAML – C# SyntaxIn this chapter, you will learn the basic XAML syntax/rules to write XAML applications. Let’s have a look at a simple XAML file.As you can see in the above XAML file, there are different kinds of tags and elements. The following table briefly describes all the elements. 3.XAMLSyntax Rules for Object ElementSyntax rules for XAML is almost similar to XML. If you take a look at an XAML document, then you will notice that actually it is a valid XML file. However, an XML file cannot be a valid XAML file. It is because in XML, the value of the attributes must be a string, while in XAML, it can be a different object which is known as Property element syntax.∙The syntax of an Object element starts with a left angle bracket (<) followed by the name of the object, e.g. Button∙Define some Properties and attributes of that object element∙The Object element must be closed by a forward slash (/) followed immediately bya right angle bracket (>).Example of simple object with no child element:Example of object element with some attributes:Example of an alternate syntax to define properties (Property element syntax):Example of Object with Child Element: StackPanel contains Textblock as child element13XAML14You can use XAML to create, initialize, and set the properties of objects. The same activities can also be performed using programming code.XAML is just another simple and easy way to design UI elements. With XAML, it is up to you to decide whether you want to declare objects in XAML or declare them using code. Let’s take a simple example to demonstrate how to write in XAML: In this example, we have created a stack panel with a Button and a Text block and defined some of the properties of button and text block such as Height, Width, and Margin. When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following output:4.Now look at the same code which is written in C#.15When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following output. Note that it is exactly the same as the output of XAML code.16Now you can see that how simple it is to use and understand XAML.17XAML18In this chapter, we will write the same example in so that those who are familiar with can also understand the advantages of XAML.Let’s take a look at the the same example again which is written in XAML: In this example, we have created a stack panel with a button and a Text block and defined some of the properties of the button and the text block such as Height, Width, and Margin. When the above code is compiled and executed, it will produce the following output:5.Now look at the same code which is written in :19When the above code is compiled and executed the output is exactly the same as the output of XAML code.You can now visualize how simple it is to work with XAML as compared to .In the above example, we have seen that what we can do in XAML can also be done in other procedural languages such as C# and .Let’s have a look at another example in which we will use both XAML and . We will design a GUI in XAML and the behavior will be implemented in .In this example, a button is added to the main window. When the user clicks this button, it displays a message on the message box. Here is the code in XAML in which a Button Object is declared with some properties.In , the button click event (behavior) is implemented. This event displays the message on the messagebox.When the above code is compiled and executed, it will display the following screen:Now click on the above button that says "Click Me". It will display the following message:2122XAML23This chapter will describe some of the basic and important building blocks of XAML applications. It will explain how∙ to create and initialize an object,∙ an object can be modified easily by using resources, styles, and templates, ∙to make an object interactive by using transformations and animations.ObjectsXAML is a typically declarative language which can create and instantiate objects. It is another way to describe objects based on XML, i.e., which objects need to be created and how they should be initialized before the execution of a program. Objects can be∙ Containers (Stack Panel, Dock Panel)∙ UI Elements / Controls (Button, TextBox, etc.) ∙Resource DictionariesResourcesResources are normally definitions connected with some object that you just anticipate to use more often than once. It is the ability to store data locally for controls or for the current window or globally for the entire applications.StylesXAML framework provides several strategies to personalize and customize the appearance of an application. Styles give us the flexibility to set some properties of an object and reuse these specific settings across multiple objects for a consistent look.∙In styles, you can set only the existing properties of an object such as Height, Width, Font size, etc.∙ Only the default behavior of a control can be specified.∙Multiple properties can be added into a style.In the first diagram, you can see the same height and width properties are set for all the three button separately; but in the second diagram, you can see that height and width which are same for all the buttons are added to a style and then this style is associated with all the buttons.6.XAMLT emplatesA template describes the overall look and visual appearance of a control. For each control, there is a default template associated with it which gives the appearance to that control. In XAML, you can easily create your own templates when you want to customize the visual behavior and visual appearance of a control.In the following screenshot, there are two buttons, one is with template and the other one is the default button.24Now when you hover the mouse over the button, it also changes the color as shown below. With templates, you can access more parts of a control than in styles. You can specifyboth existing and new behavior of a control.Animations and T ransformationsAnimations and transformations inside the Windows Runtime can improve your XAML application by building interactivity and movement. You can easily integrate the interactive25look and feel in your XAML application by using the animations from Windows Runtime animation library. Animations are used∙to enhance the user interface or to make it more attractive.∙to attract the attention of the user to a change.In the following screenshot, you can see a square:When you hover the mouse over this square, it will expend in all directions as shown below.267.XAMLThe XAML User Interface framework offers an extensive library of controls that supports UI development for Windows. Some of them have a visual representation such Button, Textbox, TextBlock, etc.; while other controls are used as containers for other controls or content, for example, images. All the XAML controls are inherited from System.Windows.Controls.Control.The complete inheritance hierarchy of controls is as follows:Here is the list of controls which we will discuss one by one in this chapter.28In this chapter we will discuss all these controls with implementation.ButtonThe Button class represents the most basic type of button control. The hierarchical inheritance of Button class is as follows:Given below are the most commonly used properties of Button.293031End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://32。









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时间:2012-06-21 16:28来源:InfoQ 作者:曹如进(译)点击: 353次
微软发布了一篇名为《 Metro风格XAML应用程序性能技巧》的白皮书,其中包含一些关于保持响应、确保流畅动画、改善启动时间、消耗较少资源等方面的建议。


UI 相关:使用后台线程并保持UI线程可响应使用async与await编程;避免在布局处理过


UI 相关:
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