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海洋星球Planet Ocean (2012)中英剧本
很久以来NARRA TOR: For a long, long time,
我一直思索海洋,却未能参透I contemplated the ocean without understanding it.
我能感受到海水巨大的能量I could feel the immense energy of its waters.
我为它的深邃、幽蓝惊叹不已I was astonished by the depths of its blues.
我在宽广的海面上恣情呼吸I breathed the air of the wide open seas.
但事实上,我一无所见But in reality, I saw nothing.
这里是澳大利亚的鲨鱼湾Here at Shark Bay in Australia,
陡岸低声诉说着地球的历史the cliffs whisper to me the history of the Earth.
它们是海洋生命的孩子They are born from the life of the ocean,
当地球表面还被海水覆盖时a vast graveyard created by billions of skeletons of marine animals 各种海洋生物的遗骸已在海底堆积使如今的海洋俨然一个巨大的墓地accumulated at the bottom of the seas when the Earth itself was entirely ocean.
这些有机体创造出了空气These organisms created the air that I breathe
以及保护我们的大气层and the atmosphere which protects me.
我看到潮汐在沙滩上刻出沟纹I see powerful tides carving furrows in the sand.
却不知这就是生命的源头I don 't see that this movement is the source of all life.
我看到风儿堆砌出沙丘I see the winds shaping the dunes.
却不知大地与海洋深深的联系I don 't see the deep relationship between the earth and the sea. 我看到盐水洗白了旱地I see the salt bleaching the arid earth.
却不知海洋如何孕育了陆地I don 't see what the ocean brings to life on the continents.
我看到从未在陆地上见过的大草场I see immense prairies colonise the depths that I have never seen on land.
但鲨鱼湾有的远不止是这些But at Shark Bay, there is more than that.
我们人类的历史Here are the origins of our story,
从这里开始书写us, mankind.
人类历史起源于一群活化石It begins here, with a colony of living fossils,
这是生活在海面叫做叠层石的细菌bacteria who live at the surface of the ocean, called stromatolites.
我是它们的后代I am a descendant of this form of life,
它们是地球上最古老的生物出现于亿年前the most ancient known on Earth, which came into being four billion years ago.
我生于此,生于海洋I come from here, I come from the ocean.
此时此刻And now,
面朝大海,我满目皆是人facing the ocean, all I can see is us, mankind.
世界上有亿人口We are seven billion human beings.
这比自从人类出现以来More than the total number of people who have lived on Earth
在地球上生活过的人口总数还多since the beginnings of humanity.
我们凭着自己的想法改造世界We have shaped the world in our image.
在海边On the shores of the ocean,
我们建造大都市,供千百万人生活we have built vast cities where we live in our millions.
我们掘出港口,修平岛屿来建造工厂We have dug out ports, flattened islands to construct our factories.
海洋给了我们世界上所有的矿藏The ocean has brought us all the mineral riches of the world.供我们裁切,冶炼以及加工We work materials, meld steel, cut and slice.
十万船舶在海上穿梭One hundred thousand of our ships crisscross the seas.
地球上所有生物终难逃人类铁爪All that lives, all that grows on the Earth will one day pass through our iron grasp.
我们甚至运输森林We even transport the forests.
我们不断攫取海洋来滋养自己We delve unceasingly into the ocean to nourish ourselves.
我们成了超级掠夺者We have become super predators.
我们封装了整个世界We have canned the entire world,
亿集装箱因海洋得以运输million containers that we can transport, thanks to the ocean.
海洋为全球化带来了可能The ocean that offered us the possibility of globalisation.
这个星球是我们的The planet is ours.
但现在,我们何去何从?But now, where are we going?
我开始意识到为所欲为的后果I am becoming aware of the consequences of my power.
过度捕捞,全球变暖Overfishing, global warming,
能源枯竭,环境污染depletion of resources, pollution,
这些都是我们咎由自取my drive has taken me a long way.
这点我知道I know this
因为我能理解发生的事because I am capable of understanding what happens to me.
我再也见不到身边的事物了How have I gotten to this point
我是怎么到了这般地步?where I no longer see what is around me?
为了寻找答案,我们要追溯至太古时代To understand that, we have to return to the very beginning.
{\fs}{\b}{\c&HFFFFFF&}{\c&HFFF&}{\c&H&}行星海洋\N{\fs} \N{\fs}{\b}By aBU
太古时期,地球自燃In the beginning, the Earth consumed itself,
伴以剧烈的震动shaken by violent convulsions.
熔化物经受着The fusing matter was subjected to violent bombardments of meteors
来自太阳系流星的猛烈撞击coming from the solar system.
撞击产生了大气This battlefield gave rise to an atmosphere,
大气翻腾,因含有氮、碳、氢而显得通红stormy, red with nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen.
还有来自外星系的水蒸气And water vapour, which came from the galaxy.
地球表面就像一个巨大的泡泡The surface of the Earth was like an enormous bubble
在高压下升温,直至达到多摄氏度heated under pressure to over degrees Celsius.
接着炼狱般的地球冷却,水汽凝结Then the inferno cooled off and the vapours condensed,
引发了最严重的洪水producing the greatest of the terrestrial floods that occurred.
这发生在亿年前That was four billion years ago.
洪水几乎覆盖了整个地壳The flood covered almost all of the Earth 's crust.
洪水冲刷腐蚀着原始岩The water washed the primordial rock,
自身的盐度也因而上升eroding it away and becoming laden with salts.
地球成了被盐水覆盖的世界The Earth became a world of salty water.
我们称这盐水为海洋This water was called the ocean.
于是海洋行星就诞生了An ocean planet was born.
在亿年前的In the Ice Age,
冰河时期,温度降低million years ago, the temperature fell.
地球被冰盖覆盖了两千万年The planet remained white for million years,
接着火山中的碳引起的温室效应then melted because of a powerful greenhouse effect
使冰盖融化了created by the carbon of the volcanoes.
此后几次冰川期则与气候变暖交替出现Other glaciations followed, alternating with warming. 从这时期以后From this period
地球上只有南北两极还存留大面积冰盖there remain vast icy regions at the north and south poles of the globe.
在庞大的气候系统里,它们充当冷却器These regions work as coolers in an immense climate system.
在赤道附近Close to the Equator,
太阳炙烤着海洋,使其接近沸腾the sun heats the ocean, which seems to boil.
极地与赤道这种巨大的温差This contrast between the hot regions and the cold regions
产生了强空气对流generates powerful air currents.
也就是风,我们的故事少不了它These are the winds, essential to this story.
极地的冷、重气流下沉The winds descend, cold and heavy, from the polar regions
与赤道的热、轻气流碰撞and collide with the hot, light air of the Equator.
风因地球自转发生偏转These winds, curved by the rotation of the Earth,
形成巨大的漩涡form gigantic whirlpools.
当与海洋接触时,风推动海水On contact with the ocean, these winds push the water.
产生巨大的洋流They generate powerful marine currents
使数百万立方米的海水流动capable of moving millions of cubic metres of water across the ocean.
海洋各个角落都有漩涡Everywhere, the ocean is furrowed by whirlpools,
有的能持续数年some of which spin for years.
这种运动传递着地球表面的热量This movement spreads heat from the surface of the blue planet.
热带的热水流向极地The hot water of the tropics rises up towards the poles.
冷却后变浓,充满盐分Then this water cools, becomes more dense, laden with salt,
沉入海洋深处and falls down into the depths.
深处的海水因自身重力The water of the depths travels further down towards the bottom of the ocean,
继续向海底下沉pushed by its own weight.
这些水带着极地的寒气It carries with it the polar cold.
最终,冷水撞击海底Finally, it collides against the bottom
再回程到海面,重新升温and returns towards the waters of the surface, where it reheats.
完成这样一次洋流循环需要年It takes , years for a drop of water to complete this ocean cycle.洋流让地球有了适宜的气候These currents have created a temperate climate on Earth.
是洋流创造了的充满生机的地球It is to them we owe the creation of a living planet.
当阳光强烈且洋流上升至海面时When the sun is strong and the currents mount to the surface, 一个神奇的现象出现了an astonishing phenomenon occurs,
这如此惹眼,即便在太空中也能看到so gigantic that it is visible from space,
那是生命的爆发a blooming, an explosion of life.
这爆发的生命叫做浮游生物This life which appears is called plankton,
即「漂浮着的生命」"floating life ",
它们只能随水流飘荡而无法自己游动because it cannot move itself and drifts in the water.
这些生物从太阳获取能量This blooming gets its energy from the sun.
它们生活在海面以下米深度之内It occurs between the surface and the first metres depth, 这里能够照到阳光where the rays penetrate the ocean.
首先,谈谈微藻Firstly, there are tiny algae
这像是在两片海域中绵延的悬浮草场which spread like an immense floating prairie between two expanses of water.
每年因此产生的生物量Just the biomass thus produced every year
占到全球植被的一半represents half the vegetation of the planet.
一些微藻长得像星系Some microalgae resemble distant galaxies.
它们是原生生物,是极为古老的微生物These are protists, very ancient organisms.
尽管它们看着复杂Despite their complexity,
但多数只是单细胞结构外面裹着二氧化硅或石灰骨架most of them are nothing but a single cell surrounded by a silica or lime skeleton.
在这个阶段At this level,
植物和动物的区别还很模糊the distinction between plant and animal is blurred.
这些绿细胞有的有四肢,能往上浮Some of these green cells even have limbs which push them upwards,
以增大吸收阳光的表面积augmenting their surface area exposed to the sun.
这些微藻吸收碳,释放氧气All these microalgae consume carbon and produce, in return, oxygen.
人类呼吸的一半氧气都由它们制造Half of the air we breathe comes from these microalgae.
海洋是地球之肺The ocean is the blue lung of the planet.
这些植被又引发了新生命的爆发This vegetable flowering triggers another explosion of life,
出现了数以亿计以它们为食的植食动物that of billions of herbivorous animals which come to feed off the marine prairie.
这些动物仅有数毫米大,通常更小These animals measure hardly a few millimetres, often much less.
被分为水母类,甲壳类,细胞类They're classed as jellyfish, crustaceans, cells, shellfish, larvae, 贝壳类及幼虫类等数千个种类thousands of groups of species.
其中最重要的当数微型虾Among the most important of them are the innumerable tiny shrimps,
磷虾,它们日夜吞食藻类the krill, which graze on the algae night and day.
以及桡足动物And the copepods,
这是一种以四肢驱动跳跃为游动方式的微型海跳蚤a sort of tiny sea flea who swim by leaping, propelled by their limbs.
浮游生物中的肉食动物以它们为食The copepods are hunted by all the carnivores in the plankton,
尤其是这些箭形捕食者in particular these arrow-shaped predators,
它们装备有硅化物口器且非常贪婪voracious and armed with silicon teeth.
在这里,捕食者和猎物鱼龙混杂In this jungle, prey and predators mingle constantly
而捕食者也随时可能被甲壳类捕杀and there is always a crustacean ready to consume the preceding predators.
每分每秒都是生死时刻Each instant of life is an act of survival.
浮游生物就像一本翻开的书The plankton is an open book
带我们游历海洋的历史in which we can read the history of the ocean.
亿年间,在这片海洋植被上During three billion years, life has evolved here,
生命开始进化in this marine prairie.
一些古老的物种,比如胶状动物Some very ancient species, like the gelatinous animals,
只在海洋中进化have only evolved in the ocean.
在舒适的液体环境中In perfect harmony with the liquid environment,
它们的躯体具有弹性they have an elastic body,
能使它们同时进食和移动which allows them simultaneously to suck in food and to move.
有时候,它们一一钩连Sometimes, they hook on to one another,
形成链状体以加强在洋流中的运动forming immense chains to facilitate moving in the current. 这似乎有些混乱It looks chaotic,
但是麻雀虽小,五脏俱全but each living entity is organised down to the smallest detail.
这些生命最终还是灭绝了These explosions of life eventually disappear,
这是因为缺少资源,或受到天敌清剿devoured by a lack of resources or wiped out by an invisible enemy,
即隐形病毒的袭击an attack by a virus.
这些数以亿计的病毒的Billions of viruses,
任务就是控制生命的爆发whose biological role is to regulate each explosion of life.
大自然不会纵容过度繁殖Nature doesn 't tolerate excess.
所有的海洋物种都依赖这些可见浮游生物All the species of the ocean are dependent on this invisible plankton,
这就像一条长长的生物链Iike a long chain of life.
冬天就要结束时At the end of the winter,
鲭鱼结束冬眠,离开海底the mackerel depart from hibernation in the depths of the ocean.
它们来到海面寻找海洋植被They come up to the surface, seeking the marine prairie.
它们没有领头鱼The fish have no leader,
但是却能排好队形and yet they manoeuvre in perfect formation.
每条鱼都能有意识地控制Each fish is continuously aware of the presences of its neighbours
与其他鱼之间的距离并关注同伴and respects their distance.
自组织能力是鱼群必备的This self-organisation is a fundamental law of the group.
这使它们能结群觅食It enables them to hunt as a shoal
也增大发现食物富藏区的可能性and increases the chances of finding a rich feeding zone.
第一条发现食物的鱼The first who finds something
会通过简单动作引导其他的鱼can guide the others by a simple movement.
旗鱼是海洋里速度最快的鱼The sailfish is the fastest fish in the ocean.
它以鱼为食It feeds on fish.
它的背鳍赋予它出众的平衡性以成功捕获猎物Its dorsal fin gives it exceptional stability to
achieve its predatory goals.
一条公斤的旗鱼一生可吃掉公斤的鲭鱼A -kilo sailfish will consume in its lifetime , kilos of mackerel,
这些鲭鱼可吃掉一万公斤的浮游生物who themselves have consumed , kilos of zooplankton,
这些浮游生物可吃掉十万公斤的海洋植被who themselves have grazed on , kilos of marine prairie.
食物链呈一个金字塔等级状The food chain is a hierarchy, a pyramid structure.
有些物种会彼此帮助Some species choose to help one another.
蝠鲼只吃浮游生物Manta rays only eat plankton.
它们六米宽的翼幅是很好的避难所Their six-metre wingspan offers shelter.
作为报答,小鱼会移除它身上的寄生虫In return, the smaller fish remove the host's parasites.其他小鱼与鲸鲨结对Others opt for the whale shark,
那是世界上最大的鱼the largest of the fish.
鲸鲨远渡重洋寻找浮游生物This traveller crosses entire oceans in search of plankton.
跟随的小鱼则以它的摄入物为生It carries with it smaller fish who live off its intake.
海洋覆盖了地球三分之二的面积Solidarity also has a role in this liquid immensity,
在这米的深处,团结意味着生存, metres deep, covering two-thirds of the planet.
有时,这趟旅途会被陆地截断Sometimes, this journey is interrupted by land.
这里是印尼的四王群岛Here at Raja Ampat in Indonesia,
亿年前,海水消退,露出陆地Iand appeared when the ocean retreated two billion years ago. 这些石灰岛原本在海底These limestone hills were previously at the bottom of the ocean.
就像澳大利亚的鲨鱼湾Like at Shark Bay in Australia,
在海水覆盖地球的地质时代they are made of billions of plankton skeletons,
大量浮游生物尸骨堆积成了这些岛piled up in the geological era when the ocean covered the planet.
海水消退后With the receding of the waters,
被水蚀刻的岩石形成错综复杂的墓地erosion sculpted the rock into an elaborate graveyard,
座化石构成的岛屿犹如迷宫一般a labyrinth of , islands of fossilised plankton.
四王群岛The Raja Ampat Archipelago
是物种丰富区的中心地带is at the heart of a region rich in biodiversity.
有种鱼类生活在这里Fourteen hundred species of fish live here,
还有四分之一的海洋物种and a quarter of all marine species.
当遇上这些新生的岛屿时Coming into contact with these emerging lands,
一些浮游生物或是厌倦了疲惫与饥饿probably struggling against exhaustion and hunger,
结束了流浪,定居于此some plankton abandoned nomadic life and settled here.
这是亿年前的事That was million years ago.
这是海洋里的革命A revolution in the ocean.
这些浮游生物创造了珊瑚礁This family of plankton created the coral reefs.
白天我们很难见到珊瑚Coral is a creature we rarely actually see by day.
我们白天所见到的只是What we see in the daytime
保护珊瑚的钙质骨骼is the calcareous skeleton which serves as its shelter,
这是一种类似树状的骨骼a skeleton that resembles a tree, branches or leaves.
为了在这片营养匮乏的水域生存To survive in these waters scarce in nutrients,
珊瑚庇护着一种靠光合作用为生的藻类coral shelters an alga within it which feeds by day on sunlight.
藻类也成为珊瑚生长的推动力The algae have thus become the driving force of the construction,
孜孜不倦地抢占着阳光最强的位置aiming to occupy the best place in the sun.
每株珊瑚每年生长数毫米Each coral struggles against its neighbours to gain more light
以此与邻居争夺阳光at the speed of a few millimetres per year.
这片石化森林This petrified forest
是地球海洋里物种最丰富的生态系统is the most densely populated ecosystem on the ocean planet.
这是名副其实的海底绿洲A veritable oasis.
既可隐匿于此,也可狩猎于此You can hide here, and hunt here.
一切生命都有自己的领地Each has its own territory.
生命的构造都各尽其用Everything about life here is organised.
连鱼身上的色彩都能作伪装或迷惑用Even the colours of the fish represent camouflage or seduction.
这里就像一个海底都市,生物不停涌入Like a marvellous marine city, crowds pour in through the gates.
为了摆脱寄生虫它们不远万里而来They come from far away to get rid of their parasites
只有这里能有足够多的物种来满足需求because only the reef offers enough diversity to guarantee that kind of service.
数百万年的进化让各种生物Millions of years of evolution have enabled each species
在这珊瑚都市中各得其所,各尽其职to find a place and a role in this coral metropolis.
蝎子鱼伪装自己The scorpion fish camouflages itself,
蜘蛛蟹身上布满了贝壳while the spider crab lets itself be colonised by shellfish
使它静止时近乎隐形and becomes invisible when motionless.
你也可以隐匿Or you can hide.
在每座海底都市生命活动都是非自发的As in every cosmopolitan city, life in the reef is not spontaneous.
如果你不想成为他人的盘中餐There are codes, rules of social life to be respected
就要遵守这里的社交规则if you don 't want to end up in your neighbour's stomach.
这些章鱼让隐匿成为了艺术Concealment becomes an art for these octopi,
它们能够变换皮肤颜色和结构capable of changing the colour and structure of their skin
来迷惑敌人to deceive their attackers.
尽管这种集体生活存在风险Despite the risks of this collective existence,
很多物种还是将珊瑚礁作为了栖息地many species use the reef as a nursery.
在海洋中Of all the ocean,
珊瑚礁仍然是安家的最佳选择it is still the place that offers the best chance for raising a family. 为了防止其他鱼类将卵吃掉Cuttlefish protect their eggs by hiding them as deep as possible
乌贼将卵尽可能深地藏在珊瑚中in the branches of the coral so that other fish cannot eat them.
但是能藏多久?捕食者和猎物如此接近But for how long? Prey and predators are so close.
海葵的触手带有致命的剧毒The tentacles of the anemones are poisonous, even deadly.
只有小丑鱼能在其中生活Only clown fish can live among them.
从幼鱼期开始They immunise themselves
它们就通过摩擦触手来自我免疫by rubbing against the tentacles from a very young age.
这种自然接种This natural vaccination
使得海葵成为了它们的避难所then enables them to use the anemone as a refuge.
对那些不了解珊瑚礁的生物来说For those who do not know the reef,
这座大都市充满了危险this marvellous city is in fact full of dangers.
花伞软珊瑚不是花,而是没有骨骼的珊瑚The xenid is not a flower, but a coral without a skeleton,
它是用触手套住浮游生物的动物an animal that traps the plankton in its tentacles.
在夜晚,珊瑚礁更是险象环生At night, the reef is even more dangerous.
珊瑚活着的部分,即珊瑚虫The living part of the coral, the polyp,
白天看不到,晚上则会出现is invisible by day, but appears at night.
这种胶装生物是水母的远亲This gelatinous creature is a distant cousin of the jellyfish.
它也用触手捕食It also hunts with its tentacles.
它固定在珊瑚礁中Immobile in the reef,
依靠洋流送来猎物it relies on the marine currents to bring its prey.
靠得太近的生物就要葬身于此Too bad for those who float too close.
触手通过注射致命毒液Its tentacles immobilise everything that touches them
使一切接触它的生物动荡不得by injecting a deadly poison.
有时只消一种消化糖就足够强大到Sometimes, even a digestive sugar so powerful
能将活物直接消化that it can digest living things.
珊瑚是恐怖的猎手The reef is a dangerous predator.
一旦陷入其手,就不可能再逃脱Once trapped, the victim cannot escape from these arms,
触手将猎物缓缓送入口中,将其消化which pull it slowly towards the mouth, where it will be digested.
几乎每年到了春季满月的时候Once a year, at exactly the same time, at the spring full moon,
就会出现一种神奇的现象an extraordinary event occurs.
珊瑚进入了繁殖季节The reef enters its reproductive phase.
它们释放出数目巨大的雌雄配子By millions, they release male and female gametes.
融合之后产生了小珊瑚虫Fusing together, they give birth to larvae.
就是成年珊瑚礁的幼体The larvae of future coral reefs.
它们每年仅产一次卵This release of eggs happens only once a year.
一次只持续几小时It lasts for only a few hours,
这取决于特定珊瑚间完美的同步配合and it depends on perfect synchronisation between all the corals of a given species.
珊瑚虫幼体随着洋流The larvae are dispersed by the current
日夜飘荡直到在远方落足for several days and nights before landing further away.
它们要去开辟一片新领地They leave to conquer a new territory.
那些幸存的幼体坚守深海中新的疆界Those which survive fix on the new walls of the deep sea 以此壮大这片滋养它们的珊瑚礁to perpetuate the immense coral city which gave birth to them.
扩张从未停息It's a constant expansion.
亿年来For million years,
珊瑚不断繁殖,死亡,再繁殖the coral have been growing, dying and growing.
它们的骨骼构成了天空可见的珊瑚礁帝国Their construction has built an empire visible from the skies,
这是地球上最大的活体建筑the biggest living construct of the planet.
海洋中的所有动物All the fauna of the ocean
都与这些生命绿洲息息相关is linked to these oases of life.
在波利尼西亚,石斑鱼经过长途旅程In Polynesia, the grouper make a long voyage
来到珊瑚礁区产卵to come and lay their eggs on the side of the reef.
这是这个孤独种群的大聚集It's a huge meeting for this normally solitary community,
它们在环礁湖寻找安全的繁殖之处who come to the lagoon seeking shelter for their reproduction.
但这种聚集会引来觅食的灰鲨But this meeting is also attended by marauding grey sharks.
石斑鱼的一生中In the course of their lives,
出生时是雌性,而后变成了雄性groupers start off female, then change sex and become male 当长到一定年龄和重量时once they are above a certain weight and age.
雄鱼向前跳跃,混合精子They leap forward, mixing their sperm.
雌鱼产卵后变得虚弱,成为易捕的猎物The females, weakened by laying, make easy prey.
鲨鱼开始袭击了The sharks attack.
石斑鱼将被大量捕杀They will massacre many of the grouper,
然而另一方面屠杀对于石斑鱼也至关重要but this predation, paradoxically, is vital for the grouper as a species,
否则它们将因为繁殖过快而变得数量过大who will otherwise reproduce too fast and become too numerous.
还是老道理大自然不会纵容过度繁殖Here again, nature does not tolerate excess,
总是会有“螳螂捕蝉黄雀在后”there 's always one predator waiting just above another.
双髻鲨是令人胆寒的猎手Hammerhead sharks are fearsome hunters.
经过两千万年的进化,它们已成为超级猎手Evolving million years ago, these animals are super predators.
锤状的头部就像鱼鳍,使其灵活游动Their hammer-shaped head acts like a fin and promotes agility.
长在两侧的眼睛赋予它们三维视野The position of the eyes, very far apart, gives them D vision.它们以鱼类和其他鲨鱼为食They hunt the fish and other sharks.
一物降一物,这就是物种进化的原则It's as if the cycle of predation governed the evolution of species.
我们便是在此时加入了这个故事And here 's where we appear in the story.
我们人类Here we are, people.
是生物链的最后一环The last link in the chain of life,
没有捕食者以我们为食we have no predator above us.
我们在这里诞生We began here,
那是与海洋相对的地方on the other side of the mirror of the ocean.
我们居住在露出海面的陆地上We occupy the land which emerged.
很久之前,为了保护自己Very long ago, to protect ourselves,
我们建造了如今在巴拿马圣布拉斯还能看到的那种村子we built villages like those that still exist at San Blas in Panama.
我们无法像鱼一样游水We can 't swim like the fish,
于是我们造船横渡海洋so we conceived boats to cross the oceans.
我们还建造了And then we built a world
其他物种从未建造过的世界Iike nothing any other species had built before us.
为了建造城镇,我们在岛屿间架起了桥梁To build our towns, we constructed bridges between islands,
我们借助陆地征服了海洋we conquered the ocean via the land.
我们学着打通山脉We learned to dig through mountains,
改变水流流向甚至围海造田change the course of the waters and even create islands.
我们建造了比珊瑚城更大的帝国We built an empire even bigger than the coral cities.
在天空就能看到数不胜数的城墙和城市Our walls, our enormous towns, can be seen from the sky.
正因为智慧,弱小的人类变得强大了Through our intelligence, we, weak humanity, became really very strong.
不论贫富Rich or poor,
世界上一半的人居住在离水域不到公里的地方half the people of our world live less than kilometres from the water.
几乎所有撒哈拉以南的非洲居民Almost the entire population of sub-Saharan Africa
都集中在海岸线附近is concentrated on the coastline.
仅尼日利亚的拉各斯就有万居民Just the city of Lagos in Nigeria has million inhabitants.
超过十万的人住在海边的棚户区里More than , people live in the shantytown on the shore. 移民于此的人无陆地可住The population that migrated here has no place on land,
于是便将目光投向了大海so they turn to the sea.
人口与日俱增Our population is constantly growing.
现在已有超过亿人口We are more than seven billion.
每过一秒Every second that goes by,
地球上就会多出两个嗷嗷待哺的新生儿there are two more people on the planet to be fed.
我们永远不能饱足And we are hungry,
于是我们很自然地向海洋攫取资源so, naturally, we turn to the ocean to feed us.
亿人直接依靠着海洋资源生活Three billion human beings depend directly on marine resources.几乎有亿人For almost a billion people,
他们只有鱼作为动物蛋白质来源fish represent their only source of animal proteins.
海洋是我们生存的关键The ocean is key to our survival.
每天都有万艘渔船奔向海洋Four million of our fishing boats set out each day to attack the ocean.
大部分都是这样的小船The majority are just little boats like these,
每天早上在塞内加尔海边卸货which unload each morning on the coasts of Senegal.
作为家传技艺的捕鱼技术Our fishing has been since the beginning a family craft,
在一代代人间不断改进和流传practised and transmitted from generation to generation.
即使这是一个危险的行业Although it's a dangerous profession,
但当穷人无法靠陆地为生时他们还是将目光转向了海洋when people can 't feed off the land, the poorest turn to the sea.
包括间接就业和家政服务including indirect employment and families,
渔业让亿人有了糊口的工作fishing sustains million people.
在这里,我看到了海洋的丰饶Here, I see the abundance of the ocean.
海洋还带给我们其他食物The ocean brings us other food.
有史以来Since the very beginning of our history,
我们一直在海边收集野生海藻we have gathered wild seaweeds on the shore.
海藻已经生存了亿年They have existed for three and a half billion years.
就像在陆地上耕种一样我们开始学习海洋种植We learned to cultivate the sea as we came to farm the land.
海藻只需生长周便能收割The seaweed needs only six weeks of growth before harvest.
它需要的仅仅是阳光以及流动的海水It requires only sunlight and the movement of the currents.
在今天印尼的巴厘岛Today in Bali in Indonesia,
我们种植海藻并从中提取营养丰富的胶质we cultivate seaweed and extract from it a nourishing gelatine.
海藻养殖为我们带来了吨海藻This farming today produces million tons of seaweed,
并出口到世界各地exported all over the world.
褐藻,绿藻和红藻用途广泛Brown, green and red seaweed serve all purposes,
它们被用于医药,服装,肥料和食物medicine, cloth, fertiliser and food.
我们划出一小部分海域We trace out small portions of sea
将河口变为私人领地and transform estuaries into private concessions.
全世界有超过万公顷的海域用于种植海藻More than , hectares of the globe are dedicated to cultivation of seaweed,
养活了一百万海上农夫supporting a million sea farmers.
在韩国的莞岛群岛In South Korea, in the Wando Archipelago,
超过座岛屿已经用来种植海藻over islands have converted to farming seaweeds.
这些展开的绵延不断的网These magnificent expanses are immense nets spread out in the sun,是用来晾晒收获的海藻的which are used to dry the harvests.
海洋中的万种海藻Of the , species of seaweed which grow in the sea,
只有约种能够食用only around are edible.
我们在这里种植海带Here, we grow kombu,
这是能长到米长的大海藻Iarge seaweeds which can grow to three metres in length.
在亚洲,这种海藻是一种基本食物In Asia, this seaweed is a basic food source.
这些带甜味的叶片富含蛋白质,矿物盐和维他命These sugar-flavoured leaves contain proteins, mineral salts and vitamins.
人类捕鱼已有万年历史了We have been fishing for , years,
并且一直在改进渔场和渔网constantly improving our fisheries and our nets.
捕鱼成为了一项产业Fishing became an industry.
光有一家人已经不行了重要的是要有投资和技术It's no longer a question of family, but of investment and technology.
为了提高捕捞量,渔民组成了船队To increase our catch, our fishermen formed fleets.
而深海拖网更是一项革命性的发明What changed everything is the invention of the deep sea trawl,
这种渔网有漏斗状开口,与鲸鲨的嘴类似a large net with a funnel-shaped opening like the mouth of the whale shark.
渔网十分巨大,有的能达到公里Our nets are so large that some measure kilometres.。