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-- 最佳女主角提名并获奖 1981 《法国中尉的女人》(The French Lieutenant‘s Woman)
--最佳女主角提名 1979 《克莱默夫妇》(Kramer vs. Kramer)
--最佳女主角提名并获奖 1978 《猎鹿人》(The Deer Hunter)
--最佳女主角提名 2003 《改编剧本》(Adaptation)
Conflicts ①
克莱默与比利间的矛盾。二人 之间的矛盾是一些生活上的琐 碎矛盾。如:克莱默苯手苯脚 的做早餐弄的很狼狈;到超市 购物拿的产品“不正确”;接 送儿子上下学迟到;儿子不按 要求饭挨训。这些矛盾都随着 克莱默对儿子无尽的爱以及父 子亲密的相处而融化掉,形成 彼此之间相依为命,相互的爱。 克莱默看望刚挨过自己训的儿 子,末了儿子对他甜甜地说了 声“别让臭虫咬了”,二者感 情的融洽已可见一斑。
Billy Kramer: Will she pick me up after school? 她会接我放学吗?
Ted Kramer: Probably. And if she doesn‘t I will. 可能吧,如果她没去我就会去.
Billy Kramer: What if you forget? 如果你忘了呢?
Phyllis Bernard: Uhm... well, it's really... It's been nice seeing you and... 我真的。。。很高兴认识你。
Billy Kramer: Bye. 再见
Phyllis Bernard: Bye. 再见
Sentences in the movie
我太太显然和你无数次谈论过屈加在我身上的种 种缺点. 我也喜欢坐在这里和你聊天,不过总的有 人养家糊口,早上我有重要会议要出席,我要完成工 作. 所以请允许我……
bring home the bacon"养家糊口"
3.There's guys in this agency eating their hearts out cause I gave that spot to you. This is important.
克莱默与妻子间的矛盾。他们的矛盾 贯穿影片的始末,开头与最后尤为明 显,开始时乔安娜义无返顾的要离家 出走,二人一番争执;最后夫妻二人 为争夺对儿子的抚养权而打官司,是 影片矛盾的最高点,最为紧张的地方。 其中克莱默协调孩子与工作间平衡所 遇到的麻烦都是夫妻矛盾隐形的体现。 如果他们不离婚,之后的这些冲突是 不会出现的。而后来乔安娜对父子偷 偷的观察以及在法庭上克莱默的陈词, 是她受到打动认为比利应该留在克莱 默身边,最后把抚养权让给了克莱默。 包括夫妻在法庭上的相互坦让,都是 二人关系走向缓和的体现。
The Dialogue
Billy Kramer: When's mommy coming back? 妈妈什么时候回来?
Ted Kramer: I dont know, Billy. Soon. 我不知道,很快 。
Billy Kramer: How soon? 多快?
Ted Kramer: Soon. 很快,我跟你说过的。
Billy Kramer: Hi. What's your name? 嗨。你叫什么名字?
Phyllis Bernard: I'm Phyllis Bernard. 菲莉丝博奈
Billy Kramer: Who? 谁?
Phyllis Bernard: I'm a friend... uh, business associate of your father's... dad. 我是你爸爸的。。朋友。。。同事。
我把这个位子给你,其他人嫉妒得发疯, 这是 非常重要的活…..
eat one's heart out "为某事默默忍受痛苦,极为悲伤"
-- 最佳女主角提名 1988 《黑暗中的呐喊》(A Cry in the Dark)
--最佳女主角提名 1987 《紫苑草》(Ironweed)
--最佳女主角提名 1985 《走出非洲》(Out of Africa)
-- 最佳女主角提名 1983 《西尔克伍德》(Silkwood)
--女主角提名 1982 《苏菲的选择》(Sophie‘s Choice)
梅丽尔·斯特里普 Meryl Streep
奥斯卡获奖记录: 1998 《一件真实的事情》(One True Thing)
--最佳女主角提名 1995 《廊桥遗梦》 (The Bridges of Madison County)
--最佳女主角提名 1990 《寄自边缘的明信片》(Postcards from the Edge)
Ted Kramer: I won't forget. 我不会忘记
Billy Kramer: What if you get run over by a truck and get killed?
Ted Kramer: Then Mommy will pick you up.

获得1980年奥斯卡 最佳男主角奖、 最佳女配角奖、 最佳导演奖、 最佳电影奖、 最佳剧本奖
达斯汀·霍夫曼(Dustin Hoffman)
获得奖励: 美国奥斯卡奖最佳男主角 :
美国奥斯卡奖最佳男主角 : 《雨人》
代表作: 《毕业生》、 《午夜牛郎》、 《克莱默夫妇》、 《宝贝》、 《雨人》、 《沉睡者》Con Nhomakorabealicts④
克莱默与玛格丽特的矛 盾。在乔安娜离家出走 之初,克莱默认为是玛 格丽特怂恿所致,对其 持埋怨态度。玛格丽特 目睹了克莱默对比利的 关爱,以及她与克莱默 相处久相互理解后,二 人关系逐渐融洽,相互 关心,最终为克莱默出 庭作证人。
克莱默与工作的矛盾。妻子离家 出走,使他不得不在照顾孩子和 忙工作之间两头窜,而不能很好 地兼顾。因为工作忙而接孩子上 下学迟到,不能很仔细地照顾孩 子。为照顾儿子而耽误工作,不 能在规定时间内完成工作,工作 毫无起色,以至老板忍无可忍把 他辞退。而工作的丢失又陷他与 妻子争抚养权于不利,不得不在 24小时内找到薪水稍少的新工 作。因此,克莱默与工作的矛盾 其实归结起来是克莱默,比利, 工作三者之间的矛盾,相互牵制。 乔安娜对比利抚养权的放弃,使 得这个矛盾稍微走向缓和,但还 是克莱默将长期协调的矛盾。
Ted Kramer: [In the bedroom] Oh, Jesus. 天啊。
Billy Kramer: Do you like fried chicken? 你喜欢炸鸡吗?
Phyllis Bernard: Fried chicken? Very much. 炸鸡?很喜欢。
Billy Kramer: So do I. 我也是。
Eventually, she tells Ted that, while she loves Billy and wants him with her, she knows that he is already home, and that his true home is with Ted. She will therefore not take him.
Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman) is a workaholicadvertising executive who has just been assigned a new and very large account. After being given the news, he returns home to find his wife Joanna (Meryl Streep) in the process of leaving him. Saying that she needs to find herself, she leaves Ted to raise their son Billy (Justin Henry) by himself. Ted and Billy begin to resent each other as Ted no longer has time to carry his increased workload, and Billy misses the love and attention he received from his mother. After many months of unrest, Ted and Billy begin to cope with the situation and eventually grow to love and care for one another.
Kramer vs.
Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 American drama film adapted by Robert Benton from the novel by Avery Corman, and directed by Benton. The film tells the story of a married couple's divorce and its impact on everyone involved, including the couple's young son. It received five Academy Awards in 1979 in the categories of Best Actor, Best Picture, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Director.
1. Joanna gets to her feet and starts toward the door. In an instant Ted is after her.
( 乔安娜拔腿向大门走去, 特德赶紧去拦她)
get to one's feet "站起来"
2.Well, obviously my wife and you have had numerous conversation about my shortcomings, which I have not been privy to. And I would love to sit here and talk to you, but somebody has to bring home the bacon, and I have a major presentation in the morning and I just gotta get my work done. So please allow me to…
The damaging facts that Ted was fired because of his conflicting responsibilities with his son, forcing him to take a lower-paid job, come out in court, as do the details of Billy's accident.
比利与乔安娜间的矛盾。乔安娜 为追寻自己理想中的生活而抛弃 比利离家出走,使比利一年多缺 少母爱,比利在听母亲的来信时 感到母亲不会回来还口口声声说 爱自己时,故意把电视机声音调 大,是他们矛盾体现最强烈的地 方。而乔安娜毕竟是比利的母亲, 深爱着比利,比利还是个孩子, 根本不会对自己的母亲产生仇恨 的感情,血浓于水,比利在见到 母亲时还是显得很兴奋,在得知 母亲要跟自己一起过时并没有表 现出不满。母子情深感情最终会 回归。