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Unit 11 Tablet (The Pharmaceutical Tablets Dosage Form)药片(医药片剂剂型)
Role in Therapy
A: The oral route of drug admininistration is the most important method of administering drugs ofr systemic effects.Except in cases of Insulin therapy.the parenteral route is not routinely used for self-administration of medication.The topical route of administration has only recently been employed to deliver drugs to the body for systemic effects,with two classes of marketed products:Nitroglycerin for the treatmint of angina and scopolamine for the treatment of motion sickness.Other drugs are certain to follow,but the topical route of administration is limited in its ability to allow effective drug absorption for systemic drug action.





B:The parenteral roue of administration is important in treating medical emergencies in which a subject os comatose or cannot swallow,and in providing various types of maintenance therapy for hospitalized patients.

Nevertheless,it is probable that at least 90% of all drugs used to produce systemic effects are addministered by the oral rote .
C:When a new drug is discovered,one of the first quedtions a pharmaceutical company asks is whether or not drug can be effectively administered for its intdended effect by the oral route.If it cannot,the drug is primarily relegated to administration in a hospital setting or physician’s office.If patient self-admnistration cannot be achieved,the sales of the drug constitute only a small fraction of what the market would be otherwise.



Of drugs that are addministred orally,solid oral dosge forms represent the preferred class of product.The reasons for this preference are as
Q1:How many kinks of the route of drug administration are there?Can you present these usual dosage form of the drug that are administered orally?
Q2:Why does the solid oral dosage form represent the preferred class of drugs that are administered orally?
Q3:Why do people make liquid dosage form of drug?
addition ,liquids are less portable and require much more space per number of dosage on the pharmacist’s shelf.
D:Drugs are in general less stable (both chemically and physically)in liquid form than in a dry state and expiration dates tend to be shorter .Careful attention is required to assure that the product will not allow a heavy microbiologic burden to develop on standing or under or under normal conditions of use once opened(preseration requirements).


Q4:What is the bjective of design and manufacture of the sompressed tablet?
Q5:What is important aside from the physical and chemical propertices of the medicinical agent(s) to the formulated into a tablet?

Aside from the physical and chemical properties of the medicinal agent(s) to be formulate into a tablet
Q6:What physical properties should tablet have?How the physical properties effect on bioavailability?

Q7:How to arrange the medicine effects and physical aspects?
On the other hand , the tablet(1) must be able to release the medicinal agent(s) in the body in a predictable and reprouducible manner
example of this point ,Meyer and associates present informantion on 14 Nitrofurantoin products,all of this which passed the compendia physical requirements,but showed statistially,significant bioavailbility differences.
1、Why do people make liqaid dosage form of drug in Unit 11?
Unit 12 Manufacture of Tablets 药片的生产制造
Tablet Design and Formulatiom 药片的设计与制造
A: The three basic methods of tablet manufacture have been previously detailed,the desirable properties and required features of granulations(成粒) and tablets defined,and the interrelationships(相互关系)between many
of these properties and the processing and machine variables(变量)noted.

Q1:what are the nondrug components in tablets and what are their functions?
B:Some tablet formulations may additionally require a flow promoter.

C:Other more optional components include colorants,and in chewable tablets,favors and sweeteners.All nondrug components if a formula are termed excipients.

Tablet Granulations 药片成粒
Basci Characteristics 基本特征 Q2:what characteristics should tablet materials have?and why?
Q3:How to assess the shape of particles and their relative regulatity or approximation to spheres?
D: The charateristics of a tablet that made it a popular dosage form,d.g.,compactness,physical stability,rapid production capability,chenical stability,and effiicacy,are in general dictated prinarily by the qualitise of the granulation from which it is made .

E:As previously discussde,good flow propeties are essential for the transport of the material through the hopper,into and through the feed frame,and into the dies.

Tablet materials should therefore be in aphysical form that flows smoothly and uniformly.Theideal physical form for this purpose is spheres,since these offer minimum contact surfaces between themselves and with the walls of the machine parts .
F:Unfortunately,most materials do not easily form spheres;However,shapes that approach spheres improve flowbility.Therefore granulation is in part the pharmaceutical process that attempts to improve the flow of powdered materials by forming spherelike or regularly shaped aggregates called granules.
F:不巧的是,大多数药品 不易成球;不过近似球体也会增加流动性,因此制药过程包含把粉末状的药物制成类球状或规则形状以增加其流动性的成粒过程。

The need to assess the shape of particles and their relative regularity or approximatin to spheres has led to the development of equations
whereby certain “factors”can be calculated to pr
2/p s d S =α 3/p v d V =α v s vs ααα/=
The other desirable characteristic,compressibility,is the property of forming a stable,compact mass when pressure is applied.The re quisite physical properties and the forces that hold the tablet together are discussed in Chapter 4.“Compression and Consolid ation of Powdered Solids.”The consideration of compressibility in this discussion is limited to stating that granulation is also th e pharmaciutial process that converts a mixture of powders,which have poor cohesion,into aggregates capable of compaction.
Manufacture of Granulations 成粒工艺
Dry Manufacturing Methods 干法成粒
Q4:What metheds are used to granulations for drug tablets?
Wet Granulation 湿法成粒
Q5:What are the unique portions of wet granulation process?


H:The theory,equipment,and methods associated with drying are discussed in Chapter 3.Methods.Wet granulation forms the granules by binding the powders together with an adhesive , instead if by compaction ,The wet granulation technique employs a solution,suspension,or slurry cimtaining a binder ,which is usually added to the powder mixture;However,the binder may be incorporated dry into the powder mix ,and the liquid may be added by itself.


Q6:How to add binder to the drug powers?
solubility of the binder also has an influence on the choice of methods,cince the solution should be fluid enough to disperse readily in the mass.
The wet screening process involves converting the moist mass into coarse,granular aggregate by passage through a hammer mill or oscillating granulator,equipped with screens having large perforations.The purpose is to further consolidate granules,increase particle contact points,and increase surface area to facilitate drying.Overly wet material dries slowly and forms hard aggregates,which tend to turn to powder during subsequent dry milling.There are many instances in which wet milling may be omitted,with considerable saving of time.The formulator should be alert these opportunities and not follow the old method blindly.
I: A drying process is required in all wet granulation procefures to remove the solvent that was used in forming the aggregates and the reduce the moisture content to an optimum level of cincentration within the granules.During drying,interparticulate bonds result from fusion or recrystallization and curing of the binding agent,with van der Waals forces playing a significant role.

Aftrt drying,the granulation is screened again.The size of the screen depends upon the grinding equipment used and the size of the tablet to be made .
Q7:How to make drugs by wet granulation technique?
Unit 16 Reactor Technology 反应器工艺
Q1:what are the focuses of reactor technology?
A :Reactor technology comprises the underlying principles of chemical reaction engineering (CRE) and the practices used in their
.Reactor designs evolve from the pursuit of new products and uses,higher conversion,more favorable reaction selectivity,reduced fixed and operating costs,intrinsically safe operation,and environmentally acceptable processing.
A: 应器工艺学由化学反应工程学的基础理论和实践组成,反应堆工艺学的重点为反应器构成,运行条件,外部运行环境,发展史工业应用和重大的演变。


Q2:what dose reactor technology include?



Q3:what are the central focuse in applying reactor technology?
reatant conversion and product selectivity,and economic and environmental considerations.
C: 所有因素相互依赖需要一同考虑,在应用反应堆工艺学时反应物的有效接触和产品的取出是核心,其他要素按反应物的初选,理论的原料和产出比的条件,经济和环境上的考虑。

2、How to make drugs by wet granulation technique?
3、How to assess the shape of particles and their relative reqularity or apporximation to shapes?
Reactor Types and Characteristics 反应器的类型和特征
D: Specific reactor characterics depend on the particular use of the reactor as a laboratory pilot plant,or industrial unit . All reactors have in cmmon selected characteristecs of four basic reactor types:the well-stirred batch reactor,the semibatch reactor,the continuous-flow stirred-tank reactor,and the tubular reactor(Fig.1)
D: 反应器的特征取决于它的用途(实验室、小规模试验性生产、工厂)所有的反应按选择性分4类:搅拌好的炉型反应器、类炉型反应器、持续流动的滚筒反应器和管状反应器
Batch reactor (炉型反应器)
Q5:What are their advtages and shortcomings and why?
Q4:what kind of reactor is mentioned in this part and what kind of use does it have ?
A batch reactor is one in which a feed material is treated as a whole for a fixed period of time.Batch reactors may be preferred for small-scale production of high priced products,particularly if many sequential operations are employed to obtain high product yields ,e.g.,a proccess requiring a complex cycle of temperature-pressure-reactant additions.Batch reactors also may be justified when multiple,low volume products are produced in the same requirement or when continnous flow is diffcult,as it is with highly or sticky solids-laden liquids,e.g.,in manufacture of polymer resins where molecular weight and product quality are mardedly affected by increasing viscosity and heat removal demands.Because residence times can be more uniform in batch reactors,better yields and higher seletivity may be obtained than with continuous reactors.This advantage exists when undersired reaction products inhibit the reaction,side reactions are of lower order than that desired,or the product is an unstable or reactive intermaediate.
Batch reactors often are used to develop continuous processes because of their suitability and convenient use in laboratory experimentation.Industrial practice generally favers processing continuously rather than in single batches,because overall investment and operating costs usually are less.Deta obtained in batch reactors ,except for very rapid reactions , can be well defined and used to predict preformance of large scale ,continuous-flow reactors.Almost all batch reactors are well stirred;thus ,ideally,compositions are uniform throughout and residence times of all contained reactants are constant.
Semibatch Reacto r(类炉型反应器)
Q6:What are their advtages and shortcomings and why?
Q7what kind of reactor is mentioned in this part and what kind of use does it have ?
The semibatch reactor is similar to the batch reator but has the additional feature of continuous addition or removal of one or more components. For example,gradual addition of chlorine to a stirred vessel containing benzene and catalyst results in higher yields of di- and trichlorobenzene than the inclusion of chloring in the oringinal batch.Similarly,thermal decomposition of organic liquids is enhanced by continuously removing gaseous products.Conctant pressure can be maintained and chain-terminating reaction products removed from the system.In addition to better yield and selectiity,gradual addition or removal assists in controlling temperature particularly when the net reaction is highly exothermic.Thus ,use of a semibatch reactor intrinsically permits more stable and safer operation than in a batch operation. Continnous-Flow Stirred-Tank Reactor (连续流动筒式反应器)
Q8:What are their advtages and shortcomings and why?
Q9:what kind of reactor is mentioned in this part and what kind of use does it have ?
In a continuous-flow stirred-tank reator(CSTR),reactants ans products are continuously added and
CSTR is the idealized opposite of the well-stirred batch and tubular plug-flow reactors.Analysis of selected combinations of these reactor types can be useful in quantitatively evaluating more complex gas-,liquid-,and solid-flow behaviors.
Because the compositions of mixtures leaving a CSTR are those within the reactor,the reaction driving forces,usually reactant concentrations ,are necessarily low.Therefore except for zero- and negative-order reactions,a CSTR requires the largest volume of the reactor types to obtain desired conversions .However , the low driving force makes possible better control of rapid exothermic and endothermic reactions.When high conversions of reactants are needed,several CSTRs in series can be usedl.Equally good results can be obtained by dividing a single vessel into compartments while minimizing back-mixing and short-circuiting. The larger the number of stages,the closer performance approaches that of a tubular plug-flow reactor.
Tubular Reactor(管状反应器)
Q10:What are their advtages and shortcomings and why?
There is no use mentioned for tubular reactor,but some suggestions mentioned before imply that tubulai reactors are suitable for industrial practice.
Q11:what kind of reactor is mentioned in this part and what kind of use does it have ?
The bulular reactor is a vessel through which flow os continuous,usually at steady state and configured so that cnversion and other dependent variables are functions of position within the reactor rather than of time.In the ideal tubular reactor,the fluids flow as if they were solid plugs or pistons ,and reaction time is the same for all flowing material at any given tube cross section;hence,position is analogous to time in the will-stirred batch reactor.tubular reactors resemble batch reactors resemble batch reactors in providing initially high driving forces which diminish as the reactions progress down the tubes.

Flow in tubular reactors can be laminar,as with viscous fluids in small-diameter tubes,and greatly deviate from ideal plug-flow behavior,or turbulent,as with gases,and consequently closer to the ideal.Turbulent flow generally is preferred to laminar flow, because mixing is introduced in the direction of flow.For slow reactions and especially in small laboratory and pilot-plant reactors,establishing turbulent flow can result in inconveniently long reactors or may require unacceptably high feed rates.Depending on the consequences in peocess develipment and impact on process economics,compromises,through necessary,may not prove acceptable.
Multiphase Reactors(多相反应器)
The overwheling majority of industrial reactors are multiphase reactor.Some important reactor configurations are illustrated in Fig.2 and Fig.3 .The names presented are often employed , but are not the only ones used.The presence of more than one phase,whether or not it it lfowing,confounds analyses of reactors and increases the multiplicity of reactor configurations .Gase,liquids,and solids each flow n characteristic factions,either dispersed in lther phases or separatily.Flow pattens in these reactors are complex and phases rarely exhibit idealized plug-flow or well-stirred flow behavior.





A fixed-bed reactor is packed with catalyst,If a single phase is flowing,the reactor can be analyzed as a tubular lpug-flow reactor or modified to account for axoal diffusion.If both liquid and gas or vapor are injected downward through the catalyst bed,or if substantial amounts of vapor are generated intenally,the reactors are mixed-phaes,downflow,and fixed-bed reactors .If the liquid and gas rates are so low that the liquid flows as a continous film over the catalyst,the reactors are called trickle beds.Trickle beds have potential advantages of lower pressure drops and superior access ofr gaseous reactants to the catalyst; however restricted access can also be a disadvantage,e.g.,where direct gas cantact pronotes undesired side reactions.




At higher total flow rates , particularly when the liquid is prone to foamng,the reactor is a pulsed column.This designatin arises from the observation that the pressure drop within the catalyst bed cycles at a constant frequency as a result of liquisd temporarily blocking gas and vapor pathways.The pulsed conlumn is not to be confused with the polse reactor used to obtain kinetic data in which a pulse of reactant is introduced into a tube containing a small amount of catalyst.



Downflow of reactants is preferred because reacors are readily designed mechanically to hold a catalyst in place and are not prone to inadvertent excessive velocities,which upset the beds ,Upflow is used less lften but has the advantage of optimum contacting between gas ,liquid,and catalyst over a wilder range of conditions .Mixed-phaes,upflow,and fixed-bed reactors offer higher liquid holdups and greater assurance of attainong uniform catalyst wetting and radial flow distribution,the consequences of which are more uniform temperature distribution and greater transfer.


At high liquid flow rates in these co-current fixed-bed reactors,gas becomes the dispersed phase and bubble flow deelops;flow characteristics are similar to those in countercurrrent packen-column absorbers.At high gas rates ,spray and slug flows can develop.Moving beds are fixed-bed reactors in which spent catalyst or reactive solids are slowly removed from the bottom and fresh material is added at the top.A fixed bed that collects solids impurities present in the bed or produced in the early reaction stage is a guard bed.If catalyst deposits are preiodically burned or otherwise removed,the operation is cyslic,and catalyst remaining behind the combustion front is regenerated.



In bubble colomn reactors ,gas bubble flow upward through a slower moving liquid. The bubbles,which rise in essentailly plug flow,draw liquid in their wakes and thereby induce back-mixing in the liquid with which they have come in contact.Analogously,in spray
columns,liquid as droplets descend through a fluid,usually gas.Both bubble and spray columns are used for reactions where high interfacial areas between phase are desirable.Bubble column reactor are used for reactions where the rate-limiting step is in the liquid phase,or for slow reaction where contacting is not critical .An important variant of the bubble column reactor is the loop reactor,commonly uese for both multiphase and highly viscous systems .Loop reactors are distinguishable by their hydrauliqulically or mechanically driven fluid recirculation,which offers the benefits of the well-stirred behavior of CSTRs ans high average reactant concentrations of tubular reactors.







Reacors are termed fluidized or fluid beds if upward gas or liquid flows,alone or in concert,are sufficently high to suspend the solid and make them apper to behave as a liquid.This process is usually referred to as fluidization.


The most common fluid bed is the gas-fluidized bed .With gas feeds ,the excess gas over the minimum required for fluidization rises as discrete bubbles,through which the surrounding solids circulate.At higher gas rates,such beds lise their clearly defined surface,and the particles are fuooy suspended.Depending on the circumstances,these reactors are variously called reser,circumlating-fluidized,fast-fluidized,or entrainment reactors,In ebullating-bed or gas-liquid-solid reactors,the solids are fluidized by liquid and gas,with gas primarily providing lifting power in th former ,and liquid in the latter.These become slurry bubble column reactors (less precisely,slurry reactors )at high rates when the beds begin to lose their defined surface.Slurry bubble column reactors that contain finely powdered solids are often terem and treated as bubble cloumn reactors because such suspensions are homogeneous.
A reactor is termed a radial or panel-bed reactor when gas or vapor flow perpendicular to a catalyst-filled annulus or panel.These are used for rapid reactions to reduce stresses on the catalyst or to minimize pressure drops.Similar cross-flow configurations also are used for processing solids moving downward under gravity while a gas passes horizontally through thwm.Rotary kine,belt dryers ,and travelling grates are examples.Cross-flow reactors are nit restricted to solids-containing systems.Venturis,in which atomized liquids are injected across the gas stream,are effective for fast reactions and similarly for generating small gas bubbles in downward-flowing liquids where mass transport across the gas-liquid interface is limiting.
4、what are the advantages for continous flow-stirred-tand reactor(CSTR) in Unit 16 and why ?
药品说明Drug Instructions
“药品说明书”的英文表达方式有Instructions,Directions,Description 现在多用Package Insert,或简称Insert,也有用Leaflet或Data Sheets。




①药品名称(Drug Names),
③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions),
⑤禁忌症(Contraindications),⑥用量与用法(Dosage and Administration).
⑦不良反应(Adverse Reactions)。


①药品名称(Drug Names)
英文药品说明书中常见的药品名称有商品名(Trade Name或Proprietary Name),通用名(Generic Name)和化学名(Chemical Name),其中最常见的是商品名。

通用名为Ursodesoxycholic Acid(熊去氧胆酸);化学名为3a,7p dihydroxy-5p-Cholanoic acid(3a,7p二羟基5p胆烷酸)。

药品名称翻译可采用音译、意译、音意合译及谐音译意等方法: 1、音译:按英文药品名歌的读音译成相同或相近的汉语。

如:Tamoxitn它莫西芬,Ritalin利他林,Amcacin 阿米卡星。



例如:Cholic Acid 胆酸,Tetracycline四环素;也可按其药理作用翻译.如:Minidiab灭糖尿(治疗糖尿病药物),Natulan疗治癌(细胞生长抑制剂),Uraly消石素(治疗尿路结石药物)等。

3、音意合译:药品名称中的一部分采用音译,另一部分采用意译.例如:Coumadin香豆定(coumarin香豆素),Neo-Octin 新握克丁(neo-新);Medemycin麦迪霉素(-mycin 霉素),Cathinone卡西酮(-one酮)。





例如:Catalin(卡他林)的化学名称是1-Hvdroxy- 5-oxo-5H-pyrido(3,2-a)-Phenoxazine-3-carboxylic acid,译成汉语是1-羟基-5-氧-5H-吡啶开(3,2-a)吩嗪-3-羧酸。


例如:chloride 氯化物,sulfate(sulphate)硫酸盐,acetyl一乙酰基,amino氨基,di-二,dihydro-二氢。


这一项最常用的标题是Description,此外还可能有其他的表示法,如:Chemical Structure 化学结构Composition 成分Physical and Chemical Properties 理化性质
1.Folic acid is a yellowish to orange, crystalline powder, odorless or almost odorless.

2.Intralipos 10% is a white opaque fat emulsion for intraven ous injection, containing 10 W/V % of purified soybean oil.

3.Ursosan Tablet 50mg is a white plain tablet which contains 50 mg of ursodesoxycholic acid.

4.Sterile pyrogen-free, orange red, freeze-dried powder in vi als containing 10mg and 50mg of doxorubicin hydrochloride with lactose.

5.It occurs as a white to off-white, crystalline solid, poorly sol uble in water, dilute acid and most organic solvents.

6.Pamine, chemically known as epoxytropine tropate methylb romide, has the empirical formula C18H24NO4Br and the mole cular weight 398.3.

7.Kanendomycin is a very stable antibiotic, and its activity do es not decrease when the powder is placed in an airtight contai ner and kept at room temperatures for more than 2 years.

.This product is prepared from units of human plasma whi ch have been tested and found nonreactive for hepatitis associ ated (Australia) antigen.

be derived from 由……衍生
consist of 由……组成
be obtained 制得
contain 含有
be prepared from 由……制备have (possess) 有(具有)
colo(u)r 颜色
stable 稳定的
taste 味道molecular formular 分子式
odo(u)rless 无臭的
molecular weight 分子量
crystalline 结晶的
structure 结构
solubility 溶解度
injection 注射剂
insoluble 不溶的
solution 溶液
odo(u)r 气味
tablets 片剂
colo(u)rless 无色的
derivative 衍生物
tasteless 无味的
liquid 液体
sterile 无菌的
powder 粉沫
soluble 可溶的
solid 固体
③药理作用(Pharmacological Actions)
•药理作用(Pharmacological Actions):主要包括药理作用、临床药理(Clinical Parmacology)、体外试(in vitro experiments)、药物代谢(Metabolism)、药效(Potency)及毒性(Toxicity)等。

•Pharmacological Action 药理作用
Pharmacological Properties 药理性质
Pharmacology 药理学
Clinical Pharmacology 临床药理
Actions 作用
Actions and Properties 作用与性质Clinical Effect (Use) 临床效果(用途)Mechanism of Action 作用机理
Mode of Action 作用方式
Biological Action 生物活性Microbiology 微生物学


1. Mean peek serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intra-muscular administration. 肌注后约30-60分钟之间妥布毒素的平均血药浓度达到高峰。

2.Nembutal Sodium exerts a depressant action on the CNS and shares the sedative-hypnotic actionstypical of the barbiturates. 戊巴比妥钠对中枢神经系统产生抑制作用,并显示戊巴比妥类特有的镇静催眠作用。

3.In clinical trials the drug was shown to be highly effective in improving and normalizing the alerted cerebral circulation and those disorders related to insufficient arterial flow in the limbs. 临床试验证实,本品疗效高,可改善已改变了的脑循环,使之恢复正常,治疗与四肢动脉血流不畅有关的疾病。

4.Orbenin is stable to staphylococcal penicillinase,and highly effective against resistant staphylococci.It is bactericidal, acid-stable and well absorbed by either the oral or the intramuscular route.全霉林对葡萄球菌的青霉素酶稳定,对耐药葡萄球菌十分有效。


5. Nystain has been found to inhibit the growth of yeast like flora in the intestinal tract.

6. Fenarol has proved to be effective as a striated muscle relaxant.已证明芬那露是疗效很好的横纹肌松施药。
