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【英文摘要】With the accelerated development of social economy, people gradually realised that the deficiency of the modern city transportation, which over-depend on the motor vehicle. urban pedestrian and bicycle transportation has been draw people attention again, which building a standardized system of non-motorized transportation, is a very good solution
for our more and more crowded urban traffic, while improving the quality travel of urban resident.This article is starting with analyse the research and practice of urban pedestrian and bicycle transportation from both domestic and overseas, while analysing and summarising the advantages and common problems. Moreover this article is going to give a general introduction of the subsystem structure and plan of urban pedestrian and bicycle transportation, and from the view of urban structure perspective, giving a plan of urban pedestrian and bicycle transportation which under considered the legal statutory system of our country. Meanwhile, based on the outstanding paradigm of urban pedestrian and bicycle system plan both from domestic and international, we are trying to establish a non-motorised transportation system, that included
non-motorised area; non-motorised core and walkway which connected a complete non-motorised traffic structure, while giving specific reference guidelines for some very significant elements. This paper from three aspects explored the structure and plan strategy of current urban pedestrian and bicycle system, which are included current policy; implementation construction and management and feedback. Finally, as an example, in the urban area of Suzhou city, I am going to give
the structure plan and some relevant advises for urban pedestrian and bicycle transportation construction in the future.
【英文关键词】City Urban pedestrian and bicycle transportation System Planning Design reference guidelines Strategy
5-6Abstract6第一章绪论12-18 1.1 研究背景
12-13 1.2 研究对象13-14 1.2.1 相关概念13-14 1.2.2
本文的研究对象14 1.3 研究目的与意义14-15 1.4 研究思路与内容15-18 1.4.1 研究思路15-16 1.4.2 研究内容与章节安排16-18第二章城市慢行交通系统的基础研究18-34 2.1 国外慢行交通理念及实践历程18-25 2.1.1 慢行交通及相关理念
18-21 2.1.2 慢行交通实践历程21-25 2.2 国内慢行交通理念及实践探索25-29 2.2.1 慢行交通及相关理念25-27 2.2.2 慢行交通系统规划实践探索27-29 2.3 慢行交通研究与实践的发展趋势29-30 2.4 慢行交通的特点30-31 2.4.1 短距离出行首选30 2.4.2 为公共交通接驳30 2.4.3 节能环保经济
30 2.4.4 适应老龄社会、宜居城市发展30-31 2.4.5 出行选择的不稳定性31 2.5 现状慢行交通系统存在的问题31-34 2.5.1 重视度不够31 2.5.2 交通安全受到威胁31-32 2.5.3 缺少整
体、系统的规划与建设32 2.5.4 慢行活力及城市特色未体现
32-34第三章城市慢行交通系统的规划研究34-55 3.1 城市慢行交通系统的构建34-42 3.1.1 非机动车交通系统
35-37 3.1.2 步行系统37-39 3.1.3 水上交通系统
39-42 3.2 城市慢行交通系统规划的要素42-52 3.2.1 空间规划42-44 3.2.2 交通组织44-46 3.2.3 土地利用
46-48 3.2.4 景观设计48-50 3.2.5 行为感知50-51 3.2.6 特色塑造51-52 3.3 城市慢行交通系统规划的地位及侧重点
52-55 3.3.1 慢行交通系统规划的地位52-53 3.3.2 各层面的规划侧重点53-55第四章城市慢行交通系统规划及设计指引
55-71 4.1 慢行区的划分55-57 4.1.1 慢行区划分的原则
55-56 4.1.2 交通组织及规划要点56-57 4.2 慢行核的确定57-61 4.2.1 慢行核的分类57-58 4.2.2 慢行核的规划要点58-61 4.2.3 公共自行车租赁点布局61 4.3 慢行道体系的建构61-62 4.4 设计指引62-71 4.4.1 相关道路因素
63-66 4.4.2 街道空间因素66-67 4.4.3 慢行设施
67-68 4.4.4 慢行环境68-71第五章城市慢行交通系统规划的实施研究71-82 5.1 慢行交通系统规划的实施政策
71-74 5.1.1 交通政策71-73 5.1.2 环境政策73 5.1.3 其他相关政策73-74 5.2 慢行交通系统规划的实施建设
74-79 5.2.1 公共自行车系统74-76 5.2.2 慢行专用道
76-77 5.2.3 步行街(区)及人行设施77-79 5.2.4 其他相关措
施79 5.3 慢行交通系统规划的实施控制与反馈79-82 5.3.1
实施控制79-80 5.3.2 公众参与80-82第六章实证研究
82-94 6.1 苏州市慢行交通系统现状分析82-85 6.1.1 城市特
征分析82 6.1.2 慢行条件分析82-83 6.1.3 相关规划
83-84 6.1.4 慢行交通系统现状84-85 6.2 苏州市中心城区慢
行交通系统规划构想85-91 6.2.1 系统构建85-86 6.2.2 规划
设想86-91 6.3 苏州市慢行交通系统规划实施建议
91-94 6.3.1 行动计划91-92 6.3.2 政策引导92 6.3.3 市
民参与92-94第七章结论与展望94-967.1 主要研究成果与
结论947.2 遗留问题及不足94-957.3 后续研究展望
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