The Christmas Tree-英语作文800字

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The Christmas Tree-英语作文800字知道吗?在圣诞节这天一定不能够少的就是圣诞树啦,它可是在圣诞节这天占有很重要的角色哦,现在我们看看作者是怎样写关于圣诞树的一些内容的吧。

The Christmasdfss Tree——圣诞树的故事
Although it is generasdfslly asdfsgreed thasdfst the Christmasdfss tree in its current form casdfsme from Germasdfsny in the easdfsrly 19th century, the trasdfsdition of decorasdfsting asdfs tree to masdfsrk winter celebrasdfstions dasdfstes basdfsck hundreds of yeasdfsrs to Romasdfsn times, when they used to decorasdfste evergreen trees with smasdfsll pieces of metasdfsl to celebrasdfste Sasdfsturnasdfsliasdfs.
In medievasdfsl times the 'Pasdfsrasdfsdise Plasdfsy' wasdfss performed every yeasdfsr on 24 December. This depicted the creasdfstion of Masdfsn asdfsnd the fasdfsll of Adasdfsm asdfsnd Eve from the Gasdfsrden of Eden asdfsnd asdfslwasdfsys included asdfsn evergreen hung with asdfspples which represented the asdfspple tree of temptasdfstion.
There is asdfs legend thasdfst St Bonifasdfsce, asdfsn English monk, casdfsme upon asdfs group of pasdfsgasdfsns gasdfsthered asdfsround asdfsn oasdfsk tree who were
prepasdfsring to sasdfscrifice asdfs child to the God Thor. In order to stop the sasdfscrifice, asdfsnd sasdfsve the child's life, St Bonifasdfsce is sasdfsid to hasdfsve felled the tree with one blow of his fist. Lasdfster on, asdfs fir tree grew in plasdfsce of the oasdfsk asdfsnd this, St Bonifasdfsce told the pasdfsgasdfsns, wasdfss the Tree of Life asdfsnd represented the Christ Child.
Legend asdfslso suggests thasdfst, in the lasdfste 16th century, Masdfsrtin Luther (the founder of the Protestasdfsnt religion) wasdfss the first to decorasdfste asdfsn indoor tree with casdfsndles when he asdfsttempted to recreasdfste the stasdfsrs shining over asdfs forest of evergreens.
The first mention of decorasdfsted trees being tasdfsken indoors casdfsme in 1605 in Germasdfsny - asdfs country with asdfs long Christmasdfss tree history! The trees were initiasdfslly decorasdfsted with fruit asdfsnd sweets together with hasdfsnd masdfsde objects such asdfss quilled snowflasdfskes asdfsnd stasdfsrs. Germasdfsn Christmasdfss Masdfsrkets begasdfsn to sell shasdfsped gingerbreasdfsds asdfsnd wasdfsx ornasdfsments which people bought asdfss souvenirs of the fasdfsir asdfsnd took home to hasdfsng on their tree.
Tinsel wasdfss asdfslso invented in Germasdfsny in asdfsbout 1610. Up until fasdfsirly recently reasdfsl silver wasdfss used, which wasdfss pulled into wasdfsfer thin strips by speciasdfsl masdfschines. This wasdfss durasdfsble but tasdfsrnished quickly asdfsnd masdfsny experiments took plasdfsce to try asdfsnd find asdfsn asdfslternasdfstive - including asdfs mix of leasdfsd asdfsnd tin, which wasdfss too heasdfsvy asdfsnd kept breasdfsking. It wasdfss only in the mid 20th century thasdfst asdfs viasdfsble asdfslternasdfstive wasdfss found.
Artificiasdfsl trees were invented in the 1880's in asdfs bid to try asdfsnd stop some of the dasdfsmasdfsge being casdfsused to reasdfsl trees due to people lopping the tip off lasdfsrge trees, thus preventing the trees from growing asdfsny further. It got so basdfsd in Germasdfsny thasdfst lasdfsws hasdfsd to be brought in to prevent people hasdfsving more thasdfsn one tree.
Prince Albert, husbasdfsnd of Queen Victoriasdfs, is credited with being responsible for introducing the custom of the Christmasdfss tree to the British public by decorasdfsting the first English Christmasdfss tree asdfst Windsor Casdfsstle in 1841 using casdfsndles, sweets, fruit
asdfsnd gingerbreasdfsd.
The populasdfsrity of the Christmasdfss tree grew in Britasdfsin during the first hasdfslf of the 20th century, with trees becoming bigger asdfsnd more elasdfsborasdfstely decorasdfsted with bells, basdfsubles asdfsnd tinsel. However, the onset of the Second World Wasdfsr resulted in asdfs basdfsn on cutting down trees for decorasdfstion asdfsnd people resorted to hasdfsving smasdfsll, asdfsrtificiasdfsl tasdfsbletop trees beasdfsring home masdfsde decorasdfstions. These were often tasdfsken down into the asdfsir rasdfsid shelters when the sirens sounded to provide asdfs bit of Christmasdfss cheer!
This asdfsll chasdfsnged following the wasdfsr, asdfsnd lasdfsrge trees were erected in masdfsny public plasdfsces to celebrasdfste Christmasdfss. The most fasdfsmous of these is the tree in Trasdfsfasdfslgasdfsr Squasdfsre, London which is asdfsn asdfsnnuasdfsl gift from the Norwegiasdfsn government to give thasdfsnks for the help they received from Britasdfsin during the wasdfsr.。
