STK Matlab Connect Commands
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mexConnect Contents
STK Server Commands:
stkDefaultConID Return the default connection ID
stkDefaultHost Return the default host
stkSetDefaultHost Configure a remote connection to STK
Application Commands:
stkAutoSave Autosave control
stkHomeDir STK Home directory
stkCurrentDir Current directory
stkSetCurrentDir Set current directory
stkObjNames STK object names
stkTimerStart Start timer
stkTimer Elapsed time
Generic Object Commands:
stkCentralBody Coordinate system central body
stkLoadObj Load an object file
stkSaveObj Save an object to file
stkNewObj Create new object
stkUnload Unload an object
stkUnloadChildren Unload all object children
stkRename Rename an object
stkTimePeriod Scenario time period
stkTimePeriodInSec Scenario time period, in numeric seconds format
stkValidObj Check for valid object
stkDescrip Get object description
stkSetDescrip Set object description
Scenario Commands:
stkAnimTime STK animation time
stkEpoch STK scenario epoch
stkSetEpoch Set STK scenario epoch
stkSetEpochInSec Change STK scenario epoch, in numeric seconds
stkSyncEpoch Synchronize aeroToolbox and STK scenario epochs
stkConvertDate Convert date formats
stkSetTimePeriod Set scenario time period
stkSetTimePeriodInSec Set scenario time period, in numeric seconds
stkScenFilePath STK scenario file path
stkValidScen Check for valid scenario
Basic Vehicle Data:
stkTimePeriod Vehicle time period
stkTimePeriodInSec Vehicle time period, in numeric seconds format
stkSetTimePeriod Set satellite time period
Satellite Propagators:
stkSetPropCart Set propagator parameters, cartesian coordinates
stkSetPropClassical Set propagator parameters, classical coordinates
stkSetPropEqui Set propagator parameters, equinoctial coordinates
stkSetPropSGP4 Set propagator parameters, SGP4 system
stkPropagate Propagate a satellite
Vehicle Position and Velocity:
stkPosVelCBF Position and velocity, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkPosVelCBI Position and velocity, Inertial coordinates
stkEphemerisCBF Vehicle ephemeris, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkEphemerisCBI Vehicle ephemeris, Central Body Inertial coordinates
stkSetEphemerisCBF Set vehicle ephemeris, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkSetEphemerisCBI Set vehicle ephemeris, Central Inertial Fixed coordinates
stkLoadEphemeris Load ephemeris from file
stkSaveEphemerisCBF Save ephemeris to file, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkSaveEphemerisCBI Save ephemeris to file, Central Body Inertial coordinates stkSaveDynState Save dynamic state data to MAT file
stkDynState Generate dynamic state data
Vehicle Attitude:
stkAttitudeCBF Vehicle attitude, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkAttitudeCBI Vehicle attitude, Central Body Inertial coordinates
stkSetAttitudeCBF Set vehicle attitude, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkSetAttitudeCBI Set vehicle attitude, Central Body Inertial coordinates
stkLoadAttitude Load attitude from file
stkSaveAttitudeCBF Save attitude to file, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkSaveAttitudeCBI Save attitude to file, Central Body Inertial coordinates
Basic Vehicle Attitude Types:
stkSetAttBasic Set basic attitude types
stkSetAttSpinSun Set attitude to spin about sun axis
stkSetAttSpinNadir Set attitude to spin about nadir
stkSetAttYawNadir Set attitude to yaw about nadir
stkSetAttSpinning Set spinning attitude about arbitrary axis
stkSetAttFixed Set inertially fixed attitude
stkAttOffset Attitude offset
Aircraft, GroundVehicle and Ship Propagators:
stkSetWaypoints Set great arc vehicle waypoints
stkLoadWaypoints Load waypoint file
stkSetGreatArcStart Set Great Arc Vehicle start time
Missile Propagators:
stkSetPropBallistic Ballistic missile propagator parameters
Facilities and Targets:
stkPosVelCBF Position, Central Body Fixed coordinates
stkSetFacPosCBF Set Facility Position, CBF coordinates
stkSetFacPosLLA Set Facility Position, Geodetic coordinates
Area Targets:
stkGetBoundary Area Target boundary
STK Tools:
stkAccess Access intervals
stkReport Generate an object report
stkAccReport Generate an Access report
stkFindData Extract data from a report section
Connect Commands:
stkOpen Open connection to Satellite Tool Kit
stkClose Close connection to Satellite Tool Kit
stkExec Send a command to Satellite Tool Kit
stkConnect Convenience function for sending Connect commands
aeroToolbox Contents
atbUnits Common units used in atb function
Coordinate System Epoch and Date functions:
atbGetEpoch Get analysis epoch
atbSetEpoch Set analysis epoch
atbDateToEpochSec Convert an absolute date to epoch seconds
atbEpochSecToDate Convert epoch seconds to an absolute date
Coordinate Conversions:
atbCbfToCbi Convert CBF coordinates to CBI coordinates
atbCbfToCbiMtx Transformation matrix from CBF to CBI
atbCbfToLhMtx Transformation matrix from CBF to local horizontal
atbCbfToLla Transformation from CBF to geodetic Lat-Long-Alt
atbCbfToLlr Transformation from CBF to geocentric Lat-Long-Radius
atbCbfToVvlhMtx Transformation matrix from CBF to VVLH
atbCbiToCbf Convert CBI coordinates to CBF coordinates
atbCbiToCbi Convert CBI coordinates to another CBI system
atbCbiToCbiMtx Transformation matrix from CBI to another CBI system
atbLlaToCbf Transformation from geodetic Lat-Long-Alt to CBF
atbLlrToCbf Transformation from geocentric Lat-Long-Radius to CBF
atbCbCoordinates Get names of coordinate systems associated with a central body
atbCoordXForm Transformation from one coordinate system to another
atbCoordXFormMtx Transformation matrix from one coordinate system to another on a given central body
Rotations and Quaternions:
atbAlignVecQuat Quaternion for coordinate system transformation
atbEulerToMtx Generate rotation matrix from Euler angles
atbEulerToQuat Generate quaternion from Euler angles
atbMinRotQuat Minimum rotation quaternion
atbMtxToEuler 3x3 cosine matrix conversion to Euler angles
atbMtxToQuat 3x3 cosine matrix to quaternion conversion
atbMtxToYpr 3x3 cosine matrix conversion to Yaw-Pitch-Roll
atbQuatToMtx Quaternion conversion to 3x3 matrix
atbQuatXquat Quaternion multiplication
atbYprToMtx Yaw-Pitch-Roll To 3x3 Matrix
atbYprToQuat Yaw-Pitch-Roll To Quaternion
atbInterpQuat Interpolate Quaternions
Central Body Operations and Routines:
atbLoadEOP Load Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP)
atbCbEphemeris Generate central body position/velocity
atbCbGetTangent Tangent points on central body
atbCbGravParam Gravitational parameter
atbCbGrazeAlt Grazing altitude
atbCbGrazeAngle Grazing angle
atbCbIntersect Central body intersection
atbCbLclRadCen Local central body radius, geocentric basis
atbCbLclRadDet Local central body radius, geodetic basis
atbCbSurfDistCen Surface path length, geocentric basis
atbCbSurfDistDet Surface path length, geodetic basis
atbCbSurfNormCen Surface normal vector, geocentric basis
atbCbSurfNormDet Surface normal vector, geodetic basis
Waypoint, Ephemeris and Attitude Files:
atbReadAttitudeCBF Read an STK external attitude file in CBF format
atbReadAttitudeCBI Read an STK external attitude file in CBI format
atbWriteAttitudeCBF Write an STK external attitude file in CBF format
atbWriteAttitudeCBI Write an STK external attitude file in CBI format
atbReadEphemerisCBF Read an STK external ephemeris file in CBF format
atbReadEphemerisCBI Read an STK external ephemeris file in CBI format
atbWriteEphemerisCBF Write an STK external ephemeris file in CBF format
atbWriteEphemerisCBI Write an STK external ephemeris file in CBI format
atbWriteWaypointFile Write an STK waypoint file
Position and Velocity Functions:
atbGeometry Absolute and relative geometry
atbGenGreatArc Compute great arc route
atbInterpProfile Smooth great arc interpolation
atbCreateDynStateCBF Create a dynState structure from CBF data elements
atbCreateDynStateCBI Create a dynState structure from CBI data elements
atbLhQuatCen Compute a local horizontal coordinate frame, geocentric version
atbLhQuatCBFDet Compute a local horizontal coordinate frame, geodetic version atbFlatten Extract a structure array field
Orbit Element Set Conversions:
atbOrbCartToDel Convert cartesian orbit elements to Delaunay
atbOrbCartToEqui Convert cartesian orbit elements to equinoctial
atbOrbCartToMod Convert cartesian orbit elements to modified
atbOrbCartToSphere Convert cartesian orbit elements to spherical
atbOrbCartToMixedSphere Convert cartesian orbit elements to mixed spherical
atbOrbDelToCart Convert Delaunay to cartesian orbit elements
atbOrbEquiToCart Convert equinoctial to cartesian orbit elements
atbOrbModToCart Convert modified to cartesian orbit elements
atbOrbSphereToCart Convert spherical to cartesian orbit elements
atbOrbMixedSphereToCart Convert mixed spherical to cartesian orbit elements Orbit Element Parameter Conversions:
atbOrbEccToTrue Convert eccentric anomaly to true anomaly
atbOrbTrueToEcc Convert true anomaly to eccentric anomaly
atbOrbMeanToTrue Convert mean anomaly to true anomaly
atbOrbTrueToMean Convert true anomaly to mean anomaly
atbOrbLanToRaan Convert longitude of ascending node to right ascension
atbOrbRaanToLan Convert right ascension to longitude of ascending node
atbOrbPeriRadToPeriod Convert perigee radius to period
atbOrbPeriodToPeriRad Convert period to perigee radius
atbOrbPeriRadToSMajAxis Convert perigee radius to semimajor axis
atbOrbSMajAxisToPeriRad Convert semimajor axis to perigee radius
atbOrbTPANToTrue Convert time past ascending node to true anomaly
atbOrbTrueToTPAN Convert true anomaly to time past ascending node
atbOrbTPPToTrue Convert time past perigee to true anomaly
atbOrbTrueToTPP Convert true anomaly to time past perigee
atbLambertFixedTime Lambert targeting algorithm - fixed time
atbLambertMinEnergy Lambert targeting algorithm - minimum energy
atbLambertMinEccen Lambert targeting algorithm - minimum eccentricity
atbKeplerProp Simple two body propagator
atbJ2Prop Propagator accounting for J2 effects
atbJ4Prop Propagator accounting for J2 and J4 effects
atbLaunchProp Simplified launch propagator
atbMissilePropDataFixedTime Missile propagator data - fixed time
atbMissilePropDataFixedAlt Missile propagator data - fixed altitude
atbMissilePropDataFixedDeltaV Missile propagator data - fixed delta V
atbMissilePropDataMinEnergy Missile propagator data - minimum energy
atbTLERead Read a 2-line element set file
atbTLEGetAll Get all loaded 2-line element sets
atbTLEDelete Delete a 2-line element set
atbTLEProp SGP4 2-line element set propagator
atbTLEEpoch Get epoch of an SGP4 2-line element set
atbTLEInfo Get SGP4 2-line element set info
atbTLESetInfo Set SGP4 2-line element set info
Map Data:
atbMapDetails Earth map details
atbPlotMapDetails Plot Earth map details
DTED operations:
atbCbListDtedTypes List all DTED types for a central body
atbCbListDted List all DTED sources for a central body
atbCbAddDtedSource Add DTED to a central body
atbCbDtedSourceUI Manage terrain sources
atbLoadNimaDted Recursively load all NIMA DTED files in a folder
atbCbRemDtedSource Remove DTED from a central body
atbCbGetDtedSourceForPos Get sources of terrain surrounding a position atbDtedElev Get DTED altitude from a Central Body
atbAzElMask Compute an az/el mask
atbDtedRes Get DTED resolution
atbDtedLOSExist Compute existence of line of sight between two points Navigation Accuracy:
atbComputeDOP Dilution of precision
Coverage Grids:
atbGetPolyHandle Get an XY polygon handle
atbInsidePoly Check if a point is inside an XY polygon
atbClearPolyHandle Clear an XY polygon handle from memory。