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News Item One
Huge anti-gay-marriage protest march in Paris
PARIS, PARIS, (BBC)(BBC), May May 26 26 26 2013--2013--2013--Tens Tens of thousands of people have rallied in Paris
against a new French law allowing same-sex marriage.
Police estimate that up to 150,000 people joined marches that converged on the city center, but organizers put the figure close to one million. Clashes erupted after the rally finished between far-right activists and riot police. The authorities said nearly 100 people were arrested.
On Saturday 50 people were detained for blocking the Champs-Elysees.
The same-sex marriage bill, which also legalizes gay adoption, was signed into law by President Francois Hollande last week, after months of heated debate.
French people have been bitterly divided over the issue. On Tuesday, a far-right historian shot himself dead in Notre Dame cathedral, leaving messages in which he denounced gay marriage. During Sunday Sunday’’s p
rotests, demonstrators headed in columns from a number of points in Paris to the Invalides complex.
Some marchers drove donkeys, one of which bore a placard which read: “I am an
ass. I voted Hollande”.
The leader of the UMP conservative opposition party, Jean-Francois Cope,
headed one of the processions.
Despite some 4,500 police deployed in Paris, clashes broke out at the end of the day between far-right activists and police, filling the Invalides complex with tear gas.
The interior ministry said 96 people were arrested.
Leading activist Virginie Tellen - better known as Frigide Barjot - earlier in the day greeted protesters arriving to Paris from across France at a Paris train station.But she did not take part in the march, citing threats from far-right groups ‘Playing God’
One UMP member of parliament, Jacques Myard, told BBC News that the law had been passed by the go verning party “by force”and his party would review it if
Mr Myard told the BBC there was a “huge gap between this government and the citizens”over the marriage issue. “This is something we cannot accept because of the fate of the children,” he said.
“Those people are playing God, because they want to marry, but it won’t stop at this stage. Then they will adopt, and then we will have children in families where
there is no father or no mother.”
The leader of France's far-right National Front, Marine Le Pen, was also among the marchers.
On Saturday evening, a group of protesters chained themselves to metal barriers they had placed in the middle of the Champs-Elysees.
Some released smoke bombs before police moved in and arrested them. Nobody was hurt.
Opposition to gay marriage has become conflated with all sorts of other
anti-government grievances coming from the right and the atmosphere in the country is particularly volatile, the BBC's Hugh Schofield says.
France is now the ninth country in Europe, and 14th globally, to legalize gay
u Question1: Did Jacques Myard support or oppose the gay-marriage ?why ?
u Question2:How many people were arrested and injured in this protest
demonstration ?
u Question3 :Did most of French people support or oppose the gay-marriage ?
u Question4: Is gay marriage legalized in France now ?
News Item Two
Syrian refugees top 1.5 million
SYRIA ,(CCTV (CCTV News),M News),M ay ay 17 17 17 2013 2013 2013 ---The -The United United United Nations Nations Nations Refugee Refugee Refugee Agency Agency Agency said said said on on
Friday that more than 1.5 million people have fled Syria since the crisis began more than two years ago.
Here is a look at the rising human cost of the Syria unrest: The United Nations said on the 15th of May, that the death toll in Syria was at least 80,000, an increase of 10,000 since February 2013.
At the same time, the number of Syrian refugees fleeing the country including those those awaiting awaiting awaiting registration registration registration is is is more more more than than than 1.5 1.5 1.5 million, million, million, with with with Jordan, Jordan, Jordan, Lebanon, Lebanon, Lebanon, Turkey, Turkey,
Iraq and Egypt sheltering the most refugees.
Meanwhile inside Syria, out of Syria’s 23 million population, 4 mi llion were in
need of humanitarian assistance across all 14 governorates, which essentially means that 17% of Syrian residents are in need of help.
Question: How many people have fled from Syria to other countries?
News Item Three
Turkish riot police fire tear gas to disperse protesters,violence erupts
ISTANBUL, (Xinhua),June 11 -- Hundreds of riot police carried out an operation by firing firing tear tear tear gas gas gas and and and water water water cannon cannon cannon to to to disperse disperse disperse more more more than than than 10,000 10,000 10,000 protesters protesters protesters in in in central central
Taksim square in Turkey’s Istanbul as n ight falls on Tuesday.
A plume of smoke of tear gas filled the sky over square as police launched the operation at around 8:20 p.m. local time (GMT 1720).
An An eyewitness eyewitness eyewitness told told told Xinhua Xinhua Xinhua that that that clashes clashes clashes broke broke broke out out out between between between policemen policemen policemen and and
protesters who responded the police operation by throwing stone and fireworks.
Some injuries and arrests were reported. The tension in the square is running high as the square is getting dark and with no lights
Shortly after the police’s intervention, Governor of Istanbul Huseyin Avni Mutlu
said said on on on his his his social social social network network network page page page that”marginal that”marginal that”marginal groups”had groups”had groups”had attacked attacked attacked the the the police police police who who
were stationed in front of the Ataturk Cultural Center, near the Taksim Square.
“I plead with citizens at the site to separate themselves from the marginal group and abandon the square. It is important that our demand is carried out for everyone's security,security,”Mutlu said.”Mutlu said.
It was the first time the riot police entered the square since they retreated from the iconic venue on June 1.
Riot Riot police police police took took took control control control of of of Taksim Taksim Taksim Square Square Square after after after entering entering entering the the the site site site in in in the the the early early
morning and surrounded the Ataturk Statue following use of tear gas and pressurized water on the protesters.
As As of of of 11:30, 11:30, 11:30, the the the protesters protesters protesters formed formed formed a a a human human human chain chain chain to to to prevent prevent prevent the the the police police police from from
intervening, intervening, which which which was was was immediately immediately immediately dispersed dispersed dispersed by by by the the the policemen. policemen. policemen. Crowds Crowds Crowds at at at the the
nearby park chanted slogans “Taksim is ours, Istanbul is ours!”
The police also stormed another gathering at the Gezi Park with tear gas and pressurized water.
Crowds started to overspread the Taksim Square in the evening according to a
call from the Taksim Solidarity Platform following an all-day police intervention in central Istanbul.
The platform, an an initiative initiative organized to to prevent prevent a a development development project in
Istanbul's Taksim Gezi Park, called on people to support the ongoing protest at Gezi Park, saying that none of the protesters' demands had been realized by now.
Hundreds of protesters have been wounded during the clashes, with five critical cases, Turkish Medical Association President, Ahmet Ozdemir Aktan said, adding one protester's skull was severely cracked.
The Istanbul Governor's Office said in a statement that the operation only aimed to to “clear the banners and flags on the Ataturk statue and the AKM “clear the banners and flags on the Ataturk statue and the AKM cultural cultural center”center”
and no operation was planned for the Gezi Park.
Forces Forces have have have also also also removed removed removed the the the barricades barricades barricades set set set up up up by by by protesters protesters protesters on on on the the the streets streets
leading to the Taksim area.
Question: Where did the riot police carry out operations?
News Item Four
Costa Rican president opposes oil exploitation
SAN SAN JOSE,(Xinhua),March JOSE,(Xinhua),March JOSE,(Xinhua),March 24 24 24 -- -- -- Costa Costa Costa Rican Rican Rican President President President Oscar Oscar Oscar Arias Arias Arias expressed expressed expressed his his
objection to the exploitation of oil in his country, and stressed Costa Rica was making great efforts to develop renewable energy, the local press said on Tuesday.
In an address to the congress on Monday, Arias said he was determined to fulfill a pledge not to allow oil exploitation in Costa Rica.
According According to to to the the the website website website /el /el /el pais, pais, pais, Arias Arias Arias said said said his his his government government government was was
making efforts to develop solar and wind power, and geothermal energy.
“No “No oil oil oil exploitation exploitation exploitation is is is a a a decision decision decision I I I made made made long long long ago,”Arias ago,”Arias ago,”Arias said”.If said”.If said”.If I I I had had had been been
asked the same question three years ago, I would have given the same answer.”
Costa Rica is a net importer of oil.
In In January, January, January, Roberto Roberto Roberto Dobles, Dobles, Dobles, the the the former former former Minister Minister Minister of of of Environment Environment Environment and and and Energy, Energy,
said the country needed to exploit oil.
u 1.Which place did the President oppose oil exploitation ?
u 2.What energy will the government develop?
News Item Five
Japan Agrees Nuclear Power Plant Safety Rules
JAPAN,(news.sky), June 19 2013--J a pan’s nuclear watchdog has approved new safety
apan’s nuclear watchdog has approved new safety requirements for atomic power plants, paving the way for the reopening of facilities shut down since the Fukushima disaster.
The The new new new measures, measures, measures, approved approved approved by by by the the the Nuclear Nuclear Nuclear Regulation Regulation Regulation Authority, Authority, Authority, will will will take take
effect on July 8 when operators will be able to apply for inspections.
If plants pass the inspections - a process expected to take several months - they can reopen later this year or early in 2014.
All All but but but two two two of of of Japan’s Japan’s Japan’s 50 50 50 reactor reactor reactors s s have have have been been been offline offline offline since since since the the the March March March 2011 2011
earthquake and tsunami that triggered multiple meltdowns and massive radiation leaks at Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant, 160 miles from Tokyo.
The plant, which barely runs on a precarious cooling system, has struggled with swelling contaminated water leaking out of broken reactors.
Wednesday's decision comes nearly two weeks ahead of the legal deadline, with critics claiming it has been brought forward due to industrial and political pressure.
Utilities Utilities have have have complained complained complained about about about soaring soaring soaring fuel fuel fuel costs costs costs to to to run run run conventional conventional conventional thermal thermal
power plants to make up for the shortfall.
Prime Prime Minister Minister Minister Shinzo Shinzo Shinzo Abe’s Abe’s Abe’s pro pro pro-industry -industry -industry government government government has has has quickly quickly quickly reversed reversed reversed a a nuclear phase-out plan since taking office last December, saying nuclear energy is key to Japan's economy.
Critics say the new requirements still have loopholes that make things easier for operators, operators, including including including a a a five-year five-year five-year grace grace grace period period period on on on installing installing installing some some some mandated mandated mandated new new
They They also also also said said said the the the approvals approvals approvals only only only concern concern concern resuming resuming resuming reactor reactor reactor operations, operations, operations, while while
nearby communities lag lag behind behind behind in in in enacting enacting enacting relevant relevant relevant emergency emergency and and evacuation evacuation
The The new new new requirements requirements requirements for for for the the the first first first time time time make make make it it it compulsory compulsory compulsory for for for plants plants plants to to to take take
steps to guard against radiation leaks in the case of severe accidents such as a core melt, install emergency command centres and enact anti-terrorist measures.
Operators Operators are are are also also also required required required to to to upgrade upgrade upgrade their their their protection protection protection against against against tsunamis tsunamis tsunamis and and
Fukushima Dai-ichi operator Tokyo Electric Power Co., or TEPCO, came under harsh criticism for underestimating the tsunami risk and building a seawall that was too low.
Question:Why does Japan agree new nuclear power plant safety rules?
News Item Six
Taliban attack on Afghan presidential palace kills 4
Kabul,(CCTV Kabul,(CCTV News),June News),June News),June 25 25 25 2013 2013 2013 --The --The --The Taliban Taliban attack attack on on on Afghan Afghan Afghan Presidential Presidential
Palace Palace in in in Kabul Kabul Kabul on on on Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday morning morning morning left left left all all all four four four militants militants militants dead, dead, dead, police police police said.”Four said.”Four
militants involved in the attack are killed by our brave security forces ,”Kabul police chief Mohammad Ayub Salangi told reporters near the scene.
Based Based on
on on the the the initial initial initial reports, reports, reports, no no no security security security force force force personnel personnel personnel or or or civilian civilian civilian was was harmed in the attack, he said.
The militants used Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) and heavy weapons in
the attack which began at around 6:30 a.m. local time as they tried to enter the eastern gate of the palace, he said.
The four-wheel-drive explosive-packed car was also detonated by the
attackers, witnesses said.
They They said
said said the the the militants militants militants using using using false false false entry entry entry card card card had had had passed passed passed the the the first first first gate. gate. Sporadic gunfire and RPG explosions lasted for more than one hour and half.
Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack which they said inflicted
casualties on Afghan and U.S. forces.
The Taliban has intensified attacks since they launched annual spring
offensive late April.
The The incident
incident incident came came came as as as the the the U.S. U.S. U.S. special special special envoy envoy envoy for for for Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan and and and Pakistan Pakistan James James Dobbins Dobbins Dobbins is is is visiting visiting visiting Kabul Kabul Kabul for for for talks talks talks with with with the the the Afghan Afghan Afghan leaders leaders leaders over over over the the the stalled stalled
peace talks with the Taliban.
Taliban opened their political office in Doha, Qatar, on June 18 but the first open peace talks between Taliban and the U.S. representatives over there the same day was cancelled.
Meanwhile the Afghan government suspended negotiations with the United States on a security pact on the U.S. military presence in Afghanistan after 2014.
The The Afghan
Afghan Afghan government government government objected objected objected to to to the the the Taliban Taliban Taliban office office office raising raising raising the the the flag flag flag of of ousted Taliban regime and using nameplate of Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.
Taliban's Taliban's preference
preference preference to to to negotiate negotiate negotiate with with with the the the U.S. U.S. U.S. instead instead instead of of of President President President Karzai Karzai administration also angered Kabul.
Question: How did the militants pass the first gate?。