刘亚平 专业英语 the administrative state

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• Recent influx of foreign students of administration.
• Questions for future
– The place of the expert in a democratic society.
– Providing adequate preparation and a “philosophy” for our administrators.
• The future of administrative theory is dependent upon what happens in the world at large.
• Administrative thought will affect, as well as reflect, the future events. But it will not be one of the Prime Forces, at least in the near future. The numbers of its devotees and the range of its influence are too limited. Its only now freeing itself from a strait jacket of its own devising– the instrumentalist philosophy of the politicsadministration formula– that has limited its breadth and scope.
• Much of the specialization, however, is in the functional aspects of administration, rather than in its institutional aspects. This fact, together with the sheer volume and increasing diversity of institutional study, poses in a very acute form the problem whether there is a study of administration “as such”; at least whether there is a “function of administration,” as such, in which training or specialization is possible.
• Have they, by the double process of regarding more and more formal data over a wider and wider field of human organization, lost sight, penetration?
• Have you not gone too far in rejecting principles and embracing an uncritical empiricism?
• Whether in rejecting nineteenth-century concepts of “principles” the purpose or theory that must enlighten and inform any significant inquiry has not also been denied.
• One of the most obvious features of recent writing on public administration is its large volume and wide scope, together with an increasing tendency to specialized, factual or “empirical” studies.
• If formal analysis of organizations without regard to the purposes that inspire them but a tedious elaboration of the insignificant?
• The main tenets of public administration movement emerged in the decades preceding 1914; they crystallized into a general political theory in the Progressive years. This “orthodox” point of view is by no means an unchallenged faith; but generally, it is still gospel in our schools, at least in undergraduate courses. Perhaps the tenets of orthodoxy still represent the “truth” for our time and our needs. Assuredly, their air of certainty and stability appeals to the emotions in these days of crisis and confusion. But the apparent likelihood of a disintegration of the old outlook and the synthesis of a new must be recognized. In any event, if abandonment of the politics-administration formula is taken seriously, if the demands of present world civilization upon public administration are met, administrative thought must establish a working relationship with every major province in the realm of human learning.
• At the level of technique or procedure, scientific management will undoubtedly continue.
• Pragmatic philosophy may play a larger role in the future than in the past.
– The adequacy of “theory of organization”
– The adeAre students of administration trying to solve the problems of human cooperation on too low a plane?
• Thinking about the nature and imperatives of “science” and “principles” becomes increasingly more critical, more subtle. And there are those who would remodel extensively the historical structure of American business as well as that of governmental administration in the name of democracy, or for the sake of giving the expert his proper role.
The Administrative State
• There is a large core of “Orthodox” public administration ideology, but also a considerable measure of doubt and even iconoclasm; an increasing disposition to engage in empirical or functional studies in which theoretical postulates are obscure and perhaps denied, but also a number of foci of theoretical activity of great potential importance; and a number of theoretical problems that should be recognized, clearly stated, and competently treated.
• The notion that there are principles, scientifically and ethically valid, that can be uncovered by scientific study, is also still an orthodox tenet.
• Doubt has arisen about both the possibility and desirability of making a sharp separation of power of division of function between the deciding and the executing agencies of government.
• At the hear of orthodox ideology is the postulate that true democracy and true efficiency are synonymous, or at least reconcilable.
• Another important doctrine is the politicsadministration formula; the notion that the work of government is divisible into two parts, decision and execution, and that execution is or can be made a science.
• The field at present shows much evidence of vigor and growth, and considerable progress in criticism, synthesis, and creative thought can confidently be predicted.
• There is an area of explicit doubt and skepticism about all of these tenets except the first. But critical thinking has taken place, in the form of broadening or rejection of the original definitions of democracy and efficiency.