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poor student behavior seems to be an increasingly widespread problem and I thi nk that modern lifestyles are responsible for this.
It is common these days for young people in many countries to have a break fro m studying after graduating from high school. The trend is not restricted to rich s tudents who have the money to travel, but is also evident among poorer student s who choose to work and become economically independent for a period of time.
Today we consider human psychology and mental development is heavily influen ced by the genetic sciences. We now understand the importance of inherited cha racteristics more than ever before. Yet we are still unable to decide whether an i ndividual’s personality and development are more influenced by genetic factors o r by the environment.
As a result of constant media attention, sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities, and those at the top are paid huge salaries. Just lik e movie stars, they live extravagant lifestyles with huge houses and cars.
Over the last half century the pace of change in the life of human beings has incr eased beyond our wildest expectations. This has been driven by technological an d scientific breakthroughs that are changing the whole way we view the world on an almost daily basis. This means that change is not always a personal option, b ut an inescapable fact of life, and we need to constantly adapt to keep pace with it.
The relative importance of natural talent and training is a frequent topic of discus sion when people try to explain different levels of ability in, for example, sport, a rt or music.
Nowadays, many adults have full-time jobs and the proportion of their lives spen t doing such jobs is very high. So feelings about one’s job must reflect how an in dividual feels about his or her life as a whole, and because of this, job satisfactio n is indeed very important for the wellbeing of that person.
A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills onl y, it has always included teaching the next generation how to be good members of society. Therefore, this cannot be the responsibility of the parents alone.
There is no doubt that traffic and pollution from vehicles have become huge prob lems, both in cities and on motorways everywhere. Solving these problems is like ly to need more than a simple rise in the price of petrol.
The issue/ discussion/ topic/ problem/ subject about/ of (whether 从句 or how + 不定式) is of great interest/ concern/ importance/ significa nce to/ for···
has triggered/sparked off an intense controversy in the realm o f···
•The issue of···is of great interest to···
e.g. The issue of whether the practice of requiring students to wear school unifor ms will affect their personality and individuality is of great interest to many peopl e.
•The topic of···is of great concern for···
e.g. The topic of whether it is appropriate and effective to use corporal punishme nt on young children is of great concern for many people.
•The subject of···is of great importance to···
e.g. The subject of how to resolve the problems caused by the rapid developmen t of technology nowadays is of great importance to many scientists.
•The discussion about···is of great significance to···
e.g. The discussion about the most effective way to provide financial and technol ogical supports to third-world countries is of great significance to both industrializ ed and developing countries.
•The question of···is a matter of much contention among
•The problem···has been widely debated in the world of···
•The inquiry into··has triggered/sparked off an intense controvers y in the realm of···
e.g. The inquiry into the morality of conducting various researches and experime nts on human cloning has triggered an intense controversy in the realm of scienc e
•Although it is commonly believed that···, this is actually not the c ase
e.g. Although it is commonly believed that conventional views about a healthy lif estyle and proper conduct are no longer relevant to young people’s needs today, this is actually not the case.
•Although it is widely accepted that···, this is simply untrue in our day-to-day experiences
•Although it is generally acknowledged that···, this can hardly be held true in many real-life situations.
•Although conventional wisdom has it that···, the reality of the sit uation is often far more complicated than that.
•Although the received opinion is that···, the harsh realities usuall y turn out to be a completely different picture
e.g. Although the received opinion is that schoolchildren generally benefit from w atching television and using other high-tech media in their learning process, the harsh realities usually turn out to be a completely different picture.
•Although many people subscribe to the belief that···, this is in fac t a common misconception that we need to clear up
e.g. Although many people subscribe to the belief that providing public library fac ilities and services is a waster of taxpayer’s money, this is in fact a common misc onception that we need to clear up.
•Although most individuals are convinced that···, this is actually a popular myth that must be exploded.
e.g. Although most individuals are convinced that their happiness is closely linked with the level of their financial success, this is actually a popular myth that must be exploded.
There has been a growing trend that···
an interesting tendency that/of···
a common practice of/that···
a widespread phenomenon that···
nowadays, it is quite common…
there is much discussion these days about
becomes a public concern
e.g. There has been a widespread phenomenon that students from rural areas fi nd it increasingly difficult to have access to college or university education.
•Recent decades have seen an increased awareness of···
•Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in···
e.g. Recent decades have witnessed a major transformation in agricultural devel opment, where industrial technologies are being employed and new varieties of c rops are being created, yet, opponents of this development have raised a numbe r of difficult questions. From my point of view, this is a really complicated matter, and we need further investigations to understand the whole picture.
▪While some people think…, others hold…
▪On one hand, on the other hand,…
▪Some/many/most/a majority of/quite a few/a sizable percentage
of people
elieve/proclaim/advocate/hold the view/hold the opinion/are
confident/are of the opinion/have the idea/point out/take the
view that…… Others/other people /some others/some other
people assert /contend/argue/hold the view/hold the opinion/are
confident/are of the opinion/ have the idea/point out/take the
view that……
▪Some people argue that…. But others set forth a different
argument about/opposite views on the problem
▪Some advocate/endorse/favor/are for… yet others stick to the
opposing argument
▪Some respond…. But others behave
o I firmly believe that…
o In this essay, I will outline my reasons for holding this point of view.
o I would like to investigate why … and how…
o In my opinion, ________
o As far as I am concerned,
o As for me,
o In/For my part,
o In/From my point of view,
o As I see it,
o From my own perspective,
o Speaking for myself,
o I am convinced that,
o I would point out that,
o It seems quite clear to me that,
o For my part, I absolutely/wholeheartedly/totally/completely agree with/approve of/consent to/am for/share/side with the latter point of
o There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. For my part, I absolutely/wholeheartedly/totally/completely agree with the latter one. •引起下文
o The reasons are presented below.
o There are many reasons supporting my view.
o There are no less than three reasons as rendered below.
o There are many reasons that can verify this.
o I support this with the following reasons.
o I would like to present two explanations to confirm that I am right.
o There three advantages as follows.
o A number of causes account for my point.
o The reasons are chiefly as follows.
o I believe that I have found some solid reasons.
o There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore
a few of the most important ones here.
o Among countless factors which influence my decision, there are two/three conspicuous aspects.
o My arguments for this point are listed as follows.
o This view is based on the propensity of following points.
o There are three premier causes as follows.
o This quite different view is based on the propensity of following points. •Cause, trigger, engender, generate, produce, provoke, incur
•Lead to, contribute to, give rise to, result in.
•影响:influence, effect, impact
•好坏:positive/negative, good, benefitial/adverse
产生影响: exert good/bad/strong impact/influence on us/the society/individuals; impose…on…
•取决于:lie in; is determined by; depends on; is relied on
•采取措施:take measures to do sth.; make effort to do sth.
•With respect to/ regarding/in view of the above-mentioned problems/negative impacts, it is suggested that government should…
•Or…, we can take various measure/steps to address this
•There can be different solutions/approaches to the disturbing situation
•The key to solving the problem lies in…
•From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that
•So, as I see it,
•So from what has been discussed, one can reach only this conclusion:
•After understanding the reasons above, it is quite safe now to say that
•Now, after close examination, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that •So if we take a careful consideration, it is no difficult to get the conclusion: •So, based on the above discussion, I agree with the opinion that
•Based on the above discussion and analysis, we can see that
•To sum up, I firmly commit to the notion that
•To sum up, there is no question in my mind that
•All in all, I should say that
•To sum up
•In general/Generally
•In brief
•In sum
•In conclusion
•In short
•In a word
•Taking in to all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that •From what has been discussed above, we may safely arrive at the conclusion that
•From what has been mentioned above, we can clearly see that
•Consequently, I strongly commit to the notion that
•Judging from all evidence offered, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that
•All the evidence supports an unmistakable view that
•Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that •Given the factors I have just outlined, I can only say that
•to summarize, in conclusion, to conclude, to sum up, as a result •Ipersonally believe…, I am of the opinion that…, I agree that…, I am quite optimistic about the…; I find it hard to be optimistic about…; Whether… is dependent on the situation involved…
•…should …; I also advocate/suggest that…/so… is well advised to…•Advantage; pros; benefits; merits; positive ones; good news; strength/strong point; boon
•Disadvantage; cons; drawbacks; problem; negative ones; bad news;
weakness/weak point; bane
•The biggest advantage/disadvantage for… is that…
•We should be aware of the merit/problem that…
o It means
o That is to say
o In other words
o To put it another way
o By that I mean
o Due to/owing to/because of …
o Result from…
o Due to the fact that…
o The most immediate factor is…
o The reason why… is…
o Because/since/for…
o As a result,/therefore,/hence,/consequently,/so… +句子
o In this case,…
o Result in…
o Create…
o Bring about…
o Contribute to…
o We have to bear the severe consequence that…
o…would ultimately lead to the result that…
•For example, for instance…
•…such as…; like
•The following are examples of this…
•This …is shown/exemplified/illustrated by…
•… is a case in point
•The following is a case in point
•…is unlike/contrast with… with respect to/in terms of/regarding…
•In the past,… but nowadays…
•…however/on the other hand
•… while/whereas
o Some people think that… the consensus is that…
o Opponents/proponents/advocates/supporters of… may
o Those who… may point out that/be worried that/argue that…
o The main reason usually given in support of/against … is that…
o Another argument used to justify/refute… is that…
o However, they are oversimplifying the situation. In fact,…
o However, they are focusing on just a small minority of
people/students/cases. Most people/in most cases…
o But overall, I do not think that this will happen to the overwhelming majority of people/students/cases. Almost all the people…
o However, the example of … refutes that…
o There is some (an element of/a grain of) truth to this opinion/argument, but…
•To signal sequence or addition
Accordingly, actually, additionally, afterwards, again, also, and, another, as was previously stated, as well as, at the same time, besides this, consistent w ith this, correspondingly,equally important, finally, further, furthermore, in addi tion, in a like manner, in the first place, in the same way, including, initially, last, likewise, more importantly, moreover, next, originally, overall, primarily, similar ly, to begin with, too, what is more.
•To signal time
After, afterward, as long as, at first, at last, at length, at the same time, befor e, concurrently, currently, during, finally, following, immediately, in the future, in the meantime, last but not least, later, meanwhile, next, once, presently, rar ely, simultaneously, sometimes, subsequently, then, this time, until, until the n, whenever, while.
•To show results
Accordingly, as a result, consequently, for this reason, hence, in other words, i n that case, it follows that, it is evident that, otherwise, owingto, resultingfr omthis, so it can be seen that, that being the case, therefore this implies, this s uggests that, thus, under these circumstances.
•To introduce evidence/support/reasons
Contradictory to this, contrarily, in support of this, it follows, this is clear beca use, the evidence for···is,the reasons for···are, this is supported by, to affirm this, to attest to this, to corroborate, to explain, to further confirm, to further v erify, to list, to substantiate this, in substantiation.
•To signal repetition, summary, or conclusion
Accordingly, all in all, all together, as a final point, as a result, as I have noted, as indicated earlier, as mentioned, as previously stated, as we have seen, briefly, by and large, consequently, finally, given these facts, hence, in brief, in co nclusion, in other words, in short, in summary, to sum up, in summation, on the whole, overall, since, so, summing up, then, therefore, thus, thus we can see t hat, to conclude, to recapitulate, to repeat, to review.
•To introduce causes or effects
Accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, dueto, for as much as, for that reason, hence, in as much as, in that, in view of, on account of, owing, si nce, then, therefore, thus, to narrow the focus, after all, from this perspective, fr om this point of view, given this context, in fact, in order to, in other words, in p articular, in this case, in this context, indeed, particularly, put another way, speci fically, that is, this is particularly true when, under certain, circumstances, up to a point, with this in mind.
•To contrast,
After all, although, alternately, and yet, at the same time, be that as it may, bu, contrastingly, conversely, despite, dissimilarly, even though, for all that, howe ver, in contrast, in contrast to this, in opposition to this, in reality, in spite of this, inconsistent with this is that, instead, meanwhile, nevertheless, nonetheless,
notwithstanding,on the contrary, on the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise, paradoxically, rather than, regardless of, still, though, whereas, when in fact, yet.
•To compare
Also, analogous to, another similar issue is, at the same time, by the same toke n, equally, in comparison, in like manner, in similar fashion, in the same way, lik ewise, similarly.
•To clarify
In other words, thatis, that is to say, this means that, to clarify, to elaborate, to explain, to paraphrase, to put it another way.
•To show purpose
In order to, in the hope that, for the purpose, with this end, to the end that, wi th this objective
•To dismiss
All the same, at any rate, either way, in any event, ineithercase, whatever hap pens.
•To signal concession
Admittedly, albeit, although it is true that certainly, even so, granted, it may appear that, knowing this, naturally, of course, this is only the case when, while t his is true, while it may seem that.
•To signify a condition
Grantingthat, in the event of, on the condition that, providing that, solongas
•To prove examples
As an illustration, by way of example, forexample, for instance, in particular, in support of this, notably, to demonstrate, to elaborate, to exemplify, to highlight, to illustrate, specifically, that is.
•To reference
Concerningthis, considering this, with respect to, with regards to
•To emphasise
Aboveall, as a matter of fact, certainly, chiefly, especially, importantly, in any ca se, in particular, indeed, it must be emphasised, that, mainly, mostly, notably, obviously, of course, particularly, primarily, specifically, truly, undoubtedly.。