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1. clear_all_data_code_2d_models( : : : )
功能:清除所有2D 数据码模型
2.clear_data_code_2d_model( : : DataCodeHandle : ) 功能:清除句柄参数所指定的2D 数据码模型
DataCodeHandle (input_control) datacode_2d (integer)

3.create_data_code_2d_model( : : SymbolType, GenParamNames, GenParamValues : DataCodeHandle)
功能:建立2D 数据码类型的模型。

SymbolType (input_control) string (string)
Default value: 'Data Matrix ECC 200'
List of values: 'Data Matrix ECC 200', 'QR Code', 'PDF417'
GenParamNames (input_control) (-array) (string)

Default value: []
List of values: 'default_parameters', 'strict_model', 'persistence', 'polarity', 'mirrored', 'contrast_min', 'model_type', 'version', 'version_min', 'version_max', 'symbol_size', 'symbol_size_min',
'symbol_size_max', 'symbol_cols', 'symbol_cols_min', 'symbol_cols_max', 'symbol_rows',
'symbol_rows_min', 'symbol_rows_max', 'symbol_shape', 'module_size', 'module_size_min',
'module_size_max', 'small_modules_robustness', 'module_width', 'module_width_min',
'module_width_max', 'module_aspect', 'module_aspect_min',
'module_aspect_max', 'module_gap', 'module_gap_min', 'module_gap_max', 'module_gap_col',
'module_gap_col_min', 'module_gap_col_max', 'module_gap_row', 'module_gap_row_min',
'module_gap_row_max', 'slant_max', 'module_grid', 'position_pattern_min', 'timeout',
GenParamValues (input_control) attribute.value(-array) (string /integer / real)

Default value: []
Suggested values: 'standard_recognition', 'enhanced_recognition', 'maximum_recognition', 'yes', 'no',
'any', 'dark_on_light', 'light_on_dark', 'square', 'rectangle', 'small', 'big', 'fixed', 'variable', 'low', 'high', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 120, 132, 144
DataCodeHandle (output_control) datacode_2d (integer)
输出:使用和访问2 维码模型的句柄。

4.find_data_code_2d(Image : SymbolXLDs : DataCodeHandle, GenParamNames, GenParamValues : ResultHandles, DecodedDataStrings)
Image (input_object) image object (byte)
ymbolXLDs (output_object) xld_cont(-array) object

DataCodeHandle (input_control) datacode_2d (integer)
访问所需的2 维数据码句柄
GenParamNames (input_control) (-array) (string)
Names of (optional) parameters for controlling the behavior of the operator. 控制和操作所用的参数属性名称Default value: []
List of values: 'train', 'stop_after_result_num'
GenParamValues (input_control) attribute.value(-array) (integer / real / string)
Values of the optional generic parameters. 参数值。

Default value: []
Suggested values: 'all', 'model_type', 'symbol_size', 'version', 'module_size',
'small_modules_robustness', 'module_shape', 'polarity', 'mirrored', 'contrast', 'module_grid',
'finder_pattern_tolerance', 'image_proc', 1, 2, 3
ResultHandles (output_control) integer(-array) (integer)
所有成功解码的2 维码符号的句柄
DecodedDataStrings (output_control) string(-array) (string)
所有成功解码的2 维码字符串。

DataCodeObjects DataCodeHandle, CandidateHandle, ObjectName : )
功能:Access iconic objects that were created during the search for 2D data code symbols. 访问图标对象------------------------- 这些对象已经在浏览条码符号的过程中。

DataCodeObjects (output_object) object(-array) object
Objects that are created as intermediate results during the detection or evaluation of 2D data codes.

DataCodeHandle (input_control) datacode_2d (integer)
2 维码数据模型的句柄
CandidateHandle (input_control) integer (integer / string)
Default value: 'all_candidates'
Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 'all_candidates', 'all_results', 'all_undecoded', 'all_aborted'
ObjectName (input_control) string (string)

Default value: 'candidate_xld'
List of values: 'module_1_rois', 'module_0_rois', 'candidate_xld', 'search_image', 'process_image':
Regions of the modules
All modules that were classified as foreground (set).
All modules that were classified as background (not set).
These region arrays correspond to the areas that were used for the classification. The returned object is a region array. Hence it cannot be requested for a group of candidates. Therefore, a single result handle must be passed in CandidateHandle. The model persistence must be 1 for this object. In addition, requesting the module ROIs makes sense only for symbols that were detected as valid symbols. For other candidates, whose processing was aborted earlier, the module ROIs are not available.
XLD contour
An XLD contour that surrounds the candidate or decoded symbol.
This object can be requested for any group of results or for any single candidate or symbol handle. The persistence setting is of no relevance.
Pyramid images
Pyramid image, in which the candidate was found.
Pyramid image, in which the candidate was investigated more closely.
6:get_data_code_2d_param( : : DataCodeHandle, GenParamNames :
功能:Get one or several parameters that describe the 2D data code model. 取得一个或多个参数和2D 数据码模型相关
DataCodeHandle (input_control) datacode_2d (integer)
GenParamNames (input_control) (-array) (string)
Names of the generic parameters that are to be queried for the 2D data code model. 获得数据码所需的参数的名称
Default value: 'contrast_min'
List of values: 'strict_model', 'persistence', 'polarity', 'mirrored', 'contrast_min', 'model_type',
'version_min', 'version_max', 'symbol_size_min', 'symbol_size_max', 'symbol_cols_min',
'symbol_cols_max', 'symbol_rows_min', 'symbol_rows_max', 'symbol_shape', 'module_size_min',
'module_size_max', 'module_width_min', 'module_width_max', 'small_modules_robustness',
'module_aspect_min', 'module_aspect_max', 'module_gap_col_min', 'module_gap_col_max',
'module_gap_row_min', 'module_gap_row_max', 'slant_max', 'module_grid', 'position_pattern_min', 'finder_pattern_tolerance'
GenParamValues (output_control) attribute.value(-array) (string /integer / real)

7:get_data_code_2d_results( : : DataCodeHandle, CandidateHandle, ResultNames : ResultValues)
功能: Get the alphanumerical results that were accumulated during the search for 2D data code symbols.
取得在浏览 2D 数据码符号过程中得到的 alphanumerical 结果 .这些记过 accumulated 在浏览过程中。

DataCodeHandle (input_control)
datacode_2d (integer) 2 维码数据模型句柄
CandidateHandle (input_control) integer (string / integer)
Handle of the 2D data code candidate or name of a group of candidates for which the data is required. Default value: 'all_candidates'
Suggested values: 0, 1, 2, 'general', 'all_candidates', 'all_results', 'all_undecoded', 'all_aborted'
ResultNames (input_control)
(-array) (string)
欲返回的结果名称类型 Default value: 'status'
Suggested values: 'min_search_level', 'max_search_level', 'pass_num', 'result_num', 'candidate_num', 'undecoded_num', 'aborted_num', 'handle', 'pass', 'status', 'search_level', 'process_level', 'polarity', 'module_gap', 'mirrored', 'model_type', 'symbol_rows', 'symbol_cols', 'symbol_size', 'version',
'module_height', 'module_width', 'small_modules_robustness', 'module_aspect', 'slant', 'contrast', 'module_grid', 'decoded_string', 'decoding_error', 'symbology_ident', 'mask_pattern_ref',
'finder_pattern_tolerance', 'error_correction_level', 'bin_module_data', 'raw_coded_data',
'corr_coded_data', 'decoded_data', 'quality_isoiec15415', 'quality_isoiec15415_labels',
'quality_isoiec15415_values', 'quality_aimdpm_1_2006',
'macro_time_stamp', 'macro_checksum', 'macro_last_symbol', 'timeout_occurred'
ResultValues (output_control) attribute.value(-array) (string / integer / real)
8:query_data_code_2d_params(: : DataCodeHandle, QueryName : GenParamNames)
功能: Get for a given 2D data code model the names of the generic parameters or objects that can be used in the other 2D data code operators.
获得二维码模型句柄所内定的对象和参数集合,以用于其他 DataCodeHandle (input_control)
datacode_2d (integer)
维码数据模型句柄 'quality_aimdpm_1_2006_labels', 'quality_aimdpm_1_2006_values', 'structured_append',
'macro_exist', 'macro_segment_index', 'macro_file_id', macro_segment_count',
2 维码操作
QueryName (input_control) (string)
Default value: 'get_result_params'
List of values: 'get_model_params', 'set_model_params', 'find_params', 'get_result_params',
GenParamNames (output_control) attribute.value-array (string)
9:write_data_code_2d_model( : : DataCodeHandle, FileName : )
功能:Writes a 2D data code model into a file.

DataCodeHandle (input_control) datacode_2d (integer)
FileName (input_control) filename.write (string)
文件名扩展名DCM 。

Default value: 'data_code_model.dcm'
File extension: .dcm
10:set_data_code_2d_param( : : DataCodeHandle, GenParamNames,
GenParamValues : )
功能:Set selected parameters of the 2D data code model.

Basic default settings:
All data code types:
Reset all model parameters to one of the three basic default settings standard, enhanced, or maximum (see the following summary and create_data_code_2d_model). In addition to the parameter values, the training state of the model is reset. Values: 'standard_recognition', 'enhanced_recognition',
Default: 'standard_recognition'
Attention: If this parameter is set together with a list of other parameters, this parameter must be at the first position.
Size and shape of the symbol:
Data matrix ECC 200 (including the finder pattern):
Minimum number of module columns in the symbol.
Value range: [10 .. 144] - even
Default: 10
Maximum number of module columns in the symbol.
Value range: [10 .. 144] - even
Default: 144
Minimum number of module rows in the symbol.
Value range: [8 .. 144] - even
Default: 8
Maximum number of module rows in the symbol.
Value range: [8 .. 144] - even
Default: 144
Possible restrictions on the module shape (rectangle and/or square). Attention: setting the symbol shape all previously made restrictions concerning the symbol size are lost. Since HALCON 7.1.1 the same search algorithm is used for both shapes if 'finder_pattern_tolerance' is set to 'low'. Thus, the parameter has no relevance for the symbol search in this case. However, if 'finder_pattern_tolerance' is set to 'high' or 'any', the value of 'symbol_shape' may speed up the symbol search significantly if it is set to
'rectangle' or 'square'.
Values: 'rectangle', 'square', 'any'
Default: 'any'
Set 'symbol_cols_min' and 'symbol_cols_max' to the same value.
Set 'symbol_rows_min' and 'symbol_rows_max' to the same value.
Set 'symbol_cols_min' and 'symbol_rows_min' to the same value.
Set 'symbol_cols_max' and 'symbol_rows_max' to the same value.
Set 'symbol_cols_min', 'symbol_cols_max', 'symbol_rows_min' and 'symbol_rows_max' to the same value and 'symbol_shape' to 'square'.
QR-Code (including the finder pattern):
Type of the QR Code model. The old QR Code Model 1 and the newer Model 2 are supported. Values: 1, 2, 'any'
Default: 'any'
Minimum symbol version. The symbol version is directly linked to the symbol size. Symbols of version 1 are 21x21 moduls in size, version 2 = 25x25 moduls, etc. up to version 40 = 177x177 moduls. The
maximum size of Model 1 symbols is 73x73 = version 14.
Value range: [1 .. 40] (Model 1: [1 .. 14])
Default: 1
Maximum symbol version.
Value range: [1 .. 40] (Model 1: [1 .. 14])
Default: 40
Set 'version_min' and 'version_max' to the same value.
Minimum size of the symbol in modules. This parameter can be used as an alternative to 'version_min'. Value range: [21 .. 177] (Model 1: [21 .. 73])
Default: 21
Maximum size of the symbol in modules. This parameter can be used as an alternative to 'version_max': Value range: [21 .. 177] (Model 1: [21 .. 73])
Default: 177
Set 'symbol_size_min' and 'symbol_size_max' to the same value.
Minimum number of data columns in the symbol in codewords, i.e., excluding the codewords of the
start/stop pattern and of the two row indicators.
Value range: [1 .. 30]
Default: 1
Maximum number of data columns in the symbol in codewords, i.e., excluding the two codewords of the start/stop pattern and of the two indicators.
Value range: [1 .. 30]
Default: 20 (enhanced: 30)
Minimum number of module rows in the symbol.
Value range: [3 .. 90]
Default: 5 (enhanced: 3)
Maximum number of module rows in the symbol.
Value range: [3 .. 90]
Default: 45 (enhanced: 90)
Set 'symbol_cols_min' and 'symbol_cols_max' to the same value.
Set 'symbol_rows_min' and 'symbol_rows_max' to the same value.
Appearance of the modules in the image:
All data code types:
Describes the polarity of the symbol in the image, i.e., the parameter determines if the symbol appears light on a dark background or dark on a light background.
Values: 'dark_on_light', 'light_on_dark', 'any'.
Default: 'dark_on_light' (enhanced: 'any')
Describes whether the symbol is or may be mirrored (which is equivalent to swapping rows and columns of the symbol).
Values: 'no', 'yes', 'any'
Default: 'any'
Minimum contrast between the foreground and the background of the symbol (this measure corresponds with the minimum gradient between the symbol's foreground and the background). Values: [1 .. 100] Default: 30 (enhanced: 10) 'small_modules_robustness':
Robustness of the decoding of data codes with very small module sizes. Setting the parameter
'small_modules_robustness' to 'high' increases the likelihood of being able to decode data codes with very small module sizes. Additionally, in that case the minimum module size should also be adapted accordingly, thus 'module_size_min' and 'module_width_min' (PDF417) should be set to the expected minimum module size and width, respectively. Setting 'small_modules_robustness' to 'high' can significantly increase the internal memory usage of find_data_code_2d. Thus, in the default case
'small_modules_robustness' should be set to 'low'.
Values: 'low', 'high'
Default: 'low' (enhanced: 'low', maximum: 'high')
item Datamatrix ECC 200 and QR-Code:
Minimum size of the modules in the image in pixels.
Values: [1 .. 100]
Default: 6 (enhanced: 2, maximum: 1)
Maximum size of the modules in the image in pixels.
Values: [2 .. 100]
Default: 20 (enhanced: 100)
Set 'module_size_min' and 'module_size_max' to the same value.
It is possible to specify whether neighboring foreground modules are connected or whether there is or may be a gap between them. If the foreground modules are connected and fill the module space completely the gap parameter can be set to 'no'. The parameter is set to 'small' if there is a very small gap between two modules; it can be set to 'big' if the gap is slightly bigger. The last two settings may also be useful if the foreground modules - although being connected - appear thinner as their entitled space (e.g., as a result of blooming caused by a bright illuminant). If the foreground modules appear only as very small dots (in relation to the module size: < 50%), in general, an appropriate preprocessing of the image for detecting or enlarging the modules will be necessary (e.g., by gray_erosion_shape or gray_dilation_shape):
Minimum gap in direction of the symbol columns.
Values: 'no', 'small', 'big'
Default: 'no'
Maximum gap in direction of the symbol columns.
Values: 'no', 'small', 'big'
Default: 'small' (enhanced: 'big')
Minimum gap in direction of the symbol rows.
Values: 'no', 'small', 'big'
Default: 'no'
Maximum gap in direction of the symbol rows.
Values: 'no', 'small', 'big'
Default: 'small' (enhanced: 'big')
Set 'module_gap_col_min' and 'module_gap_col_max' to the same value. 'module_gap_row':
Set 'module_gap_row_min' and 'module_gap_row_max' to the same value.
Set 'module_gap_col_min' and 'module_gap_row_min' to the same value. 'module_gap_max':
Set 'module_gap_col_max' and 'module_gap_row_max' to the same value.
Set 'module_gap_col_min', 'module_gap_col_max', 'module_gap_row_min', and 'module_gap_row_max' to the same value.
Minimum module width in the image in pixels.
Values: [1 .. 100]
Default: 3 (enhanced: 2, maximum: 1)
Maximum module width in the image in pixels.
Values: [2 .. 100]
Default: 15 (enhanced: 100)
Set 'module_width_min' and 'module_width_max' to the same value.
Minimum module aspect ratio (module height to module width).
Values: [0.5 .. 20.0]
Default: 1.0 'module_aspect_max': Maximum module aspect ratio (module height to module width). Values: [0.5 .. 20.0]
Default: 4.0 (enhanced: 10.0)
Set 'module_aspect_min' and 'module_aspect_max' to the same value.
Data matrix ECC 200:
Maximum deviation of the angle of the L-shaped finder pattern from the (ideal) right angle (the angle is specified in radians and corresponds to the distortion that occurs when the symbol is printed or during the image acquisition).
Value range: [0.0 .. 0.5235]
Default: 0.1745 = 10 degrees (enhanced: 0.5235 = 30 degrees) 'finder_pattern_tolerance':
Tolerance of the search with respect to a disturbed or missing finder pattern. The finder pattern includes the L-shaped side as well as the opposite alternating side. Dependent on this parameter, different algorithms are used during the symbol search in find_data_code_2d. In one case ('low'), it is assumed that the finder pattern is present to a high degree and shows almost no disturbances. In the other case ('high'), the finder pattern may be heavily disturbed or missing completely without influencing the recognition and the reading of the symbol. Note, however, that in this mode the parameters for the symbol search should be restricted as narrow as possible by using set_data_code_2d_param because otherwise the run-time of find_data_code_2d may significantly increase. Also note that the two algorithms slightly differ from each other in terms of robustness. This may lead to different results depending on the value of 'finder_pattern_tolerance' even if the finder pattern of the symbol is not disturbed. For example, if 'high' is chosen, only symbols with an equidistant module grid can be found (see below), and hence the robustness to perspective distortions is decreased. Finally, if
'finder_pattern_tolerance' is set to 'any' both algorithms are applied.
Values: 'low', 'high', 'any'
Default: 'low' (enhanced: 'low', maximum: 'any')
Describes whether the size of the modules may vary (in a specific range) or not. Dependent on this parameter different algorithms are used for calculating the module's center positions. If it is set to 'fixed', an equidistant grid is used. Allowing a variable module size ('variable'), the grid is aligned only to the alternating side of the finder pattern. With 'any' both approaches are tested one after the other. Please note that the value of 'module_grid' is ignored if 'finder_pattern_tolerance' is set to 'high'. In this case an equidistant grid is assumed.
Values: 'fixed', 'variable', 'any'
Default: 'fixed' (enhanced: 'any')
QR Code:
Number of position detection patterns that have to be visible for generating a new symbol candidate. Value range: [2, 3]
Default: 3 (enhanced: 2)
General model behavior:
All data code types:
Controls whether certain intermediate results of the symbol search with find_data_code_2d are stored temporarily or persistently in the model. The memory requirements of find_data_code_2d are significantly smaller if the data is stored temporarily (default). On the other hand, by using the persistent storage it is possible to access some of the data for debugging reasons after searching for symbols, e.g., to investigate why a symbol could not be read.
Values: 0 (temporary), 1 (persistent)
Default: 0
Controls the behavior of find_data_code_2d while detecting symbols that could be read but that do not fit the model restrictions on the size of the symbols. They can be rejected (strict model, set to 'yes') or returned as a result independent of their size and the size specified in the model (lax model, set to 'no'). Values: 'yes' (strict), 'no' (not strict)
Default: 'yes'
By the use of this parameter, it is possible to interrupt find_data_code_2d after a defined period in milliseconds. This is especially useful in cases where a maximum cycle time has to be ensured.
The temporal accuracy of this interrupt is about 10 ms. All results gained until then can be accessed by get_data_code_2d_results. Passing values less or equal zero implies a deactivation of the timeout, what corresponds the default.
Values: ['false', -1, 20 .. 100]
Default: 'false'
DataCodeHandle (input_control) datacode_2d (integer)
GenParamNames (input_control) (-array) (string)
Default value: 'polarity'
List of values: 'default_parameters', 'strict_model', 'persistence', 'polarity', 'mirrored', 'contrast_min',
'model_type', 'version', 'version_min', 'version_max', 'symbol_size', 'symbol_size_min',
'symbol_size_max', 'symbol_cols', 'symbol_cols_min', 'symbol_cols_max', 'symbol_rows',
'symbol_rows_min', 'symbol_rows_max', 'symbol_shape', 'module_size', 'module_size_min',
'module_size_max', 'small_modules_robustness', 'module_width_min',
'module_width_max', 'module_aspect_min', 'module_aspect_max', 'module_gap', 'module_gap_min',
'module_gap_max', 'module_gap_col', 'module_gap_col_min', 'module_gap_col_max',
'module_gap_row', 'module_gap_row_min', 'module_gap_row_max', 'slant_max', 'module_grid',
'position_pattern_min', 'timeout', 'finder_pattern_tolerance'
GenParamValues (input_control) attribute.value(-array) (string /integer / real)
Default value: 'light_on_dark'
Suggested values: 'standard_recognition', 'enhanced_recognition', 'maximum_recognition', 'yes', 'no',
'any', 'dark_on_light', 'light_on_dark', 'square', 'rectangle', 'small', 'big', 'fixed', 'variable', 'low', 'high', 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 30, 50, 70, 90, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96, 104, 120, 132, 144
11:read_data_code_2d_model( : : FileName : DataCodeHandle)
功能:Read a 2D data code model from a file and create a new model 从文件读取一个并建立一个新的数据模型。

FileName (input_control) filename.read (string)
Default value: 'data_code_model.dcm'
File extension: .dcm
DataCodeHandle (output_control) datacode_2d (integer)

12:set_data_code_2d_param( : : DataCodeHandle, GenParamNames, GenParamValues : )
功能:设置2 维码模型指定的参数。

Basic default settings:
All data code types:
Reset all model parameters to one of the three basic default settings standard, enhanced, or maximum (see the following summary and create_data_code_2d_model). In addition to the parameter values, the training state of the model is reset. Values: 'standard_recognition', 'enhanced_recognition',
Default: 'standard_recognition'
Attention: If this parameter is set together with a list of other parameters, this parameter must be at the first position.
Size and shape of the symbol:
Data matrix ECC 200 (including the finder pattern):
Minimum number of module columns in the symbol.
Value range: [10 .. 144] - even
Default: 10
Maximum number of module columns in the symbol.
Value range: [10 .. 144] - even
Default: 144
Minimum number of module rows in the symbol.。
