4 Integrated Safety

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Integrated Approach to Emphasize the Importance of Safety
In order to give emphasis on each and every aspect of safety, Safety has been integrated to include the following branches under the control of HSE.
A Occupational safety and Health
B Plant and process safety
C Technical Inspection of Equipment
A Occupational Safety & Health
Safety at Workplace and Protection of Health
1. Work Place must be designed, constructed and maintained so as to minimize any danger from
plant, machinery, tools, equipment, hazardous substance of processes.
Plant, machinery and other equipment must be design for ease of operation , maintenance and repair. Potential operation errors must be minimized. This is achieved through appropriate design of work place and implementation of safe work practices in accordance with the relevant laws, statues and local regulation, internal company standards and generally accepted technical principles.
2 When handling hazardous substance the relevant laws and regulation as well as the procedure
laid down by the company must be observed. Precautions for handling hazardous substance must, therefore, be established to the nature and extend of the hazard and check should be carried out to ensure that they are observed.
3 Established medical knowledge and safety know –how must be applied to enhance occupational
safety and accident prevention.
4 Instruction and procedure –such as operating instructions, safety procedure and, wherever
applicable, maintenance and repair schedules are essential for the safe operation of plant and must be continually updated. This applied both to routine operation and to non-standard operating mode such as start up and shut down. Emergency response plans must be established for use in an emergency. In addition, workers and superiors must pass on all information relevant to the work in progress with accuracy , especially at the “interfaces”, e.g. changed in shift, between plant and work shop.
5 Particularly hazardous jobs (e.g. work inside vessels, on over head pipe, in chimney, on equipment
containing hazardous substance) may only be performed, if a special written safety work permit has been issued specifying the necessary precautions. In the case of other work demanding increased safety precautions, the manager responsible determines whether a special safety work permit is required.
6 Specialists in occupational safety, appointed by the company, must check that safety measures are
observed, partly by means of regular inspections. They also monitor the working environment, i.e.
check that concentration of hazardous substances in the air in the work place are within the established safe exposure limits.
Employees’ Skills, Training and Conduct
1 All employees must be given detailed working instructions and regular safety training. They must
be informed about possible hazards in the work place due to equipment, chemical substances and processes and they must be familiar with the necessary safety precaution. Safety training should be supplemented wherever necessary, by emergency drills, fire fighting exercises etc.
2 Employees‟ knowledge, skills and conduct must match the demands of their jobs.
3 Employees are expected and required to apply their knowledge and skills and to observe the
mandatory standards and procedures. Beyond the frame work set by the standard and procedures, they are required to cooperate closely , exchange information and assist their colleagues in all maters relating to safety . This applies particularly to situation involving the induction of new employees.
4 Safety awareness shown by an employee must be taken into account in his individual
performance appraisal.
Additional Duties of Supervisory Personnel
1 All supervisory personnel must assure themselves at regular intervals that the necessary
occupational safety measures have been taken and are effective. Amongst other things, this includes monitoring employee conducted, enforcing safe working practices, checking equipment and processes and ensuring that the work place air is in compliance with the exposure limits.
2 Supervisory personnel must themselves set a personal example matter of safety, thereby
underlining the importance of safety measures and instruction within their sphere of responsibilities.
Other provisions
1 When any potential source of danger is discovered, immediate steps must be taken to minimize the
hazard potential and to report the danger so that it can be eliminated before an acute hazard arises.
All accidents or damage must be regularly investigated and the cause ascertained. Necessary steps must be taken to prevent the same kind of similar incidents in the future.
2 Specialists on Occupational Safety, appointed by the company, assist and advise management and
Supervisory personnel on matters relating to their safety responsibilities.
Improvement in Safety Awareness
1. Adoption of German terminology …MAQ‟
(no. of accidents*1000000/no. of working hours) .
2. Accident reduction goal for Plant and controlled follow-up.
Improvement in Safety Procedures
1) Display boards at the entrance of plant Department for …Mandatory Protection‟.
2) Works Directive on …Use of Personal Protective Equipment‟.
3) Training employees on fire fighting.
4) Formation of Safety committee comprising of Safety Monitors and Emergency Squad members
selected from work men and staff.
5) Regular meeting with Safety Monitors and squad members.
Safety Training
1 Occupational Safety.
2 …Safety induction Training.
3 Training in fire prevention.
4 …Preliminary Hazard Information‟.(Managers and workmen)
5 …Warehouse Safety‟ (managers/supervisors of warehouses/stores)
6 Training in handling of fire fighting and Emergency equipment
7 …Training for Emergency Squad Members‟
8 Safety talk to contractors (once every week)
9 …TERM Cards‟ for truck drivers issued.
B Plant and Process Safety
Design Considerations
Process: Intrinsic Safety and Extrinsic Safety
An Intrinsic safe process is one in which safe operation is inherent in the nature of the process: a process which causes no danger or negligible danger under all foreseen circumstances (all possible deviations from the design operating conditions). However, this situation is very difficult in chemical industries.
An Extrinsic safe process is one for which Safety has to be engineered. Engineered Safety covers the provision of control systems, alarms, trips, pressure relief valves, automatic shut-down system, duplication of key equipment services, fire fighting, sprinkler systems and blast walls to contain any fire or explosion.
Hazardous Properties: Toxicity, Thermal Instability, Flammability, Explosivity
Objective: Making Chemicals Plants safe, means:
1 Inactivate the hazard potentials in process.
2 Minimize hazard potential.
3 Make errors and faults as difficult as possible
4 Rely on resilient (i.e. error tolerating) design.
Any Organization has both moral and legal obligation for the safety of its employees, surroundings (both personnel and properly)
Safety can be considered under following heads:
1 Identification of hazards: e.g. Fire, Explosion
2 Assessment of hazards: e.g. Extent of hazards
3 Controlling the process: e.g. Containment of Toxic, Flammable Material
4 Controlling the Process: e.g. Prevention of hazardous Deviations in process variables like pressure,
temperature, flow etc. by provision of automatic control systems, interlocks, alarms, together with good operating practices and management.
5 Limiting the Loss: The damage and injury caused if an accident occurs: pressure relief, plant layout,
provision of the fire fighting equipment.
Consequences of Chemical Hazards
Employee : Injury / Fatality, Health Hazard, Disability
Public : Injury / fatality, Health Hazard, Disability
Plant Damage : Damage to Plant, Loss of Protection
Public Damage : Damage to Public Properly
Environmental Damage : Air Pollution, Soil Pollution, Water Pollution
Publicity : Bad Publicity, Company Image Damage, Public Concern /
Product Concern
Authorities : Industrial Accidents / Environmental Protection (Factory
Inspectorate, Pollution Control Boards)
Design Safety Check List
To avoid Chemical Hazards Following should be considered:
Material: 1. Flash Point
2. Flammability Range
3. Auto-ignition Temperature
4. Composition
5. Stability (Shock Sensitive)
6. Toxicity (TLV)
7. Corrosion
8. Physical Properties (Unusual)
9. Heat of Combustion / Reaction
10. Hygiene Effects : Carcinogenic
Process:I. Reactors
1. Exothermic – Heat of Reaction
2. Temperature Control – Emergency Systems
3. Side Reaction – Dangerous?
4. Effect of Contamination
5. Effect of Unusual Concentration (including Catalyst)
6. Corrosion
Process:II. Reactors
1. Need?
2. Design to Cooling
3. Material of Construction
4. Pressure Relief – Adequate
5. Safe Venting System
6. Flame Arresters
Control System: 1. Fail Safe
2. Back-up Power Supply
3. High / Low Alarm and Trips on Critical Variables like Temperature,
Pressure, Flow, Level, Composition
4. Back-up / Duplicate System on Critical Variables
5. Remote Operation of Valves
6. Block Valves on Critical Lines
7. Excess Flow Check Valves
8. Interlock System to prevent mis-operation
9. Automatic Shut-down System
Storage: 1. Limit the Quantity
2. Inert Purging / Blanketing
3. Floating Roofs
4. Dyeking
5. Loading / Unloading Facilities – Safety
6. Earthing
7. Ignition Sources – Vehicles
General: 1. Insert Purging System Needed
2. Compliance with Electrical Codes
3. Adequate Lighting
4. Lightening Protection
5. Sewers and Drains Adequate, Flame Traps
6. Dust Explosion Hazards
7. Build-up of Dangerous Impurities – Purges
8. Plant Layout : Separation of Units, Access, Siting of Control Rooms and
Offices, Services
9. Safety Showers, Eye Wash Bottles
Fire Protection: 1. Emergency Water
2. Fire Mains and Hydrants
3. Foam System
4. Sprinklers and Deluge System
5. Insulation and Protection of Structures
6. Access to Buildings
7. Fire Fighting Equipment
HAZOP Features
Intention: Designer‟s intention, how process should behave.
Deviations: Departure from intentions.
Causes: Reasons why and how deviation could occur.
Consequences: Results of deviations.
Hazards: Consequences that can lead to damages (loss) or injury.
Key Words
No, Not : Negation of intentions.
More : Quantitative increase, e.g. flow rates, temperature, pressure.
Less : Quantitative decrease, e.g. flow rates, temperature, pressure.
As well as / More than : Quantitative increase - intentions with additional activity, e.g. impurities, side
reactions, ingress of air.
Part of : Quantitative decrease – intention partly achieved.
Reverse : opposite of intentions, e.g. reverse flow.
Other than : Complete substitution –original intention not achieved, some thing close is
HAZOP Illustration (1) : Acid Feed Tank (Before HAZOP)
One section of a process consists of an intermediate and feed tank and a pump serving a continuous process. The tank is designed so as to be filled periodically by an operator, approximately every four hours. The operator judges the level in the tank via the attached gauge glass and fills the tank by opening and closing a valve on the incoming acid fill line. The tank is at ambient temperature and is vented to the atmosphere.
HAZOP Illustration (2) : Acid Feed Tank (After HAZOP)
System : Acid Feed Tank
Electrical Installations
Only the absolutely necessary electrical facilities required for operation of warehouse should be available. Electrical Supply: Single supply is adequate.
Emergency power should confirm to the applicable standards.
Laying of Lines: Main power feeder line in the electrical switch room must not be conducted
through storage area. It must be laid along with the outside of the building. Electrical Switch Room: To be located against an outer wall of warehouse building and must be separated from the storage area by fire resistant walls.
No entry of water should be allowed.
Entry doors to electrical switch room should not open directly into warehouse. Battery Charging Station: Should be installed outside warehouse.
(for fork – lifts or electrical
driven vehicles)
Lighting Protection : Should be Provided for warehouse.
Should be tested every three years.
Lighting : Arrangement should be such that products stored do not get warmed-up.
Ex-proof fittings, wherever required, should be provided.
Minimum intensity 100.
Drives: For elevators, conveyors, moveable racks etc. should be shut-off from a safe point. Portable Apparatus : Like hand lamps, electrical hand tools, etc. should be minimum.
Room Heating : Care of radiators.
Cooling : Care of fans.
Ventilation : (Mechanical ventilation) Switch-off from remote.
Room Humidity : Monitor Humidity.
Product Heating : Provide temperature limiting circuits for electrical heaters.
Product Transfer : Pump, blowers, spiral conveyors must be able to be quickly shut-down from a safe
Guidelines – Plant and Process Safety
We use chemical Process like reaction and physical treatment, in our plants for turning raw material into products.
Many of these material are very reactive and have hazardous properties like toxicity, thermal instability, flammability and explosibility.
Uncontrolled release of material and / or energy could cause sever and irreversible harm to human beings and environment.
The potential to cause harm is called hazard and can be measured by the magnitude of possible consequences.
The toxic hazard posed by a chemical plant will be higher with:
∙The larger the quantity of toxic material
∙The lower the IDLH / TLV valves
∙The higher the volatility of the substance
The hazard posed by energy release will be higher with:
∙Larger the amount of energy involved
∙Faster the energy is released.
Making chemical plants safe means, following four main objectives systematically:
∙Inactivate the hazard potentials in the process
∙Minimize the hazard potential as far as possible
∙Make errors and faults as difficult as possible
∙Rely on resilient (i.e. error tolerating, preferably proven) design
At Lanxess (India) Private Limited, we have adopted a procedure for systematic identification of possible hazards and for evaluation of adequate counter measures. We follow a chemical process from its laboratory development through all its stages of design and implementation upto its being put into operation.
Teams of expert from various concerned disciplines like Safety, Process Design, Plant Engineering and Production etc.., check the whole safety of the process and plant through pre-defined, structured, safety auditing procedures comprising of Safety Work stages A1 to A4. From establishing, that a Safety Concept can be implemented through “PAAG” (P rognose, A uffinden, A bschatzung, G egenmasnahme, i.e. HAZOP –HAZard and OPerability Studies) studies to check all detailed documents to final inspection of plant at site, this study covers all stages of development.
The project goes on to the next stage of implementation only if all the involved experts in the investigating team have certified that all the safety requirements have been complied with. This procedure has been adapted to existing plants, purchased know-how, turn key projects, minor modifications and changing / bypassing of interlocks.
The main features of this procedure along with the Work Sheets are explained in detail in this handbook. Procedures and Responsibilities
To make Safety an integral part of all our plants and processes, safety studies must be performed in a systematic and a prescribed plan. These studies should be aimed at identifying potential hazards and reducing risks as much as reasonably possible.
For uniformity and consistency in safety studies, Bayer AG has formulated following guidelines:
∙Safety studies should be performed in four work stages, A1 to A4
∙For safety auditing New plants as well as Existing plants with Basic changes, the procedure should be as follows
Safety study stage A1 concluded with ‘Concept Certificate’
Safety study stage A2 concluded with ‘Planning Certificate’
Safety study stage A3 concluded with ‘Design Certificate’
Safety study stage A4 concluded with ‘Acceptance Certificate’
∙For safety auditing Purchased know-how or Turn key Plants, the procedure should be as follows
Safety study stage A1 and A2 could be combined and formally conclude by issuing a ‘Planning Certificate’
Safety study stage A3 concluded with ‘Design Certificate’
Safety study stage A4 concluded with ‘Acceptance Certificate’
∙For safety auditing Existing plants the procedure should be as follows
Safety stages A1, A2 and A3 could be combined and concluded by issuing a ‘Planning Certificate’If so desired work stages A1 and A2 could be combined as an intermediate stage and a ‘Design Certificate’ could be issued.
Safety stage A4 concluded with ‘Acceptance Certificate’
∙For safety auditing ‘Minor Changes’, follow the procedures for Modification Study.
For Changing / Bypassing Process Interlocks and Switches, follow the procedure for Instrument bypass
The responsibility for arranging and performing the audit at different stages as well as maintaining and updating of documentation rests with the respective Project / Unit Manager.
For selection of most suitable methods, Plant and Process Safety Manager is responsible.
Work Stage A1
The safety of the process and that of the associated plant is influenced by the very selection of the materials, process operations and type of equipment. Safety auditing of a process when it is in the developing stage / laboratories helps identify the risks much early and offers a chance to eliminate them at the process development stage itself.
The objective is to establish that in principle a safety concept can be implemented.
The study is to ensure that the chemicals that are chosen can be handled in a safe manner; their safe work ranges and protection measures are known and are achievable.
This study is to ensure that the process is completely known; possible deviations in the main operations have been studied; basic hazards have been taken care of by the very choice of unit operations and reactions; the parameters within which the process is to be operated are achievable.
Recommended method for safety Audit
All reaction and material data important for safety; description of the process and basic flow diagram of the unit operations and the processes must be available for the study.
The study group should identify the potential hazard through study of material data and reaction behaviour. The relevant hazardous properties should be determined and their hazardous conditions established. If some relevant data is found missing or there are some doubts, experiments should be conducted to establish these before a decision is made to accept these chemicals and their operating ranges.
The study should be further continued to include the proposed unit operations and processes as indicated in the Flow Diagram.
Checklists referred as A1/, could be used for carrying out the above study.
The findings of the Work Stage A1 study should be minuted in the format ‘Preliminary Ha zard analysis - Stage A1’ - Document Ref. No. A1/5/. The use of the format ensures that the hazardous events / situations noticed are studied for their probable causes, extent of the severity of consequences, means to avoid / minimise the likely hood of such occurrences and means to contain the consequences.
The certification team formally concludes the study by issuing a …Concept Certificate‟
Team members
The study group should comprise of managers of Lab, Process Engineering, Production, and Safety.
The study team should formally discuss the identified hazards and propose preventive measures with the certification team.
The certification team should comprise of managers of Plant Engineering, Process Control System and Environment besides the managers in study group.
These findings should form the basis of selection of chemicals, system, plant and equipment and other process control requirements i.e. Basis for Basic Design.
Work Stage A2
Before the process / plant goes in detail designing it is necessary to review the tentative designs to ensure that all earlier thought of concepts are included and no additional hazards are brought in.
Objective is to ensure that …all technical safety measures within the safety concept are incorporated’ prior to the beginning of the detailed design phase.
This study is to ensure that in the proposed design of the plant and process -
∙All measures envisaged in the safety study A1 have been incorporated; this concept has not been violated, and
∙through a systematic safety study ‘PAAG’ technique, hazards are identified and suggestions to eliminate these / contain their effects are studied.
Recommended method for Safety Auditing
The design, comprising of technical safety and process parameters, process description, flow diagram with material and energy balances, waste disposal concept, proposed P&I diagrams and layout drawings, must be available for study. These documents should be marked as safety study A2 documents.
The study group should break-up the complete process / plant in individual …Main Units / Vessel areas‟ and then for each item / line / stage of the main unit, identify potential hazards using guide words as given in the relevant check list - A2/ .These hazards should be further disc ussed and minuted in the …PAAG‟ (HAZOP) work sheet. In this discussion the hazardous situation is studied for possible causes, consequences and feasibility of elimination of causes and / or measures to reduce probability / contain effects.
The certification team should formally conclude the study by issuing a …Planning Certificate‟.
Team members
The study group should comprise of managers of Production, Plant Engineering / Projects, Process control system and Plant and Process Safety.
The certification team should comprise of managers of Technical Safety, Fire protection, Occupational Safety and Environment besides the managers of the study group.
The certification team should formally discuss the findings of the study group to ensure the completeness of the study before the certificate is issued.
Only on the availability of this certificate, the project group should make an application for Credit and other approvals / licenses needed from local Governmental bodies. (In areas where the licensing procedures / approvals could cause delays, individual safety studies can be performed. These should however be reviewed again at work stage A2).
The recommendations made by this study team are to form the basis for the detailed design.
Work Stage A3
Before the detailed design documents are released for erection / procurement activities, these should be reviewed again to ensure that all the recommendations of the safety audits have been incorporated and in cases where the implementations were not possible, the deviations should be studied by the ‘PAAG’technique.
The objective is to ensure that ‘all the safety provisions in the functional plant elements and executable instructions’ are included in the detailed design.
This is basically t he continuation of the …PAAG‟ carried out in the stage A2. The study group should ensure that the safety concept is not violated, all recommendations of the …PAAG‟ study are incorporated and no design changes are made. (If some changes need to be made these should be reviewed ).
Recommended method for auditing
The detailed design documents including the revised P&I diagrams, Layout drawings, Process control logic‟s and Interlocks, Fire protection and Emergency plans must be available for study.
In a copy of the detailed engineering drawing like those mentioned above, the concerned manager ( the unit manager for the P&ID, PCS manager for the instrument sheet, the Technical inspection manager and the project manager / Plant Engineer for the Line / equipment specification sheet, Plant Engineer and the unit manager for the layout drawing etc.) should after his independent study of the document, tick those lines/equipment‟s / items that have not undergone any change from the concepts agreed upon. Those that have undergone a change he should mark them with a number. These changes should be listed in the A3/1 format and then discussed in the safety audit meeting by the …PAAG‟ technique for deviation and the possible consequences.
The study should be formally concluded by issuing a …Design Certificate‟
Team members
The technical document should be identified for deviations from the agreed upon concepts by the concerned individual expert.
The deviations so compiled should then be studied by the team comprising of managers of Production, PCS, Plant and Process Safety, and Project /Plant Engineering by the …PAAG‟ technique.
The certification team should comprise of managers of Technical Inspection, Fire protection, Occupational safety and Environment, besides the managers of the study group. The certification team should formally discuss the findings of the study group before issuing the certificate.
Only on the availability of this certificate should the project group begin procurement / erection activities. For items of long delivery / construction time, individual safety studies can be performed. These should however be reviewed again at the work stage A3.
Work stage A4
Before starting the production trials (i.e. trials with chemicals) it is necessary to have each part of the process / plant checked at site, by the concerned area expert, to ensure that the entire erection has gone as per the concept in Safety Audits and general norms have been complied with.
The objective is to acknowledge the orderly installation and the operability of the total unit according to the safety concept - by inspection and functional tests.
Recommended method for Safety Auditing
All operating instructions, documents of previous safety audits including a catalogue of preventive measures should be available for a review.
The project co-ordinator should confirm from each concerned expert that for his area of expertise, the erection is as per agreed documents. He should record his observations in the relevant work sheet.
For e.g., the check of equipment and the pipelines against the P&ID is carried out by the Unit and Project manager, the instrumentation and functional logic and interlocks against the approved logic sheet is checked by the Unit and PCS manager, the layout is checked by the Plant Engineer / Project manager and the Unit manager, access for fighting emergencies and escapes by the Unit and Security manager, all installed equipment and lines have appropriate certificates is checked by the Unit and Technical Inspection manager etc..
The team should go through the work sheet that records the findings of the Unit manager with area expert before embarking upon the …Site Inspection‟.
During the site inspection, each member of the inspection team should confirm for his area of expertise, that the installation is as per the standard norms.
The study should be formally concluded by issuing an …Acceptance certificate‟
Team members
The study group should comprise of the Unit manager and the concerned area expert.
The certification team should comprise of managers of Production, Plant Engineering, Process Control Systems, Equipment inspection, Process and Plant safety, Fire Protection, Occupational Safety and Environment.
Only on the availability of this certificate the commissioning trials could begin.
Procedure for Modification
Changes are necessitated in an existing plant for several reasons like optimization, better control, increased flexibility, changed product line, etc. This brings in possibilities of introducing new hazards.
The Safety Auditing procedure detailed below recommends the use of “PAAG” techniques for studying the modification.
This applies to processes plants and operations for production, conversion, processing, handling and storing of material.
The objective is to ensure that the proposed modification does not bring in any hazard. This study should: ∙Identify the hazards (if introduced by the modification)
∙Ensure that the modification is not violating the Safety Concept of the Plant / Process / Operation. (if it does, it should not be considered under minor changes)
∙Suggest counter measures to minimize / eliminate hazardous consequences.
Recommended Method for Safety Auditing
If the proposed modification does not violate the Safety Concept of the Plant, it could be termed as a minor modification. This responsibility rests with the Plant and Process Safety Manager.
The Unit Manager should fill MUC form and show / highlight the proposed modification ∙For changes in piping and instrumentation, it should be brought out in the copy of latest P & ID.
∙For changes in the type of equipment / instrument, if any, it should be brought out in a copy of the Specification Sheet.
∙For changes in operating instructions / procedures, if any, it should be brought out in the existing document.。
