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1.What is the capital city of Greece?
A. Athens
B. Rome
C. Istanbul
D. CairoA
2.What is the color of the sky on a clear day?
A. Green
B. Blue
C. Red
D. Yellow
3.I have a ________ (拼图玩具) that features my favorite cartoon character.
4.The chemical symbol for antimony is _______.
5.What do you call the act of reading aloud?
A. Whisper
B. Shout
C. Speak
D. Recite
6.What do we call the study of the forces that cause motion?
A. Physics
B. Chemistry
C. Biology
D. GeologyA
7.The owl is a nighttime ________________ (捕食者).
8.How many days are there in a week?
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Ten
D. TwelveB
9.They are _______ (eating) lunch together.
10.__________ are important for maintaining healthy ecosystems.
11.What is the fastest land animal?
A. Elephant
B. Cheetah
C. Horse
D. LionB Cheetah
12.What do you call the place where you go to learn?
A. Park
B. School
C. Store
D. Hospital
13.What do we call a scientist who studies the brain?
A. Neurologist
B. Psychologist
C. Psychiatrist
D. NeuroscientistA
14.t brothers' first flight took place in ________ (北卡罗来纳州). The ___
15.The invention of the compass allowed for safer _____.
16.My favorite subject is ________.

18.The boy likes to play ________.
19. A ferret is very ______ (好奇) about everything.
20.The __________ is a large area of land that is not covered by water.
21.What is 5 + 3?
A. 6
B. 7
C. 8
D. 9C
22.My dad loves __________ (带领团队).
23.The chicken lays ______ (蛋) every day.
24.The invention of the printing press helped spread ______ (知识) across Europe.
25.The first female astronaut in space was _______ Ride.
26.The turtle is very _______ (耐心) and slow-moving.
27.The chemical symbol for thulium is ____.
28. A ______ (鸡) scratches the ground for food.
29.What is the main ingredient in a salad?
A. Fruit
B. Vegetables
C. Meat
D. BreadB
30.I want to be a _____ (科学家).
31.My mom cooks ________ dinner.
32.What is the main language spoken in Brazil?
A. Spanish
B. French
C. Portuguese
D. EnglishC
33.The flowers in the garden are _______ and fresh.
34.I love to _______ with my dog.
35. A squirrel collects _____ for winter.
36.The _____ (花) smells good.
37.My brother loves to __________ (参观) museums.
38.The chemical formula for calcium hydroxide is __________.
39.The scientist, ______ (科学家), studies how plants grow.
40.The chemical symbol for chlorine is _____.
41.What do you call a story that is told using pictures?
A. Comic
B. Novel
C. Biography
D. JournalA
42.What is the main language spoken in Spain?
A. French
B. Italian
C. Spanish
D. Portuguese
43.I find ________ (科学实验) very exciting.
44.My pet hamster is very ______ (有趣) to watch.
45.I enjoy playing ______ (桌面游戏) with my family.
46.What do you use to write on paper?
A. Brush
B. Pencil
C. Spoon
D. ForkB
47. A ____ is known for its ability to store food for winter.
48.The element with atomic number is __________.
49. A ______ (猴子) swings from tree to tree.
50.The cat likes to _____ in the sun. (nap)
51.The capital of Kazakhstan is ________ (努尔苏丹).
52.Understanding plant ______ is crucial for successful gardening. (了解植物的需求对成功的园艺至关重要。

53.What do you call the line that separates day from night?
A. Equator
B. Horizon
C. Meridian
D. LatitudeB
54.The weather is _______ for a picnic.
55.My ______ loves to help people in need.
56.What is the name of the famous explorer who discovered America?
A. Christopher Columbus
B. Ferdinand Magellan
C. Marco Polo
D. Vasco da Gama
57.What do we call a person who studies the human body?
A. Biologist
B. Anatomist
C. Physiologist
D. PathologistB
58.What do you call the person who delivers letters?
A. Postman
B. Baker
C. Teacher
D. Nurse
59.My mom is a _____ (teacher).
60.My teacher is very __________ (有见识).
61.Which day comes after Monday?
A. Sunday
B. Tuesday
C. Wednesday
D. Thursday
62.The discovery of ________ changed the course of history.
63.I have a toy _____ that can fly.
64.The teacher is _____ (kind/strict) to us.
65.What do we call the part of the plant that produces seeds?
A. Flower
B. Leaf
C. Stem
D. RootA
66.He is a _____ (评论家) who reviews films.
67.What is 12 + 8?
A. 20
B. 18
C. 17
D. 22A
68.What is the name of the famous waterfall on the border of the USA and Canada?
A. Niagara Falls
B. Angel Falls
C. Victoria Falls
D. Yosemite FallsA
69. A ____ is a small mammal that digs in the dirt.
70.I have a big ________ (洋娃娃) that wears pretty dresses and has long hair.
71. A solid has a __________ (固定的) shape and volume.
72.What do you call a person who fixes cars?
A. Mechanic
B. Electrician
C. Plumber
D. Carpenter
73.The ________ (sweater) is warm and cozy.
74.What is the capital of Jamaica?
A. Nassau
B. Kingston
C. Port-au-Prince
D. HavanaB
75.Which animal is known for its intelligence and ability to mimic sounds?
A. Dog
B. Parrot
C. Cat
D. HorseB
76.The __________ is a large desert found in North Africa. (撒哈拉沙漠)
77.I have _____ (two/three) brothers.
78.My cousin is very good at ____ (math).
79.The __________ (海上丝绸之路) connected Asia to Europe.
80.What do you call a house for birds?
A. Nest
B. Cage
C. Coop
D. AviaryA
81.I love to ________ new things.
82.War was characterized by the arms ________ (竞赛). The Cold
83.What is the process of making wine called?
A. Brewing
B. Fermentation
C. Distillation
D. AgingB
84.The city of Damascus is the capital of _______.
85.I enjoy listening to ________ (音乐) while I study.
86.We can see the ___ in the sky. (moon)
87.The process of condensation occurs when gas turns into a ______.
88.The narwhal has a long ________________ (牙).
89.We are going to _______ (参加) a festival.
90.I love my _____ (花园) in spring.
91.The _____ (小兔) hops around happily.
92.What is the name of the fairy tale about a girl who lost her shoe?
A. Sleeping Beauty
B. Cinderella
C. Snow White
D. Little Red Riding HoodB
93.We go shopping on ___. (Saturdays)
94.The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia were known for their ________ (农业).
95.My mom is a __________ (心理辅导师).
96.My favorite dish is ______ (香肠).
97.The stars are _______ (璀璨的).
98.This ________ (玩具) helps me think critically.
99.My aunt has a cute __________. (小鸟)
100. A reaction that results in a color change is called a ______ reaction.。
