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1 Each plant has its own preferred ______ (环境).
2 Which vegetable is known for making you cry?
A. Carrot
B. Onion
C. Potato
D. Pepper
3 The chemical symbol for rhodium is ______.
4 The stars are _____ bright tonight. (very)
5 The fruit salad is ________ (新鲜).
6 I enjoy going to the ______ with my family.
7 How many days are there in a week?
A. Five
B. Seven
C. Ten
D. Twelve
8 The chemical formula for calcium nitrate is _____.
9 The dog is __________ in the yard.
10 The _______ of sound can create harmonics in musical instruments.
11 The chemical formula for strontium carbonate is _____.
12 I sing _____ (歌曲) in the shower.
13 What is the capital of Japan?
A. Seoul
B. Beijing
C. Tokyo
D. Bangkok
14 They are _____ (riding) their bikes.
15 We have ______ (很多) plants in our house.
16 The cake has _______ (水果装饰).
17 Many cultures have myths associated with ______.
18 I often imagine my ________ (玩具名) coming to life and going on adventures with me!
19 What do we call a young ant?
A. Antling
B. Larva
C. Pup
D. Egg
答案:B. Larva
20 The fall of the Roman Empire was a turning point in ________ (历史).
21 The ____ lives in trees and loves to eat fruits.
22 I have a dream to learn how to _______ (技能). It seems very _______ (形容词) and useful.
23 What is the capital of Saint Kitts and Nevis?
A. Basseterre
B. Charlestown
C. Kingstown
D. Roseau
答案: A. Basseterre
24 The ________ was a key event in the development of democracy.
25 Oxidation involves the loss of ______.
26 The __________ was a significant event in the fight for civil rights in America. (黑人民权运动)
27 What do you call a baby kangaroo?
A. Joey
B. Cub
C. Pup
D. Kit
28 What do we call the study of plants?
A. Biology
B. Botany
C. Zoology
D. Ecology
答案:B. Botany
29 A thermometer measures ______ changes.
30 I want to make a __________ (名词) with my __________ (玩具名).
31 The ________ is strong and sturdy.
32 Did you ever watch a _______ (小蛇) slither?
33 __________ reactions can produce heat or light.
34 I like to play ______ (games) on my tablet.
35 The ________ was an era of great cultural change in Europe.
36 Mountains are in ________ (北美). The Rock
37 The Earth's surface changes due to natural processes like ______.
38 The ________ has soft fur and gentle eyes.
39 The _____ (温度) can affect how quickly seeds germinate.
40 My sister enjoys __________ (学习) about animals.
41 I see a _____ butterfly in the garden. (beautiful)
42 My ________ (玩具名称) helps me with my social skills.
43 My mom likes to go shopping for ____.
44 A ____ lives in a den and is clever.
45 The _____ (景观) can include many different plants.
46 How many legs does an octopus have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Four
D. Ten
47 The _______ (The Civil Rights Movement) sought to end racial discrimination.
48 The butterfly is ___ (flapping) its wings.
49 Which month comes after January?
A. March
B. February
C. April
50 The boy likes to play ________.
51 The ________ was a famous leader during the American Revolution.
52 What do we call the time of year when it is very cold and often snows?
A. Summer
B. Winter
C. Spring
D. Fall
53 What do we call a person who repairs cars?
A. Mechanic
B. Electrician
C. Plumber
D. Carpenter
答案: A
54 Which fruit is yellow and curved?
A. Banana
B. Apple
C. Grape
D. Orange
答案: A
55 What is the opposite of 'wet'?
A. Dry
B. Clean
C. Soft
56 A _______ (小斑点) can be found in many parts of the world.
57 The squirrel gathers ______ for winter.
58 My favorite dessert is ______ (brownies).
59 I like to ride ______ with my friends. (horses)
60 How many legs does a spider have?
A. Six
B. Eight
C. Ten
D. Four
61 My aunt enjoys going to ____ (theater) shows.
62 A reaction that requires high temperatures and pressures is called a ______ reaction.
63 As the sun began to set, we packed our things and headed home. I felt tired but very ______ (8). Spending time in the park with my family is one of my favorite activities. I can't wait to go back again next week and make more ______ (9).
64 The __________ was a famous ship that sank in 1912. (泰坦尼克号)
65 I want to _______ (学会) how to surf.
66 What is the name of the ocean located on the east coast of the United States?
A. Atlantic Ocean
B. Pacific Ocean
C. Indian Ocean
D. Arctic Ocean
答案: A
67 The ______ (花粉) is vital for plant reproduction.
68 The __________ is a major city known for its cultural significance. (伦敦)
69 How many planets are in our solar system?
A. 7
B. 8
C. 9
D. 10
70 The ____ enjoys basking in the sun on warm days.
71 How many inches are in a foot?
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
72 The crocodile lurks in the ________________ (水中).
73 What shape has three sides?
A. Square
B. Triangle
C. Circle
D. Rectangle
74 My aunt is a ______. She loves to paint.
75 What is the color of a grape?
A. Yellow
B. Purple
C. Blue
D. Green
76 The chemical symbol for thallium is _______.
77 A _______ (海马) is a fascinating creature to observe.
78 The _____ (sun/moon) rises in the east.
79 The ______ has sharp claws for hunting.
80 What do we call the large landmass of ice floating on the ocean?
A. Glacier
B. Iceberg
C. Ice Cap
D. Snowfield
81 What is the name of the largest desert in the world?
A. Sahara
B. Gobi
C. Kalahari
D. Arctic
82 The chemical symbol for platinum is ____.
83 The ________ (canyon) is carved by water.
84 The ________ likes to sit on my shoulder.
85 The fish is _____ around the tank. (swimming)
86 The chemical formula for -hexanol is ______.
87 The ____ hops quickly and loves to chase after things.
88 My brother has a toy _____ that he plays with.
89 I love to ______ (进行) volunteer work.
90 The library is _______ (非常安静).
91 A _____ (植被) cover protects the soil from erosion.
92 My mom loves to collect __________ (纪念品).
93 The Hubble Space Telescope helps us explore ______.
94 The __________ (历史的影响) guides our actions.
95 I can build anything with my __________ (玩具名).
96 My _____ (表弟) is very funny.
97 I like to write ______ (故事) and share them with my friends. It’s fun to come up with new characters and adventures.
98 The main component of starch is ______.
99 Which of these is a warm-blooded animal?
A. Fish
B. Lizard
C. Dog
D. Frog
100 The stork brings ______ (婴儿) in stories.。