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Usance L/C 远期信⽤证
acceptor 承兑⼈
bailee 受托⼈,代保管⼈
bearer 来⼈
beneficiary 受益⼈
cheque ⽀票
clean Bill for Collection 光票托收
clean bill 光票
clean payment 单纯⽀付
collection 托收
commodity 产品
consignee 受托⼈
consignor 委托⼈
consingnee 受托⼈
convenient ⽅便的
copy 副本
dealing 交易,⽣意
decline 下降,下跌
deferred payment 延期付款
destination ⽬的地
discount 贴现
discount 贴现
dishonour 拒付
documentary bill 跟单汇票
draft 汇票
drawee 付款⼈
drawer 出票⼈
endorse 背书
endorsee 被背书⼈
endorsement 背书
endorser 背书⼈
fixed L/C or fixed amount L/C 有固定⾦额的信⽤证 flexible 灵活的,多变的
form of credit 信⽤证形式
guarantor 保证⼈
holder 持票⼈
invoice 发票
method of reimbursement 索汇⽅法
original 正本
pay on delivery (P.O.D)货到付款
pay order ⽀付凭证
payer 付款⼈
payment against documents through collection 凭单托收付款
payment against documents 凭单付款
payment agreement ⽀付协定
payment at maturity 到期付款
payment by acceptance 承兑付款
payment by banker 银⾏⽀付
payment by bill 凭汇票付款
payment by installment 分期付款
payment by remittance 汇拨⽀付
payment for (in) cash 现⾦⽀付,付现
payment in advance 预付(货款)
payment in full 全部付讫
payment in kind 实物⽀付
payment in part 部分付款
payment on terms 定期付款
payment order 付款通知
payment respite 延期付款
payment terms ⽀付条件,付款⽅式
payment ⽀付,付款
pay…Co. not negotiable 付…公司,不准疏通
pay…Co. only 仅付…公司
pay…Co. or order (pay to the order of…Co.)付…公司或其指定⼈ principal 委托⼈
progressive payment 分期付款
refusal 拒绝
remittance 汇付
sales-purchasing 促销,推销
simple payment 单纯⽀付
something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差错 stage 阶段,过程
the bank interest 银⾏利息
the mode of payment 付款⽅式
the refusal of payment 拒付
to amend L/C 修改信⽤证
to make exception 例外
to open by airmail 信开
to open by brief cable 简电开证
to open by cable 电开
to pay 付款,⽀付,偿还
trustee 被信托⼈
truster 信托⼈
usance credit payment at sight 假远期信⽤证
without recourse 不受追索。