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RA 并发 SA 患者的临床特点ꎮ 结果 共 9 例 RA 并发 SA 病例ꎮ 受累关节均为外周单个大关节ꎬ RA 平
均病程 (8 4±8 8) 年ꎬ 所有并发 SA 患者 RA 均处于疾病活动期ꎬ 8 例患者在原有慢性关节炎的基础
上出现单关节炎加重ꎮ 所有患者血沉、 超敏 C 反应蛋白均显著增高ꎮ 病原体分别为葡萄球菌 3 例ꎬ 结
years. All rheumatoid arthritis patients had a high disease activity. Eight patients presented with acute monoar ̄
thritis on the basis of chronic arthritis. Erythrocyte sedimentation rateꎬ hypersensitivity C reactive protein and
jiaoꎬ YU Jian ̄yuꎬ Wu Diꎬ YIN Yueꎬ LI Jingꎬ FEI Yun ̄yunꎬ ZENG Xiao ̄fengꎬ ZHANG Feng ̄chun
Department of Rheumatologyꎬ Peking Union Medical College Hospitalꎬ Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences &
other inflammatory markers were significantly elevated. Three patients were infected by staphylococcusꎬ 2 pa ̄
tients were infected by tuberculosisꎬ and the rest 3 patients were infected by pseudomonas aeruginosaꎬ salmo ̄
【 Abstract】 Objective To investigate the clinical characters of rheumatoid arthritis ( RA) complicated
by septic arthritis ( SA) . Methods RA patients with SA admitted to Peking Union Medical College Hospital
nella typhiꎬ and streptococcus mitigates respectively. Staphylococcus infection was the most common among
them. All patients were relieved after active antibiotics and surgical treatment. Conclusions For chronic RA
DOI:10 3969∕j issn 1673 ̄8705 2019 01 009
【 摘要】 目 的 回 顾 性 分 析 类 风 湿 关 节 炎 ( rheumatoid arthritisꎬ RA) 并 发 感 染 性 关 节 炎
( septic arthitisꎬ SA) 的临床特点ꎮ 方法 分析 1997 年 1 月至 2017 年 1 月北京协和医院收治住院的
核菌 2 例ꎬ 铜绿假单胞菌、 伤寒沙门菌、 产气肠杆菌、 缓症链球菌各 1 例ꎬ 葡萄球菌最常见ꎮ 所有患
者经过积极抗感染及外科治疗后病情明显好转ꎮ 结论 对于慢性 RA 患者出现急性单关节炎加重ꎬ 应
警惕 RA 并发 SA 可能ꎮ 并及时行关节腔穿刺或关节镜以明确病原体ꎬ 予以针对性的足疗程抗生素治
中华临床免疫和变态反应杂志 2019 年 2 月第 13 卷 1 期 Chin J Allergy Clin Immunolꎬ February 2019ꎬ Vol.13. No 1
杨云娇ꎬ 俞建钰ꎬ 吴 迪ꎬ 尹 月ꎬ 李 菁ꎬ 费允云ꎬ 曾小峰ꎬ 张奉春
from January 1997 to January 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. Results Nine cases of RA complicated by
SA were defined. All the infected joints were single large joints. The average duration of RA was ( 8 4± 8 8)
作者单位: 100730 北京ꎬ 中国医学科学院 北京协和医学院 北京协和医院风湿免疫科
风湿免疫病学教育部重点实验室 ( 俞建钰现工作单位: 350300 福清ꎬ 福建卫生职业
通信作者: 费允云ꎬ E ̄mail: feiyunyun2013@ hotmail.com
patients who have aggravated acute monoarthritisꎬ we should be alert to the possibility of RA complicated by
疗ꎬ 并联合外科处理ꎮ
【 关键词】 类风湿关节炎ꎻ 感染性关节炎ꎻ 关节炎
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (81501410ꎬ 81671620)
Clinical characteristics of rheumatoid arthritis complicated by septic arthritis YANG Yun ̄
Peking Medical Collegeꎬ Key Laboratory of Rheumatology and Clinical Immmunologyꎬ Ministry of Education.
Beijing 100730ꎬ China
Corresponding author: Fei Yunyunꎬ E ̄mail: feiyunyun2013@ hotmail.com