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1.The capital of Greenland is __________.
2.The ____ has an elegant appearance and is often found near lakes.
3.The capital of Thailand is __________.
4. A ______ (植物的保存) project can safeguard biodiversity.
5.They are _____ (happy) together.
6.The ________ has many petals and smells great.
7.I enjoy climbing ________ (树木) in the park.
8.The sun is ___ (setting) behind the hills.
9.The _____ (绿色) leaves of the plants are very vibrant.
10.The first printing press was invented by _______. (古腾堡)
11.We had ______ (fun) at the zoo.
12.What is the largest land animal?
A. Lion
B. Giraffe
C. Elephant
D. Hippo答案: C
13.The first space shuttle was named _______. (奋进号)
14.What do we use to cut paper?
A. Scissors
B. Tape
C. Glue
D. Ruler答案:A
15.The chemical formula for carbon monoxide is _____.
16. A catalyst can be affected by ______ and concentration.
17.What is the opposite of "fast"?
A. Quick
B. Slow
C. Speedy
D. Rapid答案:B
18.What is the name of the famous English playwright?
A. Charles Dickens
B. J.K. Rowling
C. William Shakespeare
D. Jane Austen答案:C
19.The dog is ______ near the door. (sitting)
20.My favorite animal is a ______ (猴子) because they are funny.
21.The __________ helps some animals to see in the dark.
22.The _____ (狼) lives in packs and hunts together.
23.The antelope can run very ____.
24. A zebra’s stripes are unique to each ________________ (个体).
25.The __________ (科学技术) improves our lives.
26.I like to ______ (参加) cultural exchanges.
27. A ____ is often used in research and is very curious.
28.The chemical formula for nitric acid is _____.
29.Which animal is known for its stripes?
A. Zebra
B. Lion
C. Bear
D. Giraffe答案: A
30.What is the name of the famous ancient city in Mexico?
A. Tenochtitlan
B. Teotihuacan
C. Chichen Itza
D. Monte Alban
答案:C.Chichen Itza
31.My pet ______ (狗) loves to go for walks with me.
32.The primary structure of proteins is made up of ______.
33. A _______ can be used to measure the flow of electricity through a circuit.
34. A cat's agility enables it to jump up to six times its ________________ (长度).
35.The beetle has a hard ______ (外壳).
36.The capital of Tajikistan is ________ (杜尚别).
37.The bee collects _______ from flowers.
38. (42) Ocean is where the Titanic sank. The ____
39. A __________ is a large area of flat land that is higher than the surrounding area.
40.Fungi, like mushrooms, absorb nutrients from ______ matter.
41. A snake can ______ (爬) up trees.
42.Bees produce _______ (蜂蜜).
43.Electricity can flow through a ______.
44.The __________ is known for its mineral springs.
45.The dolphin is very _______ (聪明) compared to other animals.
46.The wolf howls at the ________________ (月亮).
47.The weather is _____ (nice/bad) today.
48.The bat hangs upside down in a ______.
49.They are in the ___ (garden).
50.__________ (环境) can affect the stability of chemical compounds.
51.The _______ of a sound wave is determined by its frequency.
52.The __________ (历史的探索者) uncover stories long forgotten.
53.The __________ is a region known for its ancient ruins.
54.The ancient Romans spoke _______.
55.The ______ is the energy source for plants.
56. A _____ is a low area of land between hills.
57. A flame test is used to identify _____.
58.小鸟) chirps cheerfully at dawn. The ___
59.Which part of the plant absorbs water and nutrients from the soil?
A. Leaf
B. Stem
C. Root
D. Flower答案: C
60.I like to take pictures with my ________ (玩具名称).
61.The __________ is the capital city of Japan.
62.I can ___ my favorite song. (sing)
63.Nitrogen makes up about % of the Earth's ________.
64.What is the primary color of the sky on a clear day?
A. Red
B. Blue
C. Green
D. Yellow答案:B
65.I like to _______ (听音乐) while studying.
66.What is the weather like when it snows?
A. Hot
B. Cold
C. Humid
D. Sunny答案:B
67. A ________ swims very gracefully.
68. A chemical reaction that occurs in the presence of light is called a ______ reaction.
69. A beetle can be found in many different ________________ (栖息地).
70.The chemical reaction that produces energy from food is called ______.
71.The flowers are _____ in the sunshine. (smiling)
72.The flowers smell _______ (香的).
73.The __________ (历史的教育内容) shape future leaders.
74.What do we call the chemical process that plants use to make food?
A. Photosynthesis
B. Respiration
C. Fermentation
D. Digestion答案: A. Photosynthesis
75.Iron is a type of ______.
76. A __________ is a substance that can be broken down into simpler substances.
77. A vacuum is a space without ______ (matter).
78.The chemical formula for copper(II) sulfate is ______.
79.When I write a card to my friend, I start with "To my dear __." (当我给我的朋友写卡片时,我开始写“致我亲爱的。

80.My dad is very __________ (关心) and listens to me.
81.The eagle has sharp _________. (爪子)
82.In _____ (德国), there are many castles.
83.My aunt lives _____ the city. (near)
84.The _____ (灌溉) method can affect crop yields.
85.I have a ___ (sister/brother) and a dog.
86.When it’s h ot, I drink lots of __________. (水)
87.I like to draw ______.
88.In a reaction, the rate can be affected by the surface area of the _____.
89.The chemical symbol for lanthanum is ______.
90. A _______ is a reaction that involves the transfer of electrons.
91.What do you call a person who writes poetry?
A. Poet
B. Novelist
C. Playwright
D. Storyteller答案: A
92.This boy, ______ (这个男孩), enjoys fishing.
93.circular economy) minimizes waste through reuse. The ____
94.I have a younger _____ (兄弟).
95.I enjoy ______ in the garden.
96.The ______ (小鸟) chirps cheerfully in the ______ (早晨).
97.My sister has a pet ______ (蛇) that is very quiet.
98. A porcupine uses its quills for ______ (自我保护).
99.I love to bake ________ (面包) with my grandmother.
100.I brush my ______ every day. (teeth)。
