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【英文关键词】Radio Frequency Identmcation Fingerprint identmcation Dynamic password Access Control System







【英文摘要】This article briefly describes some of the problems in a variety of access control systems, and in accordance with these issues,We do the following work:1. We Carefully analysis of the fingerprint access control system, radio frequency identification access control systems, and password access control system, and the key technologies in these access control systems. We found that a single access control system to more or less have vulnerability,and the system security is not very high.2. With the advancement of technology and the needs of human life, the more advanced secure access control system has a more and more prospects, a single access control system clearly can not meet these. In this paper we designed a multi-access control system, Greatly improved the security of the system;3. Design a multiple certification access control systems based on radio frequency identification, fingerprint identification and dynamic password, increased the certification process, and the introduction of a dynamic password technology, complete elimination of a password stealing, the security of the system is very improved, so that we can more effectively prevent the entry of illegal officers,
to protect users’ privacy and property security.4. We use the hardware circuit to achieve the functionality that we need, in the text we gives a detailed interface circuit. And embedded devices as the central control unit, thus ensuring that the system has sufficient speed of response.
【目录】基于射频识别、指纹识别和动态口令相结合的多重认证门禁系统研究摘要3-4Abstract4第一章绪论7-12 1.1 研究背景与意义7-8 1.2 国内外研究动态8-10 1.3 本文主要的研究工作10 1.4 论文组织结构10-12第二章门禁系统的理论基础12-29前言12 2.1 射频识别技术12-19 2.1.1 射频识别简介12 2.1.2 RFID卡12-14 2.1.3 射频识别技术的原理14-15 2.1.4 射频识别常用编码格式15-16 2.1.5 调制方式和能量传递16-19 2.2 指纹识别技术19-27 2.2.1 指纹识别简介19 2.2.2 指纹的特征19-23 2.2.4 指纹采集23-24 2.2.5 指纹图像的预处理24-27 2.3 动态口令技术27 2.4 结论
27-29第三章关键技术研究29-41前言29 3.1 RFID电感耦合29-30 3.2 指纹预处理算法30-37 3.2.1 指纹图像分割
30-31 3.2.2 指纹图像增强31-33 3.2.3 指纹图像的二值化
33-34 3.2.4 指纹图像细化34-36 3.2.5 指纹图像方向图
36-37 3.3 动态口令技术37-41 3.3.1 一次性口令
37 3.3.2 S/Key系统37-38 3.3.3 哈希算法38-41第四章
门禁系统的硬件单元设计与实现41-54 4.1 门禁系统的一般原理图41-42 4.2 门禁控制系统主要模块框图42-46 4.2.1
LPC221042 4.2.2 LPC2210的结构框图42-44 4.2.3 管脚排列44 4.2.4 LPC2210接口电路图44-46 4.3 射频识别模块
46-48 4.3.1 接口电路46-47 4.3.2 EMC滤波和信号接收电路47-48 4.4 指纹识别模块48 4.4.1 指纹模块接口电路
48 4.5 键盘48-49 4.6 LCD模块49-50 4.7 系统复位模块50-51 4.8 电源51 4.9 Flash存储器51-52 4.10 JTAG仿真接口52-53 4.11 上位机通信模块53-54第五章结论及下一步研究工作54-56 5.1 结论54 5.2 下一步研究工作54-56参考文献56-58致谢58。
