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Paper bird
good forstand
Hidden wounds
March on
Liveliest city
Writing Technique
• Anti-Climax(渐降法): A humorous figure of 渐降法)
speech, which refers to any of the following: a: a decline viewed in disappointing contrast with a previous rise b: something trivial or commonplace that concludes a series of significant events c: a sudden descent in speaking or writing from the impressive or significant to the ludicrous (荒谬的,可 笑的)or inconsequential(不重要的,毫无意义的), or an instance of it.
Hiroshima-the “Liveliest” City in Japan
Group Members:
杨彬: 杨彬:200905440222 隆梅: 隆梅:200905440218 刘安丽: 刘安丽:200905440214 董世妹: 董世妹:200905440204 周吉梅: 周吉梅:200905440235 胡丽娟: 胡丽娟:200905440207
• Metonymy(借代):Uses sth generally or (借代):
loosely associated with a concept to stand in for it. • 1)…is the very symbol of the incessant struggle between the kimono and the miniskirt. • 2)I thought that Hiroshima still felt the impact.
• Sarcasm(讽刺):people say the opposite of Sarcasm(
what they mean. It achieves its effect by reminding you of the opposite reality and this providing a scale by which to judge the resent reality. • 1)Hiroshima-the “Liveliest” City in Japan • 2)If you write about this city, do not forget to say it is the gayest city in Japan…
Ⅰ.Author’s arrival at Hiroshima(Para.1) Ⅱ.Author’s two different thoughts about Hiroshima and the reason why Hiroshima willing to forget the history(Paras.2-27) history(Paras.2Ⅲ.The author talks with an atomic victim and answer(Paras.28hope to find the answer(Paras.28-38) Ⅳ.The author understand the Hiroshima and find the answer (Para.39)
• Climax(层进法):The point of greatest intensity 层进法
or force in an ascending series or progression; a culmination. In rhetoric, it refers to: a series of statements or ideas in an ascending order of rhetorical force or intensity • 1)I came ,I saw, I conquered. • 2)Social position, friends, reputation, life itself, had no longer any attraction for him.
Opened door Grin Afraid of losing face Top speed
House on boat Oyster
Old man
(“Hurt” “March on”、)
Hospital (fisherman)
Background Culture Linking Type of Literature Structural Analysis Writing Technique
templ ates, New Conte nt desig n
Hokkaido Honshu Kyushu Shikoku
The ruins, with its warped dome, were preserved as a symbol of the terror of destruction .
Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park
Type of Literature
1.Type of literature: --a report. --a piece of radio report. 2.The purpose of a piece of radio report : --to --to inform the auditors of the truth . 3. Characteristics of radio report:
• Synecdoche(提喻 提喻): 提喻
a:Use the part to represent the whole : 1)The farms are short of hands during the harvest season. (workers) 2)Great minds think alike.( great people) b: Use the whole to represent the part 1)The score is 2 to 1 in favor of China.( Chinese team) 2)The world stands by our side.( all human beings )
radio report: --(1)accurately --(1)accurately recording the dialogues with some Japanese to reinforce the authenticity of the report; (2)carefully observing and describing details (2)carefully to reinforce the authenticity of the report; 3)vivid (3)vivid and humorous description to make interesting. the report interesting.
• 1):Alas!Alas!What shall I do? I’ve lost my wife and best hat, too! • 2):The duties of a soldier are to protect his country and peel potatoes • 3):A town known throughout the world for its--oysters.
Area:714 : Square kilometers Population: : 1.12 million
The first dropping of an atomic bomb --“Little Boy”
The Atomic Bomb Dome, Hiroshima Peace Memorial, a remnant of the city at ground zero of its nuclear bombardment.
• Metaphor(暗喻):unlike a simile ,the (暗喻):
comparison is implied, not expressed with the word “as” or “like”. • 1)I had a lump in my throat. • 2)when the meaning of these last words sank in, jolting me out of my sad reverie.
• Rhetorical Question(反问): Question(
A question to which no answer is expected ,often used for rhetorical effect . • “Was I not at the scene of the crime?”
--(1)contains narration( --(1)contains conventions of narration( what the author sees and feels and understands at a specific time in a specific place); (2)authenticity objectivity; (2)authenticity and objectivity; (3)mixed with description of the author’s comment (thoughts, feelings and opinions). 4.Ways of developing a piece of
Structural Induction
Details about the text
• Para.1
Complicated moods
Low (lump、sad)
Little girl、elderly lady (in kimonos) Teenager、woman (in western dress) Serious-looking man

Endless corridors Fisherman stretches Hair-fell out Wheelchairs Belly –turn to water Nurses Felt sick Nickel-plate instrument
Other patients
• Simile(明喻): comparing two unlike things, Simile(
often introduced with the word “like” or ”as” • 1)The bus went as slowly as a snail. • 2)Her hair was like a waterfall.