Confined space entry_100004
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Engulfment Hazards淹没风险
Loose granular material stored in bins and hoppers, such as grain, sand, coal or similar material, can engulf and suffocate a worker.
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Temperature Extremes极端温度
General /Physical Hazards 一般的物理风险
Extremely hot or cold temperatures can present problems for workers. For example, when possible, a steam tunnel should be allowed to cool before entering.
Permit Procedures许可程序
Prior to any entry into Confined space a permit following must be carried out,
进入受限空间前,必须通过申请许可 Tests are for;Oxygen,Flammability,Toxicity
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General Requirements 基本要求
进行测试:氧含量,燃爆性,毒性 Ventilation required是否需要通风 PPE required劳保用品的需求 Isolation of energy sources隔离危险能量 Ensure availability of Trained attendants and rescue team确保有指派受过培训的监护人及救援队伍 Obtain and keep a copy of the Permit signed by EH&S coordinator
足够大,员工能让全部身体进入,并且执行工作的空间 Is not designed for continuous occupancy by the employee. They are designed to store a product, to enclose materials and processes, or to transport products or substances 不是为长期停留的工作而设计的 Restricted Entry or exit. Openings are usually small in size, perhaps as small as 18 inches in diameter 进入和离开方式受限,开口较小,也许仅有18英寸(45厘米) May contain Potential or Known Hazard 也许存在其他可能或已识别的风险
危害及其认知,劳保用品,沟通,照明以及 个体监测装置以及保持与监护人的沟通 。
Entry Procedure 进入程序
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Role Play角色职责
Entry Supervisor’s Duties 授权工作人员主管的职责
know space hazards including information on the mode of exposure, signs or symptoms, and consequences of exposure 了解受限空间的危害包括其危害模式,危害症状以及可能造成的后果。 verify emergency plans and specified entry conditions such as permits, tests, procedures and equipment before allowing entry 审核紧急响应的计划以及特定的进入条件比如进入前所需的许可证,环境测试,程序以及相关设备。 ensure that determinations and supporting data from required tests are documented and are made available to each employee who enters the permit space or that employee’s authorized representative 确保员工能获取与此受限空间相关的各种支持性资料及测试档案 ensure that the entrant or the entrant’s authorized representative are afforded the opportunity to observe any testing of the confined space prior to and during the operation 确保受限空间进入人员能够在进入前看到所有测试数据。 terminate entry and cancel permits when entry operations are completed or if a new condition exists 在工作结束后或环境改变后终止进入工作并吊销许可证 take appropriate measures to remove unauthorized entrants or persons who attempt to enter 采取恰当的措施以防止未经许可的进入或尝试进入。 ensure that entry operations remain consistent with the entry permit and that acceptable entry conditions are maintained 确保进入工作符合进入许可证上的描述,并保持可接受的进入条件。
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Toxic Atmosphere有毒环境
Because air cannot freely move in and out of confined spaces 因为空气不能在受限空间内自由流动。
the atmosphere inside a confined space can be very different from the atmosphere outside. 受限空间内的空气成分可能与空间外的环境 截然不同。
受限空间本身也许存在受困风险,3个主要的风险类别为: Oxygen-Deficient Atmospheres 缺氧环境 Flammable Atmospheres 爆炸性环境 Toxic Atmospheres 有毒环境
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Oxygen Deficient Atmosphere 缺氧环境
COMPLY LEGAL REQUIREMENTS. The Factories act, section 36(1) 符合当地法律法规要求 ENSURE ACCIDENT FREE ATMOSPHERE 确保工作环境不会发生事故。
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氧气含量在14~16%时,肌肉反应下降, 人会很快感到,呼吸会不均匀
At 6 percent oxygen, there is a rapid loss of consciousness and death in minutes.
氧气含量在6%时,很快会丧失意识,并在 数分钟内死亡。
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料斗或仓筒内储存的松散颗粒物,比如谷物、沙子、 煤炭或类似物料,可能将工人吞没并窒息。
Noise 噪声
Slick/Wet Surfaces 光滑、湿滑的表面
Falling Objects 高处坠物
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Confined-Space Classification
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There may not be enough oxygen inside the confined space to support life, or the air could be so oxygen-rich that it is likely to increase the chance of fire or explosion if a source of ignition is present. 受限空间内也许有氧气,或者有相当富余的氧气 甚至因为一点火星就导致起火或爆炸
这些空间也许包括,但不限于:地下室、地下储罐、储箱、深井以及阴沟 、容器和筒仓。
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Confinement itself may pose entrapment hazards. However 3 major classifications are,
氧含量低于17%后,呼吸加快,心跳加速 ,夜间视力下降,但是可能自己无法注意到
Oxygen atmospheres with 14 to 16 percent oxygen contribute to poor muscular coordination, rapid fatigue and intermittent respiration.
REQUIRED EVEN IF EMPLOYEES WILL NOT ENTER THE SPACE. 即使员工不需要进入受限空间也需要进行标识。 Labelling should be in local language also. 标签还必须基于工人母语。
受限空间 危险,未经许可不得入内
An oxygen-deficient atmosphere has less than 19.5 percent available oxygen (O2).
When oxygen levels drop below 17 percent, there is increased breathing volume, accelerated heartbeat and a deterioration of night vision, which is usually not noticeable.
Flammable Atmosphere爆炸性环境
Flammable atmospheres generally result from evaporation of flammable liquids, byproducts of chemical 爆炸性气体环境总体来说来源于可燃液体所 挥发出的可燃蒸汽。 Two things make an atmosphere flammable: 1. the amount of oxygen in air and 2. a flammable gas, vapor or dust in the proper mixture. 造成爆炸性环境有两个因素: 1.氧气含量 2.爆炸性气体/蒸汽/粉尘与氧气 的混合物 An oxygen-enriched atmosphere (above 21 percent) will cause flammable materials, Therefore, NEVER use pure oxygen to ventilate a confined space. Ventilate with normal air. 富氧环境(高于21%)会造成令环境变得可 燃。因此,不用使用纯氧来为受限空间通风 。而应使用普通空气通风。
拿到有EHS工程师签发的进入许可证 Entry permits will last no longer than one shift.
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Properly trained persons will be authorized entrants
经过培训的人员才能作为受限空间授权作业 人员
Deadly gases may be trapped inside, particularly if the space is used to store or process chemicals or organic substances that may decompose. 致死性气体会滞留在受限空间内,特别是如果该 受限空间是用来储存易分解化学品或有机物 质。
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A CONFINED SPACE Iugh and so configured that an employee entire body can enter the space and He/She can perform the assigned work.
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These spaces may include, but are not limited to, underground vaults, tanks, storage bins, pits and diked areas, vessels, and silos
Confined space operating team shall be trained in Hazards, Hazard Exposure recognition, PPE, Communication, Lighting, Personal monitoring equipments and maintaining constant contact with the attendant. 受限空间作业队伍应接受以下内容的培训: