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1 The __________ is a famous area known for its celebrations.
2 I am fascinated by science. Experiments show how things work in our world. One experiment I enjoyed was __________ because it taught me __________.
3 We will go to the ________ (水族馆) next month.
4 A __________ is a large area of land that has a specific climate and vegetation. (气候区)
5 The country known for its ancient ruins is ________ (意大利).
6 What is the largest desert in the world?
A. Sahara
B. Arctic
C. Antarctic
D. Gobi
答案: C
7 I enjoy ______ (看) funny videos.
8 What is 20 divided by 4?
A. 3
B. 4
C. 5
D. 6
答案: C
9 She is wearing a ______ (hat).
10 My toy ____ can swim in the pool! (玩具名称)
11 The ________ (环境监测) helps protect plants.
12 The ancient Greeks built _______ to honor their gods. (神庙)
13 The chemical symbol for barium is _____.
14 我的朋友喜欢 _______ (活动). 她觉得这很 _______ (形容词)
15 What is the name of the first man on the moon?
A. Neil Armstrong
B. Buzz Aldrin
C. Yuri Gagarin
D. John Glenn
16 I believe that music can bring comfort during __________.
17 What color is grass?
A. Blue
B. Green
C. Yellow
D. Red
18 I love drawing pictures of my favorite _________ (玩具).
19 The tiger is a powerful __________ (掠食者).
20 The _____ (flower/tree) is blooming.
21 _____ (土壤) quality affects plant growth.
22 My ______ enjoys learning about different cultures.
23 The quokka is known as the world's ________________ (最快乐) animal.
24 She is wearing a ______ dress. (red)
25 I have a __________ (形容词) __________ (玩具名) that I can ride on.
26 He is a scientist, ______ (他是一名科学家), conducting fascinating experiments.
27 Which number comes after 10?
A. 9
B. 11
C. 12
D. 13
28 Which animal is known for its ability to change colors?
A. Chameleon
B. Dolphin
C. Eagle
D. Shark
29 I see a _____ (butterfly) in the garden.
30 The __________ (国际联盟) was formed after World War I.
31 What is the term for a group of lions?
A. Pack
B. Pride
C. School
D. Gaggle
32 I feel proud when my parents call me ______. (当我的父母称我为____时,我感到自豪。
33 The teacher is very ________.
34 We have a ______ (丰富的) curriculum at school.
35 What is the capital of Sweden?
A. Stockholm
B. Oslo
C. Helsinki
D. Reykjavik
36 _____ (wildflower) grow in nature without help.
37 My mom is __________ (善良的) and caring.
38 The __________ (历史的动力) fuels change.
39 The density of a substance is its mass per _____.
40 I love to take my _________ (玩具车) to the park and race it.
41 The first humans are believed to have originated in ________.
42 What is the primary color that mixes with black to create gray?
A. White
B. Red
C. Blue
D. Yellow
43 I love to eat ______ (水果沙拉).
44 The stars are ___ (twinkling/dimming).
45 The _____ (植物传播) is crucial for maintaining ecosystems.
46 The _____ is a natural satellite of Earth.
47 The ______ helps with the processing of information.
48 What is the name of the famous mountain in Africa?
A. Mount Kilimanjaro
B. Mount Everest
C. Mount Elgon
D. Mount Kenya
答案: A. Mount Kilimanjaro
49 What is 100 - 75?
A. 20
B. 25
C. 35
D. 45
答案: B
50 What do you call a person who writes stories?
A. Artist
B. Writer
C. Painter
D. Musician
答案: B
51 It is ______ (下雨) outside, so take an umbrella.
52 I like to ______ my bike in the park. (ride)
53 What do you call the story of a person's life written by that person?
A. Biography
B. Autobiography
C. Novel
D. Memoir
54 The country famous for its glaciers is ________ (冰岛).
55 oasis) is a fertile area in a desert. The ____
56 What is the name of the ocean to the west of the USA?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Pacific
D. Arctic
57 I like to listen to ________ (经典音乐) while studying.
58 Fossils are found in ______ rocks, which form from layers of sediment.
59 My dog enjoys playing with other ______ (动物).
60 Plants help to keep our _______ clean.
61 The ______ is very influential in her community.
62 My dad is a __________ (企业家).
63 The ________ (兰花) is a beautiful flower that comes in many colors.
64 My grandma loves her ______.
65 A _____ has a long orbit and can be seen from Earth.
66 The snail moves at a _________ (慢) pace.
67 The __________ is known for its unique rock formations. (约塞米蒂)
68 I like to ________ (听音乐) before bed.
69 The trees in the _______ provide shade and a comfortable place to relax.
70 What do we call a person who plays music?
A. Artist
B. Musician
D. Painter
答案: B
71 A _______ (小海豚) is known for its intelligence.
72 What is the value of 7 × 2 3?
A. 11
B. 12
C. 13
D. 14
73 The __________ is a well-known geological site.
74 The _____ (mulberry) tree has sweet fruit.
75 What is the capital of France?
A. London
B. Berlin
C. Paris
D. Rome
答案: C
76 The __________ (历史的促进者) encourage scholarship.
77 We have a ______ (丰富的) selection of books.
78 A _______ (小鹤) stands tall by the water’s edge.
79 What do you call a baby dog?
A. Kitten
B. Puppy
C. Calf
80 The _______ can help you learn about responsibility.
81 What is the first month of the year?
A. February
B. March
C. January
D. December
答案: C
82 What is the name of the planet we live on?
A. Mars
B. Earth
C. Venus
D. Jupiter
83 A solution that is not uniform throughout is called a _______ mixture.
84 Which animal is known for its black and white stripes?
A. Tiger
B. Zebra
C. Panda
D. Skunk
85 The chemical symbol for arsenic is __________.
86 Some _______ can be propagated easily.
87 We have ______ (很多) plants in our house.
88 She _____ (reads/writes) stories.
89 The capital of Tuvalu is __________.
90 The Earth’s ______ is responsible for the weather we experience.
91 What do you call a young female bird?
A. Chick
B. Hen
C. Dove
D. Sparrow
92 The ________ (森林保护) is vital for the planet.
93 What is the name of the famous scientist known for his theory of evolution?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Gregor Mendel
C. Louis Pasteur
D. Albert Einstein
94 In a chemical reaction, the energy can be stored or _____.
95 A ______ is a measurement of how much space an object occupies.
96 __________ (表面张力) affects how liquids behave in different environments.
97 What do you call a female horse?
A. Mare
B. Stallion
C. Colt
D. Foal
98 I like to ___ (eat) ice cream in summer.
99 What do we call the part of a plant that attracts pollinators?
A. Petal
B. Leaf
C. Stem
D. Root
100 A _____ (植物科学研究) can lead to innovative solutions for challenges.。