3 omission in translation

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wow: You can say 'wow' when you are very impressed, surprised, or pleased.
ugh: indicate the sound of a cough or grunt or to express disgust or horror .
他在我不知道的情况下 私自拿走了东西。
He took it away without my knowledge.
美日双方在完全保密 的情况下互相交换了 消息。 America and Japan secretly exchanged the messages.
省略汉语范畴词 中译英时省略那些在中 文表达习惯上需要但在 译文中却没有意义的范 畴词是完全必要的。
These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass large populations and abound in natural resources.
这些发展中国家土地辽阔, 人口众多,资源丰富。
美国新任国务卿建议召 开世界食品会议。 The new American Secretary of State proposed a world conference on food.
encompass & abound
To encompass a place means to completely surround or cover it. The western region encompasses nine states. If things abound, or if a place abounds with things, there are very large numbers of them.
水滋滋地响:sizzle 钢笔沙沙地响: scratching pen 干面包片嘎嘣脆:crunch
ouch: people say ouch when they suddenly feel pain.
Is the president of the United States a Republican? 美国总统是共和党吗? 不应也不用译为: 这美国的这总统是一名共 和党党员吗?
Republicans VS Democrats
我国社会主义建设正以 空前绝后的速度发展着。 Our socialist country is developing at an unprecedented rate.
never having happened before
台湾海峡两岸的中国人都 是骨肉同胞,手足兄弟。 The Chinese on both sides of the Taiwan Straits are of the same flesh an免重复名词),而汉语较少使用代 词,英译汉时在不妨碍意义传达的 情况下,常常省略英语代词。 He put his hands into his pockets and then shrugged his shoulders. 他将双手放进衣袋里,然后耸了耸 肩膀。
When the students finished all the books they had bought, they opened the lunch and ate it . 学生们看完了随身带的书, 就打开饭盒吃起来。
oops You say 'oops' to indicate that there has been a slight accident or mistake, or to apologize to someone for it. (INFORMAL)
gosh: people say 'Gosh!' when they are surprised or shocked
chatter baa gaggle grunt coo moo neigh chirp bray
中文句子常用叠词,译成英文常常需要省略;中文和英文 拟声词并不完全对应,需要省略。 英文拟声词: 喜鹊叽叽喳喳地叫 chatter 小羊咩咩叫:baa 鹅嘎嘎叫:gaggle 小猪哼哼叫:grunt 鸽子咕咕叫:coo 牛牟牟叫:moo 马声嘶嘶:neigh 小鸟唧唧:chirp 驴子昂昂:bray
If winter comes, can spring be far behind? 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? While there is life, there is hope. 有生命就有希望。
汉语关联词往往成对出现,译 成英语时要省略一个。
因为他的公寓套房在一座大城 镇里,所以他没有属于自己的 花园。 As his flat is in a large town, he has no garden of his own.
这意味着在45分钟内创 了六项世界记录。
This meant six world records in 45 minutes.
英文句子的谓语必须是动词,而 汉语可以直接用形容词,名词, 介词,短语或主谓结构作谓语, 所以英译汉中,有些英语句子中 的动词有时可以省略。而汉译英 中,汉语句子中常出现两个以上 动词,有时不必将全部动词翻译 出来。
英语没有语气词,汉语句子的语气词在英 语译句中只能通过语境和句子结构来体现。
不要认真嘛!我只不过开开玩笑 罢了。 Don’t take it seriously. I was just making fun of you.
有时逛逛街啦,喝喝茶啦, 有时游游泳啦,跳跳舞啦。 Sometimes she would go shopping, or go to the teahouse; at other times she would go swimming or go dancing.
省略英语介词 表示时间的介词常常省略: I left this city on the afternoon of th July the 6 . 七月六号下午我离开了这座城市。 On the early morning of the 10th, there was a car accident. 十日清晨,这里发生了汽车相撞事故。
发展水平(状况) 说服工作 贫困状态 紧急情况 紧张局势 落后状态 正确性 集体感 疯狂行为 轻松愉快的心情 沮丧情绪 预防措施 嫉妒心理 development Persuasion Poverty Emergency Tension Backwardness Correctness Togetherness Madness lightheartedness Frustration Precaution jealousy
Omission in Translation
为使行文简洁,符合译入语的表达 习惯和修辞特点,很多时候往往需 要省略某些词语不译。这种翻译方 法称作“省略法”或 “省词翻译 法”。省略是删去一些可有可无的, 或者有了反而嫌累赘或违背译文语 言习惯的词语。
These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass large populations and abound in natural resources.
英文“异叙”的修辞手法: 新当选的领导宣誓后就坐下了。 The newly elected leader took the oath and his seat. He lost his temper and his hat. He had a blue heart and coat. He left in a huff and a taxi.
The Republican Party: GOP the Grand Old Party The Democratic Party:
One more step, and you a are a deadman. 再走一步,你就死定了。
英语各类状语从句都必须由从属连词引导, 汉语各类状语分句则不一定。所以,英语 状语从句翻译为汉语时,其从属连词通常 省略。