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1. 听力题:
I like to ___ (explore/hike) in the woods.
2. 选择题:
What is the main purpose of a refrigerator?
A. To cook food
B. To freeze food
C. To keep food cold
D. To heat food
3. 听力题:
They are _____ (playing) in the park.
4. 选择题:
What do we call the first meal of the day?
A. Lunch
B. Dinner
C. Breakfast
D. Snack
答案: C
5. 填空题:
I enjoy visiting the ________ with my family.
6. 选择题:
Which animal is a symbol of wisdom?
A. Owl
B. Fox
C. Dog
D. Cat
What do you call a group of lions?
A. Pack
B. Pride
C. Flock
D. Gaggle
8. 听力题:
The chemical formula for sodium nitrite is _______.
9. 选择题:
What is the opposite of "rich"?
A. Wealthy
B. Poor
C. Affluent
D. Lavish
答案: B
10. 选择题:
Which of these is a mode of communication?
A. Telepathy
B. Phone
C. Dance
D. Art
11. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous British author known for "The Hobbit"?
A. J.K. Rowling
B. C.S. Lewis
C. J.R.R. Tolkien
D. Philip Pullman
答案: C
12. 听力题:
My mom loves to practice ____ (meditation).
13. 选择题:
Which of these is a type of fish?
A. Salmon
B. Chicken
C. Beef
D. Pork
Which instrument has keys?
A. Guitar
B. Violin
C. Piano
D. Drums
15. 填空题:
The __________ (历史的教诲) is invaluable.
16. 选择题:
What is the capital of Slovakia?
A. Bratislava
B. Košice
C. Prešov
D. Nitra
17. 听力题:
They are ___ a movie. (watching)
18. 填空题:
The ______ (小鹿) grazes peacefully in the meadow.
19. 选择题:
What is 7 x 3?
A. 21
B. 20
C. 19
D. 18
答案: A
20. 选择题:
What is the fastest land animal?
A. Elephant
B. Cheetah
C. Horse
D. Kangaroo
答案: B
21. 填空题:
My favorite video game is _______ (《超级马里奥》).
22. 听力题:
We are going to ________ a concert.
What is the name of the fairy tale character who leaves a glass slipper?
A. Rapunzel
B. Cinderella
C. Snow White
D. Sleeping Beauty
答案:B. Cinderella
24. 选择题:
What is the opposite of happy?
A. Joyful
B. Sad
C. Excited
D. Angry
25. 选择题:
What is a baby sheep called?
A. Calf
B. Lamb
C. Kid
D. Foal
26. 填空题:
A starfish has five ______ (手臂).
27. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous clock tower in London?
A. Big Ben
B. Eiffel Tower
C. Colosseum
D. Leaning Tower
28. 选择题:
What is a baby frog called?
A. Chick
B. Tadpole
C. Cub
D. Pup
29. advocacy strategy) guides campaign efforts. 填空题:
The ____
30. 听力题:
A reaction that occurs in the presence of water is called a ______ reaction.
We like to play _____ (游戏) after school.
32. 填空题:
The ________ (兰花) is a beautiful flower that comes in many colors.
33. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous historical figure known for his speeches?
A. Martin Luther King Jr.
B. Malcolm X
C. Nelson Mandela
D. Gandhi
答案:A. Martin Luther King Jr.
34. 填空题:
I have a _____ (拼图) that is hard to solve.
35. 选择题:
What is the capital of Malaysia?
A. Kuala Lumpur
B. Jakarta
C. Bangkok
D. Manila
36. 选择题:
Which gas do humans breathe in?
A. Carbon Dioxide
B. Oxygen
C. Nitrogen
D. Helium
37. 听力题:
His favorite game is ________.
38. 填空题:
The ______ (干旱地区) require drought-resistant varieties.
39. 填空题:
The ancient Egyptians excelled in _____ and engineering.
40. 听力题:
A ____ has a long snout and loves to dig in the ground.
41. have sharp ______ (牙齿) for cracking nuts. 填空题:
Storms c
42. 填空题:
I want to learn how to play the ________ (小号). It sounds very ________ (美妙).
43. 听力题:
A reaction that requires energy is called an ______ reaction.
44. 选择题:
What is the capital of the USA?
A. New York
B. Washington D.
C. Los Angeles
D. Chicago
45. sh established colonies in ______ (北美洲). 填空题:
The Byza
46. 填空题:
My brother is our family's __________ (乐趣).
47. 选择题:
What do we call a person who studies rocks and minerals?
A. Geologist
B. Biologist
C. Chemist
D. Physicist
答案: A
48. 听力题:
A light year is a unit of ______ used in astronomy.
49. 选择题:
What is the capital of Nepal?
A. Kathmandu
B. Pokhara
C. Lalitpur
D. Bhaktapur
50. 选择题:
What do we use to tell time?
A. Calendar
B. Clock
C. Ruler
D. Scale
51. 填空题:
The _____ (农场) is where many plants are cultivated.
52. 填空题:
My mom is a __________ (心理辅导师).
53. 听力题:
__________ are substances that can conduct electricity when dissolved in water.
54. 填空题:
My grandmother has a __________ flower garden. (美丽的)
55. 填空题:
I like to collect __________ (玩具名) from different __________ (国家).
56. 选择题:
What is 50 ÷ 10?
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
57. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for californium is _____.
58. 选择题:
Which insect is known for making honey?
A. ant
B. beetle
C. bee
D. fly
答案: C
59. 听力题:
The _____ (pen/pencil) is on the desk.
60. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous tower in Paris, France?
A. Big Ben
B. Leaning Tower of Pisa
C. Eiffel Tower
D. CN Tower
61. 填空题:
I can create my own adventures with my ________ (玩具名称).
62. 听力题:
I see a _____ (小鸟) in the tree.
63. 填空题:
I love to watch the __________ fall in winter. (雪花)
64. 听力题:
The molecular formula for water is _______.
65. 选择题:
What do we call the natural satellite that orbits Earth?
A. Sun
B. Moon
C. Star
D. Planet
答案: B
66. 填空题:
The ________ was a significant event in the quest for knowledge.
67. 听力题:
Chemical equations must be ______ to follow the law of conservation of mass.
68. 听力题:
The anaconda is a very ______ snake.
69. 填空题:
The ________ in my room is very soft.
70. 填空题:
The _____ (狼) lives in packs and hunts together.
71. 填空题:
A snail moves very ______ (慢).
72. 填空题:
The _____ (小花) bloomed beautifully in the garden.
73. 填空题:
The ________ (社会结构) varies between regions.
74. 听力题:
She is wearing a ________ dress.
75. 填空题:
My favorite toy is the one that makes me think. (玩具名称)
76. 听力题:
The Voyager spacecraft have traveled beyond the _______ of our solar system.
77. 填空题:
I like to _____ (pick) fruits from the trees.
78. 听力题:
The cake is ___ with frosting. (decorated)
79. 填空题:
I call my friend’s sister __________. (她的名字)
80. 听力题:
The process of ______ can create sedimentary layers.
81. 选择题:
What is 12 4?
a. 6
b. 7
c. 8
d. 9
82. 听力题:
The Earth's surface is influenced by both human and ______ factors.
83. 听力题:
The main property of metals is _____ conductivity.
84. 听力题:
She is a friendly ________.
85. 听力题:
A ____ can often be found splashing in puddles.
86. 选择题:
What is the opposite of 'day'?
A. Noon
B. Evening
C. Night
D. Dawn
87. 填空题:
The _____ (海豚) is known for its intelligence.
88. 选择题:
What do we call a traditional story that explains something in nature?
A. Myth
B. Fable
C. Legend
D. Tale
89. 填空题:
The hawk uses its keen eyesight to spot ________________ (猎物) from high above.
90. 填空题:
A __________ (光谱分析) identifies substances based on their light absorption.
91. 听力题:
I can ___ my homework. (finish)
92. 听力题:
A ______ is a nocturnal animal.
93. 填空题:
We need to _______ (保持) our room tidy.
94. 听力题:
We had a fun ______ (day) at the park.
95. 填空题:
I learned to call my neighbors ______ because it shows kindness.

96. 选择题:
Which fruit is red and often mistaken for a vegetable?
A. Banana
B. Tomato
C. Grape
D. Orange
97. 选择题:
What is the hardest natural substance on Earth?
A. Gold
B. Diamond
C. Iron
D. Quartz
98. 听力题:
The average distance from the Earth to the Sun is about ______ million kilometers.
99. 选择题:
What do we call the season that follows autumn?
A. Winter
B. Summer
C. Spring
D. Fall
答案: A
100. 听力题:
The rabbit is ________ in the grass.。
