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新的专业词汇不断出现 合成法:
两个或两个以上的词结合成一个新词: 有连字符和无连字符 hardware, second-order
前一词去尾、后一词去首。 Transistor: transfer+resistor
删除某一词的一个或多个音节形成,词义不变。 lab=laboratory, amp=ampere
III.Active electrical elements: voltage sources and current sources (paragraph 6-7)
conversion of energy two basic forms electrical elements
voltage sources current sources symbolic representations (figure 2)
charge increment; time increment 电荷增量;时间增量 in proportion to; proportional control 与…成比例;比例控制 resistance;inductance;capacitance 电阻;电感;电容 proportionality constant 比例常数
What elements does an electrical
circuit iate a passive network and an active network ?
Words and Terms
electric /i’lektrik/ , electrical /i’lektrikl/: (adj.) (both are adjective)电的,电气的,带电的, 发电的 electric charge电荷, electric lamp(light): 电灯 electrical network, electrical circuit electronic /ilek’tronik/, electronical /ilek’tronikl/: (adj.) (both are adjective) 电子的,电子学的
Occur in two basic forms 存在两种基本形式 load ; magnitude 负载; 幅度 amplifying device 放大器件 equivalent electrical circuit; symbolic representation 等效电路;符号表示 …be shown in图示于…
专业词汇仅用于某一学科或专业的词汇或术语 如 diode capacitor tachometer internet o 半专业词汇指各学科通用的词汇或术语 如 power 专业词汇的产生有两个主要来源: 1 来自英语日常词汇 2 来自拉丁语和希腊语词根及词缀的词汇 要多掌握词缀
Part 2(paragraph 2-5)
What are Ohm’s law and Faraday’s
law, which element are they each fit
for? How can we obtain equation (1-1A-3)?
Words and Terms in the case of voltage –current relationship be given by Ohm’s law ; be defined by Faraday’s law • 由欧姆定律决定; 由法拉第定律定义 which states that: • 其指出…, 是非限制性定语从句,修饰前 面的先行词
Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics
P1U1 Electrical Networks
Dictation-1(5 minutes)
From Chinese to English
From English to Chinese
闭环控制 反馈元件 过电压 带宽 总线
Text Explanation
How many parts has the article been divided into according to the meaning of the article?
I. General concept of electrical networks (paragraph 1)
electrical circuit
passive network active network
II. Electrical characteristics of passive circuit elements (paragraph 2-5)
resistor inductor capacitor symbol of passive circuit elements (summary,figure 1)
Part 4(paragraph 8-14)
What What
is Kirchhoff’s first law? can it do?
Words and Terms mesh or loop analysis ; closed loop 网孔或回路分析 ; 闭环 fundamental law 基本法则 algebraic sum 代数和 voltage rise ; voltage drop 电压升 ;电压降 termed loop current 称为回路电流
Part 3(paragraph 6-7)
you offer us the example about the conversion of energy concerning active electrical devices? What can voltage sources and current sources generate? Are battery and generator voltage sources? Why?
energy source 能源 passive network active network 无源网络; 有源网络 characteristic 特性,特性曲线,特色的 electrical characteristic; be characteristic of : 电气特性; 是…特有的,代表… 的,…的特点是
掌握英语语法知识。词法、句法和各种习惯 用法。需要不断学习和掌握英语语法,提高 英语水平。 具有一定深度的专业知识和广博的科学知识。 专业技术内容和专业术语,其他有关学科的 一般常识。 有较高的汉语修养。汉语的语法修辞手段。 掌握翻译方法和技巧。常见句型、短语、词 汇的不同翻译方法和技巧。
IV.A common method to analyze an electrical network: mesh or loop analysis (paragraph 8-15)
Mesh or loop analysis (paragraph 8) (Kirchhoff’s first law) Two Examples: Circuit shown in figure 3a(paragraph 9-13)
主要专业基础课 和专业课的英文p15
阅读是一种重要的技能,良好的阅读习惯是可以培养的。 Skimming:浏览或者略读。只需要理解文章内容的大约 50%,快速地获取中心意思和重点。速度为 300~1000WPM。关键是掌握英文的写作特点。将重点 放在句首和句尾的主题句上。注意抓住关键词。 Scanning:浏览或者查阅。查阅只需要从文章中有目的 地迅速查找某一具体事实或者特定信息。 Fast reading:快速阅读。速度为200~350 wpm。要求 基本上理解文章内容。为了养成快速阅读的习惯,注意 在阅读时不要发出声音;不要用铅笔、手指等在文字下 移动;不要在自己不懂的单词旁标注中文(可划线);不要 中断阅读去查生词;不要逐字逐字地读。要从逐字逐字 地读逐步改为按意群来读。 Intensive Reading:在阅读的同时对文章从各方面(包 括语法、词汇、写作特点和中心思想)进行分析。
US Secretary of State financial crisis Adaptive control Open-loop
Dictation-2(5 minutes)
From Chinese to English From English to Chinese
the Middle East 神经网络 difficult the first time, 非线性系统 easy the second. 电气的 the first leg 微处理器 the external disturbances 一回生,二回熟. the modeling error
Voltage-current relationship of passive element:
Resistor电阻器: Ohm’s law
u iR
Inductor电感器: Faraday’s law di uL dt Capacitor电容器:
Translation Technique
有关专业英语的 翻译、词汇和理解
翻译大师林语堂说:翻译的艺术所 依赖的,第一是译者对于原文文字及内 容上透彻的了解;第二是译者有相当的 国文程度,能写清顺畅通的中文;第三 是译事上的训练,译者对于翻译标准及 技术问题有正当的见解。此三者之外, 绝对没有什么纪律可为译者的规范,像 英文文法之于英文作文。
Words and Terms be derived from 由…获得 active electrical device battery, generator electrical energy, stored chemical energy, mechanical energy rotating armature;
differential equation for the current differential equation for the inductor voltage
Circuit shown in figure 3b(paragraph 14-15)
Analysis of each part
Part 1(paragraph 1)
electricity: (n.)noun form 电 electrician: (n.) expert in setting up, repairing and operating electrical apparatus 电气技师,电气技术员 electron: (n.) subatomic particle of matter 电子, having a negative electric charge
the voltage across… ; the current through 在…两端的电压为;流过的电流 is equal to ; is proportional to 等于 ;与…成比例 multiplied by 3 multiplied(v.) by 2 equals 6.
mathematically, this is expressed by 在数 学上表达为 thus we have 因此可得到 we have the equation 可得到等式 where:其中 the rate of change with time of … …随时间的变化率