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1. 填空题:
My favorite game involves a ________.
2. 听力题:
A balanced equation shows that mass is _____ (conserved) in a reaction.
3. 填空题:
My favorite vegetable is ________.
4. 填空题:
My dad is a __________ (市场分析师).
5. 选择题:
What is the main purpose of a map?
A. To read
B. To write
C. To show locations
D. To cook
6. 听力题:
The ______ is a unique creature of the night.
7. 听力题:
My teacher is a ______. She loves to inspire students.
8. 填空题:
My favorite place to go shopping is _______ (商场).
9. 填空题:
My sister is my best _______ who loves to share laughter.
10. 听力题:
A __________ is a natural feature that provides resources for local communities.
The dolphin jumps out of the ______.
12. 选择题:
What do you call a small, sweet fruit?
A. Grape
B. Apple
C. Orange
D. Banana
13. 听力题:
The clouds are _____ in the sky. (floating)
14. 选择题:
What do you call the study of the Earth's physical features?
A. Geography
B. Biology
C. History
D. Chemistry
答案: A
15. 填空题:
The _____ (植物未来) relies on sustainable practices.
16. 填空题:
I like to bake ______ (蛋糕) for my family on special occasions.
17. 选择题:
What is the name of the fairy tale character who wears a red cape?
A. Cinderella
B. Snow White
C. Little Red Riding Hood
D. Rapunzel
18. 选择题:
How many colors are in a standard rainbow?
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six
D. Seven
答案: D
19. 听力题:
The study of Earth's geology is essential for understanding ______ resources.
The Magna Carta limited the power of the ________.
21. 听力题:
We will go to the _____ (zoo/museum) this weekend.
22. 填空题:
My favorite _____ (游戏) is hide and seek.
23. 选择题:
What do we call the outer layer of the Earth?
A. Crust
B. Mantle
C. Core
D. Lithosphere
答案:A. Crust
24. 听力题:
I like to ___ (watch) movies with friends.
25. 填空题:
The _____ (mallow) flower is quite pretty.
26. 填空题:
A __________ (化学生态) studies interactions between chemicals and living organisms.
27. 听力题:
The kitten is ___. (cute)
28. 填空题:
The _____ (狐狸) is a master of stealth.
29. 填空题:
The butterfly flutters around the ______.
30. 听力题:
The __________ can help scientists understand earth's history.
31. 填空题:
The __________ (古巴) missile crisis occurred in 1962.
32. 填空题:
I enjoy learning about space and the ______ (行星). It fascinates me to think about the universe.
What do you call the flat surface on which a game is played?
A. Board
B. Field
C. Court
D. Table
34. 填空题:
My sister is a _____ (演员) who loves storytelling.
35. 填空题:
My grandma bakes ________ (饼干) for me.
36. ts have developed traits to survive in nutrient-poor ______. (某些植物已发展出特征,以在养分贫乏的土壤中生存。
) 填空题:
Some pla
37. 听力题:
A ________ is a long period of dry weather.
38. 选择题:
What is the name of the insect known for its ability to produce silk?
A. Ant
B. Butterfly
C. Caterpillar
D. Silkworm
答案: D
39. 听力题:
The first successful airplane flight took place in _______.
40. 选择题:
How many colors are in a rainbow?
A. Five
B. Six
C. Seven
D. Eight
41. 填空题:
A ______ (农村) area may have many fields of crops.
42. 填空题:
My sister enjoys __________ (参与社团).
I wish I could invent a ________ (玩具名) that could do magic tricks.
44. 选择题:
What do we call the period of time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
A. Day
B. Month
C. Year
D. Decade
答案: C
45. 选择题:
Which ocean is located between Africa and Australia?
A. Atlantic
B. Indian
C. Arctic
D. Pacific
答案: B. Indian
46. 听力题:
The boy has a cool ________.
47. 选择题:
What do you call the process of growing plants?
A. Gardening
B. Farming
C. Planting
D. Sowing
48. 填空题:
The __________ was a key moment in the fight for independence in America. (波士顿茶党事件)
49. 听力题:
Sedimentary rocks often have visible ______.
50. 听力题:
The ________ (rocket) launches into space.
51. 听力题:
An astronaut travels into ______.
52. 选择题:
What do we call a large body of saltwater?
A. Lake
C. River
D. Pond
53. 选择题:
What is the name of the famous explorer known for crossing the Antarctic?
A. Ernest Shackleton
B. Robert Scott
C. Roald Amundsen
D. James Cook
54. 听力题:
She is _______ (climbing) the stairs.
55. 听力题:
The capital of Peru is ________.
56. 听力题:
She is ___ (reading/writing) a letter.
57. 填空题:
My uncle is a __________. (护士)
58. 填空题:
My bunny eats ______ (胡萝卜) every day.
59. ts are known for their _____ (快速生长) rates. 填空题:
Some pla
60. 填空题:
The _______ (The Civil Rights Movement) sought justice and equality for all.
61. 选择题:
What is 7 4?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
62. 选择题:
What is the capital city of Belgium?
A. Brussels
B. Antwerp
C. Ghent
答案: A
63. 选择题:
What is the main function of the heart?
A. Digestion
B. Circulation
C. Respiration
D. Excretion
答案: B
64. 选择题:
What do we use to measure length?
A. Scale
B. Ruler
C. Thermometer
D. Clock
65. 选择题:
What is the main ingredient in a salad?
A. Meat
B. Vegetables
C. Rice
D. Bread
66. 听力题:
A _______ is a reaction that occurs in a confined space.
67. 听力题:
My cousin is a great ____ (singer).
68. 填空题:
My dad is a great __________ (支持者) in my education.
69. 选择题:
What do we call a large area of land with grass?
A. Forest
B. Prairie
C. Desert
D. Swamp
70. 听力题:
The chemical formula for hydrochloric acid is ________.
71. 选择题:
What is the term for a group of galaxies?
B. Supercluster
C. Galaxy Group
D. Nebula
72. 填空题:
I like to play ________ (排球) during PE class.
73. 选择题:
What do you call a person who designs buildings?
A. Architect
B. Engineer
C. Contractor
D. Designer
74. 选择题:
What do you call the time it takes for the Earth to orbit the sun?
A. Month
B. Year
C. Week
D. Day
75. 听力题:
His favorite food is ________.
76. 选择题:
What is the name of the planet we live on?
A. Mars
B. Venus
C. Earth
D. Jupiter
77. 听力题:
A ____ has tiny wings and can hover in place.
78. 选择题:
Which animal is known as the "king of the jungle"?
A. Elephant
B. Lion
C. Tiger
D. Bear
What do we call a baby frog?
A. Tadpole
B. Fry
C. Cub
D. Kit
80. 填空题:
I have a _____ (赛车) that goes very fast.
81. 听力题:
The baby is ___ in the crib. (sleeping, running, jumping)
82. 听力题:
The ________ (car) is red and fast.
83. 听力题:
A chemical reaction can produce _____ as a byproduct.
84. 听力题:
I saw a ______ in the tree. (squirrel)
85. 填空题:
The ______ (植物的价值) is recognized globally.
86. 填空题:
I love _______ (和家人一起)去旅行。
87. 填空题:
The __________ tells us when it will rain or be sunny. (天气预报)
88. 听力题:
I need to ______ my shoes. (tie)
89. 填空题:
The ________ (植物科学) explores many topics.
90. 填空题:
My favorite singer is __________ (歌手) and I love her songs.
91. 填空题:
A ____(panel discussion) explores various viewpoints.
The first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic was ______ (阿梅莉亚·厄哈特).
93. 听力题:
A ______ is a chemical change that produces heat and light.
94. 听力题:
The chemical symbol for zinc is __________.
95. 听力题:
There are ___ (three/four) books on the table.
96. 听力题:
The process of crystallization is used to obtain ______ from a solution.
97. 听力题:
My aunt enjoys baking ____ (cookies) for holidays.
98. 选择题:
What do we call a baby horse?
A. Calf
B. Foal
C. Kid
D. Pup
99. 选择题:
What do we call a sweet food made from cocoa?
A. Candy
B. Chocolate
C. Cake
D. Biscuit
100. 填空题:
The mouse is afraid of the _________ (猫).。