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1. 可以直接作主语,例如:Sunburn can be really painful.(晒伤可能非常疼。
2. 作宾语,如:She got a bad sunburn on her face.(她脸上晒伤很严重。
3. 与介词搭配,例如:He has a lot of cream for sunburn.(他有很多治疗晒伤的乳膏。
1. sunscald,这个词也表示因太阳暴晒而引起的皮肤损伤,和sunburn类似。
例如:The sunscald on his arm looked as bad as a sunburn.(他手臂上的日灼看起来和晒伤一样严重。
2. suntan burn,强调是由于晒黑过程中过度暴晒导致的烧伤。
例如:That suntan burn on her back was a result of staying too long in the sun without protection.(她背上的晒斑烧伤是由于没有防护在太阳下待太久造成的。
1. Oh no! I've got a horrible sunburn on my shoulders. It feels like they're on fire!(哦不!我肩膀上晒伤得很严重。
2. His sunburn made his face look all red and swollen. It was such
a mess.(他的晒伤让他的脸看起来又红又肿。
3. Look at her! That sunburn is so bad. She must have forgotten to put on sunscreen.(看看她!晒伤得好严重。
4. I can't believe I got a sunburn just from walking to the store. This sun is really fierce today.(我不敢相信我只是走去商店就晒伤了。
5. My sunburn is peeling. It's so gross. It's like my skin is shedding like a snake.(我的晒伤在脱皮。
6. A sunburn? You should have worn a hat, you silly!(晒伤了?你这个笨蛋,你应该戴顶帽子的!)
7. She'splaining about her sunburn all day. It's getting on my nerves.(她整天都在抱怨她的晒伤。
8. That poor kid has a sunburn on his nose. It looks like a bright red cherry.(那个可怜的孩子鼻子晒伤了。
9. If you don't want a sunburn, stay in the shade. It's as simple as that.(如果你不想晒伤,就待在阴凉处。
10. His sunburn was so bad that he couldn't even wear a shirt. It hurt too much.(他的晒伤很严重,甚至不能穿衬衫。
11. I got a sunburn from that beach trip. What a bummer!(那次海滩之旅我晒伤了。
12. She applied some aloe vera to her sunburn. Will it work?(她在晒伤处涂了些芦荟。
13. My sister's sunburn is making her really moody. I don't blame her.(我姐姐的晒伤让她情绪很不好。
14. You have a sunburn? How did you manage that? It's not even summer yet.(你晒伤了?你是怎么弄的?还没到夏天呢。
15. The sunburn on his legs made it difficult for him to walk. It was so painful.(他腿上的晒伤让他走路都困难。
16. Don't laugh at his sunburn. It could happen to you too.(别嘲笑他的晒伤。
17. I'm so worried about my sunburn. Will it leave a scar?(我很担心我的晒伤。
18. Her sunburn is a reminder that she should always be careful in the sun.(她的晒伤提醒她在阳光下应该总是小心。
19. A bad sunburn is like a punishment from the sun for not being careful.(严重的晒伤就像是太阳对不小心的人的一种惩罚。
20. He showed me his sunburn and I was shocked. It was like his skin was cooked.(他给我看他的晒伤,我很震惊。
1. 我脖子上的晒伤好难受啊,就像被火烤过一样,哎呀!(The sunburn on my neck is so ufortable, just like being roasted by fire, ouch!)
2. 他满脸的晒伤,看起来就像个熟透的红苹果,真是可怜。
(His face full of sunburn looks like a ripe red apple. He's so pitiful.)
3. 你看你,手臂上晒伤成这样,怎么这么不小心呢?(Look at you. Your arm has such a bad sunburn. How could you be so careless?)
4. 我的晒伤已经开始疼了,早知道就多涂点防晒霜了,唉!(My sunburn has started to hurt. I should have put on more sunscreen, alas!)
5. 她后背的晒伤好严重,那片红红的,看着都疼。
(The sunburn on her back is so severe. That patch of red looks painful just to look at.)
6. 晒伤?这大冬天的你怎么还能晒伤呢?真奇怪!(Sunburn? How could you get sunburned in the middle of winter? It's so strange!)
7. 他腿上的晒伤让他都不敢碰,一碰就嗷嗷叫,像个小孩子。
(The sunburn on his leg makes him afraid to touch it. He yells like a little kid whenever it's touched.)
8. 我晒伤的地方开始脱皮了,这感觉就像蛇蜕皮一样,好恐怖。
(The part of my sunburn has started to peel. It feels like a snake shedding its skin. So terrifying.)
9. 你要是不想有晒伤,就别在大太阳下乱跑呀,这不是常识吗?(If you don't want to have sunburn, don't run around in the bright sun. Isn't thismon sense?)
10. 她晒伤后一直在找各种办法减轻疼痛,可不容易呢。
(After getting sunburned, she has been looking for various ways to relieve the pain. It's not easy.)
11. 我这晒伤是去爬山的时候弄的,那太阳毒得很。
(I got this sunburn when I was climbing the mountain. The sun was really fierce.)
12. 他的晒伤看着好吓人,感觉皮肤都要烂掉了似的。
(His sunburn looks so scary. It feels like the skin is going to rot.)
13. 你晒伤了就别到处跑了,好好休息下,笨蛋!(Since you have sunburn, don't run around everywhere. Have a good rest, silly!)
14. 我朋友晒伤后就变得很烦躁,我完全能理解。
(My friend became very irritable after getting sunburned. I can fully understand.)
15. 这晒伤可真要命,疼得我都没法好好睡觉了。
(This sunburn is really killing me. It hurts so much that I can't sleep well.)
16. 她的晒伤就像一块红色的印记,印在她白皙的皮肤上。
(Her sunburn is like a red mark printed on her fair skin.)
17. 你看他的晒伤,多严重啊,他肯定在太阳下晒了很久。
(Look at his sunburn. How severe it is. He must have been in the sun for a long time.)
18. 我的晒伤是因为在海边玩的时候没注意,真是后悔死了。
(I got sunburned because I didn't pay attention when playing at the beach. I'm so regretful.)
19. 严重的晒伤就像一场灾难,让你浑身难受。
(A severe sunburn is like a disaster, making you feel ufortable all over.)
20. 他给我看他晒伤的地方,我忍不住倒吸一口凉气,太可怕了。
(He showed me the part of his sunburn, and I couldn't help but gasp. It was so horrible.)。