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Ⅰ. 每道题下有A、B、C和D四个选项。



1. This is the best book I’ve ever read.
A. that
B. which
C. what
D. it
2. If you here yesterday you would have seen the famous actor.
A. were
B. has been
C. had been
D. would be
3. The news he told me yesterday seemed .
A. surprised
B. to surprise
C. surprising
D. surprise
4. He to go mountain climbing when he was young.
A. used to
B. was used to
C. is used to
D. would
5. It was in the school garden I saw her yesterday evening.
A. where
B. that
C. in which
D. which
6. I wonder if you have had your colour TV set .
A. repair
B. to repair
C. repairing
D. repaired
7. He gave up his life other people could live.
A. unless
B. as long as
C. so as to
D. so that
8. He earned money by working for that company.
A. many
B. a great deal
C. a number
D. a lot of
9. Never seen such a wonderful play.
A. I had
B. have I
C. had I
D. I have
10. He avoided us a definite answer.
A. to give
B. giving
C. given
D. to giving
11. There many trees around our factory, but now they are missing.
A. would be
B. used to be
C. was used to be
D. is used to be
12. The village I lived when I was young has changed a lot.
A. that
B. which
C. where
D. when
13. Water is a liquid boiling point is 100℃.
A. whose
B. that
C. which
D. that
14. It was in this room the meeting was held.
A. whose
B. which
C. in which
D. that
15. If there were no water, there no life on the earth.
A. is
B. was
C. were
D. would be
16. My grandfather enjoys Peking Opera.
A. listening
B. to listen
C. listening to
D. to listen to
17. the old man couldn’t hear well, she spoke loudly.
A. Know
B. To know
C. Knowing
D. Known
18. She often keeps us the washing and cooking.
A. from
B. in
C. for
D. on
19. Journalists kept the public about world events.
A. informing
B. informed
C. inform
D. to inform
20. If I time last Sunday, I would have gone to visit you.
A. had
B. would have
C. have had
D. had had
参考答案:1. A 2.C 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. D 7. D 8. D 9. B 10. B
11. B 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.D 16. C 17.C 18. A 19. B 20. D


阅读理解1 课本第58页文章,第145页文章。

Ⅴ. 每段文章各有5个问题,每题有A、B、C和D四个选项,根据文章内容从中选出最佳答案。

Passage 1
Molly Wilson was a waitress at a hotel. One morning she had to take a tray of b reakfast to a woman in Room 12. The woman was in the bathroom so Molly put she tray on a table. There was a small handbag – an evening bag – on the tabl e. Molly quickly opened the bag. It was empty. She shut it and turned to go. “Thief! What are you doing at my bag?” a voice cried.
Molly looked round. The woman had been watching her from the bathroom. The p olice were called to the hotel. Everything seemed clear. The police officer’s report said that Wilson was caught while attempting to steal from an evening bag.
The next day Molly was taken to the court. The woman from Room 12 was there too, and the judge questioned her.
The woman said, “I saw the waitress opening my bag. By chance, there was noth
ing inside it. She then shut the bag and turned away. My money was in another handbag.”
“Did she attempt to steal the evening bag itself?”
“No, sir. She left it on she table. But if my money had been inside it.”
“Thank you,” the judge said. “This court must only consider the facts. The evening bag was empty. Now a person cannot steal anything from an empty bay. Since stealing from that bag was not possible, then attempting to steal from it is also i mpossible. The waitress is not guilty of any crime. Case dismissed.”
That afternoon Molly Wilson went back to her job at the hotel.
1. Molly was in Room 12 because .
A. she was a guest at the hotel
B. it was her room
C. she had just brought in some breakfast
D. she was having breakfast
2. There was / were on the table when Molly left.
A. a bag
B. a tray
C. a bag and tray
D. nothing
3. The woman saw Molly the bag.
A. stealing
B. opening and shutting
C. shutting
D. opening
4. Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. The woman had no money at all.
B. Molly stayed in the station for three days.
C. The police happened to be at the hotel.
D. According to the judge, no one can steal any thing from an empty bag.
5. According to the police officer, Wilson .
A. tried to steal
B. stole some money
C. didn’t steal anything
D. was pretty
Passage 2
TV and newspaper reporters – people who go out to find and report new to the rest of the world – sometimes have a dangerous job. Reporters usually take came ramen with them if they want to get some film of events and places when they report live on TV. Live reports are those in which reporters talk to the person pre senting the news and are filmed right at the moment of speaking on TV.
Mark T ailor, and Australian reporter, gave a live report on TV news the other day from Strakkan just after the President had made an announcement that parliament had been suspended. However, shortly before giving his live report, his life had b een in danger. The situation had been reasonably calm but he had got caught up in some ugly scenes and the incident happened just outside the parliament buildi ng.
Growds of people had rushed out onto the street, and some were for the Preside nt, and some were against,. The crowd outside the parliament was quiet and cont rolled at first, but then someone threw a fire bomb and fighting broke out.
When Mark T ailor’s cameraman started filming people who were protesting apaint t he President, the crowd got angry. It would have been alright perhaps if the hadn ’t been in amongst the crowd got angry. It would have been alright perhaps if he hadn’t been in amongst the crowd, but they attacked him and broke his camera. Mark T ailor himself got into trouble when he went to help his cameraman and g ot knocked to the ground. He lay very still because he thought the crowd would have killed him if he had tried to get up. Fortunately for him, a big policeman a ppeared and the crowd backed off, and he and the cameraman were able to get away unharmed. If it hadn’t been for the policeman just then, Mark T ailor probabl y wouldn’t have given his report and it would have been a very different story.
1. The text is about .
A. the President’s announcement that the Strakkan parliament had been suspend ed.
B. a dangerous incident that happened to a TV news reporter
C. an experience happened to a journalist
D. a protesting , angry crowd in Strakkan
2. Mark T ailor is .
A. an American reporter
B. an England reporter
C. an Australian reporter
D. an Austrian reporter
3. The opposite of a “live report” is .
A. a dead report
B. a bad report
C. a recorded report
D. a lengthy report
4. “Ugly scenes” suggest .
A. dangerous situations with angry people fighting
B. unpleasant pictures
C. places that are not beautiful to look at
D. places that no one wants to take a glance at
5. Mark T ailor and the cameraman were able to get away unharmed because .
A. the crowd were for the President
B. the angry crowd didn’t attack them
C. they still lay on the ground and pretended to die.
D. a big policeman appeared and the crowd backed off
Passage 1
1. C
2. C
3. B
4. D
5. A
Passage 2
1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. D
Passage 3
1. B
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. C
Passage 4
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. B
5. C
阅读理解3 p102 activity 5, p308 activity5

写作题目:1 描写一个人。

