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1.My classmate is . (我的同班同学是。
2.The chemical formula for calcium sulfate is _______.
3. A parakeet needs plenty of ______ (玩具) to stay happy.
4. A _______ is a reaction that involves the absorption of heat.
5.The ________ (向日葵) turns towards the sun.
6.The _____ (狼) howls at the moon at night. It sounds eerie. 狼在夜晚对着月亮嚎叫。
7.I can ______ (遵守) rules and regulations.
8._____ (orchards) provide fresh apples.
9.Reptiles lay ______.
10.The process of distillation separates substances based on their ______.
11.In chemistry, we measure volume in ______.
12. A ______ is a large body of gas that emits light.
13. A solution that conducts electricity well is called a(n) _______ solution.
14.An atom becomes an ion when it gains or loses ______.
15. A molecule made of two identical atoms is called a _______ molecule.
16.What do we call a person who designs buildings?
A. Architect
B. Engineer
C. Contractor
D. Designer答案: A
17.The ____ has a unique way of moving and can hop very high.
18.The starfish has five _________ (臂).
19. A _______ can make a wonderful gift.
20.They are _____ (friends).
21.I have a _____ (弹珠) collection that I keep in a jar. 我有一个弹珠收藏,放在一个罐子里。
22.My brother dreams of becoming a _______ (职业). 他希望 _______ (动词).
23.The ______ is home to many species.
24.The symbol for ytterbium is _____.
25.Listenand circle.(听录音,圈出正确的图片)
26.The _______ of an object can be tested using a force gauge.
27.My dad is my strong _______ who protects me.
28.The __________ of a substance tells how reactive it is.
29. A hummingbird's rapid wing beats allow it to hover near ________________ (花).
30.The ______ helps us learn about social studies.
31.The cake is ________ with icing.
32.The leaves fall gently from the _______ in autumn, creating a beautiful sight.
33.My best friend's dad is a _______ (职业). 他在 _______ (地点)工作.
34.What is the chemical symbol for carbon?
A. C
B. Ca
C. Co
D. Cr答案: A
35.What do we call the act of protecting something from harm?
A. Defense
B. Protection
C. Safeguarding
D. All of the above答案: D
36.What is the sound of a cow?
A. Moo
B. Quack
C. Oink
D. Bark答案:A
37.The ________ was a significant treaty that ended the Cold War.
38.The U.S. Civil Rights Act was passed in _______.
39.I love to _______ (体验) new adventures.
40.The ________ makes a nice sound when it sings.
41.What do you call the person who fixes cars?
A. Doctor
B. Teacher
C. Mechanic
D. Chef答案:C
42.What do we call the process of an animal conserving energy during winter?
A. Hibernation
B. Migration
C. Dormancy
D. Estivation答案:
A. Hibernation
43.The children are _____ in the sandbox. (playing)
44. A wave's amplitude affects its ______.
45. A parrot can ______ (模仿) human speech.
46.What is the main ingredient in pancakes?
A. Flour
B. Sugar
C. Milk
D. Eggs答案:A
47.The study of how landforms are created is called ______.
48.I can create a show with my toy ________ (玩具名称).
50.The _______ provides a habitat for insects.
51.The bat uses its _______ (回声定位) to navigate.
52.My teacher has a lot of __________ (耐心) with us.
53.The stars shine _______ (在夜空中)。
54.What is the capital of China?
A. Shanghai
B. Beijing
C. Hong Kong
D. Guangzhou答案:B
55.The Earth's atmosphere is vital for supporting ______.
56. A volcano that has not erupted in a long time is called a ______ volcano.
57. A kitten loves to play with ______ (线球).
58.My toy _____ moves and dances.
59.What do we call the chemical element with the symbol H?
A. Hydrogen
B. Helium
C. Lithium
D. Oxygen答案: A. Hydrogen
60.The _____ (温带雨林) hosts a variety of plant species.
61.I like to _____ (探险) outdoors.
62.The tree grows tall and ______.
63.Oxidation reactions involve the loss of ______.
64.What is the name of the famous American singer known for her song "Like a Prayer"?
A. Madonna
B. Beyoncé
C. Lady Gaga
D. Ariana Grande答案: A
65.What is the tallest animal in the world?
A. Elephant
B. Giraffe
C. Horse
D. Camel答案:B
66.__________ are substances that increase the rate of a reaction.
67.The __________ (历史的重演) serves as a warning for future generations.
68.The __________ (历史的价值观差异) can lead to conflict.
69. A peacock shows off its beautiful ______ (羽毛).
70.I saw a ________ climbing a tree.
71.The __________ is the layer of rock that lies beneath the soil.
72.The actor, ______ (演员), performs in movies.
73.My _____ (妹妹) likes to draw.
74.Many _______ are used to celebrate special occasions.
75.The __________ of a substance can affect its chemical properties.
76.I want to ___ an artist. (become)
77.在中国历史上,________ (unification) 是一个重要的主题。
78.What is the main ingredient in a salad?
A. Bread
B. Vegetables
C. Meat
D. Rice答案:B
79.We will have ________ (晚餐) together tonight.
80.What is the term for a group of stars?
A. Galaxy
B. Universe
C. Cluster
D. Constellation答案: D
81.The bird builds a _______ (鸟在建造_______).
82.The __________ (历史的经验分享) enrich understanding.
83.The ______ (蝴蝶) starts as a caterpillar.
84.The flowers in the garden are _______ and fresh.
85.The ____ can often be heard making a loud noise at night.
86.Some rocks can change into different types through a process called __________.
87.I can ______ (担任) a leadership role.
88.We attend ________ (school) every day.
89.Orchids are exotic _______ found in many colors.
90.What is the name of the famous river in India?
A. Ganges
B. Nile
C. Amazon
D. Yangtze答案: A
91.I want to _____ (visit) a museum.
92.The __________ was a major event in the history of the United States. (美国内战)
93.What do we call a young porcupine?
A. Spikelet
B. Pup
C. Kit
D. Calf答案:C.Kit
94.The chemical symbol for thorium is _____.
95._____ (有机肥料) is better for the environment.
96. A sound that is high-pitched has a high ______ (frequency).
97.The library has many _____ (books/magazines).
98.My bedroom is ___ (big/small).
99.My uncle is a talented __________ (写作者).
100.Countries near the __________ have a tropical climate. (赤道)。