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• Translation 这种现象的理由如下。
The reasons for this phenomenon are as follows.
• consideration n. 考虑;关心
• consider v. 考虑,认为
• considering prep.&conj.考虑到,就---而论 (seeing; given) • __c_o_n_s_i_d_e_r_a_b_le_adj. 相当多的、相当大的
M5U3 Revision
Step one : have a quiz
1. 忧虑,焦虑 3. 结果,后果 5. 意图,目的 7.医师,内科医生 9. 使改变形态
2. 许可,批准 4. 领养,采纳 6. 突破,突围 8. 总结,概括 10.多数,大多数
11. original
12. confirm
f_o_ll_o_w__o_n_e_’_s_i_n_s_tr_u_c_t_io_n_s__/_d_ir_e_c_t_io_n_s____ 遵循某人的指示
• adopt an orphan 领养孤儿 • an adopted son _养__子_____ • adoptive parents _养__父__母___ • 采纳建议/新方法_a_d_o_p_t_a_s_u_g_g_e_st_io_n__/ _a_n_e_w_m__e_th_o_d_
比较:adapt vt. _改__编__,_使__适__应___ adaptation adapt oneself to适应 adapt… from改编 adjust __调__整__;_适__应__ adjust oneself to
appearance/looks. _不__要__以__貌__取__人_
judge---(to be )/ as 判决---为/ 认为---是 judge--- by 根据---判断
1. __J_u_d_g_i_n_g__from his accent , we can know that he comes from the south.
1、I have heard that a quarrel _b_r_o_k_e__o_u_tbetween them.
2、You must _b_r_e_a_k_a_w__a_y_f_ro__m__these old customs. 3、Our soldiers successfully _b_r_o_k_e_t_h_r_o_u_g_h_the
• __c_o_n_s_i_d_e_r_a_te__adj. 体贴人的
• take … into consideration / __a_c_c_o_u_n_t__= _ta_k_e__a_c_c_o_u_n_t_o_f_
• under consideration 在考虑中 • show consideration for 对……表示关心/体贴
• do sb __t_h_e__ favor to do sth • show favor to___偏__爱_______ • ask a favor of sb / ask sb a favor___请__某_人__帮忙 • favor a proposal___赞__成_建__议____
their marriages__b_re_a_k__u_p_.
judg(e)ment n.判断力;评价;(法律)判决 judge n. 法官;裁判员 v. 判断,评价
make a judg(e)ment on 对……作出判断
_j_u_d_g_i_n_g_f_r_o_m_/_b_y__根据…判断 eg. Don’t judge a person only by his clothes/
• He added philosophically that one should a_d__a_p_t/_a_d_j_u_s_t _oneself to the changed conditions .
• breakthrough n. 突破 make a breakthrough 取得突破
• be considerate of/ to /toward 对----体贴
• consider v. ①考虑 consider (doing) sth.

②认为 consider … (to be / as) …
consider sb to do/ to be/ to have done

③consider it adj/n to do sth.
2.___J_u_d_g_e_d__ as a responsible person, Tony was appointed head of the department.
5. follow
• follow in one’s footsteps 效仿某人 = follow one’s example
• 一、fill in the blanks 1. ---Have you considered __ta_k_in_g___(take) the job as a
teacher? ---Yes. I like it because a teacher is often considered ____
“in +名词(名词前不加冠词) +of”构成的类似短语
in honor of 为纪念,向…表示敬意 in memory of 纪念 in praise of 赞美 in place of 代替 in celebration of 庆祝 in face of 面对
in charge of 负责 in possession of 拥有 in search of 搜查,找 注意: in the hope of / in the form of
1. When asked about their opinion about the schoolmaster , many teachers would prefer to see him step aside ______ younger men. A. in terms of B. in favor of C. in need of D. in praise of
3. The bank was considered _t_o_h_a_v_e_b_e_e_n_b_r_ok_e_n__in_t_o__ (break into )between 7 and 8 last night.
4. On the road motorists should be aware of cyclists and be __co_n_s_id_e_r_a_te___towards them.
• _h_a_d__in__te_n_d_e_d__t_o_d_o__st_h_._= _i_n_te_n_d__ed__t_o_h_a_v_e__d_o_n_e_s_th. 本打算做某事 (mean, plan, want, hope)
• The international agreement, _i_n_t_e_n_d_e_d__to encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit, was signed on Feb. 27.
enemy’s defenses. 4、They __b_ro_k_e__in__to__ the prison and set free all the
prisoners. 5、After a long time of hard work,he almost
_b_r_o_k_e_d_o__w_n 6、They work too hard and that is why so many of
• I _h__a_d_i_n_t_en__d_e_d___to go on a diet, but the dishes at the party were simply impossible to resist.
2. adopt adapt adjust
• adopt vt. 领养; 采纳 __a_d_o_p_t_io_n___n. adoptable adj.可采纳的 adoptive有收养关系的 adopted adj. 收养的
14.一方面-----另一方面Leabharlann 23.戏弄,捉弄24.效仿某人
17. profession
19.努力推进,义无反顾地进行 20.累垮,耗尽体力
Step two1、uinstaengteionof words
• intention n. 意图,目的 • _i_n_t_en__d____v. 打算,想要 • intended adj.(为…而)打算/设计的 • _w__it_h_t_h_e_i_n_te_n_t_io_n__o_f 带有…目的,为了 • by intention/design = on purpose 故意地=d__el_i_b_e_ra_t_e_l_y /
• have no intention of doing sth 无意做某事 • _i_n_t_en__d_t_o_d_o__s_th_打算做某事 • _i_n_t_en__d_s_b__to__d_o_s_t_h__打算让某人做某事 • _b_e__in_t_e_n_d_e_d__fo_r____为…而准备的 • be intended to do sth__被__打__算__用__来__做__-_--__
• The new tax would force companies to__a_d_o_p_t__ energy-saving measures.
• You can’t see through the telescope until it is _a_d__ju_s_t_e_d_ to your eyes.
5. He made a __c_o_n_s_id_e_r_a_bl_e__sum of money in real estate.
• favor v./n. 支持,赞成;有利于;偏爱
• favorite adj. 喜爱的
• favorable adj.有利的,良好的
• unfavorable adj.不利的 • __b_e _in_f_a_vo_u_r_o_f_/__b_e_in__su_p_p_o_rt_o_f/ __a_pp_r_o_v_e _of_支持 • in sb’s favor _对__某__人__有_利____ • do sb a favor=do a favor for sb. __帮__某_人__忙_
(tboeb)ea gardener.
2. In Britain and other European countries, certain building , _c_on_s_i_de_r_e_d____particularly beautiful or historically important , are protected by law.
• break through 突破 ,突围 • break out__(_战__争_、__火__灾__、__争_吵__等__)_爆_发___ • _b_r_e_a_k_i_n_/i_n_to__ 闯入,破门而入;打断(into后加宾语)
• break off 停止;中断; 折断 • _b__re_a_k__d_o_w_n_出故障;分解;垮掉;崩溃;(计划谈判等)失败 • __b_r_e_a_k_u_p___破裂;解散 ;放假;分解 • break away (from) 脱离;改掉(习惯);突然逃掉或离开