
• 强调加强外交与安全政策的协调,成立由首 相直接领导的国家安全委员会;主张保持英 核威慑力量;将阿富汗问题列为外交第一要 务;巩固英美“特殊关系”;积极推进英在 欧盟的利益,重申英不加入欧元区、未经公 投不向欧盟让渡主权的立场;加大与中国、 印度等新兴力量的接触力度;呼吁推动通过 “两国方案”解决巴以冲突;重视国际发展 问题,坚持将国内生产总值的0.7%用于海外 援助目标。
• 五、英国教育
• 1.英国公学
• 2.牛津大学,剑桥大学,伦敦大学
• 六、英语语言与英国文学
• 1.英语的世界地位
• 2.英语英语的发展
• 3.英语词汇的来源
• 4.英国文学
• Britain • Great Britain • the United Kingdom 【UK】 • England • The British Isles
• 所有这些都可以指代英国,然而都不太全面。UK是在联合国使用的名称, 是the United Kingdom lf Great Britain and Northern Ireland(大 不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)的简称。
• 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的国 土总面积为24.4万平方公里,总人 口为5800万。英国的地理位置非常 优越。
• 岛国,位于欧洲西部,由大不列颠岛(包括英格兰、 苏格兰、威尔士)、爱尔兰岛东北部和一些小岛组 成。隔北海、多佛尔海峡、英吉利海峡与欧洲大陆 相望。海岸线总长114英5国0公概况里。属海洋性温带阔叶 林气候。通常最高气温不超过32℃,最低气温不低 于-10℃。北部和西部的年降水量超过1100毫米, 其中山区超过2000毫米,中部低地为700-850毫米, 东部、东南部只有550毫米。每年2-3月最为干燥, 10月至翌年1月最为湿润。

➢ King John(1199--1216) The Magna Carta(Great Charter) in 1215,the basis of British Constitution(p26)
➢ Joan of Arc The Hundred Years’ War(1337--1453)
➢ The great Civil War (1642--1649)--wars between “Roundheads” and “Cavaliers”
➢ was condemned to death
➢ Oliver Cromwell(1649--1658) Lord Protector Built a republic country (11ys)
The Middle Ages 476----1453AD
➢ King Arthur(6th century) ➢ King Arthur and his Knights of the
Round Table
➢ Alfred the Great(871--899) ➢ A fine Saxon king who successfully
➢ Relations between England & France was completedly cut off
The Sixteenth Century
➢ Characteristics ➢ the transition of the modern period ➢ the age of great voyages of discovery ➢ the beginning of freedom of thought in
➢ King John(1199--1216) The Magna Carta(Great Charter) in 1215,the basis of British Constitution(p26)
➢ Joan of Arc The Hundred Years’ War(1337--1453)
➢ The great Civil War (1642--1649)--wars between “Roundheads” and “Cavaliers”
➢ was condemned to death
➢ Oliver Cromwell(1649--1658) Lord Protector Built a republic country (11ys)
The Middle Ages 476----1453AD
➢ King Arthur(6th century) ➢ King Arthur and his Knights of the
Round Table
➢ Alfred the Great(871--899) ➢ A fine Saxon king who successfully
➢ Relations between England & France was completedly cut off
The Sixteenth Century
➢ Characteristics ➢ the transition of the modern period ➢ the age of great voyages of discovery ➢ the beginning of freedom of thought in

NO.3: the pursuit of reality
The person who they admire are intelligent and capable. They would like to do-it-yourselfer towards everything, and can solve all sizes of things. Most Americans know how to use machines, repair electrical equipments and paint the wall.
Each nation has its own cultural mode.
Different national character differences are
generated by the nation’s cultural and historical background and different aesthetic 审美的 psychology.
The British national identity
Quiet, shy, conservative, elegant, disciplined,honest,and arrogant
The British national identity
NO.1:There is an English proverb that says: ‘ An Englishman's house is his castle’ . British people do not ask about other people's private affairs, nor infringe upon other people's space, nor impose his or her concepts and values onto others. British society is based on the composition of individual understanding and respect.

Northern Ireland北爱尔兰
Capital: Belfast贝尔法斯特
Area: -10%
History: Ireland was conquered by England in the 17th C
Capital: Edinburgh爱丁堡
Area: - 30%
3. Rivers and Lakes
Rivers: River Clyde克莱德 , the most important in Scotland River Severn 塞文河 (355 km), the longest in the UK River Thames 泰晤士河(336km), the second longest but the most
beautiful rock scenery
Lake Poets 湖畔诗人- William Wordsworth 华兹华斯 in the 19th Century, a passive romantic poet消极浪漫主义诗人
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
“Ireland” = the Republic of Ireland+ Northern Ireland
爱尔兰岛 =爱尔兰共和国+北爱尔兰
Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (Britain / Great Britain / UK for short)
Capital: Belfast贝尔法斯特
Area: -10%
History: Ireland was conquered by England in the 17th C
Capital: Edinburgh爱丁堡
Area: - 30%
3. Rivers and Lakes
Rivers: River Clyde克莱德 , the most important in Scotland River Severn 塞文河 (355 km), the longest in the UK River Thames 泰晤士河(336km), the second longest but the most
beautiful rock scenery
Lake Poets 湖畔诗人- William Wordsworth 华兹华斯 in the 19th Century, a passive romantic poet消极浪漫主义诗人
经营者提供商品或者服务有欺诈行为 的,应 当按照 消费者 的要求 增加赔 偿其受 到的损 失,增 加赔偿 的金额 为消费 者购买 商品的 价款或 接受服 务的费 用
“Ireland” = the Republic of Ireland+ Northern Ireland
爱尔兰岛 =爱尔兰共和国+北爱尔兰
Full name: the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 (Britain / Great Britain / UK for short)
英美文化介绍 ppt课件

美国的社会保障体系始于1935年,当年国 会通过了社会安全法,正式为美国工作的人群 建立了退休后的养老金体系,1956年经过修法, 养老金也开始涵盖残障人士。
1、Federal Social Insurance 联邦社会保险
Federal social insurance, which including Retirement Benefits, Survivor’s Benefits, Disability Benefits and Medicare Benefits is established for the inaugural members, employees or once worked for himself and his family can attend, too.
回赎抵押品权利的取消 [fɔː'kləʊʒə]
Americans easily agree with the helping purpose but are generally almost unaware of the social control function of social welfare.
只要是遭辞退失业的,不管有无积蓄都可申请。一般补助 期是6至9个月,按各州不同情况可能会有所延长。
3、 public assistance 公共援助金
It is designed for low-income or no income blind, elderly, handicapped and families with no income. Issued by the state government according to their respective living conditions, the applicant will be investigated to prove eligibility.
1、Federal Social Insurance 联邦社会保险
Federal social insurance, which including Retirement Benefits, Survivor’s Benefits, Disability Benefits and Medicare Benefits is established for the inaugural members, employees or once worked for himself and his family can attend, too.
回赎抵押品权利的取消 [fɔː'kləʊʒə]
Americans easily agree with the helping purpose but are generally almost unaware of the social control function of social welfare.
只要是遭辞退失业的,不管有无积蓄都可申请。一般补助 期是6至9个月,按各州不同情况可能会有所延长。
3、 public assistance 公共援助金
It is designed for low-income or no income blind, elderly, handicapped and families with no income. Issued by the state government according to their respective living conditions, the applicant will be investigated to prove eligibility.

第一次见面的时候,握握手是很有礼貌的表 现。记住握手的时候要用一点力,但不要用 吃奶的力去握手以致握到别人手麻了(当然 如果你觉得很不爽的时候可以这样做)。在 更加正经的情况下(或者假正经的情况下), 握手是见到熟人必备的,握握更健康(特别 是在会议前)。
迟到是很不好的表现(我个人觉得一般外国人都经常 迟到,我们都是十分守时的)。如果你不是有意的 (或者有意的)迟到了,记得告知其他的与会人员。 在上课的时候最好要提前五分钟到哦,这样大家才能 按时上课(对得起我们的学费)。
英国的聚会一般在7点8点或者9点开始。大家都会自 己带酒水去参加(果汁、柠檬汁、红酒或者啤酒)。 你可能会在邀请函上看到“BYOB”的字样,就是要自带 酒水。如果邀请函没有这么说,最好也带上一瓶。
在英国,与人交往时还要注意:拜访朋友前,要提前 通知对方,不速之客会让人讨厌。应当尽量避免在晚上10时 后打电话到别人家,而晚上11点后打电话,则很可能被英国 人当作有紧急事件。英国的许多服务都需要提前预约,如看 医生、理发、美容、配眼镜等。如需要取消预约,就必须提 前24小时通知对方,否则可能须支付取消费。
排队不仅需要在买食物的时候这样做,在英国 的一切活动都要排队,即使在上厕所的时候 (如果下一秒就要喷涌而出了,你还是打个招 呼赶紧插个队吧),或者进入教室或者会议的 时候。排队是有礼貌和尊重别人的表现,如果 有个队伍的话,记得排到前面去哦,不,是排 后面去哦。
在餐馆给服务人员10%的小费是一种很礼貌的变 现,也说明了你很满意他们的服务。举个例子, 如果你吃了一顿30块钱的饭,可以留下2-3块钱 的小费。很多餐厅会自动把小费算入账单中, 如果账单上写着“Service Included”的字样,你就 不用给了(当然如果你钱多,钱包太鼓放不下, 可以再给一次)!
Unit 1 (British and American Studies)英美文化 教学课件

Unit 1 The country and the people
Think and answer the following q like to talk about weather so much? 4. Can you list the names of popular festivals British celebrate
➢The British state is made up of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK).
As the most important_e_co_n_o_m__i_c region, here lives 3/4 of Scotland’s population
Unit 1 The country and the people
1.1.2 physical features
C) The Southern Uplands
in spring?
5. Can you list the names of some densely populated cities in U.K?
6. What languages greatly influence the development of English?
7. Please give some evidence to prove the importance of religion to Britain?
A) The Highlands of Scotland
Think and answer the following q like to talk about weather so much? 4. Can you list the names of popular festivals British celebrate
➢The British state is made up of Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland. Its full name is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the UK).
As the most important_e_co_n_o_m__i_c region, here lives 3/4 of Scotland’s population
Unit 1 The country and the people
1.1.2 physical features
C) The Southern Uplands
in spring?
5. Can you list the names of some densely populated cities in U.K?
6. What languages greatly influence the development of English?
7. Please give some evidence to prove the importance of religion to Britain?
A) The Highlands of Scotland

re the characteristics of diversityand
penness,international and flexibility, which e
nable the U.S. Department of Education to e
nsure educational equity and equality of o
Cultural differents between USA and UK
01. Language 02. Education 03. Clothing 04. Food
Although, American and Eng land are all English speaking countries, they all have its own kind of English after a long time, and we call them British English and American English.
Americans have been in pursuit, the freedom
and equality.
2.2 British education
British education has a rigorous style of study and impeccable the education system. The UK has a strict quality control system, the teaching quality evaluation and the research Assessment from all the school in England are announced to the world, higher education institutions in the UK will be checked in a regular routine. This rigorous attitude is also reflected in the assessment of the student. Many students can’t get a degree if they fail in passing the assessment. Ethics and professionalism of English teachers ensure the quality of its education. British education also reflects British conservative and rigorous character.
unit 4 (British and American Studies)英美文化 教学课件

Unit 4 National Economy and Cities
1.1 E1c.o1noPmolicticSaylsPtearmtieasnd Structure
1.1.2 Mixed Economy
➢The British economy policy was characterized by the struggle over more nationalization or more privatization for several decades after World War II. ➢The Labor government nationalized a number of big businesses and extended government control over banks soon after the Second World War. However, the Conservative government between 1979 and 1996 returned all these key public industries to private ownership.
Unit 4 National Economy and Cities
1.1 E1c.o1noPmolicticSaylsPtearmtieasnd Structure
1.1.2 Mixed Economy
Private Sector
Joint-stock Companies - Owned by shareholders
➢Those public sector accounts for more than 10 per cent of the gross domestic product. But many of them could only make a thin profit or could even run in red.
uk-history 英美文化课件

– The “Welfare State” and the new “permissห้องสมุดไป่ตู้ve Return society”
Before the Middle Ages
• The Stone Age hunters and gatherers of 10,000 years ago
• The Neolithic agriculturalists
– Introduction of Christianity – The Latin language – Roman laws, taxes, engineering skills, architecture – Roman social system – System of writing and numbering – The first written description of the land
– The “Pilgrim Fathers” and the ship Mayflower – Declaration of Independence
The 19th Century
• Reformation in Britain
– To overcome social problems – To make Parliament more representative – To improve local government and social services
century) • The Norman Conquest (1066)
The Romans
• First landing in 55 B.C. led by Julius Caesar • Complete control over the land in 43 A.D. • Leaving in around 410 A.D. • Roman influence
Before the Middle Ages
• The Stone Age hunters and gatherers of 10,000 years ago
• The Neolithic agriculturalists
– Introduction of Christianity – The Latin language – Roman laws, taxes, engineering skills, architecture – Roman social system – System of writing and numbering – The first written description of the land
– The “Pilgrim Fathers” and the ship Mayflower – Declaration of Independence
The 19th Century
• Reformation in Britain
– To overcome social problems – To make Parliament more representative – To improve local government and social services
century) • The Norman Conquest (1066)
The Romans
• First landing in 55 B.C. led by Julius Caesar • Complete control over the land in 43 A.D. • Leaving in around 410 A.D. • Roman influence
uk-history 英美文化课件

• The prison reform movement led by Elizabeth Fry
• The modern police force founded by Sir Robert Peel
• Development of trade unions • Extension of the “franchise”
• Transition from tribal society into feudal society • Influence of Northern mythology on the English
language • Monasteries and written books
The Norman Conquest
• The Industrial Revolution
– Invention of the steam engine – Factories and coal-mines multiplied with big towns spring up – Conflicts between labor and capital
– Literature – Adventure on the sea (Sir Francis Drake) – The Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes)
The 17th Century
• The Civil War
– King Charles I & “Divine Right” – “Roundheads” & “Cavaliers”
– Columbus and Vasco de Gama
• Beginning of the imperialist expansion • Beginning of freedom of thought in the
• The modern police force founded by Sir Robert Peel
• Development of trade unions • Extension of the “franchise”
• Transition from tribal society into feudal society • Influence of Northern mythology on the English
language • Monasteries and written books
The Norman Conquest
• The Industrial Revolution
– Invention of the steam engine – Factories and coal-mines multiplied with big towns spring up – Conflicts between labor and capital
– Literature – Adventure on the sea (Sir Francis Drake) – The Gunpowder Plot (Guy Fawkes)
The 17th Century
• The Civil War
– King Charles I & “Divine Right” – “Roundheads” & “Cavaliers”
– Columbus and Vasco de Gama
• Beginning of the imperialist expansion • Beginning of freedom of thought in the
uk-literature 英美文化课件

Active Romanticists
• George Gordon Byron (1788-1824): Don Juan
• Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822):
Prometheus Unbound
Defence of Poetry”
hero • Central character –
the knight • Theme – loyalty to king
and lord • Three cycles • Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight
Medieval English Literature
An Irish playwright Much concerned about the social problems Founder of the Fabian Society Widowers’ Houses Mrs. Warren’s Profession Major Barbars
Early and Medieval English Literature
• Old English Literature • Medieval English Literature
• The most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England • A long composition describing the life and adventures of a noble
Active Romanticists
• George Gordon Byron (1788-1824): Don Juan
• Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822):
Prometheus Unbound
Defence of Poetry”
hero • Central character –
the knight • Theme – loyalty to king
and lord • Three cycles • Sir Gawain and the
Green Knight
Medieval English Literature
An Irish playwright Much concerned about the social problems Founder of the Fabian Society Widowers’ Houses Mrs. Warren’s Profession Major Barbars
Early and Medieval English Literature
• Old English Literature • Medieval English Literature
• The most prevailing kind of literature in feudal England • A long composition describing the life and adventures of a noble
英美文化 3 ppt课件

Key changes in British education
Who was educated?
Medieval England-- boys from middle-
class families and the younger sons of the nobility Poor family couldn't afford for sending their children to school, and children learn skills by working alongside their parents. European was united under the Roman catholic church. Education was controlled and serviced for it.
O-levels or GSCE(General Certificate of Education)
1、 provide the sole remedy for students who did poorly
on the 11+examination
2 、pupils who did well in O-levels were given the
Girls and lower-class children law after law was enacted throughout the 19th century, requiring all children to attend primary school.
Twentieth century
A 1906 Act required LEAs to give medical examinations to all children in elementary school.

• Cultural and economic dominance
your name
• dominant in all sorts of way
• The seat of government;
• Cultural center • Business center • Financial center
your name
• The most confident of its own identity • The second largest of the four nations,
both in population and in geographical area • The Highlands in the north and the Southern Uplands • The largest city is Glasgow, the capital city is Edinburgh
your name
your name
• The capital is Cardiff • This southern area was an important
element in Britain’s industrial revolution, as it had rich coal deposits. • It is very close to the most densely populated parts of central England.
• Immigration: non-European ethnicity • from some of those Commonwealth
countries like India or Pakistan, and the countries of Caribbean.
your name
• dominant in all sorts of way
• The seat of government;
• Cultural center • Business center • Financial center
your name
• The most confident of its own identity • The second largest of the four nations,
both in population and in geographical area • The Highlands in the north and the Southern Uplands • The largest city is Glasgow, the capital city is Edinburgh
your name
your name
• The capital is Cardiff • This southern area was an important
element in Britain’s industrial revolution, as it had rich coal deposits. • It is very close to the most densely populated parts of central England.
• Immigration: non-European ethnicity • from some of those Commonwealth
countries like India or Pakistan, and the countries of Caribbean.
Britain An Introduction Britain and American culture 英美文化教学课件

St. Patrick
The Union Jack
Fusion of three different emblems into a Union Flag, recording the growth of one kingdom out of the successive union of three crowns
London tower
St. Paul Cathedral back
House of Parliament
The River Thames
Big Ben
British Museum
God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us; God save the Queen!
Not in this land alone, But be God's mercies known, From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see, That men should brothers be, And form one family,
2020T/7h/3e wide world ov'er
St. Patrick
The Union Jack
Fusion of three different emblems into a Union Flag, recording the growth of one kingdom out of the successive union of three crowns
London tower
St. Paul Cathedral back
House of Parliament
The River Thames
Big Ben
British Museum
God save our gracious Queen, Long live our noble Queen, God save the Queen! Send her victorious, Happy and glorious, Long to reign over us; God save the Queen!
Not in this land alone, But be God's mercies known, From shore to shore! Lord make the nations see, That men should brothers be, And form one family,
2020T/7h/3e wide world ov'er
Britain An Introduction Britain and American culture 英美文化教学课件

From every latent foe, From the assassins blow, God save the Queen! O'er her thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, Our mother, prince, and friend, God save the Queen!
London Map
• The City, on the north bank of the Thames, is one of the world's leading banking and financial centers. It contains Guildhall (1411-23) and St Paul's Cathedral (1675-1710). The Port of London lies to the east and its docks extend for 25 miles along the Thames. The Tower of London (11th c.) lies just east of the City. The West End includes Westminster, the area of central government administration, St James' Palace (1521-1533), several parks, and fine examples of domestic architecture (esp. 18th-19th centuries). Industries (esp. in the East End and the suburbs): printing, publishing, electrical and mechanical engineering, chemicals, clothing, food processing, plastics. Some of London's cultural institutions are the University of London (1836), the British Museum (1753), the National Gallery (1838), the Covent Garden Opera House (1856-1858) and Royal Festival Hall (1951).
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The Old Man and the Sea
欧内斯特·米勒尔·海明威 (Ernest Miller Hemingway,
Gone With The Wind
《飘》 又名: 乱世佳人
《飘》是美国女作家玛格丽特· 米切尔(1900—1949)十年磨一 剑的作品,也是惟一的作品。《飘 》称得上有史以来最经典的爱情巨 著之一,由费雯丽和克拉克·盖博 主演的影片亦成为影史上“不可逾 越的”的最著名的爱情片经典。
who is he?
William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚
His works: 1. Othello 2.Hamlet 3.Macbeth 4.King Lear 5.Romeo and Juliet
to be or not to be, that is the question
【在世日期】1819年5 月24日—1901年1月22 日(82岁) 【在位日期】 1837年6 月20日 --- 1901年1月 22日(64年)
“日不落”大英帝国 (the empire on which the sun never sets )
印度女皇(Empress of India )
“The Golded Age”
Arkey Works
William Shakespear
Francies Bacon
Arkey Works
She was the monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland . From May 1876, she used
ruler of Tudor Dynasty.
She was called “Virgin Queen”. Elizabeth maintained
a friendly relationship with France to face the danger
from Spain.
1588,British successfully Defeated Spanish Armada , the Age of Elizabeth started .
Daniel Defoe
His masterpiece is?
英国女王即英国女性君主。英国君主是英国及 英国海外领地的国家元首,现在的男性君主称为 国王(King),女性君主称为女王(Queen)。 现任的君主是1952年6月2日登基的伊丽莎白二世 女王。
Bloody Mary ”.Today ,
Bloody Mary also means “evil, witch”
Arkey Works
Elizabeth I (1533-1603)
The Queen of England and Ireland. The fifth also the last
Mary I
Elizabeth I
Mary II
Arkey Works
Elizabeth II
Arkey Works
Arkey Works
Who will be the
next King/Queen?
Mary I (1516-1558)
British &Amercian Famous Literary Works
British &Amercian Famous Literary Works
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
Jane Eyre Then the author is ? Charlotte Bronte 夏洛蒂· 勃朗特
世界上许多河流、湖泊、沙漠、 广场、城市等都因此以“维多利亚” 命名。她的名字,几乎成为19世
• 1837年维多利亚女王即位时,英国已经完成了资本主 义工业革命,为了满足国家寻找原料地和销售市场的要 求,英国开始在世界各地建立殖民地和自治领 。
The fourth ruler of Tudor
Dynasty. The Queen of England and Scotland.
She was a devout Catholic.
1555,she killed nearly 300 protesters. People called her”
The additional title of “Empress of India”
“Europe’s Grandmother”
Constitutional Monarchy (Modern) 君主立宪制
Hemophilia (blood disease)
Arkey Works
Queen Victoria
• 1839年,林则徐在虎门销烟,极大程度上打击了英国 政府的倾销政策, 1840年初,维多利亚女王在议会上 发表了著名的演说,呼吁“为了大英帝国的利益”,向 中国发动战争。第一次鸦片战争(Opium War)遂始。
维多利亚女王是一位血友病携带者,女王把这种病遗传 给了她的三个子女,次女爱丽丝公主和幼女阿特丽斯公 主成了血友病携带者,幼子利奥波特亲王则是血友病患 者。19世纪的欧洲盛行“婚床上的政治”,各国王室 之间政治联姻不断,血友病很快就传入了西班牙、德意 志和俄国,血友病也被人们称为“王室病”。
Do you know who she is?
She is Jane Austen(简·奥斯汀)
Pride and Prejudice
Sense and Sensibility
O Jane Austin's works
《爱玛》(Emma) 《劝导》(Persuasion) 《曼斯菲尔德庄园》(Mansfield Park)