IRS_FATCA_Summary of Key FATCA Provisions

FATCA(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act)申报门槛包括两部分:资产金额和居住地。
此外,在美国境外的美国公民、绿卡持有人等税务居民外国人(resident alien),以及非居民外国人(nonresident alien)在联合申报税表时选择被视为居民报税的情况,如果持有金融资产总价值超过50,000美元,则必须向美国国税局(IRS)申报海外账户资产,通常使用Form 8938表格进行申报。
1. 居住在美国境内:
2. 居住在美国境外:
需要注意的是,如果当年不需要申报个人所得税,即使海外资产价值超过申报门槛,也无需申报Form 8938表格。

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. John Wooden美国《海外账户纳税法案》(FATCA)对持有绿卡的中国公民以及中国金融机构的影响美国于2010年3月18日通过了《海外账户纳税法案》(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,以下简称“FATCA”)。
FATCA要求协议合作的外国金融机构(Foreign Financial Institutions,以下简称“FFIs”)提供美国人个人账户信息或其所拥有的境外实体的账户信息。
FATCA原计划于2013年1月1日正式生效,然而美国财政部及美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service,以下简称“IRS”)分别于2012年10月26日及2013年7月12日宣布推迟FATCA的生效日期,现定于2014年7月1日正式施行。

Things turn out best for the people who make the best of the way things turn out. John Wooden《美国〈海外账户纳税法案〉(FATCA)与中国》之三FATCA(海外账户纳税法案)对中国金融机构的影响2015年3月25日随着中国政府与美国政府就FATCA实质性达成一致,中国金融机构将不可避免地受到FATCA的影响,我们将在下文简要分析FATCA对中国金融机构的影响。
一、FATCA对中国金融机构的主要影响对中国金融机构而言,最大的风险是可能被扣缴30%预提税,即如果中国金融机构未取得全球中介机构识别号码(Global Intermediary Identification Number,以下简称“GIIN”),当支付方把来源于美国的款项支付给中国金融机构时则应该扣缴该款项30%的预提税。
其中,比较重要的一个义务是把来源于美国的款项支付给非合作账户(recalcitrant account)、未参加FATCA的外国金融机构等时,应该代为扣缴30%预提税。
根据FATCA的规定,金融机构主要有以下三种类型:(1)银行(bank),商业银行(commercial bank),储蓄银行(savingbank)及信用社(credit union)等存贷款为经常性业务的公司;(2)证券经纪公司(broker-dealers),信托公司(trust companies)等以为他人持有金融财产为主要业务的公司;(3)PE基金(private equity funds)以及其他基金(funds)等主要从事或受托从事投资、再投资、买卖证券等业务的公司,此外,有些保险公司也被包括在内。

表格 W-8BEN-E 填写说明(于 2017 年 7 月修订)美国财政部美国国税局在美纳税与报税受益方身份证明(实体)除非另有说明,请参见《国内税收法》。
未来发展关于表格 W-8BEN-E 及其填写说明的最新进展,例如在该表格和说明发布后颁布的相关法律法规,请访问/ FormW8BENE。
最新进展有限 FFI 和有限分支机构。
有限 FFI 和有限分支机构身份已于 2016 年 12 月 31 日到期,并且已从此表格和填写说明中删除。
获赞助 FFI 和获赞助直接申报 NFFE。
自 2017 年 1 月 1 日起,登记视同遵守 FATCA 的获赞助 FFI 和获赞助直接申报NFFE 必须获得自己的 GIIN 以便在此表格上提供,并且不可再提供赞助实体的 GIIN。
非申报 IGA FFI。
此表格和这些填写说明已经更新以反映财政部法规中要求预扣款代理人证明非申报 IGA FFI 的要求。
这些填写说明还澄清是获赞助实体的非申报 IGA FFI 应提供自己的 GIIN(如有要求)并且不应提供赞助实体的GIIN。
参见第 12 部分的填写说明。
此外,这些填写说明规定:受托人提供证明文件的信托的外国受托人应提供其登记为参与 FATCA 的 FFI(包括模式 2 申报 FFI)或模式1 申报 FFI 时收到的 GIIN。
外国纳税人身份编号 (TIN)。
这些填写说明已更新以要求在一家金融机构的美国办事处或分支机构持有金融账户的特定外国账户持有人在此表格上提供外国 TIN(某些情况除外)。
请参见第 9b 行的填写说明了解这一要求的例外情况。
如果您居住于 FATCA 合伙人辖区(即具有互惠的IGA 模式 1 辖区),特定纳税账户信息可提供给居住辖区。
表格用途本表格供外籍实体证明第 3 章、第 4 章及本说明下文中描述的《国内税收法》其他特定条款规定的身份。

2010年3月18日,美国总统奥巴马签署《促进就业法案》(HIRE Act),以改善就业市场,而该法案包含一个条例,即《外国账户税务合规法案》(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,简称FATCA),该法案于2013年1月开始实施。

以下是我的详细情况说明:一、个人信息1. 姓名:[您的全名]2. 性别:[您的性别]3. 出生日期:[您的出生日期]4. 国籍:[您的国籍]5. 居住国家/地区:[您的居住国家/地区]6. 联系电话:[您的联系电话]7. 电子邮箱:[您的电子邮箱]二、账户信息1. 银行名称:[开户银行名称]2. 银行地址:[开户银行地址]3. 账户类型:[账户类型,如储蓄账户、投资账户等]4. 账户号码:[账户号码]5. 账户余额:[截至申请之日账户余额]三、Fatca合规情况1. 已知悉Fatca的相关规定,并了解其在全球范围内的实施情况。
2. 已向开户银行了解Fatca合规要求,并积极配合银行完成相关信息登记。
3. 我国的税收协定与Fatca存在冲突,根据我国政府的相关政策,我需要向美国税务局申请Fatca合规豁免。
4. 我已向开户银行提交了以下文件,以证明我的合规性:a. 我国税务机关出具的证明文件,证明我在我国纳税;b. 我国的居民身份证明文件;c. 其他有助于证明我合规性的文件。
四、申请理由1. 我居住在我国,根据我国政府的相关政策,我需要申请Fatca合规豁免。
2. 我已向开户银行提交了合规证明文件,并积极配合银行完成相关信息登记。
3. 我愿意遵守美国税务局的要求,提供必要的个人信息和账户信息。
五、承诺1. 我保证所提供的信息真实、准确、完整。
2. 我将积极配合美国税务局的调查和审查工作。
3. 我将遵守美国税务局的相关规定,及时更新个人信息和账户信息。
【以诺财富】加拿大和美国加入全球金融账户信息交换制度('CRS') 会怎么样?

【以诺财富】加拿大和美国加入全球金融账户信息交换制度('CRS') 会怎么样?网上有不少关于美国或加拿大或将成为下一个避税天堂的新闻和讨论。
尽管OECD在其CRS Commentary以及指导各国制定本地法的CRS Implementation Handbook中多处强调CRS与FATCA的一致性,但是由于FATCA中更多地融入了美国税法自己的特色,导致金融机构在两种制度下同时进行合规工作的混乱,尤其是在2015年已经向美国国税局(IRS)报送过第一批信息的金融机构,可能面临在CRS下一些重复的甚至是相反的合规要求。
但鉴于投资类公司、基金或者信托等实体在FATCA 和CRS下的分类大体一致,所以我们不妨就以投资类公司为例进行一个小讨论。
分类用简单但不严谨的话来说,在FATCA或者CRS下, 通常投资类公司会被划分为“金融机构”或者“非金融机构”两种。
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Basel Committee on Banking Supervision 80
中级:国际反洗钱、 西方十国央行的俱乐 反恐融资主要组织 部
中级:国际反洗钱、 世界银行
Organization for Economic Co-operation and 87
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fatca pffi 机构分类英文

fatca pffi 机构分类英文The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was enacted by the United States Congress in 2010 to combat tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers holding assets in offshore accounts. FATCA requires foreign financial institutions (FFIs) to report information about their U.S. account holders to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). To comply with FATCA, FFIs need to classify themselves into different categories based on their level of compliance and reporting obligations. This classification helps determine the extent of their reporting requirements and the penalties for non-compliance. In this essay, we will discuss the various categories of FFIs under FATCA and the requirements associated with each category.The first category of FFIs under FATCA is the Participating Foreign Financial Institution (PFFI). PFFIs are foreign financial institutions that enter into an agreement with the IRS to comply with FATCA reporting requirements. These institutions are required to reportinformation about their U.S. account holders directly to the IRS or through their local tax authorities. PFFIs must also withhold and pay over to the IRS any applicable withholding taxes on certain U.S. source income paid tonon-compliant account holders.The second category is the Registered Deemed-Compliant Foreign Financial Institution (RDCFFI). RDCFFIs are FFIs that are deemed compliant with FATCA requirements without having to enter into an agreement with the IRS. These institutions include certain local banks, retirement plans, and non-profit organizations. RDCFFIs have reducedreporting obligations compared to PFFIs but still need to provide information about their U.S. account holders to their local tax authorities.The third category is the Certified Deemed-Compliant Foreign Financial Institution (CDCFFI). CDCFFIs are FFIs that are deemed compliant with FATCA requirements based on their status under local laws or regulations. These institutions include certain small banks, local investment entities, and governmental entities. CDCFFIs have evenlower reporting obligations compared to RDCFFIs and generally do not need to report directly to the IRS.The fourth category is the Limited FFI. Limited FFIs are FFIs that have been granted a limited exemption from FATCA reporting requirements. These institutions are typically located in jurisdictions that have entered into intergovernmental agreements (IGAs) with the United States. Under these agreements, the local tax authorities agree to provide the required information about U.S. account holders to the IRS on behalf of the Limited FFIs.The fifth category is the Nonparticipating Foreign Financial Institution (NPFFI). NPFFIs are FFIs that have not entered into an agreement with the IRS and do not meet the criteria for deemed compliance. These institutions face the highest level of FATCA reporting requirements and are subject to a 30% withholding tax on certain U.S. source income.In conclusion, FATCA requires foreign financial institutions to classify themselves into differentcategories based on their compliance with reporting requirements. The categories include Participating Foreign Financial Institutions, Registered Deemed-Compliant Foreign Financial Institutions, Certified Deemed-Compliant Foreign Financial Institutions, Limited FFIs, and Nonparticipating Foreign Financial Institutions. Each category has different reporting obligations and penalties for non-compliance. By classifying FFIs, FATCA aims to increase transparency and reduce tax evasion by U.S. taxpayers holding offshore accounts.。

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How much do you know about smart cars?
Warm-up discussion
1. Smart is short for Swatch Mercedes ART. 2. Smart car is a vehicle equipped with multimedia digital
systems, such as sensors, in-car navigational systems, Global Positioning Systems, small radars to make driving safe and fast, so it’s versatile. 3. It is an application of artificial intelligence in vehicles. 4. It plays an important role in Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS).
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• What do you imagine a smart car can do? talk to the driver? drive on its own? warn the driver of dangers? locate the car? sense the driving conditions nearby?
IRS FATCA 注册系统指南说明书

Global IRW NewsbriefIRS opens FATCA online registration system to provide a beneficial user testing periodAugust20,2013In briefThe Internal Revenue Service(IRS)announced the opening of the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)registration system on August19,2013.The registration system will enable financial institutions(FIs)to register and obtain a global intermediary identification number(GIIN).FIs are requested to submit the required information online as final on or after January1,2014–no GIINs will be issued before this date.Between now and December31,2013,FIs are permitted to establish their online account,input preliminary information,refine such information,and become familiar with the system thereby resulting in a user testing period.The IRS release included:∙A75-page User Guide and Overview which provides instructions for completing the online registration process including step-by-step instructions for each question and the registrationinformation required for each type of FI as well as information on how to edit and delete aregistration.∙Tips for Logging into the FATCA Registration System which provides helpful hints for accessing the system.∙A GIIN Composition document which explains the components of the19-character GIIN.The IRS also released the final Form8957(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act(FATCA)Registration), including instructions.This form is substantially similar to the draft dated April17,2013which did not have instructions.The IRS is strongly encouraging the use of the online registration system in lieu of paper registration requests on Form8957,but will accept registrations made on this form beginning January1,2014.The IRS notes that registrations using Form8957will experience slower processing times than online registration.Consequently,FIs registering by paper will wait longer for a GIIN.The available testing period and new IRS guidance are long awaited and welcome developments for stakeholders.The ability to gain a practical understanding of the registration system before the information is formally submitted is intended to enable the registration process to be conducted in a more orderly fashion.The IRS is encouraging preparedness by suggesting that registrants input andedit information early during the testing period so they are ready to submit the final information starting in January2014.It should be noted that the user guide does not contain information about registering sponsored entities,and that guidance is forthcoming.The registration site and materials also make reference to the FFI Agreement in which a significant number of foreign financial institutions(FFIs)are expected to enter.However,stakeholders are still awaiting a draft of such agreement. In detailOnline registration promotes efficiencyFI registration with the IRS is an important cornerstone of the FATCA regime for entities wanting to achieve compliance.The IRS intends for its secure,web-based system to enable FIs to satisfy their FATCA registration requirements efficiently and effectively in a paperless manner.The registration system is intended to be a one-stop shop that enables the registrant and its related entities(e.g., members and branches)to handle the administrative and compliance matters relating to obtaining a GIIN–a critical step in avoiding the30% FATCA withholding. Observation:According to the Form8957instructions,FIs must finalize their registration by April 25,2014in order to be included in the June2014FFI List.Registering FIs will receive a notice of registration acceptance and will be issued a GIIN.Although the form instructions are silent on this issue, it may be possible to submit a paper Form8957by April25,2014 and still be included in the June List.Entities eligible to registerBroadly speaking,the FATCAregistration system should be used byan FI to register itself(and itsbranches,if any)as a participatingforeign financial institution(PFFI),aregistered deemed-complaint FFI(RDCFFI),a limited FFI,or asponsoring entity.Note that RDCFFIsinclude reporting FFIs under a Model1intergovernmental agreement(IGA).Registration will enable the entity toobtain a GIIN and to accomplish thefollowing:∙An FFI,non-US branch of an FFI,or USFI that is treated as areporting FI under a Model1IGAcan authorize one or more pointsof contact(POCs)to receiveinformation related to registrationon the FI’s behalf.∙An FFI,or foreign branch of anFFI,that is treated as a reportingFI under a Model2IGA,canauthorize one or more POCs toreceive information related toregistration on the FI’s behalf,andconfirm that it will comply with theterms of an FFI Agreement,asmodified by the applicable Model2IGA.∙An FFI,or branch of an FFI,otherthan one covered by an IGA,canenter into an FFI Agreement to betreated as a PFFI,agree to meet therequirements to be treated as anRDCFFI,or confirm that it willcomply with the terms applicableto a limited FFI or a limitedbranch.∙An FI(including a USFI)seeking toact as a sponsoring entity,canagree to perform the due diligence,reporting,and withholdingresponsibilities on behalf of one ormore sponsored FFIs.∙An FI,including a foreign branchof a USFI,currently acting as aqualified intermediary(QI),withholding foreign partnership(WP),or withholding foreign trust(WT),can renew its QI,WP,or WTAgreement.∙A USFI wishing to act as a lead FI(defined below)for purposes ofregistering its member FIs,canidentify itself as such.Observation:The new IRSguidance provides clarity on how aUSFI will register and serve aseither a sponsoring or lead entity.The IRS guidance also provides animportant distinction when a USFIhas a foreign branch under a Model1or2IGA.Specifically,branchesunder a Model1IGA must register.The registration appears necessaryas they will need to provideinformation directly to localgovernments and in some cases filea nil return.However,a foreignbranch of a USFI located in a Model2IGA country does not need toregister unless such foreign branchneeds to renew its QI,WP,or WTagreement.Lead FIs and EAG relationshipsclarifiedA key requirement under theregistration process is that an FI mustselect one of the four registrationtypes:Single(not a member of anexpanded affiliated group(EAG)),lead(within an EAG),member(withinan EAG),and FI sponsoring entity.The term‘lead FI’includes a USFI,FFI,or a compliance FI that agrees tocarry out FATCA registration for eachof its member FIs that is a PFFI,RDCFFI,or limited FFI and that isauthorized to carry out most aspectsof its members’FATCA registrations.A compliance FI is defined as a lead FIthat agrees to establish and maintain aconsolidated compliance program andto perform a consolidated periodic review on behalf of one or more members FIs that are part of its EAG (the compliance group).A compliance FI must also have the authority to terminate the FATCA status of each member FI within its compliance group.The new IRS guidance presents additional clarity surrounding the‘lead FI’type.A lead FI is not, however,required to act as a lead FI for all members within an EAG.As a result,an EAG may include more than one lead FI that will carry out FATCA registration for a portion of its members.The particular lead FI will perform FATCA registration for each of its members through the website. Observation:The final Form8957 instructions and the User Guide provide a number of helpful definitions for reference such as‘lead FI.’The instructions make clear however,that the definitions should be used only for registration purposes and that FIs should refer to definitions under an IGA or FATCA regulations to determine their obligations.Creating an online FATCA account and home pageThe first step in the FATCA registration process is to create an online FATCA account.This may be done only by a single,lead,or sponsoring entity.An FI must create an access code(password)along with certain‘challenge questions’in case the access code is lost.Once submitted,the online system will provide a six-character FATCA ID used to identify the FI only for registration purposes.The FATCA ID is a different number than the19-character GIIN,although the FATCA ID will be the first six characters of the GIIN.Observation:In order to access the registration site for on-going use,the access code and FATCA ID mustbe used.The login credentials canbe shared by the responsible officer(RO)and up to five POCs–no othercontacts may access theregistration system.If anauthorized contact forgets thecredentials,that person may‘reset’the access code by answeringchallenge questions correctly.From a practical perspective,coordination and sharing mustoccur among users of a specificFATCA account.Once the FATCA account is created,the FI home page provides a centrallocation for accessing all relevantinformation about the FATCAregistration account.The system maybe used for on-going accountmanagement and will include featuressuch as a message board.As a result,most communications between theIRS and FI will occur electronically.The individual identified as the RO inQuestion10may likely be the onlyindividual who will receive emailsfrom the IRS related to the FI’sFATCA account.However,a POC isalso an individual authorized toreceive FATCA related informationfrom the IRS and to take FATCA-related actions on behalf of the FIupon the request of the IRS.The FI’s account status will belocated on the registration home page.According to the User Guide,there arenine potential account statuses for anFI.These include(i)Initiated,(ii)Registration submitted,(iii)Registration incomplete,(iv)Registration under review,(v)Registration rejected,(vi)Agreementcancelled,(vii)Agreement terminated,and(viii)Approved.This lattercategory is generally the desiredcategory where a notice of registrationand GIIN is awarded by the IRS.Theninth and final status is Limitedconditional,which denotes an FI thatwill not receive a GIIN and will notappear on the next published FFI List.Observation:The initialregistration to obtain a GIIN maybe performed by the sponsoringentity without providing significantdetail about their sponsoredentities.Additional guidance isexpected related to sponsored FFIsand how they can provideinformation about their sponsoredentities.Notice of registration acceptanceand GIIN compositionWhen a registration is finalized andapproved in2014,a registering FI willbe given a notice of registrationacceptance and issued a unique GIIN.The first IRS FFI list of GIINs will beposted online by June2,2014and isexpected to be updated monthlythereafter.An FI will use its GIIN toidentify itself to withholding agentsand to tax administrators for FATCAreporting.A separate GIIN will beissued by an FI to identify eachjurisdiction in which the FI maintainsa branch that is participating orregistered deemed-complaint.GIINs are alphanumeric and arecomprised of19-characters.There arefour sections within the GIIN,eachseparated by a period:∙1through6characters=theFATCA ID–randomly generatedsix-character alphanumeric string.For member FIs,the first sixcharacters will follow that of thelead FI or sponsoring entity∙7is a character representing aperiod∙8through12characters=theFI type–depends on the type offinancial entity.For example,leadand sponsoring entities are fivezeros∙13is a character representinga period∙14through 15characters =the category code based onfinancial institution or branch category (lead,single,member,branch,and sponsoring)∙16is a character representing a period ∙17through 19characters =the country identifier ,chosen by viewing Appendix D in the User Guide;Over 250countries arelisted but registrants should choose the number 999if their specific country is not included.The takeawayThe new IRS guidance is consistent with the revised timelines announced by the IRS in July of this year for implementing various provisions under FATCA.See previous Global IRW Newsbrief on this topic.The delay in FATCA implementation provides a unique opportunity for stakeholders to have more time togather complete and accurateinformation about their entities,make necessary key business decisions,and conduct the registration process in an orderly manner.However,the registration process continues to demand that taxpayers work through their FATCA strategy upfront –how they are going to prepare for their compliance requirements going forward and avoid potentially costly FATCA withholding.A detailed analysis of the registration process and required data should occurbefore registration ,including but not limited to the following:∙Given the broad definition of FFI,determining the specific types of entities that may qualify as FFIs.In addition,identifying entities which will be responsible for reporting tasks (e.g.,what sponsoring entities should be designated as such).∙Registering FIs must gather and organize the required registrationinformation.This will improve the accuracy of the registration process and make take longer than anticipated.∙FIs that have not designated an RO must appoint one soon.An RO is required to establish an FI account and complete the FFI registration.This requirement is part of the larger issue of who throughout the organization is affected and should be involved with FATCA compliance.∙Evaluate the use of technology and automation.What specific efficiencies can be gained by effective use of technology in gathering and exchanging documentation?How could technology help leverage knowledge between related companies?Additional backgroundAccess to the FATCA registration system and related support information can be found on the IRS FATCA page .Additional FATCA information can be found on the US Treasury FATCA Resource Center .For additional thought leadership regarding FATCA guidance and implementation,please see our Global IRW Newsbrief archive .How do you plan to keep up-to-date with the release of the FATCA IGAs and some of their unique differences?Access our FATCA IGA Monitor Website that includes:∙a high-level overview of signed IGAs ∙the latest IGA developments∙potential actions to think about as you look at the impact of the IGAs to your FATCA program.Let’s talkFor more information on how FATCA might impact you,please contact a member of the Global GIR Network .To view FATCA contacts for over 30countries worldwide,click here .PwC contactsIf you would like further advice or information in relation to the issues outlined above, please call your local PwC contact or any of the individuals listed below:Martin VinkT:+31(0)887926369 ******************.com Clark NoordhuisT:+31(0)887927244**********************.comRemco van der Linden T:+31(0)887927485*********************.com。

密不透风的机构设置“美国国税局”( Internal Revenue Service,简称IRS),也译为“美国国内收入署”,隶属于财政部,负责联邦政府的税务征收等工作。
FATCA Form中文释义

主动的非金融外国实体FATCA 声明C N X F A T C A 2-R 1(Y X ) 2-8 06/14 EFATCA Declaration for Active Non-Financial Foreign EntitiesC N X F A T C A 2-R 1(Y X ) 3-8 06/14 EFATCA 声明 – 额外签署纸FATCA Declaration – Additional Signature Sheet(签署需依照签署安排)(Signed in accordance with the mandate)C N X F A T C A 2-R 1(Y X ) 5-8 06/14 E海外账户税收合规法案(FATCA )此为签署以下声明之备注:∙ 主动的非金融外国实体FATCA 声明 ∙ 非营利组织FATCA 声明重要: 本文件必须与作为其组成部分的免责声明一并阅读。
FATCA 旨在向美国税务机关申报由美国人士所拥有的金融资产。
FATCA 对恒生银行(中国)有限公司及阁下的影响?恒生银行(中国)有限公司(“恒生中国”)致力在所有经营地全面遵从FATCA 法案。
为了识别可能需按FATCA 进行申报的客户,我们将根据FATCA 法案列明的类别对客户进行分类。

February 13, 2014Spanish | English | Russian外国账户税收遵从法 (FATCA)FATCA 和 IGA 简介外国账户税收遵从法 (FATCA) 是美国于 2010 年颁布的法律,属于 HIRE 法案的组成部分。
FATCA 最终规定于 2013 年 1 月 17 日颁发,2014 年 7 月 1 日生效,其中部分义务的履行期限为两年半。
根据美国财政部声明,我们预计不久后将发布 FATCA 修订法规和进一步的指导说明。
FATCA 面向持国外金融帐户的美国纳税人,专门打击其逃税行为。
它要求国外实体确认那些直接或间接持有特定国外金融帐户的美国纳税人,并向 IRS (国内收入署)汇报相关信息。
对于违规者,其来自美国的特定款项将代扣 30% 所得税,还可能违反当地国家法律。
美国政府与多个参与国签订了政府间协议 (IGA) 来消除某些法律障碍,减少当地财务机构的合规性负担并在其当地辖区内有效施行 FATCA 。
目前共制定了两套 IGA 范例 -Model 1 和 Model 2。
签署的 IGA 数量达到 22 个,有大约 40 个国家正与美国协商签订 IGA (见下表)。
FATCA 和 IGA 不仅影响到美国个人和实体,还要求众多国外实体遵守更多的披露与合规性要求,甚至还可能影响国外个人。
即使不涉及美国受益人或美国投资,FATCA 和 IGA 中的很多要求也仍然适用。
在等待后续指导说明的同时,我们会事先讨论 FATCA 和 IGA 可能产生的影响以及确保合规性所需的重要步骤和设施(见下面)。
FATCA 与 IGA 的重要方面FATCA 和 IGA 将美国以外的实体划分为国外金融机构 (FFI) 和非金融类国外实体 (NFFE)。
如下面所示,每一类都要履行不同的 FATCA/IGA 义务:外国金融机构 (FFI)非金融外国实体 (NFFE)FFI 可能需要向 IRS 登记以确认哪些帐户持有者是美国纳税人和美国所有的外国实体,并向 IRS 汇报其相关的财务信息,或是按照 1 型 IGA 的要求汇报给当地税务部门(LTA)。

金融机构fatca身份代码摘要:1.FATCA 身份代码的定义与重要性2.FATCA 身份代码与金融机构的关系3.FATCA 身份代码在全球范围内的应用4.FATCA 身份代码对我国金融机构的影响与应对措施正文:一、FATCA 身份代码的定义与重要性FATCA(Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act,外国账户税收合规法案)身份代码是由美国国税局(IRS)颁发的一种全球税收合规标识。
FATCA 身份代码的重要性在于,它关乎到金融机构是否能够合规地为其客户提供跨境金融服务,以及客户在全球范围内的资产是否得到合规的申报和纳税。
二、FATCA 身份代码与金融机构的关系金融机构在为客户提供跨境金融服务时,需要对其客户的FATCA 身份进行识别和分类。
金融机构需要向美国国税局申请FATCA 身份代码,以便在合规的前提下,完成客户信息的报送和税收义务。
同时,FATCA 身份代码也有助于金融机构在全球范围内建立合规的金融服务体系,降低合规风险。
三、FATCA 身份代码在全球范围内的应用FATCA 身份代码在全球范围内的应用十分广泛。
美国作为全球金融中心之一,其FATCA 法规对全球金融机构产生了深远的影响。
许多国家和地区的金融机构,为了合规地服务于拥有美国账户的客户,都需要申请FATCA 身份代码。
这使得FATCA 身份代码在全球范围内的金融服务市场中具有极高的地位。
四、FATCA 身份代码对我国金融机构的影响与应对措施我国金融机构在面临FATCA 身份代码的挑战时,需要采取一系列应对措施。
首先,金融机构需要提高自身的合规意识,了解并掌握FATCA 法规的具体要求。
其次,金融机构需要加强与美国国税局的沟通和合作,积极申请FATCA 身份代码。
总之,FATCA 身份代码对金融机构在全球范围内的业务发展具有重要意义。

表格W-8BEN-E在美纳税与报税受益方身份证明(实体)X 此表仅限实体使用。
个人须使用 W-8BEN 表格。
X 参见国内税收法规。
X 关于表格 W-8BEN-E 及其单独说明的信息,请访问 /formw8bene 。
X 将此表格交给纳税代理人或支付方,不要交给美国国税局。
OMB 编号:1545-1621(2014 年 2 月)美国财政部美国国税局请勿将本表格用于以下对象: 而应使用以下表格:• 美国实体或美国公民或居民 W-9• 外籍人士 W-8BEN (个人) • 宣称所得与在美国的贸易或商业行为实际相关的外籍人士或外国实体 (要求享受税收协定优惠待遇的除外) W-8ECI• 外国合伙企业、外国简单信托或外国授予人信托(要求享受税收协定优惠待遇的除外)(参见说明中列举的例外情况) W-8IMY • 外国政府、国际组织、外国中央发行银行、外国免税机构、外国私人基金会,或者是美国的所属政府,这些机构宣称获得的收入是实际相关的美国收入或宣称适用于第 115(2)、501(c)、892、895 或 1443(b) 条的规定(要求享受税收协定优惠待遇的除外)(参见说明) W-8ECI 或 W-8EXP• 作为中间人的任何个人 W-8IMY 非参与 FATCA 的 FFI (包括受限 FFI 或与 IGA 申报 FFI 相关的 FFI ,登记视同遵守 FATCA 的 FFI 或参与 FATCA 的 FFI 除外)。
参与 FATCA 的 FFI 。
模式 1 申报 FFI 。
模式 2 申报 FFI 。
登记视同遵守 FATCA 的 FFI (模式 1 申报 FFI 或尚未取得 GIIN 的获赞助 FFI 除外)。
尚未取得 GIIN 的获赞助 FFI 。
请填写第 4 部分。
经认证视同遵守 FATCA 的未登记地方银行。
请填写第 5 部分。
经认证只拥有低价值账户的视同遵守 FATCA 的 FFI 。
请填写第 6 部分。
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Summary of Key FATCA Provisions
The Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), enacted in 2010 as part of the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, is an important development in U.S. efforts to combat tax evasion by U.S. persons holding investments in offshore accounts.
Under FATCA, certain U.S. taxpayers holding financial assets outside the United States must report those assets to the IRS. In addition, FATCA will require foreign financial institutions to report directly to the IRS certain information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest.
Reporting by U.S. Taxpayers Holding Foreign Financial Assets
FATCA requires certain U.S. taxpayers holding foreign financial assets with an aggregate value exceeding $50,000 to report certain information about those assets on a new form (Form 8938) that must be attached to the taxpayer’s annual tax return. Reporting applies for assets held in taxable years beginning after March 18, 2010. For most taxpayers this will be the 2011 tax return they file during the 2012 tax filing season. Failure to report foreign financial assets on Form 8938 will result in a penalty of $10,000 (and a penalty up to $50,000 for continued failure after IRS notification). Further, underpayments of tax attributable to non-disclosed foreign financial assets will be subject to an additional substantial understatement penalty of 40 percent.
Reporting by Foreign Financial Institutions
FATCA will also require foreign financial institutions (“FFIs”) to report directly to the IRS certain information about financial accounts held by U.S. taxpayers, or by foreign entities in which U.S. taxpayers hold a substantial ownership interest. To properly comply with these new reporting requirements, an FFI will have to enter into a special agreement with the IRS by June 30, 2013. Under this agreement a “participating” FFI will be o bligated to:
(1) undertake certain identification and due diligence procedures with respect to its accountholders;
(2) report annually to the IRS on its accountholders who are U.S. persons or foreign entities with substantial U.S. ownership; and
(3) withhold and pay over to the IRS 30-percent of any payments of U.S. source income, as well as gross proceeds from the sale of securities that generate U.S. source income, made to (a) non-participating FFIs, (b) individual accountholders failing to provide sufficient information to determine whether or not they are a U.S. person, or (c) foreign entity accountholders failing to provide sufficient information about the identity of its substantial U.S. owners.
Notice 2011-53 provides the phased-in timeline of key FATCA implementation dates for FFIs. It is important to note that many details of the new reporting and withholding requirements pertaining to FFIs must be developed through Treasury regulations that are expected to be proposed by December 31, 2011. Published IRS Notices accessible from this FATCA internet site provide currently available information and guidance.
Page Last Reviewed or Updated: December 15, 2011。