
中草药Chinese medicinal herbs炮制processing四气五味four properties and five tastes清除杂质eliminating impurity入药部分the part used for medical purpose作用和缓mild effect药物采集collection of herbs发散解表relieving exterior syndrome by dispersion收敛astringency方剂学science of prescriptions软坚散结softening hardness to dissipate stagnation配伍关系compatibility燥湿健脾drying dampness and strengthening the spleen 组成规律prescription-formulating principle升降沉浮ascending, descending, sinking and floating 方剂的加减modification of prescriptions归经meridian tropism剂型和剂量drug form and dosage用药禁忌contraindication in using herbs君臣佐使monarch, minister, assistant and guide药物用量dosage药物毒性toxicity of medicinal herbs辛温解表药relieving exterior syndrome with herbs pungent in taste and warm in nature 十八反与十九畏eighteen incompatible herbs and nineteen herbs of mutual antagonism 袪风湿药herbs for expelling wind and dampness调和诸药moderating the property of herbs胸痛彻背thoracic pain involving the back温经散寒warming meridians to dissipate cold清热凉血药herbs for clearing away heat and cooling blood宣肺平喘disperse lung qi to stop asthma引经报使guiding action灵活化裁flexible modification针灸疗法acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, acumox清散郁热clearing away and dispersing stagnant heat针刺补泻reinforcing and reducing techniques for needling随症加减modification according to symptoms针刺手法needling techniques, manipulation药物饮片processed herbs进针手法methods for inserting the needle内服散剂powder for oral taking针刺止痛alleviating pain with acupuncture外用膏剂medicinal extract for exterior application针刺麻醉acupuncture anesthesia, acu-anesthesia开水冲服mixing in boiled water for oral taking针感needling sensation浓缩浸膏condensed extract皮内针intradermal needle耳针疗法ear acupuncture treatment针刺的角度与深度angle and depth of needling提插捻转lifting, thrusting, swirling and rotating双手进针法insertion of needle with double hands水针疗法hydro-acupuncture therapy行针manipulating the needle头针疗法scalp-acupuncture therapy化脓灸blistering moxibustion推拿手法manipulations for tuina, manipulating techniques 瘢痕灸scarring moxibustion减轻疼痛alleviating pain艾炷灸moxibustion with moxa cone功法训练exercise for practicing tuina灯火灸lamp moxibustion放松肌肉relaxing muscles温针灸warm needling method解除肌肉紧张relieving muscular tension一指禅推法pushing manipulation with one finger活动受限confined activity点按法point-pressing manipulation关节脱位dislocation of joint大鱼际揉法kneading manipulation with the large thenar医.学全.在.线网站 腰椎间盘突出protrusion of lumbar vertebral disc交替搓揉alternative rubbing and kneading旋转复位rotating reduction腰肌劳损injury of lumbar muscles软组织损伤injury of soft tissues解除痉挛relieving spasm关节粘连僵硬adhesion and stiffness of joint外感发热exogenous fever滑利关节lubricating joint脉象浮紧floating and tense pulse手法补泻reinforcing and reducing manipulations寒邪束表pathogenic cold hampering the exterior拇指平推法horizontal pushing with the thumb邪热入里interior invasion of pathogenic heat午后潮热afternoon tidal fever四肢厥冷cold limbs热扰神明heat disturbing mind阳气不振inactivation of yang-qi形体消瘦emaciation少气懒言lack of qi and no desire to speak祛痰止咳药herbs for eliminating phlegm and stopping cough中国医药学Traditional Chinese Medicine治未病prevention of disease中医基础理论Basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine 脏腑zang-organs and fu-organs, viscera临床经验clinical experience功能活动functional activities辨证论治treatment based on syndrome differentiation形神统一unity of the body and spirit本草materia medica, herbs阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang中药Chinese materia medica, Chinese medicinal herbs条达舒畅free development四气五味four properties and five tastes延年益寿prolonging life, promising longevity针灸acupuncture and moxibustion, acumox养生防病cultivating health to prevent disease各家学说theories of different schools正气healthy qi, vital qi汗法diaphoresis, sweating therapy病邪pathogenic factor下法purgative therapy, purgation整体观念concept of holism吐法emetic therapy, vomiting therapy疾病的本质与现象nature and manifestations of disease补土派school of invigorating the earth阴阳的相对平衡relative balance between yin and yang病因学说etiology疾病的发生与发展occurrence and development of disease 养生health-cultivation,同病异治treating the same disease with different therapies医疗实践medical practice异病同治treating different diseases with the same therapy 治疗原则therapeutic principles五脏five zang-organs, five zang-viscera寒凉药物herbs of cold and cool nature, cold-natured herbs 六腑six fu-organs, six fu-viscera滋阴降火nourishing yin to lower/reduce fire经络系统system of meridians and collaterals滋水涵木enriching water to nourish wood余热未尽incomplete abatement of heat瘀血致泻disease caused by blood stasis有机整体organic wholeness/integrity先天之精congenital essence表里关系exterior and interior relation形与神俱inseparability of the body and spirit开窍opening into开胃promoting appetite自然现象natural phenomena脉象pulse conditions, pulse pattern哲学概念philosophical concept邪正关系states of pathogenic factors and healthy qi对立统一unity of opposites发热恶寒fever and aversion to cold相互消长mutual waning and waxing头身疼痛headache and body pain相互转化mutual transformation久痢脱肛proctoptosis due to prolonged dysentery阴阳属性nature of yin and yang养阴清热nourishing yin and clearing away heat相互联系interrelation清肺热clear away lung-heat相互制约mutual restraint, mutual restriction/interaction 湿邪犯肺pathogenic dampness invading the lung动态平衡dynamic equilibrium清热泻火clearing away heat and reducing fire阴平阳秘yin and yang in equilibrium腠理muscular interstices, striae, interstitial space阴阳的互根互用interdependence of yin and yang水湿停滞retention of water and dampness, water retention 相互依存interdependence癃闭retention of urine阴阳离绝separation of yin and yang气血运行circulation/flow of qi and blood相反相成opposite and supplementary to each阴阳转化transformation between yin and yang生理功能physiological functions阳消阴长yang waning and yin waxing病理变化pathological changes阴胜则阳病predominance of yin leading to disorder of yang 临床诊断clinical diagnosis阴胜则阳病an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang阳胜生外热exuberance of yang leading to exterior heat阳胜则热predominance of yang generating heat阳中求阴obtaining yang from yin寒极生热extreme cold generating heat绝对偏盛absolute predominance热极生寒extreme heat generating cold阳虚则寒yang deficiency leading to cold阳损及阴impairment of yang involving yin阴阳俱损simultaneous consumption of yin and yang阴液不足insufficiency of yin-fluid阴阳两虚simultaneous deficiency of both yin and yang病机总纲general principle of pathogenesis阳虚发热fever due to yang deficiency病机pathomechanism, pathological mechanism阴阳自和natural harmony between yin and yang阴阳胜复alternative predominance of yin and yang木乘土the wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证deficiency-cold syndrome木火刑金wood-fire impairs the metal扶阳退阴strengthening yang to reduce yin金水相生generation between the metal and water祛风散寒expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold生克制化interrelationship between generation and restriction消导积滞promoting digestion and removing food retention制则生化restriction ensuring generation潜阳熄风suppressing yang to quench wind母病及子disease of the mother-organ affecting the child-organ五行学说theory of five elements传变transmission of disease, progress of disease运动变化motion and variation子病犯母disease of the child-organ affecting the mother-organ正邪相争struggle/combat between healthy qi and pathogenic factors 肝肾精血不足insufficiency of liver and kidney essence and blood 相生相克mutual generation and restriction肝阳上亢hyperactivity of liver yang生我,我生to be generated and to generate心肝血虚asthenia / deficiency of heart and liver blood克我,我克to be restricted and to restrict心肝火旺exuberance of heart and liver fire生中有制restriction within generation心火亢盛hyperactivity/exuberance of heart fire克中有生generation within restriction滋肾养肝nourishing the kidney and liver木曰曲直wood is characterized by growing freely and peripherally 方位配五行correspondence of the directions to the five elements 火曰炎上fire is characterized by flaming up温肾健脾warming the kidney and strengthening the spleen土爰稼穑earth is characterized by cultivation and reaping肾阳式微declination of kidney yang金曰从革metal is characterized by change脾阳不振inactivation of spleen yang病缓起gradual onset of disease脾胃虚弱hypofunction/weakness of the spleen and stomach肝阴不足insufficiency of liver yin地道不通menopause相乘相侮over-restriction and reverse restriction平肝和胃soothing the liver and harmonizing the stomach水湿停聚retention of water-dampness水火不济discordance between water and fire肾阴不足insufficiency of kidney yin藏象学说theory of visceral manifestations心肾不交disharmony between the heart and kidney奇恒之腑extraordinary fu-organs宣通水道dredging water passage水谷精微cereal nutrients, essence of water and food通调水道dredging and regulating water passage传化水谷transmission and transformation of food行气利水activating qi to excrete water贮藏精气storage of essence水液停滞retention of fluid治疗效果curative / therapeutic effect后天之本postnatal / acquired base of life藏而不泻storage without excretion调畅气机regulating qi activity泻而不藏excretion without storage肝气上逆upward flow of liver qi表热里寒exterior heat and interior cold水曰润下water is characterized by moistening and downward flowing肝旺脾虚hyperfunction of the liver and weakness of the spleen医.学.全.在线.网.站.提供脾主运化the spleen governing transportation and transformation大肉陷下obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy, extreme emaciation肝气郁结stagnation of liver qi面色红润ruddy complexion, rosy cheeks胆虚证gallbladder deficiency syndrome胆虚不得眠insomnia due to gallbladder asthenia腐熟水谷digesting food导便法laxation食欲不振poor appetite跌打损伤traumatic injury脘腹胀闷epigastric distension and depression动静结合integration of motion and quietness/stillness嗳气酸腐eructation with fetid odor定喘relieving asthma泌别清浊separating the clear from the turbid心主血脉the heart controlling blood and vessels食物残渣residue of food心气充沛abundance of heart qi大肠主传导the large intestine governing transmission and transportation 防御外邪入侵preventing the invasion of exogenous pathogenic factor 癃闭dysuria, retention of urine, anuria and dysuria血液充盈plenty of blood面黄肌瘦emaciation with sallow complexion脉道不利unsmoothness of vessels止珠偏斜strabismus, squint, ocular deviation面色无华lusterless complexion调节水液regulation of water脉象细弱thin and weak pulse排泄糟粕excretion of waste material面色萎黄sallow complexion髓海不足insufficiency of marrow-sea汗血同源sweat and blood sharing the same origin精神委靡dispiritedness, listlessness, lower spirit升降出入ascending, descending, coming in and going out 月经不调irregular menstruation气为血帅qi serves as the commander of the blood冲任不固weakness of thoroughfare and conception vessels 气血凝滞stagnation of qi and blood经期延长prolonged menstruation血瘀blood stasis小肠实热sthenia-heat in the small intestine气滞腰痛lumbago due to qi stagnation气机调畅smooth activity of qi气虚滑胎habitual abortion due to qi asthenia中医的基本特点The Basic Characteristics of TCM中医以整体观念和阴阳五行学说为指导思想和理论方法,以脏腑经络学说为理论核心,以辨证论治为诊疗方法。

《国际标准化英文版中医教材•中医基础理论》主要术语英文词条讨论稿(2009年12月)注:每一词条下标注的1.是“人卫”MPH Terminology 2009译法;2.是“世中联”WFAS Terms List 译法;3.是《中华人民共和国国家标准•中医基础理论术语》GB/T20348-2006译法。
凡汉语拼音一律变斜体绪论1中医学2.Chinese medicine; traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)2中医学理论体系4. basic theoretical system of TCM3中医基础理论3.fundamental theory of TCM4黄帝内经2.Huangdi’s Internal Classic .5素问 2.Plain Questions6灵枢 2.Miraculous Pivot .7内经2.Internal Classic .8金匮要略2.Synopsis of the Golden Chamber.9伤寒论 2.Treatise on Cold Damage Diseases .10温病学2.warm diseases.11中西医结合 2.integration of Chinese and Western medicine.12整体观念 1. 2. 3.concept of holism13人与天地相参 1.humans correlate with nature14天人相应 1.correspondence between humans and nature15五脏一体观 4. integration of five zang-organs16形神一体观 4. integration of body and mind17天人一体观 4. integration of humans and nature18医学模式 4. medical mode19辨证论治1.pattern differentiation and treatment; 2.syndrome differentiation and treatment; pattern identification and treatment (syndrome differentiation/pattern identification and treatment)20辨证 4. syndrome differentiation22疾病 4. desease23证 1.pattern; syndrome24症状 4. symptom25体征 4. sign26辨病 4. disease differentiation27.同病异治 3. different treatments for the same disease28异病同治 3. same treatment for different diseases29理法方药 3.theory, principle, prescription and medicinal第一章中医的哲学基础气 2.qi精气学说 2.theory of essential qi.三宝 2.three treasures中介 4.intermediation气机 1.qi mechanism升降出入 4.ascending,descending, exiting and entering气化感应 4. reaction of qi transformation水地说 4. theory of water and earth云气说 4. theory of cloud qi气一元论 3.theory of qi阴阳 1.2.yin and yang; yin-yang阴阳学说 2.yin-yang theory阴气 1.2.3.yin qi阳气 1.2.3.yang qi阴中之阴 1.2.3.yin within yin阴中之阳 1. 2.3.yang within yin阳中之阳 1. 2.3.yang within yang阳中之阴 1. 2.3.yin within yang阳化气,阴成形 1.2.yang transforms qi, while yin constitutes form阴阳对立 1.2.opposition of yin and yang阴阳互根 1.2mutual rooting of yin and yang阴阳消长 1.the waxing and waning of yin and yang (加上the表示waxing and waning是一个词组,即消长;不加the,表示消和长。

每日单词1.学科【中医基础理论】2017-3-21中药Chinese materia medica [mə'tɪərɪr]中药学Chinese materia medica中医药traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology [fɑrməˈkɑlədʒɪ]中西医结合integration of traditional and western medicine方剂学prescriptions of Chinesemateria medica中医皮肤科学 dermatology of TCM [,dɝmə'tɑlədʒi]中医肛肠科学 proctology of TCM [prɑk'tɑlədʒi]中医妇科学gynecology of TCM [,gaɪnə'kɑlədʒi]中医儿科学pediatrics of TCM[,pidi'ætrɪks]中医眼科学ophthalmology of TCM [,ɑfθæl'mɑlədʒi]中医耳鼻喉科学otorhinolaryngology of TCM [,oto,raɪno,lærɪŋ'ɡɑlədʒi]中医骨伤科学 osteology and traumatology of TCM [,ɑstɪ'ɑlədʒi] [,traʊmə'tɑlədʒi]中医急诊学science of emergentology of TCM针灸学science of acupuncture and moxibustion of TCM中医推拿学science of tuina of traditional Chinese medicine中医养生学science of preservation of traditional Chinese medicine中医康复学science of rehabilitation of traditional Chinese medicine中医护理学science of nursery of traditionalChinese medicine温病学science of epidemic febrile disease of TCM ['fibraɪl]药用植物学pharmaceutical botany [,fɑrmə'sutɪkl]【中医基础理论】2017-3-22中药化学chemistry of Chinese materia medica中药药理学pharmacology of Chinese materia medica中药鉴别学identification of Chinese materia medica中药炮制学science of processing Chinese materia medica中药药剂学pharmacy of Chinese materia medica中药制剂分析 analysising drug form of Chinese materia medica中国医学史Chinese medical history中医文献学Chinese medical literature中医各家学说 theories of schools of traditional Chinese medicine医案medical record国家中医药管理局State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine中华中医药学会China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy世界针灸学会联合会The World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies中国针灸学会 China Association of Acupuncture and Moxibustion中国中西医结合学会Chinese Association of the Integration of Traditional and Western Medicine中国民族医药学会Chinese Association of Minority Medicine阳生阴长:yin growing while yang generating阳杀阴藏:yin concealing while yang declined阴静阳躁:static yin and dynamic yang阳化气,阴成形:yang transforming qi while yin constituting form【中医基础理论】2017-3-23阴阳平衡:yin-yang balance阴阳调和:yin-yang harmony阴阳交感:interaction of Yin and Yang阴阳自和:spontaneous harmonization of yin and yang阴阳对立:opposition of yin and yang阴阳互根:interdependence of Yin and Yang阴阳消长:mutual consuming of Yin and Yang阴阳转化:Inter-transformation of Yin and Yang阴阳互根:mutual rooting of Yin and Yang阴生于阳:Yin originating from yang阳生于阴:yang originating from Yin孤阳不生:solitary yang failing to grow独阴不长:solitary yin failing to develop阴偏盛:Preponderance (Excess) of Yin阳偏盛:Preponderance (Excess) of Yang[prɪ'pɑndərəns]阴偏衰:Weakness (Deficiency) of Yin阳偏衰:Weakness (Deficiency) of Yang重阴必阳:extreme yin turning into yang重阳必阴:extreme yang turning into yin阴平阳秘,精神乃治:when yin is at peace and yang is compact essence-spirit is normal 阴阳离决,精气乃绝:when yin and yang separate, essential qi expires【中医基础理论】2017-3-24阴阳偏盛:preponderance of yin or yang阴阳两虚:Dual deficiency of yin and yang阴虚阳亢:Yin deficiency with yang hyperactivity阴盛阳衰:Exuberance of yin with decline of yang [ɪg'zjʊbərəns]亡阴亡阳:yin collapse; yang exhaustion阳胜则阴病:when yang prevails, yin ails阴胜则阳病:when yin prevails, yang ails阴阳失调:yin-yang disharmony阳损及阴:yang impairment affects yin阴阳乖戾:yin-yang perversion阴阳胜复:Alternative preponderance of yin and yang阴竭阳脱:Yin exhaustion and yang collapse阴盛格阳:exuberant yin repelling yang阳胜则热:excess of yang causing heat; exuberance of yang leads to heat阴盛阳衰:exuberance of yin with decline of yang阴阳俱损:simultaneous consumption of yin and yang扶阳退阴:strengthening yang to reduce yin滋阴抑阳:enrich yin and repressing yang阳中求阴:seek yin from yang阳病治阴:Treating yang disease from yin【中医基础理论】2017-3-25阴阳平衡: balance of yin and yang; Yin-yang balance; balance between yin and yang阴平阳秘:Yin is even (steady) and yang is sound (firm).阴阳失调:disharmony of yin and yang; imbalance of yin and yang阴阳调和:Harmony of yin and yang调和肝胃:Harmonizing the liver and stomach水曰润下:Water characterized by moistening and descending火曰炎上:Fire characterized by flaring up木曰曲直:Wood characterized by bending and straightening金曰从革:Metal characterized by changing土爰稼穑:Earth characterized by sowing and reaping木克土,土生金,金克木:Wood controls Earth, but Earth generates Metal, which controls Wood 母病及子:disease of the mother affects the child子病及母:disease of the child affects the mother子盗母气:child stealing the mother's qi【中医基础理论】2017-3-28虚则补其母:deficiency is treated by supplementing the mother实则泻其子:excess is treated by draining the child补母泻子:supplementing the mother and draining the child滋水涵木:replenishing water to nourish wood培土生金:reinforcing earth to generate metal益火补土:tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生:mutual generation between metal and water抑强扶弱:restrain the powerful and help the weak抑木扶土:inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土制水:cultivating earth to control water佐金平木:assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北:purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north (water)精:Essence【中医基础理论】2017-3-29三宝:three treasures先天之精:prenatal/innate essence [,pri'netl]后天之精:postnatal/acquired essence脏腑之精:essence of the bowels and viscera ['vɪsərə]生殖之精:reproductive essence水谷之精:essence of grain and water推动作用:Propelling温煦作用:Warming防御作用:Protecting固摄作用:Fixating ['fɪkset]气化作用:Qi-transforming气机:qi movement气化:qi transformation升:upward movement / ascending降:downward movement / descending出:Outward / going out入:inward / coming in【中医基础理论】2017-3-30元气:primary qi / genuine qi (most essential qi in the body)宗气:pectoral qi; ancestral qi (it accumulates in the chest) ['pɛktərəl] 营气:nutrient qi (forms blood to nourish body)卫气:defensive qi; protective真气:genuine qi正气:healthy qi; normal qi中气:middle qi藏象 viscera manifestation肾间动气:stirring qi of the kidney region心主血:the heart governs the blood肝藏血:the liver stores the blood脾统血:the spleen manages the blood津:thin fluid/fluid liquid液:thick fluid/liquid humor五液:five humors;visceral humor2017-3-31汗:sweat泪:tears涕:snivel美 ['snɪvl]涎:drool; thinner saliva[drul] [sə'laɪvə]唾:spittle; thicker saliva['spɪtl]气为血之帅:qi is the commander of the blood血为气之母:blood is the mother of qi精血同源:essence and blood are of the same source津血同源:liquid and blood are of the same source神:Mind魂:Ethereal Soul[ɪ'θɪrɪəl]魄:Corporeal Soul[kɔr'pɔrɪəl]意:Intellect志:Will-power五脏:five viscera六腑:six bowels奇恒之府:extraordinary organs【中医基础理论】2017-4-1心主血脉:It governs Blood & vessels心藏神:It houses the Mind其华在面:It manifests in the complexion开窍于舌:It opens into the tongue在志为喜:It is related to joy在液为汗:It controls sweat君主之官 monarch organ主血脉 governing blood and vessels主藏神 storing spirit主通明 governing smoothness and brightness肺为娇脏:delicate viscus主宣发与肃降:They control diffusing and descending of Qi and Body Fluids主气司呼吸:They govern Qi and respiration主通调水道:They regulate Water passages朝百脉,主治节:They control channels and blood vessels,and regulate all physiological activities 在体合皮:They control the skin其华在毛:They manifest in the body hair开窍为鼻:They open into the nose在液为涕:The control nasal mucus在神为魄:They house the Corporeal Soul在志为忧(悲):They are affected by worry, grief and sadness【中医基础理论】2017-4-2脾气主升:It controls the ascending of Qi喜燥恶湿:likes dryness and is averse to dampness主运化:It governs transformation and transportation主统血:It controls the Blood在体合肉,主四肢:It controls the muscles and the four limbs在窍为口,其华在唇:It opens into the mouth and manifests in the lips在液为涎:It controls saliva脾舍意:It houses the Intellect在志为思:It is affected by pensiveness肝为刚脏:liver is the unyielding viscus肝主升发:liver governs upbearing and effusion主疏泄:It ensures the smooth flow of Qi主藏血:It stores Blood在体合筋:It controls the sinews其华在爪:It manifests in the nails在窍为目:It opens into the eyes在液为泪:It controls tears肝舍魂:It houses the Ethereal Soul在志为怒:It is affected by anger【中医基础理论】2017-4-3藏精,主生长发育与生殖:Store Essence and govern birth, growth, reproduction and development 主水:Govern Water主纳气:Control the reception of Qi在体合骨,生髓:Produce Marrow, fill up the brain and control bones在窍为耳及二阴:Open into the ears &the two lower orifices['ɔrəfɪsɪz]其华在发:Manifest in the hair在液为唾:Control spittle ['spɪtl]肾舍志:House the Will-power肾主命门:Control the Gate of Life (Minister Fire)The Gallbladder贮藏和排泄胆汁:It stores and excretes bile [ɪk'skrit] [baɪl]主决断:It controls decisiveness [dɪ'saɪsɪvnəs]The Stomach后天之气之根:Root of Post-Heaven Qi水谷之海:the Sea of water and grains主通降:Controls the descending of Qi/free downflow喜润恶燥:likes moisture and is averse to dryness ['mɔɪstʃɚ]主受纳:Controls receiving / intake主腐熟水谷:Controls the rotting and ripening of food['rɔtiŋ] ['raɪpən]太仓:Great Granary['grænəri]【中医基础理论】2017-4-4The Small Intestine主受盛化物:controls receiving and transforming主泌别清浊:separates the clear and turbid ['tɝbɪd]The Large Intestine主传化糟粕:Controls passage and conduction//governs the conveyance and transformation of waste 大肠主津:it governs fluids通行元气:It mobilizes the Original Qi运行水液:It controls the transportation and penetration of Qi [,pɛnɪ'treʃən]上焦如雾:The Upper Burner is like mist.中焦如沤:The Middle Burner is like foam (fermenter). [fom] [fɚ'mɛntɚ下焦如渎:The Lower Burner is compared to sluice (drainage ditch).[slus] 水闸脑:Brain髓:Marrow骨:Bones脉:Blood Vessels胆:Gall Bladder女子胞:Uterus['jutərəs]主持月经:it regulates menstruation孕育胎儿:it houses the fetus during pregnancy ['fitəs]心肾相交:heart-kidney interaction心肾不交:heart and kidney failing to interact水火既济:coordination between water and fire肝肾同源:liver and kidney are of the same source【中医基础理论】2017-4-5脾为生痰之源,肺为贮痰之器:spleen is the source of phlegm formation, lung is the receptacle that holds phlegm五体:five constituents筋:sinew; tendon ['sɪnju]脉:vessel肉:flesh皮:skin骨:bone皮毛:skin and hair腠理:striae and interstices['straii:]玄府:sweat pore(mysterious mansion) [pɔr]. 气孔['mænʃən] 大厦气门:sweat pore (qi gate)肌:muscle; flesh宗筋:convergence of tendon; penis (and testes)['pinɪs]面:face颈项:neck (and nape)[nep]胸胁:chest and hypochondrium[,haɪpə'kɑndrɪəm]脘腹:stomach duct and abdomen腰背:lumbus and back四肢:Four limbs前阴:external genitalia (anterior yin) [,dʒɛnə'teljə]后阴:anus (posterior yin)['enəs]五官:five sense【中医基础理论】2017-4-6七窍:seven orifices九窍:nine orifices清窍:clear orifice上窍:upper orifice下窍:lower orifice苗窍:signal orifice外因:external cause内因:internal cause不内外因:cause neither internal nor external / miscessaneous causes of disease 其他致病因素:other pathogens病理产物:pathological products六淫:six excesses疠气:pestilential qi [,pɛstɪ'lɛnʃl]风:wind寒:cold暑:summer-heat湿:dampness燥:dryness火:fire喜:joy怒:anger:忧:worry/anxiety思:pensiveness/thought悲:sadness/sorrow恐:fear 惊:shock/fright【中医基础理论】2017-4-7怒伤肝: anger affecting the Liver喜伤心: joy affecting the Heart思伤脾: pensiveness affecting the Spleen悲伤肺: sadness affecting the Lungs恐伤肾: fear affecting the Kidneys.饮食失宜:improper diet饮食不节:improper eating habit过饥(进食不足):insufficient eating过饱:overeating饮食不洁:eating unclean food五味偏嗜:flavor predilection偏嗜肥甘:predilection for greasy food['grisi] [,prɛdl'ɛkʃən]过食生冷:overconsumption of raw or cold foods劳逸不当:overwork or lack of exercise过劳:overwork/overstrain劳力过度:excessive physical work劳神过度:excessive mental work房劳过度:excessive sexual activity过逸:lack of exercise体逸太过:lack of physical exercise神逸太过:lack of mental exercise邪气、病邪:evil/pathogen/pathogenic factor外邪:external evilFrom: 国医英语QQ群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-8内生五邪:five endogenous evil客邪:visiting evil/intruding pathogen时邪:seasonal evil合邪:combined evil浊邪:turbid evil毒:toxin热毒:heat toxin胎毒:fetal toxin蛊毒:parasitic toxin恶气:malign qi外感:external contraction内伤:internal damage劳倦:fatigue due to overstrain劳复:relapse due to overwork跌打损伤:injuries due to knocks and falls禀赋不足:constitutional insufficiency先天不足:inadequate natural endowment后天失调:lack of proper care after birth水土不服:failure to acclimatize to a new environment【中医基础理论】2017-4-9心藏神heart storing spirit肺藏魄 lung storing inferior spirit肝藏魂liver storing soul脾藏意 spleen storing idea肾藏志kidney storing will调节脏腑机能regulate viscera function主宰dominate/dictate/govern/decide疏泄catharsis [k ə'θɑrs ɪs]升降出入coming out and entering维系hold together精 jing (as the world origin in ancient philosophy )气 qi (as the world origin in ancient philosophy )精气学说 theory of jingqi生殖之精 essential substance for reproduction有形物质 tangible material感应 induction水地说 hypothesis of jing originating from water and earth [ha ɪ'p ɑθəs ɪs]运气说 hypothesis of qi originating from cloud and air元气 primordial qi [pra ɪ'm ɔrd ɪəl]From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-10(元)气一元论 monism of qi阴阳:yin and yang the two opposing principles in nature变化:variation子午线:meridian (厥阴:jueyin meridian)太阴:lunar太阳:sunshine阴阳交感:interaction of yin anyang阴阳互藏:yinyang mutual hiding阴阳转化:mutual transformation between yin and yang阴阳消长:waxing and waning of yinyang阴阳相关:the relativity of yin and yang阴阳对立制约the opposition of yin and yang阴阳互根互用interdependence and interpromotion of yin and yang筋骨~阳中之阴skin and muscles~yang within yangtendon and bone~yin within yang阴阳失调imbalance of yin and yang ;五行学说doctrine of five elements春夏养阳reinforcing yang in summer to treat yang deficiency.秋冬养阴nourishing yin in water to treat yin deficiency.夏病冬治treating summer disease from winter【中医基础理论】2017-4-11木曰曲直;wood can be flexed and extended火曰炎上fire flames up土爰稼穑 earth can grow props ;水曰润下water moistens and flows downward气机qi activity气化qi transformation五行相生inter-promotion of five elements五行相克inter-inhibition of five elements五行制化relationship of promotion and restriction of five elements五行相乘inter-invasion of five elements五行相侮reverse restriction in five elements五行胜复resistance of oppressed elements母病及子mother-organ disorder involving its child-organ子病及母child-organ disorder involving its mother-organ滋水涵木 replenishing water to nourish woodFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898培土生金 reinforcing earth to generate metal益火补土 tonifying fire to supplement earth金水相生 mutual generation between metal and water抑木扶土 inhibiting wood and strengthening earth培土制水 cultivating earth to control water佐金平木 assisting metal and calming wood泻南补北 purging the south (fire) and nourishing the north(water)阴阳自和 reestablishment to yin-yang equilibrium阴阳平衡 both yin and yang in equilibrium满而不实:full of essence without foodstuff实而不满:full of foodstuff without essence【中医基础理论】2017-4-12心主神明:heart controlling metal activities肺为娇脏:lung being the delicate organ肝为刚脏:liver being the resolute zang-organ脾为孤脏:spleen being the solitary zang-organ泌别清浊: separating the clear from the turbid脑为髓海:brain being the marrow sea命门:vital gate罢极之本:source of endurance五脏之本 the source of vital essence of five ZANG-organs水谷之海 reservoir of water and grains腐熟水谷 digesting food以降为和 taking descent as the normal functional tendency of FU-organs小肠主液 the small intestine being concerned with the thick and turbid body fluid 大肠主津 the large intestine governing the body fluids州都之官 the viscus likened to a pond; the urinary bladder决渎之官 the organ in charge of water circulation上焦如雾 upper energizer acting as fog女子胞 uterus【中医基础理论】2017-4-13后天之本 source of acquired constitution先天之本 congenital foundation罢极之本 source of endurance上焦如雾 upper —jiao resembling mistFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898中焦如沤 middle —jiao resembling fermenter下焦如渎 lower —jiao resembling drainage三焦 three warmers ,three burners ,tri-jiao奇恒之腑 extraordinary fu-organs肝开窍于目 the liver opens into the eyes惊恐伤肾 fear impairing kidney悲忧伤肺 melancholy impairing lung思虑伤脾 worry impairing spleen暴喜伤心 overwhelming joy impairing heart大怒伤肝 rage impairing liver精气为满 essence is characterized by fullness水谷为实 food is characterized by solidness魄 inferior spirit心为君主之官 the heart is the monarch organ心在窍为舌 the heart opens into the tongue在志为喜 associating with joy in emotions在液为汗 sweat in secretions其华在面 manifesting on the face主血脉 control the blood and vessel心藏神 the heart is to govern the mind【中医基础理论】2017-4-14心与小肠相表里 it meridian connects with the small intestine with which it is internally and externally related肺为华盖 the lung is compared to the “canopy ”肺与大肠相表里 it's meridian is internally and externally related to the large intestine 肾藏精 kidney storesessence在时为 the time supports spring在志为怒 with aspiration in fury五脏 five solid organs辩证论证 selection of treatment based on the differential diagnosi小肠 intestinum tenue膀胱 cystitis命门 vitaport;相火 prime-minister fire;怒伤肝 excessive rage impairs the liver天癸 sexual function of both sexes月经 menstruation心肾不交 disharmony between the heart and kidney生痰之源 source of phlegm纳运相得 inter-promotion between containing and digestion升降相因 interdependence between ascending and descending后天之本 source of acquired constitution冲脉 chong channel元气 vigour From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-15藏泄互用 interdependence between storing and discharging精血同源 the essence and blood share the same orgin血液运行 blood circulation血虚 blood asthenia 血瘀 blood stasis血热 blood-heat 血寒 blood-cold血液生化不足 insufficiency of blood面色无华 pale complexion急慢性出血 acute and chronic hemorrhage血脉和利 harmony of blood and smoothness of the vessels气虚血瘀 qi asthenia and blood stasis气滞 qi stagnation气不摄血 failure of qi to control blood经脉meridian ;络脉collateral经络学说 theory of meridians and collaterals十二正经 twelve regular channels奇经八脉 eight extra channels十二经别 twelve divergent channels十五别络 fifteen large collaterals十二经筋 twelve meridian musculatures十二皮部 twelve cutaneous areas孙 络 minute collateral浮 络 superficial collaterals【中医基础理论】2017-4-16阴胜则阳病 an excess of yin leads to deficiency of yang(阳胜则热 predominance of yang generating heat )木乘木虚 the wood over-restrains the earth虚寒证 deficiency-cold syndrome木火刑金 wood-fire impairs the metal金水相生 generation between the metal and water生克制化 interrelationship between generation and restriction相乘相侮 over-restriction and reverse restriction生中有制 restriction within generation相生相克 mutual generation and restrictionFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898生我,我生 to be generated and to generate阴阳胜复 alternative predominance of yin and yang扶阳退阴 strengthening yang to reduce yin祛风散寒 expelling/eliminating wind to dispersing cold督脉 governor vessel任脉 conception vessel冲脉 thoroughfare vessel带脉 belt vessel阴蹻、阳蹻脉 Yinqiao vessel, Yangqiao vessel阴维、阳维脉 Yinwei vessel and Yangwei vessel.脾之大络 the large spleen collateral缺盆中痛 pain in the supraclavicular fossa肺经 the lung vessel【中医基础理论】2017-4-17阳脉之海sea of yang meridians(governor vessel)阴脉之海sea of yin meridians(conception vessel)任主胞胎conception vessel governing uterus and gestation十二经脉之海sea of the twelve meridians(thoroughfare vessel)血海blood sea手太阴肺经lung channel of hand taiyin手阳明大肠经large intestine channel of hang yangming足阳明胃经stomach channel of foot yangming足太阴脾经spleen channel of food taiyin手少阴心经heart channel of hand shaoyin手太阳小肠经 small intestine channel of hand taiyang足太阳膀胱经 bladder channel of foot taiyang足少阴肾经 kidney channel of foot shaoyin手厥阴心包经 pericardium channel of hand jueyin手少阳三焦经 tri-jiao(energizer) channel of hand shaoyang足少阳胆经 gallbladder channel of foot shaoyang足厥阴肝经 liver channel of foot jueyin虚里 heart apex人迎脉 man's prognosis pulse头为诸阳之会 the head is the junction of all yang meridians体质 physiqueFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-18禀赋 natural endowment稚阴稚阳 immature yin and yang劳则气耗 overexertion leading to qi consumption痰湿体质 the phlegm –dampness constitution个体差异性 individual variation相对稳定性 relay satellite群体趋同性 group convergence动态可变性 dynamic variability形神合一 harmonization between soma and spirit体格 physique体型 body type人格 personality气质 temperament性格 character素质 heredity理想体质 ideal body constitutions病势 disease tendency质化(从化) property transformation【中医基础理论】2017-4-19体质强弱 (body )constitutional state/ conditions of constitution平和质 mild constitution因人制宜 treatment in accordance with the patient's individuality生长发育水平 level of production营养状况 condition of nutrition体质的评价指标 the evaluation index of constitution先天禀赋 natural endowment体质强壮 robust constitution体质虚弱 weak constitution机体的抗病能力 body resistance外邪 exterior pernicious influences语声低微 whispering voice懒言 reluctance to speak自汗 spontaneous sweating盗汗 night sweats思虑太过 excessive mental activities形寒肢冷cold extremities淋雨涉水 being drenched by rain [drent ʃd]渴不欲饮 thirst without the desire to drink大渴 unquenchable thirst [ʌn'kwen(t)ʃəb(ə)l]From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-20六淫 six evils行痹 wind arthralgia [ɑr'θræld ʒə]痛痹 arthritis着痹 localized pain disorder caused by moist heteropathy /,het ə'r ɔp əθi/ 反应性异常 风邪 wind evil阳邪 yang pathogens内因 internal cause风疹 nettle rash病起过用 overuse causing disease三因学说 theory of three types of disease causes六淫 six excesses外风 external wind内风 internal wind内寒 internal cold内湿 internal dampness内燥 internal dryness内火 internal fire戾气 pestilent qi淤血 static blood血热 blood heat痰饮phlegm retention湿热damp heat【中医基础理论】2017-4-21风寒表证superficial cold syndrome里热证internal heat syndrome湿性重浊dampness is heavy and turbid眩晕耳鸣dizziness and vertigo气机失调disorder of qi movement大怒郁怒伤肝rage and depression impair liver七情内伤internal impairment due to seven emotions得温则减,遇寒加剧relieved by warming,aggravated by more cold正气 healthy qiFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898邪气 pathogenic factors感邪即发 acute onset after affected徐发 chornic onset伏而后发 latent onset继发 secondary onset合病 simultaneous onset并病 following onset复病 recurrence【中医基础理论】2017-4-22重感致复 re-affectedness causing recurrence内伤七情 internal injury due to seven emotions怒则气上 excessive anger drives qi to flow upward喜则气缓 excessive joy makes qi sluggish悲则气消 excessive sorrow consumes qi恐则气下 excessive fear drives qi to flow downward惊则气乱 excessive fright disorders qi思则气结 excessive thought stagnates qi内生五邪 five internal excesses饮食劳倦 improper diet and over strain不内外因 causes neither internal nor external病机学说:pathology虚实错杂:mixture of asthenia and sthenia邪胜正衰:prosperous pathogen with asthenic healthy qi虚:asthenia 实: sthenia大实有羸状:excessive sthenia manifesting as excessive asthenia虚实真假:pseudo or ture manifestation of asthenia and sthenia正虚邪恋:asthenia healthy qi with pathogen lingering虚中夹实:asthenia with sthenia【中医基础理论】2017-4-23虚实转化:inter-transformation between asthenia and sthenia因虚致实:sthenic symptoms caused by asthenia风气内动:internal generation of windFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898热极生风:extreme heat causing wind syndrome肝阳化风:hyperactive liver-YANG causing syndrome of liver-wind阴虚风动:wind formation from yin deficiency血虚生风:wind formation from blood deficiency血燥生风:wind formation from blood dryness痰瘀生风:phlegm stasis causing wind寒从中生: endogenous cold formation湿浊内生:dampness originating from interior津伤化燥:dryness caused by consumption of body fluid邪气盛则实 exuberance of pathogenic factors leads to sthenia精气夺则虚 loss of essence leads to asthenia邪正盛衰superabundance or decline between healthy qi and pathogenic factors阴阳失调 imbalance between yin and yang气血失常 disorder of qi and blood经络和脏腑功能紊乱 dysfunction of the viscera and meridians阴阳互损 mutual consumption of yin or yang阴阳的格拒 mutual rejection between yin and yang阴阳的亡失 loss of yin or yang【中医基础理论】2017-4-24内生五邪 five endogenous pathogenic factors气滞血瘀 blood stasis due to qi deficiency气不摄血 qi fails to consolidate blood气不行水 qi not moving water气津两虚 deficiency of both qi and fluids瘀血痰饮 stagnated blood and phlegm retention津液耗伤 consumption of body fluid热扰心神 pathogenic heat disturbing the mind风痰阻络 wind-phlegm obstructing the channels胸闷如窒 a suffocating sensation in the chest内生五邪 five endogenous evils饮食不洁:unhygienic diet五味偏嗜: be addicted to one of the five flavours疳积:infantile malnutrition痰饮证phlegm retention syndrome体质差异the discrepancy of physique发育障碍eccyliosis戾气:epidemic pathogenic factor综合症:syndrome诊断失误 the error of diagnosis烧烫伤pathogeny burn and scald [p ə'θɔd ʒini]发病 disease onsetFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898【中医基础理论】2017-4-25正气 healthy qi邪气 pathogenic qi卒发 acute onset徐发 chronic onset伏发 latent onset继发 secondary onset合病 simultaneous onset并病 following onset复发 recurrence治病求本 treatment aiming at its pathogenesis急则治标 symptomatic treatment in acute condition缓则治本 radical treatment in chronic case标本兼治 treating both manifestationand root couse of disease治未病 preventive treatment of disease同病异治 treating same disease with different methods异病同治 treating different diseases with same methods因时治宜 treating in accordance with seasonal condition因地制宜 treating in accordance with local condition因人制宜 treating in accordance with the patient's individuality望神 inspection of spirit【中医基础理论】2017-4-26眼神 expression in one's eyes气色 complexion神情 expression体态 posture望色 inspection of color常色 normal complexion病色 sickly complexion五色主病 diseases reflected by five colours;望色十法 ten-principle examination of the complexion四诊合参 comprehensive analysisof data gained by fourdiagnostic methods内证 interior syndrome外证 exterior syndrome平人 healthy personFrom: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898八纲辨证 eight principal syndrome differentiation六经辨证 syndrome-differentiation of the six meridians辨病 disease differentiation卫气营血辨证 wei-qi-camp-blood syndrome differentiation常规医学:Conventional Medicine主流医学:Mainstream health care对抗疗法:Allopathic Therapy顺势疗法:Homeopathic therapy【中医基础理论】2017-4-27中西医结合:Integration of traditional Chinese and western medicine有机整体:organic whole形神统一:unity of the body and spirit天人相应:correspondence between human and universe证:Syndrome/Pattern症:symptom征:sign辨证:Syndrome Differentiation/Pattern Identification辨证论治:①Treatment based on Pattern Identification②Pattern Identification and Treatment诊断与保健体系a system of diagnosis and health-care approachesA highly sophisticated set of practices designed to cure illness and to maintain health andwellbeing辅助医学:Complementary Medicine 替代医学:Alternative Medicine天气 celetial qi地气 earth qi气立 establishment of general qi【中医基础理论】2017-4-28天人相应 adaptation of human body to natural environment辨证论治 treatment based on syndrome differentiation理法方药 principle-method-recipe-medicines From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898From: 国医英语QQ 群459509898。

Etiology of
TCM Unit Five
• How many kinds of etiological factors are there in the theory of TCM? What are their English expression? • An interesting comparison of translation on “邪” and “六淫”, literal translation or free translation? • The English translation over characteristics of “六淫” in causing diseases.
Four elements theory
Patterns and Treatment
Unit Seven Unit Seven
Differentiation of Patterns and Differentiation of Treatment
八纲 Eight principles or -parameters
TCM English
Foreign language teaching center Shanghai University of TCM
Overview of Chinese Medicine
Unit One
Learning Objectivห้องสมุดไป่ตู้s
1. How do we translate “中医”? Which one is preferred, Chinese Medicine or Traditional Chinese medicine?

Foreign language teaching center Shanghai University of TCM
Overview of Chinese Medicine
Unit One
Learning Objectives
1. How do we translate “中医”? Which one is preferred, Chinese Medicine or Traditional Chinese medicine?
Unit Five
• How many kinds of etiological factors are there in the theory of TCM? What are their English expression?
• An interesting comparison of translation on “邪” and “六淫”, literal translation or free translation?
Four elements theory
DiffDeriefnfteiarteionntoifaPtiaottnernosfand PatternsTarenadtmTenrteatment
Unit Seven Unit Seven
八纲 Eight principles or -parameters
1. Four elements theory:by ancient Greek philosopher - wind, fire, earth, air.
2. The translation principle of “common practice”

中医基础理论(中英文对照)/index/TCM/index.htmPart One: RADITIONAL- CHINESE MEDICINE WITH A LONG HISTORY第一部分: 历史悠久的中国传统医学Traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM) has a history of several years. Its origin can be traced back to remote antiquity.In a long course of struggling against diseases, TCM evolved into a unique and integrated theoretical systcm of TCM. It is an important part of Chinese culture. More than 2,000 years ago, came out Huangdi's Classic on Medicine( Huang Di Nei jing ), which is the earliest medical classic extant in China. It consists of two parts—Basic Questions ( Su Wen ) and Miraculous Pivot( Ling Shu ), each comprising) nine volumes, each of which, in turn, contains nine chapters, totaling up to 162 chapters.The book gives a complete and systematic exposition to the following various subjects : the relationship between man and nature, the physiology and pathology of the human body, and the diagnosis, treatment and prevention ot diseases. It also uses the theories of yin-yang and the five elements to deal fully with the principles of treatment by differentiation of syndromes (TDS) according to the climatic and seasonal conditions, geographical localities and individual constitution. Hence( giving expression) to the holistic concept of taking the human body as an organic whole and taking the human body with the surrounding environment as the integrity. It laid a preliminary foundation for the theoretical formation of TCM. After Huangdi's Classic on Medicine another classic of medicine, Classic on Medical Problems ( Nan Jing ), was given birth to the world before the Eastern Han Dynasty. The book deals mainly with the basic theory of TCM, such as physiology, pathology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases and so on. It supplemented what Huangdi's Classic on Medicine lacked. From then on, many medical schools and various classics on medicine were brought into being in succession, each having its own strong points.中医有着几千年的历史, 起源可追溯至远古时代。

《基础中医英语》复习要点Unit One A History of TCMI.在终绢上的旮关医药的记载闹释了早期的屮医药历史。
The medical texts written on silk shed light on the early history of TCM. 2. 为了向大众传播针灸知识,葛洪写了《肘后备急方)。
Ge Hong wrote A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies in order to spread the knowledge of acupuncture and moxibustion to the masses.3. 《内经》记载,邂病耑要热药來治,热病耑要洚药米氏,这个原则在临床屮沿用至今。
Canon of Medicine states that cold diseases should be treated with hot herbs, and hot diseases should be treated with cold herbs. This principle is still followed in clinical practice.4. 《针灸资企经》足宋代敁車:要的民7:著作之一,书中王执中融入了民间厌生的行氏经验。
One of the important books in the Song dynasty was Classic of Nourishing Life with Acupuncture and Moxibustion, in which Wang Zhizhong incorporated the clinical experiences of the practitioners of folk medicine.5.布中国许多受两民教育的民生和科学家开始进行针刺,艾灸,屮苹药的研宄,屮两民两个系统逐步融合开始。

广州中医药大学研究生英语(中医基础+中医诊断学)汉译英读译教程Unit 11.社会政治经济转型the transition of politico-economic structure of society2.自然规律natural law3.人体与自然的统一the unity of the body with the natural world4.疾病的防治the prevention and treatment of diseases5.藏象visceral manifestations6.理法方药theory, strategy, prescription and herbs7.验方effective formulas8.外邪exogenous evilsUnit 21.阴阳对立the opposition of yin-yang2.归纳为阴阳基本属性to be reduced to their elemental, basic character of yin or yang3.维持生命和促进所有新陈代谢to keep alive and stoke all metabolic processes4.子宫受寒The uterus turns cold.5.阴脏阳腑相互依存才能实现其功能The yin and yang organs depend on each other for the performance of these functions.6.阴阳增长超过正常限度Yin or yang increases beyond their normal range.7.体内津液的耗损The exhaustion of body fluids8.阳盛The excess of yangUnit 31. 一套用来探讨和指代临床证象的符号系统an emblem system used to discuss and represent clinical phenomena2.在体外存在某种关联to have associations outside the body3.鼻腔是肺的延伸The nasal tract is an extension of the lung4.构思合适的治疗方法the conceptualization of proper treatments5.约束性的教义a binding doctrine6.虚证the pattern of deficiency7.子盗母气The child steals the qi of the mother.8.相生the mutual generation order9.相侮the counter-control cycleUnit 41.多重性质the multidimensional nature2.从解剖学和生理学角度理解to be viewed from the perspective of anatomy and physiology3.先天之气和后天之气the prenatal and postnatal qi4.气与气之间的转化the transformation of one type of qi into another5.调控毛孔的开合in charge of opening and closing our pores6.元气the original qi7.保证血液行于脉内而不至外溢to keep blood within the vessels8.防御外邪侵袭身体to defend the body from external pathogenic factorsUnit 51.心主血脉The heart governs the blood and vessels.2.肃降depurative downbearing3.控制汗孔开阖和抵御外邪入侵To control the opening and closing of sweat pores and to defend the exterior against invading evils4.消化和吸收功能the functions of digestion and assimilation5.水谷精微the essence of grain and wafer6.肝开窍于目The liver opens at the eyes.7.肾藏精The kidney stores essence.8.一身阴阳之本the root of yin and yang of the whole bodyUnit 71.望、闻、问、切inspection, listening and smelling, inquiry, palpation2.望全身情况(神、色、形、态) the observation of the entire body (spirit, color, form, bearing)3.声音低弱The voice is faint and low.4.听语言listening to speech5.脏腑衰败的凶险证inauspicious omen of the vanquished debility of the zang-fu organs6.问妇女经、带等问题inquiry of women problems such as menstrual cycle and vaginaldischarge7.解除病人顾虑to relieve the patients' apprehensions8.压痛tendernessUnit 81.六淫和七情the six pernicious influences and the seven emotions2.行动迟缓笨拙slow and awkward motion3.怕冷a fear of cold4.蜷卧to sleep in a curled-up position5.中医把人作为一个整体看待Chinese medicine views the human being as a whole.6.慢性病a chronic condition7.止渴to quench one's thirst8.关节僵硬stiff joint(s)诊断英语Unit11.舌象the appearance of the tongue2.舌苔小块剥落the tongue becomes peeled in patches/the coating falls off in small areas3.长年累月的使用prolonged use over some years4.糟粕unclean residue5.不受诸如身体劳累、情绪低落等短暂生理情志因素的影响Irrespective of temporary conditions such as those resulting from recent physical exertion or emotional upset6.水液积聚accumulation of body fluids7.色泽荣润vibrant and vital color8.心开窍于舌The tongue is regarded as the offshoot of the heart.Unit 21.心藏神The heart houses the mind and spirit.2.发声短促尖锐emit voice in short, sharp bursts3.“歌”声音调较高,音律优美、高低起伏,有如歌唱。

中医英语笔记-中基中医英语翻译特点:1.借用英语中已有单词的重新排列组合向英语语言输入中医特有的概念和表达法肝血Liver blood血虚Blood deficiency活血化瘀Activating blood to resolve stasis恶风aversion to wind倦怠fatigue and lack of strength肝气犯胃Liver-Qi invading the stomach2.定义化:用英语给予中医概念下定义辨证论治treatment based on syndrome, or syndrome differentiation and treatment奔豚a syndrome characterized by a feeling of gas rushing up through the throat to throat from the lower abdomen虚胀deficiency –flatulence3。
多样化:虚:Deficiency, asthenia, insufficiency, weakness, debility, hypofunction4.拼音化:Tuina中医英语翻译原则由于素体脾胃虚弱,或久病失血伤阴,致阴血不足,胞脉失养。
The disease results from chronic splenogastric asthenia, or yin-consumption by bleeding with chronic illness, leading to hemopenia and failure to nourish the uterine collaterals.如果气化功能失常,就会影响到气、血、津液的新陈代谢,影响饮食物的消化吸收,影响汗液、尿液和粪便的排泄,从而形成各种各样代谢异常的疾病。
The disorder of Qi activity can affect the metabolism of Qi, blood and body fluid, impair the digestion and absorption of food, and inhibit sweating, urination and defecation, resulting in various metabolic diseases.三焦, 现统一为triple energizerTranslation of TCM terminology补:tonify, invigorate, strengthen, supplement实火:Excessive fire, Solid fire温病:Seasonal febrile disease哮喘:Dyspnea and asthmatic breathing引火归原: conduct the fire returning to the original place肺痨: consumptive disease of the lung黄帝内经:yellow emperor’s canon of internal medicineThe theory of Yinyang and Five-elementsPlain questions《素问》Miraculous Pivot 《灵枢经》Classic on Medical Problems 《难经》Shen Nong’s Herbal《神农本草经》Treatise on Febrile Diseases《伤寒论》Synopsis of Prescriptions of Golden Cabinet 《金匮要略》A-B Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《针灸甲乙经》General Treatise on the Etiology and Symptomsology《诸病源候论》Theory of TCMMaterialism 唯物主义疾病可知又可防治The diseases are cognizable and curableDialectics 辩证法正气存内,邪不可干When there is sufficient healthy qi inside, pathogenic factors have no way to invade the bodyBasic characteristics of TCM整体观念The holistic concept ;the concept of the organism as a wholeThe concept of organic whole refers to the integral unity of the human body and its close relationship with the outer world.从阳引阴,从阴引阳,以左治右,以右治左Drawing yin from yang and drawing yang from yin; treating the right for curing disease on the left and treating the left for curing disease on the right. 辨证论治Syndrome differentiation and treatment同病异治Treating the same disease with different therapies异病同治Treating different disease with the same therapy阴阳五行学说部分阴阳学说Theory of yin and yang or doctrine of yin and yang阴中之阴与阳中之阳Yin within yin and yang within yang阴阳互根Yin and yang are rooted in each other阴阳转化Yin-yang conversion阴阳自和Natural harmony of yin and yang;spontaneous harmonization of yin and yang阴阳消长Growth and decline between yin and yang阴平阳秘Yang steadies while yin calms ;calm yin and sound yang阴阳两虚Simultaneous asthenia of yin and yang,国外译作dual vacuity of yin and yang阴阳离绝Dissociation or separation of yin and yang阴胜则寒Excessive of yin causing cold or predominance of yin leads to cold syndrome阴损及阳Impairment of yin affecting yang or consumption of yin involving yang阴阳俱损Simultaneous impairment of yin and yang阴胜格阳Predominant yin rejecting yang or excessive yin repelling yangYin and Yang-the law of natureThings or phenomena which are dynamic, bright, hot, functional, etc, pertain to yang, while those that are static, dark, cold, substantial, etc, pertain to yinYin and yang are the law of heaven and earth, the principles of all things, the parents of all changes, the origin of life and deathThe content of the theory of Yin and YangOpposition n.反对, 敌对, 相反Interdependence n.互相依赖Relative waxing and waning 【医】消长变化Transformation 转化All things and phenomena in the natural world contain the two opposite components阴盛则阳病,…。

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and stomach ,producing internal syndrome with symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea .Pungent or hot food and drink preference can lead to the accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines, producing symptoms such as thirst, abdominal distension with pain, constipation ,or hemorrhoids.b. Preference for particular flavors of food and drinkThe essence, vitality, qi, and blood of human beings are all supported and maintained by the five flavors. There are relations of affinity between the five flavors and the five zang-viscera. Chapter 74 in Plain Questions says:“When the five flavors are taken into the stomach , each of them will act on a preferential zang- viscus . The sour flavor acts on the liver;the bitter flavor ,the heart ;the sweet flavor, the spleen; the pungent flavor, the lung; and the salty flavor, the kidney .”A long-standing preference for a particular flavor of food and drink will lead to hyperactivity of the relevant zang-viscus and visceral impairment, producing various diseases. Chapter 3 says:“ An over-sour flavor leads to hyperactive liver-qi and hypoactive spleen-qi; an over-salty flavor leads to impairment of bones and qi, muscular contraction, and suppression of the heart-qi; an over-sweet flavor leads to asthmatic fullness related to the heart, blackish complexion, and unstable kidney -qi; an over-bitter flavor lead to malnourished spleen-qi, and overacting stomach-qi; an over-pungent flavor leads to loose to tendons and vessels, and unfavorable influence on the essence and mental vitality.”Chapter 10 in Plain Questions also says:“Over-intake of salty food and drink causes coagulation in the vessels and a color change of the vessels; over-intake of bitter food and drink causes rough skin and the loss of body hairs; over-intake of pungent food and drink causes tightened tendons and withered nails; over-intake of sour food and drink causes cornification of fresh and dry lips; and over-intake of sweet food and drink causes painful bones and the loss of hair.”Therefore, the five flavors of food and drink should be balanced appropriately; daily food and drink intake should be free of flavor preference ; and patients should pay particular attention to their diet regulation. Intake of appropriate food and drink can help in the treatment of disease and can promote the condition of patient; otherwise, the condition of a patient will suffer.2. Impairment due to Overstrain and Over-EaseOverstrain and over-ease refer to over-working and over-resting. Normal work and physical exercise can help the circulation of qi and blond, which can promote health. Necessary relaxation can dispel tiredness and restore physical and mental strength. However, excessive work or rest or is not health. Long periods of mental or physical over-exertion, excessive sex, or living without doing any work or physical exercise can lead to diseases.1) Overstrain。

英文版中医基础理论and stomach ,producing internal syndrome with symptoms such as abdominal pain and diarrhea .Pungent or hot food and drink preference can lead to the accumulation of heat in the stomach and intestines, producing symptoms such as thirst, abdominal distension with pain, constipation ,or hemorrhoids.b. Preference for particular flavors of food and drinkThe essence, vitality, qi, and blood of human beings are all supported and maintained by the five flavors. There are relations of affinity between the five flavors and the five zang-viscera. Chapter 74 in Plain Questions says:“When the five flavors are taken into the stomach , each of them will act on a preferential zang- viscus . The sour flavor acts on the liver;the bitter flavor ,the heart ;the sweet flavor, the spleen; the pungent flavor, the lung; and the salty flavor, the kidney .”A long-standing preference for a particular flavor of food and drink will lead to hyperactivity of the relevant zang-viscus and visceral impairment, producing various diseases. Chapter 3 says:“ An over-sour flavor leads to hyperactive liver-qi and hypoactive spleen-qi; an over-salty flavor leads to impairment of bones and qi, muscular contraction, and suppression of the heart-qi; an over-sweet flavor leads to asthmatic fullness related to the heart, blackish complexion, and unstable kidney -qi; an over-bitter flavor lead to malnourished spleen-qi, and overacting stomach-qi; an over-pungent flavor leads to loose to tendons and vessels, and unfavorable influence on the essence and mental vitality.”Chapter 10 in Plain Questions also says:“Over-intake of salty food and drink causes coagulation in the vessels and a colorchange of the vessels; over-intake of bitter food and drink causes rough skin and the loss of body hairs; over-intake of pungent food and drink causes tightened tendons and withered nails; over-intake of sour food and drink causes cornification of fresh and dry lips; and over-intake of sweet food and drink causes painful bones and the loss of hair.”Therefore, the five flavors of food and drink should be balanced appropriately; daily food and drink intake should be free of flavor preference ; and patients should pay particular attention to their diet regulation. Intake of appropriate food and drink can help in the treatment of disease and can promote the condition of patient; otherwise, the condition of a patient will suffer.2. Impairment due to Overstrain and Over-EaseOverstrain and over-ease refer to over-working and over-resting. Normal work and physical exercise can help the circulation of qi and blond, which can promote health. Necessary relaxation can dispel tiredness and restore physical and mental strength. However, excessive work or rest or is not health. Long periods of mental or physical over-exertion, excessive sex, or living without doing any work or physical exercise can lead to diseases.1) Overstrain。

(2)Song, Jin, Yuan Dynasty: “Four Great Physicians in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties”:
Liu Wansu (Liu Hejian): “school of cold medicine” “Six climatic factors may all turn into fire.” “Extreme emotions can produce fire.”
emphasizing the unity within the body and the unified relations between the body and the outside world is known as the Concept of Wholism .
三.Basic Characteristics of
researched; TCM theories have been studied by the
modern scientific means.
三.Basic Characteristics of TCM
1.The Concept of Wholism “ wholeness”: entirety and unity. The Concept of Wholism :The concept of
(2)It lays a foundation for the development of clinical medicine.
二.Beginning, Growth and Present State of TCM
2.The Period of Development: (1)Jin, Sui, Tang Dynasty: <<Zhen Jiu Jia Yi Jing>>: Acupuncture <<Zhu Bing Yuan Hou Lun>>: Etiology <<Tang Ben Cao>>: National

Pathological Mechanism:It elaborates the general law of pathological changes, including concepts of prosperity and decline of pathogenic factors, incoordination of yin and yang, abnormalities of qi, blood and body fluid, five endogenous evils,and disturbance of the viscera and meridians.
Visceral Manifestation Theory:This theory deals with the physiological functions, and pathological changes of the viscera, tissues and organs as well as their interrelationship. It also deal with the mutual relations between the viscera, tissues, organs and the external en part of TCM’s theoretical system and serves as the theoretical basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.

中医英语基础教程Chinese Medicine Basic English CourseIntroduction:中医(zhōng yī) - Chinese Medicine, also known as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), is a comprehensive medical system that has been practiced for thousands of years in China. It includes various techniques such as acupuncture, herbal medicine, cupping, and t chi.Course Objectives:- To introduce the basic concepts and principles of Chinese Medicine- To learn common English terms and vocabulary used in Chinese Medicine- To understand the unique diagnostic methods and treatment approaches in Chinese MedicineCourse Outline:1. Introduction to Chinese Medicine:- Historical background and development of Chinese Medicine- Key principles and theories of Chinese Medicine2. Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine:- Examination techniques, including observation, listening, questioning, and pulse diagnosis- Understanding the concept of yin-yang and the five elements in diagnosis3. Basic Concepts in Chinese Medicine:- Qi (energy), blood, and body fluids in Chinese Medicine- Meridians and acupuncture points4. Treatment Methods in Chinese Medicine:- Acupuncture and moxibustion- Herbal medicine and formulas- Tuina (Chinese medical massage) and other therapeutic techniques5. Common Conditions and Treatments in Chinese Medicine:- Pn management- Digestive disorders- Respiratory conditions- Mental and emotional health- Women's health and fertility6. Integration of Chinese Medicine in Western Healthcare:- Understanding the role of Chinese Medicine in modern healthcare- Collaborative approaches between Chinese Medicine and Western medicine7. Case Studies and Practical Application:- Analyzing and discussing case studies to apply Chinese Medicine principles and treatment methods- Practical exercises and demonstrations of acupuncture and herbal medicineNote: This outline is just a basic framework and can be customized and expanded based on the level and specific needs of the learners.。
中医英语unit 1

4. Inscribe (vt ) 题写,印 。 make sth with words ,etc .
He inscribed his name in the book .
Physiotherapy: 物理疗法, 理疗。 Speechtherapy : 语言治疗, 语言(障碍)矫治 Food/diet therapy食疗
3.Manifest (vt) show (sth) plainly 显示,表明。
The disease typically manifests itself in chest pains.
deficient heart qi(心气虚)
⑶ Blending(缩合法)
This is a variant of compounding, omitting the latter part of the first word and clipping off the first part of the second word. Sometimes ,however, either the first part or the second part of the overlapped word may be a full word. In translating such terms, literal translation is usually used. e.g. medicare = medical + care ( 医疗保健),

中医基础英语章节教案教案标题:中医基础英语章节教案教案目标:1. 通过本课学习,学生将了解中医基础知识,并能够用英语进行表达和交流。
2. 学生将能够掌握与中医相关的英语词汇和表达方式。
3. 学生将能够阅读和理解与中医相关的英文材料。
教学重点:1. 中医基础知识的学习和掌握。
2. 与中医相关的英语词汇和表达方式的学习。
3. 阅读和理解与中医相关的英文材料。
教学准备:1. 中医基础英语教材。
2. 中医基础英语词汇表。
3. 中医相关的英文材料。
教学过程:Step 1: 引入- 创造一个与中医相关的情境,例如:让学生想象自己生病了,需要去看中医。
- 引导学生讨论他们对中医的了解和认识,以激发学生的学习兴趣。
Step 2: 词汇学习- 通过教材或词汇表,向学生介绍与中医相关的英语词汇和表达方式。
- 逐个解释每个词汇的含义,并提供例句进行示范。
- 鼓励学生进行模仿和练习,以巩固词汇的学习。
Step 3: 中医基础知识学习- 使用教材或其他中医相关的英文材料,向学生介绍中医的基础知识,如中医的起源、理论体系、诊断方法等。
- 通过讲解和讨论,帮助学生理解和掌握这些基础知识。
Step 4: 阅读理解- 提供一篇与中医相关的英文材料,要求学生阅读并理解其内容。
- 可以提前给学生一些问题,帮助他们在阅读过程中有针对性地提取信息。
- 鼓励学生在阅读后进行讨论和分享,以加深对中医的理解。
Step 5: 练习与巩固- 设计一些与中医相关的练习题,包括填空、选择、对话等形式。
- 鼓励学生在小组或全班进行练习,并提供及时的反馈和指导。
Step 6: 总结和拓展- 与学生一起总结本课所学的中医基础知识和英语表达方式。
- 提供一些拓展性的学习资源,鼓励学生继续深入学习和研究中医相关的英语知识。
教学延伸:1. 鼓励学生进行中医英语口语演练,例如模拟看病对话等。
2. 鼓励学生进行中医英语写作练习,例如写一篇关于中医的短文或文章。
3. 鼓励学生自主寻找中医相关的英文材料进行阅读和研究,并进行分享和讨论。
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北京中医药大学《Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine》Examination Paper(2009至2010学年第一学期)姓名__________学号_____专业_______________班级______考试日期2009年11月21日审核人:北京中医药大学教学管理处2009年11月一、选择题得分:_________ A型题:每题都有ABCDE五个备选答案,只许从中选取一个最佳答案,并在答案卷上将相应题号的相应字母涂黑,以示正确答案。
1.下列哪种情况不能组成一对阴阳属性?( )A,内与外B.动与静C 寒与热D.上升与外出E.表与里2.用阴阳学说来说明人体的组织结构,下列哪项说明法不正确?( )A.五脏为阴B.六腑为阳C.背部为阴D.上部为阳E.四肢为阳3.阴阳转化的内在根据是( )A阴阳对立B.阴阳消长C.阴阳互根D.阴阳制约E.阴阳互用4.所谓阴阳转化,下列哪种说法不确切?( )A.寒极生热B.热极生寒C.重阳必阴D.阳胜则阳病E.重阴必阳5.事物的阴阳属性是( )A.绝对的B.相对的C.必然的D.人为的E.恒定的6.“阴在内,阳之守也;阳在外,阴之使也。
”说明了阴阳的什么关系?( )A.相互消长B.相互对立c.相互转化D.互根互用E.相互制约7.“动极者镇之以静,阴亢者胜之以阳”说明了阴阳之间的( ) A.对立关系B.制约关系C.转化关系D.消长关系E.阴阳互用8.前半夜在一日四时中的阴阳属性为( )A.阴中之阳B.阴中之阴c.阳中之阳D.阳中之阴E.以上均非9.属阳的味是( )A.酸B.苦C.咸D.辛E.以上均非10.属于阴证的范围是( ) .A.热证B.虚证C.实证D.表证E.以上均非11.下列阴阳失调病理变化中,“阴”中含有“阴邪”意思的是( ) A.阴虚则阳亢B.阴胜则阳病C.阳胜则阴病D.阴损及阳E.以上均非12.阳偏衰的病机,主要是指( )A.阳气虚衰B.阴损及阳C.伤及阳气D.阳气受损E.以上均非13.阴胜则阳病是指( )A.阴盛必然损伤阳气B.阴盛格阳C阳盛格阴D.阳气不足E.以上均非14.临床上,虚热证是指( ):A.阳盛则热B.阴盛则寒C.阴虚则热D.阳虚则寒E.以上均非15.“益火之源,以消阴翳”是指( )A.寒者热之B.阳病治阴C.阴病治阳D.热者寒之E.以上均非16.“阴中求阳,阳中求阴”的理论根据是( )A.阴阳转化B.阴阳消长c.阴阳制约D.阴阳互根E.以上均非17.下列哪项不是《尚书·洪范》表述五行特性的原文( ) A.木日曲直B.火曰炎上c.水日走下D.金曰从革E.土爰稼穑18.按照五行生克规律,肺之所不胜”是( )A.脾B.肝C.心D.肾E.胃19.按照五行生克规律,肾之“子”是( )A.肝B.心c.脾D.肺E.胃20.下列情志相胜中哪一项是错误的?( )A.恐胜喜B.怒胜思C.喜胜忧D.惊胜怒E.悲胜怒21.所谓“子盗母气”是指( )A.母脏火盛,导致子脏火亦盛B.子脏不足.导致母脏亦虚C疾病出母脏传及子脏D.母脏虚导致于脏亦虚E.以上均非22.肝病传脾是指( )A.木乘土B.木克土C.木疏土D.木胜土E.以上均非23.五行相乘主要是指( )A.邪气有余,母病乘其子B.邪气亢盛,子病反乘其母C.五行之间克制太过D.五行之间克制不及E.以上均非24.属于“实则泻其子”的方法是( )A.属于肝旺泻肺B.属于肝火泻心C.属于肾实泻牌D.属于心实泻肺E.以上均非25.下列哪一项不属于五行相生关系所确定的治疗方法?( ) A.泻南补北法B.滋水涵木法C.金水相生法D.培土生金法E.以上均非26.心脏病人面见黑色,提示为( )A.水来克火B.水来乘火C.火来侮水D.母病及子E.以上均非27.首先确立中医辨证论治理论体系的著作是( )A.《难经》B.《诸病源候论》c.《黄帝内经》D.《伤寒杂病论》E.以上均非28.下列医家中被后人称为“寒凉派”的代表是( )A.李皋B.朱丹溪C.张从正D.刘完素E.张景岳29.中医学整体观念的内涵是( )A.人体是一个有机整体B.四时气候对人体的影响C.天人相应D.人体是有机的整体,人与自然界的统一性E.辨证论治30.下列哪一项属于中医学的基本特点之一?( ) A.同病异治B.异病同治C.辨证论治D.标本同治E.以上均非31.小儿骨软,成人齿脱发落,主要因为:A.脾虚气血化源不足,不能濡养B.先天不足,后天失养,导致肾精亏损C.肝血不足,筋脉失养,以致筋骨不坚D.津液亏损,骨枯失养E.心血不足,血不养筋脉32.肺气虚损的症状中,下列哪一项不确切?A. 呼吸气粗,胸中窒塞B.自汗出C.吐稀白痰D.水肿E. 语声低微33.“肾为气之根”之基本含义是:A.肾为一身阳气的根本B.肾有强大的气化作用C.肾主纳气,可维持呼吸平稳、深沉D.肾中精气化生元气,为生命活动的原动力E.肾中精气对机体各方面的生理功能均起重要的促进作用34. 五脏在五液,下述哪一项是不正确的:A.心在液为血B.肺在液为涕C.脾在液为涎D.肝在液为泪E.肾在液为唾35.五脏在五体,下述哪一项是不正确的?A.心在体为脉B.肺在体为毛C.脾在体为肌肉D.肝在体为筋E.肾在体为骨36.肺的“通调水道”作用是指:A.肺的宣发对体内水液的疏通和调节作用B.肺的肃降炸用使水液不断向下输送.C.肺的宣发和肃降对体内水液代谢起疏通和调节D.肺肾的共同作用使水液化为尿,排出体外E.肺通过主一身之气,从而达到气行则水行的作用。
37. “满而不能实”的生理特点是指:A.五脏B.六腑C. 奇恒之腑D.脏腑E.以上都不是38. 六腑中的孤腑是指:A. 胆B.胃C. 三焦D.膀胱E.小肠39.肺与大肠在功能上的联系,主要体现于:A.肺气宣发布津于大肠B.肺气肃降输送水液于大肠C.肺气肃降以助大肠之传导D.宗气充足以推动大肠之传导E.肺主治节,以调节大肠之功能B型题: ABCDE是备选答案,下面两问是两道考题。
A.主气B.纳气C.生气D.载气E.调畅气机40.肺的生理功能是: 41.肾的生理功能是: 42.肝的生理功能是: 43.脾的生理功能是:A.相乘B.母病及子C.子病犯母D.子母同病E.相侮44.脾病影响及肝属于: 45.心病影响及肺属于:A.贲门B.飞门C.户门D.吸门E. 魄门46. 会厌为:47. 唇为:二、填空题:每题1分,共3分。
三、Please explain following TCM terms Score:_______ 1.Yin yang:2.Zang xiang:3.Tian gui:4.“The liver and kidneys share a common source.”:5.Body Fluid:四、Briefly answer following questions Score:________ 1.The relationship between yin and yang2.Compare: Subjugation and Violation of the Five Elements3.Compare: Nutritive Qi and Defensive Qi4.“The six fu- viscera are to dredge functionally”5.Liver Regulates the Smooth Flow of Qi五、Please discuss following questions Score:________1. “The lung is the upper source of water.”2.Influencing factors to physiological functions of the uterus 3.Relationship between qi and blood, as well as the clinical significations答案:一、选择题:1、A2、C3、C4、D5、B6、D7、B8、B9、D10、B11、B12、A13、A14、C15、C16、D17、C18、C19、A20、D21、B22、A23、C24、B 25、A26、B27、D28、D29、D30、C31、B32、A33、C34、A35、B36、C37、A38、C39、C40、A41、B42、E43、C44、E45、B46、D47、B二、填空题:1、满而不实,实而不满2、阳盛则热,阴盛则寒,阳虚则寒,阴虚则热3、肉,唇;骨,发。
三、Please explain following TCM terms:四、Briefly answer following questions:1.The relationship between yin and yang:Four aspects2.Compare: Subjugation and Violation of the Five Elements: Similarities and differences 3.Compare: Nutritive Qi and Defensive Qi: Generation, distribution and function 4.“The six fu- viscera are to dredge functionally”: Co-complete,physiological and pathological interaction 5.Liver Regulates the Smooth Flow of Qi:Five aspects五、Please discuss following questions1. “The lung is the upper source of water.”Concept, performance, physiological and pathological aspects2.Influencing factors to physiological functions of the uterusAssociated with blood and reproductive organs and meridians of the following three aspects3.Relationship between qi and blood, as well as the clinical significations Interaction of Qi and blood, as well as Clinical application。