1553B双通道单功能4M功能模块* 32bi,33 MHz CPCI/PCI/总线* 每个通道为A、B双冗余总线* 单功能可设置BC/RT/BM一种工作模式* 数据传输率:4Mbps* 支持32位时标,时标精度0.25微秒* 软件可设詈应答超时:0-32767µs* 大容量的数据存储:32M x 16bit* 支持中断方式接收消息,可设置中断源* 每通道1个BC (总线控制器)/31个RT (远程终端)/1个BM (总线监视器)* 每通道带RTC 功能(可选)分辨率可设* 具有硬件定时功能产品描述4M 1553B是一款MIL-STD-1553总线通讯产品,其强大的功能能够满足不同用户的工业测量和自动化控制需求,良好的兼容性适用于各类系统配置。
通用规格* 物理尺寸:标准PXI/CPCI 3U尺寸160mmx100mmx 4HP, 公差小于0.2mm, 带3U助拔器;标准PCI尺寸175mmx106mm, 公差小于0.2mm* 连接器:SCSl68母座* 工作电源:5V* 工作温度:-40°C - + 85°C* 相对湿度:0-95%, 无凝结接线端子板和线缆* CHR91014 (选配):—头1个SCSl68公头,—头4个PL75-47, 1553线缆,线长1米* CHR95002 (选配):2子线盒式耦合器* CHR96001 (选配):终端电阻软件支持* Windows (标配):Win2000, Win XP/Win7(X86,X64)* Linux (定制):2.4, 2.6, NeoKylin5* RTX (定制):5.5, 7.1, 8.1, 9.0* Vxworks (定制):X86-V5.5, X86-V6.8, PPC603-Vx5.5, PPC603-Vx6.8* QNX(定制):X86-V6.5* Labview (定制):RT。
3.11 异步操作 asynchronous operation...................................................................6
3.12 动态总线控制 dynamic bus control................................................................6
4.4.4 总线监控器操作.............................................................................................26
MIL-STD-1553B 数字式时分制指令/响应型多路传输数据总线简介
4.4.1 公共操作.........................................................................................................24
产品编号:1604007PCIE接口1553B适配卡(B-PCIE-1553B)数据手册目录1板卡概述 (1)1.1板卡简介 (1)1.2功能框图 (1)1.3硬件指标 (1)1.4功能特性 (2)1.5接口特征 (2)1.6软件支持 (3)1.7应用场景 (3)1.8物理与电气特征 (3)1.9环境参数 (3)2.0可靠性指标 (3)2订购信息 (3)1板卡概述1.1板卡简介B-PCIE-1553B为一款半高半长PCIe规格的双通道双冗余的1553B航空电子总线适配卡。
该产品提供1~2个双冗余1553B通道,支持单功能/全功能、软件可配置直流或交流耦合、总线信号幅值可配置、电气或协议错误注入、自动总线切换、总线信号波形监控、IRIG-B AC/DC 解码,IRIG-B DC编码等功能。
1.2功能框图图1-1板卡功能框图1.3硬件指标❑PCIe Base Specification1.1(x1lane),250MB带宽❑双通道双冗余1553B总线接口❑支持1553B物理层信号的硬件编解码❑支持直接耦合或者变压器耦合,硬件可配或者软件重配置❑提供错误注入功能:可注入协议错误或者电气错误❑板载协议处理器,实现1553B协议的功能❑板载大容量缓存DDR3SDRAM,用于总线数据接收和发送缓存❑板上温度传感与过热探测❑支持1553B通道总线信号采集和实时显示❑支持1553B总线信号电平可变,可实现软件配置❑支持IRIG-B DC输入和输出:TTL输入或RS422输入可选❑支持IRIG-B AM输入的硬件解码❑可提供总线阻抗测试❑支持总线数据传输状态指示1.4功能特性❑BC功能特点:主帧及子帧的内容与时序可软件配置消息间隔时间、无响应时间、晚响应时间、消息重试次数均可软件配置可在运行的消息列表中插入非周期性消息根据数据字或状态字实现消息跳转提供自动总线切换功能支持单次和周期性两种运行模式支持软件和外部触发支持错误注入64bits,20ns的时间标签❑RT功能特点:可同时支持31个RT仿真,可编程响应时间和状态字Busy Bit支持所有的1553B模式字代码64位,20ns时间标签支持错误注入和检测❑BM功能特点:可监控全部1553B总线信息支持监控过滤条件,如RT、SA支持硬件或软件触发64位,20ns时间标签1.5接口特征❑前面板接口:SCSI68❑PCIE金手指:x1金手指1.6软件支持❑驱动:Windows XP、Windows 7、Linux、VxWorks 5.5.1、LabView ❑API 文件:Windows XP 和Windows 7、Linux、VxWorks 5.5.1❑测试例程:Windows XP 和Windows 7、Linux、VxWorks应用场景❑飞行模拟器❑航电总线测试仿真系统1.8物理与电气特征1.9环境参数2.0可靠性指标2订购信息具体型号产品描述备注交货期B-PCIE-1553B PCIE 规格1553B 适配卡工业级4周内清华仪器Tsinghua Instruments™保留所有权利©2016V1.0。
EMBC1000-USB1553B-1 USB 接口 1553B 测试模块 使用说明书
EMBC1000-USB1553B-1 USB接口1553B测试模块使用说明书版本:V2.0珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司地址:广东省珠海市唐家东岸白沙路1号欧比特科技园邮编:519080 电话*************传真*************网址:前 言感谢您选择了珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司的产品:USB接口1553B测试模块,型号EMBC1000-USB1553B-1。
珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司- i -目录第一章概述 (1)1.1关于EMBC1000-USB1553B-1 (1)1.2应用 (2)1.3特点 (3)1.4建议的计算机配置 (4)1.5光盘资源 (5)1.6注意事项 (6)第二章 1553B总线网络 (7)2.1接口定义 (7)2.21553B电缆和连接器 (9)2.31553B网络 (10)第三章模块的安装 (11)3.1硬件安装 (11)3.2软件驱动安装 (11)3.3应用软件安装 (15)第四章应用软件操作 (21)4.1BC模式 (22)4.1.1 创建消息 (23)4.1.2 用创建好的消息组建帧 (24)4.1.2 BC参数设置 (25)4.1.3 BC运行 (26)4.2RT接收模式 (26)4.2.1 RT设置 (27)4.2.3 RT运行 (28)4.3RT发送模式 (29)4.3.1 RT设置 (29)4.3.2 RT消息设置 (30)4.3.3 RT运行 (31)4.4BM模式 (32)4.4.1 BM过滤选择 (33)4.4.2 BM参数设置 (33)4.4.3 BM运行 (34)第五章固件升级软件 (36)第六章开发应用软件 (37)6.1API库 (37)6.2函数说明 (38)6.3示例程序 (42)第七章产品维护和故障检修 (43)珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司- ii -7.1维护 (43)7.2故障检修 (43)附录A 产品装箱清单 (44)附录B 产品订购信息 (45)附录C 1553B总线介绍 (46)珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司- iii -第一章 概述1.1 关于EMBC1000-USB1553B-1图 1-1 EMBC1000-USB1553B-1模块实物图EMBC1000-USB1553B-1是一款基于USB接口形式的、具有标准MIL-STD-1553B 总线数据接口的模块,能让计算机方便的连接到MIL-STD-1553B总线上,实现MIL-STD-1553B总线协议的通讯模块,可广泛应用于航空电子中的系统、设备的搭建、维护、测试及故障检修等工作;同时,该模块也可为科研机构和高校开发、应用MIL-STD-1553B总线提供测试。
CAV-1553B API使用手册
CAV‐1553B API用户手册目录1数据结构介绍 (5)1.1 CORE_BC_BLOCK (5)1.2 CORE_BC_MSG_BUFFER (7)1.3 CORE_RT_SA_BUFFER (8)1.4 CORE_IQ_ENTRY (9)1.5 CORE_IRIG_B_TIME (10)2 底层函数 (10)2.1 CORE_LL_Init (10)2.2 CORE_LL_Close (11)2.3 CORE_LL_Write16 (11)2.4 CORE_LL_Read16 (15)3 通用函数 (16)3.1 CORE_GEN_Get_Version (16)3.2 CORE_GEN_Full_Init (17)3.3 CORE_GEN_Mem_Test (18)3.4 CORE_LL_SetBroadcast (19)3.5 CORE_LL_SetModeCode (19)3.6 CORE_Auto_BusChange_Enable (20)3.7 CORE_Auto_BusChange_Disable (21)3.8 CORE_init_internal_Time (21)3.9 CORE_Use_IRIG_B_Enable (22)3.10 CORE_Use_IRIG_B_Disable (22)3.11 CORE_Time_Input_Mode (23)3.12 CORE_Timer_Mode (23)3.13 CORE_IRIG_B_Output_Enable (24)3.14 CORE_IRIG_B_Output_mode (24)3.15 CORE_Get_bus_load (25)4 板卡BIT检测函数 (26)4.1 CORE_BIT_Run_IBIT (26)4.2 CORE_BIT_Check_PBIT (26)5 BC功能函数 (27)5.1 CORE_BC_Is_Supported (27)5.2 CORE_BC_Init (27)5.3 CORE_BC_Allocate_Msg_Buffers (29)5.4 CORE_BC_Write_Block (30)5.5 CORE_BC_Write_Buffer (30)5.6 CORE_BC_Read_Block (31)5.7 CORE_BC_Read_Buffer (32)5.8 CORE_BC_Start (33)5.9 CORE_BC_Stop (34)5.10 CORE_BC_Aperiodic_Send (34)5.11 CORE_BC_Is_Running (35)5.12 CORE_BC_Get_Block_Addr (36)5.13 CORE_BC_Get_BlockMbuf_Addr_Offset (36)5.14 CORE_Set_BC_Command (37)5.15 CORE_Set_BC_RetryWord (38)5.16 CORE_BC_Get_Minframe_Num (39)6 RT功能函数 (39)6.1 CORE_RT_Is_Supported (39)6.2 CORE_RT_Multiple_Is_Supported (40)6.3 CORE_RT_Init (40)6.4 CORE_RT_Enable (41)6.5 CORE_RT_Disable (41)6.6 CORE_RT_Start (42)6.7 CORE_RT_Stop (43)6.8 CORE_RT_Allocate_SA_Buffers (43)6.9 CORE_RT_Write_SA_Buffer (44)6.10 CORE_RT_Read_Status_Word (45)6.11 CORE_RT_Write_Status_Word (46)7 BM功能函数 (47)7.1 CORE_BM_Is_Supported (47)7.2 CORE_BM_Init (47)7.3 CORE_BM_Start (48)7.4 CORE_BM_Stop (49)7.5 CORE_BM_Buffers_Swapped (49)7.6 CORE_BM_Read_Inactive_Buffer (50)7.7 CORE_BM_Read_Current_Buffer (51)7.8 CORE_BM_Get_Index (52)8 离散IO功能函数 (52)8.1 CORE_PUT_ADISC_OUT (52)8.2 CORE_GET_ADISC_IN (53)8.3 CORE_GET_HARDWARE_VERSION (53)9 中断功能函数 (54)9.1 CORE_INT_Enable_HW_Interrupt (54)9.2 CORE_INT_Disable_HW_Interrupt (54)9.3 CORE_INT_Check_For_Interrupt (55)9.4 CORE_INT_Clear_Interrupt (56)9.5 SetInterruptHandler (56)9.6 ClearInterruptHandler (57)9.7 CORE_INT_Read_Interrupt_Queue (57)10编程举例 (58)10.1 例1 板卡初始化及PBIT和IBIT检测 (58)10.2 例2 基本BC操作 (61)10.3 例3 基本BC、RT、BM操作 (66)10.4 例4 中断测试 (80)附录A BM缓冲区格式 (87)附录B 中断使能字和中断状态字结构 (88)附录C MIL‐STD‐1553B命令字 (88)附录D 用户可操作的宏定义 (88)1数据结构介绍1.1 CORE_BC_BLOCKtypedef struct core_bc_block {/* For ALL blocks */CORE_U16 next_msg_num;CORE_U16 bc_control_wd;/* For MESSAGE blocks */CORE_U16 cmd_wd1;CORE_U16 cmd_wd2;CORE_U16 im_gap;CORE_U16 bc_retry;/* For NOP blocks */CORE_U16 delay;/* For condition blocks */CORE_U32 test_wd_addr;CORE_U16 data_pattern;CORE_U16 data_mask;CORE_U16 cond_count_value;CORE_U16 cond_counter;CORE_U32 write_addr;CORE_U16 write_value;CORE_U16 branch_msg_num;/* For CALL blocks */CORE_U16 call_msg_num;/* For NON‐MESSAGE blocks */CORE_U32 int_enable;CORE_U32 msg_status;} CORE_BC_BLOCK;结构参数说明:next_msg_num:下一个BLOCK的编号,BLOCK号从0开始编号bc_control_wd:BLOCK的控制信息,详见表1和表2cmd_wd1:命令字1。
第一步:运行软件“AltaView Bus Analyzer” .............................................................153 第二步:运行该软件后,有可能会出现如下现象.....................................................153 第三步:在如下界面进行如下操作..............................................................................154 第四步:在主界面中选取对应的标签“Global” ........................................................156
第 2 页 共 158 页
第六小节 BC 消息每次发送产生中断 .........................................................................116 第七小节 编程 BC 功能产生 1553B 信号 ...................................................................120 第二节 RT 功能编程指南..................................................................................................120 第一小节 RT 模式码发送 ..............................................................................................120 第二小节 对应 RT 的子地址多缓冲区发送 ................................................................125 第三小节 如何获取 RT 的外部地址.............................................................................127 第三节 BM 功能编程指南 ................................................................................................130 第一小节 BM 监控到的数据保存文件 ........................................................................130 第二小节 BM 设置数据过滤功能 ................................................................................132 第三小节 BM 监控到的数据产生中断功能................................................................132 第四节 BC、多 RT 和 BM 功能编程指南 ......................................................................133 第五节 总线板卡定时器功能 ...........................................................................................150
1553B总线协议分析及应用 1553B总线监视器系统软件设计 1553B总线原理及其应用 1553B总线在机载设备测试系统中的应用 1773光纤数据总线技术与应用研究 MIL-STD-1553B总线综合测试系统设计 飞机MIL-STD-1553B总线的测试系统 基于1553B总线的导弹模拟器的设计 基于1553B总线的先进飞机电气系统远程终端的仿真 基于1553B总线的载机火控模拟系统设计 新型 MIL-STD-1553B 总线仿真测试系统 装甲车辆1553B总线系统试验方法 基于VxWorks的1553B仿真开发系统
ZhengHong Aviation Tech Co., Ltd
本文档中介绍的资料(包括硬件、软件、图片及文档本身)版权归陕西正鸿航科 电子有限公司所有。保留所有权利。未经陕西正鸿航科电子有限公司书面授权,任何 人不得以任何方式复制本文档的任何部分并做其它商业用途使用。
2.3 1553B总线的优点
合理的拓扑结构使得1553B总线成为航空系统或地面车辆系统中分布式设备的理想连接方式。 与点对点连接相比,它减少了所需电缆、所需空间和系统的重量。便于维护,易于增加或删 除节点,提高设计灵活性。
OBT1553B-10M-IP 核用户手册说明书
OBT1553B-10M-IP核用户手册(版本:V2.1)珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司 地址:广东省珠海市唐家东岸白沙路1号欧比特科技园邮编:519080 电话*************传真*************网址:修改记录版本变更 日期 修改内容 备注 V2.1 2015-02-22 对文件格式、版式等进行修订后,重新发布。
目录目录 (I)表目录 (III)图目录 (IV)1. 简介 (1)1.1概要说明 (1)1.2主要特征 (1)1.3结构框图 (3)2. 主要功能模块概述 (6)2.1总线控制器(BC) (6)2.2远程终端(RT) (6)2.3总线监视器(BM) (7)3. 寄存器描述 (7)3.1寄存器地址分配表 (7)3.2中断屏蔽寄存器(IMR) (8)3.3BC配置寄存器1(BC-CFG1) (9)3.4RT配置寄存器1(RT-CFG1) (11)3.5配置寄存器2(CFG2) (11)3.6启动/复位寄存器(SRR) (13)3.7BC/RT/BM命令堆栈指针寄存器(STACK_ADDR) (13)3.8BM初始命令堆栈指针寄存器(INIT_STACK_ADDR) (14)3.9时间标签寄存器0(TTR0) (14)3.10中断状态寄存器(INT_STA) (14)3.11配置寄存器3(CFG3) (16)3.12配置寄存器4(CFG4) (16)3.13配置寄存器5(CFG5) (17)3.14BM数据堆栈指针寄存器(BM_STACK_ADDR) (17)3.15BC帧时间/RT上一命令字寄存器(LAST_CMD) (17)3.16RT状态字寄存器(RT_STA) (18)3.17RT BIT字寄存器(RT_BIT_REG) (18)3.18BC控制字(BC_CTRL) (20)3.19BC命令字(BC_CMD) (21)3.20BC块状态字(BC_BLK) (21)3.21RT子地址控制字(RT_SUB_CTRL) (22)3.22RT/BM块状态字(RT/BM_BLK) (23)4. 功能模块描述 (25)4.1BC总线控制器工作方式 (25)4.1.1 BC存储器地址分配 (25)4.1.2 BC存储器管理 (25)4.1.3 BC消息格式 (26)4.2RT远程终端工作方式 (27)4.2.1 RT存储器地址分配 (27)4.2.2 RT存储器查找表 (28)4.2.3 RT存储器非法命令表地址分配 (29)4.2.4 RT存储器忙位查找表地址分配 (29)4.2.5 RT存储器方式代码选择中断表 (30)4.2.6 RT存储器方式代码选择中断地址分配 (30)4.2.7 RT方式代码数据表 (31)4.2.8 IP核实现的方式代码 (31)4.2.9 RT单缓冲存储器管理 (32)4.2.10 RT循环缓冲存储器管理 (33)4.2.11 RT双缓冲存储器管理 (33)4.3BM总线监视器工作方式 (33)4.3.1 BM存储器地址分配 (33)4.3.2 BM存储器管理 (34)4.3.3 BM子地址选择设置区地址分配 (34)5. 时序图 (35)5.1主机接口时序图 (35)5.1.1 INTEL主机模式下的操作时序 (35)1.1.1MOTOROLA主机模式下的操作时序 (36)5.2总线信号波形图 (37)6. 应用案例 (39)6.110M BPS外围接口 (39)6.2BC总线控制器应用案例 (39)6.3RT远程终端应用案例 (40)6.4BM总线监视器应用案例 (41)7. 附录 (43)7.1附录一:BC示例程序 (43)7.2附录二:RT示例程序 (47)7.3附录三:BM示例程序 (51)表1-1OBT1553B-10M-IP核各模块说明 (3)表1-2OBT1553B-10M-IP核外部接口信号说明 (4)表3-1寄存器地址分配 (7)表3-2中断屏蔽寄存器(IMR) (8)表3-3BC配置寄存器1(BC-CFG1) (9)表3-4RT配置寄存器1(RT-CFG1) (11)表3-5配置寄存器2(CFG2) (11)表3-6启动/复位寄存器(SRR) (13)表3-7BC/RT命令堆栈指针寄存器(STACK_ADDR) (13)表3-8BM初始命令堆栈指针寄存器(INIT_STACK_ADDR) (14)表3-9时间标签寄存器0(TTR) (14)表3-10中断状态寄存器(INT_STA) (14)表3-11配置寄存器3(CFG3) (16)表3-12配置寄存器4(CFG4) (16)表3-13配置寄存器5(CFG5) (17)表3-14BM数据堆栈指针寄存器(BM_STACK_ADDR) (17)表3-15BC帧时间/RT上一命令字寄存器(LAST_CMD) (17)表3-16RT状态字寄存器(RT_STA) (18)表3-17RT BIT字寄存器(RT_BIT_REG) (18)表3-18BC控制字(BC_CTRL) (20)表3-19BC命令字(BC_CMD) (21)表3-20BC块状态字(BC_BLK) (21)表3-21RT子地址控制字(RT_SUB_CTRL) (22)表3-22RT/BM块状态字(RT/BM_BLK) (23)表4-1BC存储器地址分配(4K双口RAM) (25)表4-2BC消息格式 (26)表4-3BC消息格式(接上表) (27)表4-4RT存储器地址分配(4K双口RAM) (27)表4-5RT存储器查找表(LOOK_UP TABLE) (28)表4-6RT存储器非法命令地址分配表(COMMAND ILLEGALIZING TABLE) (29)表4-7RT存储器忙位查找表地址分配表(BUSY BIT LOOKUP TABLE) (29)表4-8RT存储器方式代码选择中断表(MODE CODE SELECTIVE INTERRUPT TABLE) (30)表4-9RT存储器方式代码选择中断表地址分配表(MODE CODE SELECTIVE INTERRUPT TABLE) (30)表4-10RT存储器方式代码数据表(MODE CODE DATA) (31)表4-11IP核实现的方式代码 (31)表4-12BM存储器地址分配 (33)图1-1OBT1553B-10M-IP核结构框图 (3)图4-1BC存储器管理 (26)图4-2RT单缓冲存储器管理 (32)图4-3RT循环缓冲存储器管理 (33)图4-4RT双缓冲存储器管理 (33)图4-5BM存储器管理 (34)图6-1OBT1553B-10M-IP接口原理图 (39)图6-2OBT1553BC程序流程图 (40)图6-3OBT1553RT程序流程图 (41)图6-4OBT1553BM程序流程图 (42)1.简介1.1概要说明OBT1553B-10M-IP核是依据1553B总线协议(1553A/B Notice2协议)和SAE-AS5652标准(10Mbps标准) 设计的支持传输速率10Mbps的总线控制器IP核。
1553B总线及其相关知识一 1553B总线简介MIL-STD-1553是为数据总线定义的军方标准。
MIL-STD-1553总线的主要特征:传输速率: 1Mbit/s字长度20bit包括同步域3bit、消息块16bit、奇偶位1bit。
信息格式:BC RT RT BC RT RT 广播方式和系统控制方式。
直接耦合:最长传输距离(约30.5cm),输入电平需要1.2V到20V, 输出电压为6.0V到9.0V(如图一);变压器耦合最长距离(约6.1m),输入电平需要0.86V到14.0V,输出电压需要18.0V到27.0V(如图二)图一:直接耦合方式图二:变压器耦合方式耦合器相关类型请点击这里图三:总线连接图二1553B传输协议和桢传输格式构成MIL-STD-1553传输协议有三要素:命令字、数据字、状态字;每个字长度为20bit,且由三部分组成:同步域(3bit)、消息块(16bit)、奇偶位(1bit)。
传输方式分为:桢传输方式:BC RT RT BC RT RT 命令模式(不带数据的命→→→令模式、带数据发送的命令模式和带数据接收的命令模式);广播桢传输方式:BC→RT RT RT 广播命令模式(不带数据的→广播命令模式和带数据的广播命令模式)。
OBT1553B-CTS 型 1553B 电缆测试系统 使用说明书
OBT1553B-CTS型1553B电缆测试系统 使用说明书(版本:2.0)珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司地址:广东省珠海市唐家东岸白沙路1号欧比特科技园邮编:519080电话*************传真*************网址:前 言感谢您使用OBT1553B-CTS型1553B电缆测试系统。
厂家相关信息z生产企业名称: 珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司z生产企业地址: 广东省珠海市唐家东岸白沙路1号欧比特科技园z产品标准编号: OBT1553B-CTSz售后服务单位: 珠海欧比特控制工程股份有限公司z联系方式:地 址:广东省珠海市唐家东岸白沙路1号欧比特科技园电 话:************传 真:************邮 编:519080使用注意事项z 本产品在出厂前已经过充分的检验。
用户在使用前,请先确认它在运输过程中没有受到损坏; z 设备的型号和规格都在设备的外壳上,使用前请先核对一下您手中的产品与订货时的型号是否一致,设备配件是否完整;z 为避免设备受到损坏,请使用设备包装箱进行运输,直至到达安装使用现场;z 存放地点应具备以下条件:防雨、防潮;机械振动要小,防止可能的碰撞。
MIL-STD-1553B协议详解目录11553B总线简介 (2)1.1参考文献 (2)1.2硬件拓扑结构 (2)1.2.1总线控制器 (3)1.2.2远置终端 (3)1.2.3总线监视器 (3)1.3物理层通讯协议 (3)1.3.1命令字 (4)1.3.2数据字 (4)1.3.3状态字 (4)1.3.4通讯过程简述 (5)到RT的数据传输 (6)到RT的数据传输 (7)广播命令数据传输 (8)到RTS的广播消息 (8)到RTS的广播消息 (8)方式命令的数据传输 (9)11553B 总线简介MIL-STD-1553B 总线是美国空军电子子系统联网的标准总线,是一种中央集权式的串行总线,总线组成包括一个总线控制器,负责总线调度、管理,是总线通讯的发起者和组织者;若干(最多不超过31个)远置终端,另外还可以有一种设备即总线监视器,用于监视总线的运行。
1553B 是总线接口规律和信号特性的标准,它在物理层上对硬件部件所产生的电信号特性作了严格的规定,在数据链路层和网络层对错误监测的方法和指令响应的格式也作了严格的定义。
由于1553B 总线具有极高的可靠性,因而在航空、航天、军事等领域的电子联网系统中得到广泛应用。
1553B 总线采用异步数据传输方式,码速率1Mbps,即每秒106位,数据编码采用曼彻斯特II 型码,差分传输,一般下采用屏蔽双绞线作为传输介质。
1.1参考文献[1]ACE/MINI ACE SERIAL BC/RT/MT integrated 1553terminal user guide,DDC 公司[2]航空电子综合化,罗志强,北航出版社1.2硬件拓扑结构一个典型的1553B 总线硬件系统的拓扑结构见图1.2,总线本身是一个二冗余的结构,包括总线A 和总线B,二者互为冗余备份,所有的总线设备(也称为总线接口单元Bus Interface Unit BIU)BC、RT、BM 都以并联方式共享总线的主线部分,主线与子线之间采用总线控制器(BC)BUS CONTROLER总线监视器(BM)BUS MONITOR远置终端0(RT)REMOTE TERMINAL 远置终端1(RT)REMOTE TERMINAL 远置终端30(RT)REMOTE TERMINAL......图1.21553B 拓扑结构BUS A BUS B耦合器终端负载主线子线变压器耦合,子线与1553B设备之间也采用变压器耦合。
1、1553B的由来 2、1553B的应用 3、1553B的优点
(3)、支持“哑”节点和“智能”节点 (4)、高水平的电器保障性能 (5)、良好的器件可用性 (6)、实时可确定性 4、EBR-1553
EBR-1553与MIL-STB-1553协议规范的几个不同点: • 不支持RT->RT模式; • 每个RT需要一个HUB才可与BC连接; • EBR-1553定义了三种HUB模式:“SPEC”、“SWITCH”、“LINK”; • EBR-1553是根据MIL-STB-1553定义的增强速率总线。
二、1553B总线(zǒnɡ xiàn)基础知识介绍
1553B总线(数字式时分制指令/响应型多路传输数据总线)由数据总线、终端 或子系统终端接口组成。通过分时传输(TDM)方式,实现系统中任意两个终端间相 互交换信息。
二、1553B总线(zǒnɡ xiàn)基础知识介绍
如果系统给它指派过专有地址,总线监控器应响应含有其专有地址的消息,但不响应其他消 息。
二、1553B总线(zǒnɡ xiàn)基础知识介绍
1553B信号以串行数字脉冲编码调制(PCM)形式在数据总线上传输。采用曼彻斯特II型 双相电平码。逻辑1为双极编码信号1/0,即一个正脉冲继之一个负脉冲。逻辑0为 双极编码信号0/1,即一个负脉冲继之一个正脉冲。1553B的数据传输为半双工方式。 总线上波特率为1Mbps。
MIL-STD-1553B总线系统搭建指导文章来源:西安凯锐测控科技有限公司梁富森1.1553B总线协议1.11553B总线介绍MIL-STD-1553B(GJB 289A)是一种应用于机载电子设备间通信的共享式总线通信协议,以总线式拓扑结构连接最多31个终端设备互联,传输速率为1Mbps,在航空电子总线网络中占有重要地位,在舰船、坦克、导弹及卫星等运动平台上也有广泛的应用。
基本的1553B总线拓扑图如图1所示,各个1553B 终端都是通过短截线连接到总线上,总线的两端必须连接总线匹配电阻。
图1 1553B总线基本拓扑图1553B总线使用屏蔽双绞线作为传输介质,互连线由主电缆和短截线组成。
响应时间就增加了3.2微秒的传输延时,因此,BC 端增加4微秒的最大响应时间(由1553B协议中规定的14微秒增加到18微秒)。
有命令字,而不见的有数据字; 有命令字,而不见的有状态字。 但是: 有数据字一定有命令字; 有状态字一定有命令字;
7.1总线传输介质 MIL-STD-1553B数据总线的传输速率为 1Mbps,由两根传输DATA和/DATA信号的双绞 电缆组成,可供双余度甚至四余度终端使用,但 在大多数情况下,双余度总线已完全满足要求。
5 同步头 远程终端地址
3 保留
消 服 测 息 务 错 量 请 误 求
广 忙 子 动 终 P 播 等 系 态 端 指 待 统 总 标 令 标 线 志 接 志 控 制 收 接 收
7.4.3 状态字
(3)消息错误位 消息错误位为1,表示上一条消息(如果本条消息有错误, 状态字不返回)有错误,满足下列三种情况才认为传输没错误: 字有效(同步头、曼彻斯特码、数据、奇偶位数据) 消息有效(消息连续) 指令字有效(数据个数不对、终端不具有功能的指令) 但具体那种错误不知道
7.3 特点
7.4 字定义
7.4.1 命令字
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
5 同步头 远程终端地址
1 T/R
5 子地址/方式域
数据字计数/方式码 P
命令字由总线控制器(BC)发出,远程终端(RT)接收。 由同步头、RT的地址位、发送/接收(T/R )位 、子地址/方 式场、字计数/方式码和奇偶校验位组成。
7.4.2 数据字
数据字由总线控制器(BC)或远程终端(RT)发出,远程 终端(RT)或总线控制器(BC) 接收,由同步头、数据位和奇 偶校验位组成。
爱普飞IP-1553B MIL-STD-1553 IndustryPack模块参考手册说明书
IP-1553B MIL-STD-1553 IndustryPack Module REFERENCE MANUAL 693-13-000-4000Revision 1.3March 2001ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION 6202 S. Maple Avenue #120Tempe, AZ 85283 USATel : (480) 838-2428Fax: (480) 838-4477NOTICEThe information in this document has been carefully checked and is believed to be entirely reliable. While all reasonable efforts to ensure accuracy have been taken in the preparation of this manual, ALPHI TECHNOLOGY assumes no responsibility resulting from omissions or errors in this manual, or from the use of information contained herein.ALPHI TECHNOLOGY reserves the right to make any changes, without notice, to this or any of ALPHI TECHNOLOGY’s products to improve reliability, performance, function or design.ALPHI TECHNOLOGY does not assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit described herein; nor does ALPHI TECHNOLOGY convey any license under its patent rights or the rights of others.ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORPORATIONAll Rights ReservedThis document shall not be duplicated, nor its contents usedfor any purpose, unless express permission has been granted in advance.TABLE OF CONTENTSGENERAL DESCRIPTION 1INTRODUCTION1 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION1 REFERENCE MATERIALS LIST3VITA STANDARDS ORGANIZATION 3 THEORY OF OPERATION 4 INTERNAL ORGANIZATION4 SUMMIT REGISTERS4 REMOTE TERMINAL REGISTERS4 BUS CONTROLLER REGISTERS5 MONITOR TERMINAL REGISTERS6 SHARED MEMORY SRAM7 ID SPACE7 IP INTERFACE8 LOCAL MEMORY AND REGISTER MAP SUMMARY8 STATUS REGISTER9 LOCAL INTERRUPT SOURCES10JUMPER LOCATION DIAGRAM 11 SUMMIT I/O CONNECTIONS 14 IP-SUMMIT TRANSITION MODULE 15ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page iii REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998GENERAL DESCRIPTIONINTRODUCTIONThe IP-SUMMIT module provides Bus Controller (BC), Remote Terminal (RT) and Bus Monitor (BM) dual-redundant operations on the MIL-STD-1553 bus. The IP form factor provide easy installation.• UTMC Summit RISC based processor unit• 64K x 16 bit dual ported SRAM• One EEPROM (32 bytes ) for identification• Supports Bus Controller, Remote Terminal and Bus Monitor mode• RT address and operational modes are program or jumper selectable• 1553 bus long or short stub jumper option on transition moduleFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONA functional block diagram of the IP module is depicted below in Figure 1. The IP-SUMMIT is designed around the SUMMIT that is used to manage the 1553 BUS.ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 1 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998Figure 1ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 2 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998REFERENCE MATERIALS LISTThe reader should refer to the “SUMMIT” 1996 product handbook, from UTMC, that provides detailed descriptions about the SUMMIT registers.UTMC1575 Garden of the Gods RoadColorado Springs, Colorado80907-3486 USAMarketing Department :719-594-8166 or 800-722-1575Technical Information :719-594-8252Literature Requests :800-645-UTMCWWW Home Page :The reader is also referred to the IP Modules Draft Standard:VITA standards Organization10229 North Scottsdale Road, Suite BScottsdale AZ 85253Voice : 602-951-8866Fax : 602-951-0720ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 3 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998THEORY OF OPERATIONINTERNAL ORGANIZATIONThe IP-SUMMIT facilitates host access to the :- SUMMIT Registers- Dual Port SRAM- Identification EPROM- Status register- Interrupt Vector Register ( IVR )SUMMIT REGISTERSREMOTE TERMINAL REGISTERS0Control Register$001Operational Status Register$022Current Command Register$043Interrupt Mask Register$064Pending Interrupt Register$085Interrupt Log List Pointer Register$0A6BIT Word Register$0C7Time-Tag Register$0E8Remote Terminal Descriptor Pointer Register$109Status Word Bits Register$1210-15Not Applicable$14-$1E16-31Illegalization Registers$20- $3ETable 1ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 4 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,19980Control Register$001Operational Status Register$022Current Command Block Register$043Interrupt Mask Register$064Pending Interrupt Register$085Interrupt Log List Pointer Register$0A6BIT Word Register$0C7Minor-Frame Timer$0E8Command Block Pointer Register$109Not Applicable$1210BC Command Block Initialization Count Register$1411-31Not Applicable$16- $3ETable 2ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 5 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,19980Control Register$001Operational Status Register$022Current Command Block Register$043Interrupt Mask Register$064Pending Interrupt Register$085Interrupt Log List Pointer Register$0A6BIT Word Register$0C7Time-Tag Register$0E8-10Not Applicable$10-$1411Initial Monitor Command Block Pointer Register$1612Initial Monitor Data Pointer Register$1813Monitor Block Counter Register$1A14Monitor Filter Register$1C15Monitor Filter Register$1E16-31Not Applicable$20- $3ETable 3ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 6 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998SHARED MEMORY SRAMThe IP-SUMMIT has a 64K x 16-bit Shared Memory. The base address of the SRAM is located in the IP Memory Space of the Host. Only 16-bit accesses are allowed. Arbitration between the Summit and the IP Bus is made by the local hardware. Summit access to the SRAM takes priority over any pending host access. Therefore, the host access will be held off until the summit access completes.ID SPACEThe IP-SUMMIT conforms to the IP Bus Specification and has a 32 byte EEPROM that can be read to identify the IP module Manufacturer, type, revision,etc. The base address of the EEPROM is in the IP ID Space of the Host. The EEPROM is not protected against write. The Manufacturer ID identifies ALPHI as the manufacturer of the IP-SUMMIT module.$01ASCII “I”$49$03ASCII “P”$50$05ASCII “A”$41$07ASCII “C”$43$09Manufacturer identification$11$0B Module type$00$0D Revision module$43$0F Reserved$00$11Driver ID,low byte$00$13Driver ID,high byte$00$15Number of bytes used$0C$17CRC$19-$3F User space$XXTable 4 IP-SUMMIT IDALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 7 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998IP INTERFACELOCAL MEMORY AND REGISTER MAP SUMMARYIP MEM SPACEMEM SPACE$0 - $1FFFF D00-D15R/W Shared / Static RAM 64K x 16-bit(128Kbytes)IP I/O SPACE$00-$3F D00-D15R/W SUMMIT RegistersSUMMITREGISTERS$40-$41D00-D07R/W Interrupt Vector Registers INTERRUPTVECTORIP STATUS$42-$43D00-D07R Status RegisterIP ID SPACEID EEPROM$00-$7F D00-D07R/W IP EEPROM IdentificationALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 8 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998STATUS REGISTERThe IP STATUS register is used to determine the status of IP-SUMMIT jumper settings. The Status Register provides the following status bits:0MSEL0Summit mode of Operation1MSEL12LOCK Status of the Lock input Pin3READY Status of the Ready Output Pin4-7NOT USEDTable 5 Status registerSUMMIT MODE OF OPERATIONMode select 0, in conjunction with Mode select 1 determines the Summit mode of operation. The table below describes these modes.00Bus controller = SBC ON ON01Remote Terminal = SRT ON OFF10Monitor Terminal = SMT OFF ON11SMT/SRT OFF OFFTable 6LOCKThis read only bit reflects the inverted state of the LOCK input pin. The LOCK pin is latched on the rising edge of MRST. If the mode of operation must change, the user must perform a MRST.READYThis read only bit reflects the inverted state of the output pin READY and is cleared on reset. This signal indicates the Summit has completed initialization or BIT, and regular execution may begin.ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 9 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998LOCAL INTERRUPT SOURCESThe SUMMIT has two (2) interrupt lines. These interrupts are Ored to the INTREQ0 pin on the IP bus. The Summit will provided the Interrupt Vector Register contents to the IP bus on D00-D07 during an interrupt acknowledge cycle.Only Interrupt 0 on the IP Bus is used.The source of each interrupt is listed below:MSG_INT Message interrupt.This pin is active for three clockcycles upon the occurrence of interrupt events which areenabled.YF_INT You failed Interrupt. This pin is active for three clockcycles upon the occurrence of interrupt events which areenabled.Table 7ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 10 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998JUMPER LOCATION DIAGRAMFigure 2ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 11 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998W1none Lattice Ispl programation plugW3none Summit JTAG testW4none Mode of Operation of the SUMMITW5none Remote terminal address RTA0-RTA2 W6none Remote terminal address RTA3-RTPT W72-3Short Stub Output channel B -W81-2Short Stub Output channel B +W92-3Short Stub Output channel A -W101-2Short Stub Output channel A +Table 8W4 Mode of Operation Jumper SelectionA/B* STD 1-2ONOFFMilitary standard Mil_STD_1553BMilitary standard Mil_STD_1553ALOCK3-4ON OFF Hardware configuration. This Pin when set active prevent Sotware change to both the RT address,A/B* STD and Mode select.Software configuration. Sotware change to both the RT address,A/B* STD and Mode select.MSEL15-6ONOFF See Mode of Operation Table 6 Bit set to Logic “0”Bit set to Logic “1”MSEL07-8ONOFF See Mode of Operation Table 6 Bit set to Logic “0”Bit set to Logic “1”Table 9ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 12 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998W5 RT Address Selection RTA21-2ON OFF RT Address BIT 2 set to Logic “0”RT Address BIT 2 set to Logic “1”RTA11-2ON OFF RT Address BIT 1 set to Logic “0”RT Address BIT 1 set to Logic “1”RTA01-2ON OFF RT Address BIT 0 set to Logic “0”RT Address BIT 0 set to Logic “1”Table 10W6 RT Address Selection RTPT1-2ON OFF RT Parity set to Logic “0”RT Parity set to Logic “1”RTA41-2ON OFF RT Address BIT 4 set to Logic “0”RT Address BIT 4 set to Logic “1”RTA31-2ON OFF RT Address BIT 3 set to Logic “0”RT Address BIT 3 set to Logic “1”Table 11W7 & W8 1553 Output Channel B ConfigurationCH B1-2ON2-3ON 2-3ON1-2ONLong Stub Output channel BShort Stub Output channel BTable 12ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 13 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998W9 & W10 1553 Output Channel A ConfigurationCH A1-2ON2-3ON 2-3ON1-2ONLong Stub Output channel AShort Stub Output channel ATable 13SUMMIT I/O CONNECTIONS1GND23GND45GND67GND8TIME-TAG CLK 9GND1011GND12RTA413GND14RTA315GND16RTA217GND18RTA119GND20RTA021GND22RTPT23GND242526GND CHA27OUTCH A+ 2829OUTCH A-3031323334353637DMAG LED+ 38TERAC LED-39DMAG LED-40TERAC LED+ 41424344454647OUTCH B+ 4849OUTCH B-50GND CHBALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 14 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998IP-SUMMIT TRANSITION MODULEJ5 RTADDRESS1-2RTPT3-4RTA45-6RTA37-8RTA29-10RTA111-12RTA0ALPHI TECHNOLOGY CORP.Page 15 REV 1.3 Part Number : 693-13-000-4000 Copyright Alphi Technology Corporation ,1998。
February 2006Advanced v1.11© 2006 Actel CorporationCore1553BRT -EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote T erminalProduct SummaryIntended Use•1553 Enhanced Bit Rate Remote Terminal (RT)•DMA Backend Interface to External Memory •Direct Backend Interface to Devices •Space and Avionic ApplicationsKey Features•Supports Enhanced Bit Rate 1553•10 Mbps Time-Multiplexed Serial Data Bus •Interfaces to External RAM or Directly to Backend Device•Synchronous or Asynchronous Backend Interface •Encoders and Decoders Operate off 100 MHz Clock •Protocol Control and Memory Interface Operates off 50 MHz Clock•Interfaces to Standard RS485 Transceivers•Programmable Mode Code and Sub-Address Legality for Illegal Command Support•Memory Address Mapping Allowing Emulation of Legacy Remote Terminals •Fail-Safe State Machines •Fully Synchronous OperationSupported Families•ProASIC ®3/E •ProASIC PLUS®•Axcelerator ®•RTAX-SCore Deliverables•Netlist Version –Compiled RTL Simulation Model, Compliant with Actel Libero ® Integrated Design Environment (IDE)–Netlist Compatible with the Actel Designer Place-and-Route Tool (with and without I/O Pads)•RTL Version –VHDL or Verilog Core Source Code –Synthesis Scripts•Actel-Developed Testbench (VHDL)Development System•Complete 1553BRT-EBR Implementation, Implemented in an AX1000Synthesis and Simulation Support•Synthesis: Exemplar ™, Synplicity ®, Design Compiler ®,FPGA Compiler ™•Simulation: Vital-Compliant VHDL Simulators and OVI-Compliant Verilog SimulatorsVerification and Compliance•Meets Requirements of Draft SAE AS5682 Standard (2005-10)•Actel-Developed Simulation Testbench Implements a Subset of the RT Test Plan (MIL-HDBK-1553A) for Protocol Verification•Protocol Control Derived from Core1553BRT,which Is Certified to MIL-STD-1553B (RT Validation Test Plan MIL-HDBK-1553, Appendix A)ContentsGeneral Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2Core1553BRT-EBR Device Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . 4Core1553BRT-EBR Verification and Compliance . . . . . . 4Core1553BRT-EBR Fail-Safe State Machines . . . . . . . . . . 4Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Bus Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4I/O Signal Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61553BRT-EBR Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14Command Legalization Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Bus Transceivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Typical RT Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20Transceiver Loopback Delays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Ordering Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25List of Changes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Datasheet Categories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Advanced v1.1Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal2Advanced v1.1General DescriptionCore1553BRT-EBR provides a complete, dual-redundant 1553 enhanced bit rate (EBR) remote terminal (RT) apart from the transceivers required to interface to the bus. A typical system implementation using the Core1553BRT-EBR is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 on page 3.At a high level, Core1553BRT-EBR simply provides a set of memory mapped sub-addresses that "receive data written to" or "transmit data read from." The core can be configured to directly connect to synchronous or asynchronous memory devices. Alternately, the core can directly connect to the backend devices, removing the need for the memory buffers. If memory is used, the corerequires 2,048 words of memory, which can be shared with the local CPU.The core supports all 1553EBR mode codes and allows the user to designate as illegal any mode code or any particular sub-address for both transmit and receive operations. The command legalization can be done within the core or in an external command legality block via the command legalization interface.Figure 1•Typical Core1553BRT-EBR SystemCore1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote TerminalAdvanced v1.13The core consists of six main blocks: 1553EBR encoders, 1553EBR decoders, backend interface, command decoder, RT controller blocks, and a command legalization block (see Figure 2).In the Core1553BRT-EBR, a single 1553EBR encoder is used. This takes each word to be transmitted and serializes it, after which the signal is Manchester encoded. The encoder also includes both logic to prevent the RT from transmitting for greater than the allowed period and loopback fail logic. The loopback logic monitors the received data and verifies that the core has correctly received every word that it transmits.The output of the encoder is gated with the bus enable signals to select which buses the RT should use to transmit.The core includes two 1553EBR decoders. The decoder takes the serial Manchester data received from the bus and extracts the received data words. The decoder requires a 100MHz clock to extract the data and the clock from the serial stream.The decoder contains a digital phased-lock loop (PL L )that generates a recovery clock used to sample the incoming serial data. The data is then deserialized and the 16-bit word decoded. The decoder detects whether a command or data word is received, and also performs Manchester encoding and parity error checking. The backend interface for the Core1553BRT-EBR allows a simple connection to a memory device or direct connection to other devices, such as analog-to-digital converters. The access rates to this memory are slow,with one read or write every 2 µs. The backend interface operates off the internally derived 50 MHz clock,resulting in a read or write every 100 clock cycles.The backend interface can be configured to connect to either synchronous or asynchronous memory devices. Thisallows the core to be connected to synchronous logic,memory within the FPGA, or external asynchronous memory blocks.The core implements a simple sub-address to the memory address mapping function, allowing the core to be directly connected to a memory block. The core also supports an address mapping function that allows the backend memory map to be modified to emulate legacy 1553EBR remote terminals, therefore minimizing system and software changes when adopting the Core1553BRT-EBR.Associated with this function is the ability to create a user-specific interrupt vector.The backend interface supports a standard bus request and grant protocol, and provides a WAIT input to allow the core to interface to slow memory devices.The command decoder and RT controller blocks decode the incoming command words, verifying their legality.The protocol state machine then responds to the command, transmitting or receiving data or processing a mode code.The Core1553BRT-EBR has an internal command legality block that verifies every 1553EBR command word. A separate interface is provided that, when enabled,allows the command legality decoder to be implemented outside the Core1553BRT-EBR. This external interface is intended for use with netlist versions of the core. For the RTL version of the core, this interface can be used or the source code can be modified easily to implement this function.Figure 2•Core1553BRT-EBR RT Block DiagramCore1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal4Advanced v1.1Core1553BRT-EBR Device RequirementsThe Core1553BRT-EBR can be implemented in several Actel FPGA devices. Table 1 gives the utilization and performance figures for the core implemented in these devices.The core can operate with a clock of up to 24MHz. This clock rate is easily met in all Actel silicon families noted in Table 1.Core1553BRT-EBR Verification and ComplianceThe Core1553BRT-EBR functionality has been verified in simulation and hardware.To fully verify compliance, the core has been implemented on AX1000 and ProASIC3 parts connected to external transceivers and memory.Core1553BRT-EBR Fail-Safe State MachinesThe logic design of Core1553BRT-EBR implements fail-safe state machines. All state machines include illegal state detection logic. If a state machine should ever enter an illegal state, the core will assert its FSM_ERROR output and the state machine will reset. If this occurs,Actel recommends that the external system reset the core and also assert the TFLAG input to inform the bus controller that a serious error has occurred within the remote terminal.The FSM_ERROR output can be left unconnected if the system is not required to detect and report state machines entering illegal states.Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Bus OverviewEnhanced Bit Rate 1553 is a enhanced data rate MIL-STD-1553B bus. The data transmission rate has been increased from 1MB/Sec to 10MB/Sec, and the multi-drop bus structure has been replaced with a hub-based point-to-point bus structure. To maintain system compatibility, the data protocol and command, status,and data words are identical to the MIL -STD-1553B specification.The bus has a single active bus controller (BC) and up to 31 remote terminals (RTs). For 1553EBR, the BC has up to 31 separate transceivers, each one connected directly to an RT. The BC manages all data transfers on the bus using the command and status protocol. The bus controller initiates every transfer by sending a command word and data if required. The selected RT will respond with a status word and data if required.The 1553EBR command word contains a five-bit RT address, transmit or receive bit, five-bit sub-address, and five-bit word count. This allows for 32 RTs on the bus.However, since RT address 31 is used to indicate a broadcast transfer, only 31 RTs may be connected. Each RT has 30 sub-addresses reserved for data transfers. The other two sub-addresses (0 and 31) are reserved for mode codes used for bus control functions. Data transfers contain up to 32 16-bit data words. Mode code command words are used for bus control functions, such as synchronization.Table 1•Device Utilization Family Comb.Seq.Total Device UtilizationPerformance ProASIC3/E 9704671437A3P25024%115/55 MHz ProASIC PLUS 12984671765APA15029%105/55 MHz Axcelerator 6584631121AX50014%173/87 MHz RTAX-S6584631121RTAX250S27%126/62 MHzNote:The Performance column shows the maximum clock speed for the 100MHz and 50MHz clock domains for each FPGA family.Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote TerminalAdvanced v1.15Message TypesThe 1553EBR bus supports eight message transfer types, allowing basic point-to-point and broadcast BC-to-RT data transfers, as well as mode code messages. Figure 3 shows the message formats.Figure 3•1553EBR Message FormatsCore1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal6Advanced v1.1Word FormatsThere are only three types of words in a 1553EBR message: a command word (CW), a data word (DW), and a status word (SW). Each word consists of a 3-bit sync pattern, 16 bits of data, and a parity bit, providing the 20-bit word (see Figure 4).I/O Signal DescriptionsBit1234567891011121314151617181920CW51551SyncRT AddressT/RSub-AddressWord Count / Mode CodePDW161SyncDataPSW51113111111SyncRT AddressM e s s a g e E r r o rI n s t r u m e n t a t i o nS e r v i c e R e q u e s tReservedB r o a d c a s t R e c e i v e dB u s yS u b -S y s t e m F l a gD y n a m i c B u s A c c e p t a n c eT e r m i n a l F l a gP a r i t yFigure 4•1553EBR Word FormatsTable 2•1553EBR Bus Interface Port Name Type DescriptionRTADDR[4:0]In Sets the RT address; must not be set at '11111'RTADDRPInRT Address parity input. This input should be set high or low to achieve odd parity on the RTADDR and RTADDRP inputs. If RTADDR is set to '00000', the RTADDRP input should be set to '1'.RTADERR OutIndicates that the RTADDR and RTADDRP inputs have incorrect parity, or broadcast is enabled and the RT address is set to 31; when active (high), the RT is disabled and will ignore all 1553EBR traffic.BUSAINENn Out Active low enable for the A receiver BUSAIN In Data input from the A receiver BUSBINENn Out Active low enable for the B receiver BUSBIN In Data input from the B receiverBUSAOUTEN Out Active high transmitter enable for the A transmitter BUSAOUT Out Data output to the Bus A transmitterBUSBOUTEN Out Active high transmitter enable for the B transmitter BUSBOUTOutData output to the Bus B transmitterCore1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote TerminalTable 3•Control and Status SignalsPort Name Type DescriptionCLK In Master 100 MHz clock inputCLKOUT100Out100 MHz clock input routed to an output pinCLKOUT50Out50 MHz clock used to clock the protocol and memory interface blocks. All core outputs aresynchronized to this clock. Will be routed on a global network.RSTn In Asynchronous reset input (active low)SREQUEST In Directly controls the service request bit in the 1553EBR status wordRTBUSY In Directly controls the busy bit in the 1553EBR status wordSSFLAG In Directly controls the sub-system flag bit in the 1553EBR status wordTFLAG In Controls the sub-system flag bit in the 1553EBR status word. Can be masked by the "inhibitterminal flag bit" mode code.VWORD[15:0]In Provides the 16-bit vector value for the "transmit vector word" mode commandBUSY Out Indicates that the core is either receiving or transmitting data or handling a mode command CMDSYNC Out Pulses high for a single clock cycle when the RT detects the start of a 1553EBR commandword (or status word) on the bus. Provides an early signal that the RT may be about to receiveor transmit data or mode code.MSGSTART Out Pulses high for a single cycle when the RT is about to start processing a 1553EBR messagewhose command has been validated for this RT.SYNCNOW Out Pulses high for a single clock cycle when the RT receives a "synchronize" command with orwithout data mode. The pulse occurs just after the 1553EBR command word (sync with nodata) or data word (sync with data mode code) has been received.BUSRESET Out Pulses high for a single clock cycle whenever the RT receives a reset mode command. Thecore logic will also automatically reset itself on receipt of this command.INTOUT Out Goes high when data has been received or transmitted or a mode command processed. Thereason for the interrupt is provided on INTVECT. Will stay high until INTACK goes high. IfINTACK is held high, will pulse high for a single clock cycle.INTVECT[6:0]Out A seven-bit value containing the reason for the interrupt. Indicates which sub-address datahas been received or transmitted.Bit 6 0: Bad block received 1: Good block receivedBit 5 0: RX data 1: TX dataBits 4:0Sub-addressFurther information can be found by checking the appropriate transfer status word for theappropriate sub-address.INTACK In Interrupt acknowledge input. When high, resets INTOUT to low. If this input is held high, theINTOUT signal will pulse high for one clock cycle every time an interrupt is generated. MEMFAIL Out Goes high if the core fails to read or write data to the backend interface within the requiredtime. This can be caused by the backend failing to assert MEMGNTn fast enough or assertingMEMWAITn for too long.CLRERR In Used to clear MEMFAIL and other internal error conditions. Must be held high for more thantwo clock cycles.Note:All control inputs except RSTn are synchronous and sampled on the rising edge of the internally generated 50 MH z clock (CLKOUT50). All status outputs are synchronized to the rising edge of the same clock.Advanced v1.17Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal8Advanced v1.1Command Legalization InterfaceThe core checks the validity of all 1553EBR command words. In RTL and netlist versions of the core, the logic may be implemented externally to the core. The command word is provided, and the logic must generate the command valid input. The command legalization interface also provides two strobes that are used to latch the command value to enable it to be used for addressmapping and interrupt vector extension functions (Table 4).Backend InterfaceThe backend interface supports both synchronous operation (to the core clock) and asynchronous operation to backend devices (Table 5 on page 9).Table 4•Command Legalization Interface Port Name Type DescriptionUSEEXTOKInWhen '0', the core uses its own internal command valid logic, enabling all legal supported mode codes and all sub-addresses.When '1', the core disables its internal logic and uses the external CMDOKAY input for command legality.CMDVAL[11:0]Out Active Command 110: Non-broadcast 1: Broadcast 100: Receive 1: Transmit [9:5]Sub-address[4:0]Word count / mode codeThese outputs are valid throughout the complete 1553EBR message. They can also be used to steer data to particular backend devices. In particular, bit 11 allows non-broadcast and broadcast messages to be differentiated.CMDSTB Out Single clock cycle pulse that indicates CMDVAL has changedCMDOKAY In Command word is okay (active high). The external logic must set this within 2 µs from the CMDVAL output changing.CMDOKOUT Out Command word is okay output. When USEEXTOK = '0', the core outputs its internal command word okay validation signal.ADDRLATOutCMDVAL address latch enable output (active high) is used to latch the CMDVAL when it is being used for an address mapping function. ADDRLAT should be connected to the enable of a rising edge clock flip-flop.INTLAT OutCMDVAL interrupt vector latch enable output (active high) is used to latch the CMDVAL when it is being used for an extended interrupt vector function. INTLAT should be connected to the enable of a rising edge clock flip-flop.Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote TerminalTable 5• Backend SignalsPort Name Type DescriptionMEMREQn Out Memory Request (active low) output. The backend interface requires memory accesscompletion within 1 µs of MEMREQ going low to avoid data loss or overrun on the 1553EBRinterface.*MEMGNTn In Memory Grant (active low) input. This input should be synchronous to CLK and needs tomeet the internal register setup time. This input may be held low if the core has continuousaccess to the RAM.MEMWRn Out Memory Write (active low)Synchronous mode: This output indicates that data is to be written on the rising clock edge.Asynchronous mode: This output will be low for a minimum of one clock period and can beextended by the MEMWAITn input. The address and data are valid one clock cycle beforeMEMWRn is active and held for one clock cycle after MEMWRn goes inactive.MEMRDn Out Memory Read (active low)Synchronous mode: This output indicates that data will be read on the next rising clock edge.This signal is intended as the read signal for synchronous RAMs.Asynchronous mode: This output will be low for a minimum of one clock period and can beextended by the MEMWAITn input. The address is valid one clock cycle before MEMRDn isactive and held for one clock cycle after MEMRDn goes inactive. The data is sampled asMEMRDn goes high.MEMCSn Out Memory Chip Select (active low). This output has the same timing as MEMADDR. MEMWAITn In Memory Wait (active low)Synchronous mode: This input is not used; it should be tied high.Asynchronous mode: Indicates that the backend is not ready and that the core should extendthe read or write strobe period. This input should be synchronized to CLK and needs to meetthe internal register setup time. It can be permanently held high.MEMOPER[1:0}Out Indicates the type of memory access being performed00: Data transfer for both data and mode code transfers01: TSW10: Command word11: Not usedMEMADDR[10:0]Out Address (active low). Memory address output (The sub-address mapping is covered in thememory allocation section)MEMDOUT[15:0] Out Memory Data output (active low)MEMDIN[15:0] In Memory Data input (active low)MEMCEN Out Control Signal Enable (active high). This signal is high when the core is requesting thememory bus and has been granted control. It is intended to enable any tristate drivers thatmay be implemented on the memory control and address lines.MEMDEN Out Data Bus Enable (active high). This signal is high when the core is requesting the memory bus,has been granted control, and is waiting to write data. It is intended to enable anybidirectional drivers that may be implemented on the memory data bus.Note:*The 1 µs refers to the time from MEMREQn being asserted to the core deasserting its MEMREQn signal. The core has an internal overhead of five clock cycles, and any inserted wait cycles will also reduce this time.Advanced v1.19Core1553BRT-EBR Enhanced Bit Rate 1553 Remote Terminal10Advanced v1.1Miscellaneous I/OSeveral inputs are used to modify the core functionality to simplify integration in the application. These inputs should be tied to logic '0' or logic '1', as appropriate (Table 6).Standard Memory Address MapCore1553BRT-EBR requires an external 2,048×16 memory device. This memory is split into 64 32-word data buffers.Each of the 30 sub-addresses has a receive and a transmit buffer, as shown in Table 7 on page 11.The memory allocated to the unused receive sub-addresses 0 and 31 is used to provide status information back to the rest of the system. At the end of every transfer, a transfer status word (TSW) is written to these locations.Table 6•Miscellaneous I/Os Port Name Type DescriptionWRTCMDInWhen '1', the core will write the 1553EBR command word to the locations used for the TSW values. If WRTTSW is also enabled, then the command word is written to memory at the start of a message and the TSW value will overwrite the command word at the end of the message, unless an external address mapping function is used.WRTTSW InWhen '1', the core will write the transfer status word to the memory.When '0', the core disables the writing of the transfer status word to memory. This is useful for simple RT applications that do not use memory but have a direct connection to the backend device.EXTMDATA InWhen '1', the core reads and writes mode code data words to and from the external memory (except for the transmit last command and transmit BIT word). The VWORD input is not used when this input is active.INTENBBR InWhen active '1', the core generates interrupts when both good and bad 1553EBR messages are received. When inactive '0', the core only generates interrupts when good messages are received.ASYNCIF In When '1', the backend interface is in asynchronous mode.When '0', the backend interface is in synchronous mode.TESTTXTOUTInThis input is for test use only. It should be tied low.When high, the RT will transmit more than 32 data words if a transmit data command word is received. This will cause the RT to shut down the transmitter and set the TIMEOUT bits in the BIT word.BCASTEN In This input enables broadcast operation.When '1', broadcast operations are enabled.When '0', broadcast messages (i.e., RT Address 31) are treated as normal messages. If the RTADDR input is set to 31, then the RT will respond to the message.SA30LOOP InThis input alters the backend memory mapping so that sub-address 30 provides automatic loopback (Table 7 on page 11).When '0', the RT does not loopback sub-address 30. Separate memory buffers are used for transmit and receive data buffers.When '1', the RT maps the transmit memory buffer for sub-address 30 to the receive memory buffer for sub-address 30, i.e., the upper address line is forced to '0'.FSM_ERROR OutThis output will go high for a single clock cycle if any of the internal state machines enter an illegal state. This output should not go high in normal operation. Should it go high, it is recommended that the core be reset.If the SA30LOOP input is set high, the RT maps transmit sub-address 30 to the receive sub-address 30, i.e., the upper address bit is forced to '0'. This provides a loopback sub-address as per MIL-STD-1553EBR, Notice 2.The TSW is still written to address 03EE. It should be noted that this is not strictly compliant with the specification since the transmit buffer will contain invalid data if the received command fails, e.g., on a parity error.The transmit buffer should only be updated if the receive command had no errors. To implement this function in full compliance with the specification, the SA30L OOP input should be tied low, and the RT backend should copy the receive memory buffer to the transmit memory buffer only after the RT signals that the message was received with no errors.When the memory buffer is implemented within the FPGA device using dual-port RAMs, separate receive and transmit RAM blocks can be used (each as 1k words), as shown in Figure 5. In these cases, the RX memory is selected when A10=0 and the TX memory when A10=1. In this case, the SA30L OOP input must be tied low.Table 7• Standard Memory Address MapAddress RAM Contents Notes000–01F RX transfer status words The core only writes to these addresses (exceptwhen SA30LOOP is high).020–03FReceive sub-address 1…3C0–3DF Receive sub-address 303E0–3FF TX transfer status words400–41F Not usedThe core only reads from these addresses.420–43FTX transfer sub-address 1…7C0–7DF TX transfer sub-address 307E0–7FFNot usedFigure 5•Using Internal FPGA Memory BlocksMemory Address MappingThe core supports an external memory address mapper that allows the RT memory allocation to be easily customized. To use this function, the CMDVAL output must be latched by the ADDRL AT signal, as shown in Figure6. Then the address mapper function can map the 1553EBR command words, data words including mode code data, and transfer status words to any memory address.Interrupt Vector ExtensionThe core generates a seven-bit interrupt vector that contains the sub-address and whether it was a transmit or receive message. Some systems may need to include whether the message was broadcast, a mode code, or the actual word count in the interrupt vector. The core supports an interrupt vector extension function, similar to the address mapper function using the INTLAT signal, as shown in Figure7.Figure 6•Memory Address MappingFigure 7•Interrupt Vector ExtensionStatus Word SettingsThe Core1553BRT-EBR sets bits in the 1553EBR status word in compliance with MIL-STD-1553B. This is summarized in Table8.Command Word StorageAt the start of every 1553EBR bus transfer, the 1553EBR command word is written to RAM locations 000–01F for receive operations and 3E0–3FF for transmit operations. The addresses are as follows:CMD location RX commands: '000000' and SACMD location TX commands: '011111' and SAIf the RT is implemented without a memory-based backend, the writing of the command word can be disabled (WRTCMD input). This simplifies the design of the backend logic that directly controls the backend function.Transfer Status Words (TSW)At the end of every 1553EBR bus transfer, a transfer status word is written to RAM in locations 000–01F for receive operations and 3E0–3FF for transmit operations. The addresses used are as follows:TSW location RX commands: '000000' and SATSW location TX commands: '011111' and SA As an example, the TSW address for a transmit command with sub-address 24 would be '01111110100' (3F4h). The TSW contains the information in Table9 on page14.If the RT is implemented without a memory-based backend, the writing of the TSW can be disabled. This simplifies the design of the backend logic that directly controls backend functions.Backend Access TimesDuring normal operation, the backend must allow a memory access to complete within 1.0µs.While the status word is being transmitted, the core must write the command word to memory and fetch the first data word. Two memory accesses are performed in the 2 µs that the status word takes to transmit.At the end of a broadcast-receive command, Core1553BRT-EBR writes the last data word and the TSW value before the RT decodes the next command. Two memory accesses occur in the 2µs during which the command word is being decoded.The core includes a timer that is set to terminate backend memory access at 1.0µs.Table 8•Status Word Bit SettingsBit(s)Function Setting15:11RT Address Equals the RTADDR input10Message Error Set whenever the RT detects a message error9Instrumentation Always '0'8Service Request Controlled by the SSFLAG input7:5Reserved Always '000'4Broadcast Received Set whenever a broadcast message is received3Busy Controlled by the RTBUSY input2Sub-System Flag Controlled by the SSFLAG input1Dynamic Bus Acceptance Always '0'. The Core1553BRT-EBR does not operate as a bus controller.0Terminal Flag Controlled by the TFLAG input. If an "inhibit terminal flag" mode code is in effect, will be '0'.。
作为总线标准主要用在以下场合:1.信息需要在总线终端之间通过数字通信通道传输;2.所有总线终端的和用于总线终端之间连接的电气接口需要的是标准定义的接口;3. 信息要求以一种可靠的, 确定的,命令/回应的方式传输。
串行传输率在最初(早在1970年代 )的标准定义下,串行总线传输位速率 , 1 Mbps,是基于几种因素限制的 ,包括可靠性,电气接口,和硬盘容量。
如果给出一套终端连接和通信格式的规则和指导方针 ( 1553总线和 MIL-HDBK-1553标准大纲),系统设计者就能设计出一种可靠的接口总线网。
它未被想象成象今天的大多数高速本地区域网络 (LANs)一样作为 "数据转移"网络。
如果你将它的最大只允许传输64 字节(32、16-bit字)数据包的协议和信息技术标准与现今的 LAN标准相比,你就会相信这一点。
正鸿航科 MIL-STD-1553B, ARINC429 连接配件 说明书
地址:西安市太白北路1号西荷花园5-1805室 邮编:710068 Web : Tel :029-********/7 Fax :029-********-8815 E-mail :sales@ 1/2陕西正鸿航科电子有限公司组建于2005年,位于古城西安,是专业从事嵌入式计算机和测控技术领域产品研发、生产、系统集成和技术服务的高新技术企业。
主要产品:Ø MIL-STD-1553B 、ARINC-429、多协议卡 Ø AFDX/ARINC 664Ø 同步器/旋变转换卡、反射内存卡 Ø CAN/ARINC 825Ø RS232/422/485、A/D 、D/A 、I/O 、计数器 Ø 图像处理卡及系统Ø 加固计算机/服务器/机箱/笔记本/显示器/KVM Ø 飞机电气特性测试系统(GJB181A/DO-160E ) Ø其它测控、仿真及测试系统工程项目MIL-STD-1553B, ARINC429连接配件陕西正鸿航科电子有限公司提供全系列的1553B, ARINC-429配套组件产品,原装DDC, HOLT, Trompeter, Tyco/Raychem 瑞侃, North hills, Milestek,Excalibur 等品牌厂家。
包括1553B , ARINC 429协议芯片、1553B 连接器、1553B 耦合器、1553B 线缆、1553B 终端匹配电阻、热缩套管、模缩套、标识套产品等。
并可根据用户要求,加工定做1553B 数据线。
■ MIL-STD-1553B 盒式耦合器单端子 ESI-110 90-5020190-50211 两端子 ESI-210 90-5020290-50212三端子ESI-310 90-50203 90-50213 四端子 ESI-410 90-50204 90-50214 五端子 ESI-510 90-50205 90-50215 六端子 ESI-610 90-50206 90-50216 七端子 ESI-710 90-50207 90-50217八端子ESI-81090-5020890-50218D-500-0255-581-1D-500-0255-582-1■ MIL-STD-1553B 在线耦合器D-500-0455-1-612-07890-50261-1290-50252-12 90-50262-12 90-50362-12地址:西安市太白北路1号西荷花园5-1805室 邮编:710068 Web : Tel :029-********/7 Fax :029-********-8815 E-mail :sales@ 2/2D-500-0466-2-612-079 90-50263-12 90-50363-12 90-50463-12 90-50254-12D-500-0467-2-612-07890-50251-1290-50253-12■ MIL-STD-1553B 终结电阻10-06403-025 10-06403-033 10-06403-044 10-06403-024 10-06403-034 10-06403-042 10-06403-038 10-06403-060 TNG1-4-78TNG1-7-78ESI-T5078RT5078■ MIL-STD-1553B 线缆M17/176-00002 M17-176-00002 10612-24-96 TWC-78-1 TWC-78-2■ MIL-STD-1553B 连接头DK-621-0411-S/ P DK-621-0439-4S/4P DK-621-0939-4S/4P BJ76 DK-621-0412-S/ P DK-621-0440-4S/4P DK-621-0940-4S/4P BJ77 DK-621-0433-1S/ P DK-621-0434-1S/ P CJ70-47PL75-47■ MIL-STD-1553B 数据线可根据用户要求,加工定做1553B 数据线。
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特 征• 全集成MIL-STD-1553接口终端• 灵活的处理器/存储器接口 • 标准的4K ×16以及可选的 12K ×16或8K ×17RAM • 可选的RAM 奇偶产生/校验 • 自动BC 重试• 可编程的BC 间隔定时 • BC 帧自动重复• 灵活的RT 数据缓存 • 可编程的非法化 • 可任选的消息监控器 • 同时制RT/监控器模式通道A 通道B 参见命名信息以获得可用的存储器图1 ACE 模块图表1注:注1到注6适用于接收器差分电阻及差分电容的说明⑴该说明包括接收器及发送器(在内部是连在一起的)⑵阻抗的测试是直接在BU-65170/61580××混合器的管脚TX/RX A(B)及TX/RX A(B)之间进行的。
⑷该说明适用于上电及非上电两种情况⑸该说明假定是2V rms的平衡、差分、正旋输入的情况,适用频率范围是75KHz到1MHz。
⑻对最小消息间间隔定时来说,其典型值在软件的控制下可以增加到(65535us 减去消息本身的时间),其单位增量是1us。
1 介绍DDC 的集成BC/RT/MT混合器ACE系列在微处理器和MIL-STD-1553A、B Notice 2、McAir、或STANAG 3838总线之间提供了完整的、灵活的接口,可完成BC、RT及MT模式。
ACE RT模式是多协议的,支持MIL-STD-1553A、MIL-STD-1553B Notice 2、STANAG 3838(含EFA总线),以及McAir A3818、A5232及A5690协议,完全服从McAir 规则,但需使用正弦收发器(收发器选项5),参见BU-61590数据页以获取McAir终端的更多信息。
RT模式的存储器管理方案提供了一个广播数据分离的选项,与1553B Notice 2是一致性的。
2 功能概述2.1 收发器BU-65170/61580×3(×6)中的收发器全部都是单片的,只需+5V电源输入。
2.2 J型数字单片芯片J型数字单片芯片是ACE终端家族基本成员的代表,开发的J型芯片是DDC的1553协议及接口设计的第五代产品。
(3)BUS-61553高级集成多路传输混合器(AIM-HY)系列,除了一个双单/厚片收发器及分离的RAM 芯片外,它还包括一个典型的协议芯片和一个分离的典型存储器管理/处理器接口芯片(4)BUS-61559 带有增强RT 功能的AIM-HY,er,它带有增强的RT功能(AIM-HY,er—除了AIM-HY系列所具有的功能外,AIM-HY,er系列还具有存储器管理及处理器接口功能)。
J型芯片含有一个双编码/解码器、完整的BC协议、1553A/B/McAir RT及MT模式、存储器管理及中断逻辑、与主处理器总线及可任选的外部RAM灵活的带缓存的接口、以及4KW的片内RAM。
除了能实现早期AIM-HY,er系列所有的协议、存储器管理以及接口功能外,J型芯片还做了大量的改进以方便硬件及软件的设计,并进一步off-load 1553终端的主处理器。
2.3 解码器BU-65170 RT和BU-61580 BC/RT/MT工作时所需时钟输入的缺省值是16MHz,如果需要,软件可编程选项允许该器件工作时的时钟输入为12MHz。
在16 MHz(硬件或软件复位时的缺省值)模式下,ACE解码器对1553串行数据的抽样时钟为16 MHz。
2.4 时间定标ACE内部含有可读写的内部定时标签寄存器,该寄存器是一个CPU可读写的16位计数器,其分辨度是可编程的,为2、4、6、8、16、32、或64us/LSB。
这样做可以支持定时标签寄存器的自检,对BC和RT模式来说,每一个被处理的消息都被装载到相应的描述器堆栈入口的第二个位置(TIME TAG WORD)。
2.5 中断ACE系列器件为中断的产生和处理提供了很多可编程选项,中断输出管脚(INT)具有3种软件可编程的工作模式:脉冲、软件控制下清除的电平输出、读中断状态寄存器后自动清除的电平输出。
3 寻址、内部寄存器及存储器管理正常情况下,BU-65170/61580与主处理器的软件接口有17个内部可操作的寄存器,另有8个测试寄存器,加上64K×16的共享存储器地址空间。
BU-65170/61580 的4K×16的内部RAM就存在于该地址空间。
ACE的17个非测试寄存器及测试寄存器地址影像的定义及可访问性如下所示:3.1 中断屏蔽寄存器对各种事件,用于使能或禁止中断请求。
3.2 配置寄存器#1和#2用于选择BU61580的工作模式、RT状态字的位的软件控制,激活的存储器区域、BC 因差错停止、RT 存储器管理模式选择,以及定时标签操作的控制。
3.3 起始/复位寄存器用于“指令”类型的功能,比如软件复位、BC/MT起始、中断复位、定时标签复位以及定时标签寄存器测试。
3.4 BC/RT指令堆栈指针寄存器当BU-61580工作在BC或RT模式时,该寄存器允许主CPU为当前或最近的消息确定其指针位置。
3.5 BC控制字/RT子地址控制字寄存器在BC模式,它允许主机访问当前或最近的BC控制字,BC控制字包含的位可对激活的总线及消息格式做出选择、使能离线自检、屏蔽状态字的位、使能重试及中断、以及指定对MIL-STD-1553A或MIL-STD-1553B差错的处理。