

MCC MBR30150FCT 150V 电阻器数据手册说明书

MCC MBR30150FCT 150V 电阻器数据手册说明书

Features30 AmpSchottky BarrierRectifier 150 Volts•Low Power Loss, High Efficiency•Guardring F or O vervoltage P rotection•Low Forward Voltage Drop A nd High Frequency Operation•For U se in H igh F requency I nverters,F ree W heeling A nd P olarity P rotection A pplications•Lead Free Finish/RoHS Compliant(Note 1) ("P" Suffix D esignates RoHS Compliant. See O rdering I nformation)•Halogen Free Available Upon Request By Adding Suffix "-HF"•Epoxy Meets UL 94 V-0 Flammability Rating Maximum RatingsMBR30150FCT 150V150VMCC Part NumberDevice MarkingMaximum Recurrent Peak Reverse VoltageMaximum RMS Voltage Maximum DC Blocking Voltage •Operating Junction Temperature Range: -55⁰C to +150⁰C •Storage Temperature Range: -55⁰C to +150⁰C•Typical Thermal Resistance Per Leg: 4.0⁰C/W Junction to Case Electrical Characteristics @ 25°C Unless Otherwise SpecifiedMaximum R everse C urrent P er L eg at W orking P eak R everse V oltageI R5.0µA T J =25⁰C V FMaximum A verageF orward R ectified C urrent I F(AV)30A (See Fig.1)Maximum Instantaneous Forward Voltage P er L eg (Note 5)0.90VNote :1. High Temperature Solder Exemption Applied, see EU Directive Annex 7a .1.0m A T J =125⁰C Voltage R ate of C hange (R ated V R )dv/dt 10,000V/us Peak R epetitive R everse C urrent P er L eg I RR M1.0A0.75V 0.99V 0.86V I F =15A ,T C =25⁰C I F =15A ,T C =125⁰C I F =30A ,T C =25⁰C I F =30A ,TC =125⁰C RMS Isolation V oltage (MBRF type only) F rom T erminals to H eatsink W ith t = 1.0 S econd, RH ≤30%4500VV I SOL3500V 1500V( Note 2)( Note 3)( Note 4)2.Clip mounting (on case), where lead does not overlap heatsink with 0.110" offset3.Clip mounting (on case), where leads do overlap heatsink4.Screw mounting with 4-40 screw, where washer diameter is < 4.9 mm (0.19")5.Pulse test: 300us pulse width, 1% duty cyclePIN 1PIN 3Internal StructurePeak Forward Surge CurrentI FSM 260A 8.3ms,H alf S inetp = 2.0us, 1KHzMBR30150FCT 105VCurve Characteristics25501251501755101520253035A v e r a g e F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (A )75100Case Temperature (°C)Fig. 1 - Forward Current Derating Curve050100150200250300P e a k F o r w a r d S u r g e C u r r e n t (A )Fig. 2 - Maximum Non-Repetitive Peak Forward SurgeNumber of Cycles at 60 Hz0.20.52520500.1110I n s t a n t a n e o u s F o r w a r d C u r r e n t (A )Fig. 3 - Typical Instantaneous Forward CharacteristicsInstantaneous Forward Voltage (V)0.010.11101001000I n s t a n t a n e o u s R e v e r s e L e a k a g e C u r r e n t (μA )Fig. 4 - Typical Reverse Leakage CharacteristicsPercent of Rated Peak Reverse Voltage (%)Ordering InformationDevice PackingPart Number-B P Bulk:50pcs/Tube,1Kpcs/Box,5Kpcs/Carton Note : Adding "-HF" Suffix For Halogen Free, eg. Part Number-B P-HF。


l电源 l
高精 度 :2 ℃~ 8 ℃时 的误 差为 01% ,4 一 5 +5 . 一 0℃

+2 1 5℃时 的误 差 为 02 %; .5
可 对 传 感 器 的偏 移 、 敏 度 、 漂 和 非 线 性 进 灵 温
行 数 字补偿 ;
输 出分 辨率 最 高 为 1 5位 ,可选 择 相 对 应 的采 样 频 率 ( 多 39k z ; 最 . H ) P C通 过数 字接 口实现 器件 的配 置 和校准 。
22 工 作 原 理 .

以数 字 信 号 方 式 输 出 ,且 外 围 电路 简 单 。
Z 3 0 0几 乎适 用 于所有 桥式 传感 器 。 MD 5 1
温 二 [二 丽 管二 ] 度极 二 二
I ' 匦! r 一 r —
2 Z D3 O O介 绍 M 15
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5.3.1 XY格式............................................................................. 24 5.4 菜单框和菜单框选择按钮............................................................ 25 5.5 水平控制..................................................................................... 26
DST4000 和 DST1000 系列数字存储示波器用户手册
5.1 显示区 ........................................................................................ 20 5.2 信息区域..................................................................................... 23 5.3 波形显示..................................................................................... 23
DST4000 和 DST1000 系列 数字存储示波器
Version 1.0
杭州三汇科技有限公司 www.
目 录 ...........................................................................................................i 版权申明 .......................................................................................................................................................................v 第 1 章 安全事项......................................................................................... 1



3 输出..............................................................................................................................................................11 3.1 概述....................................................................................................................................................11 3.2 PWM 输出..........................................................................................................................................13 4 串行数字接口..............................................................................................................................................15 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 概述....................................................................................................................................................15 I2C 协议.............................................................................................................................................17 ZACWIRETM 一线通信数字接口.......................................................................................................22 SPI 串行协议.....................................................................................................................................30 接口指令............................................................................................................................................36



多分类支持向量机 型壳 含矿斑岩 可重构集成方法 可视化 变质产品 单件小批量 动态适应交货期 动力学机制 分层存储结构 准时化生产 决策树 共享资源 六西格玛 传送机构 传感器 仪器 亚基类型 pcb板组装 mrp cell宽带引擎架构 bootstrap控制图
推荐指数 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
科研热词 推荐指数 模拟退火 3 铁蛋白 2 自适应遗传 2 多阶段父代更新 2 多目标决策 2 任务优化分配 2 铝合金 1 遗传算法 1 转移方式 1 车间生产管理 1 质量设计 1 调度 1 计算机应用 1 装配 1 表面贴装技术 1 行为理论 1 蛙跳算法 1 航天产品 1 聚类分析 1 统计过程控制(spc) 1 结构转换 1 组炉计划 1 纳米吡啰红 g 核-铁蛋白 1 禁忌搜索 1 相对相似系数 1 疲劳 1 电子显微镜 1 生产计划 1 模板检索 1 无模铸型 1 数控加工 1 数据库连接 1 数学模型 1 数字补偿系统 1 插入邻域搜索 1 控制图 1 批量流水线 1 成组算法 1 快速制造 1 微观结构 1 微粒群优化 1 微小偏差 1 工艺流程图 1 工作流 1 学习率 1 多品种小批量生产 1 基质辅助激光解析电离飞行时间质谱 1 城市配送 1 可重用mes 1 变质剂 1 印刷电路板 1 加工周期 1
2009年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52



ZMD31050中文资料1.基本性能指标电源电压:+2.7 V~+5.5 V;输入信号:1 mV/V~275 mV/V;多种输出方式可供选择:电压(0 V~5 V),电流(4 mA~20 mA),PWM,I2C,SPI,ZACwireTM(一线接口),报警输出;桥式传感器的激励源可选:比例电压、恒压模式或恒流模式;℃℃时的误差为0.1%,-40℃~+125℃时的误差为0.25%;高精度:~25+85可对传感器的偏移、灵敏度、温漂和非线性进行数字补偿;输出分辨率最高为15位,可选择相对应的采样频率(最多3.9 kHz);Pc通过数字接口实现器件的配置和校准。







首先,桥式传感器传递出的信号在PGA中进行预放大,MUX将该信号与外部二极管或分立温度传感器信号按照某种序列传送给ADC单元,ADC单元对这些信号进行A /D转换。





2.3 引脚功能图2为ZMD31050的引脚排列。


3 数字式气压传感器系统应用3.1硬件设计ZMD31050接收来自前端桥式传感器的微弱模拟信号,将这一信号放大,经A/D转换、补偿与校正后以数字信号形式传给后端微处理器。



推荐指数 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
பைடு நூலகம்
2013年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
科研热词 压阻 表面应力 有限元 掺杂 悬臂梁传感器 微机电系统 压力传感器 高过载 高温 高g加速度计 霍普金森杆 瞬态响应时间 灵敏度 测试 氧离子注入 探针 恶劣环境 微型压力传感器 微力传感器 多晶硅纳米薄膜 双悬臂梁 压阻加速度计 动态性能 动态压力测量 加速度计 加速度传感器 侵彻 介观压阻效应 三维力
科研热词 加速度传感器 微机电系统 压阻式 高速侵彻 高电子迁移率晶体管 高g值传感器 过载 超薄微梁 谐振频率 自适应灌浆 硬回收法 砷化镓 爆炸力学 灵敏度 灌浆压力 灌浆 滤波分析 测试 流量 模糊pid控制 有限元模拟 密度 孔缝双桥结构 多晶硅纳米膜 地层抬动值 固有频率 可编程逻辑控制器 双层钢靶 压阻式过载传感器 压力波动 力电耦合系数 共振隧穿二极管 共振隧穿 光子晶体 先进钻地弹缩比弹 侵彻 传感器 介观压光 mems
2008年 序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52
53 sf6断路器

ZMD31015AIBS中文资料(Zentrum Mikroelektronik)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

ZMD31015AIBS中文资料(Zentrum Mikroelektronik)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
低成本传感器信号调理器 与诊断
•可编程模拟增益和数字增益; 可容纳桥梁跨度为1mV / V和高偏移
•片上许多诊断功能(例如,EEPROM签名, 桥连接检查,桥梁短路检测,功率损耗
•支持工业质量校正可 •快速电路定制可能大批量生产
dLite dLite
典型RBIC dLite 应用电路
• • 数据记录仪
• 筛选检查 • 制冷剂 • 压力监控
ZMD31015 BIF-T
系数成片上EEPROM.该校准RBIC 和一个特定传感器配合时数字:快速,精确,并且没有
或激光.集成诊断功能使RBIC 特别适合好于汽车应用.
•该RBIC dLite 开发套件可 包括开发电路板,SOP8样品,软件,和文件.
•独立可编程高和低幅电平 •为模块可追溯性24位客户ID字段 •通过单线接口数字校准和配置 -
快速,准确 •内部温度补偿参考
•输出选项:轨到轨比例模拟电压 (12位分辨率),绝对模拟电压,
•电源电压2.7〜5.5V;与外部JFET,5.5至30V •快速开机到数据输出响应;输出提供5ms后

ZMD31050中文资料(Zentrum Mikroelektronik)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

ZMD31050中文资料(Zentrum Mikroelektronik)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」

VSS) .................................................... 17
5.5 I 覆盖整个院落 C 极特
................................................................................................. 18
2C, SPI,
§ 可用应用开发包( SSOP16样品 , 校准电路板 ,校准软件 ,技术
§ 支持用于工业质量校准
§ 快速电路定制可能大
R sens
Fig.1: 比例测量电压输出,
Fig.2: 两线级(4至20)毫安配置[(7〜40)V]
1.3 A NALOG F RONT E ND (AFE).......................................................................................................五 1.3.1.可编程增益放大器............................................... ............................................ 5
灵活I / O 2:PWM1,SPI数据输出,SPI从选择,报警1,Alarm2SIF
串行接口:I2C数据I / O,SPI在,时钟数据


digital bus interface – simple, low cost
High accuracy (±0.1% FSO @ -25 to 85°C;
±0.25% FSO @ -40 to 125°C)

Available Support
Evaluation kit available Support for industrial mass calibration available Quick circuit customization possible for large
Digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity,

temperature drift, and nonlinearity Accommodates nearly all resistive bridge sensor types (signal spans from 1mV/V up to 275mV/V) Digital one-pass calibration: quick and precise Selectable compensation temperature source: bridge, thermistor, or internal or external diode Output options: voltage (0 to 5V), current 2 (4 to 20mA), PWM, I C™, SPI, ZACwire™ (one-wire interface), alarm Adjustable output resolution (up to 15 bits) versus sampling rate (up to 3.9kHz) Current consumption: 2.5mA (typical) Selectable bridge excitation: ratiometric voltage, constant voltage, or constant current Input channel for separate temperature sensor Sensor connection and common mode check (sensor aging detection) AEC-Q100 qualification (temperature grade 0)

IN310 集成一体机系列说明书

IN310 集成一体机系列说明书

使用说明书 IN310集成一体机系列目录第一章 安全注意事项 (1)第二章 产品概述 (2)第三章 型号及电气参数 (3)3.1铭牌及型号说明 (3)3.2电气额定参数 (3)第四章 安装指导 (4)4.1安装尺寸 (4)4.2变频器安装空间要求 (5)4.3输入、输出防水接线端子配线要求 (5)第五章 使用指导 (6)5.1使用步骤 (6)5.2使用指导 (6)5.3使用事项 (7)第六章 常见故障解决方法 (8)第七章 选配件 (9)第一章安全注意事项感谢您选择本公司产品,为保证安全、合理的使用本产品,请在完全理解本手册所述的安全注意事项后再使用该产品。










ZMD31150Fast Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARYFeatures• Digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature drift and non-linearity • Adjustable to nearly all bridge sensor types, analog gain: 420, over all gain: up to 2000 • Output options: ratiometric analog voltage output (5-95% in maximum, 12.4bit resolution) or ZACwire TM (digital one-wire-interface)• Temperature compensation: internal or external diode, bridge resistance, thermistor • Sensor biasing by voltage or constant current • Sample rate up to 7.8kHz• High voltage protection up to 33V• Reverse polarity and short circuit protection • Wide operation temperature –40...+150°C • Supply voltage 4.5...5.5V• Traceability by user-defined EEP entries• Several safety- and diagnostic functions Benefits• No external trimming components required • PC-controlled configuration and One-Shot calibration via one-wire interface: simple, low cost, quick and precise• End-of-Line calibration via one-wire-interface • High accuracy (0.25% FSO @ -25 to 85°C; Brief DescriptionZMD31150 is a CMOS integrated circuit for highly-accurate amplification and sensor-specific correction of bridge sensor signals. Digital compensation of sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature drift and non-linearity is accomplished via a 16-bit RISC micro-controller running a correction algorithm with calibration coefficients stored in an EEPROM.The ZMD31150 is adjustable to nearly all bridge sensor types. Measured values are provided at the ratiometric analog voltage output or at the digital ZACwire TM and I2C interface. The digital interface can be used for a simple PC-controlled calibration procedure, in order to program a set of calibration coefficients into an on-chip EEPROM. Thus a specific sensor and a ZMD31150 are mated digitally: fast, precise and without the cost overhead associated with trimming by external devices or laser.The ZMD31150 is optimized for automotive environments by it’s special protection circuitry and excellent electromagnetic compatibility.• Evaluation kit available with samples• Mass calibration solutionFig 1: Sensor Module Schematichttps://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY Contents1.CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION (3)1.1S IGNAL F LOW (3)1.2A PPLICATION M ODES (4)1.3A NALOG F RONT E ND (AFE) (4)1.3.1.Programmable Gain Amplifier (4)1.3.2.XZC - Analog Sensor Offset Compensation (5)1.3.3.Measurement Cycle (6)1.3.4.Analog-to-Digital Converter (6)1.4T EMPERATURE M EASUREMENT (7)1.5S YSTEM C ONTROL AND C ONDITIONING C ALCULATION (8)1.5.1.Operation Modes (8)1.5.2.Start Up Phase (8)1.5.3.Conditioning Calculation (9)1.6A NALOG O UTPUT AOUT (9)1.7S ERIAL D IGITAL I NTERFACE (10)1.8S AFETY F EATURES, W ATCHDOG AND E RROR D ETECTION (10)1.9H IGH V OLTAGE, R EVERSE P OLARITY AND S HORT C IRCUIT P ROTECTION (10)https://2.APPLICATION CIRCUIT EXAMPLE (11)3.ESD-PROTECTION (12)4.PIN CONFIGURATION, LATCH-UP AND PACKAGE (12)5.IC CHARACTERISTICS (13)5.1A BSOLUTE M AXIMUM R ATINGS (13)5.2O PERATING C ONDITIONS (13)5.3E LECTRICAL P ARAMETERS (14)5.4I NTERFACE C HARACTERISTICS & EEPROM (16)6.RELIABILITY (17)7.CUSTOMIZATION (17)8.RELATED DOCUMENTS (17)ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheetPRELIMINARY1.Circuit Description1.1Signal FlowFig.2: Block diagram of ZMD31150The ZMD31150’s signal path is partly analog (blue) and partly digital (red). The analog part is realized differential – this means the differential bridge sensor signal is internal handled via two signal lines, which are rejected symmetrically around a common mode potential (analog ground = VDDA/2). Consequently it is possible to amplify positive and negative input signals, which are located in the common mode range of the signal input.The differential signal from the bridge sensor is pre-amplified by the programmable gain amplifier (PGA). The Multiplexer (MUX) transmits the signals from bridge sensor, external diode or separate temperature sensor to the ADC in a certain sequence (instead of the temp. diode the internal pn-junction (TS) can be used optionally). Afterwards the ADC converts these signals into digital values. The digital signal correction takes place in the calibration micro-controller (CMC). It is based on a correction formula located in the ROM and on sensor-specific coefficients (stored into the EEPROM during calibration). Dependent on the programmed output configuration the corrected sensor signal isoutput as analog value or in digital format (I 2C, ZACwire TM ). The configuration data and the correction parameters can be programmed into the EEPROM via the digital interfaces.https://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheetPRELIMINARY1.2Application ModesFor each application a configuration set has to be established (generally prior to calibration) by programming the on-chip EEPROM regarding to the following modes:Sensor channel− Sensor mode : ratiometric bridge excitation in voltage or current supply mode.− Input range : the gain adjustment of the AFE with respect to the maximum sensor signal spanand the zero point of the ADC has to be chosen− Additional offset compensation XZC : the extended analog offset compensation has to beenabled if required, e.g. if the sensor offset voltage is near to or larger than the sensor span. − Resolution/response time : the A/D converter has to be configured for resolution and convertingscheme or ADC Order (first or second order). These settings influence the sampling rate, signal integration time and this way the noise immunity. Temperature− Temperature measurement : the source for the temperature correction has to be chosen.1.3 Analog Front End (AFE)The analog front end consists of the PGA, the MUX and the ADC. 1.3.1.Programmable Gain AmplifierTable 1 shows the adjustable gains, the sensor signal spans and the allowed common mode range.Input common mode rangeV IN_CM in % VDDA 2 No. overall gain a IN Max. span V IN_SP [mV/V] 1 Gain Amp1 Gain Amp2 Gain Amp3 XZC=off XZC=on 1 420 1,8 30 7 2 29 ... 65 45...55 2 280 2,7 30 4,66 2 29 ... 65 45...55 3 210 3,6 15 7 2 29 ... 65 45...55 4 140 5,4 15 4,66 2 29 ... 65 45...55 5 105 7,1 7,5 7 2 29 ... 65 45...55 6 70 10,7 7,5 4,66 2 29 ... 65 45...55 7 52,5 14,3 3,75 7 2 29 ... 65 45...55 8 35 21,4 3,75 4,66 2 29 ... 65 45...55 9 26,3 28,5 3,75 3,5 2 29 ... 65 45...55 10 14 53,75 1 7 2 29 ... 65 45...55 11 9,3 80 1 4,66 2 29 ... 65 45...55 12 7 107 1 3,5 2 29 ... 65 45...55 13 2,8 267 1 1,4 2 32 (57)Table 1: Adjustable gains, resulting sensor signal spans and common mode ranges1Recommended internal signal range is 75% of supply voltage in maximum. Span is calculated by formula: span = 75%*VDDA / gain 2Bridge in voltage mode, containing maximum input signal (with XZC: +300% Offset), 14bit accuracyrefer “ZMD31150 Functional description” for usable input signal/common mode range at bridge in current modehttps://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY1.3.2. XZC - Analog Sensor Offset CompensationThe ZMD31150 supports two methods of sensor offset compensation (zero shift):• digital offset correction• XZC - analog compensation for large offset values(up to in maximum approximately 300% of span, depending on gain adjustment)Digital sensor offset correction will be processed at the digital signal correction/conditioning by the CMC. Analog sensor offset pre-compensation will be needed for compensation of large offset values, which would be overdrive the analog signal path by uncompensated gaining. For analog sensor offset pre-compensation a compensation voltage will be added in the analog pre-gaining signal path (coarse offset removal). The analog offset compensation in the AFE can be adjusted by 6 EEPROM bits.PGA gaina IN Max. spanV IN_SPin mV/VOffset shift per stepin % full spanApprox. maximumoffset shift in mV/VApprox. maximumshift in [% V IN_SP](@ ± 31)420 1,8 12,5% 7,8 388% 280 2,7 7,6% 7,1 237% 210 3,6 12,5% 15,5 388% 140 5,4 7,6% 14,2 237% 105 7,1 5,2% 13 388% 70 10,7 7,6% 28 237% 52,5 14,3 5,2% 26 388% 35 21,4 7,6% 57 237% 26,3 28,5 5,2% 52 161% 14 53,75 12,5% 194 388% 9,3 80 7,6% 189 237% 7 107 5,2% 161 161% 2,8 267 0,83% 72 26% Table 2: Analog Zero Point Shift Ranges (XZC)https://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY1.3.3. Measurement CycleThe Multiplexer selects, depending on EEPROM settings, the following inputs in a certain sequence. Temperature measured by external diodeInternal offset of the input channel (V OFF)Pre-amplified bridge sensor signalThe complete measurement cycle iscontrolled by the CMC. The cycle diagram atthe right shows its principle structure.The EEPROM adjustable parameters are:• n=<1,31>: Pressure measurement countAfter power on the start routine is called,which contains all needed measurementsonce.Remark: The tasks “CMV”, “SSC/SCC+” and“SSC/SCC-“ are contained independent fromEEPROM configuration always in cycle.1.3.4. Analog-to-Digital ConverterThe ADC is an integrating AD-Converter in fulldifferential switched capacitor technique.Programmable ADC-resolutions are r ADC=<13,14> and with segmentation <15,16> bit.It can be used as first or second order converter. In the first order mode it is inherently monotone and insensitive against short and long term instability of the clock frequency. The conversion cycle time depends on the desired resolution and can be roughly calculated by:t CYC_1 = 2rµs / 2 / f CLKIn the second order mode two conversions are stacked with the advantage of much shorter conversion cycle time and the drawback of a lower noise immunity caused by the shorter signal integration period. The conversion cycle time at this mode is roughly calculated by:t CYC_2 = 2(r+3)/2 / 2 / f CLKThe calculation formulas give a overview about conversion time for one AD-conversion. Refer Calculation sheet “ZMD31150_Bandwidth_Calculation_Rev*.xls” for detailed calculation of samplingtime and bandwidth.ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARYThe result of the AD conversion is a relative counter result corresponding to the following equation: Z ADC = 2r * (V ADC_DIFF / V ADC_REF - RS ADC)Z ADC: number of counts (result of the conversion)r: adjusted resolution in bitV ADC/REF_DIFF: differential input/reference voltage of ADCRS ADC: digital ADC Range Shift (RS ADC = 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, controlled by the EEPROM content) With the RS ADC value a sensor input signal can be shifted in the optimal input range of the ADC.ADC Adjustment approx. OutputResolution *1)Sample Ratef CON *2)AveragedBandwidth @Order r ADC Digital Analog f CLK=3MHz f CLK=4MHz f CLK=3MHz f CLK=4MHz O ADC Bit Bit Bit Hz Hz Hz Hz1 13 13 12 345 460 130 1721 14 14 12 178 237 67 891 15 14 12 90 120 34 451 16 14 12 45 61 17 232 13 13 12 5859 7813 2203 29372 14 14 12 3906 5208 1469 19582 15 14 12 2930 3906 1101 14682 16 14 12 1953 2604 734 979Table 3: Output resolution versus sample rate*1) ADC resolution should be one bit higher then applied output resolution, if AFE gain is adjusted in such manner, that input range is used more than 50%. Otherwise ADC resolution should bemore than one bit higher than applied output resolution.*2) The sampling rate (AD conversion time) is only a part of the whole cycle,refer “ZMD31150 bandwidth calculation sheet” for detailed informationRemark:ADCs reference voltage ADC VREF is defined by the potential between <VBR_T> and <VBR_B> (or <VDDA> to <VSSA>, if CFGAPP:BREF=1). The theoretically input range ADC RANGE_INP of the ADC is equivalent to ADCs reference voltage.In practice ADCs input range should be used in maximum from 10% to 90% of ADC RANGE_INP- a necessary condition for abiding specified accuracy, stability and nonlinearity parameters of AFE. These condition is also valid for whole temperature range and all applicable sensor tolerances. Inside of ZMD31150 is no failsafe task implemented, which verifies abiding of these condition.https://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY1.4 Temperature MeasurementThe ZMD31150 supports four different methods for temperature data acquiring needed for calibration of the sensor signal in temperature range. Temperature data can be acquired using:• an internal pn-junction temperature sensor,• an external pn-junction temperature sensor connected to sensor top potential (VBRTOP),• an external resistive half bridge temperature sensor and• the temperature coefficient of the sensor bridge at bridge current excitation.Refer “ZMD31150 Functional Description” for a detailed explanation of temperature sensor adaptation and adjustment.1.5 System Control and Conditioning CalculationThe system control supports the following tasks/features:• control the measurement cycle regarding to the EEPROM-stored configuration data• 16 bit correction calculation for each measurement signal using the EEPROM stored calibration coefficients and ROM-based algorithms = signal conditioning• manage start up sequence and start signal conditioning• handle communication requests received by the serial interface• failsafe tasks for the functions of ZMD31150 and message detected errors with diagnostic stateshttps://Refer “ZMD31150_FunctionalDescription_Rev_*.PDF” for a detailed description.1.5.1. Operation ModesThe internal state machine represents three main states:• the continuous running signal conditioning mode – called N ormal O peration M ode: NOM• the calibration mode with access to all internal registers and states – called C ommand M ode: CM • the failure messaging mode – called D iagnostic M ode: DM1.5.2. Start Up Phase1The start up phase consist of following parts:1 internal supply voltage settling phase (=potential VDDA-VSSA) – finished by disabling the resetsignal through the power on clear block (POC). Refer “ZMD31150_HighVoltageProt_Rev_*.PDF”, chapter 4 for power on/off thresholds.Time (for beginning with VDDA-VSSA=0V): 500µs to 2000µs, AOUT: tristate2 system start, EEPROM read out and signature check (and ROM-check, if CFGAPP:CHKROM=1).Time: ~200µs (~2000µs with ROM-check), AOUT: LOW (DM)3 processing the start routine of signal conditioning (all measures & conditioning calculation).Time: 5x AD conversion time, AOUT behavior depending on adjusted OWI mode (1.6):- OWIANA & OWIDIS => AOUT: LOW (DM)- OWIWIN & OWIENA => AOUT: tristate1 All described timings are roughly estimated values and correlates with internal clock frequency. Timings estimated for fclk=3MHz.ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY The analog output AOUT will be activated at the end of start up phase depending on adjusted output and communication mode (1.6). In case of detected errors Diagnostic Mode (DM) is activated and diagnostic output signal is driven at the output.After the start up phase the continuous running measurement and calibration cycle is started. Refer “ZMD31150_BandwidthCalculation_Rev_*.xls” for detailed information about output update rate.1.5.3. Conditioning CalculationThe digitalized value for pressure (acquired raw data) is processed with the correction formula to remove offset and temperature dependency and to compensate non-linearity up to 3rd order. The result of the correction calculation is a non-negative 15 Bit value for pressure (P) in the range [0; 1). This value P is clipped with programmed limitation coefficients and continuously written to the output register of the digital serial interface and the output DAC.Note: The conditioning includes up to third order nonlinearity sensor input correction. The available adjustment ranges depend on the specific calibration parameters, for a detailed description refer to “ZMD31150 Functional Description”. To give a rough idea: Offset compensation and linear correction are only limited by the loose of resolution it will cause, the second order correction is possible up to about 30% full scale difference to straight line, third order up to about 20% (ADC resolution = 13bit). The used calibration principle is able to reduce present nonlinearity errors of the sensor up to 90%. The temperature calibration includes first and https://second order correction and should be fairly sufficient in all relevant cases. ADC resolution influences also calibration possibilities – 1 bit more resolution reduces calibration range by approximately 50%. Calculation input data width is in maximum 14bit. 15 & 16bit ADC resolution mode uses only a 14 bit segment of ADC range.1.6 Analog Output AOUTThe analog output is used for output the analog signal conditioning result and for “End of Line” communication via the ZACwire TM interface (one wire communication interface - OWI). The ZMD31150 supports four different modes of the analog output in combination with OWI behavior:• OWIENA: analog output is deactivated, OWI communication is enabled• OWIDIS: analog output is active (~2ms after power on), OWI communication is disabled• OWIWIN: analog output will be activated after time window,OWI communication is enabled in time window of ~500ms in maximum,transmission of “START_CM” command has to be finished during time window• OWIANA: analog output will be activated after ~2ms power on time,OWI communication is enabled in time window of ~500ms in maximum,transmission of “START_CM” command has to be finished during time window,to communicate the internal driven potential at AOUT has to be overwrittenby the external communication master (AOUT drive capability is current limited)The analog output potential is driven by an unity gain output buffer, those input signal is generated by an 12.4bit resistor string DAC. The output buffer (BAMP) – a rail-to-rail OPAMP - is offset compensated and current limited. So a short circuit of analog output to ground or power supply does not damage the ZMD31150.ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY1.7 Serial Digital InterfaceThe ZMD31150includes a serial digital interface (SIF), which is used for communication with the circuit to realize calibration of the sensor module. The serial interface is able to communicate with two communication protocols – I2C TM and ZACwire TM (an one wire communication interface – also called OWI). The OWI can be used to realize a “End of Line” calibration via the analog output AOUT of the complete assembled sensor module.Refer “ZMD31150 Functional Description” for a detailed description of the serial interfaces and communication protocols.1.8 Failsafe Features, Watchdog and Error DetectionThe ZMD31150 detects various possible errors. A detected error is signalized by changing the interal status in diagnostic mode (DM). In this case the analog output is set to LOW (minimum possible output value = lower diagnostic range – LDR) and the output registers of the digital serial interface are set to a significant error code.A watchdog oversees the continuous working of the CMC and the running measurement loop. The operation of the internal clock oscillator is verified continuously by oscillator fail detection.A check of the sensor bridge for broken wires is done permanently by two comparators watching thehttps://input voltage of each input (sensor connection and short check). Additionally the common mode voltage of the sensor and sensor input short is watched permanently (sensor aging).Different functions and blocks in digital part - like RAM-, ROM-, EEPROM- and register content - are watched continuously. Refer “ZMD31150 Functional Description” for a detailed description of safety features and methods of error messaging.1.9 High Voltage, Reverse Polarity and Short Circuit ProtectionThe ZMD31150 is designed for 5V power supply operation.The ZMD31150 and the connected sensor is protected from overvoltage and reverse polarity damage by an internal supply voltage limiter. The analog output AOUT can be connected (short circuit, overvoltage and reverse) with all potentials in protection range under all potential conditions at the pins VDDE and VSSE.All external components – explained in application circuit in chapter 2 – are required to guarantee these operation, the protection is no time limited. Refer “ZMD31150 High Voltage Protection Description” for a detailed description of protection cases and conditions.ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY 2. Application Circuit ExampleExample 1:Bridge in voltage mode, ext. diode temp sensorExample 2:Bridge in voltage mode, external thermistorExample 3Bridge in current mode, temp via bridge TCSYMBOLPARAMETERMIN TYP MAX UNITC1 C 100 470 nFC2 C 100 nFC3 C 4 47 160 nFC4, C5 C 0 10 nFR1 10 kOhmRIBR R refer 5.2.8 OhmTable 4: Application Circuit ParametersThe application circuits contain externalcomponents, which are needed forovervoltage, reverse polarity and short circuitprotection.Higher values for C3, C4 & C5 increases EMCimmunity. Notice: Value of C3 summarizesload capacitor and cable capacity.https://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheetPRELIMINARY3. ESD-ProtectionAll pins have an ESD Protection of >2000V. Additionally the pins VDDE, VSSE and AOUT have an ESD Protection of >4000V.ESD Protection referred to the human body model is tested with devices in SSOP14 packages during product qualification. The ESD test follows the human body model with 1.5kOhm/100pF based on MIL 883, Method 3015.7.4. Pin Configuration, Latch-Up and PackagePin NameDescriptionRe- marks Usage/ Connection 1 Latch-Up related Application CircuitRestrictions and/or Remarks9 AOUT Analog output & one wire IF IO IO Required/- Trigger Current/Voltage: -100mA/33V 7 VDDE Positive external supply voltage Supply Required/- Trigger Current/Voltage: -100mA/33V 6 VDDPositive digital supply voltageAnalog IO Required oropen/- only capacitor to VSSA is allowed, otherwise no application access 8 VSSE Negative external supply voltage GroundRequired/-4 SCL I²C clock Digital IN, pullup -/VDDA 3 SDAI²C data IODigital IO, pullup -/VDDATrigger Current/Voltage to VDDA/VSSA: +/-100mA or 8/-4V2 VSSA Negative analogue supply voltage Analog IO Required/-1VDDA Positive analogue supply voltageAnalog IORequired/-13 VBR_T Bridge top potential Analog IO Required/VDDA 11 VBR_B Bridge bottom potential Analog IO Required/VSSA Depending on application circuit, short to VDDA/VSSA possible 14 IRTEMP Temp sensor & current sourceresistorAnalog IO -/VDDA, VSSA Depending on application circuit 12 VBP Positive input sensor bridge Analog IN Required/- 10VBN Negative input sensor bridgeAnalog INRequired/-Table 4: Pin Configuration and Latch-Up ConditionsZMD31150 is packaged in a SSOP14 green package (5.3mm body width) with a lead-pitch 0.65mm:Pin-NrPin-NamePin-Name Pin-Nr 8 VSSE VDDE 7 9 AOUT VDD 6 10 VBN n.c. 5 11 VBR_B SCL 4 12 VBP SDA 3 13 VBR_T VSSA 2 14IRTEMPVDDA11Usage: If “Required” is notified a electrical connection is necessary – refer application circuitConnection: to be connected to this potential, if not used or no application/configuration related constrains are givenhttps://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheetPRELIMINARY5.IC Characteristics5.1Absolute Maximum RatingsIn operation temperature range and without time limitations. No. ParameterSymbol min typ Max Unit Conditions5.1.1 Supply Voltage 1VDDE AMR-33 33 V DC to VSSE, refer chapter 2for application circuits5.1.2 Potential at Pin AOUT 1V OUT -3333 V DC related to VSSE 5.1.3 Analog Supply Voltage 1VDDA AMR -0.3 6.5V DC related to VSSA,V DDE –V DDA < 0.35V5.1.4 Voltage at all analog anddigital IO – Pins V A_IO , V D_IO -0.3 VDDA +0.3 V DC related to VSSA 5.1.5 Storage temperature T STG-55150°C5.2Operating ConditionsAll Voltages related to VSSA.* no measurement in mass production, parameter is guarantied by design and/or quality observation 1refer “ZMD31150_HighVoltageProt_Rev_*.PDF” for specification and detailed conditions 2notice temperature profile description in “ZMD31150_DiceAndPackage_Rev_*.PDF” for operation in temperature range >125°C 3Symmetric behaviour and identical electrical properties (especially with regard to the low pass characteristic) of both sensor inputs of the ZMD31150 is required. Unsymmetric conditions of the sensor and/or external components connected to the sensor input pins of ZMD31150 can generate a failure in signal operation.ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARY5.3 Electrical ParametersAll parameter values are valid on behalf on in chapter 5.2 specified operating conditions (special definitions excluded). All Voltages related to VSSA.No. Parameter Symbol min typ max Unit Conditions5.3.1 Supply Current and System Operation Conditions5.3.1.1 Supply current I VDDE 5.5 mA without bridge and loadcurrent, f CLK≤ 3MHz5.3.1.2 Clock frequency f CLK 2 * 3 4 *MHz guaranteed adjustmentrange5.3.2 AFE (refer chapter 1.3) Input Span V IN_SP 1 275 mV/V analog gain: 420… Analog OffsetCompensation Range -300 300 % V IN_SP depends on gain adjust,refer Parasitic differentialinput offset current ∗I IN_OFF-2-10210nA T AMB_TQI5.3.2.4 Common mode inputrange V IN_CM0.29 0.65 VDDA depends on gain adjust,no XZC, refer Temperature Measurement (refer chapter 0) External temperaturediode channel gain A TSED300 1300 ppm FS/ mV5.3.3.2 External temperaturediode bias currentI TSE 6 10 20 µA5.3.3.3 External temperaturediode input range *0 1.5 V5.3.3.4 External temperatureresistor channel gain A TSER1200 3500 ppm FS/ (mV/V) External temperatureresistor input range *V TSER0 600 mV/V5.3.3.7 Internal temperaturediode sensitivityST TSI700 2700 ppm FS/Kraw values – withoutconditioning5.3.4 Sensor Connection Check5.3.4.1 Sensor connection loss 100 kΩdetection threshold input short 50 Ωdetection threshold∗ no measurement in mass production, parameter is guarantied by design and/or quality observationhttps://ZMD31150Advanced Automotive Sensor Signal ConditionerDatasheet PRELIMINARYNo. Parameter Symbol min typ max Unit Conditions5.3.5 AD-Conversion5.3.5.1 A/D Resolution * r ADC13 16 Bit5.3.5.2DNL * DNL ADC0.95 LSB TQA * INL ADC 4 LSB TQE INL ADC 5 LSB r ADC =13Bit, f CLK=3MHz, best fit, 2nd order, complete AFE, ADC Input Range Range 10 90 %VDDA5.3.6 DAC & Analog Output (Pin AOUT) D/A Resolution r DAC12 Bit analog output, 10-90% current sink andsource for VDDE=5V I SRC/SINK_OUT2.55mA Vout: 5-95%, R LOAD>=2kΩVout: 10-90%, R LOAD>=1kΩ5.3.6.3Short circuit current I OUT_max-25 25 mA to VSSE/VDDE15.3.6.4Addressable outputsignal range V SR_OUT95V SR_OUT900.050.10.950.9VDDE @ R LOAD>=2kΩ@ R LOAD>=1kΩ5.3.6.5 Output slew rate * SR OUT0.1 V/µs C LOAD < 50nF5.3.6.6Output resistance indiagnostic mode R OUT_DIA82 Ω Diagnostic Range:<4/>96%, R LOAD>=2kΩ<8/>92%, R LOAD>=1kΩ5.3.6.7Load capacitance * C LOAD150 nF C3 + CL (refer chapter 2) DNL OUT-1.5 1.5 LSB5.3.6.9INL TQA * INL OUT-5 5 LSB best fit, r DAC =12Bit5.3.6.10INL TQE INL OUT-8 8 LSB best fit, r DAC =12Bit5.3.6.11Output Leakagecurrent @ 150grd I LEAK_OUT-25 25 µA in case of power orground loss5.3.7 System Response5.3.7.1 Startup time 2t STA 5 ms to 1st output, fclk=3MHz, no ROMcheck, ADC: 14bit & 2nd order5.3.7.2 Response time(100% jump) * t RESP256 512 µs f CLK=4MHz, 13Bit, 2nd order, referchapter Bandwidth * 5 kHz comparable to analog SSCs1 minimum output voltage to VDDE or maximum output voltage to VSSE2Depends on resolution and configuration - start routine begins approximately 0.8ms after power on* no measurement in mass production, parameter is guarantied by design and/or quality observationhttps://。


Hale Waihona Puke 白宁基于NTP的航天测控网络对时系统





二、技术参数性能参数输入测电压显示网络三相三线、三相四线电压额定值AC100V、400V(订货时请说明)过负荷持续:1.2倍瞬时:2倍/10s功耗〈1VA(每相)阻抗〉300kΩ精度RMS测量,精度等级0.5级,1.0级电流额定值AC1A、5A(订货时请说明)过负荷持续:1.2倍瞬时:2倍/10s功耗〈0.4VA(每相)阻抗〈20MΩ精度RMS测量,精度等级0.5级,1.0级频率40~60Hz,精度0.1Hz功能有功、无功、视在功率,功率因数电能四相限计量,有功,无功电能计量显示可编程、切换、循环的2、3、4排LED显示电源工作范围AC、DC 80~270V功耗≦5VA输出数字接口RS-485、MODBUS-RTU协议脉冲输出2路电能脉冲输出,光耦隔离环境工作环境-10~55℃储存环境-20~75℃安全耐压输入和电源>2kV,输入和输出>2kV,电源和输出>1kV绝缘输入、输出、电源对机壳>5MΩ外形尺寸尺寸: 120*120*95mm;96*96*95mm80*80*90mm;72*72*90mm 重量0.6kg三、安装与接线3.1 仪表尺寸外型代号外型尺寸(mm)开孔尺寸(mm)最小安装距离总长(mm)水平(mm) 垂直(mm)42 120×120 111×111 120 120 9596 96×96 91×91 96 96 9580 80*80 76*76 80 80 9072 72*72 67*67 72 72 903.2 安装方法(1) 在固定配电柜开开孔尺寸大小的孔;(2) 取出仪表,松开螺丝,取下固定支架;(3) 仪表由前插入安装孔;(4) 插入仪表固定支架,并拧紧螺丝固定仪表。



( 1 . De p a t t m e n t o J 。 N a v i g a t e E l e c t r o n i c E n g i n e e r i n g , C h e n g d u A e r o n a u t i c V o c a t i o n a l &T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e , C h e n g d u 6 1 0 1 O 0 , C h i n a ; 2 . Di v i s i o n o fC o n t i n u i n g E d u c a t i o n , C h e n g d u A e r o n a u t i c V o c a t i o n a l &T e c h n i c a l C o l l e g e , C h e n g d u 6 1 0 l O 0 , C h i n a )
s e n s o r d e s i g 1 05 0;s t r ai n s e ns o r ;s i g nal r e gul a t i on
2 0l 4— 0 5 ・88 ・
3 3 ( 5 )
基于 Z MD3 1 0 5 0的 一 体 化 应 变 式 传 感 器 设 计 方 法
何 宸 , 李 明 富 , 李 莉 , 刘 明 鑫
( 1 .成 都航 空职 业技 术 学 院航 电予工 程 系 ,成都 6 1 0 1 0 0
2 .成 都 航 空 职 业 技 术 学 院 继 续 教 育 部 , 成 都 6 1 0 1 0 0 )
摘 要 :针 对传 统应 变式传 感 器补 偿和 信 号调 理 方法 等 方面存 在 的 问题 ,介 绍一 种基 于 Z MD3 1 0 5 0芯 片的 一体 化 应 变 式传 感 器的设 计 方 法 。通 过设 计 专用 的传 感 器结 构 、信 号调 理 电路 以及 补偿 校 准 系统 ,有 效解 决 了传 统 应 变 式 传 感 器 补偿 和信 号 调理 中 的 问题 , 实现 了对 传感 器零 点和 满量 程 输 出以 及满 量程 输 出非线 性 的补 偿 和校 准 。 实践 结

MCD310-12io1 产品数据手册说明书

MCD310-12io1 产品数据手册说明书

Phase legThyristor \ Diode ModulePart numberMCD310-12io1Backside: isolatedTAV TV V1.08RRM 3201200=V =V I =A 2x Features / Advantages:Applications:Package:● Thyristor for line frequency ● Planar passivated chip ● Long-term stability● Direct Copper Bonded Al2O3-ceramic● Line rectifying 50/60 Hz ● Softstart AC motor control ● DC Motor control ● Power converter ● AC power control● Lighting and temperature controlY2● Industry standard outline ● RoHS compliant● Soldering pins for PCB mounting ● Base plate: DCB ceramic ● Reduced weight● Advanced power cycling● Isolation Voltage: V~3600The data contained in this product data sheet is exclusively intended for technically trained staff. The user will have to evaluate the suitability of the product for the intended application and the completeness of the product data with respect to his application. The specifications of our components may not be considered as an assurance of component characteristics. Theinformation in the valid application- and assembly notes must be considered. Should you require product information in excess of the data given in this product data sheet or which concerns the specific application of your product, please contact your local sales office.Due to technical requirements our product may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question please contact your local sales office.Should you intend to use the product in aviation, in health or life endangering or life support applications, please notify. For any such application we urgently recommend - to perform joint risk and quality assessments;- the conclusion of quality agreements;- to establish joint measures of an ongoing product survey, and that we may make delivery dependent on the realization of any such measures.Terms and Conditions of UsageRatingsPackageT op °C M D Nm 5mounting torque 2.5T VJ °C 140virtual junction temperature -40Weight g 255Symbol Definitiontyp.max.min.Conditionsoperation temperature Unit M T Nm 15terminal torque12V V t = 1 second Vt = 1 minuteisolation voltagemm mm 13.013.0d Spp/App creepage distance on surface | striking distance through air d Spb/Apb terminal to backsideI RMS RMS current600A per terminal125-40terminal to terminal Y2Delivery ModeQuantityCode No.Ordering Number Marking on Product Ordering 50/60 Hz, RMS; I ≤ 1 mAISOL MCD310-12io1428787Box 2MCD310-12io1Standard 3600ISOLT stg °C 125storage temperature-403000m Ω0 max R 0 maxslope resistance *0.32Outlines Y2。


可将CPU复位并清信号 可将CPU复位, 但不能清信号
取消当前定值输入 或退出当前菜单 菜单选择确认 或定值输入确认
亮时表明装置刚进 行过切换操作,复 归后熄灭
馈线一电源开关 合时亮

合 母联切向线一 合


当系统检修或进行正常手动倒闸操作时,此 时需要将装置的出口闭锁压板打到“闭锁”位 置,完成检修等工作后,把装置出口闭锁压板 退出。
六、 UPS电源
对于部分380伏的低压变电所因没有不间断 电源,为保证装置正常工作,由UPS电源给310 装置供电。 注意:在整个变电所全部停电时要关掉UPS 电源,以防止UPS电源存储的电量释放完后, 再次投运时310装置无法工作;

(3) 双进线状态之进线二、母联合

(2) 双进线状态之进线一、母联合
装置每动作一次会闭锁装置,外部恢复正常 后,装置会15秒后自动解除闭锁,准备下次动 作。
手动切换是指双进线运行方式恢复到双进线 加母联运行方式的一种操作方式,若实现了一 次切换后,要恢复到双进线加母联运行方式时, 按手动切换按钮即可实现。




(1)、 运 行前检 查
(2)、 试 运行方 式
(1)、 保 养检查 注 意事项
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传感器接口芯片 ZMD31050
z 能对传感器的偏移、灵敏度、温漂和非线性进行数字补偿; z 适用于几乎所有的桥式传感器(输入信号范围 1~~275mV/V); z 数字单点校准:快速、准确; z 多种温度传感器供选择:桥电路、温度电阻、内部或外部的温度二极管; z 多种输出方式供选择:电压(0~5V),电流(4~20mA),PWM,I2C,SPI,ZACwireTM
1 芯片结构介绍 ..................................................... 1
1.1 原理框图 .......................................................................................................................... 1
1.6 电源管理电路 ................................................................................................................ 10
1.7 看门狗与错误检测电路 ................................................................................................ 10
6 测试 ............................................................ 18
7 产品版本 ........................................................ 19
8 产品定制 ........................................................ 19
德国著名品牌 ZMD
传感器接口芯片 ZMD31050
ZMD31050 高级差分传感器信号处理器
中国区总代理 深圳市华胄科技有限公司

联系人:赵勇 电话:075582127969 传真:075582124865 手机:13925258236
德国著名品牌 ZMD
该芯片通过双向数字接口(I2C,SPI,ZACwireTM)由 PC 实现校准并将校准数据存 入 EEPROM。这种方法的优点是速度快、精度高且降低了生产成本。
中国区总代理 深圳市华胄科技有限公司

联系人:赵勇 电话:075582127969 传真:075582124865 手机:13925258236
德国著名品牌 ZMD
1 芯片结构介绍
1.1 原理框图
传感器接口芯片 ZMD31050
图 3:ZMD31050 原理框图
PGA——可编程增益放大器; MUX——多路器; ADC——AD 转换器; CMC——校准控制器; DAC——DA 转换器; FIO1——可选 IO1:模拟输出(电压/电流),PWM2(脉宽调制),ZACwireTM(一 线接口); FIO2——可选 IO2:PWM1,SPI,SPI 从机选择,Alarm1、Alarm2 串行接口,I2C, 时钟; PCOMP——可编程比较器; EEPROM——用于校准参数设置和校准配置; TS——片上温度传感器; ROM——存放校准公式; PWM——脉宽调制模式; ZMD31050 的信号分为模拟部分(蓝色表示)和数字部分(红色表示)。模拟部分 实现信号的差分处理,即内部是差分型桥式传感器信号,通过两个信号线进行处理, 消除了共模电位(模拟地=VDDA/2)。因此,对输入的正信号或负信号都可以进行放
中国区总代理 深圳市华胄科技有限公司
表 1:增益、传感器信号、共模的范围
1.3.2 模拟传感器零偏补偿(AZS---Analog Zero Point Shift)
ZMD31050 支持两种消除零偏的方法: z 数字式零偏补偿。 z 及具有较大补偿量的模拟式零偏补偿(可高达 300%)。 数字式零偏补偿是在 CMC 中进行的;当输入信号有较大偏移量时还需采用第二种
1.2 应用模式 .......................................................................................................................... 2
1.3 模拟前端 .......................................................................................................................... 3
入测量范围时,就需要进行偏移补偿; -响应时间:必须对 AD 转换单元的分辨率和转换方式(1 阶或 2 阶)进行配置。这
些设置影响了采样速率、信号积分时间、抑噪能力。 -可对传感器输入信号反相; z 模拟输出: -输出寄存器 1 可选择的输出模式有:电压输出、电流环输出、PWM。 -输出寄存器 2 可选择的输出模式有:IO1 做 PWM 输出或 IO1/2 做 Alarm 输出。 z 数字通信:设置其通信方式和参数。 z 温度: -温度补偿方式必须选择温度测量源。 -须选择温度传感器 T1 的类型(只有 T1 对校正可用)。 -可选:温度测量作为第二输出通道必须进行选择。
2 应用举例 ........................................................ 11
3 ESD 保护及锁闭保护 .............................................. 12
4 管脚配置 ........................................................ 13
校准过程必须包括: -配置校准方程所需的参数; -配置偏移补偿量; -温度测量的零补偿; -桥电流的调整; -如果需要的话要进行报警门槛电压、报警延时及参考电压的设置。
1.3 模拟前端
模拟前端包括可编程放大器 PGA,多路选通器 MUX,模数转换器 ADC。
1.3.1 可编程增益放大器
下表列出了 PGA 增益的大小及相对应的传感器输入信号的最大幅度以及允许的信 号共模电压范围。
中国区总代理 深圳市华胄科技有限公司

联系人:赵勇 电话:075582127969 传真:075582124865 手机:13925258236
德国著名品牌 ZMD
传感器接口芯片 ZMD31050
大。 从桥式传感器出来的信号在 PGA 中进行预放大,MUX 将该信号与外部二极管或
德国著名品牌 ZMD
传感器接口芯片 ZMD31050
图 1 :传感器采用比例电压激励、温度测量采用外部 温度二极管且具有电压输出的电路
图 2 :温度测量采用内部温度二极管且具有 4~20mA 输出的电路
中国区总代理 深圳市华胄科技有限公司

Байду номын сангаас
联系人:赵勇 电话:075582127969 传真:075582124865 手机:13925258236
1.2 应用模式
使用芯片前应通过 EEPROM 对其参数进行配置,然后再进行校准,最后才能使用。 EEPROM 按照以下模式进行: z 传感器通道 -传感器工作模式:比例电压或电流激励模式; -输入范围:前端模拟电路的增益必须根据传感器信号幅度进行选择,并据此来调整
AD 转换的零点; -偏移补偿:可根据需要设置偏移补偿。例如当传感器偏移电压接近或大于传感器输
1.4 系统控制 ........................................................................................................................ 7
输出 ........................................................................................................................ 8
(一线接口),报警输出; z 输出分辨率(最多 15 位)及相对应的采样频率(最多 3.9kHz)可以选择; z 桥式传感器的激励源可选用:比例电压、恒压模式或恒流模式; z 独立的温度传感器输入通道; z 具有传感器连接和模式检测功能; z 工作的温度范围为-40℃~+125℃; z 电源电压:+2.7V~+5.5V; z 无需外部焊接元件; z PC 通过数字接口实现芯片的配置和校准; z 高精度(-25℃~+85℃时的误差在±0.1%、-40℃~+125℃时的误差在±0.25%)。
ZMD31050 是高精度桥式传感器信号处理的 CMOS 集成电路。该产品提供了传感 器的偏移、灵敏度、温漂和非线性的数字补偿,内部有一个 16 位的 RISC 微控制器运 行校准公式,校准系数存放于 EEPROM 中。
ZMD31050 适用于几乎所有的桥式传感器,另外,该芯片还可以与外部的温度传 感器进行接口。
分立温度传感器信号按照某种序列传送给 ADC 单元。其后,ADC 单元对这些信号进 行 AD 转换。在 CMC 中对数字信号进行校正,校正是基于 ROM 中存放的校正公式和 EEPROM 中存放的校准参数来进行的。根据对输出的配置将传感器信号以模拟量、数 字量、PWM 的形式输出,输出信号由串行接口及 FIO1、FIO2 提供,数据配置和参数 校准可以通过数字接口实现。模块化设计的思想方便了在尺寸和功能等方面的快速定 制。