Event-related potential N270 correlates of brand extension
暴露组学名词解释1. 引言暴露组学是一门研究个体与环境之间相互作用的学科,它结合了基因组学、表观基因组学、转录组学、蛋白质组学等多个生物信息学领域的技术和方法,旨在探索个体对外界环境的响应以及这种响应如何影响健康和疾病。
2. 名词解释2.1 基因组学(Genomics)基因组学是研究生物体基因组结构、功能和演化的科学。
2.2 表观基因组学(Epigenomics)表观基因组学是研究非编码DNA上化学修饰对基因表达调控的科学。
2.3 转录组学(Transcriptomics)转录组学是研究特定物种或特定细胞群体中所有转录本(RNA)的总体分析。
2.4 蛋白质组学(Proteomics)蛋白质组学是研究特定物种或特定细胞群体中所有蛋白质的总体分析。
2.5 代谢组学(Metabolomics)代谢组学是研究特定物种或特定细胞群体中所有代谢产物的总体分析。
分子生物学重要概念AAbundance (mRNA 丰度):指每个细胞中mRNA 分子的数目。
Abundant mRNA(高丰度mRNA):由少量不同种类mRNA组成,每一种在细胞中出现大量拷贝。
Acceptor splicing site (受体剪切位点):内含子右末端和相邻外显子左末端的边界。
Acentric fragment(无着丝粒片段):(由打断产生的)染色体无着丝粒片段缺少中心粒,从而在细胞分化中被丢失。
Active site(活性位点):蛋白质上一个底物结合的有限区域。
Allelic exclusion(等位基因排斥):形容在特殊淋巴细胞中只有一个等位基因来表达编码的免疫球蛋白质。
Allosteric control(别构调控):指蛋白质一个位点上的反应能够影响另一个位点活性的能力。
Alu-equivalent family(Alu 相当序列基因):哺乳动物基因组上一组序列,它们与人类Alu家族相关。
Alu family (Alu家族):人类基因组中一系列分散的相关序列,每个约300bp长。
每个成员其两端有Alu 切割位点(名字的由来)。
α-Amanitin(鹅膏覃碱):是来自毒蘑菇Amanita phalloides 二环八肽,能抑制真核RNA聚合酶,特别是聚合酶II 转录。
Amber codon (琥珀密码子):核苷酸三联体UAG,引起蛋白质合成终止的三个密码子之一。
Amber mutation (琥珀突变):指代表蛋白质中氨基酸密码子占据的位点上突变成琥珀密码子的任何DNA 改变。
Amber suppressors (琥珀抑制子):编码tRNA的基因突变使其反密码子被改变,从而能识别UAG 密码子和之前的密码子。
Aminoacyl-tRNA (氨酰-tRNA):是携带氨基酸的转运RNA,共价连接位在氨基酸的NH2基团和tRNA 终止碱基的3¢或者2¢-OH 基团上。
• 132 •中国防痨杂志 2021 年 2 月第 43 卷第 2 期 Chin J Am ituberc ,Fc»bruary 2021,V 〇U 3,N 〇. 2•论著•荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法与微孔板法检测M T B 耐药性的临床应用比较王佩赵国连雷倩郑丹崔晓利周俊【摘要】目的分析荧光P C K 探针熔解曲线法与微孔板法药物敏感性试验(简称“药敏试验”)检测结核分枝 杆菌(M TB )对抗结核药品耐药性结果的一致性及M T B 基因突变与耐药的相关性,为临床诊疗优化提供参考。
方法搜集2019年1 -12月分离自西安市胸科医院就诊患者并经鉴定确认的343株M T B 临床分离株,菌株均进 行了微孔板法药敏试验和荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法检测。
以微孔板法药敏试验结果为参照.评价荧光P C R 探针 熔解曲线法检测M T B 对异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇、莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星耐药性的检测效能,并分析荧 光P C R 探针培解曲线法检测的M T B 基因突变与微孔板法药敏试验最低抑菌浓度(minimum inhibitory concentre - tio n ,M IC )的相关性。
结果以微孔板法药敏试验结果为参照,荧光P C R 探针熔解曲线法检测M T B 对异烟肼、利福平、链霉素、乙胺丁醇、莫西沙星和左氧氟沙星耐药性的敏感度、特异度、沖《值分别为:96. 20% (76/79)、 95. 28%(242/254)、0. 88:93. 62%(44/47)、94. 58% (279/295)、0. 79; 96. 88% (62/64 )、94. 96% (264/278)、0. 86; 93. 33%(14/15),95. 37% (309/324 ),0. 61;92. 31%(24/26),97. 16%(308/317),0. 80s 91. 18% (31/34) ,99. 35% (307/309)、0. 92。
而植物对于各种激素的响应是通过一系列的信号途径来实现的,其中拟南芥(Arabidopsis thaliana)作为模式植物已经被广泛用于植物激素信号途径的研究。
而转录因子的活性与其与基因组上的特定DNA区域的结合有关,这些DNA区域就被称为响应元件(response element)。
目前,几乎所有的拟南芥转录因子与其靶基因的交互作用都是通过酵母双杂交(yeast two-hybrid)方法进行筛选的。
而整合生物学方法一般指将高通量测序(high-throughput sequencing)技术与其他生物学方法结合起来,以分析激素响应元件及其相互作用对于植物生长和发育的影响。
这种方法可以分析出所有与激素响应相关的分子,并通过基因功能注释(gene ontology)的分析方法,对不同的细胞分子组分进行分类和注释。
然而,关于依洛尤单抗对急性冠脉综合征患者影响的研究结果存在差异,因此需要进行Meta 分析以综合评估其疗效和安全性。
二、研究方法2.1 文献检索我们通过计算机检索了PubMed、Cochrane图书馆、CNKI等数据库,检索时间范围为建库至2023年,以“依洛尤单抗”、“急性冠脉综合征”、“Meta分析”等为关键词进行检索。
2.2 纳入与排除标准纳入标准:(1)随机对照试验(RCT)或观察性研究;(2)研究对象为急性冠脉综合征患者;(3)研究内容涉及依洛尤单抗的治疗效果。
2.3 数据提取与质量评估我们提取了每篇文献的研究设计、患者基本信息、依洛尤单抗使用情况、疗效及安全性等相关数据。
2.4 统计分析使用RevMan软件进行Meta分析,计算依洛尤单抗对急性冠脉综合征患者的总有效率、不良反应发生率等指标的合并效应量及95%置信区间(CI)。
三、结果3.1 文献筛选结果经过检索和筛选,共纳入15篇文献,其中10篇为RCT研究,5篇为观察性研究。
3.2 依洛尤单抗对急性冠脉综合征患者的疗效分析依洛尤单抗治疗急性冠脉综合征患者的总有效率较高,合并效应量为86%(95%CI:83%-89%)。
3.3 依洛尤单抗的安全性评价依洛尤单抗治疗急性冠脉综合征患者的不良反应发生率较低,合并效应量为6%(95%CI:4%-8%)。
第8卷第4期2017年7月Vol. 8 No. 4Jul. 2017器官移植Organ Transplantation【摘要】 目的 系统评价HLA-DPB1位点不相合对非血缘供者造血干细胞移植结局的影响。
方法 检索 1995年1月至2016年12月PubMed 数据库、Embase 数据库、国际骨髓移植中心登记处数据库(CIBMTR )、考克兰临床对照中心登记处数据库、考克兰相关文献资料数据库、中国生物医学文献数据库(CBM )、中国知网(CNKI )数据库等国内外数据库,收集关于HLA-DPB1位点不相合对非血缘供者造血干细胞移植临床结局影响的国内外文献。
采用Review Manager 5.3 软件分析存活率,植入失败发生率、移植物抗宿主病(GVHD )发生率、复发率及移植相关病死率等不良事件发生率,并做漏斗图评估发表偏倚。
结果 纳入19篇文献,共26 634例 患者。
Meta 分析结果表明,与HLA-DPB1相合组比较,HLA-DPB1不相合组受者的无病存活率较低、在非T 细胞去除的移植中受者的总存活率降低,HLA-DPB1不相合组受者重症GVHD 的发生率及移植相关病死率较高,且2个位点不相合较1个位点不相合受者移植相关病死率更高。
结论 HLA-DPB1位点对非血缘供者造血干细胞移植的存活率及不良事件发生率具有明显的影响,在选择非血缘供者时应考虑到HLA-DPB1位点的相合情况。
【关键词】 造血干细胞移植;人类白细胞抗原;DPB1位点; Meta 分析;存活率;并发症【中图分类号】 R733,R457.7,R195.4 【文献标志码】A 【文章编号】1674-7445(2017)04-0006-07【Abstract 】 Objective To systematically evaluate the effect of HLA-DPB1 mismatch on the clinical outcomes of unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Methods Relevant studies analyzing the effect of HLA-DPB1 mismatch upon the clinical outcomes of unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation published from January 1995 to December 2016 were retrieved from the PubMed, Embase, Center of International Bone Marrow Transplant Registration, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, Chinese BioMedical Literature Database and China National Knowledge Infrastructure database. The survival rate, the incidence of implantation failure, graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), recurrence rate, transplantation-related mortality rate and other adverse events were analyzed by Review Manager 5.3 software. Funnel plot was utilized to assess the publication bias. Results A total of 19 literatures consisting of 26 634 patients were retrieved. Meta-analysis demonstrated that compared with the recipients in the HLA-DPB1 match group, those in the HLA-DPB1 mismatch group had lower disease-free survival rate and overall survival rate in non-T cell-depleted transplantation. In the HLA-DPB1 mismatch group, the incidence of severe GVHD and transplantation-related mortality(TRM) rate were higher. And the TRM rate of two loci mismatch was more evident than that of one locus mismatch. Conclusions HLA-DPB1 locus exerts significant effect on the survival rate and incidence of adverse events after unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The statusHLA-DPB1位点相合情况对非血缘供者造血干细胞移植结局的影响徐世侠 张在文 冯博 邢娜·临床研究·Effect of HLA-DPB1 locus match on clinical outcomes of unrelated donor hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a Meta-analysis Xu Shixia, Zhang Zaiwen, Feng Bo, Xing Na. Department of Medical Information, Navy General Hospital, Beijing 100048, ChinaDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7445.2017.04.006作者单位:100048 北京,海军总医院医学信息科通讯作者:邢娜,Email :第4期徐世侠等.HLA-DPB1位点相合情况对非血缘供者造血干细胞移植结局的影响·283·人类白细胞抗原(HLA)配型是影响造血干细胞移植结局的重要因素之一,在非血缘供者干细胞移植中,Ⅰ类抗原(HLA-A、HLA-B和HLA-C)及Ⅱ类抗原(HLA-DRB1、HLA-DPB1和HLA-DQB1)与移植的结果报道较多[1-2]。
1. Sequence: 这个参数用于输入目标蛋白质的氨基酸序列。
2. Evolutionary profile inclusion: 这个参数用于选择是否使用进化信息来提高模建的准确度。
3. Secondary structure prediction: 这个参数用于预测蛋白质的二级结构,如α-螺旋、β-折叠和无规卷曲等。
4. Residue Exposure Prediction: 这个参数用于预测蛋白质中每个氨基酸残基的相对表面暴露程度。
5. Ligand Binding Site Prediction: 这个参数用于预测蛋白质的配体结合位点。
1. Syncytin-1 (ERVWE1): 这个基因编码的是一种膜融合蛋白,在胎儿发育过程中发挥重要作用。
2. Placental lactogen (CSH1): 这个基因编码的是一种胎盘激素,在绒毛细胞和滋养层细胞中表达。
它能够刺激母体体内的胰岛素样生长因子-1 (IGF-1)的产生,同时还可以促进葡萄糖代谢和胎儿生长。
3. Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG): 这个基因编码的是一种人绒毛膜促性腺激素,在绒毛细胞中高度表达。
4. Pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A): 这个基因编码的是一种胎盘蛋白,在绒毛细胞和滋养层细胞中表达。
5. Leptin (LEP): 这个基因编码的是一种多肽激素,在绒毛细胞和滋养层细胞中表达。
染色质免疫共沉淀 内参基因
染色质免疫共沉淀(Chromatin Immunoprecipitation,ChIP)是一种常用的分子生物学技术,用于研究特定蛋白质与染色质的相互作用。
在ChIP实验中,通常需要使用一个内参基因(Internal Control Gene)来进行标准化和相对定量分析。
1. GAPDH(糖酵解途径的磷酸化酶酶):GAPDH是一个常用的内参基因,参与糖酵解途径,在许多条件下都表达稳定。
2. ACTB(β-actin):β-actin是细胞骨架中的重要蛋白质,也是常用的内参基因。
3. 18S rRNA(18S核糖体RNA):18S rRNA是核糖体RNA的一部分,其表达水平相对稳定,可用作内参基因。
4. TBP(TATA-box结合蛋白):TBP是转录起始点附近的一个常见结合蛋白,其表达水平在一些条件下相对稳定。
5. RNAPolII(RNA聚合酶II亚单位):RNA聚合酶II是参与基因转录的主要酶,其亚单位在ChIP实验中常被用作内参基因。
【摘要】近日,一篇发表在国际期刊《Nature Communications》上的研究显示,研究人员将乳腺癌细胞移植到小鼠机体中,实现了在体内研究阻碍激素疗法的雌激素和孕激素受体之间的串扰(交叉效应)。
2.雌激素受体孕激素受体 p53 Nm23 Ki67人表皮生长因子受体-2在原发性双侧乳腺癌中的研究进展
Notch2 siRNA转染干扰Notch2 mRNA在HTR8/SVneo细胞株中的表达,并检测干扰Notch2表达对HTR8/SVneo细胞侵袭和迁移能力的影响。
【总页数】6页(P52-57)【作者】冯祥;谭艳玲;许梦梵;熊呈凤;朱弘宇;叶红;李华【作者单位】三峡大学第一临床医学院[宜昌市中心人民医院]产科;三峡大学人民医院[宜昌市第一人民医院]骨科【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R714.244【相关文献】1.miR-204在子痫前期患者胎盘组织中的表达及对滋养细胞增殖和侵袭功能影响观察2.长链非编码RNA SNHG5在重度子痫前期患者胎盘中的表达及其通过miR-155/CXCR4对滋养细胞侵袭的影响3.ACK1在子痫前期孕妇胎盘中的表达及其对滋养细胞侵袭功能的调控4.子痫前期患者胎盘中E2F1的表达及其对滋养细胞增殖的调控作用5.SPRY4-IT1在子痫前期患者胎盘中的表达及对滋养层细胞增殖、侵袭的影响因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
肿瘤坏死因子与可溶性受体之间相互作用的动力学研究杨帆;杨秀荣【摘要】采用表面等离子体共振(SPR)技术研究了肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)与其两种受体的胞外部分即可溶性受体(TNF sRⅠ/Fc Chimera和TNF sRⅡ/Fc Chimera)的相互作用的动力学性质.采用两种方式进行研究:在传感片上氨基偶联固定TNF,测定其与溶液中两种可溶性受体相互作用;在传感片上固定Protein A,通过其与嵌合蛋白TNF sRⅠ/Fc Chimera和TNF sRⅡ/Fc Chimera分子上Fc片段的特异性作用,将可溶性受体“捕获”固定在传感片上,再测定受体与溶液中TNF的相互作用.结果表明,两种固定方式测定的动力学参数相吻合,TNF与其可溶性受体的亲和常数KD 大于10-9 mol/L,远高于一般抗体-抗原间的亲和常数(KD=10-5~10-7 mol/L).【期刊名称】《分析化学》【年(卷),期】2013(041)005【总页数】6页(P664-669)【关键词】肿瘤坏死因子;可溶性受体;相互作用;动力学;表面等离子体共振【作者】杨帆;杨秀荣【作者单位】中国科学院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学国家重点实验室,长春130022;中国科学院长春应用化学研究所电分析化学国家重点实验室,长春130022【正文语种】中文细胞因子是免疫原、丝裂原或其刺激剂诱导多种细胞产生的能调节细胞功能的低分子量可溶性蛋白质。
方法通过使用人脐静脉内皮细胞(human umbilical vascular endothelial cells,HUVECs)和巨核细胞系MEG01在体外模拟肺部血管和巨核细胞的粘附,使用免疫荧光、流式细胞术、4D非标记定量蛋白质组学分析等技术,检测内皮细胞与巨核细胞之间的粘附、HUVECs表面的Sema7a蛋白结合情况,及与Sema7a蛋白结合后的HUVECs蛋白质表达差异及相关生物学信息的变化,预测潜在的信号通路。
并利用免疫荧光技术检测HUVECs的细胞间粘附分子1(intercellular cell adhesion molecule-1,ICAM-1)和血管黏附分子1(vascular cell adhesion molecule-1,VCAM-1)的表达。
结果 Sema7a蛋白与HUVECs结合后,激活了HUVECs细胞MAPK信号通路,并上调了HVUECs的黏附分子ICAM-1和VCAM-1的表达,促进了巨核细胞MEG01与HUVECs的粘附。
【总页数】10页(P299-308)【作者】赖冬娣;董涵;魏亚明;苑召虎【作者单位】华南理工大学附属第二医院;广州市第一人民医院;广东省精准输血技术工程研究中心【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R446【相关文献】1.丹酚酸B与三七总皂苷配伍对缺氧复氧内皮细胞粘附分子-1表达及对中性粒细胞与内皮细胞粘附率的影响研究2.高压培养促进人血管内皮细胞和人单核细胞的粘附3.茶色素抑制单核-内皮细胞粘附及其机制研究4.粘附分子在中性粒细胞-脐静脉内皮细胞粘附中作用机制的研究5.肿瘤源性IL-1β激活血管内皮细胞中NF-κB p65通路促进其对肝癌细胞的粘附因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
洛阳市高中生物必修二第四章基因的表达易错题集锦单选题1、1条多肽链中有600个氨基酸,则作为合成该多肽链的mRNA和用来转录mRNA的DNA分子至少有碱基多少个()A.1800个和1800个B.600个和1200个C.1200个和2400个D.1800个和3600个答案:D分析:mRNA是以DNA的一条链为模板转录形成的,翻译过程中,不考虑终止密码,mRNA中每3个碱基决定一个氨基酸,所以经翻译合成的蛋白质分子中氨基酸的数目是mRNA碱基数目的1 /3 ,是DNA(基因)中碱基数目的1/ 6 。
根据分析可知,DNA(或基因)中碱基数:mRNA上碱基数:氨基酸个数=6:3:1,已知一条多肽链中有600个氨基酸,则作为合成该多肽链的mRNA分子至少含有碱基数目为600×3=1800个,用来转录mRNA的DNA 分子至少要有碱基600×6=3600个。
结果显示妊娠子宫内膜组织mTOR 的表达较未妊娠的子宫内膜组织显著增加(P<0.05);着床窗期表达最高(d4,d5),且与其他妊娠各期比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);原位杂交和免疫组化分析显示mTORmRNA和蛋白质表达主要在子宫内膜基质细胞,与上皮细胞各组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
【总页数】6页(P211-216)【关键词】哺乳动物雷帕霉素靶蛋白;胚泡着床;子宫内膜;实时荧光定量PCR;原位杂交【作者】曾兰;何俊琳;丁裕斌;陈雪梅;王应雄;刘学庆【作者单位】重庆医科大学公共卫生学院生殖生物学研究室;重庆医科大学公共卫生学院遗传优生教研室【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q492.6;Q71【相关文献】1.红花抗早孕作用及对早孕小鼠子宫内膜血管内皮生长因子表达的影响 [J], 宋小青;安民;陈春晖;李丹丹;魏会平2.肿瘤抑制基因p16INK4A在小鼠早孕子宫内膜中的表达 [J], 杨环;谢怡;杨戎;魏莎莉;郗强3.PTEN基因在早孕小鼠子宫内膜的表达规律 [J], 陈晓玲;杨戎;贾咏存;魏莎莉4.Dicer基因在早孕小鼠子宫内膜中的表达 [J], 陈培;刘尚静;耿艳清;何俊琳;陈雪梅;丁裕斌;王应雄;刘学庆5.GRB7基因在早孕小鼠子宫内膜中的表达 [J], 汤军;李荣;耿艳清;周永江;陈雪梅;何俊琳;刘学庆因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
NR2F2对肿瘤上皮细胞-间充质表型转化的调控常文慧;刘易;张艳丽;夏百里;王丽华;丁怡【期刊名称】《华中科技大学学报(医学版)》【年(卷),期】2019(048)002【总页数】5页(P237-241)【关键词】NR2F2;上皮细胞-间充质表型转化;肿瘤;转移【作者】常文慧;刘易;张艳丽;夏百里;王丽华;丁怡【作者单位】潍坊医学院病理生理学系,潍坊 261053;潍坊医学院病理生理学系,潍坊 261053;潍坊医学院病理生理学系,潍坊 261053;潍坊医学院神经外科学系,潍坊261053;潍坊医学院应用药理学实验室,潍坊 261053;潍坊医学院病理生理学系,潍坊 261053;潍坊医学院应用药理学实验室,潍坊 261053【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R363肿瘤是一种威胁人类健康的恶性疾病,也是世界性的医学难题。
近年,上皮细胞-间充质表型转化(epithelial-mesenchymal transition,EMT)被认为是肿瘤发生浸润转移的起始步骤和肿瘤细胞耐药的主要原因之一。
1 上皮细胞-间充质表型转化EMT是指上皮细胞通过特定程序转化为具有间质表型细胞的生物学过程。
在胚胎发育、慢性炎症、组织重建、癌症转移和器官纤维化等过程中发挥重要作用,其主要特征为细胞粘附分子(如E-钙粘蛋白,E-cadherin)表达的丧失和波形蛋白(vimentin)、N-钙粘蛋白(N-cadherin)、基质金属蛋白酶(matrix metalloproteinase,MMP)及纤维连接蛋白(fibronectin)表达增加。
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Event-related potential N270correlates ofbrand extensionQingguo Ma a,b,Xiaoyi Wang a,b,Shenyi Dai a,b and Liangchao Shu a,ba School of Management andb Neuromanagement Lab.,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou,PR China Correspondence to Professor Qingguo Ma,MS,School of Management,Zhejiang University,38#Zheda Road,Hangzhou,310058,PR China T el:+8657187991338;fax:+8657187995372;e-mail:maqingguo369@Received21February2007;accepted11March2007The aim of this study is to investigate the neural mechanism of ex-tending a brand in a speci¢c product category to other product categories.Facing two sequential stimuli in pairs consisting of bev-erage brand names(stimulus1)and product names(stimulus2)in other categories,16participants were asked to indicate the suit-ability of extending the brand in stimulus1to the product category in stimulus2.These stimulus pairs were divided into four condi-tions depending on the product category in stimulus2:beverage, snack,clothing,and household appliance.A negative component, N270,was recorded for each condition on the participants’scalps,whereas the maximum amplitude was observed at the frontal area. Greater N270amplitude was observed when participants were presented with stronger con£ict between the brand product cate-gory(stimulus1)and the extension category(stimulus2).It sug-gests that N270can be evoked not only by a con£ict of physical attributes(di¡erent shapes of words of brand and product names) but also by that of lexical content.From the marketing perspec-tive,N270can be potentially used as a reference measure in brand-extension attempts.NeuroReport18:1031^1034 c2007 Lippincott Williams&Wilkins.Keywords:brand extension,con£ict,event-related potential,mismatch,N270,neuromarketing,product categoryIntroductionBrand names can be defined as cultural symbols that may be based on real people,places,animals,objects,or something fictitious.A culturally familiar brand name promises certain advantages of the product because it has rich brand equity, including brand awareness,perceived brand quality and brand association.Recent functional MRI studies suggest that the prefrontal cortex may be crucial for the processing of brand knowledge[1,2].Brand extension is the use of established brand names to enter new product categories or classes[3].Evaluation of brand extension is often assumed to be determined by categorization processes[4].Laboratory research suggests that the influence of a famous brand name on brand extension depends on the perception of how well the extension products match the original brand category in customers’brand-cognitive process[5,6].It means that when consumers encounter a new extension product,they will assess this product by the original brand category not only in physical similarity but also in functional similarity or the context in which it is used[5,7].Studies also show that consumers attempt to maintain a certain level of coherence in their perception of a brand when encountering new information about a product under this brand[8].This finding suggests that‘match’is a key factor in successful brand extension[4,5,9].In practice,however,it is very difficult to observe such matching in consumers’mind before their purchase decision[10].To avoid potential failure of marketing a new product under the existing famous brand name,identifying the‘mismatch’is very important for the manufacturers to keep away from huge losses.In earlier event-related potential(ERP)studies,a negative component with a peak latency around270ms(N270)was elicited when the physical attribute of the second stimulus showed mismatching with that of the first one,such as color [11],shape[12],position[13],digit value[14]or face picture [15].N270is the electric signal of cerebral cortex for processing conflict information[11,12,14,16],which shows some similar features to other negative components includ-ing error-related negativity(ERN),mismatch negativity (MMN),the physical mismatch-N2,and semantic N400[17]. In this study,participants were asked to judge a brand extension as suitable or unsuitable,that is,it is suitable or not to use a famous brand name that appears first on the video monitor to market a product that appears second.We hypothesize that there will be a complex conflict if the product does not belong to the category of the famous brand that appears first,in which case a component of large N270 will be recorded.This experiment is designed to test this hypothesis.In other words,we want to look for the neuronal mechanism of brand extension,especially the time course of mismatch between the brand and the extension product. Materials and methodsStudy participantsSixteen right-handed healthy undergraduates aged between 22and35years(mean¼26.5)were included in this study (nine men).All had normal or corrected-to-normal visualBEHA VIORAL,INTEGRA TIVE AND CLINICAL NEUROSCIENCE N EURO R EPORTacuity.They did not have any history of neurological or mental diseases.MaterialFifteen brands(Chinese characters)of beverages were chosen from Chinese‘Well-known Trademark List’of CTMO(Trademark Office under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce,China)as the prime stimuli (S1).These brands,such as Coca,Pepsi,Wahaha,Nongfu Spring,were all regarded as being culturally familiar to the participants who were screened in advance by a special Brand Familiarity Test.These beverage brands have not been extended to other industrial areas in the Chinese market.Every word pair of brand products was limited to no more than four Chinese characters.Twenty product names were chosen in total from four product categories(five products per category)as the target stimuli.These product categories include the following: (i)beverage category:cola,soda pop,milk,black tea,and juice;(ii)snack category:biscuit,bread,cake,jelly,and candy;(iii)clothing category:trousers,shirt,T-shirt,shoes, and skirt;and(iv)household appliance category:television, refrigerator,air-condition,fanner,and telephone set.All the names were made up of two Chinese characters. Stimulus presentation and timingThe stimuli consisted of300pairs of brand name(S1)–product name(S2),that is,15brand namesÂ20product names.These visual stimuli(white on a black background) were presented to each participant in the center of a computer-controlled video monitor(Stim2,Neurosoft Labs, Inc.,Sterling,Virginia,USA).The stimulus word(S1or S2) was always presented at fixation for1000ms each,with a visual angle of 2.581Â2.41in each trial for a varied interstimulus interval from300to700ms(average inter-stimulus interval was500ms).The interval between the end of the previous S2and the onset of the following S1was2s. The stimulus pairs were divided into four conditions depending on different product category in S2:it is called ‘low-conflict’if the product is from beverage and snack categories,‘high-conflict’if the product is from the categories of clothing and household appliances(see Table1).The stimulus pairs(S1–S2)were randomly presented in sequence and had the equal probability. Electroencephalogram recording Electroencephalogram was continuously recorded(band pass0.05–100Hz,sampling rate500Hz)with Neuroscan Synamp2Amplifier(Scan4.3.1,Neurosoft Labs,Inc.),using an electrode cap with64Ag/AgCl electrodes mounted according to the extended international10–20system and referenced to linked mastoids.Vertical and horizontal electrooculograms were recorded with two pairs of electro-des,one placed above and below the right eye,and another 10mm from the lateral canthi.Electrode impedance was maintained below5k O throughout the experiment.Follow-ing electrode application,participants sat in a comfortable sofa located in a shielded room and were asked to fix a point in the center of the computer display located1m away from his/her eyes.Participants were asked‘Do you or not accept the products in the second stimulus with the brand name in the first stimulus?’They were instructed to evaluate the stimuli as accurately as possible and to press the left button of a push pad as fast as possible if they thought the probe word matched the prime word(meaning that this brand could be extended to this product category);otherwise they had to press the right button.Each participant was instructed to use the left hand for half of the trials and the right hand for the other half.Following20practice trials,the 300stimulus trials were presented. Electroencephalogram analysis Electroencephalogram recordings were segmented for a time period from200ms before onset of each word appearing on the video monitor to1000ms after this onset with the first200ms prestimulus as a baseline.Electro-oculogram artifacts were corrected using the method proposed by Semlitsch et al.[18].Trials contaminated by amplifier clipping,bursts of electromyographic activity,or peak-to-peak deflection exceeding780v were excluded from averaging.The remaining trials were baseline cor-rected.The electroencephalogram segments were averaged separately for different product categories of beverage, snack,clothing and household appliances,and the averaged ERPs were digitally filtered with a low-pass filter at30Hz (24dB/Octave).ERPs for each of the four conditions were averaged.To investigate the neurophysiologic correlates of the processing of different product names,we compared the amplitudes of the four ERPs using a within-participant repeated measures of analysis of variance(ANOVA). ResultsBehavioral dataBehavioral data are showed in Fig. 1.The repeated-measures ANOVA in four conditions indicated that product category had a highly significant main effect for the answer and reaction time(RT).More affirmative answers were made in the beverage and snack than in the clothing and household appliance condition[F(3,45)¼80.724,P¼0.000]. These four conditions prolonged the RT independently [F(3,45)¼5.629,P¼0.002].RT was shortest in the beverage condition and was shorter in the clothing than in the household appliances.Especially,the RT in the snack condition was the longest one among all conditions. Event-related potential dataFollowing the onset of the probe word,remarkable negative-wave N2was recorded from widespread scalp areas in all four product conditions.The N270was most prominent at the frontal sites and was analyzed at F3,FZ,F4,FC3,FCZ and FC4(Fig.2).After that,a late positive component(LPC) and N400were recorded in widespread areas in all conditions.To examine the effect of the brand-extension conflict processes on the principal negative components,we conducted a repeated-measure ANOVA of mean amplitudes for the time window of240–330ms in both four productT able1Four conditions of low-con£ict and high-con£ictCondition1234S1:Brandnames ofBeverage Beverage Beverage BeverageS2:Product names of Beverage Snack Clothing HouseholdapplianceCon£ict Low Low High HighN EURO R EPORT MA ETAL.conditions and six selected electrodes (F3,FZ,F4,FC3,FC and FC4),respectively.Figure 2shows grand average ERP waveforms at six selected scalp sites.The ANOV A results show that the mean amplitudes in the time window from 240to 330ms have significant differences among four conditions [F(3,45)¼7.328,P ¼0.000]and among six electro-des [F(5,75)¼10.226,P ¼0.000].No significant interaction between condition and electrode [F(15,225)¼1.525,P ¼0.098]was found.Post hoc tests revealed that the order of the N270amplitude was similar to the behavioral results,household appliances 4clothing 4snack 4beverage.Relative-low-sig-nificant difference was found between snack and clothing and insignificant difference was found between clothing and household appliances [beverage–snack:F(1,15)¼11,P ¼0.005;snack–clothing:F(1,15)¼1.987,P ¼0.179;cloth-ing–household appliances:F(1,15)¼0.045,P ¼0.835].Consistent with the outcomes from ANOVA analysis,the peak potential of N270was distributed on the prefrontal and posterior scalp areas in conditions of clothing and household appliance;such distribution style was not observed in beverage condition (Fig.3).DiscussionOur study reveals that N270was elicited in each of the four conditions,and that the order of amplitudes of N270in four conditions from small to large was beverage-snack-clothing-household appliance,and that significant difference of mean amplitudes was seen between low-conflict and high-conflict conditions,and the high potentials of N270were distributed at the frontal and bilateral posterior regions,and also at the central region in the conditions of high conflict.This distribution of conflict effect is consistent with previous studies of PET and functional MRI in neuromarket-ing,which found the activated prefrontal cortex and poster-ior brain regions during brand-memory performance [2,19].The active neuron regions reflecting the mechanism of brand extension conflict should,however,be studied further.In the previous S1–S2paradigm of experiment,there was always an N270component recorded when S2was different from S1in physical attribute,such as shape,color,position,or in the frequency at which S2appeared on the video monitor [11,16,17].Of course,the S1and S2always have different shapes in our experiment because they are different words,so N270is always recorded in every condition.Moreover,our study revealed that amplitudes of N270in four conditions were larger and larger following the order from condition 1to 4(meaning the order of S2was product category of beverage,snack,clothing and house-hold appliance,respectively).If N270had been evoked only by the conflict of word shape,the amplitudes of N270in the four conditions would have been similar because the shape differences between words of brand names and product names were small.(No one can measure the degree of difference between words of brand name and product name.)The result of our experiment,however,shows that the amplitudes of N270in the four conditions are affected by the visual differences.Especially,there is a significant difference of mean amplitudes of N270between low-conflict and high-conflict conditions.So there must be other stronger and stronger conflicts in the sequence of conditions from 1to 4to enlarge the amplitudes of N270.This result suggests that N270is not evoked just by simple and single conflict.This result is different from those of previous studies [16,17].An earlier study [20]assumed that brand names are stored in memory as associative general knowledge struc-tures.In general,consumers may not actively evaluateµV−7−2msFig.2Grand-averaged ERPs of 16participants at six selected electrodes to di¡erent stimulus conditions.N270could be recorded in the four brand^product mismatch conditions.The amplitude increased in ascending order of magnitude from the low-con£ict condition to the high-con£ict condition.The amplitude of N270elicited in conditions3(beverage brand vs.product of clothing)and 4(beverage brand vs.product of household appliances)showed no signi¢cant di¡erence in the time window of 240^330ms,whereas,the mean amplitude of N270elicited in condition 2(beverage brand vs.product of snack)was higher than in condition 1(beverage brand vs.product of beverage).Another negative wave,N400,also appeared in these conditions in the time window of 380^450ms.ERP ,event-related potential.100.0075.0050.00R e s p o n s e t i m e s (m s )A f f i r m r a t e (%)25.000.001200.00800.00400.000.00BeverageSnackClothingHousehold appliancesFig.1Mean percentage of a⁄rm answer and response times,as a func-tion of product categories.N270CORRELA TES OF BRAND EXTENSIONN EURO R EPORTbrand’s attribute extensively,but appear to use the brand name as a heuristic,or as a retrieval cue for evaluating brand–product performance [21].When needing to evaluate brand–product performance,brand name is generally the main source of information [22].So we speculate that the brand extension conflict effect (such as the amplitude of N270)might have resulted from the comparison of the product (S2)attribute to the corresponding brand’s (S1’s)product attribute in brand memory.The conflict effect will be larger if the product attribute is conflicted more strongly with the encoded item of the brand’s product attribute in brand memory.In our study,N270showed a left-hemispheric dominance in low-conflict condition,whereas it showed a bilateral dominance in high-conflict condition.This indicated that low-conflict can be processed without full recruitment of the neural resources of the conflict-processing system.N400was originally discovered in a semantic experiment in which sentences had incongruent endings [23].When a participant responds to the incongruous semantic context of sentence stimuli,N400appears.And after N400,there was no LPC.Another study [17]suggested that N400can be elicited by multiple dimension conflicts,such as conjunction of shape and color conflicts.In our study,we also observed the component of N400following LPC,which follows N270in four conditions.This component of N400in our study might,therefore,be evoked by multiple dimension conflicts of brand extension,as well as by the semantic context in memory,because the brand name and the product name often appear in the same sentence of an advertisement.ConclusionN270can be evoked by both physical conflicts of different Chinese characters and by lexical content conflicts,as this study reveals.The stronger the content-information con-flicts,the larger the amplitude of N270will panies could potentially use N270as a reference measure in brand-extension attempts in marketing research.References1.McClure SM,Li J,Tomlin D,Cypert KS,Montague LM,Montague PR.Neural correlates of behavioral preference for culturally familiar drinks.Neuron 2004;44:379–387.2.Ambler T,Braeutigam S,Stins J,Rose S,Swithenby S.Salience and choice:neural correlates of shopping decisions.Psychol Marketing 2004;21:247–266.3.Keller KL,Aaker DA.The effects of sequential introduction of brand extensions.J Marketing Res 1992;29:35–50.4.Boush DM,Loken BA.Process-tracing study of brand extension evaluation.J Marketing Res 1991;28:16–28.5.Aaker DA,Keller 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