3 有一个六肽,组成是2RASVY,N端检测到N末端是A,用胰蛋 白酶处理后得到A(VR)(RSY),羧肽酶A处理后没有得到任何氨基 酸。糜蛋白酶处理后得到(ARVY)(RS),括号里的都不确定顺序。 请说出六肽的顺序组成。
30 操纵子、阻遏蛋白 三、简答题 1 考肽键的,(1)根据键长推测键能;(2)能自有旋转的键。 2 二硫键的作用。 3 血红蛋白和肌红蛋白。 4 EMP中丙酮酸的去向及条件。 5 PRPP的作用。 6 脂肪酸的氧化作用。 7 TPP的代表含义及作用。 8 TCA意义。 9 DNA聚合酶的作用。 10 mRNA、tRNA、rRNA怎么区分,以及真核mRNA与原核 mRNA的区别。
4 砷酸能否抑制葡萄糖氧化降解代谢。
5 比较丙酮酸脱氢酶系和α-酮戊二酸脱氢酶系反应异同。
6 氨基酸降解的主要步骤,利用氨基酸降解产能存在什么问题?
6 油脂皂化值与Mr成反比 7 血红蛋白与肌红蛋白都运输氧 8 麦芽糖由两个葡萄糖组成,组成方式 9 组成蛋白质的氨基酸都是左旋的,甘氨酸除外 10 只有酶活性部位的氨基酸是带电荷的 11 由一摩尔的异柠檬酸到琥珀酸生成7摩尔的ATP 12 糖异生的物质有丙酮酸,乳酸和TCA中的任何物质 13 HMP能提供ATP和还原力量 14 ACP是脂肪酸合成的活性供体 15 脂肪酸合成需要肉碱 16 熵值到最小时,达到平衡 17 色氨酸是必需氨基酸
目 录
2002年山东大学生物化学考研真题 2005年山东大学生物化学考研真题 2006年山东大学生物化学考研真题 2007年山东大学生物化学考研真题 2008年山东大学生物化学考研真题(回忆版,不完整) 2009年山东大学生物化学考研真题(回忆版,不完整) 2010年山东大学生物化学考研真题(回忆版,不完整) 2011年山东大学生物化学考研真题(回忆版,不完整) 2012年山东大学生物化学考研真题(回忆版) 2013年山东大学生物化学考研真题(回忆版) 2014年山东大学839生物化学考研真题 2015年山东大学839生物化学(生)考研真题 2016年山东大学839生物化学(生)考研真题 2017年山东大学839生物化学(生)考研真题 2018年山东大学629生物化学(生)考研真题
2017年 山东大学 山大 生理学 考试大纲
856-生理学一、绪论基本概念:稳态(homeostasis)、反射(reflex)、神经调节(nervous regulation)体液调节(humoral regulation)、内环境(internal environment)、自身调节(autoregulation)、反馈(feedback)、负反馈(negative feedback)、正反馈(positive feedback)1.生理学的任务和研究方法掌握:人体生理学研究的对象与任务。
2. 机体的内环境和稳态掌握:机体的内环境与稳态。
3. 机体生理功能的调节掌握:负反馈和正反馈的概念及其意义。
二、细胞基本概念:单纯扩散(simple diffusion)、液态镶嵌模型(fluid mosaic model)、主动转运(active transport)、继发性主动转运(secondary active transport)、阈强度(threshold intensity)、阈刺激(threshold stimulus)、绝对不应期(absolute refractory period)、静息电位(resting potential)、极化(polarization)、去极化(depolarization)、复极化(repolarization)、超射(overshoot)、超极化(hyperpolarization)、动作电位(action potential)、锋电位(spike potential)、后电位(after potential)、阈电位(threshold stimulus)、局部电流(local current)、局部反应(local response)、电压-门控通道(voltage gated ion channel)、化学-门控通道(chemical gated ion channel)、第二信使(second messenger)、终板电位(endplate potentoal)、前负荷(preload)、后负荷(afterload)、等长收缩(isometric contraction)、等张收缩(isotonic contraction)、不完全强直收缩(incomplete tetanus)、完全强直收缩(complete tetanus)1.细胞膜的结构和物质转运功能掌握:单纯扩散、易化扩散、主动转运。
山东大学招收硕士学位研究生入学考试《生物化学》试题B卷一、名词解释:(每题2 分,共计32 分)回补反应波尔效应受控比糖异生作用丙酮酸羧化支路嘌呤核苷酸循环固定化酶盐溶作用多酶体系皂化值C 值悖理半不连续DNA 复制魔斑减色效应复制子二、判断题(每题1 分,共计30 分)()1.同一种单糖的α-D-型和β-D-型是一对异头物。
()7.Km 值是酶的一个特征性常数,对于一种酶是一个固定值。
()8.维生素K 是与血液凝固有关的一种脂溶性维生素。
()11.每种生物的DNA 都有其特定的碱基组成,但各来源的双链DNA 碱基组成的摩尔比的规律即(A+G)/(T+C)=1是相同的。
()12.若DNA 双螺旋中两条链是反平行关系的,则一条链上的AG 顺序应相当于另一条链上的CT 核苷酸频率相等。
()13.DNA 的热变性是指当T 增到一定值时DNA 的双螺旋结构解开,氢键断裂,此过程是爆发式的。
()14.ATP 是GMP 合成的反应物,GTP 是AMP 合成的反应物,因此这两种三磷酸盐中任何一种缺乏时,都会减少另一种的合成。
()15.在实际工作中,常用二苯胺来测定RNA 含量,用苔黑粉测定DNA 含量。
()16.由次黄嘌呤核苷酸合成腺苷酸的过程中,Asp 提供氨基后,C 骨架转变成延胡索酸。
()18.Q 因子的功能增加RNA 合成效率。
( )19.原核生物蛋白质生物合成中肽链延长所需的能量的直接来源是ATP.( )20.1961 年,Monod 和Jacob 提出来原核生物基因调控的操纵子模型。
三、招生计划(一)除各类专项计划外, 我校2016年预计招收硕士研究生4400人,其中推荐免试研究生的接收比例约占总招生人数的40%,最终招生总人数以正式下达的招生计划文件为准、拟招收推免生人数以最后推免生系统确认的录取人数为准。
目 录2000年山东大学病理学考研真题2001年山东大学病理学考研真题2002年山东大学病理学考研真题(含部分答案)2010年山东大学病理学考研真题(回忆版)2014年山东大学855病理学考研真题2015年山东大学855病理学考研真题及详解2016年山东大学855病理学考研真题2017年山东大学855病理学考研真题2018年山东大学855病理学考研真题2019年山东大学855病理学考研真题2000年山东大学病理学考研真题2001年山东大学病理学考研真题2002年山东大学病理学考研真题(含部分答案)2010年山东大学病理学考研真题(回忆版)一、名词解释1化生2凋亡3肺褐色硬化4硅结节5肺出血肾炎综合症6碎片状坏死7炎性渗出8噬神经细胞现象9Krukenberg瘤二、问答题1出血性梗死形成需要什么条件?好发于哪些器官?各叙述其病理变化。
2017年山东省专升本生理学(护理学专业)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 6. 简答题7. 问答题单项选择题1.占体液总量最多的部分是A.组织间液B.血浆C.细胞内液D.脑脊液E.淋巴液正确答案:C2.已知甲的血型为B型,通过交叉配血试验发现其红细胞被乙的血清所凝集,甲的血清也能凝集乙的红细胞,乙的血型可能是A.B型B.A型C.AB型D.O型E.Rh阴性AB型正确答案:B3.心室肌细胞动作电位持续时间长的主要原因是哪一期的时程长A.0期除极B.1期复极C.2期复极D.3期复极E.4期复极正确答案:C4.低氧对呼吸的刺激作用是通过A.直接兴奋延髓吸气神经元B.直接兴奋脑桥调整中枢C.外周化学感受器所实现的反射性效应D.刺激中枢化学感受器而兴奋呼吸中枢E.直接刺激呼吸中枢正确答案:C5.若潮气量为500ml,解剖无效腔为150ml,呼吸频率为12次/min,每分钟肺泡通气量等于A.900 ml/minB.1 800 ml/minC.3600 ml/minD.4200 ml/minE.4800 ml/min正确答案:D6.葡萄糖跨膜转运进入一般细胞的形式为A.载体转运B.通道转运C.泵转运D.单纯扩散E.入胞作用正确答案:A7.影响能量代谢率最为显著的因素是A.寒冷B.炎热C.精神活动D.进食E.肌肉活动正确答案:E8.实现胃容受性舒张的途径是A.交感神经B.迷走神经末梢释放的乙酰胆碱C.迷走神经末梢释放的血管活性肠肽D.壁内神经丛E.抑胃肽的释放正确答案:C9.某男性,18岁,身高1.2m,智力低下.反应迟钝,性发育延迟,其原因是幼年缺乏A.生长激素B.甲状腺激素C.神经垂体激素D.胰岛素E.肾上腺素和性激素正确答案:B10.神经细胞兴奋时,首先产生扩布性动作电位的部位是A.树突B.胞体C.轴突D.轴突始段E.轴突末梢正确答案:D多项选择题11.以下有关稳态的描述正确的说法是A.维持内环境相对恒定的状态,叫做稳态B.稳态是体内各种调节机制所维持的动态平衡C.负反馈调节是维持稳态的重要途径D.稳态的调定点是有节律性波动的E.维持内环境稳态的重要调节方式是前馈调节正确答案:A,B,C,D12.下列现象中属于负反馈的是A.排尿反射+</sup>通道的开放” value1=“B”>B.神经纤维膜达到阈电位时Na+通道的开放C.体温调节D.主动脉弓减压反射E.肺牵张反射正确答案:C,D,E13.血浆蛋白的作用有A.形成血浆胶体渗透压B.免疫作用C.运输激素、维生素2</sub>“ value1=“D”>D.运输O2E.参与血液凝固正确答案:A,B,C,E14.左心室泵血时A.心室肌的收缩和舒张是造成室内压力变化的原因B.压力梯度是推动血液在腔室之间流动的直接动力C.瓣膜的活动可控制血流方向D.瓣膜的开关与室内压的变化无关E.正常生理状态下,瓣膜只能单向开放正确答案:A,B,C,E15.血管紧张素Ⅱ的生理作用有A.使微动脉平滑肌收缩B.使静脉收缩,回心血量增多C.使醛固酮的释放增加D.促进交感神经末梢释放去甲肾上腺素正确答案:A,B,C,D16.可使心输出量增加的情况是A.心交感神经兴嵛B.动脉血压升高时C.由直立变为平卧时D.心室舒张末期容积增加时E.心率变慢时正确答案:A,C,D17.下列各种生理功能的调节,与下丘脑有关的是A.体温的恒定B.水平衡C.觉醒的维持D.垂体激素的分泌E.生物节律正确答案:A,B,D,E18.神经纤维传导兴奋时的特征是A.“全或无”式B.绝缘性C.双向传导性D.易疲劳E.生理完烂性正确答案:B,C,E19.不存在于正常人尿液中的成分是A.电解质B.葡萄糖C.蛋白质D.红细胞E.脂肪酸正确答案:B,C,D,E20.平静呼吸时A.呼吸运动较平稳均匀B.每分钟呼吸频率约18次一24次C.吸气与呼气均为主动过程D.吸气运动由膈肌和肋间外肌参与E.呼气运动无呼气肌参与正确答案:A,D,E简答题21.在动物中脑上、下丘之间横断脑干,将会出现什么现象?为什么?正确答案:在中脑上下丘之间横断脑干,动物表现为四肢伸直,坚硬如柱,头尾昂起,脊柱挺硬,这种抗重力肌张性亢进的现象称为去大脑僵直。
山东大学/医学院/英文原版/生理试题A/B真题卷(考前必做版)(含答案)Terminal Examination of Physiology (A)I. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)1.Extracellular fluid was termed ― Internal Environment‖ of the human body byA.Claude BernardB. HarveyC. PavlovD. HodgkinE. Cannon2. Inactivation of the sodium-potassium pump will causeA.An increase in intracellular volumeB.An increase in intracellular K+ concentrationC.Hyperpolarization of membrane potentialD.Increase in the excitability of nerve cellE.An increase in flow of sodium out of cell3. Depolarization of an axon is produced byA.Inward diffusion of Na+B. Active extrusion of K+C. Outward diffusion of K+D. Inward active transport of Na+E. Inward diffusion of Ca2+4. Which one of the following processes is not included in a cross bridge cycle?A. Myosin head is energizedB. B. Attachment of cross bridge to actinC. Power stroke causes contractionD. Detachments of heads from actinE. Excitation causes filament sliding5. Which one of the following is not the effect of preload on muscle contraction?A. In a limited range, tension caused by isometric contraction increases with the length.B. At optimal initial length a maximum tension is developedC. Tension declines when the length is shorter than optimal initial lengthD. Tension increases when the length is longer than optimal initial lengthE. Maximal active tension developed at length 2~2.2 μm of sarcomere6. Which of the following would cause a decrease in stroke volume:A.block the conduction of the vagus nerveB.stimulation of the sympathetic nerves to the heartC.decrease of the pressure in the carotid sinusD.an increase in the end-diastolic pressureE.from lying position to upright position7. If a person has an arterial pressure of 125/75 mmHg,A. The pulse pressure is 40 mmHgB. The mean arterial pressure is 92 mmHgC. Diastolic pressure is 80 mmHgD. Systolic pressure is 120 mmHgE. The mean arterial pressure is 100 mmHg8. Of the following substances, which has an effect on vascular resistance that is opposite to the effect of the others?A. vasopressinB. bradykininB. norepinephrineD. angiotensionE. none of the above9. The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potential of K+ duringA. Phase 0 of the action potentialB. Phase 2 of the action potentialC. Phase 3 of the action potentialD. Phase 4 of the action potentialE. The effective refractory period10. Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropic effect on the heartA. Increased heart rateB. Sympathetic stimulationC. NorepinephrineD. AcetylcholineE. Cardiac glycosides11. Minimum aortic pressure during the cardiac cycle is attainedA. immediately after closure of the aortic semilunar valveB. immediately before opening of the aortic semilunar valveC. immediately before opening of the atrioventricular valvesD.in mid-diastoleE. none of the above12. If you know the stroke volume, the only other thing you need to know to be able to determine the cardiac output isA. heart rateB. afterloadC. preloadD. ventricular contractilityE. end-systolic volume13. The main reason of the formation of intrapleural negative pressure isA. Elastic recoil force of the lungB. Surface tensionC. Airway resistanceD. Contraction of the inspiratory musclesE. Intrapulmonary pressure14. Which of the following in arterial blood exerts the most important control on ventilation under normal conditions?A. PO2,B. PCO2,C. pHD. 2,3-DPGE. PCO15. A lack of normal surfactant will result inA. Increased lung complianceB. Stabilization of alveolar volumeC. Increased retractive force of the lungsD. Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension differenceE. Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood16. Which of the following shift the oxygen-hemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?A. Reduction in temperatureB. Reduction in pHC. Reduction in PCO2D. Reduction in 2,3-diphosphoglycerate in the red blood cellE. Reduction in PCO17. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat isA. RadiationB. ConductionC. ConvectionD. EvaporationE. Brown fat tissue18. Which of the following is not a significant function of the stomach?A. short term storage of ingested foodB. release of chyme into the small intestineC. mixing and liquefaction of foodD. initiation of protein digestionE. absorption of amino acids19. Which of the following enzymes would you expect to be most active in an environment where the pH was 2.0 ? What is the substrate for this enzyme?A. pepsin, starchB. trypsin, proteinC. amylase, starchD. pepsin, proteinE. enterokinase, neutral fat20. During digestion, the small intestine is flooded with proteolytic enzymes such as trypsin. What is the source of trypsin (actually secreted as trypsinogen) ?A. salivary glands and gastric epitheliumB. hepatocytesC. gastric epithelial cellsD. bile duct epithelial cellsE. pancreatic exocrine cells21. Which of the following statements about the enteric nervous system is true?A. it functions both autonomously and by communication with the central nervous systemB. it's neurons are embedded in the tunica mucosaC. it controls secretion, but has no effect on motility in the intestineD. it innervates the esophagus and stomach, but not the intestinesE. it’s not communicated with the central nervous22. The main difference between primary urine and blood plasma is:A. Glucose concentration.B. Crystal osmotic pressure.C. NaCl concentration.D. Plasma protein concentration.E. pH value.23. Proximal tubule of kidneys reabsorbsA. 85% of filtrated water.B. 85% of filtrated Na+C. 65~70% of filtrated Na+ and water.D. 65~70% of filtrated glucose.E. 65~70% of filtrated HCO3-.24. Which type receptor is the naked peripheral end of an afferent neuron?A. nociceptorsB. mechanoreceptorsC. photoreceptorsD. opiate receptorsE. vitreous receptors25. Sensory receptors convert carious forms of energy into electrical energy. What is the conversion process called?A. depolarizationB. hyperpolarizationC. frequency modulationD. somesthetic propagationE. transduction26. Which receptors do not adapt at all or adapt slowly?A. tactileB. nociceptorsC. phasicD. tonicE. taste27. An increase in the action potential frequency in a sensory nerve usually signifiesA. increased intensity of the stimulusB. cessation of the stimulusC. adaptation of the receptorD. constant and maintained stimulusE. An increase in the action potential28. Why is the blind spot on the retina not usually perceived?A. it is very small, below the ability of the sensory cells to detectB. It is present only in very young childrenC. Its location in the visual field is different in each eyeD. constant eye motion prevent the spot of spot from remaining stillE. lateral input from adjacent cells fills in the missing information29. The condition known as presbyopia is due toA. change in the shape of the eyeball as a result of ageB. an age-related loss of cells in the retinaC. change in the elasticity of the lens as a result of ageD. a loss of transparency in the lensE. increased opacity of the vitreous humor30. Which of the following is the principal function of the ossicles of the middle ear?A. they provide mechanical support for the flexible membranes to which they are attached (i.e., the eardrum and the oval window)B. they reduce the amplitude of the vibrations reaching the oval window, protecting it from mechanical damageC. they increase the efficiency of vibration transfer through the middle earD. they control the opening of the Eustachian tubes and allow pressure to be equalizedE. they have little effect on the process of hearing in humans, since they are essentially passive structures.31. The most important role of the gamma motoneurons is toA. Stimulate skeletal muscle fibers to contractafferent activity during B. Maintain I contraction of muscleC. Detect the length of resting skeletal muscleD. Prevent muscles from producing too much forceE. Above-mentioned are wrong.32. Which one of the following is not the cholinergic neuronA. All preganglionic neurons of the autonomic nervous systemB. The neurons in the caudate nucleus, putaman, globus pallidusC. Motor neurons in the spinal cordD. The postganglionic neurons of parasympatietic nervous systemE. Most of postganglionic neurons of sympathetic nervous system33. The reason of decerebrate rigidity isA. Overactivity of the spinocerebellumB. Overactivity of the medullary reticular inhibitor systemC. Non-functional of the medullary reticular inhibitor systemD. Non-functional of the pontine excitatory systemE. Non-functional of the spinocerebellum34. Which one is not belong to the feature of visceral painA. The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe pain.B. Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely pain.C. Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficult.D. Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesia.E. The signals are transmitted by Ad fibers GABA(a gammaaminobutyric acid)35. Which of the following statements is correct regarding the fast wave sleep?A. It is the first state of sleep entered when a person falls asleepB. It is accompanied by the vivid dreamingC. It is characterized by a slow but steady heart rateD. It occurs more often in adults than in childrenE. It lasts longer than periods of slow-wave sleep36. During a voluntary movement, the muscle spindle provide the central nervous system with information aboutA. The blood flow to the muscle being movedB. The velocity of the movementC. The length of the muscle being movedD. The tension developed by the muscle being movedE. The change in joint angle produced by the movement37. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum isA.Dopamine,B.Acetylcholine,C.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)D.NoradrenalineE.Glutamate38. Which of the following hormones is associated with acromegaly?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid hormoneC. thyroid stimulating hormoneD. adrenocorticotropic hormoneE. thyrotropin releasing hormone39. Which of the following hormones is associated with cretinism?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid hormoneC. prolactinD. adrenocorticotropic hormoneE. melanophore stimulating hormone40. Which of the following hormones is not secreted from adenohypophysis?A. growth hormoneB. thyroid stimulating hormoneC. prolactinD. luteinizing hormoneE. corticotropin releasing hormone.II Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)1. Voltage gated channel2. Threshold potential3. Ejection fraction4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)5. Hemostasis6. Basic electrical rhythm7. Visual Accommodation8. Food specific dynamic effect9. Forced expiratory volume10. Axoplasmic transportIII Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)1.Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.5. Describe the detail of the neuronal circuit and function of the skeletal muscle stretch reflex. Examination of Physiology(B)Class_____ Name_____________ Numbers_____ Scores_____I .Choose the best answer for each of the following ( 1 point for each, total 40 points)1.The most important mechanism to maintain the homeostasis isA.Negative feedbackB.Positive feedbackC.Nervous regulationD.Humoral regulationE.Autoregulation2. Which of the following is not an example of cotransport?A.Movement of glucose and Na+ through the epithelial membrane in the intestinal epitheliumB.Movement of Na+ and K+ through the action of the Na+ pumpC.Movement of Na+ and glucose across the kidney tubulesD.Movement of Na+ into a cell while Ca2+ moves outE.Exchange between Na+ and H+ ions3. What would happen if the threshold potential were increased?A.Amplitude of AP will be higher than normalB.Propagation velocity of AP will be increasedC.Sodium channels will be more activatedD.Excitability of cells will be increasedE.Excitability of cells will be decreased4.Ca2+ triggers contraction by binding toA.TropomyosinB.ActinC.Cross bridgeD.TtroponinE.Myosin5. In resting muscle, tropomyosinA. Inhibits Ca2+ release from sarcoplasmic reticulumB. Prevents Ca2+ from binding to troponinC. Excites the binding of heavy meromyosion globular heads to actin subunits.D. Prevents the formation of cross-bridgesE. Promots Ca2+ transport from plasma to sarcoplasmic reticulum6. An increase of intracellular Na+ concentration would expected toA.Stimulate Ca2+ pumpB. Stimulate Na+ pumpC.Low excitability of the cellD.Increase intracellular level of amino acidE.Decrease intracellular Ca2+ concentration7. The transmission at neuromuscular junction is characterized byA.Two way directional propagationB. No time delayC. Affected uneasy by drugs and changes of environmentD. One to one transportE. All above are false8. A hematocrit of 45% means that in the sample of blood analyzedA.45% of the hemoglobin is in the plasmaB.45% of the total blood volume is made of blood plasmaC.45% of the total blood volume is made of platelets and red and white blood cellsD.45% of the hemoglobin is in the red blood cellsE.45% of the formed elements in blood are red blood cells9.When the radius of the resistance vesseles is increased, which one of the following is increased?A. Systolic blood pressureB. Diastolic blood pressureC.Viscosity of the bloodD.HematocritE.Capillary blood now10.Stroke volume is increased byA.Decrease in venous complianceB.Increase in afterloadC.Increase in contractilityD.Increase in heart rateE.Decrease in coronary blood now11. When a person moves from a supine position to a standing position, which of the following compensatory changes occurs?A.Decreased heart rateB.Increased contractilityC.Decreased total peripherad resistanceD.Decreased cardiac outputE.Increased phase 0 of the action potential12.The membrane potential of a ventricular myocardium is closest to equilibrium potentialof K+ duringA.Phase 0 of the action potentialB.Phase 2 of the action potentialC.Phase 3 of the action potentialD.Pphase 4 of the action potentialE.The effective refractory period13.If systolic pressure is 120 mmHg, diastolic pressure is 80mmHg, the mean blood pressure isA.100mmHgB.93.3mmHgC.95.3mmHgD.90mmHgE.80mmHg14.If the ejection fraction increases, there will be a decrease inA.Cardiac outputB.End-diastolic volumeC.Heart rateD.Pulse pressureE.Stroke volume15.Which of the following agents or changes has a negative inotropiceffect on the heart?A.Increased heart rateB.Sympathetic stimulationC.Norepinephrine (NE)D.Acetylcholine(ACh)E.Cardiac glycosides16.Total lung capacity is the sum ofA.Residual volume + Functional residual volumeB.Residual volume + Vital capacityC.Residual volume + Expiratory volume + Tidal volumeD.Residual volume + Inspiratory reserve volumeE.Functional residual volume + Tidal volume17.A lack of normal surfactant will result inA.Increased lung complianceB.Stabilization of alveolar volumeC.Increased retractive force of the lungsD.Reduced alveolar-arterial O2 tension differenceE.Increased partial pressure of O2 in blood18.Hypoxemia (low partial pressure of PO2 in blood) produces hyperventilation by adirest effect on theA.Phrenic nerveB.J receptorsC.Lung stretch receptorsD.Medullary chemoreceptorsE.Arotid and aortic body chemoreceptors19.If an area of the lung is not ventilated because of bronchial obstruction, the pulmonary capillary blood serving that area will have a Po2 that isA.Equal to atmospheric PO2B.Equal to mixed pulmonary venous PO2C.Equal to normal systemic arterial Po2D.Lower than mixed pulmonary venous PO2E.Higher than the mixed pulmonary venous PO220.The most versatile and important digestive juice isA.Gastric juiceB.Small intestinal juiceC.Pancreatic juiceD.BileE.Saliva21.Which of the following factors inhibits the gastric emptying?A.Gastric tonic contractionB.The enterogastric reflexC.The distention of foods on gastric wallD.AcetylcholineE.Gastric peristalsis22. When surrounding temperature is greater than the skin temperature the only means by which the body can loses heat isA.RadiationB.ConductionC.ConvectionD.EvaporationE.Brown fat tissue23.Which one of the following is not the important factor that determines the rate of heat production ?A.BMR of all the cellsB.Extra metabolism caused by muscle activityC.Extra metabolism caused by the effect of hormoneD.Shivering thermogenesis and non-shivering thermogenesisE.Decreasing of the skin vascular tone24.The force opposing glomerular filtration isA. Arterial blood pressureB. Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressureC. Plasma colloid osmotic pressureD. Blood pressure of afferent arterioleE. Blood pressure of efferent arteriole25.Which of followings can increase glomerular filtratioon rate ?A. Arterial blood pressure increases from 80 mmHg to 180 mmHgB. Arterial blood pressure decreases from 80 mmHg to 60 mmHgC. Increased action of renal sympathetic nerveD. Intravenously infusing a large volume of normal saline ?E. Intravenously infusing hyperosmotic glucose solution ?26. When reabsorption of water filtrated by glomerulus decrease 1%, how much the quantityof urine will increase ?A.1%B.10%C.50%D.70%E.100%27. The location reabsorbing glucose isA.proximal tubuleB. Henle’s loopC.distal convoluted tubuleD. collecting ductE. proximal tubule and distal tubule28. The location regulated by antidiuretic hormone isA. Proximal convoluted tubleB. Thick segment of descending limbC. Thick segment of ascending limbD. Thi n segment of Henle’ loopE. Distal convoluted tubule and collecting duct(Test Paper B)29. When sound wave is transmitted by tympanic membrane and ossicular chain to oval window, which of followings is correctA. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave increaseB. Both amplitude and pressure intensity of sound wave decreaseC. Amplitude of sound wave decreases and pressure intensity of sound wave increasesD. Frequency of sound wave increasesE Frequency of sound wave decreases30.which of the following is related to after discharge?A.DivergenceB.ConvergenceC.Chain circuitD.Recurrent circuitE.Synaptic sensitization31.All of the following are true for neuromodulator, exceptA.Often synthesized by presynaptic cellB.Involved in rapid communicationC.Co-released with neurotranmitterD.Amplifying or dampening the effectiveness of ongoing synaptic activityE.Change the presynaptic cell’s metabolism of a transmitter32. Which of the following is not important in saltatory conduction of the action potential along the axonA.The myelin sheath surrounding the axonB. The node of ranvierC. Loading neurotransmitter in the synaptic vesicleD.Passive current flow along the length of the membraneE.Voltage-sensitive Na+ gates33. Which one is not the feature of visceral pain ?A.The highly localized types of damage to the viscera cause severe painB.Ischemia, chemical damage, and stretching of the ligaments cause severely painC.Localization of visceral pain is frequently difficultD Often followed by the referred pain and referred hyperalgesiafibers GABA (a E.The signals are transmitted by A gamma-aminobutyric acid)34.Which one of following is wrong about tendon reflexA.It is caused by rapid stretch of the muscleB.An instantaneous, strong reflex contraction of the same muscleC.A dynamic stretch reflexD.Multiple synaptic pathway, continues for a prolonged periodE.Transmitted to spinal cord from the IA sensory ending of the muscle spindle35. The most importment output pathway from the motor cortex isA.The rubrospinal tractB.The reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tractsC.The corticospinal tractD.The pontocerebellar fibersE.The olivocerebellar fibers36. The specific neurotransmitter pathway from the substantia nigra to striatum isA.DopamineB.AcetylcholineC.Gammaaminobutyric acid (GABA)D.NoradrenalineE.Glutamate37.The cause of the acromegaly isA.High concentration of growth hormone in adultB.Low concentration of growth hormone in adultC.Low concentration of growth hormone in childhoodD.High concentration of thyroid hormones in adultE.High concentration of growth hormone in childhood38.About the humoral regulation of protein metabolism, which is right?A.GH increases the breakdown of proteinsB.Thyroid hormones decreases the synthesis of the protein in normal levelC.In patients with hyperthyroidism, high level of T3/T4 always promote the catabolismD.Cortisol increases the breakdown of proteins in liverE.Cortisol inhibits the breakdown of proteins in muscle39.Which one of the following is not the hormone that increases the glucose of blood?A.CortisolB.EpinephrineC..NorepinephrineD.Growth hormoneE.Somatostatin (SS)40.Which one of the following is right?A.ACTH increases the release of CRHB.Wolf-Chaikoff effect is caused by the increase of T3/T4C.Stimulation of parasympathetic nerve inhibits the release of T3/T4D.Cortisol increases the release of ACTHE.Cortisol decreases the number of red blood cellII. Define the terms (2 points for each term,total 20 points)1.Optimal length2.Oxygen capacity3.Forced expiratory volume4.Effective refratory period5.Basic electrical rhythm6.Hypothalamic regulatory peptide7.Filtration fraction8.Dark adaptation9.The specific dynamic action of protein(food specific dynamic effect)10.Afferent collateral inhibitionIII.Answer the questions (10 points for each question,total 40 points )1.Describe the types of glucose transport across epithelial cell.2.To describe the mechanism of production of an action potential in ventricular muscle cell.3. Describe the composition and function of gastric juice.4.Describe the function of the muscle spindle.Answer Points for the Terminal Examination of Physiologyfor English Medicine Student(A)Answer sheetI. Select the Correct Answer (1 mark each, 40 in total)1 A2 A3 A4 E5 D6 E7 B8 B9 D 10 D 11 B 12 A 13 A 14 B 15 C16 B 17 D 18 E 19 D 20 E 21 A 22 D 23 C 24 A 25 E 26 D 27 A 28 D29 C 30 C 31 B 32 E 33 B 34 A 35 B 36 C 37 A 38 39 B 40 DII Define the Concepts (2 marks each, 20 marks in total)1. Voltage gated channelIt is a type of ionic channel which gate is controlled by changes in the membrane potential.2. Threshold potentialIt is a critical membrane potential level at which an action potential can occur. The value of threshold potential of most excitable cell membrane is about 15 to 20 mV less negative than the resting potential.3. Ejection fraction55-65%stroke volume/ end-diastolic volume4. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR)The quantity of ultrafiltrate formed by both kidneys per unit time (each minute) is called GFR5. HemostasisProcess to stop bleeding automatically of small vessel.6. Basic electrical rhythmThe smooth muscle membrane automatically and slowly, depolarizes and repolarizes in a cyclic fashion, this electric activity is called the slow wave or basic electric rhythm.7. Visual AccommodationThe process whereby near objects are brought to a sharp focus on the retina is called accommodation of eye or visual accommodation8. Food specific dynamic effectAfter a meal that contains a large quantity of carbohydrates or fats, the metabolic rate usually increases only about 4 per cent. However, after a meal that contains large quantities of protein, the metabolic rate usually begins rising within 1 hour, reaching a maximum about 30 per cent above normal, and this lasts for 3 to 12 hours. This effect of food on the metabolic rate is called the specific dynamic action of food 9. Forced expiratory volumeThe volume of air expelled during the first second of forced expiration is called the forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). It is normally in excess of 83% of the FVC.10. Axoplasmic transportVarious organelles and materials must be moved from the cell body, where they are made, to the axon and its terminals in order to maintain the structure and function of the cell axonIII Answers the following questions (8 marks each, 40 marks in total)1. Describe the possible mechanisms of glucose transport across cell membrane.(1) Facilitated diffusion via carrierFacilitated Diffusion means the diffusion of lipid insoluble or water soluble substances across the membrane down their concentration gradients by aid of membrane proteins. Facilitated diffusion via carrier is the diffusion carried out by carrie r protein. Mechanism is a ―ferry ‖ or ―shuttling ‖ process carried out by carrier protein in the cell membrane.(2) Secondary Active TransportSecondary Active Transport is a type of active transport in which process the expending energy is supplied indirectly from ATP.Mechanism is a Na+ -glucose co-transport mechanism, a process carried out by Na+ - glucose transporter or symporter.Process: ①Na+ ions diffuse from higher to lower concentration because the intracellular concentration of Na+ is kept low by the primary active transport of Na+ out of the cell across the basolateral membrane, where all of the Na+ pumps are located. In other words, Na+ moves downhill into the epithelial cell and then uphill out of it to the blood. ②The transporter (symporter) on the lumen membrane has 2 binding sites on its exterior side, one for Na+ ion and one for glucose molecule. Once both Na+ and glucose bind to these two sites, a conformational change of the transporter occurs automatically, and this allows both Na+ and glucose to be transported together into the inside of the cell at same time. Therefore, glucose moves from a lower concentration in the lumen fluid to a higher concentration in the epithelial cell, and the intracellular concentration of glucose becomes higher than lumen fluid. ③Glucose in the epithelial cell is then transported by carrier mediated facilitated diffusion across the basement membrane of the epithelial cell into blood.2. What factors determine the arterial blood pressure?(1) Stroke volume—systolic .pulse pressure increase(2) HR –diastolic,(3) Peripheral resistence—diastolic(4) Electic property of the aortic ---pulse pressure(5) Rate of the circulatory volume and vessel system volume3. Describe the factors that determine the glomerular filtration rate.(1) Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure: It is the force driving filtration, it promotes the filtration ,GFR is is in direct proportion to (positive related to) it. The higher the Glomerular capillary hydrostatic pressure, the more the GFR(2) Pplasma colloid osmotic pressure: It is force opposing filtration, GFR is in negative proportion to it(3) Bowman’s capsular hydrostatic pressure: It is force opposing filtration, GFR is in negative proportion to it(4) Renal plasma flow(RPF): GFR is in direct proportion to RPF.(5) Filtration coefficient ( KF): GFR is in direct proportion to both the fluid permeability and surface area of filtration membrane..4. Describe the regulation of glucocorticoids secretion.Hypothalamus – Anterior Pituitary – Adrenocortical Axis(1) Action of ACTH: Cortisol secretion is almost entirely controlled by ACTH (adrenocorticotropin。
目录Ⅰ历年真题试卷 (2)山东大学2011年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (2)山东大学2012年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (3)山东大学2013年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (4)山东大学2014年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (5)山东大学2015年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (6)山东大学2016年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (7)山东大学2017年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题 (8)Ⅱ历年真题试卷答案解析 (9)山东大学2011年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (9)山东大学2012年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (18)山东大学2013年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (29)山东大学2014年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (37)山东大学2015年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (47)山东大学2016年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (54)山东大学2017年招收硕士研究生入学考试试题答案解析 (62)备注:2019年考试科目为(807)经济学原理,2018年之前考试科目为(807)西方经济学。
2014年山东省专升本生理学(护理学专业)真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题 3. 判断题 5. 名词解释7. 问答题单项选择题1.液态镶嵌模型的核心是( )。
A.脂质双分子层为膜的基架B.蛋白质分子层为膜的基架C.单糖分子层为膜的基架D.胆固醇分子层为膜的基架正确答案:A2.下列生理过程需直接消耗能量的是( )。
A.维持静息电位的钾外流B.引起动作电位去极相的钠内流C.引起动作电位复极相的钾外流D.肌质网摄入钙正确答案:D3.关于最适前负荷的论述错误的是( )A.最适前负荷时肌小节长度为2.0~2.2umB.最适前负荷时肌肉收缩效果最好C.最适前负荷时所有横桥都能进行横桥循环D.无论后负荷如何变化,最适前负荷时肌收缩的功率最大正确答案:D4.可兴奋细胞去极化到阈电位( )。
A.使K+通道大量激活B.使K+通道关闭C.使Na+通道大量激活D.使Na+通道大量失活正确答案:C5.离子的电-化学平衡电位( )。
A.依赖膜两侧离子的浓度比值B.两侧浓度梯度为零时将等于零C.电位差等于某种离子的平衡电位时,没有这种离子的跨膜净流动D.当达到某种离子的平衡电位时,膜两侧该离子的浓度相等正确答案:C6.所谓红细胞凝集反应是指( )。
A.红细胞重叠在一起的现象B.红细胞凝集成团的现象C.红细胞被纤维蛋白网罗的现象D.血液从流体变成胶冻状态的现象正确答案:B7.影响冠脉血流量的重要因素主要是( )。
A.主动脉压的高低B.心缩期的长短和收缩压的高低C.血液粘滞性大小D.心舒期的长短和舒张压的高低正确答案:D8.长期高血压患者,压力感受性反射( )A.敏感陛降低B.敏感性升高C.敏感性不变D.发生重调定正确答案:D9.心室肌有效不应期的长短主要取决于( )。
A.动作电位0期去极的速度B.阈电位水平的高低C.动作电位2期的长短D.动作电位复极末期的长短正确答案:C10.影响外周阻力的主要因素是( )。