航道淤积问题Engineering 英语c-9




土木工程专业英语词汇以下是土木工程领域的一些专业英语词汇:1. 土木工程 (Civil engineering)2. 桥梁工程 (Bridge engineering)3. 岩土工程 (Geotechnical engineering)4. 应力 (Stress)5. 应变 (strain)6. 简支梁 (Simple beam)7. 连续梁 (Continuous beam)8. 悬臂梁 (Cantilever beam)9. 测量工程 (Surveying engineering)10. 静荷载 (Static load)11. 恒荷载 (Sustained load)12. 冲击荷载 (Impact load)13. 循环荷载 (Repeated load)14. 疲劳荷载 (Fatigue load)15. 动荷载 (Dynamic load)16. 地震荷载 (Seismic load)17. 外力 (External force)18. 内力 (Internal force)19. 正应力 (Normal stress)20. 杨氏模量 (Young"s modulus)21. 弹性变形 (Elastic deformation)22. 塑性变形 (Plastic deformation)23. 屈服强度 (Yield strength)24. 平衡方程 (Equation of equilibrium)25. 均布荷载 (Uniformly distributed load)26. 集中荷载 (Concentrated load)27. 力偶 (Force couple)28. 结构设计 (Structural analysis)29. 初步设计 (Preliminary design)30. 结构安全 (Structural safety)31. 水灰比 (Water-cement ratio)32. 硅酸盐水泥 (Portland cement)33. 结构可靠性 (Structural reliability)34. 钢结构 (Steel structures)35. 钢筋混凝土 (Reinforced concrete)36. 土力学 (Soil mechanics)37. 材料力学 (Material mechanics)38. 地基与基础 (Footing and foundation)39. 桩基础 (Piles)40. CAD 三维模型 (Three-dimensional CAD models)41. 技术报告 (Technical report)42. 钢筋 (Reinforcing steel)43. 热轧钢筋 (Hot-rolled reinforce bar)44. 热膨胀系数 (Thermal expansion coefficient)45. 欠安全的设计 (Under design)46. 附属物 (Appurtenance)47. 市政的,地方的 (Municipal,local)。



第一单元Fundamentally, engineering is an end-product-oriented discipline that is innovative, cost-conscious and mindful of human factors. It is concerned with the creation of new entities, devices or methods of solution: a new process, a new material, an improved power source, a more efficient arrangement of tasks to accomplish a desired goal or a new structure. Engineering is also more often than not concerned with obtaining economical solutions. And, finally, human safety is always a key consideration.从根本上,工程是一个以最终产品为导向的行业,它具有创新、成本意识,同时也注意到人为因素。




Engineering is concerned with the use of abstract scientific ways of thinking and of defining real world problems. The use of idealizations and development of procedures for establishing bounds within which behavior can be ascertained are part of the process.工程关心的是,使用抽象的科学方法思考和定义现实世界的问题。


浅析湄洲湾港 区和航 道泥沙淤积 问题
■ 汪邵英
( 建 省 港 航 勘 察 设 计 研 究 院 ,福 州 3 0 0 ) 福 5 0 2
摘 要 本 文通过 湄 洲湾 港航 工程 实例 ,分析 了湄洲 湾港航 工 程 淤积 甚微 原 因 ,根 据 规 范估 算 了湄洲 湾航道 三期 工程 实施 后航 道 的年 均 淤强和 大风 天骤 淤 强度 ,可供 湄洲
湾港航 实际工程 参考使 用。
关 键 词 湄 洲 湾 工 程 实例 泥 沙 淤 积 大 风 天 骤 淤
1 前 言 随 着湄 洲湾 港 口和航 道 的大力 开发 和建 设 ,深水 航
道 穿 越 局 部 浅 区 ,此 外 部 分 深 水 泊 位 在 大 片 浅 滩 上 建 设 .港 区和航 道 淤积 问题 已 引起 相 关部 门 的关注 ,笔 者
表 1 东 吴 作 业 区 东 1 、 东2 泊 位 试 挖 坑 实测 资料 # #
年 数 次 台风 暴 潮 ,专 用 支航 道人 工 航槽 基 本 没 有 回淤 ,
也未进 行 过维 护疏 浚 。 ( )国 电福建 南埔 电厂 煤 码头 3
国 电福 建 南埔 电厂 煤码 头位 于湄 洲湾 湾顶 的 肖厝 港
区 ,码 头 采用 突堤 式布 置 ,引堤和 码 头与 肖厝 万 吨级 码
头 形成 挖 入 式 港 池 ,港 池 为梯 形 ,最 小 宽度 2 0 3 m,口
门有 效 宽 度40 5m,港 池 平 均挖 深 6 8 - m。据调 查 该 码 头
终数据分析表明 ,试挖坑基本没有淤积。观测期间,刚
好经 历 了莫拉 克 台风 ,根据 崇 武海 洋站 实 测资 料 ,20 09 年8 日0 6 月8 : 潮位 34m ( 零 ) 4 6c 黄 ,增水 7c 4m。台风 期最



长江口深水航道的回淤问题31,谈泽炜1 , 李文正1 , 虞志英2金(11 长江口航道建设有限公司, 上海200003; 21 华东师范大学河口海岸国家重点实验室, 上海200062)中图分类号: U 617 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 100323688 (2003) 0520001207在取得上述结果的同时, 也出现不利的方面, 主要是北槽分流比减少和丁坝上游段受丁坝壅水影响及横沙通道冲刷泥沙下泄等出现成片淤积(图22) , 和上一期工程的经验及二期数、物模研究工作的成果表明, 在修筑导堤形成北槽边界、堵截串沟、形成微弯河型之后, 进一步调整流场和地形以减少航道回淤要依靠丁坝群的综合作用。

全方面的问题; 二是通过丁坝群增加航道附近单宽流量, 在目前工程的场合, 上段与下段可能会带来相反的效果, 这也是不能不引起注意的。

图23 5~11 号区段平均落急流速增幅与全槽放宽率关系图22 南港南北槽冲淤变化图(1998209~2002202)丁坝群调整流场主要通过形成治导线来起作用。


据上海航道设计研究院数学模型成果整理得到不同丁坝布置方案下北槽上、下段治导线的平均放宽率和落急流速增量的关系(图23、图24) , 表明随着整个整治段放宽率的减小, 下段流速渐增而上段流速渐减, 从而对上段河槽地形的调整和航道回淤可能产生不利的影响。

因此, 在评估和比较丁坝布局方案时,必须上、下段综合考虑, 而且要进一步注意通过流场调整达到的地形调整的程度和状态对实现三期工程航道水深目标的影响和效果。

关于整治建筑物的减淤作用问题, 通常关注如何提高航道附近流带的单宽流量, 以减少航道内的泥沙落淤, 这无疑是对的。

但应注意二点: 一是整治汊水流阻力增加引起的潮流量减少, 当潮流量减少到一定程度之后, 单宽流量将不再提高, 这与龙口水流流速随龙口断面变化的情况相仿, 从长期效应看, 整治汊潮量即分流比的减少也会带来河势安图24 1~5 号区段平均落急流速增幅与全槽放宽率关系212 航道轴线定线和疏浚工艺与标准的改进( 1) 由动床冲刷物模试验得到总体工程布置下的冲刷地形和深泓位置, 结合流场和整治建筑物设计条件等, 在工程立项阶段慎重确定了航道轴线位置。



2023-2024学年福建福州高中英语高考模拟一、填空题(本大题共计3小题,每题3分,共计9分)第1题.根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子(1)From all points of view, war would be a ______(灾难).(2)They ______(插入)a tube in his mouth to help him breathe.(3)These jewels are strung together on a silver ______(一连串).(4)Ships must follow the ______(航道)into the port.(5)The ______(雨林)is essential in other areas as well.(6)His poor i______ can hardly feed the huge family.(7)In no case should we sacrifice principles for economic ______(利润).(8)No one is to leave the building without my p______.(9)From his f______ look, I guess he must have found something horrible.(10)The development of food industry depends on that of a______.(11)She was really upset and ________(发誓)that she hadn't told anyone about my failure in the exam.(12)I don't think he actually meant to make an a________. He sounded more like defending himself.(13)Many people thought that economic development and environmental protection ________(冲突)with each other.(14)There is no doubt that the famous writer, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature last year, has been c________ to writing for decades.(15)The reason why her novels enjoy great popularity among readers is that all the stories area are ________ in everyday experience.【答案】'(1)catastrophe''(2)inserted''(3)chain''(4)channel\xa0''(5)rainforest\xa0''(6)income''(7)profit\xa0''(8)permission''(9)frightened''(10)agriculture''(11)swore\xa0\xa0''(12)apology\xa0\xa0''(13)conflicted\xa0\xa0''(14)committed\xa0\xa0''(15)anchored\xa0\xa0'【解答】(1)catastrophe考查名词。



土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版 )第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程 Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17 木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构 statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32 运动学 kinematics33 动力学 dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36 弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学 solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 扭矩 torque53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 沉降 settlement62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪 level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal periodical83 文献 literature84 国际标准刊号ISSN International Standard Serial Number85国际标准书号 ISBN International Standard Book Number86卷 volume87期 number88专著 monograph89会议论文集 Proceeding90学位论文 thesis dissertation91专利 patent92档案档案室 archive93国际学术会议 conference94导师 advisor95学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96博士研究生 doctorate student97研究生 postgraduate98工程索引 EI Engineering Index99科学引文索引 SCI Science Citation Index100 科学技术会议论文集索引ISTP Index to Science and Tec hnology Proceedings 101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 美国土木工程师协会 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers109 联邦公路总署FHWA Federal Highway Administration110 国际标准组织ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2.foundation engineering 基础工程3.soil earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学5.cyclic loading 周期荷载6.unloading 卸载7.reloading 再加载8.viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基9.viscous damping 粘滞阻尼10.shear modulus 剪切模量11.soil dynamics 土动力学12.stress path 应力路径13.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二.土的分类1.residual soil 残积土 groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table 地下水位3.clay minerals 粘土矿物4.secondary minerals 次生矿物ndslides 滑坡6.bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘察8.boulder 漂石9.cobble 卵石10.gravel 砂石11.gravelly sand 砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand 中砂14.fine sand 细砂15.silty sand 粉土16.clayey soil 粘性土17.clay 粘土18.silty clay 粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt 粘质粉土22.saturated soil 饱和土23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土24.fill (soil) 填土25.overconsolidated soil 超固结土26.normally consolidated soil 正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil 欠固结土28.zonal soil 区域性土29.soft clay 软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil 冻土24.degree of saturation 饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight 湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy ’ s law达西定律2.piping 管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling 砂沸5.flow net 流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验9.foundation design 基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity 承载力12.soil mass 土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load 集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体16.homogeneous 均质17.isotropic 各向同性18.strip footing 条基19.square spread footing 方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum strata) 下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load 恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载25.reduced load 折算荷载26.settlement 沉降27.deformation 变形28.casing 套管29.dike=dyke 堤(防)30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组31.physical properties 物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil 级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane 主平面38.major (intermediate minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔 -库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method 有限元法41.limit equilibrium method 极限平衡法42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数pression index 压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress 附加应力50.total stress 总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line 滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave(基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point 深井点11 vacuum well point 真空井点12braced cuts 支撑围护13braced excavation 支撑开挖14braced sheeting 支撑挡板七.深基础 --deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place 灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩bored pile 钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel sheet pile 钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall 地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis 波动方程分析8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile 单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩18.uplift pile 抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术24.final set 最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test 桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt 桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan 桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action 群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻35.pile cushion 桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise 打桩噪音40.pile rig 打桩机九.固结 consolidation1.Terzzaghi ’ s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon ’ s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot ’ s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR) 超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结10.secondary consolidation 次固结11.degree of consolidation 固结度12.consolidation test 固结试验13.consolidation curve 固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结十.抗剪强度 shear strength1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength 残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力12.failure criterion 破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一 .本构模型 --constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型6.Du ncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model 盖帽模型9.work softening 加工软化10.work hardening 加工硬化11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface 屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二 .地基承载力 --bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力十三 .土压力 --earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb ’ s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine ’ s earthressurep theory 朗金土压力理论十四 .土坡稳定分析 --slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角2.Bishop method 毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices 费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法十五 .挡土墙 --retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall 基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙十六 .板桩结构物 --sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七 .浅基础 --shallow foundation1.box foundation 箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation 柔性基础9.emxxxxbedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八 .土的动力性质 --dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十 .地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度二十一 .室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验 (CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验 (CD)paction test 击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验12.sieve analysis 筛分析13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test 直剪试验17.direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test 自 (共 )振柱试验二十二 .原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT) 表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT) 动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test 原位试验第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程 Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17 木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构 statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32 运动学 kinematics33 动力学 dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36 弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学 solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 扭矩 torque53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 沉降 settlement62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪 level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal periodical83文献 literature84国际标准刊号 ISSN International Standard Serial Number85国际标准书号 ISBN International Standard Book Number86卷 volume87期 number88专著 monograph89会议论文集 Proceeding90学位论文 thesis dissertation91专利 patent92档案档案室 archive93国际学术会议 conference94导师 advisor95学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96博士研究生 doctorate student97研究生 postgraduate98工程索引 EI Engineering Index99科学引文索引 SCI Science Citation Index100 科学技术会议论文集索引ISTP Index to Science and Tec hnology Proceedings 101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 美国土木工程师协会 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers109 联邦公路总署FHWA Federal Highway Administration110 国际标准组织ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2.foundation engineering 基础工程3.soil earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学5.cyclic loading 周期荷载6.unloading 卸载7.reloading 再加载8.viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基9.viscous damping 粘滞阻尼10.shear modulus 剪切模量11.soil dynamics 土动力学12.stress path 应力路径13.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二.土的分类1.residual soil 残积土 groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table 地下水位3.clay minerals 粘土矿物4.secondary minerals 次生矿物ndslides 滑坡6.bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘察8.boulder 漂石9.cobble 卵石10.gravel 砂石11.gravelly sand 砾砂12.coarse sand粗砂13.medium sand 中砂14.fine sand 细砂15.silty sand 粉土16.clayey soil 粘性土17.clay 粘土18.silty clay 粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt 粘质粉土22.saturated soil 饱和土23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土24.fill (soil) 填土25.overconsolidated soil 超固结土26.normally consolidated soil 正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil 欠固结土28.zonal soil 区域性土29.soft clay 软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil 冻土24.degree of saturation 饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight 湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy ’ s law达西定律2.piping 管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling 砂沸5.flow net 流网6.seepage渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验9.foundation design 基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity 承载力12.soil mass 土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load 集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体16.homogeneous 均质17.isotropic 各向同性18.strip footing 条基19.square spread footing 方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum strata) 下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load 恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载25.reduced load 折算荷载26.settlement 沉降27.deformation 变形28.casing 套管29.dike=dyke 堤(防)30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组31.physical properties 物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil 级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土35.normal stresses正应力36.shear stresses剪应力37.principal plane 主平面38.major (intermediate minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔 -库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method 有限元法41.limit equilibrium method 极限平衡法42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数pression index 压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress自重应力49.additional stress 附加应力50.total stress 总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line 滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave(基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point 深井点11 vacuum well point 真空井点12braced cuts 支撑围护13braced excavation 支撑开挖14braced sheeting 支撑挡板七.深基础 --deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place 灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩bored pile 钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel sheet pile 钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall 地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis 波动方程分析8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile 单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩18.uplift pile 抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术24.final set 最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test 桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt 桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan 桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action 群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻35.pile cushion 桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise 打桩噪音40.pile rig 打桩机九.固结 consolidation1.Terzzaghi ’ s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’ s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot ’ s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR) 超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结10.secondary consolidation 次固结11.degree of consolidation 固结度12.consolidation test 固结试验13.consolidation curve 固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结十.抗剪强度 shear strength1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength 残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力12.failure criterion 破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一 .本构模型 --constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型6.Du ncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model 盖帽模型9.work softening 加工软化10.work hardening 加工硬化11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface 屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二 .地基承载力 --bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力十三 .土压力 --earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力2.passive earth pressure被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb ’ s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine ’ s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四 .土坡稳定分析 --slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角2.Bishop method 毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices 费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法十五 .挡土墙 --retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall 基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙十六 .板桩结构物 --sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七 .浅基础 --shallow foundation1.box foundation 箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation 柔性基础9.emxxxxbedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八 .土的动力性质 --dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十 .地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度二十一 .室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验 (CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验 (CD)paction test 击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验12.sieve analysis 筛分析13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪16.direct shear test 直剪试验17.direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test 自 (共 )振柱试验二十二 .原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT) 表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT) 动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test 原位试验。



由WESTBANK根据中华人民共和国水利部能源部联合发布的《水利水电工程技术术语标准》整理,鉴于篇幅空间限制,删除了定义部分和重复部分涵管 Pipe涵管座垫 culvert support焊缝 welding seam焊接变形 distortion of welding焊接残余应力 residual stress of welding夯实 tamping航道 waterway航道等级 grade of waterway航道断面系数 crosssection factor of waterway航道规划 Waterway planning航道及运河 Waterway and canal航道里程 kilomet rage of waterway航道设计水位 design stage of waterway航道通过能力 navigation capacity of waterway航道弯曲半径 curvature radius of waterway航道整治规划 Waterway regulation planning航道整治线 regulation line of waterway航道最小宽度 minimum width of waterway航空摄影 aero photography航空摄影测量(航空测量) aero photogrammetry航空摄影仪 aerial photographic camera航空像片(航摄像片,航片) aerial photograph航空遥感(机载遥感) aerial remote sensing航天遥感(星载遥感) space remote sensing航向重叠(纵向重叠) longitudinal overlap毫秒爆破 (微差爆破 ) msdelayed blasting毫秒延期雷管 (毫秒雷管 ) msdelay blasting cap耗水强度 intensity of water consumpting use(intensity of water requirement) 合[跳]闸回路 switching [tripping] circuit合龙 final gap-closing合同监督 contract supervision合同仲裁 contract arbitration合闸 switching-on (switching-in)合闸电源小母线 switching source bus-bar合闸母线 busbar for breaker switching河岸式溢洪道 (岸边式溢洪道 ) river-bank spillway河槽(河床) stream chennel河槽集流 (河网集流 ) concentration of channel flow河槽阻力 resistance of river channel河长 river length河床变形计算 computation of river bed deformation河床变形相似 similarity of river bed deformation河床冲刷 scouring of river bed河床横向稳定系数 transverse stability coefficient河床式厂房 water retaining power house河床式水电站 water retaining type hydroelectric station河床演变 fluvial process河床淤积 deposition of river bed河床展宽 widening of river bed河床自动调整作用 self-adjustment of river bed河床纵向稳定系数 longitudinal stability coefficient河道安全泄量 safety discharge in river河道比降 (纵坡降 ,坡降) river slope河道测量 river survey河道水文测验 river hydrometry河道形态 River configuration河道形态与河床演变 River configuration and process河道整治 river regulation, river training河道整治 River training, River regulation河道整治规划 Planning of river regulation河道整治建筑物 River training structures河谷 river valley河口 river mouth(estuary)河口模型 estuary model河口三角洲 estuary delta河口演变 Estuary process河流 river河流地貌 river morphology河流及流域特征 Characteristics of river and basin河流及水系 River and river system河流模拟 Modelling of river河流模型 (河工模型 ) model of river河流泥沙 Sediment(silt)河流泥沙及河道整治规划 River Sediment and River Regulation Planning 河流泥沙运动力学 Dynamics of river sediment movement河流数学模拟 Mathematical modelling of river河流梯级开发 cascade development河流物理模拟 Physical modelling of river河漫滩 flood plain河漫滩 flood plain河势 river regime河网密度 drainage density河西构造体系 (河西系 ) Hexi structural system河相关系 hydraulic geometric relation of river河源 river head(river source, head water)荷载 load荷载及安全系数 Load and safety factor荷载系数 load factor荷载组合 load combination恒定流 (定常流 ) steady flow恒压喷灌系统 constant pressures prinkler system桁架 truss桁架拱式渡槽 trussed arch aqueduct横波 transverse wave横道图 (甘特图 ) Gantt chart横缝 transverse joint横谷 transverse valley横基尺(基线横尺,夹角尺) subtense bar横拉闸门 horizontal sliding gate (lateral drawing gate)横向变形 transverse deformation横向围堰 transversal cofferdam衡重式挡土墙 shelf retaining wall红外测距仪(红外光电测距仪) infra-rad distance meter洪泛区 flood plain洪峰水位 peak stage of flood洪积 proluvium洪积扇 proluvial fan洪水 flood洪水保险 flood insurance洪水波 flood wave洪水调查 flood investigation洪水调节 flood regulation洪水痕迹 flood mark(highwatermark)洪水演进计算 (洪水演算 ) flood routing洪水预报 (洪水径流预报 ) flood forecast虹吸井 siphon well虹吸式取水 siphon intake虹吸式溢洪道 siphon spillway后备保护 back-up protection (reserve protection)后期导流 late-stage diversion后水箱水力自动弧形闸门 hydraulic operated radial gate with back tank 后损 latter losses弧面支座 curved surface support弧形闸门 radial gate (tainter gate)湖泊水文测验 lake hydrometry湖积 lacustrine deposit蝴蝶阀 butter fly valve互感器 Instrument transformer互感器的二次负载 secondary load of instrument transformer护岸工程 bank protection works护角 steel corner (cornerite)护坡 slope protection护坦 apron华夏构造体系 (华夏系 ) Cathysian structural system滑动面 slip plane滑动式模板 (滑模) slip form滑动闸门 sliding gate滑动支承 sliding support滑动支墩 sliding ring girder support滑轮组 sheave block (pulley block)滑坡 landslide滑坡 landslide(landslip)滑坡壁 slip cliff滑坡舌 slip tongue滑坡体 slipmass滑雪道式溢洪道 skij ump spillway化学灌浆 chemical grouting化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand (COD)环境本底值 (环境状况 ) environmental background value环境回顾评价 retrospective assessment of environment环境现状评价 present situation assessment of environment环境影响报告书 environmental impact statement环境影响评价 Environmental impact assessment环境影响识别 identification of environmental impact环境影响与库区移民 Environmental Impact and Resident Relocation 环境影响与库区移民 Environmental impact and resident relocation 环境预断评价 prospective assessment of environment环境综合评价 integrating assessment of environment环形网络 ring network环形闸门 ring gate环氧砂浆 epoxy mortar缓冲器 dashpot缓冲器时间常数 time constant of damping device缓冲时间常数调整装置 damping time-constant adjusting device缓流 subcritical flow (tranquil flow)缓凝剂 retarder缓坡 mild slope换流 convertation换流变压器 convertert ransformer换流器闭锁 convertor blocking换流器解闭锁 convertor deblocking换土垫层 cushion of replaced soil换相 commutation换相电感 commutation inductancc换相失败 commutation failure换相失败保护 commutation failure protection恢复电压 recovery voltage回弹模量 (卸荷模量 ) modulus of resilience回弹指数 expansion index(swelling index)回流 whirlpool回路断线闭锁 circuit break blocking回收金额 recovery cost回收年限法 return period method回填管 buried penstock回填灌浆 filling grouting回油箱 (集油箱 ) oil return tank,oil sump tank回转半径 (惯性半径 ) radius of gyration汇流 concentration of flow汇势流 sink potential flow汇水面积测量(承雨面积测量) catchment area survey浑水灌溉 muddy water irrigation混合长度 (掺长) mixing length混合供水 composited water feed混合式开发 dam and diversion conduit type development混流泵 mixed flow pump混流式水轮机 (法兰西斯式水轮机 ,辐向轴流式水轮机 ) mixed flow turbine (Francis turbine)混凝土拌和系统 concrete mixing system混凝土拌和运输车 transit-mixer truck混凝土标号 concrete index混凝土的拌和与浇筑 Concrete mixing and placing混凝土非破坏性试验 non-destructive testing of concrete混凝土工程 Concrete works混凝土骨料 concrete aggregate混凝土浇筑 concrete placing混凝土浇筑温度 (入仓温度 ) placing temperature混凝土四面体 concrete tetrahedron混凝土围堰 concrete cofferdam混凝土养护 curing混凝土原材料 Concrete materials混凝土运输 concrete transportation混凝土运输车 agitator truck混凝土制备 Concrete preparation混凝土质量控制 concrete quality control混凝土质量控制与温度控制 Concrete quality control and thermal control混凝土重力坝 concrete gravity dam活动觇牌 moving target活动导叶 (导叶) guide vane,wicket gate活动桥 movable bridge活断层 active fault活荷载 live load活门 (阀芯) valve disc (valve plug,valve needle)活性指数 activity index火雷管 spark blasting cap火山地震 volcanic earthquake火山灰水泥 (火山灰质硅酸盐水泥 ) portland-pozzolana cement 货运量 freight traffic tonnage机墩 (机座) generator pier机会成本 opportunity cost机壳 housing,casing机械化程度 mechanization degree机械清淤沉沙池 mechanical cleaning sedimentation basin机械设备完好率 rate of equipment usability机械台班费 machine-shift cost机械效率 actual machine efficiency机械修配 Equipment repairing机械修配厂 equipment repairing workshop机械修配系统 equipment repair and maintenance system机械液压式调速器 mechano-hydraulic governor机械制动 mechanical braking机组 Unit机组过水能力 maximum discharge of turbine机组加速时间常数 acceleration time constant of unit机组块 unit block机组自用电 unit service power机座 stator迹线 path line积算仪表 integrating instrument基本导线 primary traverse基本高程控制 basic vertical control基本工资 basic wage基本荷载 basic load (usual load)基本荷载组合 basic load combination基本平面控制 basic horizontal control基本站 base station基本站网 basic network基波分量 fundamental component基础埋深比 depth ratio基础约束裂缝 foundation restraint crack基床反力系数 coefficient of subgradere action基底压力 foundation pressure(gross loading intensity)基荷 base load基坑排水 Pit dewatering基流 base flow基岩 bed rock基准 datum基准年 datum year基准值 base value基准中心线 datum axis基座阶地 bed rock seated terrace激光经纬仪 laser theodolite激光水准仪 laser level激光准直法 method of laser alignment激光准直仪 laser collimator极点图 point diagram极惯性矩 (极转动惯量 ) polar moment of inertia极限荷载 (破坏荷载 ,极限压力 ,极限承载力 ) ultimate load 极限平衡区 zone of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态 (极限应力状态 ) state of limit equilibrium 极限强度 (终值强度 ) ultimate strength极限切除角 limit clearing angle极限切除时间 limit clearing time急变流 rapidly varied flow急流 supercritical flow集缆室 cable room集水井 drainage sump集水井 drainage sump (collecting well)集中药包 concentrated charge几何平均粒径 geometric mean diameter几何相似 geometric similarity几何扬程 (静扬程 ,实际扬程 ,地形扬程 ) static head计划管理 plan management计划价格 planned price计划指标 plan target计曲线(加粗等高线) index contour计算长度 (自由长度 ,等效长度 ) compute length计算机保护 computer protection计算机闭环控制 computer closed-loop control计算机开环控制 computer open-loop control记录仪表 recording instrument (registering instrument) 技术措施 technological measures技术管理 Technical management技术经济分析 technicale conomic alanalysis技术责任制 technical responsibility system技术转让 (技术转移 ) technique transfer技术装备 technological outfit技术装备费 equipment-out fit cost技术装备率 (技术装备系数 ) technical equipment rate技术咨询 technical consultation季节性电能 seasonal energy继爆管 relay primacord tube继电保护 Protective relaying继电保护死区 dead zone of relay protection加冰拌和 ice mixing加工厂 Workingshop加工面 machined surface (finished surface)加劲环 (刚性环 ) stiffener ring加密高程控制 minor vertical control加气剂 air-entraining agent (AEA)加权平均场程 weighted average head加权平均粒径 weighted mean diameter加权平均水头 weighted average head加权平均效率 weighted average efficiency甲类钢 (A类钢) type A steel架空地线 (避雷线 ) earthed overhead line架空线 overhead line假彩色合成(多软片法,彩色合成) false color composite假定坐标系 assumed coordinate system假凝 false set假整合(平行不整合 ) disconformity间断冲洗式沉沙池 (定期冲洗式沉沙池 ) intermittent flushing sedimentation basin 间断级配 gapgradation间断角原理差动保护 differential protection for dead-angle principle间接费用 indirect cost间接平差(间接观测平差) adjustment of observation equations间接水锤 (间接水击 ) indirect water hammer间曲线(半距等高线) half-interval contour间隙气蚀 clearance cavitation间歇灌溉 intermittent irrigation监测仪表与自动化元件 Measuring instrument and automatic element监控系统 Monitoring system监视控制及数据采集 supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)减水剂 water-reducing agent减压板 pressure reducing plate减压阀 pressure reducing valve (throttle valve)减压井 relief well减压装置 pressure reducing device剪断销信号 shear pin signal剪断销信号器 shear pin annunciator剪力应 (切应力 ) shear stress剪切带 shear zone剪切弹性模量 (剪切弹性系数 ) shearing modulus of elasticity 剪切刚度系数 coefficient of shearing stiffness剪切角 angle of shearing resistance剪切模量 shear modulus剪切破坏 shearing failure剪应变 (切应变 ) shear strain剪胀角 dilationangle剪胀性 dilatancy检测元件 detecting element检查廊道 inspection gallery检修备用容量 reserve capacity for repair检修密封 service seal检修排水井 service dewatering pit检修排水系统 service drainage system检修闸门 bulk head gate简谐推进波 simple harmonic progressive wave简支梁 simple beam,simply supported beam碱活性骨料 alkali-reactive aggregate建设单位管理费 owners management cost建筑物下游消能 Down stream energy dissipation建筑物自重 structure weight渐变流 gradually varied flow渐进性破坏 progressive failure键槽 key江河防洪 Flood control of river江心洲 island浆河现象 clogging of river浆砌石重力坝 masonry gravity dam奖金 bonus降水 Precipitation(rainfall)降水历时 duration of precipitation降水量 precipitation降水强度 intensity of precipitation降水曲线 drawndown curve (falling curve)降水日数 precipitation days降压变电所 step-down substation降雨径流的预报 rainfall runoff forecast降雨径流关系图 rainfall-runoff relationship降雨面积 (雨区) precipitation area(rain area)降雨入渗补给 infiltration recharge by rainfall交叉建筑物 Crossing structures交错层理 crossbedding交错浅滩 (坏滩) eciprocating shoal交换机 (电话总机 ) exchanger交流电动机的最大转矩 pull-out torque of a.c.motor交流励磁机励磁系统 excitation system with alternate-current exciter交流输配电 Transmission and distribution of alternating current交通廊道 access gallery交直流电源切换 AC and DC change-over交轴超瞬态电抗 quadrature-axis subtransient reactance交轴超瞬态短路时间常数 quadrature-axis subtransient short-circuit time constant 交轴瞬态电抗 quadrature-axis transient reactance交轴同步电抗 quadrature-axis synchronous reactance浇筑块 block胶合层压木滑道 (压合胶木滑道 ) laminated wood slide track胶质炸药 dynamite角度交会法(前方交会法) angular inter section method角焊 fillet welding角接 corer joint角频率 angular frequency角形接线 (环形接线 ) angular connection (ring bus connection)角隅流 corner flow脚手架 scaffold阶地 terrace阶段验收 stage acceptance阶梯式布置 steped layout接触电压 touching voltage (contact voltage)接触管涌 piping on contact surface接触灌浆 contact grouting接触流土 quick condition on contact surface接触应力 contact stress接地 Earthing接地 earthing (grounding)接地刀 earth switch接地电阻 earth resistance (resistance of earthed conductor)接地短路电流 earthing short-circuit current接地故障电流 earthing fault current接地距离保护 earthing-fault distance protection接地体 earthed body (grounding body)接地网 earthed network接缝灌浆 joint grouting接力器 servomotor接力器摆动 hunting of servomotor接力器不动时间 servomotor dead time接力器反应时间 (接力器时间常数 ) servomotor response time接力器容量 (调速功 ) servomotor capacity接力器行程 servomotor stroke接力器行程偏差 servomotor stroke deviation接力器最短关闭时间 minimum servomotor closing time 接力器最短开启时间 minimum servomotor opening time 接力器作用力 servomotor force接线系数 connection factor节点 joint节点板 gusset plate节间 panel节理 joint节理玫瑰图 rosette joint diagram节流调节 throttling governing节水船闸 (省水船闸 ) thrift lock节圆直径 pitch diameter节制闸 regulating sluice (check gate)结点平差 adjustment of junction points结构 texture结构钢 structural steel结构面 (不连续面 ) structural plane(discontinuity) 结构体 structural mass(structural body)结晶质 crystalline substance结尾工程 winding-up works截流 River closure截流沟 interception ditch截流护底 bed protection for closure截流戗堤 closure dike截流设计流量 closure design discharge截流最大流速 maximum flow velocity of closure截流最大落差 maximum drop of closure截面抵抗矩 (截面模量 ) section modulus截面几何性质 Geometric properties of section截渗沟 seepage intercepting ditch截渗环 cut-off collar截水槽 cutoff trench截止阀 stop valve (blow-off valve)解冻预报 ice break forecast解理 cleavage解析测图仪 analytical stereo plotter解析空中三角测量 analytical aerial triangulation 界限粒径 grain boundary金刚石钻头 diamond bit金属加工系统 metal working system金属结构安装 Installation of metal structures金属结构加工厂 metal workshop (steel workshop)近代水文测验技术 Modern hydrometric technique近后备 local back-up近景摄影测量 close-range photogrammetry近区供电 near region power supply近似平差 approximate adjustment进沙比 (分沙比 ) diversion ratio of sediment进水池 suction sump进水阀 (主阀) inlet valve进水流道 inlet passage进水渠 (引水渠 ) entrance channel进水闸 water intake sluice进占 bank-off advancing浸润线 phreatic line经常性排水 regular pit dewatering经济承包责任制 economic responsibility contract system 经济电流密度 economic current density经济调度 economic dispatch经济分析方法 Method of economic analysis经济计算期 economic life经济评价 Economic evaluation.。



2024-2025学年浙教版(2019)高三地理下册月考试卷387考试试卷考试范围:全部知识点;考试时间:120分钟学校:______ 姓名:______ 班级:______ 考号:______总分栏题号一二三四五总分得分评卷人得分一、选择题(共6题,共12分)1、如图所示的天体系统是()A.B.C.D.2、读下图,回答问题:①地存在的主要生态问题()A. 天然林减少B. 土地盐碱化C. 洪涝灾害D. 沙尘暴3、【题文】下列地区中,人口密度大、人口增长迅速的是A. 非洲B. 欧洲西部C. 亚洲东部D. 北美东部4、【题文】下列各组中属于自然景观的是A. 武夷山、韶山、香港海洋公园B. 肇庆七星岩、黄果树瀑布、武陵源C. 都江堰、滇池、济南大明湖D. 太原晋祠、云岗石窟、应县木塔5、【题文】在水循环的几个基本环节中,受人类活动影响最大的是A. 水汽的蒸发B. 水汽的输送C. 大气降水D. 地表径流6、作物水分亏缺率指不考虑引水灌溉,作物生长期内的降水量与需水量的差占需水量的百分比的负值。


图中表明()A. 降水量自南向北递减B. 气温自南向北递增C. 西部地区灌溉用水最为紧张D. 南部地区旱情最严重评卷人得分二、填空题(共6题,共12分)7、航空照片和卫星照片是全球定位系统(GPS)应用的产物,对野外资源调查帮助很大..8、如图为“世界经纬网示意图”,读图回答下列问题.(1)若某日B点和C点的正午太阳高度相同,则太阳直射点所在的纬线是,此日全球正午太阳高度角的分布规律是.(2)一月份,图中ABCDE各点中气温最低的是点.(3)从“五一劳动节”到我国的“教师节”,A点的昼夜长短及变化状况是.(4)若太阳直射点回归运动的范围在A、B之间,则全球的极昼极夜范围将(扩大或缩小),北京(40°N)昼夜长短的年变化(增大或减小),北京二分日正午太阳高度将(变化或不变化).(5)若A点某日昼夜平分,且时刻为14:00,在图中用阴影画出这一时刻夜半球的范围.9、读材料,回答下列问题.材料一:黄河三角洲及附近地区示意图(图1).材料二:某房地产公司在聊城市(约36°N)开发的一梯两户式多层商品房平面示意图和地球公转示意图(图2)材料三:地球在公转轨道上甲、乙两处的昼夜分布放大图(图3)(1)读材料一,描述图中等积温线的走向,并说明其影响因素.(2)根据材料一,分析环渤海地区内河航运不够发达的自然原因.(3)材料二中,该幢商品房阳台朝向为方向(南或北),当地球从A公转到C位置时,正午屋内的光照面积的变化情况是.从C公转到D时,聊城的昼夜长短情况是.(4)地球公转到甲处时,①摩尔曼斯克港、②开普敦、③开罗、④北京四城市白昼由长到短的排序为;A 点的昼长约是;地球公转到乙处时,C点的日出时刻是.10、如图是北半球部分地区某时刻地面天气图,读图完成下列问题.(1)影响A处的天气系统是,在该系统控制下,A处天气特点是.影响B处的天气系统是,在该天气系统的控制下,B处可能出现天气,还可能会出现哪种灾害性天气?其主要表现是什么?(2)图中C、D两处中处即将发生天气变化,原因是该地即将受到(天气系统)的影响.该天气系统影响下冬季可能会出现灾害性天气,简述其危害及防御的措施是.(3)目前,图中D点的天气特点是,该地风向应为.E、F两点的风力较大的是.11、读地震波速度与地球内部构造图,回答下列问题.(1)图中A、B表示地震波,其中A表示波,B表示波,其判断依据是.(2)图中C~H分别表示地球内部构造,D表示界面,该界面以上C代表,该界面以下E代表.(3)C层主要由组成,地球的岩石圈指和.12、2012年6月16日18时,中国成功发射了________宇宙飞船,首次进行手动交会对接成功,至此,我国成为世界上第___个把人类送上太空的国家。



土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版)第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语Specialty English3 水利工程Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程Civil Engineering5 地下工程Underground Engineering6 岩土工程Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程Traffic Engineering12 港口工程Port Engineering13 安全性safety17木结构timber structure18 砌体结构masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构steelstructure21 钢-混凝土复合结构steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋rebar25 预应力混凝土pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构truss structure29 空间网架结构spatial grid structure30 近海工程offshore engineering31 静力学statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁simply supported beam35 固定支座fixed bearing36弹性力学elasticity37 塑性力学plasticity38 弹塑性力学elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学fracture Mechanics40 土力学soil mechanics41 水力学hydraulics 42 流体力学fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力concentrated force45 压力pressure46 静水压力hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力uniform pressure48 体力body force49 重力gravity50 线荷载line load51 弯矩bending moment52 torque 扭矩53 应力stress54 应变stain55 正应力normal stress56 剪应力shearing stress57 主应力principal stress58 变形deformation59 内力internal force60 偏移量挠度deflection61 settlement 沉降62 屈曲失稳buckle63 轴力axial force64 允许应力allowable stress65 疲劳分析fatigue analysis66 梁beam67 壳shell68 板plate69 桥bridge70 桩pile71 主动土压力active earth pressure72 被动土压力passive earth pressure73 承载力load-bearing capacity74 水位water Height75 位移displacement76 结构力学structural mechanics77 材料力学material mechanics78 经纬仪altometer79 水准仪level80 学科discipline81 子学科sub-discipline82 期刊journal ,periodical83文献literature84 ISSN International Standard Serial Number 国际标准刊号85 ISBN International Standard Book Number 国际标准书号86 卷volume87 期number 88 专著monograph89 会议论文集Proceeding90 学位论文thesis, dissertation91 专利patent92 档案档案室archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师advisor95 学位论文答辩defense of thesis96 博士研究生doctorate student97 研究生postgraduate98 EI Engineering Index 工程索引99 SCI Science Citation Index 科学引文索引100ISTP Index to Science and Technology Proceedings 科学技术会议论文集索引101 题目title102 摘要 abstract103 全文full-text104 参考文献reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词Subject107 关键字keyword108 ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers 美国土木工程师协会109 FHWA Federal Highway Administration 联邦公路总署110 ISO International Standard Organization 111 解析方法analytical method112 数值方法numerical method113 计算computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范Specification, Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering岩土工程2.foundation engineering基础工程3.soil, earth土4.soil mechanics土力学cyclic loading周期荷载 unloading卸载reloading再加载viscoelastic foundation粘弹性地基viscous damping粘滞阻尼shear modulus剪切模量5.soil dynamics土动力学6.stress path应力路径7.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二. 土的分类 1.residual soil残积土 groundwater level地下水位 2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table地下水位 3.clay minerals粘土矿物 4.secondary minerals次生矿物 ndslides滑坡 6.bore hole columnar section钻孔柱状图 7.engineering geologic investigation工程地质勘察 8.boulder漂石 9.cobble卵石 10.gravel砂石 11.gravelly sand砾砂 12.coarse sand粗砂 13.medium sand中砂 14.fine sand细砂 15.silty sand粉土 16.clayey soil粘性土 17.clay 粘土 18.silty clay粉质粘土 19.silt粉土 20.sandy silt 砂质粉土 21.clayey silt粘质粉土 22.saturated soil饱和土 23.unsaturated soil非饱和土 24.fill (soil)填土 25.overconsolidated soil超固结土 26.normally consolidated soil正常固结土 27.underconsolidated soil欠固结土 28.zonal soil 区域性土 29.soft clay软粘土 30.expansive (swelling) soil膨胀土 31.peat泥炭 32.loess黄土 33.frozen soil冻土 24.degree of saturation饱和度 25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四. 渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling砂沸5.flow net流网6.seepage 渗透(流)7.leakage渗流8.seepage pressure渗透压力9.permeability渗透性10.seepage force渗透力11.hydraulic gradient水力梯度 12.coefficient of permeability渗透系数五. 地基应力和变形1.soft soil软土 2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile打入桩(负)摩阻力 3.effective stress有效应力 4.total stress总应力5.field vane shear strength十字板抗剪强度6.low activity低活性7.sensitivity灵敏度 8.triaxial test三轴试验 9.foundation design基础设计 10.recompaction再压缩11.bearing capacity承载力 12.soil mass土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load集中荷载 15.a semi-infinite elastic solid半无限弹性体 16.homogeneous 均质 17.isotropic各向同性 18.strip footing条基 19.square spread footing方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum ,strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load恒载持续荷载 22.live load活载 23.short –term transient load短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load长期荷载 25.reduced load 折算荷载 26.settlement沉降 27.deformation变形 28.casing套管 29.dike=dyke堤(防) 30.clay fraction粘粒粒组 31.physical properties物理性质 32.subgrade路基 33.well-graded soil级配良好土 34.poorly-graded soil级配不良土 35.normal stresses正应力 36.shear stresses剪应力 37.principal plane主平面38.major (intermediate, minor) principal stress最大(中、最小)主应力 39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition摩尔-库仑破坏条件 40.FEM=finite element method有限元法41.limit equilibrium method极限平衡法42.pore water pressure孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility压缩系数pression index压缩指数 47.swelling index回弹指数 48.geostatic stress自重应力 49.additional stress附加应力 50.total stress总应力 51.final settlement最终沉降 52.slip line滑动线六. 基坑开挖与降水 1 excavation开挖(挖方) 2 dewatering(基坑)降水 3 failure of foundation基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method降低地下水位法 9 well point system井点系统(轻型) 10 deep well point深井点 11 vacuum well point 真空井点 12 braced cuts支撑围护 13 braced excavation支撑开挖 14 braced sheeting 支撑挡板七. 深基础--deep foundation 1.pile foundation桩基础1)cast –in-place灌注桩 diving casting cast-in-place pile沉管灌注桩 bored pile钻孔桩 special-shaped cast-in-place pile机控异型灌注桩 piles set into rock嵌岩灌注桩 rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation钻孔墩基础 drilled-pier foundation钻孔扩底墩 under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile预制混凝土桩4)steel pile钢桩 steel pipe pile钢管桩 steel sheet pile钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile预应力混凝土桩 prestressed concrete pipe pile预应力混凝土管桩 2.caisson foundation沉井(箱) 3.diaphragm wall地下连续墙截水墙 4.friction pile摩擦桩 5.end-bearing pile端承桩 6.shaft竖井;桩身 7.wave equation analysis波动方程分析 8.pile caps承台(桩帽) 9.bearing capacity of single pile单桩承载力 teral pile load test单桩横向载荷试验 11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile单桩横向极限承载力 12.static load test of pile单桩竖向静荷载试验 13.vertical allowable load capacity单桩竖向容许承载力 14.low pile cap低桩承台 15.high-rise pile cap高桩承台 16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力 17.silent piling静力压桩 18.uplift pile抗拔桩 19.anti-slide pile抗滑桩20.pile groups群桩 21.efficiency factor of pile groups群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups群桩效应 23.dynamic pile testing桩基动测技术24.final set最后贯入度 25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test桩的完整性试验 27.pile head=butt桩头 28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe桩端(头) 29.pile spacing桩距30.pile plan桩位布置图 31.arrangement of piles =pile layout桩的布置32.group action群桩作用 33.end bearing=tip resistance桩端阻 34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance桩侧阻35.pile cushion桩垫 36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩 37.pile pulling test拔桩试验 38.pile shoe桩靴 39.pile noise打桩噪音 40.pile rig打桩机九. 固结consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil超固结土6.excess pore water pressure超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation一维固结9.primary consolidation主固结10.secondary consolidation次固结11.degree of consolidation固结度 12.consolidation test固结试验 13.consolidation curve固结曲线 14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结十. 抗剪强度shear strength 1.undrained shear strength不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength残余强度3.long-term strength长期强度4.peak strength峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength抗剪强度总应力法 9.Mohr-Coulomb theory莫尔-库仑理论 10.angle of internal friction内摩擦角 11.cohesion 粘聚力 12.failure criterion破坏准则 13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter有效应力强度参数十一. 本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model弹塑性模型 4.viscoelastic model粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model边界面模型6.Duncan-Chang model邓肯-张模型 7.rigid plastic model刚塑性模型 8.cap model盖帽模型 9.work softening加工软化 10.work hardening加工硬化 11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型 12.ideal elastoplastic model理想弹塑性模型 13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model弹性半空间地基模型 16.elastic modulus弹性模量 17.Winkler foundation model文克尔地基模型十二. 地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure冲剪破坏 2.general shear failure整体剪切破化 3.local shear failure局部剪切破坏 4.state of limit equilibrium极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil地基极限承载力 8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil地基容许承载力十三. 土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure主动土压力 2.passive earth pressure被动土压力 3.earth pressure at rest静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory朗金土压力理论十四. 土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose休止角2.Bishop method毕肖普法 3.safety factor of slope边坡稳定安全系数 4.Fellenius method of slices费纽伦斯条分法 5.Swedish circle method瑞典圆弧滑动法 6.slices method条分法十五. 挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall基础墙3.counter retaining wall扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall锚定板板桩墙十六. 板桩结构物--sheet pile structure 1.steel sheet pile钢板桩 2.reinforced concrete sheet pile钢筋混凝土板桩 3.steel piles钢桩 4.wooden sheet pile木板桩 5.timber piles木桩十七. 浅基础--shallow foundation 1.box foundation 箱型基础 2.mat(raft) foundation片筏基础 3.strip foundation条形基础 4.spread footing扩展基础 pensated foundation补偿性基础 6.bearing stratum持力层 7.rigid foundation刚性基础 8.flexible foundation柔性基础9.embedded depth of foundation基础埋置深度 foundation pressure基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八. 土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils 1.dynamic strength of soils动强度 2.wave velocity method波速法 3.material damping材料阻尼 4.geometric damping几何阻尼 5.damping ratio阻尼比 6.initial liquefaction初始液化 7.natural period of soil site地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils动剪切模量 9.dynamic ma二十. 地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering地震工程 2.soil dynamics土动力学 3.duration of earthquake地震持续时间 4.earthquake response spectrum地震反应谱 5.earthquake intensity地震烈度 6.earthquake magnitude震级 7.seismic predominant period地震卓越周期 8.maximum acceleration of earthquake地震最大加速度二十一. 室内土工实验 1.high pressure consolidation test高压固结试验 2.consolidation under K0 condition K0固结试验 3.falling head permeability变水头试验4.constant head permeability常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test固结排水试验(CD)paction test击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test慢剪试验12.sieve analysis筛分析 13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验 14.centrifugalmodel test离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus直剪仪 16.direct shear test 直剪试验 17.direct simple shear test直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test三轴试验 19.dynamic simple shear动单剪 20.free (resonance)vibration column test自(共)振柱试验二十二. 原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验 2.surface wave test (SWT)表面波试验 3.dynamic penetration test(DPT)动力触探试验 4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验 5.plate loading test静力荷载试验 teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验 7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验 8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验 9.screw plate test螺旋板载荷试验 10.pressuremeter test旁压试验 11.light sounding轻便触探试验 12.deep settlement measurement深层沉降观测 13.vane shear test十字板剪切试验 14.field permeability test现场渗透试验 15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测 16.in-situ soil test原位试验。



土木工程专业英语分类词汇目录1.一般术语12.房屋建筑结构术语33.公路路线和铁路线路术语44.桥、涵洞和隧道术语55.水工期建筑物术语66.结构构件和部件术语87.地基和基础术语108. 结构可靠性和设计方法术语119. 结构上的作用、作用代表值和作用效应术语1210. 材料性能、构件承载能力和材料性能代表值术语1411.几何参数和常用量程术语1512.工程结构设计常用的物理学、数理统计171.一般术语1 buildingandcivilengineeringstructures 工程结构2 designofbuildingandcivilengineeringstructures 工程结构设计3 buildingengineering 房屋建筑工程4 civilengineering 土木工程5 highwayengineering 公路工程6 railwayengineering 铁路工程7 port(harbour)andwaterwayengineering 港口与航道工程8 hydraulicengineering 水利工程9 hydraulicandhydroelectricengineering 水利发电工程(水电工1constructionworks 建筑物(构筑物)1structure 结构1foundation 基础1foundationsoil;subgrade;subbase;ground 地基1timberstructure 木结构1masonrystructure 砌体结构1steelstructure 钢结构1concretestructure 混凝土(砼)结构1specialengineeringstructure 特种工程结构1building 房屋建筑2industrialbuilding 工业建筑2civilbuilding;civilarchitecture 民用建筑2highway 公路2highwaynetwork 公路网2freeway 高速公路2arterialhighway 干线公路2feederhighway 支线公路2railway;railroad 铁路(铁道)2standardgaugerailway 标准轨距铁路2broadgaugerailway 宽轨距铁路3narrowgaugerailway 窄轨距铁路3railwayterminal 铁路枢纽3railwaystation 铁路车站3port;harbour 港口3marinestructure 港口水工建筑物3navigationstructure;navigationconstruction 通航(过船)建筑物3lighthouse 灯塔3waterconservancy 水利3 8 multipurposehydraulicproject;keywater-controlproject;hydro-junction水利枢纽3reservoir 水库4 0 hydraulicstructure;marinestructure;maritimeconstruction水工建筑物4waterretainingstructure;retainingworks 挡水建筑物4intakestructure 进水(取水)建筑物4outletstructure;outletworks;sluiceworks 泄水建筑物4conveyancestructure 输水建筑物4 5 regulatingstructure;trainingstructurerectificationstructure整治建筑物4 6 hydro-electricstation;hydropowerstation 水电站水泵站(抽水站、扬水4pumpstation 提水站)4safetydevice 安全设施2. 房屋建筑结构术语1 mixedstructure 混合结构2 slab-columnsystem 板柱结构3 framestructure 框架结构4 archstructure 拱结构5 folded-platestructure 折板结构6 shellstructure 壳体结构7 spacetrussstructure 风架结构8 cable-suspendedstructure 悬索结构9 pneumaticstructure 充气结构1shearwallstructure 剪力墙(结构墙)结构1frame-shearwallstructure 框架—剪力墙结构1tube 筒体结构1suspended 悬挂结构1high-rise 高耸结构3. 公路路线和铁路线路术语1 highway 公路路线2 highwayalignment 公路线形3 horizontalalignment 平面线形4 verticalalignment 纵面线形5 routeselection 公路选线6 routelocation 公路定线7 horizontalcurve 平面线8 verticalcurve 竖曲线9 gradechangepoint 变坡点1routeintersection 路线交叉1permanentway 铁路线路1railwaylocation 铁路选线1location 铁路定线1mainline 正线1sidings 站线1minimumradiusofcurve 最小曲线半1gradesection 坡段1maximum 最大坡度1grade 平面交叉2grade 立体交叉4. 桥、涵洞和隧道术语1 simplesupportedgirderbridge 桥2 continuousgirderbridge 简支梁桥3 cantilevergirderbridge 连续梁桥4 simplesupportedgirderbridge 悬臂梁桥5 cablestayedbridge 斜拉(斜张)桥6 suspensionbridge 悬索(吊)桥7 trussedbridge 桁架桥8 framebridge 框架桥9 rigidframebridge 刚构(刚架)桥1archbridge 拱桥1submersiblebridge 漫水桥1pontoonbridge 浮桥1rightbridge 正交桥1skewbridge 斜交桥1gradeseparatedbridge;overpassbridge 跨线(立交)桥1viaduct 高架桥1mainspan 正(主)桥1approachspan 引桥1curvedbridge 弯桥2rampbridge 坡桥2combinedbridge;highwayandrailwaytransitbridge 公路铁路两用桥2movablebridge 开合桥2single-trackbridge 单线桥2double-trackbridge 双线桥2bridgesuperstructure 桥跨结构(上部结2bridgefloorsystem 桥面系2bridgebearing;bridgesupport 桥支座2bridgesubstructure 桥下部结构2bridgetower 索塔(桥塔)3abutment 桥台3pier 桥墩3culvert 涵洞3tunnel 隧道(洞)3tunnelportal 隧道洞口(洞门)3tunnelsurroundingrock 隧道(洞)围岩3tunnellining 隧道(洞)衬砌5. 水工期建筑物术语1 dam 坝2 damaxis 坝轴线3 gravitydam 重力坝4 archdam 拱坝5 buttressdam 支墩坝6 earth-rockdam;embankmentdam 土石坝7 concretedam 混凝土坝8 rubberdam;flexibledam;fabricdam 橡胶坝9 spurdike;groin 丁坝1trainingdike 顺坝1spillway 溢洪道1weir 堰(溢流堰)1cofferdam 围堰1hydraulictunnel 水工隧洞1deepwaterintake 深式进水口1damtypehydropowerstation 堤坝式水电站1diversionconduittypehydropowerstation 引水(引水道)式水1tidalpowerstation 潮汐电站1pumpedstoragepowerstation 抽水蓄能电站2powerhouseofhydropowerstation 水电站厂房2forebay 前池2pressureconduit 压力管道2surgechamber 调压室2tailrace 尾水渠2navigationlock 船闸2shiplift;shipelevator 升船机2sluice;barrage 水闸2channel 渠道2aqueduct;bridgedflume 渡槽3chute 陡坡3drop 跌水3gallerysystem 坝内廊道系统3energydissipatingandanti-scourfacility 消能防冲设施3seepagecontrolfacility 防渗设施3drainagefacility 排水设施3reversefilter 反滤设施(倒滤设施)3turbine-pumpstation 水轮泵站3ramstation 水锤泵站3underdamculvert 坝下埋管4siltingbasin 沉消池4dike;levee 堤4breakwater;mole 防波堤4wharf;quay 码头4slopedwharf 斜坡码头4dolphinwharf 墩式码头4gravityquay-wall 重力式码头4sheet-pilequay-wall 板桩码头4openpieronpiles;high-pilewharf 高桩码头4floatingpier;pontoonwharf 浮(趸船)5dock 船坞5ship-buildingberth 船台5slipway 滑道6. 结构构件和部件术语member构件 component;assemblyparts 部件 section截面 beam;girder 梁 arch拱 slab;plate 板 shell 壳 column 柱 wall 墙 truss 桁架 frame 框架 bentframe 排架 rigidframe刚架(刚构) simplysupportedbeam 简支梁 cantileverbeam悬臂梁beamfixedatbothends 两端固定梁 continuousbeam 连续梁 superposedbeam 叠合梁 pile桩 sheetpile 板桩 pavement 路面 carriageway行车道 speed-changelane 变速车道 sidewalk人行道 laneseparator 分隔带 bicyclepath 自行车道 roadshoulder公路路肩 subgradesideditch路基边沟 catchditch;interceptingchannel 截水沟(天drainageditch排水沟 slopeprotection;revetment 护坡 retainingwall 挡土墙 railwaytrack 铁路轨道 rail 钢轨 sleeper轨枕 trackskeleton 轨排 bed 道床 ballast 道碴 turnout道岔railwayshuntinghump 铁路调车驼峰 continuousweldedrail无缝线路1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 91011121314151617181920212223242526272829303132333435363734railfastening 钢轨扣件4guardrail 护轮轨4railwayshoulder 铁路路肩4wharfshoulder 码头胸墙4relievingslab 卸荷板4berthingmember 靠船构件4mooringpostbollard 系船柱4mooringring 系船环5sluicechamber 闸室5sluicegate;lockgate 闸门5sluicepier 闸墩5apron 护坦5apronextension;apron 海漫5stillingbasin 消能池(消力5rollerbucket 消能戽(消力5apron;imperviousblanket 防渗铺盖5imperviouscurtain;cut-off 防渗帷幕5sealing;seal;water-stop 止水6connection 连接6joint 节点6expansionandcontractionjoint 伸缩缝6settlementjoint 沉降缝6seismicjoint 防震缝6constructionjoint 施工缝7. 地基和基础术语1 spreadfoundation 扩展(扩大)2 rigidfoundation 刚性基础3 singlefooting 独立基础4 combinedfooting 联合基础5 stripfoundation 条形基础6 shellfoundation 壳体基础7 boxfoundation 箱形基础8 raftfoundation 筏形基础9 pilefoundation 桩基础1opencaissonfoundation 沉井基础1cylinderpilefoundation;cylindercaissonfoundation 管柱基础1caissonfoundation 沉箱基础1subgradeofhighway(railway);formation 路基1bed;bedding 基床8. 结构可靠性和设计方法术语1 reliability 可靠性2 safety 安全性3 serviceability 适用性4 durability 耐久性5 basicvariable 基本变量6 designreferenceperiod 设计基准期7 probabilityofsurvival 可靠概率8 probabilityoffailure 失效概率9 reliabilityindex 可靠指标1calibration 校准法1deterministicmethod 定值设计法1probabilisticmethod 概率设计法1permissible(allowable)stressesmethod 容许应力设计法1ultimatestrengthmethod 破坏强度设计法1limitstatesmethod 极限状态设计法1limitstates 极限状态1limitstateequation 极限状态方程1ultimatelimitstates 承载能力极限状1serviceabilitylimitstates 正常使用极限状态2partialsafetyfactor 分项系数2designsituation 设计状况2persistentsituation 持久状况2transientsituation 短暂状况2accidentalsituation 偶然状况9. 结构上的作用、作用代表值和作用效应术语1 action 作用2 load 荷载3 forceperunitlength 线分布力4 forceperunitarea 面分布力5 forceperunitvolume 体分布力6 momentofforce 力矩7 permanentaction 永久作用8 variableaction 可变作用9 accidentalaction 偶然作用1fixedaction 固定作用1freeaction 自由(可动)作用.1staticaction 静态作用1dynamicaction 动态作用1repeatedaction;cyclicaction 多次重复作用1lowfrequencycyclicaction 低周反复作用1selfweight 自重1siteload 施工荷载1earthpressure 土压力1temperatureaction 温度作用2earthquakeaction 地震作用2explosionaction 爆炸作用2windload 风荷载2windvibration 风振2snowload 雪荷载2craneload 吊车荷载2floorliveload;roofliveload 楼面、屋面活荷载2loadonbridge 桥(桥梁)荷载2deadloadonbridge 桥(桥梁)恒荷载2liveloadonbridge 桥(桥梁)活荷载3standardhighwayvehicleload 公路车辆荷载标3standardrailwayliveload 中国铁路标准活3shipload 船舶荷载3craneandvehicleload 起重运输机械荷3shipimpactforce 船舶撞击力3shipbreastingforce 船舶挤靠力3mooringforce 船舶系缆力3waterpressure 水压力3buoyantforce;floatage 浮力3upliftpressure 扬压力4wavepressure;waveforce 浪压力(波浪力)4icepressure 冰压力4siltpressure 泥沙压力4frostheaveforce;frostheavepressure 冻胀力4representativevalueofanaction 作用代表值4characteristicvalueofanaction 作用标准值4quasi-permanentvalueofanaction 作用准永久值4combinationvalueofactions 作用组合值4partialsafetyfactorforaction 作用分项系数4designvalueofanaction 作用设计值5coefficientforcombinationvalueofactions 作用组合值系数5effectsofactions 作用效应5coefficientofeffectsofactions 作用效应系数5normalforce 轴向力5shearforce 剪力5bendingmoment 弯矩5bimoment 双弯矩5torque 扭矩5stress 应力5normalstress 正应力6shearstress;tangentialstress 剪应力6principalstress 主应力6prestress 预应力6displacement 位移6deflection 挠度6deformation 变形6elasticdeformation 弹性变形6plasticdeformation 塑性变形6imposeddeformation 外加变形6restraineddeformation 约束变形7strain 应变7linearstrain 线应变7shearstrain;tangentialstrain _、r-i、一-花亠7principalstrain 主应变7combinationforactioneffects 作用效应组合7fundamentalcombinationforactioneffects 作用效应基本组7accidentalcombinationforactioneffects 作用效应偶然组7combinationforshort-termactioneffects 短期效应组合7combinationforlong-termactioneffects 长期效应组合7limitingdesignvalue 设计限值10. 材料性能、构件承载能力和材料性能代表值术语1 resistance 抗力2 strength 强度3 compressivestrength 抗压强度4 tensilestrength 抗拉强度5 shearstrength 抗剪强度6 flexuralstrength 抗弯强度7 yieldstrength 屈服强度8 fatiguestrength 疲劳强度9 ultimatestrain 极限应变1modulusofelasticity 弹性模量1shearmodulus 剪变模量1modulusofdeformation 变形模量1poissonratio 泊松比1bearingcapacity 承载能力1compressivecapacity 受压承载能力1tensilecapacity 受拉承载能力1shearcapacity 受剪承载能力1flexuralcapacity 受弯承载能力1torsionalcapacity 受扭承载能力2fatiguecapacity 疲劳承载能力2stiffness;rigidity 刚度2crackresistance 抗裂度2ultimatedeformation 极限变形2stability 稳定性2spatialbehaviour 空间工作性能2brittlefailure 脆性破坏2ductilefailure 延性破坏2partialsafetyfactorforresistance 抗力分项系数2characteristicvalueofapropertyofamaterial 材料性能标准值3partialsafetyfactorforpropertyofmaterial 材料性能分项系数3designvalueofapropertyofamaterial 材料性能设计值3normalvalueofgeometricparameter 几何参数标准值11. 几何参数和常用量程术语1 heightofsection;depthofsection 截面高度2 breadthofsection 截面宽度3 thicknessofsection 截面厚度4 diameterofsection 截面直径5 perimeterofsection 截面周长6 areaofsection 截面面积7 firstmomentofarea 截面面积矩8 secondmomentofarea;momentofinertia 截面惯性矩9 polarsecondmomentofarea;polarmomentofinertia截面极惯性矩1sectionmodulus 截面模量(抵抗矩)1radiusofgyration 截面回转半径1eccentricity 偏心矩1relativeeccentricity 偏心率1length 长度1span 跨度1rise 矢高1slendernessratio 长细比1longitudinalgradient 纵坡1superelevation 超高2sightdistance 视距2widthofsubgrade 路面宽度2widthofsubgrade 路基宽度2clearanceofhighway 公路建筑限界2gauge 轨矩2railroadclearance 铁路建筑限界2clearanceunderbridge 桥下净空2constructionheightofbridge 桥建筑高度2clearanceabovebridgefloor 桥建筑限界2clearanceoftunnel 隧道建筑限界3berth 泊位3additionaldepth;residualdepth 富余水深3wavecharacteristics;waveparameters 波浪要素3tidelevel 潮位3waterlevel 水位3designwaterlevel 设计水位3damheight 坝高3damlength 坝长3freeboard 安全超高(富余高度)3deadwaterlevel 水库死水位4normal(pool)level 水库设计(正常)蓄4designfloodlevel 水库设计洪水位4exceptionalfloodlevel 水库校长核洪水位4deadstorage 水库死(垫底)库容4usablestorage 水库兴利(有效、调节)4totalreservoirstorage 水库总库容total12. 工程结构设计常用的物理学、数理统计1 coefficientoffriction 磨擦系数2 massdensity 质量密度3 force(weight)density 重力密度4 momentofmomentum 动量矩5 dynamicmomentofinertia 转动惯量6 dynamiceffectfactor 动作用系数7 vibration 振动8 acceleration 加速度9 frequency 频率1naturalfrequency 自振(固有)1period 周期1naturalperiodofvibration 自振周期1periodicvibration 周期振动1amplitudeofvibration 振幅1degreeoffreedom 自由度1damp 阻尼1forcedvibration 强迫振动1modeofvibration 振型1resonance 共振2statisticalparameter 统计参数2meanvalue 平均值2meansquaredeviation 、-、八方差2standarddeviation 标准差2coefficientofmeanvalue 均值系数2Z-*/-*•・z-*・・变异系数2probabilitydistribution 概率分布2fractile;quantile 分位数2significancelevel 显著性水平2hydro-staticpressure 静水压强3hydro-dynamicpressure 动水压强3totalhydro-staticpressure 静水总压力3pressuregradient 压力梯度3pressurehead 压力水头3levelhead 位置水头3streamfield 流畅3streamfield 流线3velocityofflow 流速3velocityheadofflow 流速水头3totalhead 总水头4headloss 水头损失4dischargecrosssection 过水断面4wettedperimeter 湿周4hydraulicradius 水力半径4discharge;flowrate 流量4averagevelocity 平均流速4coefficientofroughness 糙率(粗糙系数)4hydraulicslope;energygradient 水力坡度(水力比降)4Reynoldsnumber 雷诺数(re)4Froudenumber 弗汝德数(fr)5waterhammer 水锤(水击)5hydraulicjump 水跃5seepageflow 渗流5coefficientofcompressibility 压缩系数5cohesion 内聚力(粘聚力)5coefficientofconsolidation 固结系数5relativedensity 相对密度5compactness 密实度5modulusofcompressibility 压缩模量5porosity 孔隙比6porosity 孔隙率(度)6liquidityindex 液性指数6plasticity 塑性指数6degreeofsaturation 渗透系数6degreeofsaturation 饱和度6degreeofconsolidation 固结度6porewaterpressure 孔隙水压力6watercontent 含水量6liquidlimit 液限6plasticlimit 塑限7angleofrepose 休止角7angleofexternalfriction 外磨擦角7angleofinternalfriction 内摩擦角7earthquake 地震7earthquakefocus 震源7earthquakeepicenter 震中7epicentraldistance 震中距7earthquakemagnitude 地震震级7earthquakeintensity 地震烈度7earthquakezone 地震区8earthquakeresponsespectrum 反应谱8staticmethod 静力法8equivalentbaseshearmethod 底部剪力法(拟静力8time-historymethod 时程分析法8modeanalysismethod 振型分解法8earthquakedynamicwaterpressure 地震动水压力地震动土压力 砂土液化86earthquakedynamicearthpressure 87liquefactionofsaturatedsoil。



土木工程专业英语词汇短语总结.doc 标题:土木工程专业英语词汇短语总结一、前言介绍土木工程专业英语的重要性。




三、结构工程钢筋(Reinforcement)混凝土(Concrete)梁(Beam)柱(Column)地基(Foundation)四、岩土工程土壤(Soil)岩石(Rock)边坡(Slope)支护(Support)地基处理(Foundation Treatment)五、水文与水资源工程水坝(Dam)水塔(Water Tower)运河(Canal)洪水(Flood)水资源管理(Water Resources Management)六、交通工程道路(Road)桥梁(Bridge)隧道(Tunnel)交通规划(Traffic Planning)交通信号(Traffic Signal)七、环境工程污染(Pollution)废物处理(Waste Treatment)环境影响评估(Environmental Impact Assessment)可持续性(Sustainability)绿色建筑(Green Building)八、施工管理施工计划(Construction Schedule)工程预算(Engineering Budget)质量控制(Quality Control)安全管理(Safety Management)项目监理(Project Supervision)九、材料科学材料强度(Material Strength)耐久性(Durability)抗渗性(Waterproofing)抗压强度(Compressive Strength)弹性模量(Elastic Modulus)十、测量与绘图测量(Surveying)平面图(Plan)剖面图(Section)立面图(Elevation)施工图纸(Construction Drawings)十一、专业短语与表达工程竣工(Project Completion)工程变更(Engineering Change)工程验收(Project Acceptance)工程质量(Engineering Quality)工程进度(Project Progress)十二、结语总结土木工程专业英语词汇的重要性。



土木工程专业英语词汇(整理版)第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 扭矩 torque53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 沉降settlement62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力 active earth pressure72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal periodical83 文献literature84 国际标准刊号ISSN International Standard Serial Number85 国际标准书号ISBN International Standard Book Number86 卷 volume87 期 number88 专著 monograph89 会议论文集 Proceeding90 学位论文 thesis dissertation91 专利 patent92 档案档案室 archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师 advisor95 学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96 博士研究生 doctorate student97 研究生 postgraduate98 工程索引EI Engineering Index99 科学引文索引SCI Science Citation Index100 科学技术会议论文集索引ISTP Index to Science and Tec hnology Proceedings 101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 美国土木工程师协会ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers109 联邦公路总署FHWA Federal Highway Administration110 国际标准组织ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2.foundation engineering 基础工程3.soil earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学5.cyclic loading 周期荷载6.unloading 卸载7.reloading 再加载8.viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基9.viscous damping 粘滞阻尼10.shear modulus 剪切模量11.soil dynamics 土动力学12.stress path 应力路径13.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二.土的分类1.residual soil 残积土 groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table 地下水位3.clay minerals 粘土矿物4.secondary minerals 次生矿物ndslides 滑坡6.bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘察8.boulder 漂石9.cobble 卵石10.gravel 砂石11.gravelly sand 砾砂12.coarse sand 粗砂13.medium sand 中砂14.fine sand 细砂15.silty sand 粉土16.clayey soil 粘性土17.clay 粘土18.silty clay 粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt 粘质粉土22.saturated soil 饱和土23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土24.fill (soil) 填土25.overconsolidated soil 超固结土26.normally consolidated soil 正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil 欠固结土28.zonal soil 区域性土29.soft clay 软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil 冻土24.degree of saturation 饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight 湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping 管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling 砂沸5.flow net 流网6.seepage 渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure 渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force 渗透力11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验9.foundation design 基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity 承载力12.soil mass 土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load 集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体16.homogeneous 均质17.isotropic 各向同性18.strip footing 条基19.square spread footing 方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load 恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载25.reduced load 折算荷载26.settlement 沉降27.deformation 变形28.casing 套管29.dike=dyke 堤(防)30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组31.physical properties 物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil 级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土35.normal stresses 正应力36.shear stresses 剪应力37.principal plane 主平面38.major (intermediate minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔-库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method 有限元法41.limit equilibrium method 极限平衡法42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数pression index 压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress 自重应力49.additional stress 附加应力50.total stress 总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line 滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point 深井点11 vacuum well point 真空井点12 braced cuts 支撑围护13 braced excavation 支撑开挖14 braced sheeting 支撑挡板七.深基础--deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place 灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩bored pile 钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel sheet pile 钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile 预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall 地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis 波动方程分析8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile 单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩18.uplift pile 抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术24.final set 最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test 桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt 桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan 桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action 群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻35.pile cushion 桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise 打桩噪音40.pile rig 打桩机九.固结 consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s con solidation theory 太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory 巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory 比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土6.excess pore water pressure 超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结10.secondary consolidation 次固结11.degree of consolidation 固结度12.consolidation test 固结试验13.consolidation curve 固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结十.抗剪强度 shear strength1.undrained shear strength 不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength 残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力12.failure criterion 破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter 有效应力强度参数十一.本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型6.Du ncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model 盖帽模型9.work softening 加工软化10.work hardening 加工硬化11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface 屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二.地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力十三.土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure 主动土压力2.passive earth pressure 被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest 静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory 库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory 朗金土压力理论十四.土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角2.Bishop method 毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices 费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法十五.挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall 基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙十六.板桩结构物--sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七.浅基础--shallow foundation1.box foundation 箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation 柔性基础9.emxxxxbedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八.土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十.地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum 地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度二十一.室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验(CD)paction test 击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验12.sieve analysis 筛分析13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus 直剪仪16.direct shear test 直剪试验17.direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test 自(共)振柱试验二十二.原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT) 表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT) 动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test 旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement 深层沉降观测13.vane shear test 十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test 原位试验第一部分必须掌握,第二部分尽量掌握第一部分:1 Finite Element Method 有限单元法2 专业英语 Specialty English3 水利工程 Hydraulic Engineering4 土木工程 Civil Engineering5 地下工程 Underground Engineering6 岩土工程 Geotechnical Engineering7 道路工程 Road (Highway) Engineering8 桥梁工程Bridge Engineering9 隧道工程 Tunnel Engineering10 工程力学 Engineering Mechanics11 交通工程 Traffic Engineering12 港口工程 Port Engineering13 安全性 safety17木结构 timber structure18 砌体结构 masonry structure19 混凝土结构concrete structure20 钢结构 steelstructure21 钢 - 混凝土复合结构 steel and concrete composite structure22 素混凝土 plain concrete23 钢筋混凝土reinforced concrete24 钢筋 rebar25 预应力混凝土 pre-stressed concrete26 静定结构statically determinate structure27 超静定结构 statically indeterminate structure28 桁架结构 truss structure29 空间网架结构 spatial grid structure30 近海工程 offshore engineering31 静力学 statics32运动学kinematics33 动力学dynamics34 简支梁 simply supported beam35 固定支座 fixed bearing36弹性力学 elasticity37 塑性力学 plasticity38 弹塑性力学 elaso-plasticity39 断裂力学 fracture Mechanics40 土力学 soil mechanics41 水力学 hydraulics42 流体力学 fluid mechanics43 固体力学solid mechanics44 集中力 concentrated force45 压力 pressure46 静水压力 hydrostatic pressure47 均布压力 uniform pressure48 体力 body force49 重力 gravity50 线荷载 line load51 弯矩 bending moment52 扭矩 torque53 应力 stress54 应变 stain55 正应力 normal stress56 剪应力 shearing stress57 主应力 principal stress58 变形 deformation59 内力 internal force60 偏移量挠度 deflection61 沉降settlement62 屈曲失稳 buckle63 轴力 axial force64 允许应力 allowable stress65 疲劳分析 fatigue analysis66 梁 beam67 壳 shell68 板 plate69 桥 bridge70 桩 pile71 主动土压力 active earth pressure72 被动土压力 passive earth pressure73 承载力 load-bearing capacity74 水位 water Height75 位移 displacement76 结构力学 structural mechanics77 材料力学 material mechanics78 经纬仪 altometer79 水准仪level80 学科 discipline81 子学科 sub-discipline82 期刊 journal periodical83 文献literature84 国际标准刊号ISSN International Standard Serial Number85 国际标准书号ISBN International Standard Book Number86 卷 volume87 期 number88 专著 monograph89 会议论文集 Proceeding90 学位论文 thesis dissertation91 专利 patent92 档案档案室 archive93 国际学术会议 conference94 导师 advisor95 学位论文答辩 defense of thesis96 博士研究生 doctorate student97 研究生 postgraduate98 工程索引EI Engineering Index99 科学引文索引SCI Science Citation Index100 科学技术会议论文集索引ISTP Index to Science and Tec hnology Proceedings 101 题目 title102 摘要 abstract103 全文 full-text104 参考文献 reference105 联络单位、所属单位affiliation106 主题词 Subject107 关键字 keyword108 美国土木工程师协会ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers109 联邦公路总署FHWA Federal Highway Administration110 国际标准组织ISO International Standard Organization111 解析方法 analytical method112 数值方法 numerical method113 计算 computation114 说明书 instruction115 规范 Specification Code第二部分:岩土工程专业词汇1.geotechnical engineering 岩土工程2.foundation engineering 基础工程3.soil earth 土4.soil mechanics 土力学5.cyclic loading 周期荷载6.unloading 卸载7.reloading 再加载8.viscoelastic foundation 粘弹性地基9.viscous damping 粘滞阻尼10.shear modulus 剪切模量11.soil dynamics 土动力学12.stress path 应力路径13.numerical geotechanics 数值岩土力学二.土的分类1.residual soil 残积土 groundwater level 地下水位2.groundwater 地下水 groundwater table 地下水位3.clay minerals 粘土矿物4.secondary minerals 次生矿物ndslides 滑坡6.bore hole columnar section 钻孔柱状图7.engineering geologic investigation 工程地质勘察8.boulder 漂石9.cobble 卵石10.gravel 砂石11.gravelly sand 砾砂12.coarse sand 粗砂13.medium sand 中砂14.fine sand 细砂15.silty sand 粉土16.clayey soil 粘性土17.clay 粘土18.silty clay 粉质粘土19.silt 粉土20.sandy silt 砂质粉土21.clayey silt 粘质粉土22.saturated soil 饱和土23.unsaturated soil 非饱和土24.fill (soil) 填土25.overconsolidated soil 超固结土26.normally consolidated soil 正常固结土27.underconsolidated soil 欠固结土28.zonal soil 区域性土29.soft clay 软粘土30.expansive (swelling) soil 膨胀土31.peat 泥炭32.loess 黄土33.frozen soil 冻土24.degree of saturation 饱和度25.dry unit weight 干重度26.moist unit weight 湿重度45.ISSMGE=International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 国际土力学与岩土工程学会四.渗透性和渗流1.Darcy’s law 达西定律2.piping 管涌3.flowing soil 流土4.sand boiling 砂沸5.flow net 流网6.seepage 渗透(流)7.leakage 渗流8.seepage pressure 渗透压力9.permeability 渗透性10.seepage force 渗透力11.hydraulic gradient 水力梯度12.coefficient of permeability 渗透系数五.地基应力和变形1.soft soil 软土2.(negative) skin friction of driven pile 打入桩(负)摩阻力3.effective stress 有效应力4.total stress 总应力5.field vane shear strength 十字板抗剪强度6.low activity 低活性7.sensitivity 灵敏度8.triaxial test 三轴试验9.foundation design 基础设计10.recompaction 再压缩11.bearing capacity 承载力12.soil mass 土体13.contact stress (pressure)接触应力(压力)14.concentrated load 集中荷载15.a semi-infinite elastic solid 半无限弹性体16.homogeneous 均质17.isotropic 各向同性18.strip footing 条基19.square spread footing 方形独立基础20.underlying soil (stratum strata)下卧层(土)21.dead load =sustained load 恒载持续荷载22.live load 活载23.short –term transient load 短期瞬时荷载24.long-term transient load 长期荷载25.reduced load 折算荷载26.settlement 沉降27.deformation 变形28.casing 套管29.dike=dyke 堤(防)30.clay fraction 粘粒粒组31.physical properties 物理性质32.subgrade 路基33.well-graded soil 级配良好土34.poorly-graded soil 级配不良土35.normal stresses 正应力36.shear stresses 剪应力37.principal plane 主平面38.major (intermediate minor) principal stress 最大(中、最小)主应力39.Mohr-Coulomb failure condition 摩尔-库仑破坏条件40.FEM=finite element method 有限元法41.limit equilibrium method 极限平衡法42.pore water pressure 孔隙水压力43.preconsolidation pressure 先期固结压力44.modulus of compressibility 压缩模量45.coefficent of compressibility 压缩系数pression index 压缩指数47.swelling index 回弹指数48.geostatic stress 自重应力49.additional stress 附加应力50.total stress 总应力51.final settlement 最终沉降52.slip line 滑动线六.基坑开挖与降水1 excavation 开挖(挖方)2 dewatering (基坑)降水3 failure of foundation 基坑失稳4 bracing of foundation pit 基坑围护5 bottom heave=basal heave (基坑)底隆起6 retaining wall 挡土墙7 pore-pressure distribution 孔压分布8 dewatering method 降低地下水位法9 well point system 井点系统(轻型)10 deep well point 深井点11 vacuum well point 真空井点12 braced cuts 支撑围护13 braced excavation 支撑开挖14 braced sheeting 支撑挡板七.深基础--deep foundation1.pile foundation 桩基础1)cast –in-place 灌注桩diving casting cast-in-place pile 沉管灌注桩bored pile 钻孔桩special-shaped cast-in-place pile 机控异型灌注桩piles set into rock 嵌岩灌注桩rammed bulb pile 夯扩桩2)belled pier foundation 钻孔墩基础drilled-pier foundation 钻孔扩底墩under-reamed bored pier3)precast concrete pile 预制混凝土桩4)steel pile 钢桩steel pipe pile 钢管桩steel sheet pile 钢板桩5)prestressed concrete pile 预应力混凝土桩prestressed concrete pipe pile 预应力混凝土管桩2.caisson foundation 沉井(箱)3.diaphragm wall 地下连续墙截水墙4.friction pile 摩擦桩5.end-bearing pile 端承桩6.shaft 竖井;桩身7.wave equation analysis 波动方程分析8.pile caps 承台(桩帽)9.bearing capacity of single pile 单桩承载力teral pile load test 单桩横向载荷试验11.ultimate lateral resistance of single pile 单桩横向极限承载力12.static load test of pile 单桩竖向静荷载试验13.vertical allowable load capacity 单桩竖向容许承载力14.low pile cap 低桩承台15.high-rise pile cap 高桩承台16.vertical ultimate uplift resistance of single pile 单桩抗拔极限承载力17.silent piling 静力压桩18.uplift pile 抗拔桩19.anti-slide pile 抗滑桩20.pile groups 群桩21.efficiency factor of pile groups 群桩效率系数(η)22.efficiency of pile groups 群桩效应23.dynamic pile testing 桩基动测技术24.final set 最后贯入度25.dynamic load test of pile 桩动荷载试验26.pile integrity test 桩的完整性试验27.pile head=butt 桩头28.pile tip=pile point=pile toe 桩端(头)29.pile spacing 桩距30.pile plan 桩位布置图31.arrangement of piles =pile layout 桩的布置32.group action 群桩作用33.end bearing=tip resistance 桩端阻34.skin(side) friction=shaft resistance 桩侧阻35.pile cushion 桩垫36.pile driving(by vibration) (振动)打桩37.pile pulling test 拔桩试验38.pile shoe 桩靴39.pile noise 打桩噪音40.pile rig 打桩机九.固结 consolidation1.Terzzaghi’s consolidation theory 太沙基固结理论2.Barraon’s consolidation theory 巴隆固结理论3.Biot’s consolidation theory 比奥固结理论4.over consolidation ration (OCR)超固结比5.overconsolidation soil 超固结土6.excess pore water pressure 超孔压力7.multi-dimensional consolidation 多维固结8.one-dimensional consolidation 一维固结9.primary consolidation 主固结10.secondary consolidation 次固结11.degree of consolidation 固结度12.consolidation test 固结试验13.consolidation curve 固结曲线14.time factor Tv 时间因子15.coefficient of consolidation 固结系数16.preconsolidation pressure 前期固结压力17.principle of effective stress 有效应力原理18.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结十.抗剪强度 shear strength1.undrained shear strength 不排水抗剪强度2.residual strength 残余强度3.long-term strength 长期强度4.peak strength 峰值强度5.shear strain rate 剪切应变速率6.dilatation 剪胀7.effective stress approach of shear strength 剪胀抗剪强度有效应力法 8.total stress approach of shear strength 抗剪强度总应力法9.Mohr-Coulomb theory 莫尔-库仑理论10.angle of internal friction 内摩擦角11.cohesion 粘聚力12.failure criterion 破坏准则13.vane strength 十字板抗剪强度14.unconfined compression 无侧限抗压强度15.effective stress failure envelop 有效应力破坏包线16.effective stress strength parameter 有效应力强度参数十一.本构模型--constitutive model1.elastic model 弹性模型2.nonlinear elastic model 非线性弹性模型3.elastoplastic model 弹塑性模型4.viscoelastic model 粘弹性模型5.boundary surface model 边界面模型6.Du ncan-Chang model 邓肯-张模型7.rigid plastic model 刚塑性模型8.cap model 盖帽模型9.work softening 加工软化10.work hardening 加工硬化11.Cambridge model 剑桥模型12.ideal elastoplastic model 理想弹塑性模型13.Mohr-Coulomb yield criterion 莫尔-库仑屈服准则14.yield surface 屈服面15.elastic half-space foundation model 弹性半空间地基模型16.elastic modulus 弹性模量17.Winkler foundation model 文克尔地基模型十二.地基承载力--bearing capacity of foundation soil1.punching shear failure 冲剪破坏2.general shear failure 整体剪切破化3.local shear failure 局部剪切破坏4.state of limit equilibrium 极限平衡状态5.critical edge pressure 临塑荷载6.stability of foundation soil 地基稳定性7.ultimate bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基极限承载力8.allowable bearing capacity of foundation soil 地基容许承载力十三.土压力--earth pressure1.active earth pressure 主动土压力2.passive earth pressure 被动土压力3.earth pressure at rest 静止土压力4.Coulomb’s earth pressure theory 库仑土压力理论5.Rankine’s earth pressure theory 朗金土压力理论十四.土坡稳定分析--slope stability analysis1.angle of repose 休止角2.Bishop method 毕肖普法3.safety factor of slope 边坡稳定安全系数4.Fellenius method of slices 费纽伦斯条分法5.Swedish circle method 瑞典圆弧滑动法6.slices method 条分法十五.挡土墙--retaining wall1.stability of retaining wall 挡土墙稳定性2.foundation wall 基础墙3.counter retaining wall 扶壁式挡土墙4.cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙5.cantilever sheet pile wall 悬臂式板桩墙6.gravity retaining wall 重力式挡土墙7.anchored plate retaining wall 锚定板挡土墙8.anchored sheet pile wall 锚定板板桩墙十六.板桩结构物--sheet pile structure1.steel sheet pile 钢板桩2.reinforced concrete sheet pile 钢筋混凝土板桩3.steel piles 钢桩4.wooden sheet pile 木板桩5.timber piles 木桩十七.浅基础--shallow foundation1.box foundation 箱型基础2.mat(raft) foundation 片筏基础3.strip foundation 条形基础4.spread footing 扩展基础pensated foundation 补偿性基础6.bearing stratum 持力层7.rigid foundation 刚性基础8.flexible foundation 柔性基础9.emxxxxbedded depth of foundation 基础埋置深度 foundation pressure 基底附加应力11.structure-foundation-soil interaction analysis 上部结构-基础-地基共同作用分析十八.土的动力性质--dynamic properties of soils1.dynamic strength of soils 动强度2.wave velocity method 波速法3.material damping 材料阻尼4.geometric damping 几何阻尼5.damping ratio 阻尼比6.initial liquefaction 初始液化7.natural period of soil site 地基固有周期8.dynamic shear modulus of soils 动剪切模量9.dynamic ma二十.地基基础抗震1.earthquake engineering 地震工程2.soil dynamics 土动力学3.duration of earthquake 地震持续时间4.earthquake response spectrum 地震反应谱5.earthquake intensity 地震烈度6.earthquake magnitude 震级7.seismic predominant period 地震卓越周期8.maximum acceleration of earthquake 地震最大加速度二十一.室内土工实验1.high pressure consolidation test 高压固结试验2.consolidation under K0 condition K0 固结试验3.falling head permeability 变水头试验4.constant head permeability 常水头渗透试验5.unconsolidated-undrained triaxial test 不固结不排水试验(UU)6.consolidated undrained triaxial test 固结不排水试验(CU)7.consolidated drained triaxial test 固结排水试验(CD)paction test 击实试验9.consolidated quick direct shear test 固结快剪试验10.quick direct shear test 快剪试验11.consolidated drained direct shear test 慢剪试验12.sieve analysis 筛分析13.geotechnical model test 土工模型试验14.centrifugal model test 离心模型试验15.direct shear apparatus 直剪仪16.direct shear test 直剪试验17.direct simple shear test 直接单剪试验18.dynamic triaxial test 三轴试验19.dynamic simple shear 动单剪20.free(resonance)vibration column test 自(共)振柱试验二十二.原位测试1.standard penetration test (SPT)标准贯入试验2.surface wave test (SWT) 表面波试验3.dynamic penetration test(DPT) 动力触探试验4.static cone penetration (SPT) 静力触探试验5.plate loading test 静力荷载试验teral load test of pile 单桩横向载荷试验7.static load test of pile 单桩竖向荷载试验8.cross-hole test 跨孔试验9.screw plate test 螺旋板载荷试验10.pressuremeter test 旁压试验11.light sounding 轻便触探试验12.deep settlement measurement 深层沉降观测13.vane shear test 十字板剪切试验14.field permeability test 现场渗透试验15.in-situ pore water pressure measurement 原位孔隙水压量测16.in-situ soil test 原位试验。



课程 xxxx 班级 xxxx 指导教师 xxxx 学生姓名 xxxx 学号 xxxx 二 0 一四年六月Hydraulic Engineering——DamsAmong mankind’s oldest works are irrigation and water supply systems;indeed,the earliest civilizations in river valleys in the Middle East were based on agriculture that depended on irrigation. Harbor facilities and canals for navigation were also early engineering accomplishments.Such systems are usually grouped together as hydraulic engineering projects. Hydraulics is the science that deals with the flow and control of water and other fluids.Among the most impressive modern works in hydraulic engineering are such great dams as the Aswan High Dam on the Nile in Egypt and the Hoover Dam on the Colorado River in the Southwestern United States.These dams, like most modern dams, serve a number of different purposes. Among them are flood control, water storage, irrigation, navigation,and hydroelectric power.In addition, most dams are also links in a highway system, with a roadway running across them. The lakes behind them, like Lake Mead which is backed up by the Hoover Dam, also serve as recreational areas.Before design and construction of a dam can begin,an extensive survey and study of the site must be made. This survey examines not only topographical features of the area, but also soil and rock samples to determine the geological factors that may affect it. The hydraulic features of the stream or river that is being dammed must also be determined the rate of volume of flow of the river at different seasons, and the volume of water that will be backed up by the dam. Engineers use this information to calculate potential water pressure. It is also necessary to study the site to see whether the dam can be constructed with the use of cofferdams or whether the flow of the river must be diverted. Cofferdams, are watertight piles that form an enclosure from which water can be pumped. When it is necessary to divert the river, one technique is to dig tunnels for the channel; another is to excavate a temporary channel for the river around the dam site.Even after the site has been thoroughly investigated and the designs have been made,preliminary work is still not complete. Scale models of the dam are often made so that they can be tested under simulated conditions. Computers are also used extensively to calculate all the different stresses to which such huge structures can be subjected, including those that may be caused by earthquakes.Basically there are two types of construction for dams, masonry and embankment. Before the invention of Portland cement, huge blocks of cut stone were ordinarily used to build dams, but today masonry dams are constructed with reinforced concrete.Masonry dams are most often built to control swift-flowing streams in narrow valleys where there is good rock for the foundations. An excellent example is the Hoover Dam. Embankment dams are essentially great mounds of earth across a stream. In addition to compacted earth, embankment dams can be built with crushed rock or sand. This kind of dam is usually built across wider streams where the water flows rather slowly. The Aswan High Dam is a good example ofan embankment dam.The velocity and pressure of the water that is being blocked are important factors in the design of dams. Another factor is the possibility of seepage under the foundations, often requiring special protective features in the design. Seepage is the slow leaking of water through a porous material, such as earth or somekinds of rock like limestone or sandstone.Many dams have other auxiliary structures, depending on the reason why the dam was constructed. One feature is a spillway that allows flood water or excess water from the reservoir behind the dam to be released downstream. Withembankment dams, the spillway are ordinarily constructed at one side of the dam.With concrete gravity dams, the sloping downstream face often acts as thespillway. In this case some kind of footing or special device must be placed at the bottom of the dam so that the water is projected out into the stream where itcannot erode the dam’s foundation.Other openings are necessary when the dam is used for irrigation or for generating electricity. Gates are built in dam through which water can be released for these purposes. The gates are equipped with screens so that floating objects cannot pass through them. The ducts that carry water from the gates to turn turbines in a powerhouse are called penstocks. Some dams also have fish ladders that allow fish in the river to travel past the dam to or from their breeding grounds.水利工程--水坝人类最古老的作品之一是灌溉和供水系统;事实上,在中东最早的文明河谷是基于依靠灌溉的农业。

Rock engineering problems related to underground hydrocarbon storage

Rock engineering problems related to underground hydrocarbon storage
Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. 2010, 2 (4): 289–297
Rock engineering problems related to underground hydrocarbon storage
Ming Lu
1 Introduction

The underground storage of hydrocarbon products has a history of several decades. The environments, operations, safety and security advantages of the underground oil and gas storage are well documented. In many cases, in particular for large volume storage, the underground storage has been proven to be costeffective in comparison with the aboveground steel tanks. Other advantages include lower operation costs, less fire hazards, few surface land requirements and more constant storage temperature that may lead to less energy consumption. Conventional methods for the underground storage of oil and gas include the uses of aquifers, depleted reservoirs in oil and gas fields and in rock salt caverns. Storing oil and gas in depleted oil and/or gas reservoirs has been the most frequently used method.



近海工程英语作文Offshore engineering is a specialized field that involves the design, construction, and maintenance of structures and facilities located in marine environments. This field iscritical for the development of resources such as oil and gas, which are often found beneath the ocean floor. Here's a brief overview of the subject:Design Considerations:The design of offshore structures must account for the harsh marine environment, including wave action, wind, and currents. Engineers must also consider the corrosive effects ofsaltwater and the need for structures to withstand extreme weather conditions.Types of Structures:Offshore structures can vary widely, from simple platformsfor oil drilling to complex floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) units. Other structures include windturbines for renewable energy, and even floating cities for living and working.Construction Techniques:Construction in offshore environments is challenging due tothe need for specialized equipment and techniques. Heavy-lift vessels and cranes are used to transport and install large structures. Modular construction is often employed, where components are built onshore and then assembled at the site.Safety and Environmental Concerns:Safety is paramount in offshore engineering. Rigorous safety protocols are in place to protect workers and prevent accidents. Additionally, environmental concerns are addressed through careful planning and the use of technologies that minimize the impact on marine ecosystems.Technological Advancements:Advancements in technology are continually improving offshore engineering capabilities. For example, the use of drones for inspection and maintenance, and the development of autonomous underwater vehicles for underwater construction and repair tasks.Future Outlook:As the world's demand for energy grows, offshore engineering will continue to play a vital role in resource extraction. Additionally, the push for renewable energy sources will see more offshore wind farms and other renewable energy projects being developed.Conclusion:Offshore engineering is a dynamic and essential industry that requires a combination of engineering expertise, innovative technology, and a commitment to safety and environmental sustainability. With ongoing advancements and the increasing need for energy, the future of offshore engineering looks promising.。



航道维护安全试题及答案一、单选题1. 航道维护的主要目的是什么?A. 提高航道美观B. 保障船舶航行安全C. 增加航道运输量D. 保护海洋生态环境答案:B2. 下列哪项不是航道维护的内容?A. 航道疏浚B. 航标设置C. 船舶速度限制D. 航道测量答案:C3. 航道维护中,哪项措施对于保障夜间航行安全至关重要?A. 航道照明B. 航标维护C. 船舶导航设备D. 海况预报答案:B4. 航道维护工作通常由哪个部门负责?A. 海事局B. 渔业部门C. 环境保护局D. 旅游部门答案:A5. 在进行航道疏浚时,以下哪项操作是不正确的?A. 严格按照疏浚计划作业B. 避免对周围环境造成污染C. 随意排放疏浚物D. 确保疏浚设备正常运行答案:C二、多选题6. 航道维护安全措施包括哪些方面?(ABD)A. 定期航道巡查B. 航道设施维护D. 应急预案制定C. 限制船舶尺寸答案:A, B, D7. 以下哪些因素会影响航道的维护安全?(ABC)A. 恶劣天气条件B. 航道内非法捕鱼活动C. 航道疏浚物的处理D. 船舶载重限制答案:A, B, C三、判断题8. 航道维护工作仅在白天进行,以确保安全。



9. 航道维护中,使用现代化的疏浚设备可以提高维护效率,减少对环境的影响。


四、简答题10. 简述航道维护中航标的作用及其重要性。


航标的重要性体现在以下几个方面:- 确保船舶能够安全、准确地沿着预定航道航行。

- 在能见度低的情况下,如雾天或夜间,航标通过灯光或音响信号为船舶提供导航辅助。

- 航标的存在有助于避免船舶触礁或搁浅,减少海上事故的发生。

- 航标的维护状况直接关系到航道的安全性和可靠性。

五、案例分析题11. 某海域航道因长期未进行疏浚,导致水深不足,一艘大型货轮在该航道触礁搁浅。



疏浚工程专业英语词汇目录1、疏浚工程船舶2、辅助船舶3、船舶布置、结构、性能4、船舶主要设备5、船员6、疏浚施工7、测量8、施工条件9、土的特性及勘探试验10、航道11、航行12、港口13、助航标志和航海仪器14、柴油机15、泵类16、管系17、轴、轴承、齿轮18、弹簧、环19、阀、螺栓、活塞20、锚、绞车21、舵及推进装置22、仪器、仪表23、电、电器、电料24、油类燃料25、工具26、国际信号27、救生设备28、投标及合同术语附录1、世界主要船级社2、风级、浪级表3、涌级表4、能见度表1、疏浚工程船舶挖泥船dredger耙吸挖泥船trailing suction hopper dredger, trailer边抛耙吸挖泥船trailing suction side-casting dredger边耙挖泥船trailing suction dredger with suction tube at side中耙挖泥船trailing suction dredger with central well尾耙挖泥船trailing suction dredger with stern well钢耙挖泥船dozer dredger, scraper dredger 开体耙吸挖泥船split-type trailing suction dredger中边耙挖泥船trailing suction dredger with central & sidesuction tubes绞吸挖泥船cutter suction dredger组合吸扬挖泥船dismountable suction dredger 微型吸扬挖泥船mini suction dredger吸扬挖泥船suction dredger吸盘挖泥船dustpan suction dredger管道吸扬挖泥船pineline suction dredger链斗挖泥船bucket dredger自航链斗挖泥船self-propelled bucket dredger连续斗型链斗挖泥船closed-connected buck dredger高架链斗挖泥船over heal bucket dredger斗轮挖泥船bucket wheel dredger 抓斗挖泥船grab dredger自航抓斗挖泥船self-propelled grab hopperdredger双瓣(哈壳式)抓斗挖泥船clamshell grabdredger多瓣抓斗挖泥船orange pell grab dredger全齿抓斗挖泥船whole tine grab dredger单索抓斗挖泥船single rope grab dredger双索抓斗挖泥船twin rope grab dredger液压抓斗挖泥船hydraulic grab dredger封闭式抓斗挖泥船e nclosed type grab dredger铲斗挖泥船dipper dredger反铲挖泥船back hoe dredger单斗式挖泥船spoon dredger吹泥船barge-unloadingsuction dredger冲流挖泥船bed wash-out dredger喷射挖泥船jet lift dredger气动泵挖泥船pneuma-pump dredger多用挖泥船multi-purpose dredger底卸式挖泥船bottom-discharge dredger两栖挖泥船amphi dredger两栖反铲挖泥船amphi back hoe dredger带泥舱挖泥船hopper dredger自航挖泥船self-propelled dredger非自航挖泥船non-self-propelled dredger柴油机动力挖泥船d iesel dredger柴油机电动挖泥船d iesel electric dredger柴油液压挖泥船diesel hydraulic dredger蒸汽动力挖泥船steam dredger燃汽轮机挖泥船gas turbine dredger内河挖泥船river dredger2、辅助船舶挖泥船队dredging fleet挖泥船分队dredging caravan拖轮tow boat, tug, tug-boaat推轮pusher boat双体推轮catamaran towboat,catamarantug驳船barge, lighter工作驳working barge工作艇working boat, dinghy供应驳supply barge供煤驳coal barge供煤船coal tender供水驳water barge供水船water tender供油驳oil barge供油船oil tender, fuel tender泥驳hopper barge, spoil barge,mud boat自航泥驳self-propelled hopper barge自航开体泥驳self-propelled split barge开体泥驳split hopper barge侧开泥驳side hopper barge封底泥驳elevator barge开底泥驳hopper dump barge箱形驳pontoon barge倾斜式甲板驳tilting pontoon倾复式甲板驳tipping barge方头驳船pontoon-bowed barge首锚方驳head-line barge甲板驳deck barge半潜甲板货驳semi-submersible deck cargobarge顶推泥驳pusher mud barge双体船catamaran趸船,浮箱船pontoon住宿船floating living quarter, accommodating barge电焊工作船floating welder, welding boat修理船repair ship航标工作船buoy tender布标船buoy layer灯船light boat测量船surveying ship, survey vessel接力泵船floating booster station碎石船floating rock crusher打桩船floating pile driver破冰船ice-breaker布缆船cable layer救助拖船rescue tug钻探船drilling ship起重船floating crane旋转起重船floating slewing crane自升工作平台self-elevating working platform登陆浮船(体)landing pontoon引航船pilot vessel联检船joint inspection boat巡逻船patrol boat交通艇traffic boat, personnel boat锚艇anchor boat 带缆艇mooring boat救生艇life boat应急救生艇emergency boat潜水工作艇diver service boat海关艇customs boat检疫艇quarantine boat舢板sampan船舶标记vessels identification3、船舶布置、结构、性能舱室布置accommodation layout驾驶台bridge报务室、无线电报房wireless room (radiocabin, radio rom)客厅salon (saloon)会议室meeting room餐厅dining room (mess room)休息室drawing room (dayroom)吸烟室smoking room厨房galley冷食间、配膳间pantry洗衣房laundry舱室、住房cabin (accommodation)客舱passenger’s cabin船员舱室crew’s quarter医务室hospital, sick bay药房dispensary (room)浴室、盥洗室bath (room)盥洗室、厕所toilet, water closet (W.C.)货舱cargo hold舷门、走道gangway进口处entrance出口处、太平门exit机舱engine room锅炉间boiler room轴遂、地轴弄shaft turnel舵机房steering engine room泵室、泵间pump room冷藏间refrigerating chamber(~ space)空调间air-conditioning room(~ space)鱼肉间meat and fish room (~chamber)蔬菜间vegetable room (~chamber)应急发电机室emergency generator room电瓶间battery room修理间repairing room电工(工作)间electric workshop贮藏室locker物料间store room柜、舱、箱tank双层底柜double bottom tank前尖舱fore peak tank后尖舱aft(er) peak tank舷侧舱wing tank压载水柜ballast tank防摇柜anti-rolling tank泄水(油)柜drain tank粪便柜sewage tank柴油柜diesel (oil) tank燃(料)油柜fuel (oil) tank储存柜storage tank贮油柜oil reservoir tank日用(油)柜daily (service) tank滑油柜lubricating oil tank重力(油)柜gravity tank回油柜oil return tank沉淀柜settling tank污油水舱(柜)slop tank淡水柜fresh water tank膨胀水(油)箱expansion tank卫生水柜sanitary tank甲板deck救生艇甲板lifeboat deck船首楼甲板forecastle deck船尾楼甲板poop deck前甲板fore deck上甲板upper deck主甲板main deck干弦甲板freeboard deck中层甲板between deck下层甲板orlop deck游步甲板promenade deck艇甲板boat deck驾驶甲板navigation deck顶甲板topside deck起居甲板accommodation deck深舱deep tank边舱side tank顶边舱topside tank日用燃油舱daily fuel oil tank循环滑油舱circulating lubricating oil tank燃油溢油舱overflow fuel oil tank 饮水舱potable water tank锅炉水舱boiler water tank隔离空舱cofferdam主尺度principal dimensions船体hull船长length of ship总长length overall最大长extreme length垂线间长length betweenperpendiculars设计水线长designed waterline length满载水线长load waterline length浸体长submerged length平均浸湿长度mean wetted length平行中体parallel middle body进流段entrance去流段run船宽breadth of ship最大宽extreme breadth型宽molded breadth设计水线宽designed waterline breadth浸体宽submerged breadth甲板宽beam over deck型宽molded depth最大高度maximum height off lightwaterplane吃水draft型吃水molded draft外型吃水navigational draft设计吃水designed draft满载吃水loaded draft压载吃水ballast draft空船吃水light draft分舱吃水subdivision draft龙骨吃水keel draft首吃水fore draft尾吃水aft draft平均吃水mean draft最大吃水maximum draft最小吃水minimum draft长宽比length-breadth ratio宽度吃水比breadth-draft ratio型深吃水比depth-draft ratio长深比length-depth ratio长度吃水比length-draft ratio宽深比breadth-depth ratio首型types of bow尾型types of stern龙骨线keel line甲板线deck line舷弧sheer脊弧sheer at deck center前体fore body后体after body内倾tumble-home外倾flare前肩forward shoulder后肩after shoulder水线waterline设计水线designed waterline满载水线load waterline舱底(舭)bilge尖舭hard chine圆舭rounded chine首踵forefoot尾踵aftfoot尾鳍fin航速speed of ship设计航速design speed试航航速trial speed服务航速service speed拖曳航速towing speed自由航速free running speed排水量displacement空船排水量light displacement满载排水量full-load displacement 超载排水量overload displacement 设计排水量designed displacement 储备排水量displacement margin 排水体积displacement volume 载重量total deadweight 净载重量payload容积capacity净容积net capacity液舱容积tank capacity容积曲线capacity curve静水力曲线hydrostatic curves稳性stability稳心metacenter浮力buoyance回复力矩righting moment回复力臂righting lever舱容图capacity plan积载stowage挖泥船尾部dredger stern挖泥船首部dredger bow 左舷portside (PS)右舷starboard side (SB)浮箱pontoon主浮箱main pontoon边浮箱side pontoon左舷浮箱portside pontoon右舷浮箱starboard pontoon前边浮箱forside pontoon后边浮箱aftside pontoon骨架frame4、船舶主要设备“A”型框架“A” frame门式构架gantry frame首部桥梁forward-mounted ladder尾部桥梁stern-mounted ladder桥架吊架ladder gantry桥架枢轴ladder pivot吊杆boom缆索cable护舷材fender船头防波板breakwater栏杆railing定位桩spud工作桩(主桩)working spud进位桩(辅桩)walking spud移动式定位桩traveling spud桩尖point of spud底部提升定位桩bottom-lift spuds旋转式定位桩roter spud上定位桩井upper spud well下定位桩井lower spud well定位桩长箍spud sleeve, spud collar, spudkeeper定位桩长箍活门spud door, spud gate定位桩锁紧长箍spud clamp定位桩吊架spud gantry定位桩台车spud carriage定位桩升降滑轮spud hoisting sheave定位桩液压柱塞spud hydraulic ram定位桩倾放装置spud tilting installation定位桩倾放基座spud tilting seat钢桩倾倒标号distinguishing no of spud tiltinggeas定位桩台车开槽spud carriage well钢桩长箍吸震器spud shock absorber定位桩销spud pin圆柱形钢质定位桩c ylindrical steel spuds液压定位桩起吊设备hydraulic spud lifting device台车垂直轮vertical wheel cases台车行走轮spud carriage vertical wheel台车水平轮horizontal wheel cases(台车轮)上导轨u pper rail(台车轮)下导轨l ower rail台车水平轮吸震器h orizontal wheel shock absorber绞刀cutter刀片(绞刀上的)b lade (cutter)六叶片曲臂式绞刀s ix blade curved arm cutter刀刃(绞刀叶片的)sheath (cutter blade)六叶片篮式绞刀six blade basket-type cutter绞刀吃水cutter breaking in闭式绞刀crown cutter绞刀马达cutter motor绞刀减速箱cutter reduction gear开式绞刀open cutter锥形轮觳绞刀conical hub cutter斗轮式绞刀bucket wheel cutter绞刀齿cutter teeth凿形齿尖chisel point尖形齿尖pick point扁形齿尖flared point绞刀修理平台gangway for cutter repair绞刀松土器cutter agitator绞刀轨迹cutter track绞刀速度cutter speed绞刀轴cutter shaft绞刀轴环cutter collar绞刀轮觳cutter hub绞刀桥架cutter ladder绞刀头橡胶轴承rubber lined bearing for cutter 桥架耳柱ladder truunions桥架倾斜装置ladder tilting device安全销safety pin上导轮upper tumbler下导轮lower tumbler上导轮中心高center height of upper tumbler 下导轮轴承bearing of lower tumbler shaft 六方hyxagonal prism, six sided五方pentagonal prism, five sided 四方quadrate prism, four sides泥斗斗销bucket pin斗链滚筒bucket line guide roller斗节板bucket link代斗节板auxiliary link斗塔,斗架centra tower, main gantry斗桥bucket ladder副斗桥auxiliary bucket ladder 主斗桥main bucket ladder斗桥上支承upper support of bucket ladder斗桥下支承lower support of bucket ladder斗桥倾角angle of bucket ladder斗桥吊架bucket ladder gantry斗桥导板ladder guide斗桥起落装置bucket ladder hoisting gear斗齿bucket teeth斗链bucket chain连续斗斗链close connected bucket chain间隔斗斗链open connected bucket chain斗链节距bucket chain pitch链节bucket links中间链节板intermediate links斗链拉紧装置bucket chain tension柴油机电力传动斗链diesel electric drivenbucket柴油机液压传动斗链diesel hydraulic drivenbucket分泥板tumbling door, diversiongate泥阱dump well泥门启闭装置hopper door working gear泥门液压柱塞hopper door hydraulic ram强制式泥门移动positive door movement出泥槽,卸泥槽glide chute, mud chute活动溜泥槽hinged glide chute溢流槽overflow duct溜泥槽吊架chute gantry溜泥槽分泥门discharge chute flap流泥槽倾角angle of glide chute泥舱溢流装置overflow device泥浆沉淀装置mixture sedimentation device稀泥浆自动排出装置automatic light mixture overboard installation泥舱自排泥装置self-emptying installation边抛装置side discharge installation泥舱hopper泥舱稀释装置hopper diluting installation泥舱容量曲线hopper capacity curve泥斗容量bucket capacity不同土质的泥斗容量buck capacity againstvarious soils链斗卸泥船bucket elevator链斗挖泥船开槽长度length of bucketdredger well斗链张力调节装置bucket line tensionregulator耙头drag鞋形耙头shoe shaped draghead平鞋形耙头flat shoe shaped draghead钩形耙头hook shaped draghead荷兰IHC耙头IHC Holland-type draghead加里福尼亚型耙头California-type drag head新式的安布罗斯型耙头modern Ambrose-type draghead新港湾型耙头New Port Bay-typedrag head珊瑚型耙头coral-type drag head荷兰耙头Dutch drag head淤泥耙头silt drag head带扰动活动罩的平耙头flag head with turbulence visor耙臂drag arm耙头桥架drag head ladder耙头桥架起落装置h oisting gear for drag head ladder耙吸管绞车suction tube winch耙头绞车自动控制a utomatic drag head winch controller耙吸装置drag and suction device耙吸泥管吊架suction tube gantry耙吸挖泥阻力resistance of trail dredging 十字环架cardan ring gantry动力耙头active drag head泥门bottom door矩形泥门box-shaped bottom door圆锥泥门conical bottom door圆柱形泥门cylindrical bottom door平移式泥门sliding bottom door小泥门upper hopper door开泥门装置door lifting device密闭式抓斗enclosed type grab抓斗机全扬程grab extreme elevation抓斗机舷外跨距overboard outreach of grab 抓斗最大吊高maximum hoisting of grab 抓斗稳索grab stabilizer line臂杆变幅索jib luffing line抓斗机回转速slewing speed of grab crane铲斗斗臂dipper arm铲斗起升装置dipper hoisting gear铲斗推压装置dipper cradling gear 铲斗背度装置dipper backing equipment铲斗碎石装置dipper rock-breaking gear铲斗机回转装置dipper turning gear铲斗吊杆derrick boom铲斗支架dipper frame铲斗转盘turntable of dipper machine皮带传送装置belt-conveyer挖泥遥控装置dredging remote control system紧急停车装置emergency shut-off device5、船员船员(总称)crew海员seaman政委political commissar船长captain, master水手长boatswain管事steward一级水手able-bodied (seaman)熟练水手able seaman助理驾驶员assistant navigating officer合格的驾驶员(有证件的驾驶员)certified officer三副third officer二副second officer大副first officer实习生、学徒apprentice生火fireman (donkeyman)机匠motorman轮机员engineer值班轮机员engineer on duty轮机助理assistant engineer三管轮fourth engineer二管轮third engineer大管轮second engineer轮机长chief engineer电工electrician电机员electrical engineer电助assistant electrical engineer无线电报务员radio officer6、疏浚施工水运工程water transport engineering深海工程deep ocean engineering沿海工程coastal engineering土木工程(学)civil engineering土木工程师civil engineer深海疏浚deep ocean dredging沿海疏浚coastal dredging疏浚工程dredging works疏浚作业dredging operation疏浚项目dredging project基建疏浚capital dredging维护疏浚maintenance dredging扰动疏浚agitation dredging试挖trial dredging, test dredging疏浚勘测dredging exploration survey疏浚土分类classification of dredging soils疏浚土方计算calculation of dredging volume疏浚水位信号signal of dredging water level疏浚导标leading marks卸泥标志dumping marks导标要素chief elements of leading marks挖槽设计design of channeling挖槽channeling, trench cutting挖槽水力计算hydraulic calculation ofchanneling挖槽边坡side slope of channeling挖槽宽度控制width of cut controlling挖槽深度控制depth of cut controlling设计挖深nominal depth of dredging 开挖深度depth of excavation最大挖深maximum dredging depth最小挖深minimum dredging depth经济挖深economical dredging depth 超挖深度depth of over-dredging最大挖宽maximum dredging width最小挖宽minimum dredging width允许挖宽误差allowance over-dredging备淤深度preparatory depth回淤富裕深度allowance siltation泥舱土方计算曲线h opper rating curve纵挖法longitudinal dredging method横挖法transverse dredging method平行横挖法parallel transverse dredging method斜向横挖法obliqued transverse dredging method十字形横挖法cross-shaped transverse dredging method扇形挖泥法fan-shaped transverse dredging method逆流挖泥法against current dredging method特殊挖泥法special dredging method顶滩挖泥法facing beach dredging method 掼滩挖泥法against shoal dredgingmethod挖船窝法ship-pit dredging method切角挖泥法cut-corner-edged dredgingmethod留埂挖泥法remaining straps dredgingmethod梅花式挖泥法plum blossom typedredging method水平挖掘法horizontal dredging method盘短挖泥法shorting distance dredgingmethod装舱溢流法overflow-loading dredgingmethod分段挖泥separated zone dredging边抛法side casting method分类挖泥separated stripe dredging(船外)旁通法over-board method分层挖泥separated layer dredging挖到设计标高cut down to grade挖到规定标高cut to line待挖区域area to be dredged待挖泊位berth to be dredged待挖航道channel to be dredged待挖基槽foundation trench to beexcavated挖成区域dredged area挖成的泊位dredged berth挖成的水底dredged bottom挖成的航道dredged channel挖填cut-and-fill挖出物(疏浚土)dredged material, dredged soil上方barge measured volume, hoppermeasured volume挖填方分界处cut to fill location下方bed measured volume, in-situ measuredvolume弃土spoil materials废方waste cut回填土backfilling挖方量volume of excavation吹填reclamation吹填方reclaiming soil volume吹泥造田r eclaiming new land, land reclamation切削硬度c utting hardness切削能力c utting ability填泥场dumping ground填泥场围埝coffer-dam of sediment zone围堰dam, bund, levee集浆池mud distiller, interval mudsump泥浆slurry泥浆浓度soil concentration泥浆临界流速slurry critical velocity水下挖掘underwater excavation水下填方underwater fill水下沉淀物underwater sediments陆上回填refilling on land, shore refilling抛石rip-rap stone, drop-fill rock抛石标志rip-rap marks土夯实,土压实rammed earth, compaction ofsoil塌方avalanching防塌(设施)avalanche defence泥沙分析sediment analysis沙质河床sand bed拦沙设施sediment diversion installation输沙设施sand transporting installation沉淀池sedimentation basin截沙池sediment trap沉积过程sedimentary process淤积速度sediment accumulation rate输沙量曲线sediment rating curve平均输沙量average annual sediment discharge平均年淤积量average annual sediment accumulation平均年冲刷量average annual erosion清面clearance of river surface清方clearance of river bed破冰ice-breaking开工展布out-spread process挖泥船选择chosen of dredger挖泥船性能characteristic of dredger挖泥船生产量dredger’s output挖泥船生产率缩减系数shrinkage ratio of dredger’s output挖泥船时间利用率dredger’s time utilization挖泥船设备利用率dredger’s machine utilization挖泥船运转时间dredger’s running time挖泥船生产性停歇时间dredger’s productive stopping time 挖泥船非生产性停歇时间dredger’s unproductivestopping time定期停歇时间dredger’s fixed stoppingtime挖泥船调遣mobilization of dredger挖泥船遣返demobilization dredger调遣时间dredger’s transfer time,mobilization time挖泥时间dredging time航行时间sailing time重航时间laden sailing-time空航时间light sailing-time停泊时间lay-time其他原因停泊时间lay-time for other purposes船舶艘数number of ship工日man-day公休工日数man-days of legal holidays日历工日数calendar man-day应出勤工日数calculated man-days inattendance实际出勤工日数actual man-days in attendance缺勤工日数man-days in absence出勤率rate of attendance工时man-hour, working hour出勤工时man-hours in attendance停工工时man-hours in idleness工时利用率utilization factor of man-hours日平均daily mean日产量daily output日报(表)daily report日工作记录daily sheet日工资daily wage利润profit预算budget施工预算budget statement of construction施工费用operation cost施工定额construction norm竣工决算final cost, actual (balanced) budget竣工验收finishing acceptance, finalacceptance开工报告construction start report,commencement report技术交底technical requirements explanation工程质量quality of construction施工进度表construction schedule施工阶段construction phase施工季节construction season季风期monsoon period施工文件construction portfolio施工图construction plan施工组织设计work organization project施工现场调查site investigation施工测量construction survey施工钻探construction drilling建议完工日期recommended completion date疏浚工程竣工验收f inal examination of the dredgingworks竣工标高dredged level7、测量航道工程勘测engineering survey of waterway浚前测量pre-dredging survey进度测量progress survey浚后测量post-dredging survey海港测量harbour survey水深测量sounding, depth measurement 海道测量seaway survey航道测量waterway survey水下测量underwater survey海岸测量coast survey水文测量hydrographic survey海洋测量marine survey航线测量route survey航行测量running survey拖扫测量wire-drag survey岸控测量shore-controlled survey三角测量(术)triangulation磁力测量magnetic survey大比例测量large-scale survey小比例测量small-scale survey方位交叉测量(法)bearing intersection survey绳索测深wire sounding沿海测深coastal sounding深海测深deep-sea sounding测深图(水深图)sounding chart海图sea chart航道图navigation chart测量图survey sheet实测图survey map测量人员surveyor, hydrographer测量仪器survey instrument全站仪electronic tracking测量平板(仪)surveying panel, plane table水道测量用六分仪s urveying sextant测量水准仪surveyor’s level经纬仪transit, theodolite回声测深仪echo sounder, acoustic sounder 记录式回声测深仪r ecording echo sounder超声波回声测深仪s upersonic echo sounder激光测距仪laser distance measuring instrument,laser range finder红外测距仪infrared distance measuringinstrument测杆survey rod测线survey line测链(=66英尺=20.177米)surveyor’s chain测桩survey peg测站survey station测量标surveying mark测深锤sounding bob, sounding lead测深尺sounding scale测量罗盘s urveyor’s compass水位WL (water level)水线WL(water line)水深water depth高程(标高)elevation回水flowback工作水位o peration level乘潮水位t ide sail level (stage)上游水位u pper level下游水位l ower level水位标尺w ater gage(自记)水位计water level recorder水准点(基准点)datum mark, bench mark8、施工条件气候条件climate condition海洋性气候ocean climate自然条件natural condition海况sea condition海浪sea wave涌浪swell风浪windy wave波高wave height波长wave length波速wave velocity流速current speed潮汐tide潮位tide level潮差tide range高潮high tide, high water低潮low tide, low water平均高潮位mean high tide level平均低潮位mean low tide level涨潮flood tide, rising tide落潮ebb tide, falling tide海潮sea flood潮汐表tide table潮位计tide meter潮位指示器tide indicator潮位标尺tide gage潮汐资料tide information(潮汐)日推迟时间daily retardation (oftides)潮位零点datum of tidal level水位零点datum of water level平均海平面mean sea level海图基准面chart datum深度基准面sea level datum理论深度基准面theoretical sea level datum海平面零点sea level datum逆流reversed flow紊流turbulent flow层流laminar current环流circulating current动压力dynamic pressure静压力static pressure雾fog能见度visibility雾日fog days多雾地区,雾带fog belt雾钟fog belt水温water temperature结冰freezing, ice formation岸冰flaw ice冰饼pancake ice, ice pan冰堤ice barrier淌凌drift ice冰图ice atlas冰封期,封冰期icebound season, ice period冰情ice regime结冰日ice day解冻thawing无冰期ice-free period不冻港ice-free harbour封冻港ice harbour8、土的特性和勘探试验土壤统一分类法USC (=unified soil classification) 土壤学soil science (pedology)土壤专家pedologist土壤结构soil structure土壤种类soil type土壤能性characteristic soil property土壤渗透性soil permeability 土壤湿度soil moisture土壤密度soil density土壤颗粒soil grain土壤资料soil data表土soil cap, soil cover粘性土clay soil沙土sabulous soil, sand clay碎石土debris淤泥质土puddly soil泥炭土peat, bog muck, turf红粘土red clay黄土loess膨胀土expansion soil, heaving clay吹填土reclaimed earth, reclaimed soil混合土mixed soil原生土sedentary soil, soil in situ次生土secondary soil层状构造土beded soil酸性土acid soil粘土clay粉土silt亚砂土clayey loam有机土organic soil砾质土gravelly soil砂,泥沙sand粗砂coarse sand中砂medium sand细砂fine sand回填砂backfill sand沙粒sand grain沙粒直径sand diameter泥沙粒度silt grade砂垫层sand mat (tress)薄砂层sand sheet砂岩sandrock含沙量sand percentage粉沙siltite粉土层silt-seam粘土层clay course淤泥mud, muddy soil浮泥mud scum泥浆silt slurry沉积物sediment岩石rock砾石gravel小卵石gravel pebbles大卵石boulder鹅卵石cobbles土的构造soil structure土的孔隙比soil porosity ratio容重bulk density比重specific gravity土的容重soil unit weight天然容重natural unit weight of soil干容重unit dry weight饱和容重unit saturate weight土的含水量soil moisture content塑性指数plasticity index天然稠密natural consistency液性指数liquid index, consistency液限liquid limit塑限plastic limit缩限shrinkage limit相对密度relative density附着力soil adhesion触探sounding动力触探dynamic sounding静力触探static sounding锥形触探仪cone-shaped sounding apparatus荷兰静力触探仪法D utch penetration (sounding)现场勘察测试site surveying and test十字板剪刀试验vane test标准贯入试验standard penetration test (s.p.t.)贯入极限penetration limit贯入阻力penetration resistance土的剪力试验soil shear test土的压缩试验soil compression test土的抗剪强度shearing strength of soil快剪quick shear test慢剪consolidated shear test总应力法method of resultant stress有效应力法method of actual stress落锥试验falling weight test圆锥贯入试验c one penetration test点负荷试验point load test静载荷试验static loading test洛式硬度试验Rock-well hardness test不排水剪刀试验undrained shear strength无侧限抗压试验unconfined compression test现场试验in-site test室内试验laboratory test勘探点project hole钻孔boring, bore hole取样钻探sample boring 取样深度sample depth取样垂线sampling vertical取样器sampler取样筒sampling spoon烘沙器sand drier量沙器sand gage取土钻头clay auger凿岩钻头rock bit螺旋取土钻soil auger取样剖面记录sample log水下土样underwater sample扰动土样disturbed sample原状土样undisturbed sample土质分析soil analysis泥沙分析sediment analysis土质资料soil information土工技术soiltech (=soil technics)土工试验室soil laboratory土工布geotextile10、航道航道channel, navigable channel,waterway天然航道natural channel人工航道artificial channel主航道main channel, main route (line)副航道sub-channel双航道two-way traffic lane, two-waychannel单航道one-way traffic lane, one-waychannel通海航道sea access专用航道special channel冰间航道ice channel, ice lane船闸引航道lock approach季节性航道seasonal channel深水航道deep channel经济航道economical channel缓流航道weak stream channel主流航道main stream channel捷径航道shortcut channel顺直航道straight channel弯曲航道curved channel桥区航道bridge approach进港航道approach channel (route)冲淤平衡的稳定航道silt stable channel经疏浚后的航道channel after channeltraining航道中心线mid-stream, axis of channel航道条件channel condition航道定级classification of channel航道等级scale for channel航道标准尺度standard (regular) dimension ofchannel航道断面channel section航道断面系数cross-section factor of channel航道标准水深standard (regular) depth ofchannel航道标准宽度standard (regular) width ofchannel航道曲率半径curvature radius of channel航道弧线(弧段)channel arc引航道approach channel, lockguide引航道长度approach length引航道宽度approach width引航道横断面approach cross section航道勘测survey of navigation channel航道阻塞channel blocks航道淤积channel filling, channel siltation 航道浮标channel buoy航道灯标channel light航道设标channel demarcation航道标志channel marker航道边缘标志channel edge marking航道水深channel depth航道刷深channel incision航道冲刷channel scour航道维护channel protection航道流态channel regime航道宽度channel width航道利用(率)channel utility航道线向channel alignment航道改线channel realignment航道整治channel regulation, channel training航道整治线normal line, regulation line整治线宽度width of normal line滩险整治regulation of rapids河口整治estuarial regulation裁弯取直cut-off, short cutting裁弯比cut-off ratio弯道加宽curve widening11、航行航行条件navigation condition航道通过能力w aterway capacity, channel capacity 航道设计水位d esign stages of channel 最高通航水位m aximum navigable stage最低通航水位m inimum navigable stage通航水深navigable depth通航期open river stage, navigationperiod通航流速navigable velocity通航保证率navigation stage frequency通航净高navigable net height通航净跨navigable net span通航水线navigable water通航流量navigation discharge通航设施navigation facilities航区navigation area航行图navigation chart海图chart, nautical chart航海图sailing chart海岸图coastal chart航线图track chart航路图routing chart潮汐图tidal chart时区图time zone chart新版图new edition chart改版图revised print大比例尺海图l arge-scale chart小比例尺海图s mall-scale chart航海表nautical table航标表light list潮流表tidal stream table航海日记log book时差equation of time世界时universal time, Greenwich meantime标准时standard time法令时legal time夏令时summer time, day-light-savingtime船时ship’s time航海navigation北极north pole南极south pole赤道equator纬线parallel of latitude纬度latitude经线meridian经度longitude南半球southern hemisphere北半球northern hemisphere东半球eastern hemisphere西半球western hemisphere磁子午线magnetic meridian方向direction北north南south东east西west方位bearing罗经点compass point航向course航迹track海里nautical mile链cable节knot船速speed of a ship, sailing speed实际航速speed made good航程distance run, range航线course line船位ship’s position定位position fixing12、港口港口port, harbour综合性港口general port专业性港口special purpose harbour (port) 工业港industrial port散货码头bulk-cargo terminal集装箱码头container terminal渔港fishing port军港naval port煤港coal port油港oil terminal深水港deep-harbour出发港port of departure到达港(目的港)port of destination补给港port of recruit中转港port of transit避风港harbour shelter自由港free port港区port area港界port boundary码头wharf, pier, jetty, quay, dock栈桥trestle bridge, landing bridge 港口水域port waters港口水深port and harbour depth开敞水域open water area深水区域deep-water area深水泊位deep-water berth深水港池deep-water harbour 港池basin, dock港池交叉dock arm开敞式港池open basin, open dock封闭式港池closed dock挖入式港池excavated dock, cut dock转头水域turning basin, swing basin码头前水深depth alongside公海,外洋high sea, broad ocean, open sea领海territorial sea边缘海marginal sea陆间海intercontinental sea陆内海intracontinental sea内陆海inland sea海滨seashore, beach海峡strait海岸coast海港sea port海滩beach, shore海湾gulf河口estuary海岸线coast line海岸带coast zone岛屿island群岛archipelago半岛peninsula角cape明礁rock uncovered暗礁sunken rock礁湖lagoon锚地anchorage开敞锚地(open) roadstead大船锚地large vessel anchorage小船锚地small vessel anchorage避风锚地shelter anchorage防台锚地typhoon anchorage引航锚地pilot anchorage侯潮锚地tide anchorage单浮筒系泊single (mono)-buoy mooring双浮筒系泊two-buoy mooring单锚停泊lie at single anchor双锚停泊lie at two anchors防波堤breakwater13、助航标志和航海仪器助航设备aid(s) to navigation航标navigation mark沿海航标coastal aid内河航标inland river aid运河航标canal aid船闸航标lockage aid标志mark立标beacon顶标top mark昼标day mark导标leading mark首尾导标b eginning and ending leading mark岸标land mark三角岸标t riangular channel mark方位标志b earing mark航道标navigable channel mark中线标志m id-channel mark鸣笛标blow whistle mark界线标limit mark电缆标cable mark沉船标wreck mark。

Ocean engineering

Ocean engineering

The law of water particles’ motion
shallow water浅水 finite water depth有限水深 deep water深水
文圣常: The pioneers of the wave field in our country
Ocean Engineering
Ocean Engineering
Brief Introduction
Coastal Engineering
Offshore Engineering
Deep Sea Technology
About 60% of the world's population live in no more than 100 km from the coastal area
Three most famous 、long-term construction projects
Conclusion of coastal engineering:
Harbor Cross-sea bridge Subsea tunnel
Serve for the development of economy and our daily life.
Part 2.Coastal Engineering
Harbor,water channels and coastal engineering ,2011
ⅰ. Harbor
Channel (航道)
Breakwaters (防波堤)
Basin (港池)
Wharf (码头)



阿伯拉罕虹吸闸 Abraham's siphon sluice 磨损 Abrasion吸收作用 Absorption比吸 Absorption, specific桥台,桥座 Abutment加速度 Acceleration角加速度 Acceleration, angular离心加速度 Acceleration, centrifugal 变位加速度 Acceleration, convective 地震加速度 Acceleration, earthquake 重力加速度 Acceleration, gravitational 直线加速度 Acceleration, linear时变加速度 Acceleration, local静水加速仪 Accelerometer, hydrostatic 封闭容纳 Accommodation, impounded 淤高 Accretion河床淤高 Accretion, channel积雪 Accumulation, snow拱作用 Action, arch毛管作用 Action, capillary离心作用 Action, centrifugal动力作用 Action, dynamic边际作用 Action, edge冰冻作用 Action, frost螺旋桨作用 Action, propeller环作用 Action, ring风作用 Action, wind附著力 Adhesion横坑 Adit砖土 Adobe平流 Advection充气 Aeration含气度 Aeration, degree of含气层 Aeration, zone of充气器 Aerator气体动力学 Aerodynamics高空气象学 Aerology气体静力学 Aerostatics流入 Afflux后池 Afterbay渠龄 Age, canal管龄 Age, pipe坡度增高,沉积 Aggradation粒料,骨材 Aggregate粒料级配 Aggregate, gradation土料 Aggregate, soil集结作用 Aggregation搅拌 Agitation搅拌器 Agitator压气机 Air compressor输气剂 Air entraining agent输气 Air entrainment湿空气 Air wet压缩空气 Air, compressed水力压气机 Air, compressor, hydraulic 输气混凝土 Air, entrained concrete入阱空气 Air, entrapped湿空气 Air, humid湿空气 Air, iced湿空气 Air, moist饱和空气 Air, saturated超冷空气 Air, supper cooled超饱和空气 Air, supper saturated水气混合液 Air-water emulsion线向,定线 Alignment亚里维公式 Allievi-formula冲积扇形地 Alluvial fan冲积平原 Alluvial plain冲积土 Alluvium安怕生坝,垛坝 Ambursen dam弹性类似 Analogy, elastic电性类似 Analogy, electric水电类似 Analogy, hydraulic electric液体动力类似 Analogy, hydrodynamic 热力类似 Analogy, thermodynamic气团分析 Analysis, air mass向度分析 Analysis, dimensional颗粒分析 Analysis, mechanical光电分析 Analysis, photo-electric筛分析 Analysis, sieve锚墩 Anchor block锚栓 Anchor bolt锚钣 Anchor plate锚座,碇泊 Anchorage管锚座 Anchorage, pipe风力计,风速计 Anemometer杯状风力计 Anemometer, cupcross压版风力计 Anemometer, pressure plate 压管风力计 Anemometer, pressure tube 自动风力计 Anemoscope空盒气压计 Aneroid补偿气压计 Aneroid, compensated冲角 Angle of attack转角 Angle of deviation倾侧角 Angle of heel倾斜角 Angle of inclination倾角 Angle of list倾斜角 Angle of obliquity静止角 Angle of repose破裂角 Angle of rupture剪阻角 Angle of shearing resistance能见角 Angle of visibility接触角 Angle, contact摩擦角 Angle, friction内摩擦角 Angle, internal friction位相角 Angle, phase反气旋 Anticyclone防凝作用 Anti-flocculation防冻 Antifreezing折射器 Apparatus, dioptric流限仪 Apparatus, liquid limit引道 Approach护坦,边缘 Apron戽形坦 Apron, bucket封井壁粘土 Aqua Jel输水道 Aqueduct顺坡输水道 Aqueduct, grade压力输水道 Aqueduct, pressure∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 3楼不透水层,滞水层 Aquiclude供水层,导水层 Aquifer自流供水层 Aquifer, artesian约束供水层 Aquifer, confined water自由供水层 Aquifer, free water水面供水层 Aquifer, water table阻水层 Aquitard拱 Arch亚几米得原理 Archimedes' principle影响面积 Area of influence抽降面积 Area of pumping depression自流水区 Area, artesian flow集水面积 Area, catchment横断面积 Area, cross-sectional流域面积 Area, drainage可灌溉面积 Area, irrigable地下水补注区 Area, recharge渗流面积 Area, seepage乾旱度 Aridity门臂 Arm, gate栏淤坝 Arrester, silt地下水通路 Artery, ground water飞灰 Ash, fly测蒸仪 Atmometer大气 Atmosphere大气循环 Atmosphere, circulation of均质大气 Atmosphere, homogeneous大气凝结 Atmospheric condensation阿太堡稠性 Atterberg's consis-tency阿太堡颗粒尺度 Atterberg's grade scale 毛管吸力 Attraction, capillary分子吸力 Attraction, molecular土钻 Auger雪崩 Avalanche土石崩 Avalanche, detritus冲决 Avulsion深泓线 Axis of channel水流轴线 Axis of flow浮轴 Axis, floating廻水,壅水 Backwater砥柱,隔墙 Baffle吊桶 Bailer压舱石,镇压物 Ballast岸 Bank河岸坍塌 Bank failure盘头 Bank head护岸 Bank protection坍岸 Bank, caving凹岸 Bank, concave凸岸 Bank, convex整理岸坡 Bank, grading内岸 Bank, inner外岸 Bank, outer铺砌岸坡 Bank, paving砂丘、砂碛 Bank, sand坍岸 Bank, sloughing堆土岸,废土岸 Bank, spoil弃土堆 Bank, waste填土 Banking戗堤 Banquette栏门砂 Bar滙流条 Bar, bus砾石滩 Bar, gravel钓块器,鸠尾取重器 Bar, Lewis砂滩 Bar, sand驳船,平底船 Barge开底驳船 Barge, hopper巴奈斯公式 Barnes formula堰,坝 Barrage取心钻筒,取样管 Barrel, core 流域,池,塘 Basin流域规划 Basin planning集水穽 Basin, catch集水区域 Basin, catchment封口港塘 Basin, closed混凝池 Basin, coagulation沉砂池 Basin, desilting滞洪区域 Basin, detention流域 Basin, drainage半潮港塘 Basin, half tidal港塘 Basin, harbor流域方向 Basin, orientation of 辐形流域 Basin, radial补注池 Basin, recharge栏洪区域 Basin, retarding河川流域 Basin, river沉砂池 Basin, sand冲刷区域 Basin, scouring闭塞流域 Basin, sealing沉淀池 Basin, sedimentation沉淀池 Basin, settling沉砂池 Basin, silt沉砂池 Basin, silting沉砂池 Basin, stilling节水池 Basin, thrift受潮港塘 Basin, tidal廻船塘 Basin, turning料斗 Batcher海湾,池,塘 Bay出水塘 Bay, discharge门厢 Bay, gate进水塘 Bay, intake进水塘 Bay, suction工作间 Bay, working巴森堰 Bazin weir标志 Beacon灯标 Beacon, luminous球承轴 Bearing, ball含泥量 Bearing, silt蒲福氏风级 Beaufort scale裴布坝 Bebout wicket dam裴布堰 Bebout wicket weir推移质 Bed load水积层 Bedding潜水钟 Bell, diving风箱 Bellows区域,带 Belt赤道低压带 Belt, equatorial low中间水层带 Belt, intermediate极面带 Belt, polar frontal极地,高压带 Belt, polar high土壤湿带 Belt, soil moisture河湾,弯管 Bend彭修测速管 Bentzel velocity tube水山 Berg, ice戗道,戗台 Berm伯诺利方程式 Bernoulli's equation∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 4楼伯诺利定理 Bernoulli's theorem泊位,船席 Berth贝尔法 Bill's method仓 Bin钻头 Bit钻头 Bit, drill缆柱 Bitt轮叶 Blade转轮叶 Blade, runner覆面 Blanket喷砂 Blasting, sand析水 Bleeding滑车,块体,垫块 Block锚块 Block, anchor侧垫木 Block, bilge龙骨垫木 Block, keel动转系船柱 Block, snatch出水高度 Board, free开关板 Board, switch钻探船 Boat, drill流线体 Body, stream line潜体 Body, submerged沼泽 Bog沸流 Boil水沸 Boil, frost砂涌 Boil, sand布达管口 Borda's mouthpiece涌潮,钻探孔 Bore试钻孔 Bore, test钻 Borer螺钻 Borer, auger钻探 Boring螺旋钻探 Boring, auger花萼钻探 Boring, calyx drill冲撃钻探 Boring, churn取心钻探 Boring, core钻石钻探 Boring, diamond冲撃钻探 Boring, percussion drill旋转钻探 Boring, rotary drill钢珠钻探 Boring, shot drill水冲钻探 Boring, wash底部排泥 Bottom withdrawal孤石,大卵石 Boulder布雷坝 Boule dam布雷堰 Boule weir边缘条件 Boundary condition边缘变形条件 Boundary condition, deformation 边缘水力条件 Boundary condition, hydraulic 边缘应力条件 Boundary condition, stress鲍腾压力计 Bourdon gage鲍腾管 Bourdon tube鲍沁内斯克流理论 Boussinesg's weir theory 放水及量水箱 Box, delivery and measuring 分水箱 Box, diversion砾石笼 Box, gravel矿师量水箱 Box, miner's沉砂池 Box, sand静水箱 Box, stilling填料涵 Box, stuffing阀箱 Box, valve波义耳定律 Boyle's law撑杆 Bracing托架 Bracket支流,支管 Branch破水船 Breaker破浪器 Breaker, wave防波堤 Breakwater喷气防浪 Breakwater, air混合体防波堤 Breakwater, composite岛形防波堤 Breakwater, detached堆石防波堤 Breakwater, rubble-mound直立防波堤 Breakwater, upright墙式防波堤 Breakwater, wall栈桥 Bridge, landing工作桥 Bridge, service横栈桥 Bridge, shore小溪 Brook梢料 Brush柳枝工 Brush, wicker-work戽形坦,戽斗 Bucket跃水斗 Bucket, flip吊砂桶 Bucket, sand巴金汉定理 Buckingham's -theorem驳岸,岸壁 Bulk head推土机 Bulldozer岸线 Bundline浮标 Buoy钟浮标 Buoy, bell灯浮标 Buoy, light灯浮标 Buoy, luminous系船浮标 Buoy, mooring哨浮标 Buoy, whistling示险浮标 Buoy, wreck浮力 Buoyancy浮力中心 Buoyancy, center of伯登起货法 Burtoning system撑墙 Buttress旁通水道 By-channel旁通道,侧道 By-pass索道 Cable way高架索道 Cable way, aerial沉箱 Caisson潜水病 Caisson disease箱式沉箱 Caisson, box格墙沉箱 Caisson, cellular浮式沉箱 Caisson, floating开口沉箱 Caisson, open管式沉箱 Caisson, pipe气压沉箱 Caisson, pneumatic船式沉箱 Caisson, ship试验沉箱 Caisson, test率定,校定 Calibration加尼福尼亚载重比率 California bearing ratio 加尼福尼亚法 California method运河,渠,圳 Canal渠桥 Canal bridge渠线 Canal, alignment of引水渠 Canal, diversion排水渠 Canal, drainage供水渠 Canal, feeder滨海运河 Canal, maritime滨海运河 Canal, sea运河 Canal, ship支运河 Canal, spur越岭运河 Canal, summit对航运河 Canal, two lane渠化 Canalization水帽 Cap, ice载重量 Capacity, bearing毛管水容量 Capacity, capillary可靠容量 Capacity, dependable∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 5楼排水量 Capacity, discharge田间保水量 Capacity, field毛管水容量 Capacity, field carrying发电容量 Capacity, generating电厂容量 Capacity, generating station渗容量 Capacity, infiltration装置容量 Capacity, installed毛管水容量 Capacity, moisture保水容量 Capacity, moisture-holding额定容量 Capacity, rated水库容量 Capacity, reservoir备用容量 Capacity, spare比抽水率 Capacity, specific理论容量 Capacity, theoretical最大容量 Capacity, ultimate水汽容量 Capacity, vapor毛管水计 Capillarimeter毛细管现象 Capillarity毛细管 Capillary毛管常数 Capillary constant毛管水上升 Capillary rise毛管引力 Capillary, attraction绞盘 Capstan水力绞盘 Capstan, hydraulic缆车 Car, cable倾卸车 Car, dump车驳船 Carfloat起重杆,吊杆 Cargo mast钻孔车 Carriage, drill水跌,瀑布 Cascade地下水跌流 Cascade, ground water 套管,套売 Casing导箱 Casing, guide有孔井管 Casing, perforated套管 Casing, pipe涡形売 Casing, scroll螺形売 Casing, spiral套筒管 Casing, telescope涡卷売 Casing, volute井管 Casing, well考契定律 Cauchy law考契指数 Cauchy number洞,窟,穴 Cavern岸崩 Caving孔蚀 Cavitation初期孔蚀 Cavitation, incipient波速 Celerity水泥枪 Cement gun浸心 Center of immersion闸室地板 Chamber floor气室 Chamber, air平衡室 Chamber, balancing坞室 Chamber, dock浮室 Chamber, float闸门室 Chamber, gate丁坝室 Chamber, groin闸室 Chamber, lock平压室 Chamber, surge涡卷室 Chamber, volute涡流室 Chamber, vortex工作室 Chamber, working等温变化 Change, isothermal体变 Change, volumetric渠,水道,河槽 Channel航道标志 Channel demarcation退水道 Channel of retreat水道定线 Channel, alignment of引水道 Channel, approaching人工水道 Channel, artificial深泓线 Channel, axis of绕过水道 Channel, by-pass溢流水道 Channel, by-wash收束水道 Channel, converging输水道 Channel, conveyance潮积法 Channel, cubature of排水道 Channel, drainage易蚀水道 Channel, erodible洪水河槽 Channel, flood平底水道 Channel, horizontal天然水道 Channel, natural天然排水道 Channel, natural drainage 明渠 Channel, open定形槽 Channel, prismatic正槽 Channel, proper水道改善 Channel, rectification of河槽 Channel, river旋转水道 Channel, rotating侧槽 Channel, side尾水道 Channel, tail退水道 Channel, waste夏诺安坝 Chanoine dam夏诺安门牐 Chanoine shutter夏诺安闸门 Chanoine shutter gate夏诺安堰 Chanoine weir夏诺安堰 Chanoine wicket weir组合特性 Characteristic, composition降雨特性 Characteristic, rainfall粗细特性 Characteristic, size形式特性 Characteristic, type查理士定律 Charles's law线路图 Chart, alignment等压图 Chart, isobaric顺坡田制,顺坡制水埂 Check, border 等高田制,等高制水埂 Check, contour 矩形田制 Check, rectangular哲塞公式 Chezy formula泻槽,陡槽 Chute泻管 Chute, pipe撤普利地堰 Cippotetti weir影响圈 Circle of influence破裂圆面 Circle of rupture临界圆面 Circle, critical摩擦圆 Circle, friction水循环 Circulation, water∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 6楼黏土 Clay黏土混合浆 Clay puddle富黏土 Clay, fat贫黏土 Clay, lean中黏土 Clay, medium胶泥黏土 Clay, puddle砂黏土 Clay, sandy沉积黏土 Clay, sedimentary沉泥黏土 Clay, silty超黏土 Clay, ultra净空 Clearance乾燥气候 Climate, arid潮湿气候 Climate, humid气候学 Climatology风暴 Cloud burst大砾石 Cobble主动压力系数 Coefficient of active earth pressure压实系数 Coefficient of compactness压缩性系数 Coefficient of compressibility固结系数 Coefficient of consolidation约束系数 Coefficient of contraction扩散系数 Coefficient of diffusion流量系数 Coefficient of discharge地基动性反力系数 Coefficient of dynamic sub-grade reaction 静止土压力系数 Coefficient of earth pressure at rest弹回系数 Coefficient of elastic recovery能量系数 Coefficient of energy膨胀系数 Coefficient of expansion动量传递系数 Coefficient of momentum transfer被动土压力系数 Coefficient of passive earth pressure渗透系数 Coefficient of permeability塑性系数 Coefficient of plasticity刚性系数 Coefficient of rigidity粗糙系数 Coefficient of roughness迳流系数 Coefficient of run-off输泥系数 Coefficient of silt transfer偏差系数 Coefficient of skew蓄水系数 Coefficient of storage地基反力系数 Coefficient of sub-grade reaction骤缩系数 Coefficient of sudden contraction膨胀系数 Coefficient of swelling潮汐系数 Coefficient of tide输送系数 Coefficient of transmissibility上顶系数 Coefficient of uplift变差系数 Coefficient of variation流速系数 Coefficient of velocity桩竪向反力系数 Coefficient of vertical pile reaction滞性系数 Coefficient of viscosity体减系数 Coefficient of volume decrease体增系数 Coefficient of volume expansion权系数 Coefficient of weight立体系数 Coefficient, block穴蚀系数 Coefficient, cavitation曳力系数 Coefficient, drag排水系数 Coefficient, drainage形状系数 Coefficient, form吸著系数 Coefficient, hydroscopic吸著水系数 Coefficient, hydroscopic water升力系数 Coefficient, lift机械摩擦系数 Coefficient, mechanical孔口系数 Coefficient, orifice溢流系结 Coefficient, overflow周缘系数 Coefficient, peripheral反应系数 Coefficient, regression发散系数 Coefficient, transpiration 均匀系数 Coefficient, uniformity堰系数 Coefficient, weir凋萎系数 Coefficient, wilting围堰 Cofferdam箱式船闸 Cofferlock凝聚力 Cohesion视凝聚力 Cohesion, apparent真凝聚力 Cohesion, true黏著性 Cohesiveness轴环,顶圈 Collar集水 Collection of water放淤 Colmation碎浪 Comber压实,夯实 Compaction压实度 Compaction, degree of压实机 Compactor潮区 Compartment, tidal分潮日 Component day分潮时 Component hour压缩性,受压率 Compressibility断热压缩 Compression, adiabatic压缩模数 Compression, modulus of 压缩机 Compressor压缩计 Compressor meter大气凝结 Concentration, atmospheric 含泥量 Concentration, silt集流时间 Concentration, time of边缘条件 Condition, edge进口条件 Condition, entrance水文条件 Condition, hydrologic共振条件 Condition, resonance水质处理 Conditioning, water传导性,导水率 Conductivity毛管导水率 Conductivity, capillary∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 7楼水道,导管 Conduit暗渠 Conduit, closed压力水道 Conduit, pressure电线地道 Conduit, wiring泄降圆锥面 Cone of depression减压锥 Cone of pressure relief抽降锥 Cone of pumping depression盐水侵入锥 Cone of salt-water intrusion地下水面降落锥 Cone of water-table depression冲积锥 Cone, alluvial砂砾锥 Cone, debris砂砾锥 Cone, detritus合流点,滙流 Confluence砾岩 Conglomerate地下水保持 Conservation, ground water水土保持 Conservation, soil稠度 Consistency乾稠度 Consistency, dry中稠度 Consistency, medium湿稠度 Consistency, wet固结作用 Consolidation固结仪 Consolidation apparatus固结度 Consolidation, degree of固结百分数 Consolidation, percentage of固结率 Consolidation, rate of地层常数 Constant, formation气体常数 Constant, gas传导常数 Constant, transmission型式常数 Constant, type土壤成份 Constitution, soil约束效能 Constriction, effect of临界含水量 Content, critical moisture含水量 Content, moisture自然含水量 Content, natural moisture含泥量 Content, silt含水量 Content, water水位等高线 Contour, water level射流颈 Contracta, vena约束,收缩 Contraction底部约束 Contraction, bottom河槽约束 Contraction, channel全约束 Contraction, complete顶约束 Contraction, crest侧约束 Contraction, end不全约束 Contraction, incomplete 横约束 Contraction, lateral部份约束 Contraction, partial不全约束 Contraction, suppressed 水面约束 Contraction, surface垂直约束 Contraction, vertical控制 Control人工控制 Control, artificial洪水控制,防洪 Control, flood地面控制 Control, ground沟蚀控制 Control, gully水源控制 Control, head water低水控制 Control, low water机械控制 Control, mechanical开渠控制 Control, open channel河川控制 Control, river植物控制 Control, vegetative除草控制 Control, weed管冷却 Cooling, pipe水冷却 Cooling, water顶石 Coping核心,石心 Core钻心 Core, boring泥土心墙 Core, puddle石心钻取率 Core-recovery测深线水上改正 Correction, air液面弯曲改正 Correction, meniscus 测深线水下改正 Correction, water 联繋表 Correlation table直线联系,单联系 Correlation, lineal 复联系 Correlation, multiple局部联系 Correlation, partial单联系 Correlation, simple腐蚀,锈 Corrosion可隆方程式 Coulomb's equation可隆公式 Coulomb's formula支撑 Counterfort平冲重 Counterpoise偶力 Couple水力连接器 Coupling, hydraulic雪踏勘 Course, snow水道 Course, water辣z Cover plate冰层 Cover, ice雪层 Cover, snow保护层 Covering收缩裂缝 Crack, contraction毛细裂缝 Crack, hair破裂 Cracking鞍座 Cradle起重机 Crane桥式起重机 Crane, bridge索道起重机 Crane, cable倾卸车起重机 Crane, car dumping膑u起重机 Crane, derrick浮式起重机 Crane, floating跨越起重机 Crane, gantry鹅颈式起重机 Crane, goose-neck起重机鈎 Crane, hook of水力起重机 Crane, hydraulic平伸起重机 Crane, level luffing蒸气起重机 Crane, locomotive架空起重机 Crane, overhead跨式起重机 Crane, portal旋转起重机 Crane, revolving活动双肢起重机 Crane, shear leg∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 8楼高塔起重机 Crane, tower移动起重机 Crane, traveling卡车起重机 Crane, truck小溪 Creek渗线 Creep, line of坝顶 Crest, dam顶长 Crest, length of溢道顶 Crest, spillway波峯 Crest, wave堰顶 Crest, weir决口 Crevasse裂缝 Crevice笼,筐 Crib筐笼工 Cribwork条作 Cropping, strip克劳氏法 Cross method断面,横断面 Cross section最佳水力断面 Cross section, best hydraulic复式断面 Cross section, compound经济断面 Cross section, economic断面因数 Cross section, factor of最经济断面 Cross section, most efficient正常断面 Cross section, normal水线断面 Cross section, water line系船十字柱 Cross, mooring过渡段 Crossing平交道 Crossing, level横断面测量 Cross-sectioning堤顶 Crown, levee碎石机 Crusher冰雪学 Cryology冰晶体 Crystal, ice柯尔曼法 Culmann method西饼式灌溉 Cultivation, waffle涵洞,涵 Culvert拱涵 Culvert, arch箱涵 Culvert, box倒虹吸涵 Culvert, inverted siphon纵向涵 Culvert, longitudinal管涵 Culvert, pipe支涵 Culvert, spur缘石,护角 Curb井栏 Curb, well养护 Curing旋度 Curl流,溜 Current流速仪 Current meter旋杯式流速仪 Current meter, cup-type推进式流速仪 Current meter, propeller type 流角 Current, angle of沿岸流 Current, coastal水流控制 Current, control of横流 Current, cross异重流 Current, density潜射流 Current, diving风激流 Current, drift退潮流 Current, ebb涡流 Current, eddy涨潮流 Current, flood碎浪流 Current, littoral经常海流 Current, permanent漩潮流 Current, rotary tidal副流 Current, secondary潮流 Current, tidal横流 Current, transverse浮坝 Curtain柳枝浮坝 Curtain of willow木栅浮坝 Curtain, pole retard曲率 Curvature轴向曲度 Curvature, axial曲度半径 Curvature, radius of表面曲度 Curvature, surface曲线配制 Curve fitting等速曲线 Curve of equal velocity浮面曲线 Curve of flotation滑裂曲线 Curve of sliding面积曲线 Curve, area面积水量曲线 Curve, area-capacity面积深度曲线 Curve, area-depth曲线水量曲线 Curve, area-volume廻水曲线 Curve, back water性能曲线 Curve, characteristic性能曲线 Curve, characteristic performance 组合曲线 Curve, composition压缩曲线 Curve, compressibility积累曲线 Curve, cumulative流速仪检定曲线 Curve, current meter rating 差积曲线 Curve, deduction mass亏率曲线 Curve, deficiency需求曲线 Curve, demand需求累积曲线 Curve, demand mass牯雃扫u Curve, depletion深度延时曲线 Curve, depth-duration差积曲线 Curve, differential mass流量曲线 Curve, discharge水位流量曲线 Curve, discharge rating水位流量曲线 Curve, discharge stage水位流量曲线 Curve, discharge-elevation 双积曲线 Curve, double mass双反向曲线 Curve, double reversing泄降曲线 Curve, draw-down跌降曲线 Curve, drop-down延时曲线 Curve, duration效率曲线 Curve, efficiency等效曲线 Curve, equal efficiency等马力曲线 Curve, equal horsepower膨胀曲线 Curve, expansion流量延时曲线 Curve, flow duration流量累积曲线 Curve, flow summation频率曲线 Curve, frequency水头容量曲线 Curve, head capacity渗量曲线 Curve, infiltration capacity∙2008-3-5 19:50∙回复222.209.25.* 9楼进流曲线 Curve, inflow等效曲线 Curve, iso-efficiency等距平曲线 Curve, isonomalom负荷曲线,载重曲线 Curve, load累积曲线 Curve, mass颗粉分析曲线 Curve, mechanical analysis含水压力曲线 Curve, moisture pressure动量曲线 Curve, momentum出流曲线 Curve, outflow出流蓄水因数曲线 Curve, outflow-storage factor出力效率曲线 Curve, output efficiency性能曲线 Curve, performance机率曲线 Curve, probability机率分配曲线 Curve, probability distribution常流曲线 Curve, Q-constant雨量延时曲线 Curve, rainfall duration雨量强度曲线 Curve, rainfall intensity雨量强度延时曲线 Curve, rainfall intensity duration雨量累积曲线 Curve, rainfall mass检定曲线 Curve, rating关系曲线 Curve, relation支配曲线 Curve, rule迳流累积曲线 Curve, runoff mass砂样分析曲线 Curve, sand analysis偏差机率曲线 Curve, skew probability蓄泄曲线 Curve, storage draft蓄水高度曲线 Curve, storage elevation蓄能曲线 Curve, stored energy表面曲线 Curve, surface潮位曲线 Curve, tidal雨量延时面积曲线 Curve, time-area-depth时间强度曲线 Curve, time-intensity时间沉陷曲线 Curve, time-settlement渐变曲线 Curve, transition流速分布曲线 Curve, velocity distribution垂直流速曲线 Curve, vertical velocity原始压缩曲线 Curve, virgin compression压力隙比曲线 Curve, voids ratio-pressure水面曲线 Curve, water surface零点进流曲线 Curve, zero inflow水褥 Cushion, water挖土 Cut裁湾 Cut-off天然裁湾 Cut-off, natural气候周期 Cycle, climatic水文循环 Cycle, hydrologic水循环 Cycle, water气旋 Cyclone非热带性气旋 Cyclone, extratropical巨石混凝土 Cyclopean concrete竹蛇笼 Cylinder, bamboo铅丝蛇笼 Cylinder, wire狄隆勃原理 D Alembert principle达尔顿定律 Dalton's law坝 Dam活动坝 Dam movable坝址 Dam siteA架坝 Dam, A-frame砥坝 Dam, apron拱坝 Dam, arch拱钢坝 Dam, arch steel拱重力坝 Dam, arch-gravity熊阱坝 Dam, bear trap堆木坝 Dam, beaver type timber草坝 Dam, brush撑墙坝 Dam, buttressed大头撑墙坝 Dam, buttressed diamond head type 悬臂钢坝 Dam, cantilever steel帆布坝 Dam, canvas谷坊,拦砂坝 Dam, check锁坝 Dam, closure土石混合坝 Dam, composite混合堆石坝 Dam, composite type rock fill混凝土坝 Dam, concrete固结坝 Dam, consolidation等角拱坝 Dam, constant angle arch等径拱坝 Dam, constant radius arch心墙堆石坝 Dam, corewall type rock-fill筐笼坝 Dam, crib横坝 Dam, cross卷帘坝 Dam, curtain圆筒拱坝 Dam, cylindrical arch钣梁坝 Dam, deck girder分水坝,引水坝 Dam, diversion潜坝 Dam, drowned鼓坝 Dam, drum土坝 Dam, earth土心墙堆石坝 Dam, earth core type rock-fill 防险坝 Dam, emergency固定坝 Dam, fixed架坝 Dam, framed门坝 Dam, gate砾石坝 Dam, gravel重力坝 Dam, gravity坝跟 Dam, heel of空心坝 Dam, hollow水力淤填坝 Dam, hydraulic fill水力淤填坝 Dam, hydraulic fill earth蓄水坝 Dam, impounding污工坝 Dam, masonry联拱坝 Dam, multiple arch联穹坝 Dam, multiple dome针坝 Dam, needle滚水坝 Dam, overflow堆石坝 Dam, rock-fill碾压土坝 Dam, rolled fill earth辊坝 Dam, roller圆头撑墙坝 Dam, round head type buttressed蛮石坝,乱石坝 Dam, rubble-masonry半淤填土坝 Dam, semi-hydraulic fill earth 牐坝 Dam, shutter平板撑墙坝 Dam, slab and buttress溢水坝 Dam, spillway丁坝,挑水坝 Dam, spur钢坝 Dam, steel石工坝 Dam, stone masonry潜坝 Dam, submerged对称拱坝 Dam, symmetrical arch三心拱坝 Dam, three centered arch坝趾 Dam, toe of三拱坝 Dam, triple arch不对称拱坝 Dam, unsymmetrical arch百叶坝 Dam, wicket洪水炎害 Damage, flood淹没损害 Damage, flowage阻震 Damping达基公式 Darcy's formula达基定律 Darcy's law水尺基点 Datum, gage漂流物,岩滓 Debris拦砂栅 Debris barrier沉砂池 Debris trap地下水损失 Decrement, ground water变向帽,转向板 Deflector射流变向器 Deflector, jet散絮作用 Deflocculation变形性 Deformability变形 Deformation弹性变形 Deformation, elastic平面变形 Deformation, plane塑性变形 Deformation, plastic变形率 Deformation, rate of减小坡度,降低河床 Degradation脱水 Dehydration德勒塞定律 Delesse's law三角洲 Delta潜三角洲 Delta, submerged海底三角洲 Delta, undersea击实 Densification密度 Density假密度 Density, bulk排水密度 Density, drainage集结密度 Density, mass相对密度 Density, relative河流密度 Density, river河川密度 Density, stream淤积 Deposit雾 Deposit frozen fog淤积层 Deposit, alluvial冰川淤积层 Deposit, glacial山麓冲积层 Deposit, piedmont alluvial 淤积作用 Deposition低气压,凹地 Depression共轭水深 Depth, conjugate临界水深 Depth, critical深度因数 Depth, factor of。

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CHAPTER 9Integral Project Features9-1.Navigation Features. The following is a list of navigation features normally considered as a part of the overall improvement project:a.Turning basins.b.Anchorage areas.c.Jetties and breakwaters.d.Dikes and other channel training or control structures.e.Salinity barriers.f.Diversion works.g.Aids to navigation.h.Ice barriers.i.Maneuvering areas.j.Ship locks.k.Channel wideners at turns or bends (local width increases).These individual features when pertinent are usually integral to and necessary for the day-to-day operation of the port and allow the design ship to sail through the proposed channel improvement project in a safe and efficient manner.9-2.Turning Basins.a.Ship Turning. In normal operations, turning basins are used by the pilots in conjunction with two or more tugs to bring the ship about. Full advantage is also taken of the prevailing currents and wind conditions to help maneuver the ship. The pilot strategy may be different on flood or ebb tide current and may change with wind direction. If the ship is equipped with thrusters (bow or stern, sometimes both), then these will be used to the fullest. The ship engine and rudder are usually manipulated, which will provide additional control. Care is usually taken to keep the ship stern away from shoals, rocks, banks, and docks to minimize possible damage to propellers and rudders. Pilot strategy may change, however, depending on the location of the ship bridge on the ship. When the bridge is located at or near the stern of the ship, turning will be accomplished using the stern with another visible reference to control and monitor ship position.b.Location. Navigation channel project improvements will provide for a turning basin to enable the ships to be turned about to reverse ship direction and allow an outbound sailing transit. The basin is usually located at the head of navigation near the upstream end of the channel project, upstream of a group of terminals and docks on a long channel, or at the entrance to a side channel with berthing facilities. The turning basin will be designed to provide sufficient area to allow the design ship to turn around using ship bow and stern thrusters (if available) and with local port tug assistance. Preference in turning basin location should be given to a site with the lowest current effects, since this has a major impact on the turning ship and therefore the size of the turning basin. Figure 9-1 gives recommended shape and size of turning basins in low and high current situations.c.Size.(1)The size of the turning basin should provide a minimum turning diameter of at least 1.2 times the length of the design ship where prevailing currents are 0.5 knot or less. Recent ERDC/WES simulator studies have shown that turning basins should provide minimum turning diameters of 1.5 times the length of the design setup where tidal currents are less than 1.5 knots. The turning basin should be elongated along the prevailing current direction when currents are greater than 1.5 knots and designed according to tests conducted on a ship simulator (Figure 9-1). Turning operations with tankers in ballast condition or other ships with high sail areas and design wind speeds of greater than 25 knots will require a special design study using a ship simulator.(2)Where traffic conditions permit, the turning basin should use the navigation channel as part of the basin area. The shape of the basin is usually trapezoidal or elongated trapezoidal with the long side coincident with the prevailing current direction and the channel edge. The short side will be at least equal to the design multiple (1.2 or 1.5, depending on the current) times the ship length. The ends will make angles of 45 deg or less with the adjacent edge of the channel, depending on local shoaling tendencies. Modifications of this shape are acceptable to permit better sediment flushing characteristics or accommodate local operational considerations.d.Depth. Normally, the depth of a turning basin should be equal to the channel depth leading or adjacent to the basin proper. This is done to prevent any possibility of confusion by the channel project users that could cause grounding accidents. The normal dredging tolerance and advance maintenance allowance are included in the depth of the turning basin. In some operational circumstances where design ships will always turn in ballast, the turning basin could be designed to a smaller ballasted ship draft, which could provide substantial cost savings.e.Shoaling. A turning basin will tend to increase shoaling rates above normal channel rates because of the increase of the channel cross-sectional area, which modifies current patterns. Increased shoaling in the basin could cause modifications in shoaling patterns farther downstream or upstream.Free-swinging moorings require a circular area having a radius equal to the length of the ship plus the length of the anchor chain (scope of the anchor). The U.S. Navy (1981) has calculated a set of tables giving these required dimensions from which the following approximation can bedeveloped for average 15-m (50-ft-) depth conditions and design ship lengths from 213 to 305 m(700 to 1,000 ft):D/L = (9-1)3.0whereD = diameter of anchor swing in feetL = ship length in feetThis formula assumes that the length of the anchor chain swing circle is six times the depth and that2.7 m (90 ft) of anchor drag occurs. Large free-swinging anchorages can be expensive to constructand maintain, since sedimentation frequently becomes a problem. Consideration should be givenby the designer for the use of fixed mooring dolphins, which can substantially reduce the dredgingarea costs. Figure 9-2 presents two design anchorage configurations for two ships withfree-swinging and fixed mooring situations.9-4.Jetties and Breakwaters.yout. Entrance channel jetties are usually designed to maintain a stable channellocation and depth, control sediment from littoral drift, and reduce wave action in the entrancenavigation channel. Some entrances at coasts with high wave action may also include breakwatersin addition to or separate from the entrance channel jetties. The entrance channel alignment shouldbe oriented to reduce channel waves and control sediment movement, keeping in mind the shipmaneuvering and control required through waves and crosscurrents. In most cases, two jetties, oneon each side, will be needed to keep littoral drift from entering the channel. Jetties are normallyaligned parallel with the channel alignment. However, curved jetties may act like a river trainingsystem and will help establish a stable deep channel on the outside of the bend. Convergingalignments (arrowhead type) often produce unsatisfactory layout solutions because of greaterlength, no improvement in wave action, and entrance channel meandering. Some general entrancechannel layout guidelines follow:(1)Natural entrance channels in noncohesive (sandy) material are usually unstable.(2)Parallel aligned twin jetties are preferred.(3)Curved alignment should be considered if there is significant tidal flow or riverdischarge.(4)Straight jetty alignments require closer spacing than a curved alignment to maintainchannel depths.(5)Unequal jetty lengths can cause asymmetric current patterns, making navigationdifficult.Further discussion on entrance channel layout and alternative structures is available in EM 1110-2-2904 and the Coastal Engineering Manual (CEM), Part V, Chapter 5.b.Spacing. Determination of the width of the entrance channel should consider navigation difficulties that are frequently encountered in entrance channels from wave action, wind, crosscurrents, and poor visibility. The distance between the toes of the jetties is designed to provide space beyond the channel edges for jetty stability. Consideration of the penetration of wave energy into the harbor should be balanced with the necessary entrance channel width required for safe ship passage. As is the case for proper channel width design, the quality and spacing of the aids to navigation are important considerations also. Harbor entrance channels normally require larger widths than the interior channels as a result of more adverse navigation conditions. Entrance widths in the vicinity of the proposed project improvement should be compared and used in the initial design phase. In most cases, entrance widths equal to the ship length have been found to be satisfactory. Since the ship length-to-beam ratio for most commercial ships is about 1:7, a widthof 7B may be used for preliminary project design. Spacing in tidal entrances may be governed by tidal flow considerations.c.Orientation. One design criterium to be considered in the layout of jetties and breakwaters is adequate navigation depths in the area to be protected from waves, especially the entrance channel and the harbor interior. To minimize adverse ship motions and wave-generated crosscurrents, the entrance channel should be oriented in the direction of the more severe waves. Bar channels and entrances protected by jetties and breakwaters will require special studies of ship navigation, tidal currents, waves, littoral transport, and shoaling tendencies to determine the optimal design of channel width, cross section, alignment, orientation, and ship response to wave action. Waves aligned with the entrance channel will be reduced in height as they travel between jetties (Melo and Guza 1991a, 1991b). This reduction can be estimated by treating the jetty entrance as a breakwater gap. The inter-jetty propagation distance corresponds to the normal interior distance from the gap, and wave height change can be estimated from standard wave diffraction diagrams. As a general rule, jetties should be long enough to extend beyond the littoral zone so that sedimentation and breaking waves do not impact entrance channel navigation. Additional design details on channel and jetty alignment can be obtained fromEM 1110-2-1607. Design procedures on jetty length and type are covered in EM 1110-2-2904. Consideration of hydraulic physical, ship simulator, and mathematical model tests is highly recommended for jetty and breakwater layout to optimize the design.9-5.Ship Locks and Salinity Barriers.a.Ship Locks. Salinity barriers may be required to control and mitigate the effect of salinity intrusion. A navigation lock is often used as an effective barrier against ocean salinity propagating into freshwater portions of estuaries and canals. General guidelines for salinity barrier design are presented in EM 1110-2-1607. The navigation conditions for ship locks require careful design, especially the lock approach conditions, which should provide adequate distance without waves, turns, and crosscurrents. An additional concern is the density-driven salt water admitted into the lock chamber and thence the upper pool during the lockage of vessels for navigation. Several devices and strategies have been developed to deal with this phenomenon, such as submerged gates on the lock floor, pneumatic barriers, and special design of lock filling and emptying systems. EM 1110-2-1611 and EM 1110-2-1604 discuss navigation and lock design considerations, respectively.b.Submerged Barriers. Barriers can be located in the deeper portions of the navigation channel to reduce salinity intrusion by stopping the deeper, denser saline water’s movement upstream. Permanent sills have been considered for installation in the San Francisco Bay to reduce possible saltwater migration into the San Joaquin Delta. A temporary, erodible sill was investigated and implemented in the Lower Mississippi River during the 1988 drought to help protect the freshwater supply for New Orleans (Johnson, Boyd, and Keulegan 1987). The effectiveness of submerged sills and salinity barriers should be investigated and designed with the help of appropriate physical and mathematical models.9-6.Diversion Works.Diversion works are constructed to separate navigation channels from upland streams and to divert upstream flows. The purpose of the diversion might be to prevent sediment in the stream from shoaling the navigation channel, to limit salinity intrusion into the natural stream channel, or to return upstream flows back to estuarine areas for environmental purposes. Diversion works consist of a dam to close off normal discharges and a canal to convey diverted waters to a neighboring stream, bay, or sea. The environmental and navigational consequences of proposed flow diversion schemes will require intensive study as a result of potentially major changes in water quality and degradation of navigation conditions from crosscurrents and current increases.9-7.Bridge Clearance.a.General. The clear horizontal and vertical spacing available for navigation at overhead bridges should be sufficient to permit the safe transit of the design ship expected to use the navigation channel under normal operational conditions. The 1972 Waterways Safety Act placed responsibility for establishing bridge clearances with the U.S. Coast Guard. Therefore, initial project design planning of navigation projects involving new or existing bridge crossings should be coordinated with the local Coast Guard District Office, and final design will require Coast Guard approval. The following general guidance applies also to hurricane barriers, power line towers, or other structures that may be a potential obstruction to navigation in a waterway.b.Horizontal Clearance. In general, it is desirable that the horizontal clearance between bridge piers, including bridge fenders, should be equal to or greater than the local channel width. The design should provide for location of bridge piers to cause ship grounding rather than collision with piers or obstructions, which could cause loss of life. Some projects with older bridges built when ships were much smaller than today may have very difficult navigation conditions, sometimes with very small ship clearances. The project planner/designer should study the possibility of upgrading such bridges or other structures to reduce possible navigation hazards. In some cases, smaller distances between bridge piers than desirable may be necessary, depending on local conditions. Each design should consider the following factors:(1)Navigation traffic density and pattern (one- or two-way).(2)Alignment and speed of water current.(3)Risk of collision.(4)Potential damage from collision, loss of life, hazardous cargo spillage, bridge and ship damage, and interruption to waterway and bridge traffic.(5)Cost of bridge pier fendering to protect bridge and vessels.(6)Possible addition of islands around bridge piers.(7)Navigation span alignment and clearance of other waterway bridges.c.Vertical Clearance. Ship superstructure including radar and radio masts may well be a limiting factor in ship navigation under railroad and highway bridges or other overhead obstructions above waterways and channels. The vertical clearance under bridges is the vertical height between the water level during normal ship transits and the lowest member of the bridge structure over the channel width. In tidal waterways, the water level specified is the mean higher high spring tide elevation. In rivers, some small percent occurrence of water level has been used to specify the water level. A study of the variation of water surface about the higher elevations should be undertaken for important waterway projects to establish vertical clearance (also called air draft).d.Bridge Approaches. The navigation approach to overhead bridges should preferably be straight and normal or nearly normal to the bridge alignment. Crosscurrent alignment and magnitude have a significant effect on navigation conditions and may require an increase in channel width as well as possible channel or bridge realignment. The length of the straight reach of the approach channel on each side of the bridge should be five times the design ship length.9-8.Training Dikes and Revetments.a.Dikes. In rivers and waterways with high sediment transport subject to shoaling, training structures are frequently required to help maintain deep-draft navigable channel depths during low-water season. Several different types of training dikes have been developed to control navigation channel alignments and maintain adequate channel depths, including spur dikes, vane dikes, longitudinal dikes, and L-head dikes. Training structures are usually designed to constrict the flow at low-water seasons to increase water currents and the natural scouring tendency in the navigation channel. Longitudinal dikes extending along the waterway are often used to help guide or direct currents to reduce shoaling and improve navigation conditions. Dikes are usually constructed of timber pile clusters, stone, or piling with stone fill. Refer to EM 1110-2-1611, Layout and Design of Shallow-Draft Waterways, Chapter 7, Section V, for a more thorough discussion of this topic.b.Revetments.(1)Bank erosion caused by currents or wave wash from navigation is frequently a problem in natural streams and waterways with erodible banks. Protection from bank erosion by revetments should be considered, if required, during project design. Rock riprap and articulated concrete mat-tress have both been used as revetments to control bank erosion.(2)The clearance between training structures and navigation channels must be adequate to assure safe navigation. Pilots and captains in charge of ships transiting along channels have a strong aversion to dikes and rock riprap and will keep their ships well away from such structures. It is desirable to locate dikes and revetments to avoid possible damage to ships striking these struc-tures. Careful design and location are especially important in channel curves or turns where shipsare required to maneuver. Design procedures for river and waterway training structures are detailed in EM 1110-2-1611. The principles for the design of bank revetments are explained inEM 1110-2-1601. The location, layout, and orientation of dikes and revetments and the flow, depo-sition and scour, and impacts on the waterway can be determined best by use of a physical or numerical hydraulic model.9-9.Hurricane Barriers. Storm and hurricane surges have historically caused major floods and damage in Europe, and the United States’ structural barriers located near and across the entrance to rivers, bays, and coastal regions have been proposed, designed, and in some cases built in a number of developed areas. The details of surge analysis are treated in EM 1110-2-1412, which should be consulted for barrier design. The following discussion presents important navigational impacts that should be considered in barrier planning and design.a.Hurricane and storm surge barriers are normally located as close to the ocean as possible to increase the area of protection inside the river or bay. In most cases, a navigation lock or gap will be required as a part of the barrier. The approaches to the navigation gap or lock should allow for a straight sailing course for a distance equal to five times the design ship length. It is desirable that the design reduces or prevents crosscurrents and wave action in the gap approach to maintain safe navigation. The width and depth of the navigation gap should be designed to allow adequate clearance by normal size ships with due regard for safety of ship transits inside the barrier. To reduce upstream surge transmission, the gap width and depth should be kept as small as possible; thus, there is a need in planning and design to optimize and balance project benefits from flooding reduction with the requirements of navigation.b.Because current velocities though the navigation gap will be greater than the normal or preproject currents in the waterway, the design should consider whether the user ships can navigate safely through the hurricane barrier. A satisfactory design of the navigation gap and adjacent con-trol gates usually will require the development and use of the appropriate numerical and physical models as well as a ship simulator study. From these studies, an optimum arrangement and barrier location can be developed that will provide for adequate surge protection and safe ship navigation conditions. Model studies can also provide assistance during project construction to reduce any adverse navigation conditions.9-10.Sediment Traps.Sediment traps or deposition basins are areas in the waterway that are excavated in or near the navigation channel to reduce shoaling in the project navigation channel and manage the sedimentation processes so that the project maintenance dredging is conducted in the most cost-effective manner. Sediment traps have been provided in navigation projects in both estuarine and littoral environments. The effects on navigation from the sediment trap should be considered in the design and trap location for the range of conditions and proposed dredging operations at the sediment trap. For example, the location of a sediment trap on the outside edge of a turn may eliminate the bank cushion effect normally used by pilots to assist in turning the ship. The investigation procedures of sediment traps using physical and numerical models are outlined in EM 1110-2-1607 for estuarine areas. The design procedures to be used in the littoral zone are covered in the Shore Protection Manual (1984).。
