北京艺源优源技术有限公司产品列表(军品)型号输入输出1 输出2机型说明AD2A-100WA AC 220V DC 5V/10A 12V/4A FAD2A-10W AC 220V DC 5V/1A -5V/1A BAD2A-10WA AC 220V DC 5V/1.5A 12V/0.3AAD2A-15W AC 220V DC 5V/2A 12V/0.5A C不共地AD2A-15WA AC 220V DC 15V/0.5A -15V/0.5A BAD2A-20WA AC 220V DC 5.7V/3A 5.7V/0.3A B不共地AD2A-25W AC 220V DC 5V/0.2A 24V/1A CAD2A-30W AC 220V DC 5V/3A 7.5V/2A C两路共地AD2A-30WA AC 220V DC 5V/5A -5V/1A C单地AD2A-30WB AC 220V DC 5V/3A 15V/1A CAD2A-30WC AC 220V DC 5V/5A 5V/1A C单地AD2A-35WA AC 220V DC 5V/3A 24V/1A CAD2A-50WA AC 220 V DC 5V/8A 12V/1A CAD2A-50WB AC 220V DC +12V/2A -12V/2A CAD2A-50WC AC 220 V DC 5V/2A 12V/3A裸板,无外壳AD2A-50WD AC 220 V DC 12V/4A -12V/0.5A CAD2A-50WE AC 220V DC 5V/7A 12V/1A CAD2B-100WL AC 220 V DC 12V/8.3A 14V/1A特殊规格,警用电源. AD2B-120WA AC 220 V DC 12V/10A -12V/0.5A F两路共地AD2B-120WB AC 220V DC 5V/6A 24V/3A F不共地AD2B-150WL AC 220V DC 12V/10A 14.6V/3A特殊规格:警用电源AD2B-170WA AC 220V DC 12V/7A -12V/7A FAD2B-240WA AC 220V DC 12V/20A -12V/0.5A FAD2B-240WB AC 220V DC 5V/3A 12V/18A FAD2B-30WA AC 220V DC 12V/1.5A -12V/1A CAD2B-50WA AC 220V DC 5V/5A 27V/1A C单地AD2B-50WB AC 220V DC 12V/3A -12V/1A CAD2B-600WA AC 220V DC 12V/20A 24V/20AAD2C-100WA AC 220V±15%DC 15V/3.5A -15V/3.5A FAD2C-120WA AC 220V DC 15V/4A -15V/4A FAD2C-150WA AC 220V DC 15V/5A -15V/5A FAD2C-50WA AC (90~250) V DC 15V/2A -15V/1AAD2D-100WA AC 220V DC 24V/3A 5V/1A FAD2D-100WB AC 220V DC 24V/3A 12V/1A FAD2D-120W AC (180~260)V DC 24V/4A 48V/0.5A EAD2D-120WA AC 220V DC 24V/5A 5V/1A FAD2D-150WA AC 220V DC 24V/3A -24V/3A FAD2D-150WB AC 220V DC 24V/3A -24V/3A FAD2D-15WA AC 220V DC 24V/0.5A 5V/0.5A B不共地AD2D-170WA AC 220V DC 24V/3.5A -24V/3.5A FAD2D-200WA AC 220V DC 24V/6A 12V/2A F共地AD2D-200WB AC 220V DC 24V/5A 12V/5A F用24V做主回路AD2D-240WA AC 220V DC (18~24)V/8A 10V/1A FAD2D-40WB AC 220 V DC 20V/1A -20V/1A CAD2D-50WA AC 220 V DC 24V/1A -24V/1A CAD2D-80WA AC 220V DC 24V/2.5A 15V/1.2A EAD2E-30WB AC 220V DC 6V/2.5A 8V/1A CAD2E-50WA AC 220V DC 12V/2.5A 15V/1A CAD2E-50WB AC 220V DC 12V/1.5A 20V/1.5A CAD2F-150W AC 220V DC 48V/3.5A 中间抽头: DC 24V/3.5A FAD2F-30WA AC 220V DC 7.2V/1A 14.4V/1.5A CAD2F-30WB AC 220V DC 8.1V/1A 14.4V/1.5A BAD2G-100WA AC 220V DC -48V/1.2A -30V/1.2A E不共地AD2G-60WA AC 220V DC 9V/1.3A 24V/2A C断续工作,两路共地AD2J-50W AC 380V DC 24V/1.5A 30V/0.7A EAD2K-200W AC 220V DC 200V/0.5A -200V/0.5A FAD2K-240WA AC 220V DC 40V/3A -40V/3A FAD2M-100WA AC 220V DC 9V/5A -9V/5A FAD2M-200W AC 220V DC 17V/4A -17V/4A FAD2M-50WA AC 220V DC 420V/0.03A 110V/0.3A EAD2N-220WA AC 220V DC (30~55)V/2A(30~55)V/2A FABD2D-250W AC 220V DC 24V/10A 27V/1A GABD2F-300W AC 220V DC 48V/5A 56V/1A G。
W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 1 - 版本E64M位与串行闪存双路和四路SPIW25Q64BV- 2 -目录1,一般DESCRIPTION (5)2。
FEATURES (5)3引脚配置SOIC208-MIL.......................................... .. (6)4,焊垫配置WSON8X6-MM.......................................... . (6)5,焊垫配置PDIP300-MIL.......................................... . (7)6引脚说明SOIC208密耳,PDIP300密耳和WSON8X6-MM................................ 7......7引脚配置SOIC300mil的.......................................... .. (8)8引脚SOIC封装说明300-MIL (8)8.1包装Types (9)8.2片选(/CS) (9)8.3串行数据输入,输出和IO(DI,DO和IO0,IO1,IO2,IO3)............................. 9.......8.4写保护(/WP) (9)8.5控股(/HOLD) (9)8.6串行时钟(CLK) (9)9座DIAGRAM (10)10功能DESCRIPTION (11)10.1 SPI OPERATIONS (11)10.1.1标准SPI Instructions (11)10.1.2双SPI Instructions (11)10.1.3四路SPI Instructions (11)10.1.4保持功能 (11)10.2写保护 (12)10.2.1写保护Features (12)11,控制和状态寄存器............................................ .. (13)11.1状态REGISTER (13)11.1.1 BUSY (13)11.1.2写使能锁存(WEL) (13)11.1.3块保护位(BP2,BP1,BP0)..................................... .. (13)11.1.4顶/底块保护(TB)....................................... .................................................. ..1311.1.5部门/块保护(SEC) (13)11.1.6状态寄存器保护(SRP,SRP0)....................................... . (14)11.1.7四路启用(QE) (14)11.1.8状态寄存器内存保护........................................... .. (16)11.2 INSTRUCTIONS (17)11.2.1制造商和设备标识........................................... .. (17)11.2.2指令集表1 (18)W25Q64BV11.2.3指令表2(阅读说明书)....................................... (19)出版日期:2010年7月8日- 3 - 修订版E11.2.4写使能(06h) (20)11.2.5写禁止(04h) (20)11.2.6读状态寄存器1(05H)和读状态寄存器2(35H).............................. (21)11.2.7写状态寄存器(01H)......................................... .................................................. .. (22)11.2.8读取数据(03h) (23)11.2.9快速阅读(0Bh) (24)11.2.10快速读双输出(3BH)........................................ .................................................. 0.25 11.2.11快速读四路输出(6BH)........................................ .. (26)11.2.12快速读双I / O (BBh) (27)11.2.13快速读取四I/ O (EBh) (29)11.2.14八进制字读取四I/ O(E3H)..................................... (31)11.2.15页编程(02h) (33)11.2.16四路输入页编程(32H)........................................ . (34)11.2.17扇区擦除(20H) (35)11.2.1832KB的块擦除(52H) (36)11.2.1964KB的块擦除(D8h) (37)20年2月11日芯片擦除(C7H/ 60h) (38)21年2月11日擦除挂起(75h) (39)22年2月11日擦除恢复(7Ah) (40)23年11月2日掉电(B9h) (41)24年2月11日高性能模式(A3H)......................................... (42)25年2月11日发布掉电或高性能模式/设备ID(ABH) (42)26年2月11日读制造商/设备ID(90H)....................................... . (44)27年2月11日阅读唯一的ID号(4BH)........................................ . (45)28年2月11日读JEDEC的ID (9Fh) (46)29年2月11日连续读取模式复位(FFH或FFFFH)...................................... .. (47)12,电气特性.............................................. (48)12.1绝对最大Ratings (48)12.2操作范围 (48)12.3上电时序和写抑制阈值......................................... (49)12.4直流电气Characteristics (50)12.5 AC测量条件.............................................. .. (51)12.6 AC电气Characteristics (52)12.7 AC电气特性(续)......................................... . (53)12.8串行输出Timing (54)12.9输入Timing (54)12.10持有Timing (54)13包装SPECIFICATION (55)W25Q64BV13.18引脚SOIC208密耳(包装代号SS)..................................... .. (55)- 4 -13.28引脚PDIP300密耳(封装代码DA)..................................... (56)13.38触点WSON8x6毫米(封装代码ZE)....................................... (57)13.416引脚SOIC300密耳(封装代码SF)..................................... . (58)14订货INFORMA TION (59)14.1有效的部件号和顶端标记.......................................... (60)15版本HISTORY (61)W25Q64BV出版日期:2010年7月8日- 5 - 修订版E1概述该W25Q64BV(64M位)串行Flash存储器提供了有限的系统存储解决方案空间,引脚和电源。
3-1可做動作Movable parts※此系列產品具備『彈簧釋放功能』。
1.槍枝上彈的情況下,按壓槍機助進器可釋放彈簧,再次擊發時有機率造成 第一發雙彈射出或者小便彈,屬正常情況。
2.槍支使用完畢後:(1)請轉至單發模式下,擊發2~3下後做清槍動作 (2)關保險並確保槍管內已無殘彈 (3)按壓槍機助進器釋放彈簧3.上下槍身分解前,務必先關保險並釋放彈簧,避免造成齒輪倒轉損壞活塞。
This series has "spring release" function.1. If the AEG is loaded with magazine, the spring can be released by pressing the forward assist knob, but also has chance to fire 2 BBs on your first shot or fire with low muzzle velocity, which are normal conditions.2. Once you finished using your AEG:(1) Please select your fire selector to semi-auto, clear your gun by firing 2 to 3 times.(2) Engage the safety and make sure no BB pellets are remained in the barrel.(3) Press the forward assist knob to release the spring.3. Before you disassemble the upper and lower receiver, make sure you have engaged the safety and released the spring, to avoid gear reversal and cause damage to the piston.Releasing the spring can extend its service life time, and avoid elastic fatigue caused by long-term extrusion.Press and hold the stock adjustment lever to unlock. Adjust the 4~5position retractable stock to the most comfortable position.扳機護弓可開關Trigger guard can be opened and closed.拉柄拉動可打開防塵蓋Pull the charging handle to open the ejection port cover.槍托調整桿往上推後,即可將伸縮托向後拉向前推,共有4~5段可供調整長度。
MaximumParameter Absolute Maximum Ratings T A =25°C unless otherwise noted PIN1Symbolt ≤ 10s Steady-State Steady-StateR θJCParameterTyp Max °C/W R θJA 144017Thermal CharacteristicsUnits Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A Continuous Drain Current GGate-Source Voltage Drain-Source Voltage -20T =25°C T =100°C Maximum Junction-to-Case°C/W°C/W Maximum Junction-to-Ambient A D 0.6550.8SymbolMin Typ Max Units BV DSS -20VV DS =-20V, V GS =0V-1T J =55°C -5I GSS ±100nA V GS(th)Gate Threshold Voltage -0.5-0.85-1.3V I D(ON)-340A 1.7 2.1T J =125°C 2.4532 2.5m Ω2.8 3.6m Ωg FS 115S V SD -0.57-1V I S-85A C iss 10290pF C oss 1910pF C rss 1395pFR g2.1 4.2ΩQ g (10V)235330nC Q g (4.5V)100140nC Q gs 21nC Q gd 36nC Maximum Body-Diode Continuous CurrentGInput Capacitance Output CapacitanceDYNAMIC PARAMETERS Reverse Transfer Capacitance V GS =0V, V DS =-10V, f=1MHz SWITCHING PARAMETERS Gate resistanceV GS =0V, V DS =0V, f=1MHzTotal Gate Charge V GS =-10V, V DS =-10V, I D =-20AGate Source Charge Gate Drain Charge Total Gate Charge Zero Gate Voltage Drain Current Gate-Body leakage current m ΩI S =-1A,V GS =0VV DS =-5V, I D =-20A V GS =-2.5V, I D =-20AForward Transconductance Diode Forward VoltageV GS =-4.5V, I D =-20A Electrical Characteristics (T J =25°C unless otherwise noted)STATIC PARAMETERS ParameterConditions Drain-Source Breakdown Voltage On state drain currentI D =-250µA, V GS =0V V GS =-10V, V DS =-5V V GS =-10V, I D =-20AR DS(ON)Static Drain-Source On-ResistanceI DSS µA V DS =V GS, I D =-250µA V DS =0V, V GS =±12V t D(on)9ns t r 18ns t D(off)282ns t f 90ns t rr 48nsQ rr178nCTHIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN DESIGNED AND QUALIFIED FOR THE CONSUMER MARKET. APPLICATIONS OR USES AS CRITICAL COMPONENTS IN LIFE SUPPORT DEVICES OR SYSTEMS ARE NOT AUTHORIZED. AOS DOES NOT ASSUME ANY LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF SUCH APPLICATIONS OR USES OF ITS PRODUCTS. AOS RESERVES THE RIGHT TO IMPROVE PRODUCT DESIGN,FUNCTIONS AND RELIABILITY WITHOUT NOTICE.Turn-On DelayTime Body Diode Reverse Recovery Charge I F =-20A, dI/dt=500A/µsTurn-On Rise Time Turn-Off DelayTime I F =-20A, dI/dt=500A/µsV GS =-10V, V DS =-10V, R L =0.5Ω,R GEN =3ΩTurn-Off Fall TimeBody Diode Reverse Recovery TimeA. The value of R θJA is measured with the device mounted on 1in 2FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C. The Power dissipation P DSM is based on R θJA and the maximum allowed junction temperature of 150°C. The value in any given application depends on the user's specific board design, and the maximum temperature of 150°C may be used if the PCB allows it.B. The power dissipation P D is based on T J(MAX)=150°C, using junction-to-case thermal resistance, and is more useful in setting the upper dissipation limit for cases where additional heatsinking is used.C. Repetitive rating, pulse width limited by junction temperature T J(MAX)=150°C. Ratings are based on low frequency and duty cycles to keep initial T J =25°C.Maximum UIS current limited by test equipment.D. The R θJA is the sum of the thermal impedance from junction to case R θJC and case to ambient.E. The static characteristics in Figures 1 to 6 are obtained using <300µs pulses, duty cycle 0.5% max.F. These curves are based on the junction-to-case thermal impedance which is measured with the device mounted to a large heatsink, assuming a maximum junction temperature of T J(MAX)=150°C. The SOA curve provides a single pulse rating.G. The maximum current rating is package limited.H. These tests are performed with the device mounted on 1 in 2FR-4 board with 2oz. Copper, in a still air environment with T A =25°C.TYPICAL ELECTRICAL AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS17521000204060801000.511.522.53-I D (A )-V GS (Volts)Figure 2: Transfer Characteristics (Note E)1234551015202530R D S (O N )(m Ω)-I D (A)Figure 3: On-Resistance vs. Drain Current and Gate0.811. o r m a l i z e d O n -R e s i s t a n c eTemperature (°C)V GS =-4.5V I D =-20A V GS =-10V I D =-20AV GS =-2.5VI D =-20A25°C125°CV DS =-5VV GS =-2.5VV GS =-10V020*********12012345-I D (A )-V DS (Volts)Fig 1: On-Region Characteristics (Note E)V GS =-1.5V-2V-10V-2.5V-4.5VV GS =-4.5V 1840Voltage (Note E)1.0E-051.0E-041.0E-031.0E-021.0E-011.0E+001.0E+011.0E+ S (A )-V SD (Volts)Figure 6: Body-Diode Characteristics (Note E)25°C125°CFigure 4: On-Resistance vs. Junction Temperature (Note E)01234560246810R D S (O N )(m Ω)-V GS (Volts)Figure 5: On-Resistance vs. Gate-Source Voltage(Note E)I D =-20A25°C125°CTYPICAL ELECTRICAL AND THERMAL CHARACTERISTICS1752100050100150200255075100125150P o w e r D i s s i p a t i o n (W )T CASE (°C)Figure 13: Power De-rating (Note F)0204060801000255075100125150C u r r e n t r a t i n g ID (A )1101001000100000.00010.01110010000P o w e r (W )T A =25°C11010010001101001000-I A R (A ) P e a k A v a l a n c h e C u r r e n tTime in avalanche, t A (µs)Figure 12: Single Pulse Avalanche capability(Note C)T A =25°CT A =150°CT A =100°CT A =125°C18400.0010.010.11100.00010.0010.010.11101001000Z θJ A N o r m a l i z e d T r a n s i e n t T h e r m a l R e s i s t a n c ePulse Width (s)Figure 16: Normalized Maximum Transient Thermal Impedance (Note H)Single PulseD=T on /TT J,PK =T A +P DM .Z θJA .R θJA T onTP DIn descending orderD=0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, single pulseT CASE (°C)Figure 14: Current De-rating (Note F)Pulse Width (s)Figure 15: Single Pulse Power Rating Junction-to-Ambient (Note H)R θJA =55°C/WVdsChargeGate Charge Test Circuit & WaveformVdsUnclamped Inductive Switching (UIS) Test Circuit & Waveforms2E = 1/2 LI AR ARVddResistive Switching Test Circuit & Waveforms90%10%VddIdVgsBV DSSI ARVdd。
GunVault MV550-19和MV1050-19微型枪匣说明书
MicroVaultMV550-19 MicroVault XLMV1050-19FASTER. SAFE. TOUGH.3Product Features(For MicroVault and MicroVault XL)Always hold the battery connection cap while disconnecting or attaching a new battery. Do not pull on the power cables as this could cause the power supply to become disconnected from the lock. STEP 1 - Open the unit using the backup keys provided. STEP 2 - Locate the battery compartment in the interiorpanel. Connect the recommended 9V alkaline battery following the Positive (+) and Negative (-) guides on the connecting cap.STEP 3 - When the battery is connected you will hear a single beep signaling that the unit is powered.STEP 4 - After you have connected the battery to the cable, place the battery into the compartment and secure the cover.*GunVault recommends the use of either a Duracell or Energizer 9V alkaline battery with an expiration date of 5 years into the future.Battery InstallationSTEP 1 - Open the unit by using provided backup keys or factory default code. The factory default code is a single sequential press of each button moving from the left to right.STEP 2 - Locate the Learn button on the interior panel of the unit.STEP 3 - Press and hold the Learn button. A beep will sound and the keypad back lighting will turn green and remain illuminated. This will indicate the enrollment procedure has been initiated.STEP 4 - The keypad back lighting will remain activated as you enter a new access code. The code can be a minimum of three entries or maximum of six entries. STEP 5 - Press and hold the Learn button a second time. A beep will sound , and the keypad backlighting will turn red and remain illuminated.STEP 6 - Enter your new access code a second time. During this step , the red keypad back lighting will remain illuminated.STEP 7 - Press the Learn button a third time. The keypad back lighting will flash green and the unit will beep six times confirming that the new code has been accepted. If the keypad back lighting illuminates in red and the unit beeps six times, an error has occurred and you will need to repeat steps 3-7.STEP 8 -Test your access code to confirm that your unit has been properly programed.STEP 9 - Your safe is now ready for use.ProgrammingAn access code is a series of entries on the keypad. An entry is a single press of one or more buttons at the same time. Leave the unit door open while you program your safe.Backup Keys High-Strength Steel Security Cable Battery Compartment Learn Button Mute Button Elastic Strap(MV1050-19 Only)Keyport Backlit Keypad12345678354168724STEP 1 - Open the unit by using either your backup keys or current access code and locate the Learn button, which can be found on the interior panel of the unit.STEP 2 - Use steps 3-7 in the Programming section to change your current combination.STEP 3 - Now you have successfully reprogrammed your safe. Test your access code to confirm that your unit has been properly programmed.STEP 4 - Your safe is now ready for use.Safety FeaturesEntering an invalid access code triggers the Tamper Detect Feature.STEP 1 - Press and hold down buttons 2 and 3 for five seconds to initiate the tamper detect indicator.STEP 2 - If tampering has been detected, the indicatorlight will remain red until buttons 2 and 3 are released.STEP 3 - If tampering was not detected, the indicator light will remain green until buttons 2 and 3 are released.Tamper DetectionThis feature turns audio for unit on and off.STEP 1 - Open the unit and locate the Mute button on the interior panel of the unit.STEP 2 - Press and hold the Mute button for three seconds. The keypad back lighting will remain red while the mute button is held down. Once the keypad back lighting flashes green and the unit beeps three times , you should release the button.STEP 3 - Now you have successfully activated/deactivat-ed the mute feature.Audio ControlHigh-strength steel security cable. It should only be used to securely tether the product around a sturdy object.STEP 1 - Loop the cable around a sturdy object.STEP 2 - Find the end of the cable with the metal tip and run it through the eye of the other end and pull tight around the sturdy object.STEP 3 - Place the metal end of the security cable through the fitted slot on the top left side of the unit and close the lid to secure the cable.Security CableSTEP 1 - Open the unit by using either your backup keysor current access code.STEP 2 - Once opened, locate the metal slot on both sides of the interior roof of the unit.STEP 3 - Take the metal portion of the elastic strap and insert into metal slot on either side.STEP 4 - Repeat previous step to install on other side.STEP 5 - Now you have installed your elastic strap.Installing Elastic StrapSTEP 1 - When you enter the correct combination and the battery is low , the keypad back lighting will flash red and beep six times. Depending on how low the battery is , the unit may sound when releasing the lock. If the battery is completely depleted you will only hear a light humming sound.STEP 2 - Replace your battery by using steps in section labeled “Battery Installation”.*The low battery indicator only operates when you are in the process of opening your unit.Low Battery Warning Indicator•After six incorrect entries , the Security Sleep Mode feature will be triggered and will lockout any new keypad entries for two minutes. When Security Sleep Mode is active and a button is pressed , the keypad back lighting flashes red and the unit will beep three times.• To verify that the Security Sleep Mode is deactiva-ted , wait two minutes and then test your unit by slowly typing in your combination. If the keypad back lighting flashes green , your combination has been accepted and the unit will open. If the keypad back lightingflashes red , your combination is incorrect and you will need to try again. If you have forgotten or lost your combination , please follow the instructions on Programming. Your backup key will be required if reprogramming is needed.Security Sleep ModeResetting PasscodeMicroVault XL Unit Only5Assembly and Maintenance:•••••••Never store a loaded firearm in this unit.Always handle firearms as if they are loaded and ready to fire.Never grab your firearm by the trigger when removing or placing into safe.Always keep your firearm safety mechanism on while stored inside the safe.Never drink alcohol or use drugs while operating this safe or any firearm.Always follow the firearm safety rules set out by the firearm’s manufacturer.The manufacturer of this product does not recommend, suggest, advise, promote or otherwise condone the ownership or use of firearms. We at GunVault believe the decision to own or use a firearm is a serious decision that should only be made by an adult who has carefully considered the risks and benefits of such a decision.••••Important notes about your new GunVault productBackup Keys:Do not store backup keys inside of safe.Keep a record of your key number and serial number in a secure place separate from your safe.The backup key is for emergency use only in the event of forgotten passcode or battery failure.For Key Replacement visit the /product/key-replacement to complete the online keyreplacement form. In order to receive a replacement key , you will need to know the key number associated with your unit. You can find this information on the unit engraved on the keyport.Do not try to remove the key while in the turned position. This may cause damage to the unit or key.•••••Do not mount any GunVault product with the door facing down. The contents may fall out when the door is opened. Always hold the battery connection cap while disconnecting or attaching a new battery. Do not pull on the power cables as this could cause the power supply to become disconnected from the lock.Replace the batteries once a year regardless of whether or not the low battery indication is triggered.GunVault highly recommends the use of either a Duracell or Energizer 9V alkaline battery with an expiration date of 5 years in the future.You can register for battery reminder texts by visiting /battery-reminder-signupGunVault recommends that you lightly coat the door hinge spring and door latch-loop with quality oil at least once a year.Never spray anything into the latch mechanism as it can cause damage to the safe.Customer Service:GunVault products delivered without a pre-arranged Return Authorization number may be returned to sender unopened, at owner expense. Fees may accrue.WARNING : To avoid danger of suffocation, keep the plastic bag your safe arrived in away from babies and children. Do not use the bag in cribs, beds, carriages or play pens. The bag is not a toy and should be disposed of immediately upon removal. Contact your local waste management service for proper disposal or recycling of the plastic bag and other original packaging materials.WARNING : Keep you safe locked and closed at all times when not in use.WARNING: After closing the lid, always confirm it has properly latched in place.WARNING : Keep backup keys and access code combinations in a secure place away from children.WARNING : Keep high-strength steel security cable in a secure place away from children.WARNING : Children should not play with or around safe at any time.WARNING : This safe or any other firearm storage device cannot take the place of other safety procedures, including advising children of the dangers of firearms.WARNING : To enjoy maximum security benefits of this safe, it must be mounted in place.WARNING : This product can expose you to chemicals including Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP) which is known to the State of California to cause cancer and birth defects or other reproductive harm. For more information go to Firearm Safety and your GunVault productGunVault recommends that you obtain as much information as possible on firearm safety.••••6Please visit for Replacement Promise details*1.GunVault (the “Company”) warrants to the original consumer (the “Purchaser”) of any GunVault safe (the “GunVault safe”) purchased after January 1, 2014 against any damage caused by fire, burglary or attempted burglary for a period of five (5) years from the date of purchase.2.The Company warrants to the purchaser that the GunVault safe will be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one (1) year from the date of purchase.3. These warranties are not assignable or transferable to any other person.4. Any damage to the GunVault safe as a result of misuse, tampering, abuse, neglect, accident, improper installation, modification, unauthorized service, destruction, or the alteration of the serial number, or use in violation of the instructions furnished by the Company will void this warranty.5.The sole responsibility of the Company shall be limited to the repair or replacement (in its sole discretion) of any component of the GunVault safe which fails to conform to this warranty at no cost to the purchaser for the period of the warranty.6.Contact the Company directly to obtain service under this warranty. If it becomes applicable to send a defective product to the Company, a Return Authorization Number must first be obtained from the company. In order to obtain service under this warranty, purchaser must provide the Company with the following items (a) proof of purchase, (b) police or fire department report, (c) photographs of damaged safe, and (d) written testimonial.7.Products shipped without prior Return Authorization and Return Authorization Number may not be accepted, and the Company will not be responsible for their disposition and/or cost of return to the owner.8.The Company will not assume any responsibility for any loss or damage incurred in shipping. All return authorized products should include a copy of the original invoice in order for this warranty to be honored.9.This warranty is not an insurance policy. The Company is not responsible for any manner of damage to or theft of the Purchaser’s GunVault safe or its contents.10.We recommend that the warranty registration be completed online in order to validate this warranty.11. Any implied warranties that the purchaser may have are limited to the duration of the warranties described above. There are no further warranties that extend or apply beyond the face hereof, and the company expressly disclaims and excludes any and all warranties of merchant ability or fitness for a particular purpose. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.12. Repair or replacement shall be the sole remedy for the purchaser under this warranty. The company shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, losses or expense arising from the use or misuse of the GunVault safe. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages, so the limitation may not apply to you.13. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.14. This warranty is only valid in the United States. If outside of the U.S., we encourage you to contact your point of purchase for further warranty help.GunVault Exclusive 5 Year WarrantyGUNVAULT PRODUCTTo submit your warranty registrationor call our Customer Service Department at (800) 222 - 1055.For key replacement visit the /product/key-replacement to complete the online key replacement form. In order to receive a replacement key you will need to know the key number associated with your unit. You can find this information on the unit engraved on the keyport.© 2019 ALPHA GUARDIANHenderson, NV 89014• Digital Safes • Biometric SafesSAFES• Security Cable • Mag VaultACCESSORIES• Download-able Manuals • How-to Video Tutorials • Warranty Registration• Frequently Asked Questions • And MOREVITAL INFORMATIONSafes, Acces s ories and MoreLoving your new GunVault safe and wanting to purchase more?Check out our website for special promotions, product information and more.。
Spread Spectrum Desktop/Notebook SystemFrequency GeneratorW164Features•Maximized EMI suppression using Cypress’s Spread Spectrum technology•Reduces measured EMI by as much as 10 dB •I 2C programmable to 153 MHz (16 selectable frequencies)•Two skew-controlled copies of CPU output•SEL100/66# selects CPU frequency (100 or 66.8 MHz)•Seven copies of PCI output (synchronous w/CPU output)•One copy of 14.31818-MHz IOAPIC output •One copy of 48-MHz USB output•Selectable 24-/48-MHz output is determined by resistor straps on power-up•One high-drive output buffer that produces a copy of the 14.318-MHz reference•Isolated core VDD pin for noise reductionKey SpecificationsSupply Voltages:.......................................V DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%V DDQ2 = 2.5V±5%CPU Cycle to Cycle Jitter:...........................................200 ps CPU, PCI Output Edge Rate:.........................................≥1 V/ns CPU0:1 Output Skew: ................................................175 ps PCI_F , PCI1:6 Output Skew:.......................................500 ps CPU to PCI Skew:..............................1 to 4 ns (CPU Leads)REF2X/SEL48#, SCLOCK, SDA TA................250-k Ω pull-up Note: Internal pull-up resistors should not be relied upon for setting I/O pins HIGH.Table 1.Pin Selectable FrequencySEL100/66#CPU(0:1)PCI 1100 MHz 33.3 MHz 066.8 MHz33.4 MHzPin ConfigurationBlock DiagramX1X2GND PCI_F PCI1PCI2PCI3PCI4VDDQ3PCI5PCI6VDDQ348MHz 24/48MHzGNDREF2X/SEL48#VDDQ3VDDQ2IOAPIC VDDQ2CPU0CPU1VDDQ3GND SDA TA SCLOCK SEL100/66#GND28272625242322212019181716151234567891011121314VDDQ3REF2X/SEL48#VDDQ3IOAPICCPU0CPU1PCI_F XTAL PLL Ref FreqPLL 1100/66#_SELX2X1VDDQ3PCI1PCI2PCI3PCI4PCI548MHz 24/48MHz PLL2OSCVDDQ2PCI6GNDGNDVDDQ3GNDGNDI 2C SCLOCKSDATA LOGIC÷2/÷3/÷4元器件交易网Functional DescriptionI/O Pin OperationPin 27 is a dual-purpose l/O pin. Upon power-up this pin acts as a logic input, allowing the determination of assigned device functions. A short time after power-up, the logic state of the pin is latched and the pin becomes a clock output. This feature reduces device pin count by combining clock outputs with input select pins.An external 10-kΩ“strapping” resistor is connected between the l/O pin and ground or V DD. Connection to ground sets a latch to “0,” connection to V DD sets a latch to “1.”Figure 1 and Figure 2 show two suggested methods for strapping resistor connections.Upon W164 power-up, the first 2 ms of operation is used for input logic selection. During this period, the Reference clock output buffer is three-stated, allowing the output strapping re-sistor on the l/O pin to pull the pin and its associated capacitive clock load to either a logic HIGH or LOW state. At the end of the 2-ms period, the established logic “0” or “1” condition of the l/O pin is then latched. Next the output buffer is enabled which converts the l/O pin into an operating clock output. The 2-ms timer is started when V DD reaches 2.0V. The input bit can only be reset by turning V DD off and then back on again.It should be noted that the strapping resistor has no significant effect on clock output signal integrity. The drive impedance of clock output is 25Ω (nominal) which is minimally affected by the 10-kΩ strap to ground or V DD. As with the series termina-tion resistor, the output strapping resistor should be placed as close to the l/O pin as possible in order to keep the intercon-necting trace short. The trace from the resistor to ground or V DD should be kept less than two inches in length to prevent system noise coupling during input logic sampling.When the clock output is enabled following the 2-ms input pe-riod, a 14.318-MHz output frequency is delivered on the pin, assuming that V DD has stabilized. If V DD has not yet reached full value, output frequency initially may be below target but will increase to target once V DD voltage has stabilized. In either case, a short output clock cycle may be produced from the CPU clock outputs when the outputs are enabled.Pin DefinitionsPin Name PinNo.PinType Pin DescriptionCPU0:122, 21O CPU Clock Outputs 0 through 1: These two CPU clocks run at a frequency set bySEL100/66#. Output voltage swing is set by the voltage applied to VDDQ2.PCI1:6 PCI_F 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,11, 4O PCI Clock Outputs 1 through 6 and PCI_F: These seven PCI clock outputs run synchronously to the CPU clock. Voltage swing is set by the power connection toVDDQ3.IOAPIC24O I/O APIC Clock Output: Provides 14.318-MHz fixed frequency. The output voltageswing is set by the power connection to VDDQ2.48MHz13O48-MHz Output: Fixed 48-MHz USB clock. Output voltage swing is controlled byvoltage applied to VDDQ3.24/48MHz14O24-MHz or 48-MHz Output: Frequency is set by the state of pin 27 on power-up. REF2X/SEL48#27I/O I/O Dual-Function REF2X and SEL48# pin: Upon power-up, the state of SEL48#is latched. The initial state is set by either a 10K resistor to GND or to V DD. A 10Kresistor to GND causes pin 14 to output 48 MHz. If the pin is strapped to V DD, pin14 will output 24 MHz. After 2 ms, the pin becomes a high-drive output that producesa copy of 14.318 MHz.SEL100/66# 16I Frequency Selection Input: Selects CPU clock frequency as shown in T able 1 onpage 1.SDA TA18I/O I2C Data Pin: Data should be presented to this input as described in the I2C sectionof this data sheet. Internal 250-kΩ pull-up resistor.SCLOCK17I I2C Clock Pin: The I2C data clock should be presented to this input as described inthe I2C section of this data sheet.X11I Crystal Connection or External Reference Frequency Input: Connect to eithera 14.318-MHz crystal or other reference signal.X22I Crystal Connection: An input connection for an external 14.318-MHz crystal. Ifusing an external reference, this pin must be left unconnected.VDDQ39, 12, 20, 26P Power Connection: Power supply for core logic and PLL circuitry, PCI, 48-/24-MHz,and Reference output buffers. Connect to 3.3V supply.VDDQ223, 25P Power Connection: Power supply for IOAPIC and CPU output buffers. Connect to2.5V supply.GND3, 15, 19, 28G Ground Connections: Connect all ground pins to the common system groundplane.Serial Data InterfaceThe W164 features a two-pin, serial data interface that can be used to configure internal register settings that control partic-ular device functions. Upon power-up, the W164 initializes with default register settings. Therefore, the use of this serial data interface is optional. The serial interface is write-only (to the clock chip) and is the dedicated function of device pins SDAT A and SCLOCK. In motherboard applications, SDA TA and SCLOCK are typically driven by two logic outputs of the chipset. Clock device register changes are normally made upon system initialization, if required. The interface can also be used during system operation for power management func-tions. Table 2 summarizes the control functions of the serial data interface. OperationData is written to the W164 in ten bytes of eight bits each.Bytes are written in the order shown in T able 3.Power-on Reset TimerOutput Three-stateData LatchHold QDW164V DDClock Load10 k ΩOutput Buffer(Load Option 1)10 k Ω(Load Option 0)Output LowOutput Strapping Resistor Series T ermination ResistorFigure 1.Input Logic Selection Through Resistor Load OptionPower-on Reset TimerOutput Three-stateData LatchHold QDW164V DDClock LoadR10 k ΩOutput BufferOutput LowOutput Strapping Resistor Series Termination Resistor Jumper OptionsResistor Value RFigure 2.Input Logic Selection Through Jumper OptionTable 2.Serial Data Interface Control Functions Summary Control Function DescriptionCommon ApplicationClock Output DisableAny individual clock output(s) can be disabled. Dis-abled outputs are actively held LOW.Unused outputs are disabled to reduce EMI and system power. Examples are clock out-puts to unused PCI slots.CPU Clock Frequency SelectionProvides CPU/PCI frequency selections beyond the 100- and 66.6-MHz selections that are provided by the SEL100/66# pin. Frequency is changed in a smooth and controlled fashion.For alternate microprocessors and power management options. Smooth frequency tran-sition allows CPU frequency change under normal system operation.Output Three-state Puts all clock outputs into a high-impedance state.Production PCB testing.Test Mode All clock outputs toggle in relation to X1 input, inter-nal PLL is bypassed. Refer to Table 4.Production PCB testing.(Reserved)Reserved function for future device revision or pro-duction device testing.No user application. Register bit must be writ-ten as 0.Table 3.Byte Writing Sequence Byte SequenceByte Name Bit Sequence Byte Description1Slave Address11010010Commands the W164 to accept the bits in Data Bytes 3–6 for internal register configuration. Since other devices may exist on the same com-mon serial data bus, it is necessary to have a specific slave address for each potential receiver. The slave receiver address for the W164 is 11010010. Register setting will not be made if the Slave Address is not correct (or is for an alternate slave receiver).2Command CodeDon ’t CareUnused by the W164, therefore bit values are ignored (“don ’t care ”). This byte must be included in the data write sequence to maintain proper byte allocation. The Command Code Byte is part of the standard serial com-munication protocol and may be used when writing to another addressed slave receiver on the serial data bus.3Byte Count Don ’t CareUnused by the W164, therefore bit values are ignored (“don ’t care ”). This byte must be included in the data write sequence to maintain proper byte allocation. The Byte Count Byte is part of the standard serial communi-cation protocol and may be used when writing to another addressed slave receiver on the serial data bus.4Data Byte 0Don ’t CareRefer to Cypress SDRAM drivers.5Data Byte 16Data Byte 27Data Byte 3Refer to T able 4The data bits in these bytes set internal W164 registers that control device operation. The data bits are only accepted when the Address Byte bit sequence is 11010010, as noted above. For description of bit control functions, refer to Table 4, Data Byte Serial Configuration Map.8Data Byte 49Data Byte 510Data Byte 6Writing Data BytesEach bit in the data bytes controls a particular device function except for the “reserved ” bits, which must be written as a logic 0. Bits are written MSB (most significant bit) first, which is bit 7. T able 4 gives the bit formats for registers located in Data Bytes 3–6.Table 5 details additional frequency selections that are avail-able through the serial data interface.Table 6 details the select functions for Byte 3, bits 1 and 0.Note:1.Both Bits 0 and 1 of Byte 6 in Table 4 must be programmed as the same value.Table 4.Data Bytes 3–6 Serial Configuration MapBit(s)Affected PinControl Function Bit ControlDefault Pin No.Pin Name01Data Byte 37----SEL_3----06----SEL_2Refer to Table 505----SEL_1Refer to Table 504----SEL_0Refer to Table 503----Frequency T able SelectionFrequency Controlled by external SEL100/ 66# pin T able 1Frequency Controlled by BYT3 SEL_(3:0) T able 52----(Reserved)----01–0---- Bit 1Bit 0Function (See Table 6 for function details)00Normal Operation 01T est Mode 10Spread Spectrum on 11All Outputs Three-stated 00Data Byte 47----(Reserved)----061424/48MHzClock output Disable Low Active 15----(Reserved)----04----(Reserved)----03----(Reserved)----0221CPU1Clock Output Disable Low Active 11----(Reserved)----0022CPU0Clock Output Disable Low Active 1Data Byte 574PCI_F Clock Output Disable Low Active 1611PCI6Clock Output Disable Low Active 1510PCI5Clock Output Disable Low Active 14---(Reserved)----038PCI4Clock Output Disable Low Active 127PCI3Clock Output Disable Low Active 116PCI2Clock Output Disable Low Active 105PCI1Clock Output Disable Low Active 1Data Byte 67----(Reserved)----06----(Reserved)----0524IOAPIC Clock Output Disable Low Active 14----(Reserved)----03----(Reserved)----02----(Reserved)----0127REF2X Clock Output Disable Low Active 1[1]027REF2XClock Output DisableLowActive1[1]Note:2.CPU and PCI frequency selections are listed in T able 1 and T able 5.Table 5.Additional Frequency Selections through Serial Data Interface Data BytesInput Conditions Output FrequencyIf Spread Is OnData Byte 3, Bit 3 = 1CPU, SDRAM Clocks (MHz)PCI Clocks (MHz)Spread Percentage Bit 7SEL_3Bit 6SEL_2Bit 5SEL_1Bit 4SEL_0000068.534.25±0.5% Center 00017537.5±0.5% Center 001083.341.6±0.5% Center 001166.833.4±0.5% Center 010010334.25±0.5% Center 010111237.3±0.5% Center 0110133.333.3±0.5% Center 011110033.3±0.5% Center 100011739.0±0.5% Center 100111729.25±0.5% Center 101012431.0±0.5% Center 101112932.25±0.5% Center 110013834.5±0.5% Center 110114335.75±0.5% Center 111014837.0±0.5% Center 111115338.25±0.5% CenterTable 6.Select Function for Data Byte 3, Bits 0:1Function Input Conditions Output ConditionsData Byte 3CPU0:1PCI_F, PCI1:6REF2X, IOAPIC 48MHZ 24MHZ Bit 1Bit 0Normal Operation 00Note 2Note 214.318 MHz48 MHz 24 MHz Test Mode 01X1/2CPU/2, 3, or 4X1X1/2X1/4Spread Spectrum 10±0.5%±0.5%14.318 MHz48 MHz 24 MHz Three-state11Hi-ZHi-ZHi-ZHi-ZHi-ZAbsolute Maximum RatingsStresses greater than those listed in this table may cause per-manent damage to the device. These represent a stress rating only. Operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those specified in the operating sections of this specifi-cation is not implied. Maximum conditions for extended peri-ods may affect reliability.Parameter Description Rating UnitV DD, V IN Voltage on any pin with respect to GND–0.5 to +7.0VT STG Storage T emperature–65 to +150°CT A Operating Temperature0 to +70°CT B Ambient T emperature under Bias–55 to +125°CESD PROT Input ESD Protection 2 (min.)kVDC Electrical Characteristics: T A = 0°C to +70°C, V DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%, V DDQ2 = 2.5V±5%Parameter Description Test Condition Min.Typ.Max.Unit Supply CurrentI DDQ3Combined 3.3V Supply Current CPU0:1 =100 MHzOutputs Loaded[3]85mAI DDQ3Combined 2.5V Supply Current CPU0:1 =100 MHzOutputs Loaded[3]30mA Logic InputsV IL Input Low Voltage GND –0.30.8VV IH Input High Voltage 2.0V DD +0.3V I IL Input Low Current[4]–25µA I IH Input High Current[4]10µA I IL Input Low Current (SEL100/66#)–5µA I IH Input High Current (SEL100/66#)5µA Clock OutputsV OL Output Low Voltage I OL = 1 mA50mV V OH Output High Voltage I OH = –1 mA 3.1V V OH Output High Voltage CPU0:1/IOAPIC I OH = –1 mA 2.2V I OL Output Low Current CPU0:1V OL = 1.25V5070100mAPCI_F, PCI1:6V OL = 1.5V6080120mAIOAPIC V OL = 1.25V4085140mAREF2X V OL = 1.5V100130152mA48MHz, 24MHz V OL = 1.5V405076mA I OH Output High Current CPU0:1V OH = 1.25V5070100mAPCI_F, PCI1:6V OH = 1.5V6070120mAIOAPIC V OH = 1.25V4087155mAREF2X V OH = 1.5V100130150mA48MHz, 24MHz V OH = 1.5V405094mA Notes:3.All clock outputs loaded with maximum lump capacitance test load specified in the AC Electrical Characteristics section.4.W164 logic inputs have internal pull-up resistors, except SEL100/66# (pull-ups not full CMOS level).AC Electrical CharacteristicsT A = 0°C to +70°C, V DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%,V DDQ2 = 2.5V ± 5%, f XTL = 14.31818 MHzAC clock parameters are tested and guaranteed over stated operating conditions using the stated lump capacitive load at the clock output; Spread Spectrum clocking is disabled.Notes:5.X1 input threshold voltage (typical) is V DD /2.6.The W164 contains an internal crystal load capacitor between pin X1 and ground and another between pin X2 and ground. Total load placed on crystal is 14pF;this includes typical stray capacitance of short PCB traces to crystal.7.X1 input capacitance is applicable when driving X1 with an external clock source (X2 is left unconnected).Crystal Oscillator V TH X1 Input Threshold Voltage [5]V DDQ3 = 3.3V1.65V C LOAD Load Capacitance, as seen by External Crystal [6]13pF C IN,X1X1 Input Capacitance [7]Pin X2 unconnected 26pF Pin Capacitance/InductanceC IN Input Pin Capacitance Except X1 and X2pF C OUT Output Pin Capacitance pF L INInput Pin Inductance7nHDC Electrical Characteristics: T A = 0°C to +70°C, V DDQ3 = 3.3V±5%, V DDQ2 = 2.5V±5% (continued)Parameter DescriptionTest ConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitCPU Clock Outputs, CPU0:1 (Lump Capacitance Test Load = 20 pF)Parameter Description Test Condition/Comments CPU = 66.8 MHzCPU = 100 MHzUnitMin.Typ.Max.Min.Typ.Max.t P Period Measured on rising edge at 1.25V 1515.51010.5ns t H High Time Duration of clock cycle above 2.0V 5.2 3.0ns t L Low TimeDuration of clock cycle below 0.4V 5.0 2.8ns t R Output Rise Edge Rate Measured from 0.4V to 2.0V1414V/ns t F Output Fall Edge Rate Measured from 2.0V to 0.4V1414V/ns t D Duty CycleMeasured on rising and falling edge at 1.25V45554555%t JCJitter, Cycle-to-CycleMeasured on rising edge at 1.25V . Max-imum difference of cycle time between two adjacent cycles.200250pst SK Output Skew Measured on rising edge at 1.25V 175175ps f STFrequency Stabiliza-tion from Power-up (cold start)Assumes full supply voltage reached within 1 ms from power-up. Short cycles exist prior to frequency stabilization.33msZ oAC Output ImpedanceAverage value during switching transi-tion. Used for determining series termi-nation value.2020ΩPCI Clock Outputs, PCI1:6 and PCI_F (Lump Capacitance Test Load = 30 pFParameter Description Test Condition/Comments CPU = 66.8/100 MHzUnit Min.Typ.Max.t P Period Measured on rising edge at 1.5V30ns t H High Time Duration of clock cycle above 2.4V 12ns t L Low Time Duration of clock cycle below 0.4V12ns t R Output Rise Edge Rate Measured from 0.4V to 2.4V14V/ns t F Output Fall Edge Rate Measured from 2.4V to 0.4V14V/ns t D Duty Cycle Measured on rising and falling edge at 1.5V4555% t JC Jitter, Cycle-to-Cycle Measured on rising edge at 1.5V. Maximumdifference of cycle time between two adjacent cycles.250ps t SK Output Skew Measured on rising edge at 1.5V500ps t O CPU to PCI Clock Skew Covers all CPU/PCI outputs. Measured on risingedge at 1.5V. CPU leads PCI output.14nsf ST Frequency Stabilizationfrom Power-up (coldstart)Assumes full supply voltage reached within 1 msfrom power-up. Short cycles exist prior to frequencystabilization.3msZ o AC Output Impedance Average value during switching transition. Used fordetermining series termination value.20ΩIOAPIC Clock Output (Lump Capacitance Test Load = 20 pF)Parameter Description Test Condition/Comments CPU = 66.8/100 MHzUnit Min.Typ.Max.f Frequency, Actual Frequency generated by crystal oscillator14.31818MHz t R Output Rise Edge Rate Measured from 0.4V to 2.0V14V/ns t F Output Fall Edge Rate Measured from 2.0V to 0.4V14V/ns t D Duty Cycle Measured on rising and falling edge at 1.25V4555%f ST Frequency Stabilizationfrom Power-up (cold start)Assumes full supply voltage reached within1ms from power-up. Short cycles exist prior tofrequency stabilization.1.5msZ o AC Output Impedance Average value during switching transition. Usedfor determining series termination value.15ΩREF2X Clock Output (Lump Capacitance Test Load = 20 pF)Parameter Description Test Condition/Comments CPU = 66.8/100 MHzUnit Min.Typ.Max.f Frequency, Actual Frequency generated by crystal oscillator14.318MHz t R Output Rise Edge Rate Measured from 0.4V to 2.4V0.52V/ns t F Output Fall Edge Rate Measured from 2.4V to 0.4V0.52V/ns t D Duty Cycle Measured on rising and falling edge at 1.5V4555%f ST Frequency Stabilization fromPower-up (cold start)Assumes full supply voltage reached within1ms from power-up. Short cycles exist prior tofrequency stabilization.3msZ o AC Output Impedance Average value during switching transition. Usedfor determining series termination value.15ΩDocument #: 38-0084148-MHz and 24-MHz Clock Output (Lump Capacitance Test Load = 20 pF)Parameter DescriptionTest Condition/CommentsCPU = 66.8/100 MHzMin.Typ.Max.Unit f Frequency, Actual Determined by PLL divider ratio (see m/n below)48.00824.004MHz f D Deviation from 48 MHz (48.008 – 48)/48+167ppmm/n PLL Ratio(14.31818 MHz x 57/17 = 48.008 MHz)57/17, 57/34t R Output Rise Edge Rate Measured from 0.4V to 2.4V 0.52V/ns t F Output Fall Edge Rate Measured from 2.4V to 0.4V0.52V/ns t D Duty CycleMeasured on rising and falling edge at 1.5V 4555%f STFrequency Stabilization from Power-up (cold start)Assumes full supply voltage reached within 1 ms from power-up. Short cycles exist prior to fre-quency stabilization.3msZ oAC Output ImpedanceAverage value during switching transition. Used for determining series termination value.25ΩOrdering InformationOrdering Code Package NamePackage TypeW164G28-pin SOIC (300 mils)W164© Cypress Semiconductor Corporation, 1999. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Cypress Semiconductor Corporation assumes no responsibility for the use of any circuitry other than circuitry embodied in a Cypress Semiconductor product. Nor does it convey or imply any license under patent or other rights. Cypress Semiconductor does not authorize its products for use as critical components in life-support systems where a malfunction or failure may reasonably be expected to result in significant injury to the user. The inclusion of Cypress Semiconductor products in life-support systems application implies that the manufacturer assumes all risk of such use and in doing so indemnifies Cypress Semiconductor against all charges.Package Diagram28-Pin Small Outline Integrated Circuit (SOIC, 300 mils)元器件交易网。
ZM7316G-65502Y-T2中文资料(Power-One)中文数据手册「EasyDatasheet - 矽搜」
kΩ V V V
kΩ V V
kΩ mA
修订版3.3 2007年11月26日
同时兼容无铅和标准回流 流程
程序,控制和管理多达32 通过产业自主Z系列POL转换器 标准I 2C接口(包括100kHz和400kHz)
JTAG IEEE 1149.1标准编程接口
控制和显示器行业标准电源 耗材及其他外围设备(风扇等)
节目输出电压,防护护,最佳电压 定位,导通和关断延迟和转换 率,开关频率,交织(相移) 和反馈回路Z-一个补偿
High Low 5 5
High Low 5 5
V V mV %V TH mV
mA mA
mA mA ms
修订版3.3 2007年11月26日
Symbol A[15:13], A12/BC#, A11, A10/AP, A[9:0]
BA[2:0] CK, CK#
Type Input
Input Input Input
Input Input Input Input Input
09005aef85af8fa8 4Gb_DDR3L.pdf - Rev. R 09/18 EN
4Gb: x4, x8, x16 DDR3L SDRAM Ball Assignments and Descriptions
Table 3: 78-Ball FBGA – x4, x8 Ball Descriptions
Clock enable: CKE enables (registered HIGH) and disables (registered LOW) internal circuitry and clocks on the DRAM. The specific circuitry that is enabled/ disabled is dependent upon the DDR3 SDRAM configuration and operating mode. Taking CKE LOW provides PRECHARGE POWER-DOWN and SELF REFRESH operations (all banks idle), or active power-down (row active in any bank). CKE is synchronous for power-down entry and exit and for self refresh entry. CKE is asynchronous for self refresh exit. Input buffers (excluding CK, CK#, CKE, RESET#, and ODT) are disabled during POWER-DOWN. Input buffers (excluding CKE and RESET#) are disabled during SELF REFRESH. CKE is referenced to VREFCA.
柏林电子产品 Snowthrower TRX 商业型号 1432 零件目录说明书
Register at .Original Instructions(EN)*3439-527*A CVOrdering Replacement PartsTo order replacement parts,please supply the part number, the quantity,and the description of each part desired. Understanding Reference NumbersEach identified part in an illustration has a reference number.The reference number for a part also appears in the parts list,along with other information about the part. This catalog uses two special reference number formats, one to indicate parts in a service assembly and another to indicate the quantity of a given part in an illustration. Service Assembly Reference NumbersParts in service assemblies have reference numbers in the form a:b.The a represents the reference number of the entire service assembly and the b represents a sequential number unique to each part within the service assembly.For example,a wheel assembly might be identified byreference number6,the tire by6:1,the valve by6:2,and the wheel by6:3.When you order the assembly identified by reference number6,you receive all parts identified by reference numbers6:1,6:2,and6:3.However,you may also order any part individually.Reference numbers of this type appear in illustration and in parts lists.Reference Numbers Indicating QuantityIn an illustration,if a reference number indicates more than one part,the reference number has the form nX y.The n represents the quantity of the part,the X is the multiplication symbol,and the y represents the reference number.For example,in an illustration,the reference number2X37 means that two of the parts identified by reference number 37are indicated.2ContentsMain Frame Assembly (4)Traction Frame Assembly (6)Auger Drive Assembly (8)Belt Drive Assemlby (10)Gear Case Assembly (12)Engine Assembly (14)Fuel Systems and Carburetor Assembly (16)Intake and Exhaust Assembly (18)Ignition and Electrical Assembly (20)Crankcase Assembly (22)Governor Assembly (24)Piston and Head Assembly (26)Blower Housing and Shrouds Assembly (28)Engine Decal Assembly (30)Chute Assembly (32)Chute Control Assembly (34)Traction Control Assembly (36)Handle Assembly (38)Hydrostatic Drive Assembly (40)Track Drive Assembly (42)Attachments and Accessories (44)©2020—The Toro®Company8111Lyndale Avenue SouthBloomington,MN554203Contact us at .Printed in the USA.All Rights ReservedMain Frame Assembly3439-527A4A2Main Frame Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 21070698Clip3139-15631Auger Housing ASM 3:2121-68171Decal-Danger,Auger 4136-65711Bearing-Ball5136-65731Retainer-Bearing 632144-146Screw-HWHTF 7136-6602-011Blade-ScraperRef.Part Number Qty.Description8137-306111Bolt-CARR10110-31444Bolt-CARR12120-3098-032Skid-Cast13119-41504Washer-Flat14136-6650-011Cover-Bottom1632144-8511Screw-HWH17121-1228-032Breaker-Drift,Side53439-527ATraction Frame Assembly3439-527A6A3Traction Frame Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-7904-011Frame-Traction 2140-7916-011Cover-Rear3140-7915-011Brace-Frame,Lower 4139-25988Screw-HHFRef.Part Number Qty.Description5119-40418Nut-HF6140-7934-031Cover-Lock,Neutral732144-852Screw-HWH73439-527AAuger Drive Assembly3439-527A8B3Auger Drive Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description2136-66911Pulley-Spacer3136-66901Pulley-Impeller,DoubleSheave5138-36621Support-Pulley6125-24661Bolt-Blade7136-65041Belt-V9136-8654-031Bracket-Clutch,Impeller 10136-65571Pulley-Impeller,DoubleSheave11136-65581Hub-Pulley1232144-704Screw-HWHTF13136-8671-031Bracket-Brake,Clutch 1566-80601Pad-Brake16136-71991Bolt-Shoulder17121-46002Nut-Hex18137-6234-031Arm-Clutch,Impeller 19136-65311Pulley,IdlerRef.Part Number Qty.Description20138-07221Screw-HH21137-31111Screw-HHF22137-30051Nut-HF2332144-859Screw-HWH24136-71161Bolt-Shoulder25137-30951Nut-Hex27136-71861Arm-Idler,Traction283-42441Pulley-Idler29137-30651Screw-HH33107-10451Spring-Extension41115-11662Washer-Flat47137-31211Washer-Plain48115-51421Screw-HHF49137-30891Nut-Hex50137-30161Nut-HF51104-08581Bolt-Shoulder93439-527ABelt Drive Assemlby3439-527A10B4Belt Drive Assemlby(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-79442Sheave-Traction2140-79401Belt-Traction(A,41.00) 3136-71861Arm-Idler,Traction43-42441Pulley-Idler5140-7895-031Bracket-Cable6140-7894-031Anchor-Cable732144-854Screw-HWH8139-35652Guide-CableRef.Part Number Qty.Description9139-35642Cap-Guide,Cable10140-79241Cable-Traction11360-02722Screw12520-00062Nut-Hex,Nylock1380-46001Spring-Extension14140-79411Key-Square1549-20401Screw-HWHTF113439-527AGear Case Assembly3439-527A12C2Gear Case Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1136-66201Auger Gearcase ASM 1:20138-36291Plug-Oil2136-6570-031Impeller5136-6597-031Auger-LH,32Inch 6136-6598-031Auger-RH,32Inch 7106-45702Bearing-Auger83-07502WasherRef.Part Number Qty.Description9137-30662Screw-HH10120-97382Screw-HH11136-71482Spacer-Grommet13119-40382Nut-Hex1432144-704Screw-HWHTF15137-30322Screw-HH16137-30882Nut-Hex133439-527AEngine Assembly3439-527A14D2Engine Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 1136-77961Engine-190Fds 2137-61651Engine Plate ASM 332144-704Screw-HWHTF 5136-66071Belt Guide6138-06902Screw-HH8138-06701LED Light ASM 9138-0683-031Bracket-LightRef.Part Number Qty.Description1032144-852Screw-HWH11121-46041Screw-HH12136-66061Cover-Belt133230-191Bolt-CARR14137-30891Nut-Hex15137-30991Screw-Plastite,HWH 153439-527AFuel Systems and Carburetor Assembly3439-527A1602Fuel Systems and Carburetor Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1133-98231Cap-Fuel2121-03241Insert-Cover,Tank3121-02964Screw-HHF4139-05741Cover-Tank,Fuel5139-05671Fuel Tank And Filter ASM 5:2127-90651Filter-Fuel6139-05694Screw-HHF7139-05711Bracket-Tank,Right 8139-05701Bracket-Tank,Left9127-91201Clamp-Hose10139-05661Sleeve-Abrasion11127-90641Hose-Fuel12121-00873Clamp-Hose Ref.Part Number Qty.Description13121-02581Valve-Fuel14139-05831Hose-Fuel15139-05791Gasket-Carburetor 16139-05801Insulator-Carburetor 17139-05811Gasket-Carburetor 18139-05941Carburetor ASM18:1139-06381Lever-Choke19121-02541Gasket-Coated,Rubber 20127-93721Primer Kit21139-06251Internal Carb Service Kit 22121-00103Nut-Flange99139-06101High Altitude Kit●●Not illustrated173439-527AIntake and Exhaust Assembly3439-527A1803Intake and Exhaust Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 1121-02972Screw-HHF 2139-05771Shield-Muffler 3121-01992Nut-HH4139-05781Muffler ASM 5121-02721Gasket-ExhaustRef.Part Number Qty.Description6121-03042Stud-Mount,Muffler7121-02944Screw-HHF8121-03032Stud-Mount,Carburetor9139-05851Box-Heater10121-03082Nut-Flange193439-527AIgnition and Electrical Assembly3439-527A2004Ignition and Electrical Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1121-03062Screw-Bhp2121-03122Washer-Plain3139-05731Motor-Starter4121-02942Screw-HHF5121-02961Screw-HHF6121-00171Clip-Harness,Wire 7139-05721Bracket-Box,Switch 8120-44611Screw-PPH9139-05631Switch-Stop,Engine 10121-02982Screw-HHF11121-41081Stator Coil ASM 12120-42232Screw-HHFRef.Part Number Qty.Description13139-05551Clamp-Wire,Charge14121-01181Screw-HHF15139-05581Flywheel ASM16139-05591Fan-Cooling17139-05601Cup-Starter18121-03091Nut-Flange19121-00972Screw-HHF20139-05571Ignition Coil ASM21121-03261Clip22121-02831Switch-Key23117-77281Key213439-527ACrankcase Assembly3439-527A2205Crankcase Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1136-79411Oil Fill ASM2127-91231Screw-HHF3121-02988Screw-HHF4136-79421Seal-Oil5133-98051Plug-Drain6139-06111Crankcase Cover ASM 6:2120-42611Bearing-Ball6:3136-79491Bearing-Ball7136-79451Gasket-Cover,Case 8121-03142Pin-Dowel9139-05501Shaft-BalanceRef.Part Number Qty.Description10136-79391Camshaft ASM11139-05861Crankshaft ASM11:1120-43201Key-Woodruff11:2120-42611Bearing-Ball13136-79491Bearing-Ball16121-00301Screw-HHF17121-00481Washer-Plain18121-02291Tube-Drain,Oil19139-05561Seal-Oil20121-02221Screw-HHF21121-03102Washer-Plain233439-527AGovernor Assembly3439-527A2406Governor Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1139-05641Spring-Governor 2139-05521Nut-Flange3139-05511Arm-Governor 4120-42381Bolt-Arm,Governor 5120-42571Seal-Oil6120-42561Pin-Hair7121-03111Washer-PlainRef.Part Number Qty.Description8139-05531Shaft-Governor9136-79441Governor Gear ASM10121-02611Spring-Return,Throttle11139-05841Rod-Governor12121-01182Screw-HHF13139-05621Throttle Control ASM14121-02691Knob-Control,Throttle 253439-527APiston and Head Assembly3439-527A2607Piston and Head Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1121-00444Screw-HHF2121-02331Valve Cover ASM 3127-94081Clamp-Hose4139-06291Tube-Breather5121-02341Gasket-Cover,Valve 6121-03024Screw-HHF7139-05951Complete Head ASM 7:1136-79321Head-Cylinder7:281-32501Spark Plug7:5121-02452Rocker Arm ASM7:6121-02471Plate-Guide,Push Rod 7:7121-02442Rotator-Valve7:8120-43074Keeper-Valve7:9120-43062Retainer-Spring,ValveRef.Part Number Qty.Description7:10120-43052Spring-Valve7:11120-43041Seal-Stem,Valve7:12120-43031Seat-Spring,Valve7:13136-79401Valve Set8139-05901Gasket-Head,Cylinder9120-42002Pin-Dowel10136-79382Rod-Push11120-42982Lifter-Valve12136-79461Connecting Rod ASM13139-05921Ring Set14120-42882Ring-Retaining,Piston Pin15139-05911Piston16120-42911Pin-Piston273439-527ABlower Housing and Shrouds Assembly3439-527A2808Blower Housing and Shrouds Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1139-05751Screw-HHF2139-05761Panel-Rear3121-02948Screw-HHF4121-02962Screw-HHF5136-79371Shroud-Head,Upper 6136-79331Shroud-Head,Lower 7121-03071Shroud-Recoil8121-03251Grommet-RubberRef.Part Number Qty.Description9121-01182Screw-HHF10139-05651Panel-Control,Front11121-02681Knob-Valve,Fuel12121-03051Screw-Bhp13139-05611Recoil ASM13:1121-02871Handle-Recoil14127-93804Washer-Plain15127-90314Screw-HHF293439-527AEngine Decal Assembly3439-527A30D3Engine Decal Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1131-64871Decal-Throttle2120-98051Decal-Control,Engine Ref.Part Number Qty.Description 3136-78251Decal-Valve,Fuel 4138-36221Decal-RecoilChute AssemblyChute Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1136-65151Guide-Chute2136-6580-011Lower Chute ASM3138-36712Gasket-Deflector4136-6582-011Middle Deflector ASM 5135-19296Bolt-CARR6138-07196Nut-HF7139-15641Deflector ASM7:2121-68471Decal-Danger8106-44221Spacer-Chute9137-6245-031Chute Post ASM10106-44721Gear-Chute1146-68102Screw And Washer ASM 12136-71991Bolt-Shoulder13137-30883Nut-Hex14137-30632Bolt-Car15119-40412Nut-HF16136-65171Mount-Gear,Face 17106-44711Gear-Face Ref.Part Number Qty.Description18136-66761Anchor-Cable 19136-71973Screw-Shoulder 20136-65251Latch-Chute21137-31031Screw-Shoulder,HH 22137-30892Nut-Hex23108-73151Spring-Torsion 24138-06892Screw-PH25138-06872Bushing-Pivot 26136-65221Link-Deflector 27137-30942Nut-Hex2832144-851Screw-HWH29136-65862Grommet-Screw 3094-44962Screw-PPH31136-71911Clamp-Cable32137-31101Screw-Plastite,HWH 33136-66721Cover-Gear,Face 35132-69151Spring-Extension 36138-36511Plug-PlasticChute Control AssemblyChute Control Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1138-06621Rod-Control,Chute2138-06591Screw-Shoulder,HWH 3139-15521Chute Control Lever ASM 5105-99881Lever-Cable,Deflector 6106-73101Pawl-Latch7137-30871Nut-Hex8137-62381Trigger-Latch9138-07301Cable-Control,Deflector 10105-99821Spring-Torsion11138-06881Link-Latch Ref.Part Number Qty.Description12137-62391Cap-Lever13136-65781Rod-Chute,Rotation1494-44968Screw-PPH15136-66771Globe-Quickstick,RH 16136-6632-031Plate-Stiffner17136-66781Globe-Quickstick,LH 18137-30563Bolt-CARR19137-30943Nut-Hex20139-99031Cable-Release,Chute 21138-07441Washer-Friction,CompositeTraction Control AssemblyTraction Control Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description2137-30524Screw-HH8144-16011Panel-Control,Assembly 8:2138-06501Decal-Safety9137-61781Cover-Quickstick10105-99872Support-Rod11137-30999Screw-Plastite,HWH 12137-6197-011Brace-Console14137-6187-031Gate-Shift15137-6188-031Bracket-Shift16137-6231-031Selector-Speed22105-99991Knob-Shift,LH23106-44231Knob-Shift,RH2494-44961Screw-PPH30105-99802Mount-Lever,Clutch 31106-45052Lever-Clutch321-8082652Pin-Clevis33138-36611Cable-Auger34108-29922Pin-Hair35136-71611Spring-Lockout,Handle 36137-61821Rod-Lockout37138-06781Spring-Torsion,HandleReturn Ref.Part Number Qty.Description38139-36943Screw-HSH3998-34991Washer-Flat40138-06811Screw-Shoulder41137-62271Lock-Handle42137-91371Screw-PPH43137-62291Latch-Lockout44138-84661Cam-Lockout45138-36521Link-Lockout46137-61712Lever-Control50138-36441Harness-Wire,LED AndHand Warmers 516142492Tie-Cable5332180-0301Clip-Tie54110-34081Stick-Cleanout55122-11241Switch-Rocker,On-None-Off(Heater) 573290-2714Rivet-Pop58138-84671Collar-Cam60127-59512Grip-Heated61144-03251Decal-Console62137-30931Nut-Hex63140-37493Nut-Lock RohsHandle AssemblyHandle Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1137-6221-032Bracket-Handle,Lower 2138-84021Bolt-CARR3138-840112Nut-HF4137-6224-031HD Handle ASM5120-96864Screw-HH6137-6233-011Trim-Metal,HD7138-36532Screw-HHF8108-23011Spacer9115-11511Washer-Flat10138-07411Screw-CARR12138-0724-031Bracket-Stick,Cleanout 13106-45092Clamp-Cable14137-30942Nut-Hex15140-7917-031Bracket-Lever16140-7932-031Lever-Adjustment,Track 17140-7931-031Bracket-Cable,Speed Ref.Part Number Qty.Description18136-71201Clamp-Light19139-16992Washer-Flat20140-79271Cable-Traction Upper 21140-79262Cable-Clutch23137-30431Screw-HWH24136-71911Clamp-Cable25140-7925-031Gate-Shift,Speed 26104-08581Bolt-Shoulder2799-68081Washer-Stepped 28119-40402Nut-Flange,NI29126-44241Screw-Shoulder 30142-24321Washer,Wave31119-40411Nut-HF32140-78631Cable-Hydro,Push Pull 3342-35601Bolt-ShoulderHydrostatic Drive AssemblyHydrostatic Drive Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-79301Hydro-Sst2140-7936-031Bracket-Hydro,Cable 3119-40362Screw-HHF4119-40412Nut-HF532144-858Screw-HWH6140-7899-031Bracket-Hydro,Rear 71070695ClipRef.Part Number Qty.Description8138-33264Screw-HHF9137-30054Nut-HF11144-12261Screw-HHF Spcl123296-591Nut-Lock,NI13140-7937-031Bracket-Hydro,Upper14119-41501Washer-Flat153290-3071Pin-Cotter413439-527ATrack Drive Assembly3439-527A42K2Track Drive Assembly(continued)Ref.Part Number Qty.Description1140-7865-031Support-Track,ASM LH 2140-7870-031Support-Track,ASM RH●3120-71622Bushing-Axle432144-854Screw-HWH5140-7886-032Hub-Drive,Weld ASM 6140-7889-012Wheel-Drive,Weld ASM 7140-786412Tube-Support8135-577912Screw-HHF9119-404118Nut-HF10107-30392Pin-Lynch11140-7914-031Bar-Pivot12139-25982Screw-HHF13140-7905-031Bracket-Height,Adjuster 14140-7910-031Pivot-Link,Weld ASM 15136-71991Bolt-Shoulder17140-7909-031Latch ASM,Welded 18109-80542Bushing-Flange193290-3432Pin-Hair22140-78766Bushing-Tensioner 23140-79214Wheel-Bogey24140-7890-032Tensioner,Welded Ref.Part Number Qty.Description25140-7879-032Yoke-Bogey26139-17232Washer-Flat27109-68686Bolt-Carriage28119-40426Nut-HF,NI29140-79232Screw-HH30115-11662Washer-Flat31140-78782Skid-Track,ASM 32137-30616Bolt-CARR33140-78622Track-Snow34283-521Pin-Clevis35131-86672Washer-Thrust 363290-4671Pin-Hair373-86642Washer-Thrust 41140-7929-011Brace-Front42140-79281Cable-Adjust,Height 4342-35601Bolt-Shoulder44119-40401Nut-Flange,NI45107-10451Spring-Extension 46137-30891Nut-Hex47140-7943-032Support-Bushing,Axle●Not illustrated433439-527AAttachments and AccessoriesFor38891Power TRX Commercial1432OHXE Snowthrower Product Name Model/Part Toro Snow Oil0W30Synthetic20-Ounce Bottle (38913)Power Max HD Covers(2019).........................................................................................................490-7415 Heated Grip Kit................................................................................................................................131-6460 Kit-cab,Comm Pwrmx Hd................................................................................................................139-164044。
For related series product models and detailed specifications, please refer to the official website.※使用非建議電池可能會造成產品效能低落、功能異常甚至損毀。
( 原產地 : 台灣 / 製造商 : 一芝軒企業有限公司 / 地址 : 台中市神岡區東洲路79巷67號 / 電話:04-25256461)※Using non-recommended batteries may cause poor performance, abnormal functions or even damage to the product.Origin: Taiwan/ Manufacturer: ICS enterprise Co., Ltd / Address:No.67, Ln. 79, Dongzhou Rd., Shengang Dist., Taichung City 429, Taiwan / TEL:(+886) 4-2525-64612-1裝BB彈方式Load BBs將彈匣上蓋依箭頭方向打開再倒入BB彈。
Open the cover to load BBs.建議使用 6mm BB彈。
6mm caliber BBs are recommended for optimum performance.依箭頭方向旋緊彈匣底下旋鈕,即可將BB彈順利送出。
To charge BB feed spring, please rotate the gear under the magazine.2彈匣使用方式Magazine Attachment 2-2裝卸彈匣Magazine Loading and Unloading1.直接將彈匣插入彈匣插槽。
《现代战争》系列武器大全枪械博物馆狙击步枪篇:M40A3口径 7.62X51mm弹夹容量 5发M40系列步枪起源于雷明顿700系列,700系列从1962推出就受到广大关注。
虽然批量不算很大但是M21一直从越战期间用到了海湾战争时期,然后被M24 SWS替代。
(VBATT = V SHDN = 1.3V, ILOAD = 0mA, FB = GND, TA = 0°C to +85°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at TA = +25°C.) PARAMETER Minimum Operating Input Voltage Maximum Operating Input Voltage Start-Up Voltage (Note 2) Start-Up Voltage Tempco Output Voltage Output Voltage Range FB Set Voltage N-Channel On-Resistance P-Channel On-Resistance P-Channel Catch-Diode Voltage On-Time Constant Off-Time Tracking Ratio (Note 3) Quiescent Current into OUT Quiescent Current into BATT Shutdown Current into OUT Shutdown Current into BATT Efficiency FB Input Current PFI Trip Voltage PFI Input Current PFO, BATTLO Low Output Voltage PFO, BATTLO Leakage Current BATTLO Trip Voltage SHDN Input Low Voltage SHDN Input High Voltage SHDN Input Current VIL VIH VOL K RATIO IQOUT IQBATT ISHDN,OUT ISHDN,BATT η VOUT = 3.5V (MAX1642) VBATT = 1.0V (MAX1642) ILOAD = 20mA VFB = 1.3V Falling PFI, hysteresis = 1% VPFI = 650mV VPFI = 0V, VOUT = 3.3V, ISINK = 1mA VPFI = 650mV, V PFO = 6V VOUT = 3.3V, hysteresis = 2% (MAX1643) % of VBATT (MAX1642) % of VBATT (MAX1642) (MAX1642) 80 10 0.96 1.0 590 614 VFB VOUT VFB < 0.1V External feedback External feedback VOUT = 3.3V VOUT = 3.3V IDIODE = 100mA, P-channel switch off 0.9V < VBATT < 1.5V (tON = K / VBATT) 0.9V < VBATT < 1.5V, VOUT = 3.3V VOUT = 3.5V 17 1 11 4 0.1 2 80 10 632 10 0.4 1 1.04 20 3.16 2.0 1.18 1.225 1 1.5 0.8 25 35 1.5 18 6.5 1 3.5 µA µA µA µA % nA mV nA V µA V % % nA RL = 3kΩ, TA = +25°C 0.88 -2 3.30 3.44 5.2 1.27 1.5 2.2 SYMBOL VBATT(MIN) CONDITIONS MIN TYP 0.7 1.65 MAX UNITS V V V mV/°C V V V Ω Ω V V-µs
射频功率放大器(黄智伟)1-5章 (6)
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路 AWM6430采用M18 4.5 mm×4.5 mm×1.4 mm模块式封装, 引脚功能如下: 引脚端1、5、12为电源电压输入端; 引脚端2为射频信号输入端; 引脚端3、8、9、11为接地端; 引脚端4为偏置/低功耗控制电压输入端; 引脚端6为衰减器控制电压输入端; 引脚端7为检测器输出端; 引脚端10为功率放大器输出端。 AWM6430内部结构如图11.1.1,芯片内部包含有功率检测 器(POWER DETECTOR)、匹配网络(MATCHING NETWORK)、偏置控 制器(BIAS CONTROL)和放大器等电路。
TGA2703-SM采用QFN-28 5.0 mm×5.0 mm×0.9 mm 封装,引脚端 功能与TGA2702-SM相同。推荐的印制电路板安装形式与TGA2702-SM相同, 图中100 pF和0.01 μF电容器为电源退耦电容。应用电路实物图与 TGA2702-SM相同。
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路
图11.1.1 AWM6430内部结构图
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路 AWM6430的应用电路如图11.1.2所示,当设置引脚端4 Vbias低于+0.7 V时,功率放大器不使能。设置引脚端6Vattn为高 电平时,步进衰减器使能; 设置引脚端6Vattn为低电平时,功 率放大器输出标准功率。
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路 NPT25015采用SOIC-8封装,引脚端封装形式如图11.2.1所 示,引脚端1~4为栅极,引脚端5~8为漏极,引脚端9(底部金 属板)为源极。 NPT25015的应用电路如图11.2.2所示。
第11章 WiMAX功率放大器电路
轻武器新品及附件观瞻作者:郭萍来源:《轻兵器》 2013年第4期德国瓦尔特PPX手枪PPX手枪是瓦尔特公司在2013年推出的新型半自动手枪,有9mm和0.40英寸两种口径。
全枪长2 0 3 m m,枪管长1 1 4 m m,全枪高146mm,全枪宽32mm,弹匣容弹量为10发。
西格-绍尔公司M1911-22迷彩半自动手枪该枪是西格- 绍尔公司最新推出的采用0 . 2 2英寸口径的M1 9 1 1手枪,故其名称为M1911-22半自动手枪,全枪涂装了灰色迷彩,十分漂亮。
M1911-22手枪采用单排弹匣供弹,弹匣容弹量只有1 0发。
2014新型轻武器精选作者:特斯拉来源:《轻兵器》 2014年第11期特斯拉美国海泽防务公司PAR1“手枪”美国海泽防务公司2014年推出了一款非常独特的小型“手枪”,说它独特,一方面是因为该枪采用撅把式结构,只能将枪管后端上抬,打开弹膛进行装填;另一方面,是因为该枪发射的是0.223英寸雷明顿步枪弹,这在如此小型的“手枪”中是很少见的。
该枪有两款,一款为普通型,握把护板为棕色;另一款是指挥官携带型(Carry Commander),握把护板为黑色。
AWM 3340 AWM 3374 1AWG (210x24) Tinned Copper 电线产品
Product Description Rubber Lead Wire, 1AWG (210x24) Tinned Copper, EPDM Insulation, AWM 3340 AWM 3374 CSA TYPE CL1254 600V 125C FLEX 150C NO FLEX
Bulk Cable Weight:
365 lbs/1000ft (543 kg/km)
Standards and Compliance
Sustainability: AWM Compliance: CEC / C(UL) Compliance: European Directive Compliance: APAC Compliance:
CA Prop 65 AWM 3340, AWM 3374 CL-1254 EU CE Mark, EU Directive 2015/863/EU (RoHS 2 amendment), EU Directive 2011/65/EU (RoHS 2), EU Directive 2012/19/EU (WEEE) China RoHS II (GB/T 26572-2011)
Construction Details
Size Stranding
1 210x24 TC - Tinned Copper
Nom. Thickness Nom. Insulation Diameter
EPDM - Ethylene Propylene Diene Monomer 0.104 in (2.64 mm) 0.583 in (14.8 mm)
以色列国防军官员称,目前这辆原型车还处在技术验证阶段,它在展览结束后将配属给第84旅,部署到加沙 地带,进行实战评估。该车将在几个月内研制完成。此外,还有人建议在梅卡瓦MK4坦克的底盘上研制雌虎,但 由于受到经费预算的限制,加之雌虎目前还处在概念开发阶段,因此这一建议已被否决。但以军同时表示,他们 非常雌虎的研制成本,如果证实成本太高,以军将会砍掉这个项目。据评估,雌虎的单价为75万美元。
实际上,在5月的伤亡事件发生前,以色列就已经开始研制新一代重型装甲人员输送车了。2005年3月7-10 日,在特拉维夫举行的“低烈度冲突2005展览会”上,以色列国防军地面部队司令部展示了雌虎重型装甲人员输 送车的第一辆原型车。
雌虎采用了退役的梅卡瓦MKI主战坦克底盘,去掉炮塔和车体顶部,焊接了一个新的上层结构,车体尾部进 行了较大的改进,安装了一个增强装甲的跳板式尾门,这扇尾部舱门比梅卡瓦的尾舱门更大,方便士兵进出。雌 虎基本保留了原梅卡瓦MKI主战坦克的动力一传动系统,雌虎的动力系统仍然采用梅卡瓦MKI的900马力AVDS柴油 机。由于去掉了沉重的炮塔,全重降低不少,因此可有更高的马力一吨位比。
由于今年5月发生了两起M-113装甲人员输送车被火箭筒击毁的事件,造成11名士兵死亡,此后以色列国防 军决定在加沙地带限制使用其大量装备的M-113装甲车。以色列国防军副总参谋长称,以军无法停止使用M-113, 尽管M-113车族已经服役超过35年,但它目前是以军主要的陆上作战平台。但以军现在必须寻求其他的平台,考 虑到占领区的动荡局势,以及由此带来的不断上升的以军人员伤亡,以色列国防军开始着手考虑彻底汰换以M113装甲人员输送车为主力的车族,M-113车族由于其先天的缺陷,防护力相对薄弱,为在占领区这种特殊环境下 的作战行动带来了极大的障碍。90年代后期,以色列国防军已经将阿奇扎里特重型装甲人员输送车投入到城市作 战行动中,部分代替了M-113车族。同时,新改型的M-113装甲人员输送车(安装了L-VAS附加装甲)也已经进入订 购程序。改进部分包括安装3吨被动装甲、新型发动机、新的悬挂系统和带助力方向盘的驾驶员座位。以色列国防 部总共花费了2000万美元采购了50辆这种型号的装甲车。M-113退出战争舞台将是迟早的事,而以苏制坦克底盘 改进的阿奇扎里特则在机动性和防护力上有缺陷,为了一劳永逸的解决轻型装甲车带来的高伤亡率问题,以及与 高机动、高防护的梅卡瓦主战坦克协同作战的问题。以色列国防军准备直接在退役的梅卡瓦MKl主战坦克底盘基 础上研制重型装甲人员输送车——雌虎(Nemera,Tigress)。
ArchitecturePipeline RegistersThe output from the multiplier can feed a pipeline register or this registercan be bypassed. Pipeline registers may be implemented for anymultiplier size and increase the DSP block’s maximum performance,especially when using the subsequent DSP block adder stages. Pipelineregisters split up the long signal path between theadder/subtractor/accumulator block and the adder/output block,creating two shorter paths.Adder/Output BlockThe adder/output block has the following elements:■An adder/subtractor/accumulator block■ A summation block■An output select multiplexer■Output registersFigure6–7 shows the adder/output block architecture.The adder/output block can be configured as:■An output interface■An accumulator which can be optionally loaded■ A one-level adder■ A two-level adder with dynamic addition/subtraction control on thefirst-level adder■The final stage of a 36-bit multiplier, 9 × 9 complex multiplier, or18×18 complex multiplierThe output select multiplexer sets the output configuration of the DSPblock. The output registers can be used to register the output of theadder/output block.1The adder/output block cannot be used independently from themultiplier.Fast Passive Parallel ConfigurationFPP Configuration Using a MicroprocessorIn the FPP configuration scheme, a microprocessor can control thetransfer of configuration data from a storage device, such as flashmemory, to the target Stratix II or Stratix II GX device.1All information in “FPP Configuration Using a MAX II Deviceas an External Host” on page7–15 is also applicable when usinga microprocessor as an external host. Refer to that section for allconfiguration and timing information.FPP Configuration Using an Enhanced Configuration DeviceIn the FPP configuration scheme, an enhanced configuration device sendsa byte of configuration data every DCLK cycle to the Stratix II orStratix II GX device. Configuration data is stored in the configurationdevice.1When configuring your Stratix II or Stratix II GX device usingFPP mode and an enhanced configuration device, the enhancedconfiguration device decompression feature is available whilethe Stratix II and Stratix II GX decompression and designsecurity features are not.Figure7–8 shows the configuration interface connections between aStratix II or Stratix II GX device and the enhanced configuration devicefor single device configuration.1The figures in this chapter only show the configuration-relatedpins and the configuration pin connections between theconfiguration device and the device.f For more information on the enhanced configuration device and flashinterface pins, such as PGM[2..0], EXCLK, PORSEL, A[20..0], andDQ[15..0], refer to the Enhanced Configuration Devices (EPC4, EPC8 &EPC16) Data Sheet in volume 2 of the Configuration Handbook.DC & Switching CharacteristicsThe maximum clock toggle rate is different from the maximum data bitrate. If the maximum clock toggle rate on a regular I/O pin is 300MHz,the maximum data bit rate for dual data rate (DDR) could be potentiallyas high as 600 Mbps on the same I/O pin.Table5–77 specifies the maximum input clock toggle rates. Table5–78specifies the maximum output clock toggle rates at 0pF load. Table5–79specifies the derating factors for the output clock toggle rate for a non 0pFload.To calculate the output toggle rate for a non 0pF load, use this formula:The toggle rate for a non 0pF load= 1000 / (1000/ toggle rate at 0pF load + derating factor * load valuein pF /1000)For example, the output toggle rate at 0pF load for SSTL-18 Class II 20mAI/O standard is 550MHz on a -3 device clock output pin. The deratingfactor is 94ps/pF. For a 10pF load the toggle rate is calculated as:1000 / (1000/550 + 94 × 10 /1000) = 363 (MHz)Tables5–77 through 5–79 show the I/O toggle rates for Stratix IIdevices.Table5–77.Maximum Input Toggle Rate on Stratix II Devices(Part 1 of2)Input I/O Standard Column I/O Pins (MHz)Row I/O Pins (MHz)Dedicated Clock Inputs(MHz)-3-4-5-3-4-5-3-4-5LVTTL500500450500500450500500400 2.5-V LVTTL/CMOS500500450500500450500500400 1.8-V LVTTL/CMOS500500450500500450500500400 1.5-V LVTTL/CMOS500500450500500450500500400 LVCMOS500500450500500450500500400 SSTL-2 Class I500500500500500500500500500 SSTL-2 Class II500500500500500500500500500 SSTL-18 Class I500500500500500500500500500 SSTL-18 Class II500500500500500500500500500 1.5-V HSTL Class I500500500500500500500500500 1.5-V HSTL Class II500500500500500500500500500 1.8-V HSTL Class I500500500500500500500500500。
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Figure 6: Uncorrected EVM vs. Frequency (TC = +25 °C, VCC = +6.0 V, VBIAS = +3.0 V, 54 Mbps OFDM Modulation, system EVM Approx. 0.8 %)
AWM6431 Table 4: Electrical Specifications (TC = +25 °C, VCC = +6.0 V, VBIAS = +3.0 V, f = 3.8 GHz, 50 Ω system) PARAMETER Gain Attenuator Step Output Power Meets Spectrum Mask EVM Output P1dB Output IP3 Harmonics Power-Added Efficiency Power Detector Voltage at +24 dBm POUT at +14 dBm POUT Quiescent Current Current Consumption VCC VBIAS VATTN Leakage Current
control. No external circuits are required for biasing or RF impedance matching, thus reducing external component costs and facilitating circuit board designs. The AWM6431 is manufactured using advanced InGaP HBT technology that offers state-of-the-art reliability, temperature stability and ruggedness. It is optimized for use in a 50 Ω system, and is offered in a 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm x 1.4 mm surface mount module.
UNIT dB dB dB m % dB m dB m dB m %
ETSI EN301-021 Type G at +24 dBm POUT CW two CW tones, +21 dBm output per tone at +24 dBm POUT at +24 dBm POUT
1 2 3 GND 4 5 6
Figure 2: Pinout (X-ray Top View)
12 VCC 11 GND 10 RFOUT 9 8 7 GND GND DET
31.0 30.5 30.0 29.5
Figure 4: Gain vs. Frequency (TC = +25 °C, VCC = +6.0 V, VBIAS = +3.0 V, POUT = +24 dBm, 54 Mbps OFDM Modulation)
31.0 30.5 30.0 29.5
3.5-3.8 GHz WiMAX PowerAmplifier Module
• • • • • • • • • 26 dB Gain +24 dBm Linear Output Power 2.3 % EVM (OFDM Modulation) +5 V to +6 V Supply High Efficiency Integrated Step Attenuator Integrated Output Power Detector 50Ω Matched RF Ports RoHS Compliant 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm x 1.4 mm Surface Mount Module
Байду номын сангаас
Figure 3: Gain vs. Output Power (TC = +25 °C, VCC = +6.0 V, VBIAS = +3.0 V, f = 3.7 GHz, 54 Mbps OFDM Modulation)
• • WiMAX tranceivers that support the IEEE 802.16-2004 and ETSI EN301-021 standards Broadband Wireless Applications (BWA)
M18 Package 12 Pin 4.5 mm x 4.5 mm x 1.4 mm Surface Mount Module
Table 1: Pin Description PIN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NAME V CC RFIN GND VBIAS V CC VATTN D ET GND GND RFOUT GND V CC DESCRIPTION Supply Voltage RF Input Ground Bias/Shutdown Supply Voltage Attenuator Control Detector Output Ground Ground RF Output Ground Supply Voltage
Table 2: Absolute Minimum and Maximum Ratings
PARAMETER Supply Voltage (VCC) Bias Voltage (VBIAS) Attenuator Control Voltage (VATTN) RF Input Power ESD Rating MSL Level Storage Temperature MIN 0 0 0 Class 1A Class 3 3 4 -40 MAX +6.5 +3.3 +3.7 0 +150 UNIT V V V dB m °C OFDM modulated signal HBM CDM 235 °C Peak Reflow 250 °C Peak Reflow COMMENTS
Note: 1. All RF measurements performed with an 802.11g 54 Mbps OFDM signal unless otherwise noted.
MIN 25 18 +24 -
TYP 26 20 2.3 +31 +43 -20 12.8
MAX 30 22 2.5 -
Table 3: Operating Ranges
PARAMETER Operating Frequency (f) Supply Voltage (VCC) Bias Voltage (VBIAS) Attenuator Control Voltage (VATTN) Logic High Logi c Low RF Output Power (POUT) Case Temperature (TC) MIN 3500 +5.0 +2.9 0 +2.3 0 -40 TYP +3.0 +24 MAX 3800 +6.0 +3.1 +0.7 +3.7 +0.7 +85 UNIT MHz V V PA"on" PA"shut down" Attenuator enabled Nominal gain COMMENTS
Output Power (dBm)
Frequency (GHz)
Figure 5: Uncorrected EVM vs. Output Power (TC = +25 °C, VCC = +6.0 V, VBIAS = +3.0 V, 54 Mbps OFDM Modulation, system EVM Approx. 0.8 %)
Supply Voltage
The ANADIGICS AWM6431 WiMAX Power Amplifier is a high performance device that delivers exceptional linearity and efficiency at high levels of output power. Designed to operate in the upper portion of the 3.5 GHz band, it supports the IEEE 802.16-2004 and ETSI EN301-021 wireless standards. The device requires only a single +5 V to +6 V supply and a low-current reference input. An integrated detector can be used to monitor output power, and an integrated 20 dB step attenuator enables gain