
IONConfigTool 用户手册说明书

IONConfigTool 用户手册说明书

IONConfigTool (ICT) User ManualDocument version 1.1Table of Contents1Introduction (4)2The main interface (4)3The Admin menu (5)3.1Unicast Discovery (5)3.2Credentials (5)4Device Discovery & Management Using Bonjour Protocol (6)4.1Discovery list (6)4.1.1Assign IP Address (8)4.1.2Firmware upgrade (8)4.1.3Identify Device (9)4.1.4Configuration Web Page (10)4.1.5Restart Device (10)4.1.6Export Configuration (10)4.1.7Import Configuration (11)5Discovering IONODES devices when your network does not support the Bonjour Protocol (14)5.1Unicast Discovery Test (14)5.1.1Disable Bonjour protocol (14)5.2Unicast Discovery Configuration (15)5.2.1Configure Unicast Discovery (15)5.2.2Configure IP scan range(s) (16)5.2.3Configure Credentials (16)5.2.4Refresh device list results (17)6Troubleshooting (18)6.1Unable to run the IonConfigTool (18)6.2Unable to see discovered units (18)6.3Unit is discovered but remains offline (18)7Getting Help (19)IONConfigTool (ICT)User Manual©2010-2022, IONODES INCAll Rights reserved.No part of this documentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, photographic or mechanical, except as expressed in the Software License Agreement.IONODES shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.The information in this publication is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind. The entire risk arising out of the use of this information remains with the recipient. In no event shall IONODES be liable for any direct, consequential, incidental, special, punitive, or other damages whatsoever (including without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption or loss of business information), even if IONODES has been advised of the possibility of such damages and whether in an action orcontract or tort, including negligence.This software and documentation are copyrighted. All other rights, including ownership of the software, are reserved to IONODES Inc. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation. All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners.The following words and symbols mark special messages throughout this guide:Warning:Text set off in this manner indicates that failure to follow directions could result in damage to persons or equipment.Note: Text set off in this manner indicates special instructions which should be paid attention to.1IntroductionThe IONConfigTool, also referred to as ICT, was developed to properly discover and configure IONODES devices on customer networks during initial installation, for day-to-day maintenance or for support purposes.This user manual covers essential functions to get IONODES devices up and running in the most simple and efficient manner. By default, the ICT will scan a network using the multicast Bonjour protocol. If your network does not support or filters out multicast/Bonjour discovery, a unicast discovery method is also available and is explained in section 5.2The main interface1.The Admin menu – used to input device credentials or use unicast network device discoverywork interface selection – used to select which network interface to scan (i.e., cabled vs Wi-Finetworks)3.Device listing – all IONODES devices discovered on the previously-selected network3The Admin menuClick on the drop-down arrow to display menu selections3.1Unicast DiscoveryBy default, the ICT uses multicast network discovery using the Bonjour protocol, as demonstrated in this part of the user guide. For Unicast discovery procedure, please refer to section 5 of this user guide.3.2CredentialsSelecting credentials will open the following window allowing you to enter the device credentials if different than the default admin/admin.1.Enter the device’s credentials if you have previously changed from the default admin/admin.2.Click OK to save and close this window and return to the ICT4Device Discovery & Management Using Bonjour Protocol4.1Discovery listTo make things easier when discovering multiple devices on a given network, we suggest clicking on the IP Address column heading to sort multiple devices in ascending or descending order.1. A green checkmark indicates the unit is online. A red X indicates that the unit has fallen offlinesince initial discovery list was created.Note: 2- IP addresses listed in blue are DHCP-assigned3- IP addresses listed in black are static-configured IPsA left click of the mouse on the MAC Address of a given device will open a context menu with multiple choices. In this section, we’ll see what the most often used ones do.4.1.1Assign IP AddressThis will open the IP assignment window1.Manually assign IP information2.Click Start button to apply and close the window 4.1.2Firmware upgrade1.Click to select firmware file through Windows Explorer2.Select the firmware file path3.Confirm proper device information and current firmware version4.Click start to install the new firmware followed by possible reboot, device dependant4.1.3Identify DeviceOn all IONODES encoder and decoder products, this will make their status LED flash for you to physicallyidentify them. See their respective user manual for details on the LED behavior.4.1.4Configuration Web PageThis will open the configuration web page using your computer’s default web browser.Warning:Older IONODES devices require Microsoft Silverlight and must be opened using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge in Internet Explorer mode.4.1.5Restart DeviceAs indicated, this will send a signal to the device to restart.4.1.6Export ConfigurationThis will open the Export Configuration window.1.The ICT will automatically save the configuration file within its own folder structure of configuration file is automatically generated based on IP, device and date & time3.Save to finalize export operation4.1.7Import ConfigurationThis will open a warning advising that passwords and network information are not imported.The Import Configuration selection window.1.Select the file to be imported2.Ensure proper file is selected, especially if multiple files are available within the folder3.Click Open to continue the import operation1.Select all the configuration that you want to import2.Select the device where the configuration will be imported3.Click Import to start the import operation2.Click Close to end import routine and return to ICT interface5Discovering IONODES devices when your network does not support the Bonjour ProtocolSome of the more secure enterprise networks filter out the Bonjour protocol as well as other network scan functions for security reasons. When you initially plug your IONODES device into one of these networks, although it is set by default to using DHCP and will be attributed an actual network IP address, network filters might make the device undiscoverable in our IONConfigTool or other IP scanning software. To remedy this situation and allow a network discovery with our IONConfigTool, it is possible to run a Unicast scan with some very basic authentication. Here’s how to do this…If your device is already on your network and undiscoverable, head down to Section 2.5.1Unicast Discovery TestFor demonstration purposes, we have disabled the Bonjour Discovery in our ION-R200 Secure Display Station to keep it from being discovered on our network. This can be changed on the Configuration page, in the Network tab of your IONODES device if you want to run a similar test.5.1.1Disable Bonjour protocol1.Once logged in to your IONODES web user interfaceI, head over to the Configuration page2.Click on the Network tab3.Click on the Bonjour section to select it4.Disable the Bonjour protocol and click Save at the bottom of the pageNow that the Bonjour protocol is disabled. When we run the IONConfigTool, in this example, our ION-R200, with a known IP of, is not discovered.5.2Unicast Discovery Configuration5.2.1Configure Unicast Discovery1.In the Admin menu item of the IONConfigTool, click on Unicast Discovery.This will bring up the Unicast Discovery settings window.Note: The values shown in the graphic are for this specific example. Verify with your network administrator for your network-specific values5.2.2Configure IP scan range(s)1.Enter the starting address of the IP range to scan2.Enter the last address of the IP range to scan3.Enter the desired ping timeout. This is the time the ICT will wait before attempting to reach thenext device in the IP address range.4.Check Unicast Discovery Only5.Click the ADD button to add the IP range to the search criteria. Multiple IP ranges can be added toa single search6.This will add the IP range(s) to the search list7.Close the configuration window5.2.3Configure CredentialsSince the IONConfigTool will send a request on all IPs of the IP range, you must enter the proper authentication credentials of the device being discovered. In the Admin menu item of the IONConfigTool, click on CredentialsBy default, the credentials are set to admin / admin as username and password. However, if the credentials have been previously changed at some point, the new credentials must be entered in the ICT to properly discover the device. To do this:1.Enter the desired username & password combination2.Click OK to save and close the Credentials configuration window5.2.4Refresh device list results1.Simply hit the Refresh button on the IONConfigTool to force a new Unicast scan of the IP rangewith proper credentials as outlined in the previous steps2.Device will now be listed in the discovered device list when present on the same network6Troubleshooting6.1Unable to run the IonConfigTool•Make sure you have properly decompressed (unzipped) the contents of the downloaded zipped file to a selected or default empty directory before running the executable. The application cannot be run from a temporary folder, as when opening the zipped file from within Windows Explorer.6.2Unable to see discovered unitsVerify unit has power via PoE or a valid power supply.•Make sure you have connected the device to your network.•Make sure the GREEN LED on the RJ45 connector is lit. If it is not lit, verify the network connectivity with the network switch.•Before the device can be discovered, the status LED must be lit GREEN as this indicates ready state of the device.•Since Bonjour Protocol uses multicast, verify with your IT department to ensure your network is multicast-enabled.•Verify that your firewall settings allow the Bonjour protocol traffic (port 5353)•Refer to section 5 for Unicast discovery.6.3Unit is discovered but remains offline•Verify that your network is on the same subnet as the discovered device7Getting HelpYou can get help from the IONODES technical support team in many ways:•By sending an email to *******************•By calling our office during regular work hours at:o+1 (844) 696-1060 (Toll Free North America)o+1 (450) 696-1060Our technical support team is trained to support you with installation as well as maintenance of your IONODES products.。



"notleaderforpartitionerror" 是一个英文错误信息,通常出现在分布式系统中。




如果当前节点不是指定分区的领导者,就会出现 "notleaderforpartitionerror" 错误。

1. 确保当前节点是指定分区的领导者。


2. 如果当前节点不是领导者,尝试重新配置系统,使当前节点成为指定分区的领导者。


3. 如果问题仍然存在,可能是由于网络故障或其他原因导致当前节点无法连接到指定的分区。





下面小编就提供从网络上收集到的黑莓BlackBerry 手持设备所有软/硬件在使用过程中出现的错误提示代码的翻译参考资料及部分问题的解决办法。

下列表格将列出在BlackBerry手持设备上java虚拟机可能出现的错误代码和详细信息!101 Previous startup failed当jvm启动过程中,前一个启动的项目失败了,设备已经被重置。

这个错误表明jvm在启动时找到“启动进行中”这个标志位已经设置了,当前屏幕信息为:有意停止“系统继续重置”这个死循环,来纠正系统当前不正确的启动操作102 Invalid code in filesystem在文件系统中发现无效的代码。





103 Cannot find starting address找不到启动的地址,用于启动系统的引导cod文件找不到。


104 Uncaught:非预期:《java模块名》jvm诊断出一个非预期的java代码异常错误抛出,程序可以继续执行,或者手持设备可以用桌面管理器连是USB线安装一个程序调试器来查看这些错误信息。

事件日志里应该包含了异常错误的信息105 Example, DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d举例,DbRecSize( %d ) -> %d文件系统API已经为一种特定的操作返回一种错误状态码,他可能表明在jvm上存在一个无效的或者错误的文件系统106 Graphics system error图形系统错误,在设备的图形系统里一个错误发生并被检测到107 operator new() called在jvm里,操作new()回调一个c++类,该函数代码没有被正确的从VMRamObject 对象来继承,新操作符需要被正确的继承。










1. 合理设置请求超时时间:过长的请求超时时间会导致用户等待时间过长,影响用户体验;而过短的请求超时时间则可能导致正常的请求被错误地判定为超时。


2. 设置重试机制:当网络请求发生超时错误时,我们可以选择进行重试操作。






1. 检测网络连接状态:在进行网络请求之前,我们需要检测设备的网络连接状态。



2. 使用本地缓存数据:在无网络连接的情况下,我们可以利用本地缓存数据来提供一部分功能。




unexpected server error 500 -回复

unexpected server error 500 -回复

unexpected server error 500 -回复【Unexpected Server Error 500】- A Deep Dive into the Most Dreaded Error in Web DevelopmentIntroduction:In the world of web development, encountering server errors is an inevitable part of the job. Among the most dreaded errors is the "Unexpected Server Error 500." This error, represented by the HTTP status code 500, indicates an internal server error that occurred due to an unspecified issue. In this article, we will delve into the details of this error, understanding its causes, troubleshooting steps, and mitigation techniques to minimize its occurrence.1. Understanding the Error:When a user encounters an Unexpected Server Error 500, it is usually accompanied by a generic message like "Internal Server Error" or "500 Internal Server Error." This vague message signifies that something went wrong on the server, but without any specific information about the underlying cause. This makes troubleshooting and resolving the issue a challenging task fordevelopers.2. Common Causes:The error message "Unexpected Server Error 500" can be caused by various factors. Here are some common causes:a) Bugs in the Code: Most often, coding errors, typos, or logical mistakes in the server-side code can trigger this error. These bugs can cause the server to crash or behave unexpectedly, resulting in the 500 error.b) Insufficient Server Resources: In some cases, a server with limited resources, such as low memory or CPU usage, may fail to handle a certain request, leading to an internal server error.c) Database Issues: Misconfiguration or connectivity problems with the database can also cause the Unexpected Server Error 500. Incorrect database queries, missing or corrupted data, or improper server-to-database communication can contribute to this error.d) Third-Party Services: If the web application relies on third-partyservices, such as APIs, a failure or unavailability of these services can trigger the server error.3. Troubleshooting Steps:When encountering the Unexpected Server Error 500, developers need to follow a systematic troubleshooting approach. Here is a step-by-step guide to resolving the error:Step 1: Check Error Logs - The first step is to examine the server logs to identify any specific error messages or exceptions. These logs often provide valuable insights into the root cause of the problem.Step 2: Debug the Code - If the error logs do not provide sufficient information, developers should debug the code. This involves setting breakpoints, inspecting variables, and stepping through the code to identify any logical or syntax errors.Step 3: Evaluate Server Resources - Insufficient server resources can be a critical factor in causing this error. Analyze server usage metrics like memory consumption, CPU load, and disk spaceutilization to determine if resource constraints are the underlying issue.Step 4: Database Examination - Verify the connectivity and configuration of the database server. Check the execution of database queries, indexes, and the integrity of the data. Fixing any issues here can resolve the 500 error.Step 5: Test Third-Party Services - If the application relies on external services, test the connectivity and functionality of these services. Ensure that the APIs are accessible, updated, and functioning correctly. Any failures or inconsistencies should be resolved with the respective service provider.4. Preventative Measures:While troubleshooting and resolving the Unexpected Server Error 500 is important, taking preventative measures can significantly reduce its occurrence. Here are some effective strategies to minimize the chances of encountering this error:a) Regular Code Review: Encouraging regular code reviews withinthe development team helps identify and rectify coding errors early on, reducing the likelihood of encountering server errors.b) Robust Exception Handling: Implementing robust exception handling mechanisms ensures that errors are handled gracefully, preventing the server from crashing and showing the generic 500 error.c) Comprehensive Testing: Thoroughly testing an application before deployment can help identify potential issues, including server errors. Conduct performance testing, load testing, and error handling scenarios to ensure the application can handle a variety of situations.d) Monitoring and Alerting: Employ monitoring tools to track server health, resource usage, and incoming requests. Configure alerts to notify administrators immediately in case of any anomalies, enabling prompt action to prevent or resolve server errors.Conclusion:The Unexpected Server Error 500 is a common but feared error in the world of web development. Its generic nature makes troubleshooting a complex task. By understanding the common causes, following a systematic troubleshooting approach, and adopting preventive measures, developers can mitigate the occurrence of this error and ensure a smooth user experience. With continuous learning and improvement, errors like the Unexpected Server Error 500 can be minimized, enabling developers to deliver reliable and efficient web applications.。


5.1. 通用要求 ..................................................................................................................3 5.2. WebService 方式通信适配插件接口 ......................................................................4
7.3.3 故障管理数据.................................................................................................70 7.3.4 升级维护数据.................................................................................................83 7.3.5 注册请求数据.................................................................................................84 7.3.6 注册响应数据.................................................................................................85 7.3.7 认证鉴权与业务管理数据.............................................................................86 7.3.8 日志文件数据说明.........................................................................................88 7.3.9 数据完备性与一致性.....................................................................................89



卸载i主题指令代码标题: 卸载 i主题指令代码正文:i主题指令代码是Android系统中一个用于更改主题的指令,可以让开发者通过代码实现个性化主题的变化。


下面是一个简单的卸载i主题指令代码的示例:```javapublic class卸除i主题指令代码 {public static void main(String[] args) {Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse("package:" + Context.getPackageName() + ".i主题指令代码"));try {Context context = getContext();context.startActivity(intent);finish();} catch (ActivityNotFoundException e) {e.printStackTrace();}}}```在上面的代码中,我们使用`Intent`类来打开指定的`i主题指令代码`应用。



要卸载i主题指令代码,只需在应用程序的`AndroidManifest.xml`文件中删除以下行:```xml<uses-permissionandroid:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />```然后,重新运行应用程序,i主题指令代码将自动被卸载。







I. failureactions默认值的含义在软件中,failureactions默认值是指在处理异常或错误时,系统采取的预设动作。


II. 使用场景根据不同的应用需求,可以根据具体情况来设定failureactions默认值。

以下是一些常见的应用场景:1. 重试(Retry)在处理某些特定错误时,例如网络连接中断或数据库不可访问,可以设置failureactions默认值为重试。


2. 忽略(Ignore)对于一些错误,例如临时性的文件读写错误或无关紧要的警告,可以设置failureactions默认值为忽略。


3. 日志记录(Log)在处理一些系统级错误或关键操作失败时,可以设置failureactions默认值为记录日志。


4. 终止(Terminate)对于一些严重的错误或无法修复的异常情况,可以将failureactions默认值设置为终止。


III. 适应不同情况的默认值根据具体应用程序或系统的需求,合理选择failureactions默认值至关重要。

以下是一些指导原则:1. 确定错误类型在选择默认值之前,需要准确地确定错误的类型。




iservicelist方法iService List 方法是一种用于管理服务提供商列表的方法。






下面是iService List方法的伪代码示例:```pythonfunction iServiceList(authentication, serviceProviderInfo, operationType)if (authentication == valid)if (operationType == "add")if (serviceProviderInfo is valid)serviceProviderList.append(serviceProviderInfo);return success;} elsereturn invalidServiceProviderInfo;}} else if (operationType == "delete")if (serviceProviderInfo is valid)serviceProviderList.remove(serviceProviderInfo);return success;} elsereturn invalidServiceProviderInfo;}} else if (operationType == "update")if (serviceProviderInfo is valid)for (i = 0; i < serviceProviderList.length; i++)if (serviceProviderList[i].name == ) serviceProviderList[i] = serviceProviderInfo;return success;}}return serviceProviderNotFound;} elsereturn invalidServiceProviderInfo;}} elsereturn invalidOperationType;}} elsereturn invalidAuthentication;}```此伪代码示例演示了iService List方法的主要逻辑和一些错误处理步骤。

如何获取iserviceprovider的实例 -回复

如何获取iserviceprovider的实例 -回复


它是.NET Core中的核心接口,旨在提供由服务容器(Service Container)管理和提供的服务的实例化和访问。


下面是我们将要涵盖的主要内容:1. IServiceCollection和IServiceProvider的概述2. 注册服务到IServiceCollection3. 构建和获取IServiceProvider的实例4. 在应用程序中使用IServiceProvider实例1. IServiceCollection和IServiceProvider的概述IServiceCollection是一个用于配置和注册服务的集合。





2. 注册服务到IServiceCollection在使用IServiceProvider之前,我们需要先将服务注册到IServiceCollection中。


以下是一个简单的示例,演示如何将一个接口和其实现类注册到IServiceCollection中:csharppublic interface IMyService{void DoSomething();}public class MyService : IMyService{public void DoSomething(){Console.WriteLine("Doing something...");}}public class Startup{public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services){services.AddSingleton<IMyService, MyService>();}}在上述示例中,我们定义了一个“IMyService”接口和其实现类“MyService”。

initiator reported error 20

initiator reported error 20

initiator reported error 20题目:探究并解决错误代码20的问题引言:计算机中的错误代码是编程过程中常见的问题,在开发和调试过程中,错误代码可以提供有关程序运行时出现问题的信息。

本文将重点讨论错误代码20(Error 20),分析其可能的原因并提供解决方案。











例如,您可以使用“过程监视器”(Process Monitor)等工具来查找正在使用被锁定文件的进程,并尝试关闭这些进程。




Mobile Web Boost 扩展用户指南说明书

Mobile Web Boost 扩展用户指南说明书

USER G UIDEBEFORE W E G ET S TARTEDMobile W eb B oost e xtension h elps M agento m erchants c onvert m ore m obile s hoppers i nto customers,b y o ptimizing t he c onversion f unnel o n t he m obile s ite.This e xtension i s b uilt t o s eamlessly c onnect M agento s tores t o M obile W eb B oost a pp o n Beeketing p latform.A ll f eatures a re c onfigured a nd m anaged i n o ur s erver,s o t he e xtension i s as l ightweight a s p ossible a nd t akes m inimum r esources f rom y our w ebsite.Mobile W eb B oost e xtension e mpowers2p owerful w idgets:●Conversion D river:A dd a f ixed b ar w ith A dd-to-cart b utton o n t he t op/bottom o f m obilescreen w hile c ustomers s croll u p/down t he s creen.●Mobile G allery:S how a f ull-screen g allery v iew o f p roduct i mages s o t hat c ustomerscan h ave t he m ost d etailed v isual l ook o f y our p roducts o n m obile.Let’s d iscover h ow y ou c an m aster t his e xtension,b y f ollowing t he d etailed u ser g uide b elow.Connect y our s tore w ith B eeketing p latformAfter i nstalling t he e xtension,g o t o S tores>>S ettings>>M obile W eb B oost t o o pen i t o n t he dashboard:You w ill b e a sked t o c onnect y our s tore w ith B eeketing p latform b y s igning u p f or a f ree a ccount (if y ou a re a n ew B eeketing u ser),o r l ogging i n(if y ou a lready h ave a B eeketing a ccount):Click“Let’s s tart n ow”b utton a nd a n ative p opup w ill a ppear t o g uide y ou t hrough t he login/signup p rocess:Once l ogged i n s uccessfully,y ou w ill s ee a m essage a s b elow:Click“Go t o c onfiguration d ashboard”b utton t o a ccess y our c ontrol d ashboard.CONVERSION D RIVERThis f eature a dds a f ixed b ar w ith A dd-to-cart b utton o n t he t op o r b ottom o f m obile s creen w hile customers s croll u p/down t he s creen.T his h elps t o m ake s ure t hat m obile s hoppers,t hough easily b eing d istracted b y t heir p hone a ctivities,c an c onveniently m ake p urchase i n j ust1c lick.Open S ettings o f t his f eature:D ashboard>>C onversion D river:Once s witched o n,t his f eature b y d efault s hows o n a ll p roduct p ages.Y ou c an:●Choose t o s how i t o n t op o r b ottom o f m obile s creen●Choose t he l ight t heme o r d ark t heme t o m atch w ith y our m obile w eb t heme.●Design t he C TA b utton c olor&s ize,t ext c olor t o m ake i t s tand o ut a nd m otivatecustomers t o c lickIf y ou e nable t his f eature o n C art p age,t he C TA b utton w ill r edirect c ustomers t o c heckout page,t o h elp y ou i ncrease t he m obile c heckout r ate.S ee b elow:MOBILE G ALLERYMobile G allery f eature s hows a f ull-screen g allery v iew o f p roduct i mages s o t hat c ustomers c an have t he m ost d etailed v isual l ook o f y our p roducts o n m obile.C ustomers c an s wipe l eft o r r ight to v iew d ifferent i mages,j ust l ike v iewing p hotos i n t heir s mart p hone.A C TA b utton i s a lso b uilt with t his f eature t o e ncourage s hoppers t o a dd p roducts t o c art i n a c lick.Open S ettings o f t his f eature:D ashboard>>M obile G allery:There i s a s mall t ext l ink i n t he p roduct p age t hat d irects c ustomers t o t he m obile g allery v iew o f the p roduct.Y ou c an:●Choose t he p osition o f t he t ext l ink:l eft,r ight,o r c enter●Design t he c olor o f t he t ext l ink a nd t he i con i n t he l eftThere i s a C all-to-action b utton o n t he g allery v iew t o e ncourage c ustomers t o a dd i tems t o c art. You c an:●Choose t he p osition o f t he b utton:t op o r b ottom o f t he s creen●Choose l ight t heme o r d ark t heme●Choose c olor f or t he b utton a nd t he t extTranslation:In T ranslation t ab,y ou c an t ranslate t he d efault t ext d isplayed i n s torefront i nto o ther t erms o r languages.We h ave w alked y ou t hrough a ll s ettings i n M obile W eb B oost e xtension.S imple,i sn’t i t?Need a ny s upport?C ontact u s a t h***************a nd w e w ill b e r ight b ack t o y ou w ithin1 business d ay!。



CITRIX®AppFlow Configuration GuideTable of ContentsIntroduction (3)Enable AppFlow Feature (3)Adding AppFlow Collector (4)Adding an AppFlow Action (5)Adding an AppFlow Policy (6)Binding an AppFlow Policy (7)Setting AppFlow Parameters (8)IntroductionThe Citrix® NetScaler® appliance is a central point of control for all application trafficin the data center. It collects flow and user‐session level information valuable for application performance monitoring, analytics, and business intelligence applications. AppFlow transmits this information by using the Internet Protocol Flow InformationeXport (IPFIX) format, which is an open Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) standard defined in RFC 5101. IPFIX (the standardized version of Cisco's NetFlow) is widely usedto monitor network flow information. AppFlow defines new Information Elements to represent application‐level information.Using UDP as the transport protocol, AppFlow transmits the collected data, called flow records, to one or more IPv4 collectors. The collectors aggregate the flow records and generate real‐time or historical reports.AppFlow provides visibility at the transaction level for HTTP, SSL, TCP, and SSL_TCPflows. You can sample and filter the flow types that you want to monitor.AppFlow use actions and policies to send records for a selected flow to specific set of collectors. An AppFlow action specifies which set of collectors will receive the AppFlow records. Policies, which are based on advanced expressions can be configured to select flows for which flow records will be sent to the collectors specified by the associated AppFlow action.To limit the types of flows, you can enable AppFlow for a virtual server. AppFlow canalso provide statistics for the virtual server.You can also enable AppFlow for a specific service, representing an application server,and monitor the traffic to that application server.Note: The AppFlow feature is supported in NetScaler 9.3 nCore only.You configure AppFlow in the same manner as most other policy‐based features. First,you enable the AppFlow feature. Then you specify the collectors to which the flowrecords are sent. After that, you define actions, which are sets of configured collectors. Then you configure one or more policies and associate a action to each policy. Thepolicy tells the NetScaler appliance to select requests the flow records of which aresent to the associated action. Finally, you bind each policy either globally or to aspecific virtual servers to put it into effect.You can further set AppFlow parameters to specify the template refresh interval and to enable the exporting of httpURL, httpCookie, and httpReferer information. On each collector, you must specify the NetScaler IP address as the address of the exporter.Enable AppFlow FeatureTo be able to use the AppFlow feature, you must first enable it.To enabl 1. In the 2. In the 3. In the clickAddin A collecto send flow HoweverTo add a 1. In 2. C 3. In 4.In e the AppFl e navigation e details pan e Configure OK .ng AppFl or receives f w records, yo r, you canno collector by n the navigat lick Collecto n the details n the Create • Na • IPow feature pane, expa ne, under Mo Advanced F ow Colle flow records ou must spe t export the y using the c tion pane, e ors . pane, click A AppFlow Co ame* Address*by using the nd System , a odes and Fe Features dial ectors generated cify at least e same data configuratio xpand Syste Add . ollectordial e configurat and then clic eatures , click log box, sele by the NetSc one collecto to multiple c on utility em , and then og box, sett tion utilityck Settings .k Configure ect the AppF caler applian or. You can s collectors. n expand Ap thefollowin advanced fe Flow check b nce. To be a specify up to ppFlow . gparameter eatures . box, and the ble to o four. rs:n*A 5. CAddin An AppFl AppFlowTo add a1. In2. C3. In4. In5. D6. C co• Po A required p lick Create , ng an Ap low action is w policy matc n AppFlow a n the navigat lick Actions n the details n the Add Ap Do one of th • If bo • If • If lick Create , onfiguration ort parameter.and then cli pFlow A s a set of col ches. action by us tion pane, e .pane, click A ppFlow Actio e following t the collecto want to you want toand then cli n has been su ck Close . Actionlectors, to w sing the conf xpand Syste Add . on dialog bo to associate rs that you w o specify all t o specify a ne ck Close . A m uccessfully i which the flo figuration u em, and then ox, type a na collectors w want are list the collector ew collector message app mplemented ow records a tility n expand Ap ame for the n with the acti ted, click the rs, click Activ r, click Add .pears in the d. are sent if th ppFlow . new action. on:e correspond vate All .status bar, s e associated ding checkstating thatd theAddinAfter you AppFlow To add a1. In2. C3. In4.In ng an Ap u configure a w policy is bas n AppFlow p n the navigat lick Policies n the details n the Create • Na • Ac • ExpFlow P an AppFlow sed on a rule policy by us tion pane, e . pane, click A AppFlow Po ame* ction* xpression* (Y 1. 2. 3.Policy action, you e, which con ing the conf xpand Syste Add . olicy , set the You can add You can cli Frequently You can typFor brief he hold down You canus must next co nsists of one figuration ut em , and then e following p the express ck Add and c y Used Expre pe the expre elp and prom the CTRL ke e the AddEx onfigure an e or more ex tility n expand Ap parameters:ion in any of choose an e essions drop ession direct mpts, while t ey while you xpressiondi AppFlow po pressions. ppFlow .f three waysexisting expr p ‐down list.tly into the s the cursor is u press the S ialog box.)olicy. An s. ession in the supplied text s in the text pace bar.e tbox. box,5. C coBindin To put a traffic th policy ap overrideTo bind a1. In2. O3. In G4. C A5. C A *A req lick Create , onfiguration ng an Ap policy into e at flows thro pplies only to global/LB vs an AppFlow n the navigat On the AppF n the AppFlo Global .lick Insert P AppFlow poli lick one of t AppFlow poli quired param and then cli n has been su ppFlow P effect, you m ough the Ne o the traffic server/CS vs policy by us tion pane, e Flow page, cl ow Policy Ma olicy to inse cies.he policies o Close . A m uccessfully i Policymust bind it e etScaler, or t related to th server/defau sing the con xpand Syste lick AppFlow anager dialo ert a new row on the list. T message app mplemented either globa o a specific v hat virtual se ult global. nfiguration u em , and then w Policy Man og box, in th w and displa hat policy is pears in the d. lly, so that it virtual serve erver. Policy utility n click AppFl nager . e Bind Point ay a drop ‐do inserted int status bar, s t applies to a er, so that th can be bou low . ts menu, sel wn list of all to the list of stating that all he nd to lect Overrid l unbound Override G thee lobal6. C7. C suSettin You can sTo set th1. In2. O3. C lick Apply C lick Close . uccessfully i ng AppFl set AppFlow he AppFlow n the navigat On the AppFl lick OK , and hanges . A message ap mplemented ow Para w parameters parameters tion pane, e low landing then click C ppears in the d. ameterss to customi by using the xpand Syste page, under Close . e status bar,ze the expo e configurat em , and then r Settings , se , stating that rting of data tion utility n click AppFl et the requir t the configu a to the colle low . red paramet uration has b ectors. ters. been。




⼀是 WEAVER\ecology\WEB-INF\prop下的 ⽂件:
将⾥⾯的 serverUrl地址修改成最新的ip地址:
然后是同⽬录下的 ⽂件,openfireEMobileUrl 和 openfireMobileClientUrl 都需要修改成正确的IP,其
中 openfireMobileClientUrl 可以直接⽤公⽹IP地址。


error domain=intentserrordomain code=5001

error domain=intentserrordomain code=5001

error domain=intentserrordomain code=5001这个错误通常出现在与苹果的Intents框架相关的场景中,尤其是当处理SiriKit、Shortcuts或iOS、macOS等平台上的自定义 intents 时。




具体到SiriKit和Shortcuts开发,如果出现这个错误,开发者需要检查以下几个方面:1.意图处理器(Intent Handler):确保您的应用正确实现了处理特定意图类型的方法,并且这些方法能够正常工作,没有崩溃或者逻辑错误。





总之,解决这种错误通常需要深入研究错误发生的具体环境和上下文,根据错误代码提供的线索进行调试,并确保应用的所有相关部分都符合Apple Intents框架的要求。


failed to send event ioerror 消息过长

failed to send event ioerror 消息过长

出现“failed to send event ioerror 消息过长”这个错误通常意味着在发送事件或消息时,由于消息的长度超过了系统所允许的范围,导致发送失败。


1. 优化消息内容:检查发送的消息是否过于冗长或包含了不支持的字符,尝试将消息内容进行简洁化和精简

2. 调整系统限制:如果可能,你可以尝试调整系统或应用程序的设置,以允许更长的消息发送。


3. 分批发送:如果消息确实很长,你可以考虑将其分成多个较小的部分,然后分批发送。


4. 检查网络连接:确保网络连接稳定且足够快以支持长消息的传输。


5. 查看日志文件:检查应用程序或系统的日志文件,以获取更多关于错误原因的详细信息。


6. 更新软件版本:如果你使用的是旧版本的软件或系统,尝试更新到最新版本。


7. 联系技术支持:如果以上方法都无法解决问题,建议联系相关软件或硬件的技术支持团队寻求帮助。





如果没有更新的话,建议不要更新书写⿇烦了!现在记录如何⼀步⼀步去除错误的:1、pod --version 查看版本号,现在如果看⼩于1.0.1输⼊ pod repo update 更新pod版本。

再次输⼊ pod --version 查看版本号是否为1.0.1如果是,那恭喜你开始脱坑之旅!2、更新Podfile⽂件这是我之前的platform:ios,'8.0'pod 'JPush'pod 'SDAutoLayout'pod 'AFNetworking'pod 'YTXAnimations', :subspecs => ["AnimateCSS", "CSShake", "MagicCSS"]更新之后My App为项⽬⼯程的名字platform:ios,'8.0'target 'My App' dopod 'JPush'pod 'SDAutoLayout'pod 'AFNetworking'pod 'YTXAnimations', :subspecs => ["AnimateCSS", "CSShake", "MagicCSS"]end然后pod install 重新编译发现⼜有问题3、再次更新Podfile⽂件,再添加这⼀句话就可以了use_frameworks!再次pod install 就好了platform:ios,'8.0'use_frameworks!target 'My App' dopod 'JPush'pod 'SDAutoLayout'pod 'AFNetworking'pod 'YTXAnimations', :subspecs => ["AnimateCSS", "CSShake", "MagicCSS"]end。

mobsf 使用方法

mobsf 使用方法

mobsf 使用方法MobSF(Mobile Security Framework)是一个用于自动化移动应用程序(Android/iOS)渗透测试和安全代码审计的开源框架。

以下是MobSF 的基本使用方法:1. 安装MobSF:2. 启动MobSF:-安装完成后,你可以通过以下命令启动MobSF:```bash./```或者使用Docker:```bashdocker run -it -p 8000:8000 opensecurity/mobile-security-framework-mobsf```3. 访问Web 界面:-打开浏览器并访问``,你将看到MobSF 的Web 界面。

4. 上传应用程序:-在Web 界面中,选择"Browse" 按钮,上传要分析的移动应用程序文件(APK 或IPA)。

5. 分析应用程序:-MobSF 将自动分析应用程序并生成有关应用程序安全性的报告。

报告包括各种信息,如权限、API 调用、漏洞等。

6. 查看报告:-在Web 界面中,你可以查看生成的报告,包括概要、权限、文件、API 等。

7. 进行手动测试和代码审计:-MobSF 提供了一个动态分析和自动化工具,但仍建议进行手动测试和代码审计,以检查应用程序中可能存在的漏洞。

8. 集成到CI/CD 环境(可选):- MobSF 可以与CI/CD 工具集成,以便在应用程序构建过程中自动执行安全测试。

这只是MobSF 的基本使用方法。


MobSF 提供了丰富的功能,可以帮助你进行全面的移动应用程序安全测试。

请查阅MobSF 的官方文档以获取更详细的信息。



requestsentretryenabled参数去掉在最新的Twitter API版本中,已经去除了

在旧版的Twitter API中,







由于Twitter API已经去除了`requestsentretryenabled`参数,这意味着现在所有请求都支持重试。




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  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Deletion Server应用程序说明
MobileIS 1.0
文档版本– 1.0
日期– 2010/10/29
1概述 (4)
1.1文档说明 (4)
1.2文档读者 (4)
1.3技术术语 (4)
2安装 (4)
2.1安装步骤 (4)
3功能变更 (4)
3.2MR LIST (5)
4软件配置 (5)
4.1配置变更 (5)
4.2配置文件 (5) (5)
5启动与运用 (6)
5.1启动 (6)
5.2查看版本 (6)
7附录 (6)
1.1 文档说明
本文档适用于MobileIS 1.0项目。

Deletion Server负责删除Index Server与HyperTable 中的过期数据,以维护正常可用系统的信息量在可控范围内。

目前版本的Deletion Server只支持基于时间规则的信息删除,即只保留一段时间内的信息。

Deletion Server 目前只负责新闻应用过期数据的删除,广告及广告计划因为其特殊性,需要在应用中管理信息的时效性。

从MOBILEIS1.0_DELETIONSERVER_0.0.2开始,Deletion server在删除Index中的过期数据之前会对Index文件进行备份。

1.2 文档读者

1.3 技术术语
2.1 安装步骤
*安装之前需要确认Java运行环境已经正确安装在/opt/mobileis/tools目录下,并且设置在PATH中,Java版本要求JDK6.0或JRE6.0,请在命令行下输入java –version来确认。

1.Deletion Server需要和Index Server安装在同一台机器
tar xvf MOBILEIS1.0_DELETIONSERVER_0.0.2.tar
chmod 755 *.sh
PATH=$PATH:./;export PATH
3.1 New features
删除Index Server和HyperTable中的过期数据,删除的内容是相互对应的,Index Server中包含的内容和相对应的HperTable中的内容一起删除。


建议备份方式,备份的目标最好和Index库所在机器不同,以避免单点故障,即将目标机器的目录share出来,在index库文件所在的源机器上将该目录mount上,然后在BackupDir中指定该mount 目录。

改正MR,修正Deletion Server的Log文件的生成问题,修正启动脚本的问题,修正的MR列表的详细参见3.2节。

3.2 MR list
4.1 配置变更
●后向兼容的影响Impact to backward compatibility
4.2 配置文件


#Include the subdirectory of index
StartDeletionProcessTime=4:00 每天启动清理任务的时间(凌晨4点) ExpireDays=3过期日期(3天前的数据清理掉) MaxProcessRecordNum=100000 每次清理的最大数据量(程序内部配置信息,一般不需要修改)
IndexDateField=MediaCode 索引字段中用来表示时间的字段(程序内部配置信息,一般不需要修改)
DeletionStartDate=20100901 系统上线日期,Deletion Server从此时间开始扫描过期数据
BackupDir=/opt/mobileis/server/indexserver/backup 指定Index库的备份目标目录
5.1 启动
●cd deletionserver/bin
●chmod 755 *.sh
●nohup &
5.2 查看版本
●cd deletionserver/bin
●chmod 755 *.sh
● -version
5.3 Runtime directory
|----- bin
|----- lib
|----- log
5.4 Third party software and libraries
HyperTable Client
Lucene 3.0.2
本系统依赖于Java的JVM的运行环境,且使用JDK6.0或JRE6.0的版本,需要将JA V A运行环境设置在PATH路径中,否则程序不能正常运行。

本模块必须和Index Server安装在同一台机器,并正确配置Index文件所存放的目录。

