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Clinical Significance of Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy in Differential Diagnosis of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions ZENG Daohui ( Department of Imaging, the First A ffiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guangzhou 510405, China) [ Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical significance of magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions. Methods 87 cases of patients with breast lesions admitted to our hospital from July 2016 to December 2018 were selected and examined by MRS. Taking the pathological diagnostic results as the gold standard, the diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRS were calculated. Results 91 lesions were detected in 87 patients with breast diseases, the lesion size was 1.0 to 6.2 cm, and the average lesion size was (2.74 依 0.61) cm. 39 malignant lesions and 52 benign lesions were confirmed by pathological results. 38 of the 91 lesions were found to have choline peaks at 3.22 to 3.28 PPM, 53 had no choline peaks. Taking the pathological diagnostic results as the gold standard, the diagnostic sensitivity, specificity and accuracy of MRS were 87.18% (34/39), 92.31% (48/52) and 90.11% (82/91) respectively. MRS had high consistency in diagnosis of breast benign and malignant lesions compared with pathological diagnosis results, with Kappa value of 0.797. Conclusions MRS has high accuracy in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant breast lesions, which is conducive to improving the diagnostic efficiency of diseases and providing scientific imaging information for clinical diagnosis and treatment of diseases. [Key words] Benign and malignant breast lesions; Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; Diagnostic accuracy
乳腺癌作为一种常见的恶性肿瘤袁 对女性身体健康尧 生活 质量影响较大 咱员暂遥 目前钼靶尧 超声影像学检查已成为乳腺疾病 常用的检查及诊断方法袁 但其在定性分析乳腺病灶中局限性较 大 咱圆暂遥 磁共振成像技术具有多参数尧 多平面成像特点袁 且软组 织分辨力较高袁 其中磁共振波谱作为无创性检查方法袁 利于测 定活体内物质代谢尧 生物物质含量袁 可充分观察乳腺癌分子状 态 咱猿暂遥 鉴于此袁 本研究观察磁共振波谱分析技术 渊酝砸杂冤 用于 鉴别诊断乳腺良恶性病变的临床意义袁 现报道如下遥
良恶性病变与病理诊断结果一致性较高袁 Kappa 值为 园援苑怨苑遥 结论 酝砸杂 鉴别诊断乳腺良恶性病变的准确率高袁 利于提升疾病诊断
效能袁 为疾病的临床诊治提供科学的影像学信息遥
揖关键词铱 乳腺良恶性病变曰 磁共振波谱分析技术曰 诊断准确度
中图分类号院 R737.9
文献标识码院 粤
2019 年 9 月第 26 卷第 9 期
Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
曾道辉 渊广州中医药大学第一附属医院 影像科袁 广东 广州 510405冤
揖摘要铱 目的 分析磁共振波谱分析技术 渊酝砸杂冤 用于鉴别诊断乳腺良恶性病变的临床意义遥 方法 选取 圆园员远 年 苑 月至 圆园员愿
性病灶分别为 猿怨 个尧 缘圆 个曰 检出的 怨员 个病灶中袁 猿愿 个病灶在 猿援圆圆 ~ 猿援圆愿 孕孕酝 时出现胆碱峰袁 缘猿 个未出现胆碱峰遥 以病理诊断
结果为金标准袁 酝砸杂 诊断灵敏度尧 特异度尧 准确度分别为 愿苑援员愿豫 渊猿源 辕 猿怨冤尧 怨圆援猿员豫 渊源愿 辕 缘圆冤尧 怨园援员员豫 渊愿圆 辕 怨员冤袁 酝砸杂 诊断乳腺
年 员圆 月我院收治的乳腺病变患者 愿苑 例袁 均接受 酝砸杂 检查袁 以病理诊断结果为金标准袁 计算 酝砸杂 诊断灵敏度尧 特异度尧 准确
度遥 结果 愿苑 例乳腺疾病患者中检出病灶 怨员 个袁 病灶大小 员援园 ~ 远援圆 糟皂袁 平均 渊圆援苑源 依 园援远员冤 糟皂遥 经病理结果证实恶性病灶尧 良