live uc使用说明







目录1.简介 (3)1.1 欢迎使用统一客户端 (4)1.2 系统要求 (4)1.3 系统功能模块 (4)1.4 软件优点 (5)2.客户端的安装与卸载 (5)2.1 客户端的安装 (5)2.2 客户端的卸载 (9)3.客户端操作指南 (12)3.1 登录系统 (12)3.2 设备的添加 (12)3.2.1 新建设备组 (13)3.2.2 修改设备组名 (13)3.2.3 手动增加设备 (14)3.2.4 自动搜索设备 (14)3.2.5 自动增加设备 (15)3.3 视频浏览 (15)3.3.1 视频连接、播放 (15)3.3.2 视频窗口位置的对调 (16)3.3.3 视频浏览窗口缩放 (16)3.3.4 视频流选择 (16)3.3.5 视频播放停止 (17)3.3.6 实时拍照 (17)3.3.7 反向音频 (17)3.3.8 开启音频 (17)3.3.9 音量调节 (17)3.3.10 分窗显示 (17)3.3.11 告警实时视频 (17)3.3.12 云台控制 (18)3.4 录像回放 (18)3.4.1 设备的选择 (18)3.4.2 本地录像搜索 (18)3.4.3 前端录像搜索 (18)3.4.4 查看文件 (18)3.4.5 播放录像文件 (18)3.4.6 删除录像文件 (18)3.5 告警信息 (19)3.5.1 设备的选择 (19)3.5.2 告警信息检索 (19)3.5.3 查看告警信息 (19)3.6 录像设置 (19)3.6.1 策略配置 (19)3.6.2录像参数配置 (20)3.7 告警联动 (20)3.7.1 设备的选择 (20)3.7.2 告警联动参数设置 (20)3.8 用户信息 (21)3.8.1 用户组新增、修改、删除 (21)3.8.2 角色的添加、修改、删除 (22)3.8.3 用户的切换 (22)3.9 远程配置 (23)3.9.1 设备的选择 (23)3.9.2 远程配置 (23)3.10远程维护 (23)3.10.1设备的选择 (23)3.10.2 系统升级 (23)3.10.3 配置上传、下载 (24)3.10.4 其它维护操作 (24)3.10.5 SD卡管理 (24)3.11 日志查询 (25)3.11.1 用户日志查询 (25)3.11.2 远程日志查询 (25)3.12 帮助信息 (25)4.3G设备的使用 (26)4.1 增加3G设备 (26)4.2 相关参数设置 (26)1.简介网络眼视频统一客户端(Unit Client)是集视频监控、管理、控制的统一客户端,为您提供便捷的视频监控享受。






下图为中国报业协会年报右图为依托于LiveU的新媒体全网高清互联系统高清影像传输随时随地实况直播移动核心网中国联通广播/流媒体处理中心转播本地存储中国电信中国移动互联网LiveU 服务器LU视频直播3GWiFiWiMaxLiveU 功能是将前端摄像机捕获的图像信号,通过4G LTE/3G WiMAX/WIFI等方式发送至Internet。

前端设备连接LU2000 服务器或者是连接虚拟组(Virtual Groups),云控制来选择信号的流向,实现实时的新闻直播。

视频采集前端:背包&摄像机连接装置,外部天线,汽车解决方案,计算机软件,智能手机应用程序后端服务器:从云端或其他广电设备获取视频流等数据LiveU 控制中心:通过谷歌等浏览器远程监控与控制直播全过程对不同行业,所选择的视频传输设备不尽相同,目前,就广电行业来说,可供选择的设备主要有LiveU,卫星转播车,TVU三种,其在成本、系统构架、时延特性、操作方法、便携性、应用场景等方面存在很大差别,图为最具成本效益的LiveU。



LiveCom串口烧写工具V1.0使用说明书目录1.概要 (3)2.软件界面 (4)2.1串口选择 (4)2.2连接按钮 (4)2.3串口打印信息 (5)2.4清除信息 (5)2.5Mac地址填写 (5)2.6自动烧写设置 (5)2.7烧写按钮 (5)3.操作步骤 (6)3.1准备好串口连接 (6)3.2选择串口号 (6)3.3连接 (6)3.4设置起始Mac地址 (7)3.5设置Mac地址自动规则 (7)3.6插入设备 (7)3.7烧写 (7)3.8下一台设备烧写 (7)4.注意事项 (8)4.1确保设备上电前接好与PC端连接的串口线 (8)4.2在拔出设备前,请确保界面出现烧写完成的提示 (8)5. 5. FAQ (9)1.概要随着互联网的迅猛发展,给人们带来了极大的便利。










此工具是通过串口连接烧写设备的,因此需要首先指定串口号进行连接,如果采用USB 转串口线的话,需要通过设备管理器来查看具体的串口号是什么。


Live UC视频会议系统

Live UC视频会议系统

Live UC视频会议系统(云会议)采用SaaS模式,为中小企业提供即需即用的网络会议服务。


Live UC采用服务器集群架构,在互联网的各个骨干节点均部署了通信分服务器,能够在全球范围内,为企业提供几十人甚至上万人的网络会议服务。

与会者所需要的仅仅是一台可上网的桌面电脑和一副耳麦多方音视频交互·先进的H.264视频压缩算法、出色的高清画质、多方音视频交互、双显画面排列、云台遥控功能,让您在互联网即可体验会议室级的逼真效果强大的数据协同功能·系统支持电子白板、文档共享、程序共享、协同浏览、屏幕截图、文件传输、影音文件广播等数据协同功能,满足各种网络环境、各种数据格式的需求;PPT、Word文档甚至任何办公软件都能实时同步到所有会员丰富的会议辅助功能·系统支持文字交流、电子举手、会议投票、语音私聊、远程试听、远程设置、界面同步等辅助功能;网络会议不再枯燥完善的会议管理功能·系统具有用户授权、会议日程管理、邮件短信通知、考勤管理等会议管理功能;支持主控及分组讨论模式,能在会议过程中快速切换当前发言人角色;会议的组织过程井然有序多种会议登录模式·支持IM登录、Web登录、邮件登录等会议进入模式;支持注册用户以及匿名用户登录;支持邀请电话登录;会议的加入方式灵活多样,方便快捷录像编辑、发布、点播·系统支持会议录制、编辑、加密、发布、点播功能;录像以多层流媒体的形式存储,管理员可将会议录像做适当剪辑,上传到Live UC平台后,将链接发布到自己的网站进行点播低成本、零维护· “零”硬件投资、“零”系统维护,无需购买服务器及带宽无需技术维护人员,用户所需做的只是提供可上网的桌面电脑和耳麦丢包补偿、网络防抖·采用独创的RUDP技术,实现质量反馈、语音优先、丢包补偿、自动降帧等特性,即使在网络丢包严重的情况下,亦能获得很高的服务质量(QoS)集群热备、超大容量会议·系统采用服务器集群热备、最“近”路由技术,彻底解决南北互通问题,支持万人级会议;并确保7*24小时不间断服务Live UC视频会议系统(云会议)采用SaaS模式,为中小企业提供即需即用的网络会议服务。


NBC (美国全国广播公司) CNN BBC FOX News (福克斯新闻) Associated Press (AP,美联社,全球最大的新闻机构) Bloomberg (彭博资讯,全球最大财经媒体) SKY NEWS (星空新闻频道) CANAL+ (法国威望迪集团下属的媒体集团) FRANCE24 (法兰西 24 小时新闻频道) TVB (香港无线电视台) Televisa (墨西哥媒体巨头) univision (环球视野,美国最大的西班牙语电视网) NBA 官网等近百家全球著名媒体
任何电视台均可在任何时间从任何地方进行实况直播 更多团队在现场从事报道,而无需转播车、飞行箱或其他额外设备 在移动中进行实况广播 团队成员可以在室内室外自由地漫游,而不受线缆或两点间视距的限制 单个记者通过一个按键即可进行实况报道,允许对任何具有报道价值的事件进 行快速反应 —— 对预先调度没有太多要求 小事件亦可现场直播而盈利
LiveU 实况直播传输系统架构
LiveU 实况直播传输系统由三个部分组成:LU-30 实况直播编码器、无线网络 (包括:TD-SCDMA、WCDMA、CDMA2000、WiFi、WiMax 等) 以及 LU-1000 服务器。 LU-30 负责将现场的视音频信号实时编码压缩并选择最合适的无线网络 (可以 是中国移动、中国联通、中国电信、WiFi、WiMax 中的任一或其组合) 将编码后 的传输流传送给接收端的 LU-1000 服务器;而 LU-1000 服务器则负责将接收到的 传输流解码输出 SDI 信号供后续系统使用。
LU-1000 服务器

LiveU LU500 User Guide V3.0

LiveU LU500 User Guide V3.0

• • •

LiveU LU500 User Guide
Table of Contents
About This Guide ........................................................................................................ 1 Intended Audience ................................................................................................. 3 Additional Documentation .................................................................................... 3 Chapter 1: Introducing the LU500 ............................................................................ 9 Overview........................................................................................................................... 9 What’s in the LU500 Carrying Case? .........................................................................11 LiveU Central ..................................................................................................................12 Chapter 2: Getting Started ...................................................................................... 13 Step 1, Connecting the Video Camera ...................................................................14 Step 2, Powering On the LU500 Unit...........................................................................15 Charging the LU500 ...............................................................................................15 Step 3, Selecting a Channel .......................................................................................17 Virtual Groups .........................................................................................................20 Step 4, Selecting a Profile ............................................................................................22 Select a Profile ........................................................................................................22 Select the Delay .....................................................................................................23 Step 5, Selecting an Advanced Streaming Mode ................................................. 23 Step 6, Configuring WiFi ...............................................................................................27 Step 7, Going Live .........................................................................................................29 Checking Interface Quality .................................................................................30 Step 8, Shutting Down ..................................................................................................33 Chapter 3: LU500 User Interface ............................................................................. 35 LU500 Touch Screen Interface ....................................................................................36 Video Feed .....................................................................................................................37 Currently Selected Channel ......................................................................................39 Currently Selected Profile ...........................................................................................40 Connected Interfaces and Bandwidth.........................................................................40 Battery Status ................................................................................................................41 Turning Off .....................................................................................................................41 System Menu .................................................................................................................42 Selecting the LU500 Profile..........................................................................................43 Live ............................................................................................................................41 Store & Forward ......................................................................................................42 Configuration ................................................................................................................45

Voyager Edge UC系列用户指南说明书

Voyager Edge UC系列用户指南说明书

Voyager Edge UC Series User GuideContentsWhat's in the box3Overview4Headset overview4Bluetooth USB Adapter 4Charge case overview5Pair6Bluetooth pairing6NFC pairing6Pair Another Phone6Select language7Connect8Connect to PC8Pair (USB adapter)8Charge9Check headset battery status9Use the charge case10Fit11Adjust the fit11The Basics12Make/Take/End Calls12Mute13Adjust the volume13Use Smart Sensors13Play or pause streaming audio14More Features15Voice alerts15Voice commands15Use two phones16Change headset settings16Update headset firmware16Support17Charge caseUSB Bluetooth adapterMicro USB cable*Earloop Small and large eartipNOTE *Charger style may vary by product.What's in the boxCall buttonVolume buttonMicro-USB charge portMute buttonVoice buttonPlay/Pause buttonPower buttonHeadset LED (indicator light)Indicator light (LED) OverviewHeadset overviewBluetooth USB Adapterprotect the battery. To wake-up the charge case, plug it into a power source for a minimum of 1minute. The LEDs flash when charging.Charge case LEDs; indicates case/headset battery status Headset: Touch the icon to display the headset battery status Charge case: Touch the icon to display the charge case battery status Micro USB charge portWhen fully charged, the charge case provides an extra 10 hours of battery life for the headset.Charge case overviewNOTE If your phone supports Near Field Communication (NFC), go to NFC pairing.1Wearing your headset, power it on. You hear “welcome” in all the supported languages and then"pairing" in the default language. The headset LED flashes red and blue.2Activate Bluetooth ® on your phone and set it to search for new devices.•iPhone Settings > Bluetooth > On*•Android ™ Settings > Bluetooth: On > Scan for devices*NOTE *Menus may vary by device.3Select “PLT_Edge.” If necessary, enter four zeros (0000) for the passcode or accept theconnection. Once successfully paired, you hear “pairing successful."1Ensure NFC is on and your phone’s display is unlocked.2Tap and hold the headset to the phone’s NFC tag location until NFC pairing completes. If necessary, accept the connection.TIPKeep an eye on your Smartphone's screen for prompts to start and accept the pairing process.NOTE The headset’s NFC tag is located on the top of the headset. Phone NFC tag locations vary.After pairing your headset to your phone, you may want to pair another phone.1Power on your headset.2Choose:•Tap the Voice button •3Activate Bluetooth on your phone and set it to search for new devices.4Select “PLT_Edge.”If necessary, enter four zeros (0000) for the passcode or accept the connection.Once successfully paired, you hear “pairing successful” and the headset indicator lights stop flashing.PairBluetooth pairing NFC pairing Pair Another PhoneSelect languageOnce your headset is paired and connected to your phone, you can change the headsetlanguage.1Wearing your headset, power it on.2Press and hold the Volume up + and down – buttons together until you hear “welcome." Thelanguage selection directions repeat in every supported language.3Follow the voice-guided prompts to select the headset language.Your Bluetooth USB adapter comes pre-paired to your headset.2The USB adapter LED flashes blue and then turns solid blue to indicate the headset is connectedto the USB adapter. You hear “PC connected.” The LED remains solid blue when not on an active call and flashes blue when on a call.3Load Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac by visiting /software for headset button functionality.NOTE Plantronics Hub software allows you to customize your headset's behavior through advanced settings and options.You may need to re-pair your Bluetooth USB adapter to your headset.Place your headset into pairing mode. Insert the USB adapter into your laptop or PC (not a docking station). Pairing is successful when the headset LED stops flashing red/blue and the USB LED is solid blue.Connect to PCPair (USB adapter)It takes 90 minutes to fully charge the headset. The indicator light turns off once charging is complete.TIPTo reset the accuracy of the talk time prompt, deplete the headset battery then charge fully.Headset LED behavior while charging with micro USB cableOff Charging complete Battery high Battery medium Battery low Battery criticalThere are three ways to check your headset battery status.1Wearing the headset, tap the Voice button, say "Check battery" and listen to the voice alert.2Wearing the headset, tap the Call control button and listen to the voice alert (smartphone only).3When not wearing the headset, tap the Call control button and observe the headset LEDs.Headset LED behavior for battery statusOff Charging complete Battery high Battery low, less than 30 minutes remaining Battery critical , under 10 minutes remainingChargeCheck headset batterystatusA fully charged case can supply an additional 10 hours of headset talk time.IMPORTANT The charge case is placed in deep sleep mode after manufacturing to save power and protect the battery. To wake-up the charge case, plug it into a power source for a minimum of 1 minute. The LED's flash when charging.Check the charge case or headset battery status by touching/swiping either the case or headseticons. The LEDs indicate the battery status.Battery highBattery mediumBattery lowBattery critical; Recharge case/headset Use the charge caseFitAnswer a callChoose:•Put on the headset to answer call, or•Say “answer” after call is announced (smartphone only), or•Answer a second callcall.End a callReject a callChoose:•Say “ignore” after call is announced (smartphone only), or•Call back last call (smartphone)Voice dial (phone feature)wait for phone prompt.The BasicsMake/Take/End CallsCaller Announcement (mobile phone only)When wearing your headset, you will hear the name of a contact calling you so you can decide whether to answer or ignore the call without having to check the phone screen.An incoming caller name is announced:•if your phone supports Phone Book Access Profile (PBAP)•if you granted access to your contacts during pairing process (for many mobile phones, this is preset out-of-the box and may not be necessary)•if the caller is stored in the phone's contacts listAn incoming caller name is not announced: if the caller is unknown, unlisted, or blocked During a conversation, press the Mute button . You hear “mute on” or “mute off." An alertrepeats every 15 minutes when mute is on.NOTE If the headset smart sensors are enabled (default), mute is deactivated when the headset is taken off and the headset is no longer muted.Toggle the Volume button up (+) or down (–) during a call or while streaming audio.While not on a call or streaming audio you can toggle the Volume button to adjust the volume level for Caller Announce and other voice prompts.Smart sensors in this headset recognize if the headset is being worn and can automatically perform time-saving functions.Putting on your headset will:•Answer an incoming call•Transfer an active call from your phone•Resume streaming audioTaking off your headset will:•Transfer an active call to your phone•Pause streaming audio•Lock the Call button to avoid accidental callsReset sensorsYou may need to reset the sensors if they are not working as expected.Mute Adjust the volume Use Smart SensorsDisable sensors To disable the sensors, hold both the Voiceuntil the LED flashes purple then red. Repeat to reactivate; the LED flashes purple then blue.NOTE Sensors cannot be disabled while streaming audio.A 2-second press of the Play/Pause button will either pause or resume playback of streaming audio.NOTE You must pause your streaming audio before you:•use your headset's voice commands•initiate an outbound call with your headset (call back or voice dial)NOTE If you power off the headset or go out of phone range while streaming audio, your headset will not play/pause the stream upon reconnecting until you manually resume streaming with your phone.Play or pause streamingaudioYou can change the language of voice alerts three different ways.•Select a new headset language using your headset (see Select language )*•Download and install the HUB app on your phone (visit /apps )*•Download and install the MyHeadset Updater tool (visit /myheadset )Voice alerts listFollowing is a list of the most frequent voice alerts.•"Answering call"•"Battery low"•"Calling back last number"•"Incoming call"•"Lost connection"•"Mute on/off"•"No phone is connected"•"Pairing"•"Pairing incomplete, restart headset"•"Pairing successful"•"Power on/off"•"Phone X connected/disconnected"•"Recharge headset"•"Say a command"•"Smart sensors on/off"•"Talk time remaining X hours"•"Volume maximum/minimum"Adjust voice alert volumeToggle the volume button when the headset is powered on and idle (not on a call or streaming music) to adjust the volume of the headset's voice alerts.You can change the language of voice commands three different ways.•Select a new headset language using your headset (see Select language )*•Download and install the HUB app on your phone (visit /apps )*•Download and install the MyHeadset Updater tool (visit /myheadset )To use voice commands, tap the Voice button command. For example, “What can I say?” tells you the full list of available commands.Voice commands list•"Am I connected?"•"Answer"More FeaturesVoice alerts Voice commands•"Call back"•"Cancel"•"Check battery"•"Ignore"•"Pair mode"•"What can I say"NOTEThe voice-dial feature is not a headset voice command.Disable the answer/ignore voice commands1Power on the headset.2Press and hold the Voice button 3Repeat to reactivate the voice answer commands.Multipoint technology lets you pair a second phone and answer calls from either phone.Once you have paired your two phones, it's easy to answer calls from either phone.NOTE Your headset can pair with up to 8 devices but only maintain 2 connections simultaneously;this includes the Bluetooth USB adapter.When on a call, you will hear a ringtone notification of the incoming call from the second paired phone. To answer a second call from the other phone, you must end the current call (tap Call button) so the new call automatically answers.If you choose to not answer the second call, it will go to voicemail.You can change the headset settings two different ways.•Download and install the HUB app on your phone (visit /apps )*•Download and install the MyHeadset Updater tool (visit /myheadset )The following headset settings can be changed:•Turn voice commands on/off•Turn high quality audio (A2DP) streaming on/off•Turn Wideband Audio for HD Voice on/off•Customize smart sensors•Customize muteYou can update your headset firmware using a USB cable and computer with the MyHeadset Updater tool installed.1Connect your headset and USB cable to your computer.2Download the MyHeadset Updater tool by visiting /myheadset .Besides receiving firmware updates, you can also change language and regional settings and configure other features.Use two phonesChange headset settings Update headset firmwareSupportNEED MORE HELP?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics BV345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States South Point Building C Scorpius 1402132 LR Hoofddorp, Netherlands© 2015 Plantronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use by Plantronics is under license. iPhone is a trademark of Apple, Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Patents: US 5,712,453; CN ZL201430031969.6; ZL201430040931.5; EM 002408096; 002417121; patents pending.204138-06 (01.15) MODEL ID: PITE14, ADAPTER: BT300。



uc浏览器使用方法(How to use UC browser)How to view websites with miniatures:Zoom browsing is a new model after UCWEB6.0.Using the zoom mode to browse the web page, can output the whole effect of the page in the micro graph on the mobile phone. By moving the cursor to the corresponding page area to zoom in, you can browse the corresponding content. In this mode, the target browsing area can be faster and more direct.Zoom mode is not the default value used by the software default, and can be activated by the menu > Settings > Browse mode.For the WEB of the image on the page, if the display is not clear enough in the "standard" or "color" under the picture, you can use the software image zoom function: selected to enlarge the picture, use the menu file > > zoom, select the size can be enlarged to.How to save a picture of a page:There are two ways to save pictures on the page:Download save:Through the cursor to select the picture, open the menu > File > save the picture (Java version for the target to save).PS: download pictures mobile phone local need to read and write local mobile phone files, if there is no correspondingpermissions, there will be download failure, mainly in the Moto series of mobile phones. About the Moto mobile phone authorization problem, you can find relevant solutions online, in addition, you can also ask our customer service personnel for help. ^_^Save to SkyDrive:The picture can be downloaded to the local mobile phone store, UC browser also supports direct upload pictures to the personal network disk storage: open the file menu > > save to SkyDrive ", if there is no UCWEB account login, the system will be prompted.PS: network hard disk is one of the data value-added services of UCWEB members. If it is not a member, it can be registered freely and quickly by software.How to save bookmarks in software:The bookmark backup function provided by UC browser can quickly complete the bookmark backup and save operation: switch to the bookmark page, upload the bookmark to the UCWEB server for backup by the menu > Advanced > synchronous management.There are some differences between the UC browser versions on PS: platforms and the bookmarks menu. Before you use the bookmark synchronization function, you need to log in to the UCWEB account.How to view page attributes:There are two ways to look at the page properties:1) through keyboard shortcuts "1" or short touch on the page non hyperlink point, activate the shortcut menu, select the "page attribute" in the shortcut menu;2) through the system menu options: Menu > Tools > page attributes.What is the clipboard?:The clipboard can be understood as a container for storing text information copied during browsing.The contents stored in the clipboard can be called through the paste command.How to use the clipboard":In the page, select the content to copy, and then add the content to the clipboard through the menu > Tools > copy menu.In the information input box, you can call the contents stored in the clipboard through the paste command.Clipboard content editing:Through the menu > Tools > clipboard, you can enter the clipboard management page.In this page, you can edit and delete the existing content through the lower menu of the page.Clipboard resource occupancy:Clipboard is stored in text class information, the resource occupation is very small.The system limitation of different mobile phone platform is not the same, so the UCWEB Zhuanban browser clipboard support entries there will be difference.How to upload files:The file upload needs to read the local file of the mobile phone, so when the UC browser has no permission to read the local file of the mobile phone, there will be "not allowed to access" and other prompts.If the mobile phone UC browser has a local file read permissions, upload files with the PC operation will end operation: click browse files, select the local mobile phone to upload a file, click the "Upload" file upload, the upload is complete will appear after the corresponding prompt. Some sites do not upload the button when uploading,Click finish.Because the PS: network transmission protocol, file upload speed will be lower than the download speed; for the Java release, such as mobile phone Zhuanban browser provides thecorresponding UC certificate version, strongly recommended installation certificate version, in order to get the best operating experience.Uploading files failed:There are problems in the Java version failed to upload: upload files need access to the local file read permissions, if UC browser does not have this right, will lead to upload failed, can try to give the permission in the mobile phone software menu. Such as NOKIA mobile phone: select software > operation > application software access > data access > add and edit data > ask each time;Some sites may use some special agreement which led to the normal file upload upload files, if it is determined not to upload software access failed, please contact with our customer service staff, thank you! ^_^PS:Moto series mobile phone due to licensing issues, resulting in many models can not properly use the UC browser to upload and download function, this software is not BUG, just give permission to the UC browser to read the local file to solve the problem, the relevant authorization method can search software on the internet.How to download files:UC browser can automatically identify the address type, can intelligently identify the download address of the file, click the file download address directly can call the built-indownload function of the software for download. For Java, PPC, SP version, you can select the file download path in the download file; while the Symbian version, the default download path for UC browser installation directory "UCdownloaded" through "Menu > Settings > Settings > System Download settings, change the default save path.Because the Moto mobile phone system, some special edition download file is called mobile phone browser download function.Download file failed:Before downloading files, the software needs to read and write the local files of the mobile phone, and when the software does not have permissions in this area, there will be some abnormal prompts.If the download failure is not caused by software privileges, please contact our customer service staff as soon as possible to help us better improve the software. ^_^The file is unknown after download:The most likely occurrence of this situation is the following two:1) some WEB stations take security chain mechanism, do not support direct click download, such as direct download, you will get an unknown file without suffix.2) before the UCWEB6 version, the file name of the download filecan be changed before downloading the file. If you rename a file when the file suffix will be deleted, after downloading an unknown file suffix: download a xxx.mp3 file, rename in when it changed to YYY, did not add the file suffix ".Mp3", then after the download is complete, will get a "YYY" suffix file is not unknown. In this case, use the rename function to add a suffix to the file.Forum Download invalid:The following reasons may cause the Forum Download invalid:1) most of the forums do not support anonymous download attachments, you need to login to the forum account before you can download. If the download fails, please confirm the normal login forum account.2) some forum does not support HTTP download, can try to use the browser to download the file download again.Download the page file:Some websites or forums use anti-theft chain mechanism, and do not support the use of third party download tools for file download (using mobile phones to download resources on these sites, equivalent to the use of third party tools to download on PC).This kind of problem belongs to the technical difficulty, when you encounter this kind of situation, may give our customer service personnel feedback the corresponding situation, helpsus to consummate the software better. ^_^How to change download path:UC browsers on the Java and PPC/SP platforms allow downloading and saving paths before downloading;The default saving path for downloading files in Symbian version of UC browser is in the "UCdownloaded" folder under the software installation directory, which can be changed by "Menu > Settings > System Settings > Download settings", and change the default save path.Speed down after downloading 300K:UCWEB6 HTTP text size when the default value is 300K, download the 300K file, complete a download process, re submit to the target server to download the application, to another file download, it can not reach the peak moment of download, "down" phenomenon after the download speed of 300K.Open download file prompt invalid":1) when the download file appears "invalid file", "file damage" and other prompts, confirm whether the size of the downloaded file is consistent with the download source. When the network connection is unstable, downloading files may result in incomplete downloading of files. In this case, downloading the file can solve the problem in general.2) UC browser "HTTP download function may be the site of somesupport is not good enough, resulting in abnormal unable to complete the download, download files, then you can try to use the browser to download the file, if can use the browser to download files, please contact with our customer service staff, help us to better improve the software. Thank you! ^_^Software hint "not allowed to access"":This kind of hints usually appear in the Java version, because the software can not get the local file access permission of the mobile phone, only need to give the software permission in the system. Such as NOKIA mobile phone: select software > operation > application software access > data access > add and edit data > ask each time;For the Moto series of mobile phones, you can search relevant solutions online, or to our customer service personnel for consultation.The download file name is garbled:The following reasons may cause the download file name to appear garbled:1) brush the phone font file.2) using some third party themes.3) some mobile phone system restrictions, unable to handle Chinese characters.Downloading big files is getting slower and slower:It's normal to download super files on mobile phones more and more slowly:1) after a long time to carry out large-scale data exchange, the efficiency of memory release will gradually reduce, leading to slow start of software operation;2) ultra large files are generally downloaded in the external data storage card, the external data storage began to run at a high speed for a period of time, will produce a certain amount of heat, thereby reducing the speed of data reading and writing.How to add bookmarks in browsing:In the browsing process, you can save the current access page as a bookmark, which is convenient for future access: Menu > Navigation > bookmark.In addition, you can also add the shortcut menu of the "quick Bookmarks: keyboard mobile phone can by default keyboard shortcuts" 1 "shortcut menu, select" bookmark "can; PPC touch screen mobile phone through the short contact page non hyperlink point to activate fastMenu.How to manually add bookmarks:To add a bookmark manually in UCWEB6, you can do the following:1) enter bookmark page. You can enter the bookmark management page through menu > Open > bookmark.PS: can also arrive at the bookmark management page by changing the sidebar tab in the default home page.2) in the bookmark management page through menu > > add bookmarks to add bookmark edit page, fill in the name of the bookmark in the title, fill in the corresponding bookmark in the path of the URL, select "save" to complete manually add bookmarks.What is bookmark synchronization?":Bookmark synchronization is a bookmark backup provided by UCWEB: mobile phone can be local bookmark file uploaded to the appropriate UCWEB server backup; can also be downloaded to the machine in the original backup server bookmarks file recovery, local mobile phone bookmarks.This function is a unique data value-added service for UCWEB members, not UCWEB member users can quickly complete free membership registration through registration guidance system.What is "positive sorting" and "reverse sorting"?":Is the arrangement of bookmarks files,According to the English letter intonation bookmark order.Bookmark synchronization, error number:This is a very low probability of occurrence, and most of them appear to be mixed with the old and new versions of the UC browser. Such as: the old version of the UC browser to upload 52 bookmarks, bookmarks download will find 54 bookmarks in the new edition, of which two is the solution that has been deleted before... Simply delete the two bookmarks file in the new version, upload the backup bookmarks again.There are some differences between the old and new versions of UCWEB, which may lead to some unusual situations. When we use the old and new versions of UCWEB at the same time, we can ask our customer service personnel for help.How to edit bookmarks quickly:If you need to edit multiple bookmarks at the same time, you can synchronize the bookmarks to the UCWEB server first, and then visit the "" on the PC side. After entering the account number, enter the "Favorites", find the bookmarks to be edited in the bookmark list, click the edit icon on the page to edit the bookmark file. After editing, use bookmark synchronization function to download the bookmarks on the server to the local mobile phone.There are many bookmarks and it's very difficult to find:The UC browser supports bookmarking directories under the bookmarks page.When saved bookmarks file more, can be stored in different categories to establish different folders in the bookmark page under the bookmark file: in the bookmarks page, add new bookmark folder by "Menu > New > directory".The use of different bookmarks folder to bookmark files, save space in the page, but also make bookmarks search, management easier.There is no limit the number of entries bookmark synchronization:The number of entries and no bookmark synchronization, you can rest assured to save local mobile phone bookmarks file uploaded to the UCWEB server.What is my mail box?:My email is a free personal data value added service provided by UCWEB company to UCWEB members. Just by binding the daily mailbox (one or more) to the UCWEB account, you can send and receive mail from the mailbox through the UC browser.How to set up mailbox account:1) login to the UCWEB account, enter the "my site" page, click "my mailbox", turn to the mailbox account settings page;2) click "new" to add mail account, enter the account creation page;3) fill in the mail user name and select the corresponding domain name; if the domain name is not in the list, you should complete the e-mail address below the page. When you have finished, click "next"";4) email login password, the mainstream mailbox is identified directly by mail the POPS/SMTP server; if unable to automatically recognize the POPS/SMTP mail server, you need to manually enter the POPS/SMTP server service provider, parameters can query to the mail. Some advanced parameters can be defined in the "advanced options" below the page. After completing all the entries, click "next step"";5) complete mail account addition.Can you send and receive regular mail only?:In addition to send and receive ordinary mail, but also supports sending and receiving attachments mail and HTML format mail, for some commonly used offic format document, support direct online open.Will it affect the original mail?:UC browser mail function only from the target mailbox in the corresponding copy mail to the mobile phone, delete or edit received in the mail in the mobile phone will not affect the target mailbox inside the original message, it will not lead to other mail clients will not be able to collect the mail.Unable to send and receive mail:If you are using a non mainstream mailbox, please check whether the POPS/SMTP parameters of the mail are set correctly. If the parameters are no problem, we can give feedback to our customer service staff to help us improve the software. ^_^PS: currently some new e-mail applications no longer support the POP3 protocol (07 years after the application of the NetEase series mailbox, do not support the POP3 protocol), leading to the normal use of e-mail in the UC browser.What is news aggregator?:News aggregator is a RSS subscription software provided by UCWEB company for UCWEB members;RSS is one of the most widely used XML applications. Through this kind of application, people can easily access information from the internet.How to subscribe to RSS:1) login the UCWEB account in the UC browser, enter the "my site" page, click "news aggregator", and turn to the RSS subscription page;2) select the categories of interest in the latest recommendation list, click on the category, click the "I want to subscribe" on the page, and complete the subscription;How to manually add factor:1) login the UCWEB account in the UC browser, enter the "my site" page, click "news aggregator", and turn to the RSS subscription page;2) click on the page of "new subscriptions (free)", into the RSS factor add page, in the input box above the page to fill in to subscribe to the corresponding URL, click "subscription", that is to complete the manual add RSS factor.RSS hasn't been updated for a long time:RSS has an interesting feature: the more people subscribe, the faster the content updates; the fewer people you subscribe to, the slower the content updates. If you find that the subscription RSS factor has not been updated for a long time, the factor may be invalid, or the number of subscribers will be very small.The RSS factor in the UC browser recommended list of factors are relatively hot, select the list of recommended factor to subscribe to the maximum extent possible to avoid factor no one subscription "was not updated for a long time".How to cancel RSS subscriptions:When the RSS factor was successful after the subscription in the corresponding news aggregator RSS factor categories for the page, choose to cancel the subscription to the RSS category, click enter, the page click on the top part of the factor, the "unsubscribe".What is my hard disk?:"My hard disk" is the line data storage service provided by UCWEB company for UCWEB members. Users can upload any files in the mobile phone or network (less than the network hard disk space) to the network hard disk belonging to the individual, and save them.How to use "my hard disk"":Select the file to save to my hard disk on the page, and save it to SkyDrive through the menu > file >.PS: can rename files to be uploaded before uploading files.What is the maximum space?:At present, each UCWEB member can enjoy 20M's personal network hard disk space.Deadline for file storage:The network hard disk provided by UCWEB does not limit the storage time of the file, so it can be used safely.It's troublesome to edit on mobile phone:"My hard disk" function has been extended to the PC side, you can access the through the computer, click my "hard disk", enter the network hard disk file save list page.In this page, you can edit and modify the content of the network SkyDrive.。

Active UC 快速安装使用手册

Active UC 快速安装使用手册

Active-UC快速使用手册北京网动科技有限公司2009-10-10目录一.客户端安装 (3)1.1安装前的准备 (3)1.2客户端下载安装 (3)1.3客户端登陆 (3)二、快速会议操作 (4)主持人操作 (4)2.1.1 开始会议 (5)2.1.2 系统设置 (5)2.1.3 开始发言 (7)2.1.4 界面选择 (7)2.1.5 会议室设定 (7)2.1.5 单个会员操作 (8)2.1.6 演讲稿 (8)2.1.7白板使用 (9)2.1.8 浏览器 (9)三、即时通讯操作 (9)四、音、视频设备以及网络检测 (12)4.1音频设备检测 (12)4.2视频设备检测 (15)4.3 显卡硬件加速检测 (17)4.4 网络情况检测 (18)一.客户端安装1.1安装前的准备确保本地计算机能够正常登陆internet,如果服务器在局域网中,确保本地计算机能正常连通服务器;开启防火墙中关于active-UC的相应端口,或者将本地防火墙关闭;TCP:11010~11016、11020~11026、8080UDP:7222~7224、8000~8002、8006开启方法:开始->控制面板-> windows防火墙-> 例外-> 添加端口;获取服务器IP地址、用户名、密码;1.2客户端下载安装打开IE浏览器,输入http://服务器IP地址:8080/acenter,回车,出现如下界面:点击左上角下载客户端,下载;下载完成后点击“下一步”,完成安装;1.3客户端登陆安装完成后,将在桌面出现图标“”,双击打开:输入服务器IP、用户名、密码,登陆系统。

二、快速会议操作主持人操作点击左侧第三个标签“”,显示如图界面:在预设会议室列表中,选择相应的会议室,点击“加入”,进入会议室,如下图:2.1.1 开始会议点击“”,系统将自动广播主持人的音频和视频,其他参会人员可以同时接收到主持人的音视频;同时,其他人的音视频将被关闭;2.1.2 系统设置点击“-->高级,弹出如下界面:请按照如图参数进行标准配置,用户可根据具体网络情况在此基础上做适当调节,如果网络情况相对较差,可将流量和分辨率适当的降低;点击“多媒体设备”标签,如图:视频设备选择当前安装使用的设备,语音回放和录音设备选择声卡,或者选择其他专业音频设备;其他部分如图所示勾选,如果使用了云台,则勾选“存在云台”,端口和协议根据具体使用的摄像机选择;点击“确定”,完成设置;如果未使用云台,此处不做勾选;2.1.3 开始发言点击“”,会员可通过麦克风将声音广播给其他会员;2.1.4 界面选择点击“”,可选择窗口排列和全屏排列;加入数据窗口:选择是否在窗口排列时,将数据窗口进行排列;2.1.5 会议室设定会议室设定针对所有人员进行控制和设置,控制着整个会议室的秩序和进程。

Voyager Focus UC 用户指南 - 朗声+波尔顿说明书

Voyager Focus UC 用户指南 - 朗声+波尔顿说明书

PLANTRONICS + POLYCOM.Voyager Focus UC用户指南内容概述3耳机3充电支架*4USB 蓝牙适配器4连接和配对5连接至 PC5配置 USB 适配器5配对至移动设备5再次配对 USB 适配器5佩戴和充电7佩戴在左耳或右耳上7为耳机充电7检查耳机电池状态7加载软件8基础知识9拨打/接听/结束通话9静音/取消静音10静音开启提醒*10OpenMic10音量10播放或暂停音乐10曲目选择10使用传感器10ANC11更多功能12DeepSleep 模式12采用第二款设备接听电话12更改语言12更新固件12盒中物品13附件13故障诊断14支持16ANC音量高/低前一首*播放/暂停音乐*后一首*ANC有源降噪充电端口正在进行的通话 = 静音/取消静音空闲 = OpenMic(聆听周围的声音)用于显示配对、电池用量、在线指示器的耳机 LED通话按钮 ([ ])电源按钮蓝牙配对按钮注*功能因应用程序而异。



注充电支架和微型 USB 线缆均可插入计算机或充电器中。


USB LED 它们表示什么意思红灯和蓝灯闪烁配对一直亮起蓝灯配对成功;已连接蓝灯闪烁正在通话红灯一直亮起已启用静音紫灯闪烁在电脑上播放音乐/媒体文件充电支架*USB 蓝牙适配器您的蓝牙 USB 适配器和您的耳机已预先配对。

1将蓝牙 USB 适配器插入到笔记本电脑或 PC中。

2当您听到“配对成功”时表示配对已成功,此时 USB 适配器 LED 呈稳定蓝色。

3可选:耳机通话控制 某些软件电话需安装 Windows 和 Mac (/software ) 适用的 Plantronics Hub ,以便启用耳机控制(应答/结束通话和静音)。

注Plantronics Hub 软件还可让您通过高级设置和选项自定义耳机的行为。

您的高保真度蓝牙 USB 适配器已准备就绪,可接听电话。

中文UC_CN使用说明书 V1.2.3

中文UC_CN使用说明书 V1.2.3












目录第1章功能介绍 ................................................................................................................................................. - 1 -1.1 主要功能特点........................................................................................................................................ - 1 - 第2章运行环境要求 ......................................................................................................................................... - 3 -2.1 硬件环境................................................................................................................................................ - 3 -2.2 软件环境................................................................................................................................................ - 3 - 第3章安装与卸载 ............................................................................................................................................. - 4 -3.1 安装步骤................................................................................................................................................ - 4 -3.2卸载步骤................................................................................................................................................. - 6 - 第4章配置管理 ................................................................................................................................................. - 8 -4.1主界面介绍............................................................................................................................................. - 9 -4.2 设备管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 12 -4.2.1 设备组配置 ............................................................................................................................ - 12 -4.2.2 设备配置 ................................................................................................................................ - 12 -4.3 用户管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 14 -4.3.1 角色信息管理 ........................................................................................................................ - 14 -4.3.2 用户组管理 ............................................................................................................................ - 14 -4.3.3 用户信息管理 ........................................................................................................................ - 14 -4.3.4 滚动字幕管理 ........................................................................................................................ - 15 -4.4 录像管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 15 -4.4.1 录像策略 ................................................................................................................................ - 15 -4.4.2 策略配置 ................................................................................................................................ - 16 -4.5 远程管理.............................................................................................................................................. - 17 -4.5.1 设备的选择 ............................................................................................................................ - 17 -4.5.2 远程配置 ................................................................................................................................ - 17 -4.6 远程维护.............................................................................................................................................. - 18 -4.6.1 设备信息列表 ........................................................................................................................ - 18 -4.6.2 系统升级 ................................................................................................................................ - 18 -4.6.3 配置文件上传和下载............................................................................................................. - 19 -4.6.4重启、恢复出厂设置和同步系统时间.................................................................................. - 19 -4.6.5 前端存储设备管理................................................................................................................. - 19 - 第5章视频浏览 ............................................................................................................................................... - 20 -5.1.1实时监控 ................................................................................................................................. - 20 -5.1.2 实时监控操作方法................................................................................................................. - 21 -5.1.3 电子放大 ................................................................................................................................ - 21 -5.1.4 双码流监控 ............................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.1.5 视频抓图 ................................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.1.6 语音对讲 ................................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.1.7 声音 ........................................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.1.8 广播 ........................................................................................................................................ - 22 -5.1.9 设备片段录像 ........................................................................................................................ - 23 -5.1.10 轮巡 ...................................................................................................................................... - 23 -5.1.11 告警联动 .............................................................................................................................. - 23 -5.1.12 满屏和标准模式显示........................................................................................................... - 24 -5.1.13 锁屏与解锁 .......................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.1.14 停止监控视频....................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.1.15 开始全部录像....................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.1.16画面分割控制........................................................................................................................ - 25 -5.1.17设备列表 ............................................................................................................................... - 25 -5.1.18 云台控制 .............................................................................................................................. - 26 -5.1.19实时报警 ............................................................................................................................... - 29 - 第6章录像查询 ............................................................................................................................................... - 30 -6.1录像查询............................................................................................................................................... - 31 -6.1.1 按文件回放 ............................................................................................................................ - 31 -6.1.2 按时间回放 ............................................................................................................................ - 31 -6.2录像回放............................................................................................................................................... - 31 -6.2.1本地录像回放 ......................................................................................................................... - 31 -6.2.2前端录像回放 ......................................................................................................................... - 31 -6.3前端录像下载....................................................................................................................................... - 31 -6.4录像剪切............................................................................................................................................... - 32 - 第7章告警信息 ............................................................................................................................................... - 33 - 第8章电视墙 ................................................................................................................................................... - 34 -8.1 电视墙的布局...................................................................................................................................... - 34 -8.2 监视器的布局...................................................................................................................................... - 34 -8.3 解码器和监视器的绑定...................................................................................................................... - 35 -8.4 电视墙轮巡设置.................................................................................................................................. - 36 - 第9章电子地图 ............................................................................................................................................... - 39 -9.1 电子地图布局...................................................................................................................................... - 39 -9.1.1 添加地图 ................................................................................................................................ - 39 -9.1.2 添加子地图 ............................................................................................................................ - 40 -9.1.3 添加设备 ................................................................................................................................ - 40 -9.2 播放设备视频...................................................................................................................................... - 41 -9.2.1 实时监控 ................................................................................................................................ - 41 -9.2.2 全屏/退出全屏播放............................................................................................................... - 41 -9.2.3 设备视频改变 ........................................................................................................................ - 41 -9.2.4 停止视频播放 ........................................................................................................................ - 41 -9.3 地图和设备的删除.............................................................................................................................. - 41 -9.3.1 删除地图 ................................................................................................................................ - 41 -9.3.2 删除设备 ................................................................................................................................ - 42 -9.4 地图和设备属性.................................................................................................................................. - 42 -9.4.1 地图属性 ................................................................................................................................ - 42 -9.4.2 设备属性 ................................................................................................................................ - 42 -9.5 地图之间的跳转.................................................................................................................................. - 42 - 第10章转发管理 ............................................................................................................................................. - 43 -10.1转发服务设置..................................................................................................................................... - 43 -10.2 远程客户端接收转发配置................................................................................................................ - 43 -10.3转发设备录像查询、回放、下载功能............................................................................................. - 44 - 第11章多屏显示控制...................................................................................................................................... - 45 -11.1多屏显示.............................................................................................................................................. - 45 - 第12章设置 ..................................................................................................................................................... - 46 -。

Voyager Focus UC 用户指南说明书

Voyager Focus UC 用户指南说明书

Voyager Focus UC User GuideContentsOverview3Headset 3Charge stand4USB Bluetooth adapter4Connect and pair5Connect to PC5Configure USB adapter5Pair to mobile device5Pair USB adapter again6Fit and charge7Wear on the right or left7Charge your headset7Check headset battery status7Load software8The basics9Make/Take/End Calls9Mute/unmute10Mute on reminder*10OpenMic10Volume10Play or pause music10Track selection10Use sensors10ANC11More Features12DeepSleep Mode12Answer calls from a second device12What's in the box13Accessories13Troubleshoot14Support15ANCVolume up/downTrack backward*Play/pause music*Track forward*ANC Active noise cancellingCharge portActive call = mute/unmuteIdle = OpenMic (hear your surroundings)Headset LEDs for pairing, battery status, online indicatorCall button ([ ])Power buttonBluetooth pair buttonNOTE*Functionality varies by application. Does not function with web-based apps. OverviewHeadsetUSB LEDs What they mean Red and blue flashesPairingSolid Blue Pairing successful; Connected Blue flashes On a call Solid red Mute activePurple flashesStreaming music/media from computerCharge standUSB Bluetooth adapterYour Bluetooth USB adapter comes pre-paired to your headset.1Insert the Bluetooth USB adapter into your laptop or PC.2Pairing is successful when you hear “pairing successful” and the USB adapter LED is solid blue.3OPTIONAL: Headset call control Some softphones require the installation of Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac (/software ) to enable headset control (answer/end and mute)functionality.NOTE Plantronics Hub software also allows you to customize your headset's behavior through advanced settings and options.Your high-fidelity Bluetooth USB adapter comes ready to take calls. If you want to listen to music,you will need to configure your Bluetooth USB adapter.Windows1To configure your Bluetooth USB adapter to play music, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Sound > Playback tab . Select Plantronics BT600, set it as the Default Device and click OK.2Start menu > Control Panel > Sound > 3Apple menu > System Preferences > Sound . On .12Activate Bluetooth on your phone and set it to search for new devices.•iPhone Settings > Bluetooth > On*•Android Settings > Bluetooth: On > Scan for devices*NOTE *Menus may vary by device.3Select “PLT_Focus.”If necessary, enter four zeros (0000) for the passcode or accept the connection.Connect and pairConnect to PCConfigure USB adapterPair to mobile deviceOnce successfully paired, you hear “pairing successful” and the headset LEDs stop flashing.NOTE Your headset can pair with up to 8 devices but only maintain 2 connections simultaneously;this includes the Bluetooth USB adapter.Pair USB adapter again1Insert the high-fidelity Bluetooth USB adapter into your laptop or computer and wait for yourcomputer to recognize it.2Put your headphones in pair mode.3Put your Bluetooth USB adapter into pair mode by gently pressing and holding the pair buttonwith a pen or paperclip until the Bluetooth USB adapter flashes red and blue.Pairing is successful when you hear "pairing successful" and the Bluetooth USB adapter LED issolid blue.To position the microphone on the right or left side, rotate the microphone boom up and over.Adjust the boom so it points to the corner of your mouth.TIP Your headset senses when you change the microphone boom from one side to the other andsyncs the audio and controls specific to each side.IMPORTANT Before using, charge the headset fully to reset the accuracy of the talk time prompts.Charge your headset with the charge stand or the micro USB cable. The headset LEDs flash when charging. It takes up to 2 hours to fully charge your headset. The LEDs turn off once charging is complete.NOTE Both the charge stand and micro USB cable can be plugged into either a computer or wallcharger. It is only necessary to plug into a computer to update firmware.Charge standMicro USB cableHeadset LEDs Battery status 4–5 blue blinks Battery high 2–3 blue blinksBattery medium 1 red blink Battery lowflashing redBattery critical; Recharge headsetThere are several ways to check your headset battery status.12When not wearing the headset, tap any button except the Call button and observe the headset LEDs.3Place the headset in the charge cradle and observe the headset LEDs.Fit and chargeWear on the right or leftCharge your headsetCheck headset batterystatusLoad softwareSome softphones require the installation of Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac to enableheadset control (answer/end and mute) functionality.1Install Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac onto your computer by visiting /software.2Manage your headset settings with your computer or mobile device with Plantronics Hub forWindows and Mac or Plantronics Hub for iOS and Android, respectively (/software).Plantronics Hub iOS and Android Windows and MacCall control for softphones XChange headset language XUpdate firmware XTurn features on/off X XView user guide XBattery meter X XANCVolume up/downTrack backward*Play/pause music*Track forward*ANC Active noise cancellingCharge portActive call = mute/unmuteIdle = OpenMic (hear your surroundings)Headset LEDs for pairing, battery status, online indicatorCall button ([ ])Power buttonBluetooth pair buttonNOTE*Functionality varies by application. Does not function with web-based apps.Answer or end a callCall back last call (smartphone)The basicsMake/Take/End CallsVoice dial (smartphone)and wait for the phone prompt and then tell the phone to dial the number of a stored contact.While on an active call, choose:•Tap the red Mute button•Take off/put on your headset while on an active call (requires active smart sensors)* Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac required (/software )If you have muted an active call and you start to speak, then a desktop notification reminds you that you are on mute. You can add a voice prompt notification by managing your mute features with Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac.While not on a call, tap the red Mute button to activate OpenMic and hear your surroundings.Control the level of ambient noise you hear by adjusting the volume wheel.Choose:•Put on/take off the headset (requires active smart sensors)•Tap the Play/pausebuttonNOTE Functionality varies by application. Does not function with web-based apps.Tap the Forward button or Back button to control the track selection.NOTE Functionality varies by application. Does not function with web-based apps.Smart sensors respond when you put on or take off your headphones.With active sensors putting on the headset will:taking off the headset will:Call answer the callmute the headsetMusic/mediaresume music/media (if playing previous to taking off)*pause music/media (if playing)*Mute unmute if on an active callmute if on an active callNOTE *Functionality varies by application. Does not function with web-based apps.Reset sensorsYou may need to reset the sensors if they are not working as expected.There are two ways to reset the headset sensors. Choose:•With your headset powered on, charge your headset on the charge stand for 10 seconds •Press and hold both the Mute and Play/pause buttons for more than 4 seconds until the LEDs flash purple twice, being careful to not touch the earcup padding or allow it to come in contact with surfacesDisable sensorsYou can disable your headset smart sensors several ways:Mute/unmuteMute on reminder*OpenMic VolumePlay or pause musicTrack selection Use sensors•Manage sensors through Plantronics Hub software•Hold both the Mutethen red. Repeat to reactivate; the LED flashes purple then blue.NOTE Sensors cannot be disabled while streaming audio.ANCActive Noise Cancelling (ANC) reduces unwanted noise.Your headset ships with ANC on. To turn ANC off, slide the stitch away from "ANC."If you leave your headphones powered on but out of range of your paired phone or USB adapter for more than 7 days, your headset conserves its battery power by entering into DeepSleep mode.DeepSleep mode.It's easy to answer calls from two devices (including softphone).When on a call, you hear a ringtone notification of the incoming call from the second paired device.and tap the Call button again to answer the new call. If you choose to not answer the second call,it will go to voicemail.More FeaturesDeepSleep ModeAnswer calls from asecond deviceHeadsetBaseBluetooth USB AdapterCarrying case Micro USB cableSold separately at /accessories.Wall chargerWhat's in the boxAccessoriesThe headset sensors are not working as expected.•A call is not automatically answered when I put on my headset.•Mute/unmute is not working when I take on/off my headset during a call.•During a call, mute unexpectedly turns on.If your headset sensors are not working as expected, you may need to reset the sensors. See Reset sensors.During a call, nobody can hear me.Configure the headset as the recording/output default device.For Windows, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Sound >Recording tab. Select Plantronics BT600, right-click, select“Select as Default Device” and click OK.For Mac, go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Sound >Output tab and select Plantronics BT600.During a call, I can't hear anybody.Configure the headset as the playback/input default device.For Windows, go to Start menu > Control Panel > Sound >Playback tab. Select Plantronics BT600, right-click, select “Selectas Default Device” and click OK.For Mac, go to Apple menu > System Preferences > Sound >Input tab and select Plantronics BT600.Music is not coming through my headset.To configure your USB adapter to play music, see Configure USB adapter.The headset talk time is not accurate.Charge the headset fully to reset the accuracy of the talk time prompts.When I play music and a call comes in, the music is too loud or doesn't pause.To configure your USB adapter to play music, see Configure USB adapter.When I use my headset with a softphone, the headset call control and mute buttons don't work.Some softphones require the installation of Plantronics Hub for Windows and Mac to enable headset control (answer/end and mute) functionality. See Load software.I hear an echo when not on a call.Check and see if OpenMic is on by pressing the red mute button onthe boom when you are not on a call. Our exclusive OpenMicfeature lets you control the level of ambient noise you hear. TroubleshootSupportNEED MORE HELP?/supportPlantronics, Inc.Plantronics BV345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 United States South Point Building C Scorpius 1402132 LR Hoofddorp, Netherlands© 2015 Plantronics, Inc. Plantronics and Simply Smarter Communications are trademarks of Plantronics, Inc., registered in the US and other countries. Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use by Plantronics is under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.Patents pending.XXXXXX-06 (05.15)。

Voyager Edge UC 系列 用户指南说明书

Voyager Edge UC 系列 用户指南说明书

Voyager Edge UC 系列用户指南内容盒中物品3概述4耳机概述4蓝牙 USB 适配器4充电盒概述5配对6蓝牙配对6NFC 配对6与其它手机配对6选择语言7连接8连接至 PC8配对(USB 适配器)8充电9检查耳机电池状态9使用充电盒10调整11调节佩戴方式11基础知识12拨打/接听/结束通话12静音13调整音量13使用智能传感器13播放或暂停音频流14更多功能15语音提示15语音命令15使用两部电话16更改耳机设置16更新耳机固件16支持17充电盒USB蓝牙适配器微型 USB 线缆*耳挂小号和大号耳塞NOTE *充电器样式可能因产品各异。

盒中物品通话按钮音量按钮迷你 USB 充电端口静音按钮语音按钮播放/暂停按钮电源按钮耳机 LED(指示灯)指示灯 (LED)概述耳机概述蓝牙 USB 适配器蓝牙,以节能和保护电池。

要唤醒充电盒,请将其插入电源至少 1 分钟。

充电时,LED 闪烁。

充电盒 LED:指示充电盒/耳机电池状态耳机:轻触图标可显示耳机电池状态充电盒:轻触图标可显示充电盒电池状态迷你 USB 充电端口充满电后,充电盒可为耳机提供额外最多 10 小时通话时间的电量。

充电盒概述NOTE 如果您的手机支持近距离无线通讯 (NFC),请转至 NFC 配对 。


您将听到使用所有支持的语言播报“welcome ”(欢迎),然后使用默认语言播报“pairing ”(配对)。

耳机 LED指示灯闪烁红色和蓝色。

2激活手机上 蓝牙®并将其设置为搜索新设备。

•iPhone 设置 > 蓝牙 > 开启*•Android ™ 设置 > 蓝牙:开启 > 扫描设备*NOTE * 菜单可能因设备不同而不同。

3选择“PLT_Edge ”。

如有必要,输入密码四个零 (0000) 或接受连接。

一旦配对成功,您会听到“pairing successful ”(配对成功)。



Livescribe+用户指南ANDROID 版内容产品入门. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4设置 Livescribe+ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4连接 Smartpen 至设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4首次配对 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5将 Smartpen 重新连接至设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5检查 Smartpen LED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6检查 Smartpen 电池电量 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6管理多个 Smartpen 和设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7与多个设备或 Smartpen 配对 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7连接至另一设备 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7连接至另一 Smartpen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8使用 Livescribe+ 菜单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9访问 Livescribe+ 菜单 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9使用视图 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10使用设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11应用程序首选项设置 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11访问 Livescribe 支持 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11使用 Smartpen 信息面板 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11使用搜索 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13使用笔记本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14查看笔记本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14播放 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15管理笔记本 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16删除笔记本中的页面 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17共享笔记本中的页面 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18使用源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19查看源 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19使用片段 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19删除片段 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20版用指南内容LIVESCRIBE+ ANDROID 戶使用 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21创建 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21开始录音 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21暂停/继续录音 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21停止录音 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22访问 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22播放 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23共享多个 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23重命名 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25删除多个 Pencast . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25使用 Livescribe PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27在计算机上打开 Livescribe PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27在设备上打开 Livescribe PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27查看和播放 Livescribe PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28打开来自其他应用程序的 Livescribe PDF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28共享笔记. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29了解文件共享格式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30笔记的存档或备份 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31存档 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31备份 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31故障排除. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Smartpen 无法与设备配对 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32我的 Smartpen 和设备未自动连接 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32我的新笔记浮在旧笔记的顶层 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33我的笔记未显示在 Livescribe+ 中 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33产品入门Livescribe 3 Smartpen 支持 Android 和 iOS 设备。



LiveUC视频会议客户端使用手册北京网动网络科技股份有限公司目录第1章.登录 (3)第2章.会议室界面布局 (4)第3章.会议室功能 (5)3.1.文档共享 (5)3.2.使用电子白板 (6)3.3.媒体共享 (7)3.4.程序共享 (8)3.5.会议投票 (10)3.6.添加演讲稿 (12)3.7.文件的发送 (15)3.8.试听试看 (15)3.9.私聊 (16)3.10.使用文字交流 (17)3.11.会议录制 (17)3.12.界面发布 (18)3.13.视频轮循 (19)第4章.会议室的控制 (20)4.1.会议模式 (20)4.2.控制助理权限 (21)4.3.控制会员权限 (22)4.4.设置临时发言人 (23)4.5.广播会员视频 (23)4.6.广播会员音频 (24)4.7.查看/停止查看会员视频 (24)4.8.远程视频查看设置 (24)4.9.请出会议室 (25)4.10.远程设置 (25)4.11.管理组 (27)4.12.设置会议室的信息 (27)4.13.参会者的排序 (28)4.14.视频窗口调节 (29)4.15.视频源设置 (30)4.16.设置视频设备属性 (30)4.17.视频名称 (31)4.18.视频字幕 (31)第5章.辅助功能 (32)5.1.系统设置 (32)5.2.呼叫H323 (36)5.3.多显功能 (38)5.4.网关呼叫 (38)第1章.登录启动客户端程序,进入会议室的途径有两种:途径一:安装完客户端,在桌面上生成快捷方式,双击该快捷方式,进入登录界面,如下图:图1-1登录客户端登录LiveUC客户端后,点击界面左边的【会议】,预设视频会议室列表中选择相应的会议室,点【加入】既可,如下图:图1-2进入会议室途径二:用户通过浏览器访问LiveUC管理平台:,登录自己的帐号后,【视频会议】—【参加会议】—相应的会议室点击【进入会议室】将会启动视频会议客户端登录服务器,进入会议室。







第四步、管理平台首次注册登入LiveU SoLo管理平台;如:下图所示1、登入SoLo管理平台登入地址:https:// 输入账户、密码;然后点击登入按钮;登入到SoLo设备管理平台2、点击编辑按钮;增加选项填写直播地址:3、在编辑界面选择直播方式:如添加RTMP地址、或是推到YouTuBe、WOWZA、FlcaBook等~4、以添加RTMP为列;设置方法如下:点击“增加目标地址”下方的“RTMP”按钮,进入添加RTMP 直播地址界面;输入目标地址名称“英文字符”、目标直播地址、选择模板à模板默认分为:240P、480P、720P三种默认输出格式;最后点击“提交”按钮;设置完毕。



直播正常启动后右上角会弹出“直播开始”字样;7、点击“停止直播”按钮- -结束直播。










视频监控客户端是针对连接多台不同类型或型号的设备(如IPC,NVS,DVS等产品),此说明书只针对专业视频监控系统的客户端软件操作进行介绍,涉及到具体设备的功能设置请阅读相关的产品说明书.本手册是为使用UC视频监控客户端的用户提供的.您应具备相关设备(如IPC,NVS,DVS等产品)的基本操作知识和经验.目录第1章功能介绍 ................................................................................................................................................. - 1 - 1。

1 主要功能特点...................................................................................................................................... - 1 - 第2章运行环境要求 ......................................................................................................................................... - 2 -2.1 硬件环境................................................................................................................................................ - 2 -2。

Presonus QMix-UC 软件参考手册说明书

Presonus QMix-UC 软件参考手册说明书

QMix-UC Software Reference Manual ®1 In — 1n troductio1.1 About This Manual — 12 QMix-UC — 32.1 Launching QMix-UC — 32.2 Aux Mix Page — 42.2.1Channel Grouping — 52.3 Wheel of Me — 62.4 Settings Page — 83 Setting Device Permissions(StudioLive AI Console Mixers) — 91QMix-UC for iOS (iPhone and iPod touch) and Android™ puts eachmusician’s monitor (aux) mix in their own hands. With QMix-UC, you canadjust each StudioLive channel’s aux-send level to taste and can createup to four groups of channels that you simultaneously control with theamazing Wheel of Me. All you need is a wireless router and a mobile iOS orAndroid device, and you’re ready to take control of your own destiny.Note: Please visit for a list of supported Android devices.1.1 About This ManualWe suggest that you use this manual to familiarize yourself withQMix-UC before trying to use it to control your mixer. This guideassumes that you have followed the networking procedures outlinedin the Networking for StudioLive Remote Control Guide.Throughout this manual you will find Power User Tips. Thesetips provide useful hints on how to best use QMix-UC and takeadvantage of unique workflow functions and features.For the most part, StudioLive Series III and AI-series console and rackmixers behave identically. Because of fundamental architecturaldifferences, some functionality is not available in every series and styleof mixer. When these differences occur, it will be noted as follows:•StudioLive Series III console mixers: StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, and StudioLive 16•StudioLive Series III rack mixers: StudioLive 16R,StudioLive 24R, and StudioLive 32R•StudioLive AI-Series mixers: 16.4.2AI, 24.4.2AI, 32.4.2AI,RM16AI, RM32AI, RML16AI, and RML32AI•StudioLive AI-Series console mixers: 16.4.2AI, 24.4.2AI, and 32.4.2AI•StudioLive AI-Series RM/RML mixers: RM16AI, RM32AI, RML16AI, and RML32AIThis guide explains the functions and basic routing features of the audio interfaceonboard your StudioLive mixer. The following companion guides are also available: Hardware Guides:•StudioLive Series III Console Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this referenceguide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLiveSeries III console mixer (StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, StudioLive 16).•StudioLive Series III Rackmount Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this referenceguide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive Series IIIrackmount mixer (StudioLive 32R, StudioLive 24R, StudioLive 16R).•StudioLive AI-Series Console Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this referenceguide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive AI-Seriesconsole mixer (StudioLive 32.4.2AI, StudioLive 24.4.2AI, StudioLive 16.4.2AI).•StudioLive AI-Series Rackmount Mixer Owner’s Manual. Use this referenceguide to understand all the hardware functions on your StudioLive AI-Series rackmount mixer (StudioLive RM/RML32, StudioLive RM/RML16). Software Guides:•Capture 3 Reference Manual. Included with StudioLive mixersis Capture, a digital-audio multitrack-recording applicationdesigned to make recording quick and easy.•Networking for StudioLive Remote Control. This guide willassist you in creating a LAN network to remote control yourStudioLive from a computer, tablet, or mobile device.•Studio One Integration Reference Manual. Studio One Artistis included with every StudioLive mixer. In addition to being apowerful DAW, Studio One provides unique routing and integrationfeatures. This manual will help you get the most from your StudioLivemixer when used with Studio One or Studio One Artist.•UC Surface Reference Manual. This guide describes the features andfunctions of UC Surface with every StudioLive mixer model. UC Surfacecan be used to remotely control ever function on your StudioLivemixer or specific functions, depending on the set permissions, orto turn your tablet into additional screens for your mixer.•Using Your StudioLive as an Audio Interface with UniversalControl Reference Guide. This guide describes the features andfunctions Universal Control as well as how to use your StudioLivemixer as an audio interface with your favorite DAW application.Additional Resources:•StudioLive Series III AVB Networking Guide. This manual covers advancedAVB audio networking configuration for the StudioLive Series III mixers.•StudioLive Series III Stage box Mode Addendum. The StudioLiveSeries III rackmount mixers (StudioLive 32R, StudioLive 24R, StudioLive16R) can be used as advanced stageboxes for StudioLive Series IIIconsole mixers (StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive 32SX,StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, StudioLive 16).•StudioLive Series III Studio One DAW Control Addendum. StudioLiveSeries III console mixers (StudioLive 64S, StudioLive 32S, StudioLive32SX, StudioLive 32SC, StudioLive 32, StudioLive 24, StudioLive16) can be used to control Studio One and Studio One Artist.2Mobile iOS and Android devices offer two viewing options: Landscape and Portrait.These two orientations open different windows. When you hold your mobile devicein Landscape view, the Aux Mix window will open. When you hold your mobiledevice in Portrait view, the Wheel of Me and Group Masters windows will be visible.2.1 Launching QMix-UCTo launch QMix-UC, tap on the QMix-UC icon on your mobile device. When youlaunch QMix-UC, you will be taken to the Start page.On the Start page, you will see a list of every StudioLive Series III andAI-series mixer on the network. You can also view QMix-UC usingDemo Mixer simulations. These offline simulations enable you topractice your finger control away from your StudioLive.Note: Classic StudioLive mixers (16.0.2, 16.4.2, 24.4.2, and 32.4.2) provide monitor mixcontrol with the free QMix application. This mixers are not compatible with QMix-UC.To connect to your mixer, tap on the StudioLive device icon to openQMix-UC and control the mixer from your mobile device.Tapping the Reconnect button will automatically scan the network for the lastStudioLive mixer to which QMix-UC was connected.2.2 Aux Mix PageThe Aux Mix page shows the send level for each channel on each aux towhich your device has access. It corresponds directly to the aux mixes on yourStudioLive and has been streamlined to show only the send levels. To openthe Aux Mix page, simply hold your mobile device in Landscape view:1. Home. Returns to the Start page and the available device list.2. Channel Send Levels. Sets the Channel Send Levels to theSelected Aux Bus. To adjust the send levels for any channel, tapanywhere in the channel’s level control and move your finger upor down while maintaining constant contact with the screen.Power User Tip: The aux sends support off-axis movement. Once you have toucheda send-level control to select it, you can slide your finger anywhere in the screen andmake an up/down movement to control the send level.3. Settings. Opens the Settings menu. (See Section 2.4.)4. Lock Orientation. Enabling the Lock Orientation button will lockyour mobile device in Landscape view. While this button is enabled,you cannot open the Wheel of Me. Locking the view will also removethe Start page button. Until this option is disabled, QMix-UC willlaunch in this view when connected to the current mixer.Power User Tip: If QMix-UC doesn’t change pages when you change your mobiledevice’s orientation, make sure that Lock Orientation is not enabled.5. Channel Pan. When a stereo mix is selected, you find pan modules aboveeach channel to control the channel’s relative pan position in the mix.6. Aux Mix Select. Displays channel send levels to Aux bus. Tonavigate right or left, touch anywhere in the Aux tabs and swipeyour finger to the left or right. Swiping left scrolls the screento the left. Swiping right scrolls the screen to the right.Note: Your device’s access to aux mixes is determined from your StudioLive mixer. Ifyou only have access to one aux mix, verify your device’s permissions in UC Surfaceor in the System menu on your mixer.7. Channel Meter. Displays the channel’s current signal level. Usethis meter to determine if a particular channel has signal andto see how hot a signal is before you set the send level.8. Groups. QMix-UC allows you to create four groups of channels for easier mixmanagement. This button enables / disables this functionality. See Section Edit Groups. Tap this button to view the four groupsand add channels to each. See Section Channel GroupingChannel grouping is a great way to easily manage your mix. Creating a group will letyou organize groups of channels and manage the overall volume of the entire groupwithout changing the relative level of each channel in the group. For instance, youcan create a group of all your drum channels so that once you dial in just the rightdrum mix, you can turn your drums up or down with one fader instead of twelve.1. To create a group (or four), tap on the arrow next to the Groups button.2. This will reveal the Group Edit buttons.3. Tap on the Group Edit button to add or remove channels.4. Tap on the channels you’d like to add to your group. As you select channels,their color will change to match the currently selected group’s color.5. When you done editing groups, tap the arrow again to hide the group editor.6. Once you have created groups, you will be able to globallyenable/disable them using the Groups On / Off button.To manage your Group masters, flip your mobile device to Portrait modeand swipe to the third screen. This will open the Group Masters view andallow you to control the overall level of each group in your mix.2.3 Wheel of MeQMix-UC’s Wheel of Me provides you with an easy and effective way to controlall of the channels that contain your voice and instruments. To open the Wheelof Me, turn your mobile device to the Portrait view. The Wheel of Me will openfor the currently selected aux mix, so if you have Aux Mix 3 selected on the AuxMix page, Aux Mix 3 will still be selected when you open the Wheel of Me.To begin, set up your monitor mix using the Aux Mix page in QMix-UC, UCSurface, or on your StudioLive. Once you have your monitor mix dialedin to taste, you simply need to identify which channels are yours. Afterthis, the Wheel of Me will control the volume of all your channels as agroup, preserving the volume of each channel relative to the others.To select your “Me” channels, swipe to the left.From the Me page, you can identify which channels are yours in any aux mix.For example, if you sing backup vocals and play bass, you probably wantto hear more of those channels, so you would identify those channels as “Me.” As a bass player, you might also want the kick-drum level to increase in proportion to your bass, in which case identify that channel as “Me” as well.Once you’ve identified these channels as Me channels, the Wheel of Me will increase or decrease the level of these channels concurrently, allowing youto create a DCA group of your most critical channels in your monitor mix.To return to the Wheel of Me, swipe to the right.The Wheel of Me increases or decreases the level of your Me channels as a mix relative to the rest of the channels (the Band). If you increase the level of your Me channels beyond the top level, rather than further raising the Me level, the Band channels will decrease in volume, producing the illusion of “even more me.”On either side of the Wheel of Me, you will find Me and Band mix indicators. These level displays show the balance between the Me channels and the Band channels. The Band channels consist of any channels not identified as Me channels. These indicators will adjust automatically as you move the Wheel of Me up or down. Power User Tip: The Band indicator will not show a level until you create an aux mix on the Aux Mix page. The Me indicator won’t show a level until at least one channel is selected on the Me Channels page. If all channels in the aux mix are selected on the Me Channels page, level will only be shown in the Me indicator, and no level will be shown in the Band indicator.Lock Orientation. Enabling the Lock Orientation button will lock your mobile devicein Portrait view. While this button is enabled, you cannot open the Aux Mix page. Locking the view will also remove the Start Page button. Until this option is disabled, QMix-UC will launch in this view connected to the current mixer.Power User Tip: If QMix-UC doesn’t change pages when you change your mobile device’s orientation, make sure that Lock Orientation is not enabled.2.4 Settings PageTo open the Settings page, tap on the Settings button on the Aux Mix page or Wheelof Me page. From the Settings page, you can customize QMix-UC scrolling and createcustom names for each channel and aux mix.Scroll by Page. Turning this option off will allow you to scrollone channel at a time, offering more granular control.Peak Hold Metering. When Peak Hold Metering is enabled, each meterin QMix-UC will continue to display the most recent signal peak.3Controlling your StudioLive remotely with QMix-UC for mobile devicesallows you to move about the venue freely. However, it can also putthe full power of the StudioLive in multiple hands—some more adeptthan others. Therefore, your StudioLive enables you to limit eachdevice’s access to the mixer features by setting permissions.Once a mobile device is connected to your wireless network and haslaunched QMix-UC, the device will be displayed in the Remote Devices list2. Page down to navigate to Page 3: iOS Setup.When setting permissions for QMix-UC users, you will choose between providing full access to all aux mixes, providing access to only a singleaux mix, and limiting the user to just the Wheel of Me functions.Mix Permissions. Sets the level of functionality in QMix-UC.•None. QMix-UC on the select iPhone/iPod Touch willnot be able to control your StudioLive mixer.•All Auxes. QMix-UC will control the channel send levels for all aux mixes. •Individual Aux Mixes. QMix-UC will only control thechannel send levels for the specified aux mix.Other Permissions. Choose between Wheel Only or None. Wheel Only disables the Aux Mix page in QMix-UC. When this is enabled, the user will only be able to use the Wheel of Me on the single aux to which you’ve provided access. When Wheel Only is enabled, you can only give access to one aux mix.© 2019 PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. AudioBox, CoActual, DigiMax, Eris, FireStudio, Nimbit, PreSonus, QMix, Riff to Release, Sceptre, StudioLive, Active Integration, and XMAX are trademarks or registered trademarks of PreSonus Audio Electronics, Inc. Capture, Impact, Mixverb Presence, RedLightDist, SampleOne, Studio One, and Tricomp are trademarks or registered trademarks of PreSonus Software Ltd. Mac and Mac OS are registered trademarks of Apple, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft, Inc., in the U.S. and other countries. Other product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. All specifications subject to change without notice...except the recipe, which is a classic.Dinner is ServedAdded bonus: PreSonus’ previously Top Secret recipe for…Chicken and Andouille GumboIngredients:• 1 C All-Purpose flour•¾ C Vegetable Oil• 1 large onion (diced)• 1 small onion (quartered)• 6 celery stalks (diced)• 1 large green bell pepper (diced)• 3 cloves garlic (2 minced, 1 whole)• 1 lb link Andouille sausage• 4 Chicken leg quarters• 4 qt water• 4 bay leaves• 1 tsp thyme• 1 tsp Old Bay seasoning•1-2 C frozen okra, sliced•¼ C fresh parsley, minced • 6-8 eggs (optional)Cooking Instructions:1. In a large pot, combine whole chicken leg quarters, water, quartered onion, Old Bay, 2 bay leaves and 1 whole clove garlic. Cover and bring to a low boil. Simmer stock until chicken is falling off the bone. Remove the chicken and set aside. Discard the onion, bay leaves, and garlic, reserving the liquid.2. In a heavy saucepan, heat 1 Tbsp of the oil on medium high heat and brown the andouille until it is cooked through. Set aside sausage for later.3. In the same saucepan, add and heat remaining oil. Slowly add flour 1-2 Tbsp at a time, stirring continuously. Continue cooking and stirring the roux until it is a dark brown (it should look like melted dark chocolate). Be careful to not to get the oil too hot or the flour will burn and you’ll have to start over.4. Once roux has reached the correct color, add diced onion, celery, green pepper, and minced garlic. Cook until vegetables are very tender. Do not cover.5. Slowly add 1 quart of chicken broth and bring to a low boil, stirring constantly.6. Transfer roux mixture to a soup pot and bring to low boil. Do not cover, the roux will settle on the bottom of the pot and burn.7. Add remaining chicken broth, bay leaves, and thyme. Simmer for 30 minutes.8. While gumbo is simmering, debone and shred chicken and slice the andouille.9. Add chicken and andouille to gumbo and return to a simmer. Simmer for 30-45 minutes.10. Stir in frozen okra and parsley and bring to a rolling boil.11. Optional: Crack one egg into a teacup and quickly pour into the boiling gumbo. Repeat with the other eggs being careful not to cluster them too closely. After all the eggs have risen back to the surface, reduce heat and simmer.12. Correct seasoning with salt and pepper (red, white and/or black) if necessary.13. Serve over rice with potato salad.Serves 1218011 Grand Bay Ct. • Baton Rouge,Louisiana 70809 USA• 1-225-216-7887®QMix-UCSoftware Reference Manual。

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Live UC在线直播简易使用手册1 登录在线直播系统
(1)客户从风云平台进入到Live UC管理页面后,登录会议室
(图)登录Live UC 在线直播页面(2)L ive UC在线直播会议室主界面
2 在线直播的使用

2.1 会议角色

2.2 语音广播




2.3 视频广播



2.4 程序共享

2.5 文件发送

2.6 投票统计


2.7 文档共享

1. 在右侧用户列表区域,打开[演讲稿]标签,在“演讲稿”总目录上单击鼠标右键,选择添加演讲稿:
2. [名字]:添加后将在演讲稿列表区进行显示的名称。

媒体文件:wmv,asf,rmvb,vcd,dvd,avi等本机media player可播放的多媒体文件。


3. 添加完成后,在演讲稿列表将生成新增的文件,双击文件名,即可将其同步展示给所有在线用户。


内置浏览器:本地文档如PPT 转换成html格式后,将自动导入到内置浏览器,主持人可以同步引导翻页。

2.8 直播录制




2.9 文字交流

2.10 系统设置

图2-5 高级系统设置
