Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
《地理信息系统--原理、方法和应用》 邬伦等 参考书目
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关于惠特尼不等式的历史注记程钊(北京化工大学数学系,100029)摘要:本文考察了惠特尼不等式κ (G)≤λ (G) ≤δ (G) 的历史,指出惠特尼并非该不等式的首创者。
关键词:惠特尼不等式,历史1.设G是一个图,κ(G) 是它的(点)连通度,λ(G)是它的边连通度,δ(G)是它的最小度,则存在联系这三个数的一个著名不等式:(*)κ (G)≤λ (G) ≤δ (G) ;它几乎出现在任何一本图论教科书中,并且常常被认为是属于惠特尼(例如,[1,6,11]),因此,有时也被称为惠特尼不等式(如[15])。
如果G是n-重连通的而不是(n+1)-重连通的,我们就说它的连通度是n 。
《历史研究》的注释规范(2007-05-17 13:53:01)转载▼虽然注释是一件很麻烦的事情,但是体现了学术严谨,是从事学术不可不注意的。
A . 施阿兰:《使华记(1893---1897)》,袁传璋、郑永慧译,商务印书馆,1989年。
厦门大学本科课程大纲课程名称晶体学基础英文名称Fundament of Crystallography课程编号开课学期5学分/周学时 3 / 3课程类型学科类方向性课程先修课程无机化学、普通物理、高等数学、线性代数、材料科学基础选用教材潘兆橹,结晶学及矿物学(上册,第三版),地质出版社,北京:1993。
主要参考书[1]、埃文思(R.C.Evans) (英),胡玉才译, 结晶化学导论, 人民教育出版社,北京:1980。
[3]、陈焕矗,结晶化学, 山东教育出版社,济南:1985。
[4]、陈敬中, 现代晶体化学:理论与方法:Theories and technique, 高等教育出版社,北京:2001。
[5]、陈敬中, 准晶结构及对称新理论, 华中理工大学出版社,武汉:1996。
[6]、方奇, 于文涛, 晶体学原理, 国防工业出版社, 北京: 2002。
[7]、李中和等,结晶化学, 浙江大学出版社,杭州:1989。
[15]、钱逸泰, 结晶化学导论, 中国科学技术大学出版社,合肥:1999。
[16]、邱关明, 结晶化学, 华中工学院出版社,武昌:1986。
也有学者对高中教材开展研究,如李伟康(2020)从知识主题、栏目分布、运用方式、信息载体、历史时期、所属国家六个维度比较人教A 版、人教B 版、北师版三个版本高中数学教材中数学史内容的异同点。
模糊系统与数学131(2002)101-106一个基于方案模糊信息的多属性决策方法Zhi-Ping Fan a,b , Jian Ma b,∗ , Quan Zhang b信息与决策部门,工商管理学院,东北大学,沈阳110006,中国部门的信息系统,香港大学,83Tat中港大道,九龙,香港摘要本文研究了对多属性决策方案的问题。
2001由Elsevier Science公司出版。
关键词:多属性决策;模糊偏好信息;方案排序1 引言在多属性决策(MADM)问题里,决策者往往需要选择或者排序非均匀和相互冲突的属性[3,14]。
电话: +852-2788-8514 传真: +852-2784-4198电子邮件地址: isjian@.hk (J. Ma).0165-0114/01/$-见前页c 2001 由Elsevier科学有限公司出版PII: S0165-0114(01)00258-5在多属性决策问题里,决策者的偏好信息经常被用来排列替代品,然而,决策者的判断因形式和深度而异。
formative assessment and the design of instructional systems
120 linkages are then identified. These in turn are shown to have implications for the design of instructional systems which are intended to develop the ability of students to exercise executive control over their own productive activities, and eventually to become independent and fully self-monitoring.
This article is about the nature and function of formative assessment in the development of expertise. It is relevant to a wide variety of instructional systems in which student outcomes are appraised qualitatively using multiple criteria. The focus is on judgments about the quality of studentts, how they are made, how they may be refined, and how they may be put to use in bringing about improvement. The article is prompted by two overlapping concerns. The first is with the lack of a general theory of feedback and formative assessment in complex learning settings. The second concern follows from the common but puzzling observation that even when teachers provide students with valid and reliable judgments about the quality of their work, improvement does not necessarily follow. Students often show little or no growth or development despite regular, accurate feedback. The concern itself is with whether some learners fail to acquire expertise because of specific deficiencies in the instructional system associated with formative assessment. The discussion begins with definitions of feedback, formative assessment and qualitative judgments. This is followed by an analysis of certain patterns in teacher-student assessment interactions. A number of causal and conditional
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曲面上的偏微分方程刘彦佩【摘要】旨在讨论三个不同形式的偏微分方程在一个整域扩张上解的存在性、唯一性以及求解使得所有系数皆正项有限和的一种方法.虽然这些方程都是在研究地图在曲面上一种同构分类时发现的,对相关的组合,或代数结构却有些普遍意义.%The purpose of this paper is to discuss the differential equations in three forms: surface no loop, surface no end and surface Euler for the well-definednes on the extension of integrate domain and their solutions in recursions of finite summations with positive terms. Although the foundation of these equations is established from counting the isomorphic classes for a variety of maps on surfaces, universal significance would be seen in a theory with a certain generality of combinatoric or algebraic configurations.【期刊名称】《玉林师范学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(033)002【总页数】8页(P2-9)【关键词】曲面;地图;整域扩张;偏微分方程;Laurent级数【作者】刘彦佩【作者单位】北京交通大学数学研究所,北京100044【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O1571 引言本文作者自上世纪90年代中期开始,考虑一般根地图在曲面上的总和与度(即棱数)的关系,建立了一个常微分方程(参见Liu YP [4],第268页的(8.5.10)式).它只是可定向的情形.但那时,不可定向的情形尚未完成.这种情形是2003年在刘彦佩[5](第209页的(9.62)式)中给出的.同时,在那本书中,还独立地给出了全部曲面上的情形(第213页的(9.72)式).当时竟完全没有想到这个方程与可定向情形的方程,只在一项中相差一个系数.它们都是Riccatti型的.在2008年出版的刘彦佩[6]中,开始出现偏微分方程.例如,用来刻划给定根顶点次和度的无自环根地图在曲面上的分类方程(即[6]中第211页的(8.4.8)式)和(即[6]中第213页的(8.4.17)式).用来刻划给定根顶点次和度的无端割根地图在曲面上的分类方程(即[6]中第180页的(7.5.12)式)和新近得到的以及,用来刻划给定根顶点次和度Euler根地图在曲面上的方程(即[6]中由§6.5提供的分解原理所导出)和新近得到的在以下的三节,就是提供上面三组偏微分方程的定性理论和解的确定.2 曲面无环型考虑关于二变元x和y的函数 f 所满足的方程:其中a∈R+,a≠0.当a=1时,(2.1)式就变成了(1.1)式.当a=2时,(2.1)式就变成了(1.2)式.因为(1.1)式和(1.2)式都与曲面上无环地图有关,方程(2.1)式被称为曲面无环型的.为下面推导方便,先将方程(2.1)式在整域扩张R{x,y}上,等价地变换成因为目的在于论证方程在R+{x,y}3R{x,y}中解的存在性,唯一性,以及求出解的一种单项,或正项和表示,可令由方程(2.1)式的始条件,从(2.3)式可知,对于n≥0若记Hn=Fn|x=1,n≥0,则由(2.3)式和(2.5)式,有对于n≥0,在(2.3)式—(2.6)式的基础上,由(2.2)式可得以及对于任何整数n≥4,引理2.1 对于任何整数n≥1,Fn是x的一个常数项为0的n次多项式.证明由(2.8)—(2.10)式,对于n=1,2和3,引理的结论为真.对于n≥4的情形,可以假设对于所有i:n>i≥1,Fi都是x的一个常数项为0的i次多项式.利用这个假设,往证i=n的情形.因为在(2.11)式中,等号的右端有一个因子x,Fn的常数项为0.令d为未定元x多项式的次.由(2.11)式,有从而,引理得证.根据引理2.1,可以将Fn表示为如下形式:其中Fi,n∈R,n≥i≥1.引理2.2 在(2.11)式中,多项式当,且仅当,Fn-1$0.证明由(2.12)式,有因为对于任何n≥i≥1,都有2(n-1)-i>0,即得引理的结论. 引理2.3 对于任何整数n≥1,Fn∈R+[x](即非负整系数以x为未定元多项式的集合).证明基于引理2.1—引理2.2和a∈R+,用数学归纳法,即可得所有Fi,n=∈R+.引理得证.定理2.4 方程(1.1)式在R+[x,y}中有,且仅有,一个解.证明令 fnl,2yn fnl=Fn,n≥1,由(2.7)—(2.11)式所确定.因为 fnl满足方程(2.2)式和方程(2.2)式与方程(2.1)式等价, fnl也是方程(2.1)式的一个解.由引理2.3,fnl∈R+[x,y}.从(2.7)式到(2.11)式的过程可以看出,在R+[x,y}中, fnl对于方程(2.1)式初值的唯一性.这个解在R+[x,y}中,是仅有的.定理2.5 方程(1.1)式在R+[x,y}中的解有如下的正项和递推表示:其中和,n-1≥i≥1证明由定理2.4和引理2.2的证明,经过整理,即可得(2.13)式.3 曲面无端型考虑关于二变元x和y的函数 f 所满足的方程:其中a∈R+,a≠0.当a=1时,(3.1)式就变成了(1.3)式.当a=2时,(3.1)式就变成了(1.4)式.因为(1.3)式和(1.4)式都与曲面上无端割地图有关,方程(3.1)式被称为曲面无端型的.通过在整域扩张R[x,y}中等价变换将方程(3.1)式变为令 f 由 Fn=[f]n= ∈R{x},n≥0所确定.即由方程(3.1)式的始条件,从(3.3)式可知,对于n≥0记Hn=Fn|x=1,n≥0.由(3.5)式,有对于n≥0,在(3.4)式—(3.6)式的基础上,由(3.2)式可得y0:[f]0=1(在方程(3.2)式右端除常数项外都有因子y);(3.7)y1:,用(3.5)—(3.6)式,以及对于任何整数n≥3,yn: ,用(3.5)—(3.6)式,引理3.1 对于任何整数n≥1,Fn是一个 x 最小次为2的2n次多项式.证明由(3.8)—(3.9)式,对于n=1和2,引理的结论为真.对于n≥3的情形,可以假设对于所有i:n>i≥1,Fi都是 x 最小次为2的2i次多项式.利用这个假设,往证i=n 的情形.因为在(3.10)式中,等号的右端有一个因子x2,Fn的常数项和一次项均为0.令d(p)为未定元 x 多项式 p 的次.由(3.10)式,有d(Fn)=2+d(Fn-1),由归纳法假设,=2+2(n-1)=2n.从而,引理得证.基于这个引理,可以将Fn,n≥1表示如下形式:引理3.2 对于任何整数n≥1,证明由(3.11)式,因为对于i≥2,(1-x)|(1-xi-1),就有第一个结论.因为对于i≥2,就有第二个结论.从这个引理的证明中,可以看出引理3.3 对于任何整数n≥1,Fn∈R+[x].证明因为x∈R+,在上面两个引理的基础上,从(3.11)式和归纳法原理可以看出,Fn∈R+[x)当,且仅当,(xHn-Fn)/(1-x)∈R+[x).由(3.13)式,即得欲证结论.定理3.4 方程(3.1)式在R+[x,y}中有,且仅有,一个解.证明令fnd,=Fn,n≥ 0,由(3.7)—(3.10)式所确定.因为 fnd 满足方程(3.2)式和方程(3.2)式与方程(3.1)式等价, fnd 也是方程(3.1)式的一个解.由引理3.3, fnl∈R+[x,y}.从(3.7)式到(3.10)式的过程可以看出,在R+[x,y}中, fnd 对于方程(3.1)式初值的唯一性.这个解在R+[x,y}中,是仅有的.定理3.5 方程(3.1)式在R+[x,y}中的解 fnd 有如下正项和递推表示式:对于n≥2,证明将(3.11)式和(3.13)式代入(3.10)式,经整理后,即可得(3.15)式.4 曲面Euler型考虑关于二变元x和y的函数 f 所满足的方程:其中a∈R+,a≠0.当a=1时,(4.1)式就变成了(1.5)式.当a=2时,(4.1)式就变成了(1.6)式.因为(1.5)式和(1.6)式都与曲面上Euler地图有关,方程(4.1)式被称为曲面Euler型的.将方程(4.1)式在R{x2,y}(在方程中只含x偶次幂!)3R{x,y}中变为等价形式令 f 由Fn=7fAn=!R"x2,,n≥0,所确定.即由方程(4.1)式的始条件,从(4.3)式可知,对于n≥0记Hn=Fn|x=1,n≥0.由(4.5)式,有对于任何n≥0,在(4.4)式—(4.6)式的基础上,由(4.2)式可得以及对于任何整数n≥3,引理4.1 对于任何整数n≥1,Fn是一个x最小次不小于2,不含奇次项的,2n 次多项式.证明因为在方程(4.1)式中只含x偶次幂,f不含x的奇次项.由(4.8)—(4.9)式,对于n=1和2,引理的结论为真.对于n≥3的情形,可以假设对于所有i:n>i≥1,Fi 都是x最小次为2不含x奇次项的2i次多项式.利用这个假设,往证i=n的情形.因为在(4.10)式中,等号的右端有一个因子x2,Fn的常数项和一次项为0.令d(p)为未定元x多项式p的次.由(4.10)式,有从而,引理得证.基于这个引理,可以将Fn,n≥1表示如下形式:引理4.2 对于任何整数n≥1,当,且仅当,Fn∈R+[x2].证明由(4.11)式,因为对于i≥1,(1-x2)|(1-x2i),就有第一个结论.因为对于i≥1,这就导致第二个结论.从这个引理的证明中,可以看出引理4.3 对于任何整数n≥1,Fn∈R+[x2].证明因为a∈R+,在上面两个引理的基础上,从(4.10)式和归纳法原理可以看出,Fn∈R+[x2)当,且仅当,(Hn-Fn)/(1-x2)∈R+[x2).由(4.13)式,即得欲证结论.定理4.4 方程(4.1)式在R+[x,y}中有,且仅有,一个解.证明令feu,=Fn,n≥0,由(4.7)—(4.10)式所确定.因为 fnd满足方程(4.2)式和方程(4.2)式与方程(4.1)式等价,feu也是方程(4.1)式的一个解.由引理4.3,feu∈R+[x,y}.从(4.7)式到(4.10)式的过程可以看出,在R+[x,y}中,feu对于方程(4.1)式初值的唯一性.这个解在R+[x,y}中,是仅有的.定理4.5 方程(4.1)式在R+[x,y}中的解feu有如下正项和递推表示式:对于n≥2,其中对于2≤m≤n,证明将(4.11)式和(4.13)式代入(4.10)式,经整理后,即可得(4.15)式.5 几点说明5.1 本文的理论基础在于由专著[4]所系统化的无限集合的各种分解原则.那时主要针对球面上各式各样地图的分类.继之,将这些原则拓展得到可定向曲面上[6],和进一步,所有(含可定向不可定向)曲面上[7].在那些书中,都是强调分析的方法,以求出相应函数的显式,特别是无和形式,或者正项和形式.这里则完全用代数的方法.5.2 为了便于理解,不致卷入复杂的计算,文中只讨论了两个变量函数所满足的偏微分方程.虽然原则上,不难推广到三个或以上变量函数的更一般情形,实则并不容易.5.3 也许还会联想,直接解这些方程,以得到无和形式,或者正项和形式.这方面的工作,可参考蔡俊亮等的文章,例如[1],[2],[3]等.5.4 有关在给定非平面小亏格曲面上的情形建议参考任韩等的文章,例如[8],[9],[10],等.从理论上,可以将一般亏格的情形,归结到球面(即平面)上,带边缘的问题. ■【参考文献】[1]Cai JL,Liu YP, The enumeration of rooted nonseparable nearly cubic maps, Discrete Math., 207 (1999), 9-24.[2]Cai JL, Liu YP, The number of nearly 4-regular planar maps, Utilitas Math., 58 (2000), 243-254.[3]Cai JL,Liu YP, Enumeration on nonseparable planar maps,European J. 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(7)引用多位作者合著的文章时,列前3位作者,加“等(et al)”。
二、著录格式示例1 期刊论文序号作者. 题名. 刊名, 年, 卷(期): 起止页码.例:1 杨得庆, 隋允康, 刘正兴, 等. 应力和位移约束下连续体结构拓扑优化. 应用数学和力学, 2000, 21(1): 17-24.2 Kucheiko S, Choi J W, Kim H J, et al. Computer architecture a quantitative approach.Journal American Ceram. Soc., 1997, 80(11): 2937-2940.注意: 引用增刊论文时, 卷号后注明“(增刊)”“(Suppl)”等。
计算机在生物学和医学的应用28(1998)415-421 人工和工业机器人重复操作定位精度比较Jure Zupancic*, Tadej Bajd卢布尔雅那大学电气工程学院,TrzÏasÏka 25, SI-1000 卢布尔雅那,斯洛文尼亚1997年12月8日摘要机器人重复定位精度性能所受的影响。
2方法工业操作机器人的重复定位精度测试按照ISO 9283的标准进行测试。
Curriculum VitaeWinter 2006PERSONALNAME: C.-T. James HuangADDRESS:Office: Department of LinguisticsHarvard University307 Boylston HallCambridge, MA 02138Tel: (617)-384-7843E-Mail: ctjhuang@WWW: /~ctjhuangEDUCATION(1) Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1978-82PhD in linguistics, 1982(2) National Taiwan Normal University, 1972-74M.A. in linguistics and English, 1974(3) National Taiwan Normal University, 1967-71B.A. in English literature and linguistics, 1971(4) University of Hawaii, summer 1977Summer session courses in linguistics, LSA Linguistic InstitutePOSITIONS HELDRegular Appointments:(1)July 1, 2001—presentHarvard UniversityProfessor of Linguistics(2) 1989-2002University of California, IrvineProfessor of Linguistics, 1989-2002Chair, Department of Linguistics, 1994-1999; 2000-2001UCI Chancellor’s Professor, 2000-2002(3) 1985-1991Cornell University, Ithaca, New YorkAssociate Professor of Linguistics, 1988-1991.Assistant Professor, 1985-1988.(4) 1983-1985National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, TaiwanAssistant Professor of LinguisticsNational Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, TaiwanAssistant Professor of Linguistics (adjunct appointment)(5) 1982-1983University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HawaiiAssistant Professor of Chinese Linguistics(6) 1976-78Fu Jen University, Taipei, TaiwanLecturer, Graduate School of Linguistics and the College of Foreign Languages.Short-Term Appointments:(1) Summer 2005Associate Director and Professor, 2005 LSA Linguistic InstituteDirector, 3rd Summer Institute of Chinese LinguisticsHarvard University and MIT(2) Summer 2003Visiting Professor, Linguistic Institute of the Linguistic Society of America,at Michigan State University(3) Summer 2000Visiting Faculty, 5th Australian Linguistic InstituteUniversity of Melbourne, Trinity College(4) 1997-1998Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral SciencesPalo Alto, California(5) Summer 1997Associate Director and Visiting Professor, LSA Linguistic Institute, Cornell University;Director, 2nd Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics.(6) Summer 1996Visiting Professor, University of Girona, SpainGirona International Summer Institute in Linguistics(7) April 1991Visiting Professor, Université de Paris VII, Paris, France.(8) Summer 1991Visiting Professor, LSA Linguistic Institute, at UC Santa CruzDirector, First Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics.(9) 1989 (full calendar year)John Simon Guggenheim Fellow.(10) Fall 1989Visiting Scientist, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy, MIT.(11) Summer 1989Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei.(12) Summer 1987Directeur d'Etudes Associe at the Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, C.N.R.S., Paris France(13) Summer 1986Visiting Faculty, LSA Linguistic Institute, at CUNY Graduate Center.AWARDS AND HONORS(1)Appointed UCI Chancellor’s Professor, 2000-2002(2) Elected President, International Association of Chinese Linguistics, 2000-2001(3) Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1997-98.(4) Senior Scholar Fellowship, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation for International ScholarlyExchange, 1996-1997.(5) Guggenheim Fellowship, John Simon Guggenheim Foundation, 1989 (calendar year).(6)Fulbright Fellowship, fall 1994 [declined]; and 1978-1982 [accepted](7) Linguistic Institute Fellowship, Linguistic Society of America, 1977.(8) (Honorary) Visiting Professor, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 2005-2008.(9) (Honorary) Visiting Research Fellow, Institute of Chinese Linguistics, Peking University,2006-2007.RESEARCH GRANTS(1)“The syntax of affected arguments,” research project funded by Chiang Ching-Kuofoundation, as co-PI (with Dylan Tsai and Shengli Feng). [NT$1,600,000](2)“3rd Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics,” grant, from Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundationfor International Scholarly Exchange (Sole PI), 2004 (for use at the 2005 LinguisticInstitute). [$25,000](3)National Science Foundation Research Grant, 1998-2001, on Long-distance Reflexives.Co-PI (with Peter Cole and Gabriella Hermon). [$270,686 total](3) Senior Scholars Grant, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, for project “Research and Writingon Chinese Syntax and Semantics,” 1996-1997. (Sole PI.) [$40,000](4) “2nd Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics” grant, from Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundationfor International Scholarly Exchange (Sole PI.) [$25,000](5) National Science Foundation Research Grant, 1992-1996. Principles and parameters oflong-distance anaphora. Co-PI (with Peter Cole). Initial amount 1992-94: $42,000;renewed 1994-96: $87,000; supplement summer 1996 to support Research Experience forUndergraduates, $4,000. [Total $133,000](6) Research Grant, Chiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, 1993-1995. Functional categories andclause structure: cross-dialectal studies. (Sole PI.) [$27,000](7) “Summer Institute of Chinese Linguistics” grant (as Director of the Institute), from theChiang Ching-Kuo Foundation, spring 1990. (Sole PI.) [$30,000](8) Project grants, English-Chinese machine translation project (co-PI: Ke-yi Su), NationalTsing Hua University, 1985.PUBLICATIONSBooks(1) Hanyu Shengcheng Yufa [Chinese Generative Grammar], translated into Chinese byChunyan Ning, Fang Ho, and Dasan Zhang, Heilongjiang University Press, Harbin, 1983.(2) Logical Structure and Linguistic Structure: Cross-Linguistic Perspectives,ed. (with RobertMay), Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.(3) New Horizons in Chinese Linguistics, ed. (with Y.-H. Audrey Li), Kluwer AcademicPublishers, 1996.(4) Logical Relations in Chinese and the Theory of Grammar, Garland Publishing, 1998.(5)Long Distance Reflexives, ed. (with Peter Cole and Gabriella Hermon), Syntax andSemantics 33, Academic Press, New York, 2001.(6) The Syntax of Chinese, book manuscript under revision, to be published by CambridgeUniversity Press (with Audrey Li and Yafei Li).Articles(7) “The metrical structure of terraced-level tones,” in John T. Jensen (ed.), CahiersLinguistiques d'Ottawa, Proceedings of the 10th conference of the North Eastern LinguisticSociety, 257-270, 1980.(8) “Move wh in a language without wh-movement,” The Linguistic Review 1, 369-416,1981/82. [Reprinted in Robert Freidin and Howard Lasnik (eds.) Syntax: Critical Concepts,by Routledge, pp. 397-440.](9) “On the representation of scope in Chinese,” Journal of Chinese Linguistics 11, 37-91,1983.(10) “A note on the binding theory,” Linguistic Inquiry 14, 554-561, 1983.(11) “LF, ECP, and non-vacuous quantification,” Proceedings of the First Cornell Conferenceon Government and Binding Theory, 109-126, 1983.(12) “Phrase structure, lexical integrity, and Chinese compounds,” Journal of the ChineseLanguage Teachers Association 19, 53-78, 1984.(13) “On the distribution and reference of empty pronouns,” Linguistic Inquiry 15, 531-574,1984.(14) “On the typology of zero anaphora,” Language Research 20, 85-105, 1984.(15) “On the analysis of verb-particle constructions,” Studies in English Literature andLinguistics 11, 101-114, 1985.(16) (With Yunhua Huang, Elvin Teng, and Robyne Tiedeman) “Zhongwen de zhaoying ci yuZhongwen jiaoxue [On the anaphor in Chinese and Chinese teaching],” Proceedings of theFirst World Conference on Chinese Language, Taipei, 205-221, 1985. [In Chinese](17) “On the autosegmental and metrical nature of tone-terracing,” in D. L. Goyvaerts (ed.),African Linguistics, John Benjamin, Amsterdam, 209-238, 1985.(18) “SASC: A syntactic analysis system for Chinese sentences,” International Journal ofComputer Processing of Chinese and Oriental Languages (co-authored with Longji Lin, K.J. Chen, and Linshan Lee), pp. 29-32, 1986.(19) “A Chinese natural language processing system based upon the theory of emptycategories,” Proceedings of 5th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence of theAmerican Association on Artificial Intelligence (co-authored with Longji Lin, K. J. Chen, and Linshan Lee), pp. 1059-1062, 1986.(20) “Remarks on empty categories in Chinese,” Linguistic Inquiry 18, 321-337, 1987.(21) “Existential sentences in Chinese and (in)definiteness,” in E. Reuland and A. ter Meulen(eds.), The Representation of (In)definiteness, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 226-253, 1987.(22) “Verb-Second in German and some Aux phenomena in Chinese,” in A. Bramkamp, et al.(eds.), Chinese-Western Encounter: Studies in Linguistics and Literature (Festschrift for Franz Giet, SVD, on the occasion of his 85th Birthday), Fu Jen University, Taipei, 1987. (23) “Remarks on the paper by Hasegawa,” in W. Hinds and M. Nakayama (eds.), Proceedingsof the Workshop on Japanese Syntax, Connecticut College, New London, Connecticut, pp.77-93, 1987.(24) “Hanyu zhengfan wenju de mozu yufa [A modular theory of A-not-A questions inChinese],” Zhongguo Yuwen 204, 247-264; also in Proceedings of the 2nd InternationalConference on Sinology, (December 1986, Academia Sinica, Taipei), pp. 679-704.(25) “Wo pao de kuai and Chinese phrase structure,” Language 64, 274-311, 1988.(26) “Pro drop in Chinese: a generalized control approach,” in O. Jaeggli and K. Safir (eds.), TheNull Subject Parameter. D. Reidel, Dordrecht, pp. 185-214, 1989.(27) “The Syntax of wh-in-situ,” WCCFL VII (Proceedings of the 7th West Coast Conferenceon formal Linguistics), pp. 81-98, 1989. [With Robert Fiengo, Howard Lasnik and Tanya Reinhart.](28) “Shuo shi he you (on 'be' and 'have' in Chinese),” in Bulletin of the Institute of History andPhilology, Academia Sinica 59, 43-64, 1990.(29) “A Mandarin dictation machine based upon a hierarchical recognition approach andChinese natural language analysis, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and MachineIntelligence, 12.7, 695-704. [With Linshan Lee, Chiu-yu Tseng, K.-J. Chen, L.-J. Lin.](1990)(30) “On the local nature of the long distance reflexive in Chinese,” in J. Koster and E. Reuland(eds.), Long Distance Anaphora, pp. 263-282, Cambridge University Press, 1991.[Co-authored with Jane Tang](31) “Modularity and Chinese A-not-A Questions,” in C. Georgopoulos and R. Ishihara (eds.),Interdisciplinary Approaches to Linguistics: Essays in Honor of Yuki Kuroda, 305-332,Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991.(32) “Remarks on the Status of the Null Object,” in R. Freidin (ed.), Principles and Parametersin Comparative Grammar, MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, pp. 56-76, 1991.(33) “Introduction,” in C.-T. James Huang and Robert May (eds.), Logical Structure andLinguistic Structure, pp. vii-xxviii, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht. [Co-authored with Robert May.](34) “Zhongwen de liang-zhong jiwu dongci he liang-zhong bu jiwu dongci [two kinds oftransitive verbs and intransitive verbs],” in Proceedings of the 2nd World Congress ofChinese Language Studies, pp. 39-59, World Chinese Language Association, Taipei, 1991.(35) “Complex Predicates in Control,” in R. Larson, Utpal Lahiri, Sabine Iatridou, and J.Higginbotham (eds.), Control and Grammar, pp. 109-147, Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht, 1992.(36) “An Efficient Natural Language Processing System Specifically Designed for the ChineseLanguage,” Computational Linguistics 27, 347-374, 1992. [Co-authored with Longji Lin,Linshan Lee, Kejian Chen, and Leefeng Chien.](37) “Reconstruction and the Structure of VP: Some Theoretical Consequences,” LinguisticInquiry, 24, 103-138, 1993.(38) “Verb Movement and Some Syntax-Semantics Mismatches in Chinese,” ChineseLanguages and Linguistics 2, 587-613, 1994.(39) “Logical Form,” in G. Webelhuth (ed.), Government and Binding Theory and theMinimalist Program, Blackwell, Oxford, pp. 127-173, 1994.(40) “More on Chinese Word Order and Parametric Theory,” in Barbara Lust, John Whitman,Jaklin Kornfilt (eds.), Syntactic Theory and First Language Acquisition: CrosslinguisticPerspectives--Volume 1: Phrase Structure, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, pp. 15-35, 1994.(41) “On the Argument Structure of Resultative Compounds,” in Matthew Chen and Ovid Tzeng(eds.), In Honor of William Wang: Interdisciplinary Studies on Language and LanguageChange, Pyramid Press, Taipei, pp. 187-221, 1995. [With Lisa Cheng](42) “Generative Studies in Chinese syntax,” in C.-T. James Huang and Audrey Li (eds.), NewHorizons in Chinese Linguistics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 49-96, 1996.(43) “Introduction,” in C.-T. James Huang and Audrey Li (eds.), New Horizons in ChineseLinguistics, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, pp. 1-20, 1996. [With Audrey Li] (44) “Two Types of Donkey Sentences,” Natural Language Semantics 4, 121-163, 1996. [WithLisa Cheng](45) “On Lexical Structure and Syntactic Projection,” Chinese Languages and Linguistics 3,45-89, 1997.(46) "Causative Compounds Across Chinese Dialects: A Study of Cantonese, Mandarin andTaiwanese," Chinese Languages and Linguistics 4, 199-224, 1997. [With Lisa Cheng,Audrey Li, and Jane Tang](47) “Hoo, hoo, hoo: syntax of the causative, dative, and passive constructions in Taiwanese,” inPang-Hsin Ting (ed.), Contemporary Studies on the Min Dialects, Journal of ChineseLinguistics Monograph 14, pp. 146-203, 1999. [With Lisa Cheng, Audrey Li, and Jane Tang](48) “Negative particle questions,” in James Black and Virginia Motapanyane (eds.)Microparametric Syntax and Dialect Variation, Current Issues in Linguistic Theory 139.John Benjamins, Amsterdam, pp. 41-78, 1997. [With Lisa Cheng and Jane Tang](49) “Negative particle questions: a dialectal perspective,” in Chaofen Sun (ed.), Studies on theHistory of Chinese Syntax, JCL Monograph 10, pp. 65-112, 1997. [With Lisa Cheng andJane Tang](50) “Chinese Passives in Comparative Perspective,” Tsing Hua Journal of Chinese Studies 29,423-509, 1999.(51) “Logophoricity, Attitudes and ziji at the Interface,” in Peter Cole, et al. (eds.), LongDistance Reflexives, Syntax and Semantics 33, 141-195, Academic Press, New York, 2001.[With Luther Liu](52)“Long Distance Reflexives: the State of the Art,” in Peter Cole, et al (eds.), Long DistanceReflexives, Syntax and Semantics 33, 141-195, Academic Press, New York. [With PeterCole and Gabriella Hermon], 2001.(53) “Distributivity and Reflexivity,” in Sze-Wing Tang and Luther Liu (eds.) On the FormalWay to Chinese Languages, CSLI and Cambridge University Press, 2002; also in NobukoHasegawa (ed.), Proceedings of the Center of Excellence International Symposium, KandaUniversity, Japan, 2001.(54) “Movement Theory and Constraints in Syntax,” in Neil Smelser and Paul Baltes (eds.)International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier, Amsterdam, 2002.(55)“The Distribution of Negative NPs and Some Typological Correlates,” in Andrew Simpsonet al (eds.) Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation, Routledge (Taylor andFrancis), 2003.(56) “Syntax of the Hell,” NELS 34, Proceedings of the 34th Conference of the North EasternLinguistic Society, 2004. [With Masao Ochi](57) “Long-Distance Reflexives: an East Asian Perspective,” in SYNCOM, BlackwellPublishers, 2006. [With Peter Cole and Gaby Hermon)](58)“ta de laoshi dang de hao,” in Essays commemorating Professor Lü Shuxiang, to bepublished by Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. “ ”(59)“Resultatives and unaccusatives: a parametric view,” Bulletin of the Chinese LinguisticSociety of Japan 253:1-43, 2006.(60)“Hanyu shu+liang+ming geshi de laiyuan,” Zhongguo Yuwen 314:387-400, 2006. [“‘ + + ’ ,” 314:387-400, 2006.] [with 吴福祥 & 馮勝利](61)“Hanyu dongci de tiyuan jiegou yu qi jufa biaoxian,” [The thematic structures of verbs inChinese and their syntactic projection]. to be published by the Commercial Press, Beijing.[漢語動詞的題元結構與其句法錶現,商務印書館,待刊]INVITED LECTURES AND CONFERENCE PAPERS(1) “Against particle movement,” paper presented at the 1977 annual meeting of the LinguisticSociety of America, Chicago, winter 1977.(2) “The metrical structure of terraced-level tones,” paper presented at the 10th annual meetingof the North Eastern Linguistic Society, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, fall 1979.(3) “Chinese relativization and subject pronoun drop,” paper presented at the InternationalConference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, Charlottesville, West Virginia, fall 1980.(4) “On the representation of scope in Chinese,” paper presented at the 1981 LSA annualmeeting, New York, winter 1981.(5) “LF, ECP, and non-vacuous quantification,” paper presented at the First CornellConference on Governing and Binding Theory, summer 1982.(6) “Small pro, control, and the functional determination of empty categories,” paper presentedat the 2nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, USC, spring 1983.(7) “On the distribution and reference of empty pronouns,” guest lecture, M.I.T., spring 1983.(8) “Reanalysis: lexicalization, ionization, or parallel structure?” guest lecture, University ofArizona, Tuscon, fall 1983.(9) “Approaches to asymmetries in syntax,” guest lecture, University of Arizona, Tucson, fall1983.(10) “Phrase structure, lexical integrity, and Chinese compounds,” paper presented at the annualconference of the Association of Asian Studies, San Francisco, spring 1983.(11) “On the origin of certain phrase structure properties in Chinese,” invited lecture,Conference on Phrase Structure, 1983 Linguistic Institute, UCLA, summer 1983.(12) “On the distribution and reference of empty pronouns,” guest lecture, U.S.C., fall 1983.(13) “X-bar theory and Chinese word order,” guest lecture, U.S.C., fall 1983.(14) “Chinese verbal syntax and verb compounds,” invited lecture, the First USC Conference onEast Asian Languages, fall 1983.(15) “ECP, CED, paths, and connectedness,” colloquium lecture, University of California atIrvine, fall 1983.(16) “On the typology of zero anaphora,” forum lecture, 17th Language Research Conference,Seoul National University, Korea, winter 1983.(17) “Asymmetries in extraction in the Government and Binding theory,” invited lecture, 17thLanguage Research Conference, Seoul National University, winter 1983.(18) “On the biological view of language,” forum lecture, National Sun Yat-Sen University,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, spring 1984.(19) “On the biological view of language,” forum lecture, National Central University, Chungli,Taiwan, spring 1984.(20) “Chinese generative grammar and Chinese sentence parsing,” colloquium lecture, Instituteof Information Sciences, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, fall 1984.(21) “Definiteness effects in Chinese,” invited lecture, the 5th Groningen Round Table,Groningen, summer 1984.(22) “On the Chinese anaphor,” paper presented (with Yunhua Huang, Elvin Teng, and RobyneTiedeman) at the 1st World Conference on Chinese Language and Language Teaching,Taipei, winter 1984.(23) “Comments on the paper by Senlin Lin,” discussion presented at the National Conferenceon English Linguistics and Language Teaching, National Kaohsiung Teachers' College,Kaohsiung, Taiwan, spring 1985.(24) “Remarks on control and pro drop,” guest lecture, University of Wisconsin at Madison, fall1985.(25) “On certain approaches to syntactic asymmetries,” guest lecture, University of Illinois,Urbana-Champaign, fall 1985.(26) “Towards a theory of generalized control,” paper presented at the Princeton Workshop onComparative Grammar, Princeton University, fall 1985.(27) “Towards a theory of generalized control,” presented at the Conference on Language andCommunication, Syracuse University, fall 1985.(28) “Wo pao de kuai and Chinese phrase structure,” guest lecture, M.I.T., spring 1986.(29) “Pro drop in Chinese and the identification of empty categories,” guest lecture, Universityof Connecticut, Storrs, spring 1986.(30) “Remarks on control and pro drop,” guest lecture, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,spring 1986.(31) “Wo pao de kuai and Chinese phrase structure,” guest lecture, UCLA, spring 1986.(32) “The structure of VP complements in Chinese,” paper presented at the InternationalConference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics, University of Ohio, Columbus, fall 1986.(33) “A modular theory of Chinese A-not-A questions,” paper presented at the 2nd InternationalConference on Sinology, Academia Sinica, Nankang, Taipei, winter 1986.(34) “Resultative clauses: complements or predicates?,” guest lecture, National Tsing HuaUniversity, winter 1986.(35) “A modular theory of Chinese A-not-A questions,” paper presented at the Workshop onChinese Linguistics, Connecticut College, spring 1987.(36) “Comments on Hasegawa's paper on Japanese zero-pronominals,” presented at theWorkshop on Japanese Linguistics, spring 1987.(37) “Chinese reflexives: logophoricity vs. anaphoricity,” invited lecture, Groningen Workshopon Long-Distance Anaphora, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Holland, summer 1987.(38) “The syntax of wh-in-situ,” guest lecture, Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'AsieOrientale, C.N.R.S., Paris, summer 1987.(39) “Chinese anaphora,” guest lecture, Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale,C.N.R.S., Paris, summer 1987.(40) “The structure of Chinese causative constructions and other related matters,” guest lecture,Centre de Recherches Linguistiques sur l'Asie Orientale, C.N.R.S., Paris, summer 1987.(41) “A-not-A questions in Chinese,” guest lecture, Centre de Recherches Linguistiques surl'Asie Orientale, C.N.R.S., Paris, summer 1987.(42) “More on the marriage of syntax and semantics,” guest lecture, Department of Linguistics,U.S.C., fall 1987.(43) “Modularity and syntactic explanation,” public lecture sponsored by the Department ofLinguistics and the Department of East Asian Languages and Cultures, U.S.C., fall 1987.(44) “Wh-in-situ and bounding in LF,” paper presented with R. Fiengo, H. Lasnik and T.Reinhart at WCCFL VII (Irvine, February 1988) and GLOW (Budapest, March 1988). (45) “Comments on Lasnik's paper,” presented at the Workshop on Events and ThematicStructure, Cognitive Studies Program, Cornell University, May 1988.(46) University of Washington, Seattle. (Colloquium lecture jointly sponsored by theDepartment of Linguistics and the Department of East Asian Languages and Literature,February 1988.)(47) University of Arizona, Tucson. (Colloquium lecture sponsored by the Department ofLinguistics, April 1988.)(48) University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland. (Colloquium lecture sponsored by theDepartment of Linguistics, April 1988.)(49) Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. (Invited talk at the 3rd OSU Conference onChinese Linguistics, May 1988.)(50) University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. (Colloquium lecture at the Department ofLinguistics, May 1988.)(51) “The local nature of the long-distance reflexive in Chinese,” paper presented at the 19thNELS Conference, November 1988. (co-authored with Jane Tang)(52) “Zhongwen de liang-zhong jiwu dongci yu liang-zhong bu jiwu dongci (Two kinds oftransitive verbs and intransitive verbs in Chinese),” paper to be presented at the 2ndInternational Conference on Chinese Language Research and Teaching, Taipei.(53) Invited lecture. State University of New York at Stony Brook. Department of Linguistics,October 1988.(54) Invited lecture. Yale University, New Haven. Department of Linguistics, October 1988.(55) Invited lecture. McGill University, Montreal. Department of Linguistics, November 1988.(56) Invited lecture. Université du Quebec a Montreal. Department of Linguistics, November1988.(57) “Complex predicates in generalized control,” paper presented at the MIT ControlWorkshop, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, March 1989.(58) “On the verb-complement construction in Chinese and the concept of complex predicates,”talk presented at the Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica, summer 1989.(59) “Reconstruction, the A/A' Distinction, and the Internal Subject Hypothesis,” invited lectureat the University of California at Santa Cruz, spring 1990.(60) “Reconstruction, the A/A' Distinction, and the Internal Subject Hypothesis,” paperpresented at the 2nd Northeast Conference on Chinese Linguistics, University ofPennsylvania, spring 1990.(61)- 3-Day Lecture Series on Grammatical Theory, Tokyo Linguistic Forum, Otsuma Women's(63) University, Tokyo, August 1990.(64) “Reconstruction and the Structure of VP: Some Theoretical Consequences,” paperpresented at NELS 21 at UQAM, October 1990.(65)- Series of 3 lectures on grammatical theory and Chinese syntax, Université de Paris VII.(67) Spring, 1991.(68) “On Some Reconstruction Effects and their Theoretical Implications,” invited talk at theUniversity of Geneva, April 1991.(69)- “Theoretical Issues in Chinese Syntax,” Series of 8 lectures at the LSA Linguistic Institute,(76) University of California at Santa Cruz, Summer 1991.(77) “Recent Advances in the Generative Studies of Chinese Syntax,” Chinese LinguisticsLecture Series: State of the Art, 1991 Linguistic Institute of the LSA, July 1991, UC Santa Cruz (with Audrey Li).(78) “Verb Movement and Some Syntax-Semantics Mismatches in Chinese,” paper presented at2nd International Symposium on Chinese and Languages and Linguistics, Taipei, Taiwan, August 1991.(79) “On Verb Movement, Definiteness, and the Thematic Hierarchy,” invited lecture, 17thMinnesota Conference on Language and Linguistics, in celebration of the 25th anniversary of the Department of Linguistics, University of Minnesota, October 1991.(80) “Lexical Structure and Syntactic Projection,” invited lecture, Arizona LinguisticsConference, University of Arizona, March 1992.(81) “Phrase Structure and Argument Structure: Untying the Knot in Chinese VP Structure,”presented at the Symposium on Syntactic Theory and First Language Acquisition:Cross-Linguistic Perspectives, Cornell University, April 1992.(82) “More on Chinese Word Order,” invited lecture, 1st International Conference on ChineseLinguistics, Singapore, June 1992.(83) “Lexical Structure and Syntactic Projection,” invited lecture, 3rd International Symposiumof Chinese Languages and Linguistics, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, July 1992.(84) “The Structure of Event Sentences and the Light Verb Construction,” guest lecture, DokkyoUniversity, Tokyo, Japan, July 1992.(85) “The Structure of Event Sentences and the Light Verb Construction,” guest lecture, OsakaUniversity, Osaka, Japan, July 1992.(86) “Two Types of Donkey Sentences,” paper presented at NACCL-5, the 5th North AmericanConference on Chinese Linguistics, University of Delaware, May, 1993. [Co-authored with Lisa Cheng.](87) “Argument Structure Theory and Resultative Compounds,” paper presented at ICCL-2, 2ndInternational Conference on Chinese Linguistics, CRLAO and Université Paris VII, June23-25, 1993. (Co-authored with Lisa Cheng]。
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