






因此,请与派克合作,准备改变这一切吧!/precisionfluidics 1 603 595-1500目录页T2-05Helix124高效和紧凑型 13.5mm 宽泵 – 高达 800 mLPM高压泵 – 超过5.5 LPM 和高达100 PSI 的压力T2-0320高性能与尺寸比率泵 – 高达2.5 LPMLTC 系列76液体系列传送泵 – 高达 650 mLPMEZ 底座92振动隔离安装系统小型活塞泵(空气)微型泵(空气/气体)微型泵(液体)T2-0494超紧凑型、高效泵 – 高达 7.5LPMBTC-IIS 系列62应用广泛的多功能双头泵系列产品 – 高达 11 LPMBTC 系列52应用广泛的多功能泵系列产品 – 高达6 LPMLTC-IIS 系列84液体系列双头传送泵 – 高达1.5 LPMCTS 系列BTX-Connect 2836高性能紧凑型 20 mm 宽泵 – 高达 2.5 LPM多功能双头和单头泵系列,适合多种应用-高达10 LPMTTC 系列74紧凑、高效、低压泵 – 高达 6 LPMTTC-IIS 系列84紧凑、高效、低压双头泵 - 高达 11 LPM附件4Helix 微型高压泵高达100 PSI (6.9 bar)压力Parker Helix 是一款紧凑型高压泵,旨在实现小型即时临床护理仪器。

Helix 可在挑战性的高海拔环境和无法使用外部压缩空气的应用中实现高压操作。

Helix 泵可提供5.5 LPM 以上的流量和高达100 PSI (6.9 bar)的压力,为性能至关重要且空间有限的台式诊断设备提供了出色的解决方案。

• 集成了用于卸荷的X 阀,可实现高压重启• 内部飞轮可在高压下低速运行• 无油活塞• 简单的安装特性• 带有推入式接头的快速流体连接• 符合RoHS 指令和REACH 标准产品特性• 液上空气• 气动驱动•微流控芯片• 即时临床护理检验• 分子诊断• 核酸纯化•基因组学典型应用典型市场产品规格物理特性电子5微型隔Helix 微型高压泵典型流量曲线• 曲线展示了0.080"偏移泵的流量性能• 使用5.0 Vdc 控制输入时,泵将以大约4400 RPM 的转速和高达8.5 LPM的流量的状态运行,但不建议连续工作。

奥立龙 Orion 2111LL 微钠表操作说明书3.1

奥立龙 Orion 2111LL 微钠表操作说明书3.1
标定及正常测量时各阀门的位置 ..........................................................................................................................- 35 流通池操作 ..............................................................................................................................................................- 36 清洗流通池 ..............................................................................................................................................................- 36 空气调节 ..................................................................................................................................................................- 37 DKA 校正前的准备工作.........................................................................................................................................- 38 DKA 校正 ................................................................................................................................................................- 39 用户自定义标准液的 DKA 校正............................................................................................................................- 43 准确度检查 ..............................................................................................................................................................- 43 离线校正 ..................................................................................................................................................................- 44 -



船舶报警监视系统实验装置设计一套船舶报警监视系统实验装置,船舶报警监视系统实验装置通过计算机设置故障点,为船舶报警监视系统提供信号源,船舶报警监视系统实验装置中的故障信息由计算机设置完成,通过MODBUS 通信方式传送给机舱监测报警系统,部分故障信息可通过模拟试验台的开关量和模拟量发生器提供。







3、技术参数1)船舶机舱故障模拟系统和机舱监测报警系统之间采用MODBUS 通讯协议,两台计算机之间通讯的物理层采用RS485方式。


2)通讯采用MODBUS RTU报文格式,机舱监测报警系统采用MODBUS 的03功能,向船舶机舱故障模拟系统发送请求命令。


















NOVATEK-ELECTRO LTD 产品说明书:UBZ-301(10-100A)通用感应电机保护

NOVATEK-ELECTRO LTD 产品说明书:UBZ-301(10-100A)通用感应电机保护

NOVATEK-ELECTRO LTDResearch-and-Manufacture CompanyUBZ-301 (10-100A)UNIVERSAL INDUCTIONMOTOR PROTECTION UNITUSERS MANUALCONTROLS DESCRIPTION AND DIMENSIONS DIAGRAM 4151. Control for nominal current setting, Inom;2. Control for operating current setting, Iop (% Inom);3. Control for T2 (double overload trip) delay setting;4. Combined trip adjustment control for Umin/Umax;5. Control for phase imbalance adjustment, PI;6. Control for trip threshold for the minimum current, Imin (%Inom);7. Control for automatic reset delay setting, Ton;8. Green LED indicating for the mains voltage presence;9,10,11. Red LEDs indicating faults for insulation, overload and U fault respectively;12. Green LED indicating for load energization;13. Output terminals;14. Input terminals (10,11,12 are used for the connection with the BO-01 exchange unit);15. Insulation monitoring terminal.1 APPLICATIONSThe UBZ-301(10-100A)universal induction motor protection unit is designed for the continuous monitoring of the mains voltage parameters and for RMS phase/line currents of 3-Phase AC 380V/50Hz electrical equipment monitoring, primarily, of induction motors whose power is from 5kW up to 50 kW, isolated neutral system included.The unit provides full and effective protection of electrical equipment by a magnetic starter (contactor) coil control.The unit isolates electrical equipment from the running system and/or disables its start. This is performed in the following cases:1. when the mains voltage is of poor quality (unallowable voltage jumps, phase loss, incorrect phase sequence and phase «coincidence», phase/line voltage imbalance);2. when mechanical overloads (symmetrical phase/line current overload) take place. The unit performs overload protection with a dependent time delay;3. when phase/line current asymmetrical overloads induced by faults inside the motor occur. The unit performs protection from phase current imbalance and further disables an automatic reset;4. when phase current asymmetry without overload occurs that is induced by the insulation fault inside the motor and/or the power cable;5.when motor load is lost(«dry stroke»for pumps).The unit provides the minimum start and/or operating current protection;6. when insulation level to frame is abnormally low. The unit performs insulation level test before start and if the insulation is poor the start is disabled.7.when stator winding ground-to-fault occurs during operation. The unit performs the ground leakage current protection.The UBZ-301 (10-100A) provides:•a simple and accurate electromotor nominal current setting by nominal current standard scale;•the electromotor operating current setting that differs from standard values;•overload tripping with a dependent time delay (the current-time characteristic curve is plotted for a conventionally cold motor). The motor heat balance differential equation is being solved in the operation process. This approach enables to take account of the preceding electromotor status and to make a decision on heat overload presence with the maximum validity. This method also permits to allow for a motor start heating and to restrict (at the customer’s option) amount of starts per unit time;•shift of current-time characteristic curve along the current-axis and along time-axis as well;•setting of trip thresholds for the minimum/the maximum voltage,line voltage&phase current imbalance, and also for automatic reset delay at the personal customer’s discretion;•fault type indication, the mains voltage presence indication, current range indication the unit is adjusted to, and load energization indication;•the data exchange and transfer to the local computer network according to the RS-485 MODBUS record through the BO-01 exchange unit (BO-01 is supplied on order).2 DESCRIPTIONThe unit is a microprocessor-based digital device that provides a high degree of reliability and accuracy. The unit doesn’t need any auxiliary supply because it retrieves it's energy demand out of the measurement signal: it’s self-powered by the voltage to be monitored. Simultaneous isolated independent monitoring for the mains voltage and phase currents permits to detect the type of occurring fault and to provide a different decision-making logic for each fault type. When the mains voltage faults occur the unit performs automatic load reset on return voltage parameters to normal operating conditions. If a fault is induced by abnormal condition inside the motor(phase current imbalance at the symmetrical mains voltage,leakage current presence etc.) restart is disabled.The unit is stocked with three toroidal current transducers. Two of them are the phase/line current transducers (TT1, TT2), power phase cables are pulled through them. The third transducer is the differential current transducer(DCT)that has an enlarged diameter,because three power phase cables are pulled through it. By the 6, 7, 8, 9 terminals the unit is connected in parallel to the mains supply to be monitored. The unit output is provided with N.O. and N. C. contacts (the 1, 2, 3, 4 terminals). The output 3-4 terminals are connected in series with the starter coil power supply (with control circuit). The5terminal is designed to monitor the insulation level. The unit wiring diagram is shown below.When the unit trips the load is de-energized by a break in the magnetic starter coil power circuit through the N. C. 3-4 contacts.Table 1 - The 1-2-3-4 output contacts specificationMax. current for~ 250 V A. C.Max. powerMax sustained safevoltage ~Max. current for U = 30V D.C.Cosφ = 0.43A 2000VA 460V 3ACosφ = 1.05ANominal parameters and trip thresholds are set by front-panel screwdriver potentiometers.Nominal current setting. Nominal current is set by № 1 potentiometer. There are eleven positions of the potentiometer. Each position corresponds to the specific standard nominal current scale value (see below Table of Nominal Currents). Each position is characterized by the specific number of blinks that the green «On» LED makes. To set the nominal current one needs to bring out potentiometer control arm to a corresponding position; when the unit is energized the number of blinks «On» LED must correspond to the Table below. One needs to take into account that there are «dead bands» between the positions where «On» LED glows without blinks and where the nominal current is indefinite.In order to set operating value which is different from the nominal one that is specified in the nominal current table, it’s recommended the № 1 potentiometer to set to the position corresponding to the nearest value from the nominal current scale, and by the № 2 potentiometer one can increase or decrease the necessary value in % from the set value.Table 2 - Nominal current tablePotentiometer №1 devisionsNom. current, АGreen LED «On» blink1101bl.- pause 212,52bl.- pause 3163bl.- pause 4204bl.- pause 5255bl.- pause 6326bl.- pause 7407bl.- pause 8508bl.- pause 9639bl.- pause 108010bl.- pause 1110011bl.- pauseNOTE S:1.Continuous green «On» LED glow means that the potentiometer is set in «dead band». One needs to set the potentiometer so as the green LED blinked and the number of blinks corresponded to the set nominal current.2.Nominal currents setting is to be performed correcting for load connections (Wye/Delta), according to ratings of engine.Controls and adjustmentsThe unit has seven independent controls. For user’s convenience screwdriver slots of adjusting potentiometers are brought out to the unit front panel.•№1 – «Inom» - nominal current setting; there are eleven positions and each position corresponds to the specific current from the nominal currents table;•№2 – «Iop» - operating current; it is set in ± 15 percent of nominal current, it has ten scale marks;•№3 – «T2» - overload trip delay when there is double overload for operating current set; in the central position T2 ≈ 58-60 seconds The minimum time delay is 10 seconds, the maximum time delay is 100 seconds. The control shifts current-time characteristic dependence along time axis;•№4 – «Unom(%)» - combined control for Umax/Umin threshold in percent of the nominal voltage; according to this setting before the load energization the unit is checking the mains voltage level and, depending on its value, permits or forbids the load energization; after the load has been energized the voltage monitoring is going on but the load de-energization decision is made for currents;•№5 – «PI%» - trip threshold control for line voltage imbalance and RMS phase current imbalance; it has ten scale marks. The parameter is calculated as the difference between the maximum and the minimum values, in percent of the maximum value. If current imbalance percentage is twice as much as voltage imbalance percentage then it’s supposed that the imbalance is induced by fault conditions inside the motor. The automatic reset is forbidden and the unit is disabled;•№6 – «Imin» - trip threshold control for the minimum operating current, in percent of operating current set. It has ten scale marks from 0% to 75%: in «0» position this control is off;•№7 – «Ton» - automatic reset delay, it is within 0 – 600 seconds range; the scale is logarithmic.Indication•the green «ON» LED indicates that voltage exists in the mains. In the blink mode of glow the blink number between pauses corresponds to the specific nominal current from the nominal current table; there is a continuous glow in a «dead band». One needs to set a nominal current in the blink mode of operation;•the green «Load» LED indicates that the load is energized (the 3-4 terminals are closed);•the red «Insulation» LED lights up with continuous glow before the start if the stator/ power cable winding insulation level is abnormally low (less than 500 kOhms), and also during operation when there is a tripping for differential current; the unit is disabled;•the red «U Fault» LED glows when the mains voltage fault has occurred. The blink mode of operation switches on when there is undervoltage/overvoltage, phase imbalance for the mains voltage, voltage is not present on all three phases;•incorrect phase sequence or phase coincidence induces the mode of operation when all three red LEDs are blinking in turn;•the red «Overload» LED blinks when the average phase current exceeds the nominal one. After the unit has tripped for overload this LED comes to glow during 0.9 AR (automatic reset) delay.4 TECHNICAL BRIEFNominal line voltage, V380Mains frequency, Hz45-55Nominal current range in UBZ-301 10-100, А10-100Operating current setting range, % of nominal±15Double overload delay adjustment range, sec10-100Voltage threshold adjustment range, % of nominal±(5-20)Phase imbalance adjustment range, %5-20Trip threshold adjustment range for the minimum current, % of nominal0-75Automatic reset delay adjustment range ( Тon), sec0-600First energization load delay when Тon= 0, sec2-3Trip delay for current overload According to current-time characteristic curveTrip delay for voltage fault, sec2Trip delay for current fault (overload excluded), sec2 Fixed trip point for leakage current, А 1.0 Insulation resistance threshold, kОhms500±20 Voltage hysteresis, V10/17 Heat hysteresis, % of stored-up heat after load de-energization33Trip threshold accuracy for current, % of nominal current, not more than2-3 Trip threshold accuracy for voltage, V, not more than3 Phase imbalance accuracy, %, not more than 1.5 Operating voltage range, % of nominal one50-150 Power consumption (under load), VA, not more than 3.0 Maximum switched current of output contacts, A5 Output contact life:- under 5A load , operations, no less than - under 1A load , operations, no less than 100 000 1 000 000Enclosure:- apparatus- terminal block IP40 IP20Operating temperature range, °C from -35 to +55 Storage temperature, °C from -45 to +70 Weight, kg, not more than0.200Case dimensions 4 modules of S-typeMounting standard 35 mm DIN-railMounting position arbitrary5 OPERATION1. After supply voltage has been applied to the unit and before the output relay is energized the unit checks:•a stator winding insulation level to frame. If insulation resistance is below 500±20 kOhms, the load is not energized. The red «Insulation» LED glows;•the mains voltage quality,i.e.if voltage is present on all three phases,if the mains voltage is symmetrical, what the RMS line voltage value is like. When any of inhibit factors is present, the load is not energized, the red «U Fault» LED blinks;•a correct phase sequence, and phase «non-coincidence». When any of inhibit factors is present, the load is not energized, all red LEDs are blinking in turn; If all the parameters are normal, the outlet relay will be energized after Ton delay has expired (the 3-4 contacts are being closed and the 1-2 contacts are being opened) - the green «Load» LED glows. If load currents are absent (there are no less 2% of nominal one) the reason is that the load is de-energized. Voltage monitoring and insulation level is going. Output relay of unit is de-energized if inhibit factors are present in pause without currents;2. After the load is energized the unit performs voltage and current monitoring. The decision on load de-energization is made according to the following factors:•RMS current exceeds the nominal (operating) current (set by №№ 1, 2, 3 potentiometers); if there is current overload without heat overload the red «Overload» LED blinks but the load is not de-energized. If current overload induces heat overload the load is de-energized. The red «Overload»LED glows and is ON during 0.9Ton. The automatic reset is permitted;•current imbalance (set by №5 potentiometer) is twice exceeds the mains voltage imbalance; the load is de-energized, all red LEDs glow, the unit is disabled, the automatic reset is forbidden. To enable the unit one needs to remove supply voltage from the unit. It’s supposed that this type of fault is induced by abnormal conditions inside the motor;•current imbalance (set by №5 potentiometer) is less than twice exceeds voltage imbalance; the load is de-energized, the red «U Fault» LED glows, the automatic reset is permitted;•current imbalance (set by №5 potentiometer) is less than voltage imbalance; the load is de-energized, the red «U Fault» LED blinks, the automatic reset is permitted;•the average current value is less than Imin (set by №6 potentiometer); the load is de-energized, all red LEDs blink simultaneously, the unit is disabled, the automatic reset is forbidden. To enable the unit one needs to remove the supply voltage from the unit.Electromotor protection against heat overloadThe electromotor heat balance equation is being solved as the work advances. It’s supposed that:•the motor was cold before start;•during operation the motor releases the heat which is proportional to the current square;•after the stop the motor cools down exponentially.Below is the current-time characteristic curve with different T2 values (set by №3 potentiometer), where:•I/In – current ratio relative to the nominal current;•T/T2 -- actual trip delay relative to T2 (set by № 3 potentiometer).Current-time characteristic dependenceThe current-time characteristic dependence shown in the tables below is given for the standard recommended T2 value (the №3 potentiometer middle position corresponds to 60 seconds when double overload occurs):I/Inom 1.1 1.2 1.4 1.72 2.73456781015Тsec36524714888.66036.424.613.58.5 5.9 4.3 3.3 2.10.9After the load has been de-energized owing to the heat overload it will automatically be energized again:•according to heat hysteresis if time delay Ton=0, i. e. the motor must cool down 33% of the stored up heat;•according time delay Ton (№ 7 potentiometer) if Ton isn’t equal 0.By suitable selection of different Ton values, heat hysteresis considered, one can reduce number of starts per time unit because in the intermittent cycle the unit stores heat quantity released at the start of the motor.6 PRELIMINARY STARTING PROCEDURE AND SERVICE MANUALThe unit produced is completely ready for operation and needs no special pre-starting procedure measures. Owing to digital technology all the unit settings are aligned quite accurate, so no control devices are needed to adjust them. Use of the unit according to specifications above and the present service manual, continuous work included, relieves of preventive maintenance during service life. To put the unit in operation one must follow operating instructions given below:1.To set nominal (operating) current, trip thresholds, trip delays and reset delay by potentiometer's contact arms.2.To connect the unit according to the wire diagram given below:•by the 6(L1), 7(L2), 8(L3), 9(N) terminals the unit is connected in parallel to the mains supply to be monitored;•two current transducers (each one of them is put on two power phase wires that carry the load) are connected to the 13, 14, 15, 16 terminals; in connecting one has to consider the transducers grading;1st transducer– the beginning – the 13 terminal, the end – the 14 terminal;2nd transducer– the beginning – the 15 terminal, the end – the 15 terminal;•a differential current transducer that is put on the three power phase wires must be connected to the 17, 18 terminals (the connection grading is unimportant);•the 5 insulation monitoring terminal is connected to one of the MS output contacts;•output contacts (the 3-4 terminals) are connected to the MS coil power supply circuit (control circuit);•the BO-01 exhange and date transfer unit is connected to the 10, 11, 12 terminals (this unit is supplied on order).3.To apply a voltage to the unit. The correct setting of nominal current is checked by the number of blinks that the green LED makes. After Ton has expired (if there are no factors that can forbid energizing) the output relay of the unit is energized. If Ton=0, the first energizing will occur after 2-3 sec delay has expired.NOTE - The unit must be connected subject to the safety regulations. To set settings is recommended in «off» state. To set settings alive is permitted in the test conditions subject to the safety regulations.ATTENTION!If immediately after the load has been energized the unit de-energizes it and disables it for current imbalance,the incorrect polarity of the current transducers TT1or TT2 connection may be a reason. Then it’s recommended to change one of the transducers connection by reversing the places“the beginning-the end”of the13-16terminals.If the effect pointed above repeats when the load is re-energized it means that the transducers were connected correctly and the imbalance arose from EM and/or power cable fault.NOTES:1 Transducers are mounted by plastic clamps (they are component parts of supplies).2 The phase wires which are passing through the differential transducer to try to symmetrize in the centerof the transducer.WIRING DIAGRAMDT–differential current transducer (differential current transformer);CT1,CT2–current--transducers;BO-01– exchange and date transfer unit (on order)NOTE:1 “START”-button and “STOP”-button can be connected to MSC power supply circuit if necessary;2 The 220V MSC connection is shown here. The 380V MSC power supply circuit is analogous, coil power is applied from different phases through the 3-4 contacts;3 If BO-01 is absent the 10, 11, 12 terminals are not used.7 STORAGE AND SHIPPING CONDITIONSThe unit in manufacturer package should be stored in enclosed rooms at –45 to +70 °C and exposed to no more than 80% of relative humidity when there are no fumes in the air that exert a deleterious effect on package and the unit material. The Buyer must provide the protection of the unit against mechanical damages in transit.8 WARRANTYNovatek-Electro LTD. Company warrants a trouble-free operation of the UBZ-301 (10-100A) unit manufactured by it within 36 months from the date of sale, provided:•the proper installation;•the safety of the inspection quality control department seal;•the integrity of the case, no traces of an opening, cracks, spalls etc.。

AMKASYN AC Servo和主轴电机:一般技术数据说明书

AMKASYN AC Servo和主轴电机:一般技术数据说明书

AMKASYNAC Servo and Main Spindle MotorsGeneral technical dataVersion: Part-No.: 2002/22 27853About this documentationName: PDK_027853_Motoren_Uebersicht_enWhat has changed:Copyright notice: © AMK GmbH & Co. KGCopying, communicating, and using the contents of this documentation is not permitted,unless otherwise expressed. Offenders are liable to the payment of damages. All rights arereserved in the event of the grant of a patent or the registration of a utility model or design.Reservation: We reserve the right to modify the content of the documentation as well as to the deliveryoptions for the product.Publisher: AMK Arnold Müller Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik GmbH & Co. KGGaußstraße 37 – 39,73230 Kirchheim/TeckTel.: 07021/5005-0,Fax: 07021/5005-176E-Mail:********************Dr.h.c. Arnold Müller, Eberhard A.Müller, Dr. Günther VogtRegistergericht Stuttgart HRB 231283; HRA 230681Service: Phone: +49/(0)7021 / 5005-191, Fax -193Office hours: Mo-Fr 7.30 - 16.30, on weekends and holidays, the telephone number of theon-call service is provided through an answering machine. .You can assist us in finding a fast and reliable solution for the malfunction by providing ourservice personnel with the followingInformation located on the ID plate of the devicesthe software versionthe device setup and applicationthe type of malfunction, suspected cause of failurethe diagnostic messages (error messages)Internet address: www.amk-antriebe.deContent1 AMKASYN Motor Series DS, DV, DH and DW 41.1 Short description 42 General technical data 53 Technical Data Holding brake and External fan 63.1 Holding brake 63.2 External fan 64 Motor connection 74.1 Terminal box types and terminal block wiring 74.2 Connector types 84.3 Dimensions of the motor connector and connection wiring 85 Motor encoders 106 Abbreviations 127 Important notes 138 AMK Motor type codes 141 AMKASYN Motor Series DS, DV, DH and DW1.1 Short descriptionThe AMKASYN series of motors consits of the compact, highly dynamic AC-servo motor types DS and DV as well as the heavy-duty AC main spindle motor types DH and DW with high power density and precision balanced rotors.The AMKASYN motors are optimally tuned to be used with the AMKASYN digital AC-servo inverters for multi-motor applications in the power range of 1.3 to 75 kVA and with the AMKASYN digital compact servo drive in the power range of 0.7 to 50 kVA. Together the motors and inverters form an intelligent, digital drive system for servo and main spindle applications, which satisfies every demand.Advantages of the AMKASYN motor series Maintenance-freeSturdyPowerfulCompactHigh efficiencyOptimum power to weight ratiohighly dynamic responseHigh overload capacityWinding temperature sensors asprotection against overloadIntegrated encoder for speed andposition controlAreas of applicationThe AMKASYN motors are especially suitable for use as servo and main drive motors in: Plant construtionElevator technologyPrinting machinesWoodworking machinesPlastic processing machinesWarehousing and conveyortechnologyTest standsProcess engineeringTextile machinesPackaging machinesMachine tools2 General technical dataAmbient temperature: +5 ... +40°C / 94°F. At higher ambient temperatures up to maximum 60°C / 140°F the ratingdata must be reduced by 1% per 1° Kelvin temperature rise.Installation altitude: Up to 1000m / 3281ft above sea level. In operation above 1000m / 3281ft altitude, ambienttemperatures corresponding to DIN VDE 0530 table 4 shall be used as basis.Humidity: Maximum 85% relative humidity, non-condensating.Degree of protection: IP 54. Higher degree of protection on request.The stated maximum speeds apply for the IP 54 version with seal ring.Rating data: Refer to 100 Kelvin temperature rise in the windings. The test motor is mounted using athermally insulating flange.Insulating material class: F according to DIN VDE 0530.Thermal protection: PTC resistor, cold resistance approx. 150-800 Ω.Bearings: Ball bearings, lifetime lubricated.Axial eccentricity run-out: N according to DIN 42955.Balancing grade: G 2,5 corresponding to VDI 2056.Vibrational grade: N according to DIN ISO 2373.Painting: RAL 9005, flatt black.Cooling: Non-ventilated or fan-cooled; airflow toward output shaft. Reverse airflow as option.3 Technical Data Holding brake and External fan 3.1 Holding brakeThe motors can be equipped optionally with holding brakes. These are not suitable as service brakes. The brakes are lifted with 24V DC input. In the case of changed operating conditions, the operating instructions of the brake manufacturer must beobserved.For the maximum speed of the motor the maximum speed of the brake must also be considered.3.2 External fan4 Motor connectionDV, DH and DW motors feature terminal box connections for motor leads, fan and holding brake. The motors of the DS series and optionally of the DV series feature plug-style connectors. Connection cables with the corresponding cross-sections can be purchased preassembled.Shielded cables must be used for EMC reasons.* The current values IL for the connection cable refer to applications according to EN 60204-1:1992 in the cable laying type B2, or according to DIN 46200 for connection bolts.KG 1and KG 3 KG 4 and KG 5Picture name: ZCH_Motoren_Klemmkasten4.2 Connector types* The current values IL for the connection cable refer to applications according to EN 60204-1: 1992 in the cable laying type B24.3 Dimensions of the motor connector and connection wiringConnector pin designation is true for view on to the motor connector socket in each case. Power connection size BG 1picture name: ZCH_Motoren_Leistungsstecker1.0picture name: ZCH_Motoren_Leistungsstecker1.0_querPower connection size BG 1,5picture name: ZCH_Motoren_Leistungsstecker1,5picture name: ZCH_Motoren_Leistungsstecker1.5_querSocket and connector for external fanpicture name: ZCH_Motoren_Einbaudosepicture name: ZCH_Motoren_Anschlussstecker5 Motor encodersThe motors are equipped with one of these encoders.The motor maximum speed can be limited additionally by the encoder !picture name: ZCH_Motoren_Einbausteckdose_MotorgeberSignal description6 AbbreviationsMotor tables Holding brakeCharacter Unit Description Character Unit DescriptionM0Nm Zero speed torque M Br Nm Holding torqueM N Nm Rated torque n maxBR1/min Brake maximum speed P N kW Rated power U Br V Rated voltage 24V ≅n N 1/min rated speed (unregulated)n F1/min speed limit for constant rated power I BrJ Br Akgm2Brake rated currentBrake moment of interian max 1/min Maximum speed m Br kg Weight of the brake, total U N V Rated voltage motor weight is m + M BR I N A Rated currentJ kgm2 Rotor inertiam kg Motor weightkT Nm/A torque constant(M=I*kT) External fanQ I/min Rated flow rate Character Unit DescriptionΔT K Temperature rise of the liquid atpoint of rated operation U FI FVAExternal fan rated voltageExternal fan rated currentL Br mm Length of motor including brakeL1 Br mm Length of fan cooled motor includingbrake7 Important notesMotors can reach surface temperatures above 100°C / 212°F during operation. Before touching the motor check the surface temperature to avoid injury.In the case of motors with keyways and freely rotating shaft ends, the key must be removed or secured against being thrown off.Before opening the terminal box or pulling out or plugging in a connector on the motors, ensure that there is no voltage at the termination end. Voltage can be present a the connections even when the motor is not moving. If not complied with injuries or death may occur.A low-resistance connection of the motor housing to the PE ground bus in the control cabinet is required for trouble freeand safe operation of the motors.Pounding or uncontrolled impact of force onto the motor shaft during transport, storage and installation of the motors in the machine can lead to damage of the bearings and shaft.Inadmissible axial and radial loads lead to reduction of the bearing life. Bearing load diagrams are available on request.When using couplings, attention to correct assembly of the coupling components has to be observed. Alignment errors or offset of the coupling can lead to premature destruction of bearings and of the coupling.All motors listed may not be connected directly to the main power lines. The motors are intended exclusively foroperation on AMK inverter systems.8 AMK Motor type codespicture name: ZCH_Motoren_Typenschluessel_DVAMK Arnold Müller GmbH & Co. KG Antriebs- und Steuerungstechnik Gaußstrasse 37-3973230 Kirchheim/Teck DEUTSCHLANDTelefon: +49 (0) 70 21 / 50 05-0 Telefax: +49 (0) 70 21 / 50 05-199 ********************。

SENTRON 7KM PAC3200 电能计量仪产品说明书

SENTRON 7KM PAC3200 电能计量仪产品说明书

Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
National language / on the display screen / is supported Horizontal image resolution Vertical screen resolution
General technical data Cutout width Cutout height Size of Power Monitoring Device / company-specific Operating mode for measured value detection ● automatic line frequency detection ● set at 50 Hz ● set to 60 Hz Pulse duration ● initial value ● Full-scale value
Subject to change without notice © Copyright Siemens
Voltage curve Measurable line frequency / initial value Measurable line frequency / Full-scale value Measuring procedure / for voltage measurement MTBF Equipment marking / acc. to DIN 40719 extended according to IEC 204-2 / acc. to IEC 750
45 Hz 65 Hz DC CATIII


18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
400 bar
18~36 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V

G 1/4
2 bar
18~36 VDC




M18 X 1.5
20~30 VDC
4~20 mA,0~10 V




SENS-IN-7B 18-HD60D35-2LibraryService LiteratureProduct Section UnitaryProduct Unitary AccessoryModel T'Stats, Panels, Timers, RelaysLiterature Type Installation InstructionsSequence 7BDate January 2001File No.SV-UN-ACC-SENS-IN-7B 1/01SupersedesSENS-IN-7AZone Sensor Modulefor Heat Pump Units Dual Setpoint, Auto C/OBAYSENS09B ASYSTAT664BDescriptionThis Zone Sensor Module provides the following features and system control functions:- System control switch to select heating mode (HEAT), cooling mode (COOL) automatic selection of heating or cooling as re-quired (AUTO), Emergency Heat only (EM. HEAT), or to turn the system off (OFF).- Fan control switch to select automatic fan operation while ac-tively heating or cooling (AUTO), or continious fan operation (ON). - Dual Temperature setpoint levers for setting desired tempera-ture. The blue lever controls cooling, and the red lever controls heating.- Thermometer to indicate temperature in the zone. (This indicator has been factory calibrated.)Application- Used with Heat Pump packaged units (2 - 20 ton).Installer's GuideCustomer Property: Contains wiring and service informa-tion. Please retain.Models :Since the manufacturer has a policy of continuous product improvement,it reserves the right to change design and specifications without notice.InspectionCheck packaging and contents for damage. Check for concealed damage before storing. Report any damage immediately to the transportation company, and make any appropriate claims. Installation Steps1.Mounting location. Choose a spot on an interior wallnear the return air grille, about five feet above floor level,where air circulates freely and is of average tempera-ture for the zone.Avoid areas such as:- behind doors;- on outside walls, or any walls with unheated oruncooled areas behind the zone sensor;- in direct sunlight, or any source of radiant heat thatcould affect the temperature measurements; or- in line with the discharge air from the unit beingcontrolled.2. Mount subbase. Remove zone sensor cover from the sub-base, and mount subbase on the wall or in a 2 x 4 handy box.Route the wires through the wire access hole in the subbase.(See Figure 1) Seal the hole in the wall behind the subbase. Figure 1 - Zone Sensor Mounting (typical)Wiring!H A Z A R D O U S V O LTA G E!DISCONNECT ALL ELECTRIC POWER INCLUDING RE-MOTE DISCONNECTS BEFORE SERVICING.Failure to disconnect power before servicing can cause severe personal injury or death.Note: Guidelines for wire sizes and lengths are shown in Table 1.The total resistance of these low voltage wiresmust not exceed 2.5 ohms per conductor. Any resis-tance greater than 2.5 ohms may cause the control tomalfunction due to excessive voltage drop.Note: Do Not run low-voltage control wiring in sameconduit with high-voltage power wiring.1.Run wires. Run wires between the unit control paneland the zone sensor subbase. To determine the numberof wires required, refer to Unit IOM for Wiring Connections.2. Connect wires. Connect the wiring to the appropriateterminals at the unit control panel and at the ZoneSensor subbase. In general, zone sensor connections to the unit use the convention of connecting Zone Sensor terminals to like numbered Unit terminals (1 to 1, 2 to 2, etc.). The connec-tion detail is shown on the unit wiring diagrams which can be found in the unit service literature and on the unit.3. Replace cover. Place zone sensor cover back on thesubbase, snap securely into place.Table 1151 - 240 feet20 gauge241 - 385 feet18 gauge386 - 610 feet16 gauge611 - 970 feet14 gaugeOptional Remote Sensor (BAYSENS017)When using the optional remote sensor (BAYSENS017), mount it in the space that is to be controlled. Clip the thermistor (RT1) on the zone sensor module. Wire remote sensor to the zone sensor module according to the interconnecting wiring dia-grams in the unit's IOM.© American Standard Inc. 2001Technical Literature Printed in USA2。



大众电脑编码大全奥迪A6 2.8L ­01)3B0 907 551 BF 2.8L V6/5V G01 001 CODING:04552 ­02)4B0 927 156 AJ AG5 01V 2.8L5V USA 3132 CODING:00004 ­03)3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00 CODING:00031 ­15)4B0 959 655 G Airbag Fronttseite 2001 CODING:00004 ­35)4B0 962 258 J Central Lock/Alarm D35 CODING:06731 ­45?)4B0 907 357 LEDCHTWETTEREGLER D004 CODING:00005 ­36)4B0 959 608 Sitzmamnory R1 F 000 CODING:00000 ­56)4C0 035 186 Radio D02 CODING:00207­66)4B0 919 283 ParkingSystem A6 Row D18 CODING:01106­17)4C0 920 930 A Ch-kOMRIINSTR VDO D12 CODING:00162 ­08)4B0 820 043 AF A6-Klimavnllautomat D65 coding:00160 ­奥迪A6 2.4L ­VIN:VBA24B013014521 ?15??01)3B0 907 552 AD 2.4L V6/5V G 0000 CODING:04552 ­02)4B0 927 156 AL AG5 01V 2.4L5V RHW 2526 CODING:00013­03)3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00 CODING:00031­15)4B0 959 655G Airbag Fronttseite 2000 CODING:00004­35)4B0 962 258 E Zentralverrieg.DWA D34 CODING:04683­45)4B0 951 178 A (?Unnenmumueberw) D04 CODING: 00001­36)4B0 959 760 A Sitzmemnry D0556)4C0 035 186 Radio D02 CODING:00207­66)4B0 919 283 Parkingsystem A6 ROW D18 CODING:00106­17)4C0 920 930 A C5-KOMHI INSTR VDO D09 CODING:00062 ­08)4B0 820 043 AF A6-Klimavcllautomat D65 CIDING:00160­­大众奥迪1.8L ­01)4R0 906 018 CA 1.8L R4/5VT 0003 CODING:04502 ­03)3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00 CODING:00022­15)4B0 959 655G Airbag Frongt+Seite 2001 CODING:00004 ­35)4B0 962 258J Cen tral lock/Alarm D35 CODING:00001­56)4C0 035 186 Radio CODING:00201­17)4C0 920 900A C5-KOMRI INSTR VDO D12 CODING:00144 ­08)4B0 820 043H A6-Klimauollautomat D64 CODING:00140­­宝来1.8L ­01)06A 906 032 LD 1.8L R4/5VT 0001 CODING:04530 ­02)01M 927 733 LL AG4 Getribe 01M 4956 coding:00000­03)1c0 907 379K ASR PRONT MK60 0103 CODING:0021505­15)1C0 909 601 2K Airbag VW51 0004 CODING:12875­46)1C0 959 799C 18 Komfortger BF HLO 0003 CODING:00259­56)3BD 035 186 Radio 5GD 0001 CODING:00403­17)1J5 920 826A KOMRITWEGFAHRSP VDO V04 CODING:05122­08)3B1 907 044C CLIMATRONIC C 2.0.0 CODING:01100­19)6N0 909 901 Gateway k<->CAN 0000 CODING:00006­2002上海大众 B5 V6 2.8L 自动波全车电脑版本号­地址码:01 - 发动机­零件号码: 3B0 907 551 CP 2.8L V6/5V G 0001­Coding 号: 08051 维修站号码: 00000­­地址码:02 - 自动波­零件号码: 8D0 927 156 DJ AG5 01V 2.8l5V RdW 1111­Coding 号: 00113 维修站号码: 66187­地址码:03 - ABS /ESP ­零件号码: 1J0 907 379 Q ABS/EDS 20 IE CA N 0001­Coding 号: 13604 维修站号码: 00000 ­地址码:08 - 空调系统冷气/暖气­零件号码: 3B1 907 044 J CLIMATRONIC B5GP 0003­Coding 号: 17000 维修站号码: 66187­­地址码:15-Airbags 气囊系统­零件号码: 1C0 909 605 B XJ AIRBAG VW51 04 02 * XJ为软件索引号­ Coding 号: 22602 维修站号码: 66187­地址码:17-仪表与IMMO­址码:36- 司机侧座椅调节­零件号码: 3B1 959 760 D Sitzverstellung 0101­Coding 号: 0000000 维修站号码: 00000­­地址码:55-射灯控制­零件号码: 4B0 907 357 LEUCHTWEITEREGLER D004­Coding 号: 00015 维修站号码: 66187­宝来汽车电脑器件型号­01- 发动机:06A906032EQ 1.6L 5V MQ2004680 ­CODING:00031 WSC:00000­VIN:LFVBA 11JX2 30499 94 IMMO_SN:VWZ7Z 0B642 2309­15-安全气囊:1C0909601 2K AIRBAG VW 510006 ­CODING:12875 WSC:10315 ­03 -ABS电脑:1C0907379L 0101ABS FRON 7MK60 ­CODING:0001025 WSC:00000 ­25-IMMOBILZER 电子防盗:Bitte Adresse 17 engeben­46-中控与适系统:1C0959799 2M Komfortger?t HLO 00001 ­CODING:00259 WSC: 00000 ­1C1959801A 1M TJrste uer FS KLO 0009­17-组合仪表(防盗)电脑版本:1J5920806b komb1+wegfarlrsp vdo v02­coding: 01102 wsc: 00000 ­VIN:LFVBA 11JX2 30499 94 IMMO_SN:VWZ7Z 0B6422309­19 - 网关: 6N0909901 Gateway k<-> can 0001­coding:00006 wsc:00000­AUDI A4 1.8­08 -空调系统­4A0 820 043D­CODING 00040­00060­00061­桑塔纳2000时代骄子­安全气囊1C0 909 601 2N AIRBAG VW51 0008­CODING:12878 WSC:01234­C5 发动机 4D0 907 551 AH CODING 号码­01 - ENGINE 发动机系统­4D0 907 551 AH 2.8L V6/5V MOTR HS D04­Coding: 06201 WSC 06335­宝来汽车电脑版本号­01- 发动机:06A 906 032JB 1.6L 5V AT AG4 4629 CODING:00033 ­02-自动变速箱­零件号码01M 927 733 KK 组件AG4 GETRIEBE 01M 4989 Coding 号00000­17-组合仪表(防盗)­电脑版本:1J5920806C komb1+wegfaHrsp vdo v02 coding: 01102 wsc:00000 ­46-舒适系统­零件号码 1C0 959 799 组件1M KOMFORTGER ?tHLO 0002 Coding号00259 ­斯科达法比亚气囊电脑­VAG NUMBER Index CODING­=========== ===== =====­1J0 909 603 AS AIRBAG 16723­1J0 909 603 AT AIRBAG 16724­2002 Jetta 1.8T 电脑版本号­01 --发动机: 06A 906 032 HF 1.8L R4/5VT G 0004­Coding: 07550 WSC 13622­02 -- 自动波09A 927 750 T AG5 Getriebe 09A 0193­03 -- ABS: 1C0 907 379 K ASR FRONT MK60 0103­Coding: 0018945 WSC 00028­17 -- 仪表/IMMO : 1J5 920 926 AX KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V11­Coding: 07204 WSC 22585­­19 -- 网关 6N0 909 901 Gateway K<->CAN 0001­Coding: 00006 WSC 22585­46 -- 中控与舒适系统 1C0 959 799 C 1H Komfortger醫HLO 0003­Coding: 00257 WSC 00028­56 -- 收放机3B7 035 180 Radio NP2 0055­Coding: 00031 WSC 00028­美规原装奥迪A6.2.8L 手动自动两用波箱电脑型号­发动机电脑:4D0907551AH 2.8L V6/5V MOTRAT D02­CODING:06252­波箱电脑:4B09271156G AG501V 2.8L5V USA 8509­CODING:00001­ABS电脑:8E0614111M ABS/EDS5.3 OUATTRO D31­CODING:06169­仪表电脑 :4B0919930RX C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D15­CODING:07262­空调电脑 :4B0820043G A6-KLIMAVOLL AUTOMAT:D61­CODING:00160­中央控制门锁:4B0962258C CENTRALLOCK/ALARM D30­CODING:15885­宝来1.6L A/T发动机的CODING:00033­ABS:0001025 ­A/T:00000­仪表:01102 ­音响:00001­舒适性系统:00259 ­捷达:1.6l A/T发动机的CODING:04030 ­A/T:03604 ­SRS:00065 ­防盗:09600 捷­达都市先锋发动机:04003 A/T:00000 ­ABS:03604­一汽新A6­address 01­Protocol: KW1281­Controller: 3B0 907 551 CK ­Component: 2.8L V6/5V 0002­Coding: 08502­Shop #: WSC 00000­Address 03­Protocol: KW1281­Controller: 3B0 614 111 ­Component: ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00­Coding: 00032­Shop #: WSC 00000­Address 17­Protocol: KW1281­Controller: 4C0 920 930 B ­Component: C5-KOMBIINSTR. VDO D12 ­Coding: 00162­Shop #: WSC 00000­01-发动机4B0 906 018 CL 1.8L R4/5VT G 0001­Coding: 16551 WSC 00008­WVWPD63B61P269969 VWZ7Z0A3551863­02-自动波 4B0 927 156 DA AG5 01V 1.8l5VT RdW 1313­Coding: 00013 WSC 00008­03 -ABS 3B0 614 111 ABS/ASR 5.3 FRONT D00­Coding: 00021 WSC 00028­17 -仪表&IMMO 3B0 920 925 B KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V13­Coding: 07235 WSC 00008­WVWPD63B61P269969 VWZ7Z0A3551863­46 - 中控与舒适系统 1C0 959 799 C 08 Komfortger醫HLO 0001­Coding: 00257 WSC 00008­A6.2.8 波箱控制单元编码­4B0927156G AG5 01V 2.8L­5V USA 8509­编码号是00001 ­原装奥迪A6电脑型号­美规原装奥迪A6.2.8L 手动自动两用波箱电脑型号­发动机电脑:4D0907551AH 2.8L V6/5V MOTRAT D02­CODING:06252­波箱电脑:4B09271156G AG501V 2.8L5V USA 8509­CODING:00001­ABS电脑:8E0614111M ABS/EDS5.3 OUATTRO D31­CODING:06169­仪表电脑 :4B0919930RX C5-KOMBIINSTR VDO D15­CODING:07262­空调电脑 :4B0820043G A6-KLIMAVOLL AUTOMAT:D61­CODING:00160­中央控制门锁:4B0962258C CENTRALLOCK/ALARM D30­CODING:15885­菠萝转向助力电脑编号­6Q0 423 156 Q LenkhilfeTRW V250­Coding: 10140 Code: WS C 12345­polo 波罗 1.4L MT 全车电脑版本号­01-ENGINE //01-10-d 188 (含 EPC 电子油门控制)­036 906 034 DM MARELLI 4MV 4837­Coding: 00071 WSC 12345­­03 - ABS 6Q0 907 379 L ABS FRONT MK60 0101­Coding: 0001097 WSC 12345­08 - 空调6Q0 820 045 Klimaanlage X0840­­15 - AIRBAG 6Q0 909 601 E 07 AIRBAG VW5 0007­Coding: 12343 WSC 12345­17 - 仪表/IMMO 6Q0 920 800 KOMBI+WEGFAHRSP VDO V16­Coding: 00141 WSC 57952­LSVFA49J732012842 VWZ7Z0C6831585­19 - 网关6N0 909 901 14 GATEWAY CAN 1S33­Coding: 00014 WSC 12345 ­46-J393(T23+T12C)舒适系统6Q0 959 433 G 4W Komfortgera 0002­Coding: 00064 WSC 12345 (coding 为00264 可多控制后面2个门)­J386(T12d+T8h+t12e)左前门: 6Q2959802A 4W Tusteuer.FS KLO 0001­J387(T8i +T6p+T12f)右前门: 6Q2959801A 4W Tusteuer.BF KLO 0001­56 - 收放机6QD 035 152 Radio 5GD 0001­Coding: 00001 WSC 12345­09 - 电源与继电器管理 6Q1 937 049 C 00 BN-SG. 1S33­Coding: 25612 Code: WSC 12345­44 - 转向助力6Q0 423 156 Q LenkhilfeTRW V250­Coding: 10140 Code: WSC 12345­03 - ABS 6Q0 907 379 L ABS FRONT MK60 0101­ Coding: 0001097 WSC 12345­上海大众菠萝全车电脑版本号­15 6Q0909601E 07 AIRBAG VW5 0007­CODING:12343­­17 6Q0 920 800 & ........... VDO V13­CODING:00141­­19 6N0 909 901 14 CE CAN­coding:00014­­09 6Q1 937 049C 00.BN -SG 1S32­coding:25612­­01 036 906 034DM m......4MZ 4449­coding:00071­­01 06A 906 032 JCME7.5.104686­coding:00071­­03 6Q0 907 379 E 0103 ABS MK60­coding:0001097­99新秀发动机CODING:06169­ABS :01901 ­SRS :12878­捷达发动机CODING:00001­ABS :01901­SRS :12336­点子防盗:10400­红旗发动机CODING:00000-00003­ABS :06272­点子防盗:09600­94奥迪V6防盗电脑版本:4A0 953 234,8D0953234 ,可互用­帕萨特B5电脑编号:­发动机:3B0907551CT CODING:08551­ABS:3Q0614517B CODING:04297。



DC24V、 12V、 6V、 5V、 3V/AC100V、 110V、 200V、 220V 直接出线式 L形插座式 M形插座式
G: 导线 长300mm L: 带导线 (长300mm) M: 带导线 MN: 不带导线 (长300mm)
DC24V、 12V AC100V、 110V、 200V、 220V
阀的 型号 流量特性 质量g 1→4/2(P→A/B) 4/2→5/3(A/B→EA/EB) L形、 W形 直接 M形 DIN形 M8 5、 3 4、 2 C[dm3/ 机能 1、 C[dm3/ 出线式 插座式 插座式 接头 (P、EA、EB) (A、 B) b Cv b Cv (s ・ bar)] (s ・ bar)] 单电控 101 104 125 129 2位 4.1 0.23 0.93 3.3 0.33 0.81 双电控 120 125 167 175 接管口径 中封式 3位 中泄式 中压式 63 67 83 101 SY7□20 -□-C8 单电控 1(P) 2位 双电控 通口 C8 ¿8 5、 3 3位 中泄式 (EA、 EB) 快换 通口 接头 中压式 1 8 2位 SY7□20 -□-C10 单电控 双电控 中封式 3位 中泄式 中压式 C10 ¿10 快换 接头 中封式
导线引出方式(D式的场合) 无记号 无指示灯及过电压保护回路 S 带过电压保护回路(无极性式) Z 带指示灯及过电压保护回路(无极性式)
※ 没有DOZ式。 ※ AC 的场合, 用整流器防 止过电压的发生, 故无 S 式。
WO: 接头 无电缆
※ LN、 MN式带2个导线插头。 ※ SY3000系列的DIN形插座式参见后附10。 ※ 符合DIN43650C 标准的 DIN 形插座式 [ Y 式 ] 也有。 详见 P.212。 ※ M8接头的接头电缆参见后附12。



ZXF5180GXFJX60机场快速调动消防 北京中卓时代 车 ZXF5310GXFJX110专用地盘机场主力 北京中卓时代 泡沫消防车 ZXF5160GXFPM(SG)60/A型城市主战 北京中卓时代 消防车 远程供水 德国蓝特MC3000城市主战车 JP18D JP20 北京中卓时代 肇庆瑞霖 山推抚起 山推抚起
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 KSP1000 KSP1000 CB10/30-XZ CB20.10/30.60-RS CB20.10/20.40-RS CB20.10/30.60-RS CB20.10/30.60-RS CB20.10/30.60-RS CB20.10/30.60-RS CB20.10/40.80-RS CB10/100-RS HALE 增压水泵HALE 移动吸水泵 泵型号 流量(L/s) 220(副泵最大 250) 60 60 30 30/60 20/40 30/60 30/60 30/60 30/60 40/80 100 166.7 200 200 压力(Mpa) 1.5(副泵0.35) 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 2.0/1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.4 扬程(m) 150(副泵35) 100 100 100 200/100 200/100 200/100 200/100 200/100 200/100 200/100 100 100 100 40 其他 两栖多功能远程供水 AS5173GXFAP40型城市主战消防车 厂家 鞍山衡业 鞍山衡业 备注
ZXF5310GXFPM170型城市主战消防车 北京中卓时代 ZXF5320JXFJP40举高喷射消防车 ZXF5380GXFPM180型泡沫消防车 北京中卓时代 北京中卓时代

叶片式液压泵T7系列变速驱动用 Denison叶片泵技术说明书

叶片式液压泵T7系列变速驱动用 Denison叶片泵技术说明书

T7 B -T7 B S
样本号 HY29-0110/CN
De nis on T7 系列变速驱动用叶片式液压泵
最高吸口压力:采用标准轴封时,最高吸口压力为0.7 ba r (10 psi);但对氟橡胶轴封,部分型号泵则允许最高吸口压力达7 bar (100 psi)。
- 最低吸口压力:要求的最低吸口压力请查看下表。最低吸口压力取决于泵的类型、规格及其最高工作转速。最低吸口压力不得 低于0.8 bar (11.6 psi ) (绝对压力)。
系列 规格
1200 0.80
1500 1800 2100 2200 2300 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80
HF-5 = 合成液压液(磷酸酯液等)




丹麦丹佛斯DANFOSS啮合齿轮泵丹佛斯DANFOSS液压马达丹佛斯DANFOSS液压阀丹佛斯DANFOSS液压摆线马达丹佛斯DANFOSS液压泵丹佛斯DANFOSS伺服阀DANFOSS丹佛斯马达OMR250-151-0247丹佛斯压力开关ACB-UB13W 2.8NC 2.1 061R8190丹佛斯电磁阀EV220B32及线圈220V还有一下型号:OMM32 151G0003 OMVS800 151B3129 MCV116G4201 SNP1/3 8DC001F SNP2/11DSC011 OMS12.5 151G0001+151G0211 OSQB8 151F0081 OMT500 151B3005 OMM20 151G0002 OMS250 151F0505 OMS250 151F0512 OMV500 151B3102 OMV630 151B3108OMV800 151B3104 OMV800 151B3109 VT6CC-031-020-2R00C100 OMP200 151-0615 OMS315 151F0506 OMM12.5 151G0001+Flange 151G0211 OSQB8 150F0081 OMT500 OMV630 151B3108 OMS250 151F0505 OMS250 151F0512 OMV500 151B3102OMV630 151B3108 OMV800 151B3104 OMV800 151B3109 OMP200 151-0615OMS315 151F0506 OSPBX400LS 150-1081 MCV116A3501 S/N 1201749OMH500 151H1006 OMH500 151H1016 OSQB8 15OF0081 OMS200 151F0504OMV315EM 151B3150 OML32 151G2004 OMR80 151-0411 OMR100 151-0412OSQB8 151F0081 OMH500 151H1046 151H1026 151H1056 151H1081 151H1036OMS160 151F0503 OMT200 151B3013 OMVS800 151B3129 OMS315 151F0513OMS125 151F0502 OMR100 151-0702 OMS315 151F0111 OMS315 151F0513OMS315 151F2213 OMS200 151F0504 OMS315 151F0506 OMP400 151-5009OMTS250 151B3038 OMT200 151B3001 OMVS800 151B3129 OMVW630 151B3123OMS315 151F0548 OMSW250 151F0533 OMSS125 151F0237 OMT200 151-B3001OMVS800 151-B3129 OMVW630 151F0548 SNP1/3 8DC001F OMVS500 151B3127OMR250 151-0716 OMR125 151-0713 OMR100 151-0712 OMR200 151-0715OMR200 151F0214 OMR100 151-0212 OMP50 151-0330 OMT200 151B3001OMM32 151G0003 OMSS-200 151F0539 OMSS-400 151F0608 OMVW630 151B3123OMS80T 151F0575 OMVW800 151B3124 OMS160 161F0545 OMP400 151 5009OMS315 151F0213 OMS200 151F0211 OMTS315 151B3039 OMT200 151B3001OMS80 151F0500-3 OMP400 151-5009 OMP400 151-0618 OMP400 151-0608OMV800 151B3109 OMH-200 151H1002 OMS160 151F0503 OMF315 151B30032151F0232 OMT500 151B3005 OMR250 151-0216 OMR125 150-0209OMT400(接口尺寸G3/4)151B3004 OMSS 125(接口尺寸R1/2)151F0537OMR 200(接口尺寸G1/2)151-0214 OMT 400(接口尺寸G3/4)151B3004OMS315 151F0213 OMS200 151F0211 OMS80T 151F0575 MCV116G4201MCU116A3501 S/N1206461 SNP2/6DC002 OMTS315 151B3039 OMT200 151B3001液压泵SNP2/17 D CO 01 1F OMP315 151-0033 OMR250-151-02065OMS315-15F0506-3 OMH200-151H-1002 OMTS250-151B-3038 OMT400T 151B3057 OMR50 1510410 OMM12.5 OMP50 OMP400 151-5009 OMP400 151-0618OMP400 151-0608 OMV800 151B3109 OMH-200 151H1002 151F0504OMS200151F0504-3 OMR200151-0214-5 OMT400151B-3004-2 151F0503151B30032 OMT200 151B3001 OMV800 151B3104 OMS80T 151F0575OMS200 EM 151F3024 OMS315 151F0506 151F0232 OMT500 151B3005OMR250 151-0216 OMR125 150-0209 转向控制阀OSPC 80 CN150 N 0173 086D2400" OMTS250 151B3038 OMP50 D25 151-0610OMTS-200 151B3037 OMTS-160 151B3036 OMTS-250 151B3038OMR200 150-0214 OMH200 151H1002 OMP315 151-0033 OMR50 151-0410OMR100 151-0412 OMR160 151-0414 OMV500 151B-3102 OMV500 151B-3107OMS12.5 151G0001+151G0211 OSQB8 151F0081 OMT500 151B3005OMM20 151G0002 OMS250 151F0505 OMS250 151F0512 OMV500 151B3102OMV630 151B3108 OMV800 151B3104 OMV800 151B3109 VT6CC-031-020-2R00C100 OMP200 151-0615 OMS315 151F0506 OMM12.5 151G0001+Flange 151G0211OSQB8 150F0081 OMT500 90R55KA1NN80P3 SID03GBA292924OMS250 151F0505 OMS250 151F0512 OMV500 151B3102OMV630 151B3108 OMV800 151B3104 OMV800 151B3109 OMS315 151F0506 OSPBX400LS 150-1081 MCV116A3501 OMH500 151H1006 OMH500 151H1016 OSQB8 15OF0081 OMS200 151F0504 OMV315EM 151B3150 OML32 151G2004OMR80 151-0411 OMR100 151-0412 OSQB8 151F0081 OMH500 151H1046151H1026 151H1056 151H1081 151H1036 OMS160 151F0503 OMT200 151B3013 OMVS800 151B3129 OMS315 151F0513 OMS125 151F0502 OMR100 151-0702 OMVS500 151B3127 OMR250 151-0716 OMR125 151-0713 OMR100 151-0712OMR200 151-0715 BF20-75/D09LA4TF 1998591 OMR200 151F0214OMR100 151-0212 OMP50 151-0330 OMT200 151B3001 OMM32 151G0003OMSS-200 151F0539 OMSS-400 151F0608 OMVW630 151B3123 OMS80T 151F0575 OMP.160 N134.OMP.160.150.0614.8 OMV W800 151B3124 OMS160 161F0545OMP400 151 5009 OMS315 151F0213 OMS200 151F0211 OMTS315 151B3039OMT200 151B3001 OMS80 151F0500-3 OMP400 151-5009 OMP400 151-0618OMP400 151-0608 OMV800 151B3109 OMH200 151H1002 OMS160 151F0503OMF315 151B30032 转向控制阀"OSPC 80 CN 150 N 0173 086D2400"151F0232 OMT500 151B3005 OMR250 151-0216 OMR125 150-0209OMT400(接口尺寸G3/4)151B3004 OMSS 125(接口尺寸R1/2)151F0537OMR 200(接口尺寸G1/2)151-0214 OMT 400(接口尺寸G3/4)151B3004OMS315 151F0213 OMS200 151F0211 OMS80T 151F0575Valve drive mplifier KE04110 03135287 Valve drive mplifierKE04110 03135286 行走泵90R42电液伺服阀MCV116G42010524-MCU116A3501 S/N 1206461" 泵SNP2/6 DC002伺服阀D633-308B OMTS315 151B3039 OMT200 151B3001 阀M46-20751MPV046CBBHTBBBAAAB FFCBA GG ANNN 液压泵SNP2/17 D CO 01 1FOMP315 151-0033 OMR250-151-02065 OMS315-15F0506-3OMH200-151H-1002 OMTS250-151B-3038 OMT400T 151B3057 OMR50 1510410 OMM12.5 OMP50 OMP400 151-5009 OMP400 151-0618 OMP400 151-0608OMV800 151B3109 OMH-200 151H1002 151F0504 OMS200151F0504-3OMR200151-0214-5 OMT400151B-3004-2 151F0503 151B30032OMT200 151B3001 OMV800 151B3104 OMS80T 151F0575 OMS200 151F3024OMS315 151F0506 151F0232 OMT500 151B3005 OMR250 151-0216OMR125 150-0209 转向控制阀"OSPC 80 CN 150 N 0173 086D2400"OMTS250 151B3038 OMP50 D25 151-0610 OMTS-200 151B3037OMTS-160 151B3036 OMTS-250 151B3038 OMR200 150-0214 OMH200 151H1002OMP315 151-0033 OMR50 151-0410 OMR100 151-0412 OMR160 151-0414OMV500 151B-3102 OMV500 151B-3107 OMVS800 151B-3129 OMP25 151-0340OMP32 151-0341 OMP40 151-0342 OMP50 151-0310 OMP80 151-0311OMP100 151-0312 OMP125 151-0313 OMP160 151-0315 OMP200 151-0315OMP250 151-0316 OMP315 151-0317 OMP400 151-0318 OMP25 151-0640OMP32 151-0641 OMP40 151-0642 OMP50 151-0610 OMP80 151-0611OMP100 151-0612 OMP125 151-0613 OMP160 151-0614 OMP200 151-0615OMP250 151-0616 OMP315 151-0617 OMP400 151-0618 OMP50 151-1208OMP80 151-1209 OMP100 151-1210 OMP125 151-1217 OMP160 151-1211OMP200 151-1212 OMP250 151-1213 OMP315 151-1214 OMP400 151-1215OMP50 151-5191 OMP80 151-5192 OMP100 151-5193 OMP125 151-5194OMP160 151-5195 OMP200 151-5196 OMP250 151-5197 OMP315 151-5198OMP400 151-5199 OMP50 151-0300 OMP80 151-0301 OMP100 151-0302OMP125 151-0303 OMP160 151-0304 OMP200 151-0305 OMP250 151-0306OMP315 151-0307 OMP400 151-0308 OMP50 151-0600 OMP80 151-0601OMP100 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151F0678 151F0678 OMS100 OMS200 OMS250OMS315 OMS400 OMSW80 OMSW100 OMSW100 OMSW125 OMSW160 OMSW143 OMSW200。

eCartex单 details seal 机械ментArea seal Я機械Address s

eCartex单 details seal 机械ментArea seal Я機械Address s

Features AdvantagesOperating range Shaft diameter:d1 = 25 ... 100 mm (1.000" ... 4.000")Other sizes on request Temperature:t= -40 °C ... 220 °C (-40 °F ... 428 °F)(Check O-Ring resistance)Sliding face material combination BQ1Pressure: p1 = 25 bar (363 PSI)Sliding velocity: vg = 16 m/s (52 ft/s)Sliding face material combination Q1Q1 or U2Q1:Pressure: p1 = 12 bar (174 PSI)Sliding velocity: vg = 10 m/s (33 ft/s)Axial movement: ±1.0 mm, d 1 ≥75 mm ±1.5 mmMaterialsSeal face: Silicon carbide DiamondFace (Q15) Seat: Silicon carbide DiamondFace (Q15) Secondary seals: FKM (V), EPDM (E), FFKM (K), Perfluorcarbon rubber/PTFE (U1) Springs: Hastelloy® C-4 (M)Metal parts: CrNiMo steel (G), CrNiMo cast steel (G)Recommended applications Single seal •Cartridge •Balanced•Independent of direction of rotation •Single seals without connections (-SNO), with flush (-SN) and with quench combined with lip seal (-QN) or throttle ring (-TN)•Additional variants available for ANSI pumps (e.g. -ABPN) and eccentric screw pumps (-Vario)•The series has sliding surfaces that are equipped with EagleBurgmannDiamondFace technology as standard •Up to 80 % less energy consumption and minimized heat generation of seal due to friction-reducing DiamondFace layer •Up to 100 % extended operating period, prolongation of MTBF and MTBR intervals •Significantly improved dry-run capability for inadequately lubricated sealing surfaces, thus vastly improved process safety•Universally applicable, even with high solids content in the medium•Process industry•Petrochemical industry •Chemical industry•Pharmaceutical industry •Power plant technology •Pulp and paper industry•Water and waste water technology •Mining industry•Food and beverage industry •Sugar industry•Universally applicable •Centrifugal pumps•Eccentric screw pumps •Process pumps•1Seal face2, 5, 7O-Ring3Spring4Seat6Shaft sleeve8Drive collar9Set screw10Snap ring11Cover12Assembly fixture13Screw14Gasket15Screw plug16Lip seal (-QN), throttle ring (-TN)Seal coverCast versionSeal coverMachined version Installation, details, optionseCartex-SNOSingle seal without connections, for dead-endoperation.eCartex-TNSingle seal for operation with unpressurizedquench. Same as eCartex-SN but with throttle ring(item 16). The cover has auxiliary connections forflushing and quench.Throttle ring: PTFE carbon-graphite reinforced(T12).eCartex-QNSingle seal for operation with unpressurizedquench. Same as "-SN' version but with outboard lipseal (item 16). The cover has auxiliary connectionsfor flushing and quench.Lip seal: NBR (P), PTFE carbon reinforced (T3). Product variantseCartex-VarioCartridge seals with modified cover for eccentricscrew pumps.For e.g. Seepex BN,Netzsch NM...S, NM...B, NE (P),Allweiler AE, AEB, AED,Robbins & Myers / Moyno 2000 CC,and Mono E-Range.Please inquire.Dimensionsd1d2d3min.d3max.l1l2l3l4l12l13l14l15l16l17a1d a s1.000 1.693 1.7502.000 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.6893.130 2.102 1.028 2.4404.1340.520 1.125 1.811 1.875 2.050 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 2.440 4.1340.520 1.250 1.960 2.000 2.250 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 2.640 4.3300.520 1.375 2.086 2.125 2.420 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 2.750 4.4490.520 1.500 2.200 2.250 2.625 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 2.950 4.8420.520 1.625 2.340 2.375 2.700 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 3.030 4.8420.599 1.750 2.460 2.500 2.812 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 3.1905.4330.5991.8752.582 2.625 2.940 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.6893.130 2.102 1.028 3.190 5.4330.5992.000 2.677 2.7503.190 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 3.430 5.8270.599 2.125 2.834 2.875 3.437 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 3.820 5.8270.709 2.250 2.960 3.000 3.560 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 3.940 6.1810.709 2.375 3.070 3.125 3.590 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.0284.020 6.1810.709 2.500 3.212 3.250 3.800 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 4.170 6.4170.709 2.625 3.338 3.375 3.937 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 4.290 6.4170.709 2.750 3.660 3.750 4.250 2.640 1.6690.969 1.000 1.378 1.2600.689 3.130 2.102 1.028 4.6507.0080.7092.8753.9374.000 4.646 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.000 1.815 1.4920.866–––5.0797.4800.7093.000 3.9374.000 4.646 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866 3.858 2.516 1.3435.0797.4800.709 3.125 4.190 4.125 4.764 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866 3.858 2.516 1.343 5.3157.6770.709 3.250 4.189 4.250 4.882 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866––– 5.3157.6770.709 3.375 4.311 4.375 5.039 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866––– 5.4727.7950.866 3.500 4.437 4.500 5.157 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866––– 5.5917.7950.866 3.625 4.563 4.625 5.315 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866––– 5.7098.0710.8663.7504.689 4.7505.433 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866 3.858 2.516 1.343 5.8278.1890.8664.000 4.9375.000 5.669 3.307 2.260 1.047 1.102 1.815 1.4920.866–––6.0638.5830.866 Dimensions in inchDimensions1233123412131415161712543.044.051.56742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.16210513.2 2846.047.052.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.16210513.2 3048.049.056.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.16510513.2 3249.851.057.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.16711013.2 3349.851.057.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.16711013.2 3553.054.061.56742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.17011313.2 3856.057.066.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.17512313.2 4058.059.068.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.17512314.2 4260.561.569.56742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.18013314.2 4360.561.570.56742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.18013314.2 4562.564.073.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.18113814.2 4865.667.075.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.18413814.2 5068.069.078.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.18714814.2 5372.073.087.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.19714818.0 5573.074.083.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.19014818.0 6078.079.091.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.110215718.0 6584.885.798.56742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.110916318.0 7093.095.0108.06742.424.625.435.032.017.579.553.426.111817818.0 75100.0101.6118.08457.426.628.046.137.922.098.063.934.112919018.0 80106.4108.0124.08457.426.628.046.137.922.098.063.934.113519518.0 85109.5111.1128.08457.426.628.046.137.922.098.063.934.113919822.0 90115.9117.5135.08457.426.628.046.137.922.098.063.934.114520522.0 95119.1120.7138.08457.426.628.046.137.922.098.063.934.114820822.0 100125.4127.0144.08457.426.628.046.137.922.098.063.934.115421822.0 Dimensions in Millimeter。


三期装置设备位号对照表 10-F01A/B 压缩机进气过滤器 10-M01 空气压缩机 10-M02 膨胀机 10-M03 10-M04 10-E11 10-E12 10-E13 10-E21 10-E31 10-E41 10-E42 10-SI01 10-SI02 10-SI03 10-SI04 蒸汽轮机 发电单元蒸汽轮机 压缩机一段冷却器 压缩机二段冷却器 压缩机三段冷却器 尾气膨胀机中间加热器 空压机组凝汽器 发电机组凝汽器 发电机组旁路凝汽器 压缩机排气消声器 压缩机放空消声器 膨胀机排气消声器 安全阀放空消声器
精制反应器 精制第一结晶器 精制第二结晶器 精制第三结晶器 精制第四结晶器 精制第一结晶器搅拌器 精制第二结晶器搅拌器 精制第三结晶器搅拌器 精制第四结晶器搅拌器 精制结晶器出料泵 RPF供料罐 一道洗液收集槽 二道洗液收集槽 RPF外壳 氮气缓冲罐 工艺水罐
34-SI01 34-SI02 34-SI03 34-SI05 34-SI06 34-SI07 34-SI08 34-SI09 34-T01 34-T03 34-T04 34-T05 34-T06 34-P01A/B 34-P02A/B
Байду номын сангаас
16-E03 16-E04 16-E05 16-E06
塔顶凝液后冷凝器 22-R01 共沸剂回收塔再沸器 22-T01 共沸剂回收塔塔顶冷凝器 22-T02 共沸剂回收塔进料加热器 22-T03 22-T04 22-A01 22-A02 22-A03 22-A04 22-P01A/B 23-T01A-D 23-T02A-D 23-T03A-D 23-T04A-D 23-T05A-D 23-T06A/B
0.38MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 0.15MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 0MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 5.0MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 0.7MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 除氧器泄放消音器 3.0MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 0.7MpaG蒸汽排放消音器 0.5MpaG蒸汽闪蒸罐 0.7MpaG蒸汽闪蒸罐 (-0.03)MpaG蒸汽闪蒸罐 除氧器 凝液排污罐 除氧器供水泵 除氧水供给泵



MBC pressure switches are used in industrial and marine applications where space and reliability are the most important features.MBCs are compact pressure switches, designed according to our block design to survive in the harsh conditions known from machine rooms onboard ships.MBCs have high vibration resistance and MBC 5100 features all common marine approvals.The fixed, but low differential guarantees accurate monitoring of critical pressures.MBV test valves can be delivered as standard option for MBC.Features•Designed for use in severe industrial,environments•High vibration stability•Part of the Danfoss block system, consisting of MBC pressure controls, MBS pressure transmitters and MBV test valves•MBC 5100 with all major ship approvals •High repeatability•Optimal compact design for machine building purposes•Intended for alarm indication, shut down,control and diagnostics in many applications - motors, gears, thrusters, pumps, filters,compressors, etc.Product specification Technical dataFigure 1: Electrical connectionf o s s 19.11Figure 3: ThreadFigure 4: Flange connection on MBV 5000 Test ValveMechanical connectionNOTE:Flange connection is not applicable for piston type MBCHow to chooseTo achieve the best operating conditions for MBC pressure controls, it is recommended to apply the following rules of thumb.Choose:Figure 5: MBC 5000, Net weight: 0.25 kgFigure 6: MBC 5100, Net weight: 0.25 kgOrdering standard types(1)Max value, all values lower or equal are correct (2)Preferred versionsOrdering stainless steel types(1)Max value, all values lower or equal are correctPressure switch, MBC 5000 and MBC 5100AccessoriesThe list contains all certificates, declarations, and approvals for this product type. Individual code number may have some or all of these approvals, and certain local approvals may not appear on the list.Some approvals may change over time. You can check the most current status at or contact your local Danfoss representative if you have any questions.CE-marked in accordance with:LVD 2014/35/EU (EN 60947-1, EN 60947-4-1, EN 60947-5-1)Pressure switch, MBC 5000 and MBC 5100Any information, including, but not limited to information on selection of product, its application or use, product design, weight, dimensions, capacity or any other technical data in product manuals, catalogues descriptions, advertisements, etc. and whether made available in writing, orally, electronically, online or via download,shall be considered informative, and is only binding if and to the extent, explicit reference is made in a quotation or order confirmation. Danfoss cannot accept any responsibility for possible errors in catalogues, brochures, videos and other material. Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This also applies to products ordered but not delivered provided that such alterations can be made without changes to form, fit or function of the product. All trademarks in this material are property of Danfoss A/S or Danfoss group companies. Danfoss and the Danfoss logo are trademarks of Danfoss A/S. All rights reserved.Online supportDanfoss offers a wide range of support along with our products, including digital product information, software,mobile apps, and expert guidance. See the possibilities below.The Danfoss Product StoreThe Danfoss Product Store is your one-stop shop for everything product related—no matter where you are in the world or what area of the cooling industry you work in. Get quick access to essential information like product specs, code numbers, technical documentation, certifications, accessories,and more.Start browsing at .Find technical documentationFind the technical documentation you need to get your project up and running. Get direct access to our official collection of data sheets, certificates and declarations, manuals and guides, 3D models and drawings, case stories, brochures, and much more.Start searching now at /en/service-and-support/documentation .Danfoss LearningDanfoss Learning is a free online learning platform. It features courses and materials specifically designed to help engineers, installers, service technicians, and wholesalers better understand the products, applications, industry topics, and trends that will help you do your job better.Create your Danfoss Learning account for free at /en/service-and-support/learning .Get local information and supportLocal Danfoss websites are the main sources for help and information about our company andproducts. Find product availability, get the latest regional news, or connect with a nearby expert—all in your own language.Find your local Danfoss website here: /en/choose-region .。

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