

A more appropriate approach to deal with multiple objectives is to use techniques that were originally designed for that purpose in the eld of Operations Research. Work in that area started a century ago, and many approaches have been re ned and commonly applied in economics and control theory.
Abstract: In this paper we propose the use of the genetic algorithm (GA) as a tool to solve multiobjective
optimization problems in structures. Using the concept of min-max optimum, a new GA-based multiobjective optimization technique is proposed and two truss design problems are solved using it. The results produced by this new approach are compared to those produced by other mathematical programminቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ techniques and GA-based approaches, proving that this technique generates better trade-o s and that the genetic algorithm can be used as a reliable numerical optimization tool.

Multi-scale structural similarity for image quality assesment

Multi-scale structural similarity for image quality assesment

MULTI-SCALE STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY FOR IMAGE QUALITY ASSESSMENT Zhou Wang1,Eero P.Simoncelli1and Alan C.Bovik2(Invited Paper)1Center for Neural Sci.and Courant Inst.of Math.Sci.,New York Univ.,New York,NY10003 2Dept.of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Univ.of Texas at Austin,Austin,TX78712 Email:zhouwang@,eero.simoncelli@,bovik@ABSTRACTThe structural similarity image quality paradigm is based on the assumption that the human visual system is highly adapted for extracting structural information from the scene,and therefore a measure of structural similarity can provide a good approxima-tion to perceived image quality.This paper proposes a multi-scale structural similarity method,which supplies moreflexibility than previous single-scale methods in incorporating the variations of viewing conditions.We develop an image synthesis method to calibrate the parameters that define the relative importance of dif-ferent scales.Experimental comparisons demonstrate the effec-tiveness of the proposed method.1.INTRODUCTIONObjective image quality assessment research aims to design qual-ity measures that can automatically predict perceived image qual-ity.These quality measures play important roles in a broad range of applications such as image acquisition,compression,commu-nication,restoration,enhancement,analysis,display,printing and watermarking.The most widely used full-reference image quality and distortion assessment algorithms are peak signal-to-noise ra-tio(PSNR)and mean squared error(MSE),which do not correlate well with perceived quality(e.g.,[1]–[6]).Traditional perceptual image quality assessment methods are based on a bottom-up approach which attempts to simulate the functionality of the relevant early human visual system(HVS) components.These methods usually involve1)a preprocessing process that may include image alignment,point-wise nonlinear transform,low-passfiltering that simulates eye optics,and color space transformation,2)a channel decomposition process that trans-forms the image signals into different spatial frequency as well as orientation selective subbands,3)an error normalization process that weights the error signal in each subband by incorporating the variation of visual sensitivity in different subbands,and the vari-ation of visual error sensitivity caused by intra-or inter-channel neighboring transform coefficients,and4)an error pooling pro-cess that combines the error signals in different subbands into a single quality/distortion value.While these bottom-up approaches can conveniently make use of many known psychophysical fea-tures of the HVS,it is important to recognize their limitations.In particular,the HVS is a complex and highly non-linear system and the complexity of natural images is also very significant,but most models of early vision are based on linear or quasi-linear oper-ators that have been characterized using restricted and simplistic stimuli.Thus,these approaches must rely on a number of strong assumptions and generalizations[4],[5].Furthermore,as the num-ber of HVS features has increased,the resulting quality assessment systems have become too complicated to work with in real-world applications,especially for algorithm optimization purposes.Structural similarity provides an alternative and complemen-tary approach to the problem of image quality assessment[3]–[6].It is based on a top-down assumption that the HVS is highly adapted for extracting structural information from the scene,and therefore a measure of structural similarity should be a good ap-proximation of perceived image quality.It has been shown that a simple implementation of this methodology,namely the struc-tural similarity(SSIM)index[5],can outperform state-of-the-art perceptual image quality metrics.However,the SSIM index al-gorithm introduced in[5]is a single-scale approach.We consider this a drawback of the method because the right scale depends on viewing conditions(e.g.,display resolution and viewing distance). In this paper,we propose a multi-scale structural similarity method and introduce a novel image synthesis-based approach to calibrate the parameters that weight the relative importance between differ-ent scales.2.SINGLE-SCALE STRUCTURAL SIMILARITYLet x={x i|i=1,2,···,N}and y={y i|i=1,2,···,N}be two discrete non-negative signals that have been aligned with each other(e.g.,two image patches extracted from the same spatial lo-cation from two images being compared,respectively),and letµx,σ2x andσxy be the mean of x,the variance of x,and the covariance of x and y,respectively.Approximately,µx andσx can be viewed as estimates of the luminance and contrast of x,andσxy measures the the tendency of x and y to vary together,thus an indication of structural similarity.In[5],the luminance,contrast and structure comparison measures were given as follows:l(x,y)=2µxµy+C1µ2x+µ2y+C1,(1)c(x,y)=2σxσy+C2σ2x+σ2y+C2,(2)s(x,y)=σxy+C3σxσy+C3,(3) where C1,C2and C3are small constants given byC1=(K1L)2,C2=(K2L)2and C3=C2/2,(4)Fig.1.Multi-scale structural similarity measurement system.L:low-passfiltering;2↓:downsampling by2. respectively.L is the dynamic range of the pixel values(L=255for8bits/pixel gray scale images),and K1 1and K2 1aretwo scalar constants.The general form of the Structural SIMilarity(SSIM)index between signal x and y is defined as:SSIM(x,y)=[l(x,y)]α·[c(x,y)]β·[s(x,y)]γ,(5)whereα,βandγare parameters to define the relative importanceof the three components.Specifically,we setα=β=γ=1,andthe resulting SSIM index is given bySSIM(x,y)=(2µxµy+C1)(2σxy+C2)(µ2x+µ2y+C1)(σ2x+σ2y+C2),(6)which satisfies the following conditions:1.symmetry:SSIM(x,y)=SSIM(y,x);2.boundedness:SSIM(x,y)≤1;3.unique maximum:SSIM(x,y)=1if and only if x=y.The universal image quality index proposed in[3]corresponds to the case of C1=C2=0,therefore is a special case of(6).The drawback of such a parameter setting is that when the denominator of Eq.(6)is close to0,the resulting measurement becomes unsta-ble.This problem has been solved successfully in[5]by adding the two small constants C1and C2(calculated by setting K1=0.01 and K2=0.03,respectively,in Eq.(4)).We apply the SSIM indexing algorithm for image quality as-sessment using a sliding window approach.The window moves pixel-by-pixel across the whole image space.At each step,the SSIM index is calculated within the local window.If one of the image being compared is considered to have perfect quality,then the resulting SSIM index map can be viewed as the quality map of the other(distorted)image.Instead of using an8×8square window as in[3],a smooth windowing approach is used for local statistics to avoid“blocking artifacts”in the quality map[5].Fi-nally,a mean SSIM index of the quality map is used to evaluate the overall image quality.3.MULTI-SCALE STRUCTURAL SIMILARITY3.1.Multi-scale SSIM indexThe perceivability of image details depends the sampling density of the image signal,the distance from the image plane to the ob-server,and the perceptual capability of the observer’s visual sys-tem.In practice,the subjective evaluation of a given image varies when these factors vary.A single-scale method as described in the previous section may be appropriate only for specific settings.Multi-scale method is a convenient way to incorporate image de-tails at different resolutions.We propose a multi-scale SSIM method for image quality as-sessment whose system diagram is illustrated in Fig. 1.Taking the reference and distorted image signals as the input,the system iteratively applies a low-passfilter and downsamples thefiltered image by a factor of2.We index the original image as Scale1, and the highest scale as Scale M,which is obtained after M−1 iterations.At the j-th scale,the contrast comparison(2)and the structure comparison(3)are calculated and denoted as c j(x,y) and s j(x,y),respectively.The luminance comparison(1)is com-puted only at Scale M and is denoted as l M(x,y).The overall SSIM evaluation is obtained by combining the measurement at dif-ferent scales usingSSIM(x,y)=[l M(x,y)]αM·Mj=1[c j(x,y)]βj[s j(x,y)]γj.(7)Similar to(5),the exponentsαM,βj andγj are used to ad-just the relative importance of different components.This multi-scale SSIM index definition satisfies the three conditions given in the last section.It also includes the single-scale method as a spe-cial case.In particular,a single-scale implementation for Scale M applies the iterativefiltering and downsampling procedure up to Scale M and only the exponentsαM,βM andγM are given non-zero values.To simplify parameter selection,we letαj=βj=γj forall j’s.In addition,we normalize the cross-scale settings such thatMj=1γj=1.This makes different parameter settings(including all single-scale and multi-scale settings)comparable.The remain-ing job is to determine the relative values across different scales. Conceptually,this should be related to the contrast sensitivity func-tion(CSF)of the HVS[7],which states that the human visual sen-sitivity peaks at middle frequencies(around4cycles per degree of visual angle)and decreases along both high-and low-frequency directions.However,CSF cannot be directly used to derive the parameters in our system because it is typically measured at the visibility threshold level using simplified stimuli(sinusoids),but our purpose is to compare the quality of complex structured im-ages at visible distortion levels.3.2.Cross-scale calibrationWe use an image synthesis approach to calibrate the relative impor-tance of different scales.In previous work,the idea of synthesizing images for subjective testing has been employed by the“synthesis-by-analysis”methods of assessing statistical texture models,inwhich the model is used to generate a texture with statistics match-ing an original texture,and a human subject then judges the sim-ilarity of the two textures [8]–[11].A similar approach has also been qualitatively used in demonstrating quality metrics in [5],[12],though quantitative subjective tests were not conducted.These synthesis methods provide a powerful and efficient means of test-ing a model,and have the added benefit that the resulting images suggest improvements that might be made to the model[11].M )distortion level (MSE)12345Fig.2.Demonstration of image synthesis approach for cross-scale calibration.Images in the same row have the same MSE.Images in the same column have distortions only in one specific scale.Each subject was asked to select a set of images (one from each scale),having equal quality.As an example,one subject chose the marked images.For a given original 8bits/pixel gray scale test image,we syn-thesize a table of distorted images (as exemplified by Fig.2),where each entry in the table is an image that is associated witha specific distortion level (defined by MSE)and a specific scale.Each of the distorted image is created using an iterative procedure,where the initial image is generated by randomly adding white Gaussian noise to the original image and the iterative process em-ploys a constrained gradient descent algorithm to search for the worst images in terms of SSIM measure while constraining MSE to be fixed and restricting the distortions to occur only in the spec-ified scale.We use 5scales and 12distortion levels (range from 23to 214)in our experiment,resulting in a total of 60images,as demonstrated in Fig.2.Although the images at each row has the same MSE with respect to the original image,their visual quality is significantly different.Thus the distortions at different scales are of very different importance in terms of perceived image quality.We employ 10original 64×64images with different types of con-tent (human faces,natural scenes,plants,man-made objects,etc.)in our experiment to create 10sets of distorted images (a total of 600distorted images).We gathered data for 8subjects,including one of the authors.The other subjects have general knowledge of human vision but did not know the detailed purpose of the study.Each subject was shown the 10sets of test images,one set at a time.The viewing dis-tance was fixed to 32pixels per degree of visual angle.The subject was asked to compare the quality of the images across scales and detect one image from each of the five scales (shown as columns in Fig.2)that the subject believes having the same quality.For example,one subject chose the images marked in Fig.2to have equal quality.The positions of the selected images in each scale were recorded and averaged over all test images and all subjects.In general,the subjects agreed with each other on each image more than they agreed with themselves across different images.These test results were normalized (sum to one)and used to calculate the exponents in Eq.(7).The resulting parameters we obtained are β1=γ1=0.0448,β2=γ2=0.2856,β3=γ3=0.3001,β4=γ4=0.2363,and α5=β5=γ5=0.1333,respectively.4.TEST RESULTSWe test a number of image quality assessment algorithms using the LIVE database (available at [13]),which includes 344JPEG and JPEG2000compressed images (typically 768×512or similar size).The bit rate ranges from 0.028to 3.150bits/pixel,which allows the test images to cover a wide quality range,from in-distinguishable from the original image to highly distorted.The mean opinion score (MOS)of each image is obtained by averag-ing 13∼25subjective scores given by a group of human observers.Eight image quality assessment models are being compared,in-cluding PSNR,the Sarnoff model (JNDmetrix 8.0[14]),single-scale SSIM index with M equals 1to 5,and the proposed multi-scale SSIM index approach.The scatter plots of MOS versus model predictions are shown in Fig.3,where each point represents one test image,with its vertical and horizontal axes representing its MOS and the given objective quality score,respectively.To provide quantitative per-formance evaluation,we use the logistic function adopted in the video quality experts group (VQEG)Phase I FR-TV test [15]to provide a non-linear mapping between the objective and subjective scores.After the non-linear mapping,the linear correlation coef-ficient (CC),the mean absolute error (MAE),and the root mean squared error (RMS)between the subjective and objective scores are calculated as measures of prediction accuracy .The prediction consistency is quantified using the outlier ratio (OR),which is de-Table1.Performance comparison of image quality assessment models on LIVE JPEG/JPEG2000database[13].SS-SSIM: single-scale SSIM;MS-SSIM:multi-scale SSIM;CC:non-linear regression correlation coefficient;ROCC:Spearman rank-order correlation coefficient;MAE:mean absolute error;RMS:root mean squared error;OR:outlier ratio.Model CC ROCC MAE RMS OR(%)PSNR0.9050.901 6.538.4515.7Sarnoff0.9560.947 4.66 5.81 3.20 SS-SSIM(M=1)0.9490.945 4.96 6.25 6.98 SS-SSIM(M=2)0.9630.959 4.21 5.38 2.62 SS-SSIM(M=3)0.9580.956 4.53 5.67 2.91 SS-SSIM(M=4)0.9480.946 4.99 6.31 5.81 SS-SSIM(M=5)0.9380.936 5.55 6.887.85 MS-SSIM0.9690.966 3.86 4.91 1.16fined as the percentage of the number of predictions outside the range of±2times of the standard deviations.Finally,the predic-tion monotonicity is measured using the Spearman rank-order cor-relation coefficient(ROCC).Readers can refer to[15]for a more detailed descriptions of these measures.The evaluation results for all the models being compared are given in Table1.From both the scatter plots and the quantitative evaluation re-sults,we see that the performance of single-scale SSIM model varies with scales and the best performance is given by the case of M=2.It can also be observed that the single-scale model tends to supply higher scores with the increase of scales.This is not surprising because image coding techniques such as JPEG and JPEG2000usually compressfine-scale details to a much higher degree than coarse-scale structures,and thus the distorted image “looks”more similar to the original image if evaluated at larger scales.Finally,for every one of the objective evaluation criteria, multi-scale SSIM model outperforms all the other models,includ-ing the best single-scale SSIM model,suggesting a meaningful balance between scales.5.DISCUSSIONSWe propose a multi-scale structural similarity approach for image quality assessment,which provides moreflexibility than single-scale approach in incorporating the variations of image resolution and viewing conditions.Experiments show that with an appropri-ate parameter settings,the multi-scale method outperforms the best single-scale SSIM model as well as state-of-the-art image quality metrics.In the development of top-down image quality models(such as structural similarity based algorithms),one of the most challeng-ing problems is to calibrate the model parameters,which are rather “abstract”and cannot be directly derived from simple-stimulus subjective experiments as in the bottom-up models.In this pa-per,we used an image synthesis approach to calibrate the param-eters that define the relative importance between scales.The im-provement from single-scale to multi-scale methods observed in our tests suggests the usefulness of this novel approach.However, this approach is still rather crude.We are working on developing it into a more systematic approach that can potentially be employed in a much broader range of applications.6.REFERENCES[1] A.M.Eskicioglu and P.S.Fisher,“Image quality mea-sures and their performance,”IEEE munications, vol.43,pp.2959–2965,Dec.1995.[2]T.N.Pappas and R.J.Safranek,“Perceptual criteria for im-age quality evaluation,”in Handbook of Image and Video Proc.(A.Bovik,ed.),Academic Press,2000.[3]Z.Wang and A.C.Bovik,“A universal image quality in-dex,”IEEE Signal Processing Letters,vol.9,pp.81–84,Mar.2002.[4]Z.Wang,H.R.Sheikh,and A.C.Bovik,“Objective videoquality assessment,”in The Handbook of Video Databases: Design and 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[10] D.Heeger and J.Bergen,“Pyramid-based texture analy-sis/synthesis,”in Proc.ACM SIGGRAPH,pp.229–238,As-sociation for Computing Machinery,August1995.[11]J.Portilla and E.P.Simoncelli,“A parametric texture modelbased on joint statistics of complex wavelet coefficients,”Int’l J Computer Vision,vol.40,pp.49–71,Dec2000. [12]P.C.Teo and D.J.Heeger,“Perceptual image distortion,”inProc.SPIE,vol.2179,pp.127–141,1994.[13]H.R.Sheikh,Z.Wang, A. C.Bovik,and L.K.Cormack,“Image and video quality assessment re-search at LIVE,”/ research/quality/.[14]Sarnoff Corporation,“JNDmetrix Technology,”http:///products_services/video_vision/jndmetrix/.[15]VQEG,“Final report from the video quality experts groupon the validation of objective models of video quality assess-ment,”Mar.2000./.PSNRM O SSarnoffM O S(a)(b)Single−scale SSIM (M=1)M O SSingle−scale SSIM (M=2)M O S(c)(d)Single−scale SSIM (M=3)M O SSingle−scale SSIM (M=4)M O S(e)(f)Single−scale SSIM (M=5)M O SMulti−scale SSIMM O S(g)(h)Fig.3.Scatter plots of MOS versus model predictions.Each sample point represents one test image in the LIVE JPEG/JPEG2000image database [13].(a)PSNR;(b)Sarnoff model;(c)-(g)single-scale SSIM method for M =1,2,3,4and 5,respectively;(h)multi-scale SSIM method.。

structural and multidisciplinary optimization模板

structural and multidisciplinary optimization模板

structural and multidisciplinaryoptimization模板Structural and Multidisciplinary OptimizationStructural and multidisciplinary optimization (SMO) is a powerful technique used in engineering design to enhance the performance and efficiency of complex systems. It involves finding the optimal design parameters that satisfy various constraints while maximizing the system's performance.SMO utilizes a combination of mathematical algorithms, advanced computational tools, and engineering principles to automate the design process. By integrating different disciplines such as structural analysis, fluid dynamics, and material science, SMO allows engineers to address multiple variables simultaneously and optimize the overall system.The primary goal of SMO is to optimize the design of structures, components, or systems subject to various constraints. These constraints can include factors such as weight, stress, deflection, stability, manufacturability, and cost. By considering these constraints in the design process, engineers can ensure that the final product meets safety standards, performs efficiently, and minimizes waste.SMO employs optimization algorithms to iteratively modify the design parameters and evaluate their impact on the system performance. It utilizes numerical techniques to find the optimal solution within the given design space. These techniques may include evolutionary algorithms, gradient-based methods, or surrogate models that approximate the system behavior.The application of SMO is widespread in industries such as aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, and consumer goods. For example, in aerospace engineering, SMO can be used to optimize the shape and placement of aircraft wings to reduce drag and increase fuel efficiency. In automotive engineering, SMO can optimize the vehicle structure to enhance crashworthiness, fuel economy, and passenger comfort.In conclusion, structural and multidisciplinary optimization is a powerful approach that enables engineers to design efficient and high-performing systems. By integrating various disciplines and considering multiple design constraints, SMO allows engineers to find the optimal solution within the given design space. The application of SMO in different industries has revolutionized the design process and has led to significant advancements in product performance and efficiency.。



多目标优化相关书籍多目标优化(Multi-Objective Optimization)是指在优化问题中,同时考虑多个冲突的目标函数,并寻求一组最优解,这些解组成了所谓的“非支配解集”(Pareto-Optimal Set)或“非支配前沿”(Pareto-Optimal Frontier)。


以下是几本与多目标优化相关的书籍,包含了各种多目标优化方法和技术:1. 《多目标决策优化原理与方法》(Principles of Multi-Objective Decision Making and Optimization)- by Hai Wang这本书介绍了多目标决策优化的基本原理和方法,包括多目标决策的概述、非支配排序算法、进化算法等。


2. 《多目标优化的演化算法导论》(Introduction to Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization)- by Carlos A. Coello Coello, Gary B. Lamont, and David A. Van Veldhuizen这本书详细介绍了演化算法在多目标优化中的应用,包括遗传算法、粒子群优化等。


3. 《多目标优化的进化算法理论与应用》(Evolutionary Algorithms for Multi-Objective Optimization: Methods and Applications)- by Kalyanmoy Deb这本书提供了一些最新的多目标优化的进化算法技术,包括NSGA-II算法、MOEA/D算法等。







### 数据增强数据增强是一种通过对原始数据进行一系列变换来生成新的训练样本的方法。




### 模型集成模型集成是一种将多个不同的模型进行组合来提高整体性能的方法。



### 对抗性训练对抗性训练是一种通过向模型中注入对抗性样本来提高模型鲁棒性的方法。



### 迁移学习迁移学习是一种通过将已经训练好的模型或特征应用到新的任务中来提高模型性能的方法。







optimal和optimum英文辨析《Optimal vs. Optimum: A Comparative Analysis》In the English language, there are often multiple words that have similar meanings but subtle differences in usage. Two such words are “optimal” and “optimum”. While they both refer to the best or most favorable option, there are some key distinctions between the two.The word “optimal” is an adjective that means the most desirable or best possible. It implies that there is a range of options, and the one being described as optimal is the one that offers the greatest benefit or advantage. For example, “The optimal solution to this problem would be to implement a new system.” Here, “optimal” suggests that there are other potential solutions, but the one being proposed is the best among them.On the other hand, “optimum” is also an adjective, but it is often used in a more specific or technical context. It refers to the point or condition at which something is at its best or most efficient. For instance, “The optimum temperature for this chemical reaction is 50 degrees Celsius.”In this case, “optimum” indicates a specific value or range that is considered the most favorable for a particular process or outcome.One way to think about the difference between “optimal” and “optimum” is that “optimal” is more subjective and depends on the specific circumstances or goals, while “optimum” is more objective and based on specific criteria or measurements. Another difference is that “optimal” can be used to describe a wide range of situations, while “optimum” is often used in more specialized fields such as science, engineering, or economics.In some cases, the two words can be used interchangeably, but it is important to be aware of the subtle differences in meaning and usage.Using the wrong word can lead to confusion or a less precise expression of ideas. For example, saying “The optimum solution to this problem is to do nothing” might sound odd, as “optimum” typically implies a specific action or condition that is considered the best. In this case,“optimal” would be a more appropriate choice.To further illustrate the differences between “optimal” and “optimum”,let’s consider a few examples:In a business context, finding the optimal marketing strategywould involve considering various factors such as target audience,budget, and competition. The goal is to identify the approach that is most likely to lead to success. On the other hand, determining the optimum inventory level would involve analyzing data such as sales trends, lead times, and carrying costs to find the level that minimizes costs while meeting customer demand.In a medical setting, choosing the optimal treatment plan for a patient would depend on their specific condition, medical history,and personal preferences. The doctor would aim to select thetreatment that offers the best chance of recovery with the least side effects. However , when it comes to setting the optimumdosage of a medication, it would involve precise calculations based on the patient’s weight, age, and other factors to ensure the most effective and safe treatment.In a sports context, an athlete might strive for the optimalperformance by training hard, eating well, and getting enoughrest. This would involve finding the right balance between different aspects of their training and lifestyle. On the other hand, a coach might look for the optimum lineup or strategy for a particulargame based on the strengths and weaknesses of the team and the opponent.While “optimal” and “optimum” are similar in meaning, they have distinct nuances that can affect their usage. Understanding thesedifferences can help us communicate more precisely and effectively in various contexts. Whether we are discussing business, science, or any other field, choosing the right word can make a significant difference in how our ideas are understood. So, the next time you are faced with a choice between “optimal” and “optimum”, take a moment to consider • • •the specific context and intended meaning to ensure you are using the most appropriate word.。

2 Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms 3

2 Multiobjective Optimization Using Evolutionary Algorithms 3

3.1 The Basic Algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3.2 Reducing the Pareto Set by Clustering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Chapter 1 Introduction
Many real-world problems involve simultaneous optimization of several incommensurable and often competing objectives. Usually, there is no single optimal solution, but rather a set of alternative solutions. These solutions are optimal in the wider sense that no other solutions in the search space are superior to them when all objectives are considered. They are known as Pareto-optimal solutions. Consider, for example, the design of a complex hardware/software system. An optimal design might be an architecture that minimizes cost and power consumption while maximizing the overall performance. However, these goals are generally con icting: one architecture may achieve high performance at high cost, another low-cost architecture might considerably increase power consumption|none of these solutions can be said to be superior if we do not include preference information (e.g., a ranking of the objectives). Thus, if no such information is available, it may be very helpful to get knowledge about those alternate architectures. A tool exploring the design space for Pareto-optimal solutions in reasonable time can essentially aid the decision maker to arrive at a nal design. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) seem to be particularly suited for this task, because they process a set of solutions in parallel, eventually exploiting similarities of solutions by crossover. Some researcher suggest that multiobjective search and optimization might be a problem area where EAs do better than other blind search strategies Fonseca and Fleming, 1995] Valenzuela-Rendon and Uresti-Charre, 1997]. Since the mid-eighties several multiobjective EAs have been developed, capable of searching for multiple Pareto-optimal solutions concurrently in a single run. In spite of this variety, it is di cult to determine the appropriate algorithm for a given problem because it lacks extensive, quantitative comparative studies. The few comparisons available to date are mostly qualitative and restricted to two different methods quite often, the test problems considered are rather simple. As a consequence, it sometimes seems that every new application results in a new multiobjective EA. In this study we have chosen another way. Firstly, we carried out an extensive comparison of di erent multiobjective EAs that bases on two complementary quantitative measures|the test problem was a NP-hard 0/1 knapsack problem. The experience we gained from the experiments led to the development of a new ap1



























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丁 静 , 培 康 王
( 国科 学 技 术 大 学 电 子工 程 与 信 息 科 学 系 , 肥 2 0 2 ) 中 合 3 0 6 (igig ma . s .d .n dnj @ i ut eu c ) n l c

t d e p e e i , te r bu tHu e si trwa s d i h ni e n r u t n. Th xp rme a e ut e n ta e he e g — r s r ng h o s b re tma o s u e n t e u f d e e g f nci v i y o ee e i ntlr s lsd mo sr t
M . si a in n i t r lfle i e tm to a d b l e a trng a i
D NG Jn ,W ANG P ik n I ig e—a g
( p r e tfEerncE gnei n fr tnSi c,U i rt c nead Tcnl yo hn ,Hfi n u 30 6 hn ) Deat n o l t i nier ga dI omai c ne nv syo Si c n eho g C ia e h i 0 2 ,C ia m co n n o e ei f e o f eA 2
Ke r s e lr e u e —e ou in r c n tu t n y wo d :r g a z d s p rr s l t e o sr c i ;M —si t n i tr l l r g d e p e e v n h r c eit ; u i o o et mai ;b l ea ti ;e g ・ r s r i gc a a t r i o a i f en sc

Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Complicated Pareto Sets, MOEA_D and NSGA-II

Multiobjective Optimization Problems With Complicated Pareto Sets, MOEA_D and NSGA-II
H. Li was with the Department of Computing and Electronic Systems, University of Essex, Colchester CO4 3SQ, U.K. He is now with the School of Computer Science, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG8 1BB, U.K. (e-mail: hzl@).
A multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) can be stated as follows:
subject to
where is the decision (variable) space, is the objective
be two
vectors, is said to dominate if
for all
.1 A point
is called (globally) Pareto optimal
if there is no
such that
Hale Waihona Puke dominates. The set
of all the Pareto optimal points, denoted by , is called the
Pareto set. The set of all the Pareto objective vectors,
, is called the Pareto front [1].



艺术设计研究2023 03期框架创新:面向复杂问题求解的系统性设计思维梁罗丹 张凌浩(通讯作者)随着全球联系的不断加强,资本、物质、信息以前所未有的活跃度流动,在带来新兴联结与机遇的同时,也产生了一系列的复杂问题与挑战。




②其中著名国际设计学研究者(美)唐·诺曼(Don Norman )、(美)肯·弗里德曼(Ken Friedman )与同济大学设计创意学院合作提出了摘要:随着经济、技术与社会联动发展以及多学科的互融协同,人类需要应对的问题越来越复杂,许多领域和组织已将设计作为一种积极应对当前复杂问题的手段与方法。




关键词:框架创新;复杂创新;系统性设计思维;设计方法中图分类号:J05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-7518 (2023) 03-0048-08Frame Innovation: Systematic Design Thinking for Solving Complex ProblemsLiang Luodan Zhang Linghao (Corresponding author)Abstract : With the interconnected development of the economy, technology, and society, as well as cross-disciplinary collaboration, the problems that hu-manity needs to address are becoming increasingly complex. In response to these challenges, many fields and organizations have adopted design as a proactive approach. Frame innovation is an emerging design paradigm developed to enhance the ability of design to handle complex problems and expand the scope of in-novation. This article analyzes the origin, development, solution models, and innovative methods of frame innovation, respectively from the perspectives of systems innovation and design thinking, and explains the innovative potential of frame innovation in complex problem-solving. Finally, it is pointed out that the integration and synergy of systems innovation and design thinking in the frame innovation methodology constitute a systematic design thinking approach for solving complex prob-lems.Key words : frame innovation; complex innovation; systematic design thinking; design methods《DesignX 》宣言(2015)③,美国卡内基梅隆大学设计学院(Carnegie Mellon University School of Design )提出了“转型设计”概念(2015)。

2013-Decomposition of a Multiobjective Optimization Problem into a Number of Simple Multiobjective

2013-Decomposition of a Multiobjective Optimization Problem into a Number of Simple Multiobjective

I. I NTRODUCTION This letter considers the following continuous multiobjective optimization problem (MOP): minimize F (x) = (f1 (x), . . . , fm (x)) n ∏ subject to x∈ [ai , bi ] ∏n
Abstract—This letter suggests an approach for decomposing a multiobjective optimization problem (MOP) into a set of simple multiobjective optimization subproblems. Using this approach, it proposes MOEA/D-M2M, a new version of multiobjective optimization evolutionary algorithm based decomposition. This proposed algorithm solves these subproblems in a collaborative way. Each subproblem has its own population and receives computational effort at each generation. In such a way, population diversity can be maintained, which is critical for solving some MOPs. Experimental studies have been conducted to compare MOEA/D-M2M with classic MOEA/D and NSGA-II. This letter argues that population diversity is more important than convergence in multiobjective evolutionary algorithms for dealing with some MOPs. It also explains why MOEA/D-M2M performs better. Keywords-Multiobjective optimization, decomposition, hybrid algorithms





以下是一些常见的量化组合优化算法:1.马科维茨均值-方差优化:这是一个经典的组合优化算法,由哈里·马科维茨(Harry Markowitz)提出。







4.最小化跟踪误差优化:在passively 管理的指数基金等策略中,目标是最小化投资组合与特定指数之间的跟踪误差,以确保组合的表现尽可能接近基准。








Multiobjective optimization using non-dominated sorting in genetic algorithms

Multiobjective optimization using non-dominated sorting in genetic algorithms
One way to solve multiobjective problems is to scalarize the vector of objectives into one objective by averaging the objectives with a weight vector. This process allows a simpler optimization algorithm to be used, but the obtained solution largely depends on the weight vector used in the scalarization process. Moreover, if available, a decision maker may be interested in knowing alternate solutions. Since genetic algorithms (GAs) work with a population of points, a number of Pareto-optimal solutions may be captured using GAs. An early GA application on multiobjective optimization by Scha er (1984) opened a new avenue of research in this eld. Though his algorithm, VEGA, gave encouraging results, it su ered from biasness towards some Pareto-optimal solutions. A new algorithm, Nondominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA), is presented in this paper based on Goldberg's suggestion (Goldberg 1989). This algorithm eliminates the bias in VEGA and thereby distributes the population over the entire Pareto-optimal regions. Although there exist two other implementations (Fonesca and Fleming 1993; Horn, Nafpliotis, and Goldberg 1994) based on this idea, NSGA is di erent from their working principles, as explained below.



2018年(第40卷)第5期汽车工程Automotive Engineering2018(V〇1.40)N〇.5doi:10.1956^^j.chinasae.qcgc.2018.05.002梯度强度汽车薄壁结构抗撞性优化$赵曦,陈帅,盈亮,侯文彬,胡平(大连理工大学运载工程与力学学部汽车工程学院,工业装备结构分析国家重点实验室,大连116024)[摘要]本文中采用有限元法,对一种梯度强度汽车薄壁结构的抗撞性能进行仿真研究。

首先以该结构在碰 撞过程中的峰值碰撞力f和比吸能£为评价指标,分析了板厚《、碰撞端强度s和梯度强度分布指数m对其抗撞性 能的影响。


然后考虑到工艺因素的不稳定性,选取该前沿上的特征点对最优设计的鲁棒性进 行分析,发现当梯度强度指数m<0. 5时(此时顶端强度和厚度应选最小值)鲁棒性最优。

最后以原始材料(低强度 均质性能)、高强度材料(高强度均质性能)和梯度强度材料进行某款车型前纵梁的正撞模拟评价。

结果表明:梯度 强度薄壁结构在乘员舱减速度、前围侵人量和比吸能等方面皆比传统设计有着更优的抗撞性能,且有效减轻了车身 质量,综合性能最优。

关键词:汽车抗撞性;梯度强度;多目标优化;鲁棒性设计Crashworthiness Optimization of Automotive Thin-wa11edStructure with Functionally Graded StrengthZhao Xi,Chen Shuai,Ying Liang,Hou Wenbin &Hu PingSchool of Automotive Engineering, Faculty of Vehicle Engineering and Mechanics , Dalian University of Technology,State Key Laboratory of Structural Analysis for Industrial Equipment, Dalian116024[Abstract]The crashworthiness of an automotive thin-wall structure with functionally graded strength (FGS) is simulated by finite element method in this paper.Firstly taking the peak crash force F and the specific energy ab­sorption E of the structure during crash as evaluation indicators to analyze the effects of thickness t,the strength s of impacting end and gradient index m on the crashworthiness of the structure.An approximate relationship between performance parameters (F andE)and design variables (m,t and s)is established by response surface method,and a multi-objective optimization is conducted on the structure to obtain the optimal Pareto frontier.Then with consider­ation of the instability of technological factors,three characteristic points on Pareto frontier are chosen to analyze the robustness of optimal designs and it is found that the robustness is the best when m<0. 5 (in this case s and t should take minimum value).Finally a frontal crash simulation on the front longitudinal beam of a pickup truck is per­formed with three materials,i.e.original material with low-strength homogeneous property,high-strength homogene­ous material and FGS material.The results show that FGS thin-wall structure has better performance than the tradi­tional design with original material in respects of cab deceleration,front bulkhead intrusion and specific energy ab­sorption with less mass,so has the best overall performance.Keywords:automotive crashworthiness;graded strength;multi-objective optimization;robustness de­sign*国家自然科学基金重点项目(11272075)、中国博士后科学基金(2014M561223)和中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金 (DUT16RC(4)28)项目联合资助。


























1.一种改进的灰度矩亚像素边缘定位方法 [J], 刘文涛;陈忠;张宪民
2.基于改进小波变换和Zernike矩的亚像素边缘检测算法 [J], 文涛;左东广;李站良;卫宾华
3.改进Zernike矩亚像素边缘检测算法研究 [J], 于微波;马艳辉;刘芳雪;刘克平
4.基于改进Zernike矩的玻璃瓶亚像素边缘检测算法 [J], 杨浩;裴蕾;李昌顺;杨梅
5.基于Zernike正交矩的图像亚像素边缘检测算法改进 [J], 王肃国;李龙华



【摘要】为了提高传统的基于图割的立体匹配算法的鲁棒性,提出一种基于图像增强的图割立体匹配方法,传统算法是在图像灰度值的基础上构建能量函数,该方法加入了图像的梯度值来构建能量函数,然后将基于二值化标号函数的α扩展算法和KV 最大流算法结合起来求解能量函数.由于梯度对于图像中的噪声、局部光照具有鲁棒性,因此该算法在一定程度上增加了传统GC算法的鲁棒性,最后通过仿真和实验验证了算法的有效性.
1.一种改进的基于图割的立体匹配算法 [J], 刘亚竹;李逵;狄红卫
2.一种基于图割理论的快速立体匹配算法 [J], 朱程辉;任冉冉
3.一种基于SSD和图割的快速立体匹配算法 [J], 程浩;李寒
4.一种基于图割的快速立体匹配方法 [J], 裴明涛;刘鹏








标准化(Z-score normalization)会将每个特征转换成均值为0,标准差为1的分布,而归一化(Min-Max scaling)会将每个特征缩放到[0, 1]区间。



在模式识别领域,最优尺度变换可能是指通过变换检测(scale-invariant feature transform, SIFT)等算法找到的尺度不变特征描述子,这些特征描述子能够在不同尺度下保持不变性,从而提高匹配和识别的准确性。



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1330/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING/NOVEMBER2001to be chosen on the basis of an experimental trial-and-error study of the control objective.The initial design of an FLC can be optimized using an optimization procedure(e.g.,GAs). TWO-BRANCH TOURNAMENT GAThe GA is a computational representation of natural selec-tion,making the analogy that in survival of thefittest an in-dividual morefit in its environment is akin to a more optimal design(Goldberg1989;Holland1992).This analogy includes representing designs as individuals in a population,performing a selection(survival offittest),and crossover(mating)of a generation of these designs(from a mating pool)to create children,who in turn become the population in the next gen-eration.An individual design is represented by a chromosome, generally a binary string of1s and0s that represent the design parameter values(value of the design variables)for each in-dividual.The GA has also been adopted for multiobjective optimi-zation(Fonseca and Fleming1995;Crossley et al.1999).Most of these algorithms are based on afitness function formulated as either a weighted sum of all objectives or some form of ranking,which assigns a betterfitness value to designs based on their dominance.Among its many features,the GA uses a population of points to conduct its search.Because the GA is evaluating an entire population in each generation,this pro-vides an opportunity to generate a set of nondominated designs in one run.The two-branch tournament algorithm is based on this feature of the e of a selection operator for mul-tiobjective optimization is the major difference of the two-branch tournament approach(Crossley et al.1999)when com-pared to other GA-based multiobjective optimization methods. It generates a representation of Pareto-optimal designs,rather than a single Pareto-optimal design,making an efficient use of the GA’s population-based search.Chromosome RepresentationEach design is represented by an n-bit-long chromosome. Here,n is the sum of the length required to represent each design variable,which can be determined by(rϪ1)p rr2<(UϪL)ϫ10Յ2(1) where U and L=upper and lower bound of the design vari-able,respectively;p r=required decimal precision;and r= required length in bits used to represent the design variable.Initial PopulationThe GA starts from a population of chromosomes as a set of initial designs.The initial population is chosen randomly. Population size(i.e.,the total number of chromosomes in the population)has been chosen such that the number of design points are sufficiently large that it encompasses the global op-timum solution.A larger population results in convergence in fewer generations.Fitness FunctionThe GA uses afitness function value for the selection op-erator;therefore,this function reflects both the objective and a penalty for constraint violation.Thefitness function has been constructed in the manner of a sequential unconstrained min-imization technique(i.e.,an objective with external penalty functions to handle the constraints).Because the GA does not require derivatives,or even continuity of the function,several options are available to describe thefitness function(Fonseca and Fleming,1995).For the present study,thefitness func-tions,which have to be minimized,have been obtained by combining the objective functions␾i and the constraint func-tion g i for n cons number of constraints,given byn consf=␾ϩc max[0,g](2)11i i͸i=1n consf=␾ϩc max[0,g](3)22i i͸i=1where␾i,c i,and g i=i th objective function,i th penalty coef-ficient,and i th constraint violation,respectively.In this study, to simplify the selection of the coefficients,c i,all the con-straints have been formulated in a scaled form and the same value of c i has been used for all the constraints.In the scaled form,constraint functions have been posed as given in(4)to enforce a value greater than the allowed value,or as in(5)to enforce a value less than the allowed value.These functions are negative valued when the constraints are satisfied and pos-itive valued when violatedactual valueg=1ϪՅ0(4)i allowedactual valueg=Ϫ1Յ0(5)i allowedSelection CriteriaThe two-branch tournament selection approach is such that designs are competitive on one of the two objectives.The pro-cedure for this selection is shown in Fig.1and enumerated in the following steps:1.Place the entire population of the current generation inthe pot.2.Select two individuals randomly from the pot withoutreplacement.pute thefirstfitness,and copy the better performingindividual to the parent pool.4.Repeat steps2and3until the pot is empty.5.Refill the pot with the population from the current gen-eration.6.Select two individuals randomly from the pot withoutreplacement.pute the secondfitness,and copy the better perform-ing individual to the parent pool.8.Repeat steps6and7until the pot is empty.At the end of the above steps,the parent pool is full.A new population is generated from this population of the parent pool using crossover and mutation operations.CrossoverThe crossover operator is used to produce two offspring from the selected parents.To select the parents for crossover from the new population,a random number between0and1 is generated.If this random number is less than the probability of crossover,then the chromosome is selected for crossover (Michaelwicz1996).The selected chromosomes are randomly paired for crossover.A single crossover site is selected ran-domly.MutationTo maintain variability of the population,a mutation oper-ation is also performed on certain individuals.The mutation is performed on a bit-by-bit basis,with a certain probability of mutation.This operation is also performed with the help ofJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING/NOVEMBER2001/13311332/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING /NOVEMBER2001FIG. 1.Flowchart of Two-Branch Tournament GAa random number between 0and 1.If the random number isless than the probability of mutation,then the bit under con-sideration will be switched (i.e.,0to 1or 1to 0).Selection of Nondominated DesignsThis algorithm generates the two best designs,one for each objective,in each generation.Thus,a large number of feasible designs are obtained at the end of the algorithm.All of these obtained feasible designs are not Pareto-optimal designs.Each of the designs in the list generated by GA is compared with all other designs for dominance.If design 1is better than de-sign 2for both the objectives,then design 1dominates over design 2or,in other words,one can say design 2has been dominated by design 1.If a design has been dominated by any other design,the design will be discarded or else it will be retained in the list.After a comparison of all of the designs in this way,all the retained designs are nondominated designs and form a Pareto-optimal set of designs.BENCHMARK PROBLEMThe example taken for this study is the first generation benchmark problem on structural control given in Spencer et al.(1998).Details of this benchmark problem are available in Spencer et al.(1998),but a brief description has been given here for completeness.It is a three-story,single-bay,model building with an active mass driver at the third floor.The eval-uation model is a high-fidelity,linear,time-invariant 28-state state-space representation of the input-output model of the physical structure.The model has been presented in continu-ous time as follows:x ˙(t )=Ax (t )ϩB u (t )ϩE x ¨(t )(6)g y (t )=C x (t )ϩD u (t )ϩF x ¨(t )ϩv (t )(7)m y y y g z (t )=C x (t )ϩD u (t )ϩF x ¨(t )(8)z z z g In these equations,x is the state vector;x ¨g is the scaler groundacceleration;u is the scaler control input;y m =[x m ,x ¨a 1,x ¨a 2,x ¨a 3,x ¨am ,x ¨g ]Tis the vector of measured responses;z =[x 1,x 2,x 3,x m ,x ˙1,x ˙2,x ˙3,x ˙p ,x ¨a 1,x ¨a 2,x ¨a 3,x ¨am ]T is the vector of control-lable responses;v is the vector of measurement noises (sen-sors);and A ,B ,E ,C y ,D y ,F y ,C z ,D z ,and F z are matrices given for the benchmark problem that represent the structural properties and position vectors.Eq.(6)represents the state-space equations of motion,and (7)and (8)are the output and controlled response equations,respectively.EV ALUATION CRITERIAThe evaluation criteria for this example problem has been given in detail in Spencer et al.(1998),and a brief description has been presented here for completeness.Stochastic Evaluation CriteriaThe excitation (ground acceleration)x ¨g is a stationary ran-dom process with a power spectral density2224S (4␨␻␻ϩ␻)0g g g S (␻)=(9)¨¨x x 222222g g (␻Ϫ␻)ϩ4␨␻␻g g g where the natural frequency ␻g and the damping ratio ␨g arevariables lying in the intervals 20rad/s Յ␻g Յ120rad/s and 0.3Յ␨g Յ0.75.The spectral intensity S 0[(10)]has been chosen such that it keeps a constant RMS value of the ground acceleration x ¨g =0.12g ,irrespective of changes in ␻g and ␨g0.03␨g2S =g (10)02␲␻(4␨ϩ1)g g When this random ground disturbance has been applied to the structure,the performance of the controller has been mea-sured by the following nondimensional criteria:␴␴␴d d d 123J =max,,(11)1ͭͮ␴␴␴␻,␨g gx x x 3o 3o 3o␴␴␴¨¨¨x x x a 1a 2a 3J =max,,(12)2ͭͮ␴␴␣␻,␨¨¨g gx ¨xx a 3o a 3o a 3o ␴x m J =max(13)3ͭͮ␴␻,␨g gx 3o ␴˙x m J =max(14)4ͭͮ␴␻,␨˙x g g3o ␴¨x am J =max(15)5ͭͮ␴␻,␨¨x g ga 3oJOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING /NOVEMBER 2001/1333FIG. 2.Membership Function Used for Input and Output Variables ofFLCwhere ␴represents the RMS value of the variable shown as a subscript.The interstory drifts d i are the relative lateral dis-placements between floors (d 1=x 1,d 2=x 2Ϫx 1,d 3=x 3Ϫx 2);x ˙i is the lateral velocity of the i th floor relative to the ground;x ¨ai is the absolute acceleration of the i th floor;x m and x ˙m are the displacement and velocity of the actuator piston relative to the third floor,respectively,and x ¨am is the absolute acceleration of the actuator piston.The normalization con-stants and are the worst-case RMS values of the ␴,␴,␴˙¨x x x 3o 3o a 3o third-floor displacement and velocity relative to the ground and the absolute acceleration of the third floor,respectively,over all the allowed values of the ␻g and ␨g ,for the uncon-trolled case.Deterministic Evaluation CriteriaThe ground acceleration is one of the two historical earth-quake records:NS component of the 1940El Centro and 1968Hachinohe earthquakes.The performance of the controller un-der the applied seismic excitations has been measured by the following nondimensionalized criteria:͉d (t )͉͉d (t )͉͉d (t )͉123J =max max,,(16)6ͫͭͮͬx x x earthquake recordst3o 3o 3o͉x ¨(t )͉͉x ¨(t )͉͉x ¨(t )͉a 1a 2a 3J =maxmax,,(17)7ͫͭͮͬx ¨x ¨x ¨earthquake recordsta 3o a 3o a 3o ͉x (t )͉m J =max max(18)8ͫͭͮͬx earthquake recordst3o ͉x ˙(t )͉m J =max max(19)9ͫͭͮͬx ˙earthquake recordst3o͉x ¨(t )͉am J =maxmax(20)10ͫͭͮͬx ¨earthquake recordsta 3owhere x 3o and x ˙3o =largest peak uncontrolled values of thedisplacement and velocity relative to the ground,respectively;and x ¨a 3o =largest peak uncontrolled absolute acceleration for the corresponding earthquake record.FLC DESIGNThe FLC has been designed using five membership func-tions for each of the input variable (acceleration and velocity)and seven membership functions for the output variable (con-trol input u )for finer input-output mapping.The input subsets are NL =negative large,NE =negative,ZE =zero,PO =positive,and PL =positive large.The output subsets are NL =negative large,NE =negative,NS =negative small,ZE =zero,PS =positive small,PO =positive,and PL =positive large.A generalized bell-shaped membership function has been used because it can approximate almost all other types of membership functions based on its parameter [(21)].The shape of the generalized bell shape membership function has been defined by the parameters a ,b ,and c (MATLAB 1999).Here,a is the half-width of the membership function at 0.5mem-bership grade;b defines the slope of the membership function;and c is the position of the center of the membership function1␮=(21)x 2bx Ϫc 1ϩͯͯaThe membership functions for the input and output variables have been shown in Fig.2.Two inputs,namely,the third-floor absolute acceleration and the third-floor pseudovelocity,have been used in this study.The choice of a velocity and an ac-celeration component for feedback can be explained in thecontext of the state of the system in the fundamental mode ofvibration.These feedback components help in generating the initial inference rule base (e.g.,if velocity is zero and accel-eration is high,the structure is at its extreme position and control action is not needed because it is going to return to its neutral position due to the restoring force).On the other hand,if the acceleration is zero and the velocity is high,then the structure is in its neutral position and control action should be applied so that it remains close to its neutral position in order to reduce the maximum displacement.At the intermediate states (i.e.,between the extreme and neutral position),if ve-locity and acceleration are of the same sign,the structure is returning to its neutral position due to its restoring force,and,if the acceleration and velocity are of opposite sign,then the structure is moving toward its extreme position and accord-ingly the control action should be applied.Thus,both a ve-locity feedback and an acceleration feedback are necessary for an improved decision on control action.Initially,the inference rules have been selected on the basis of the available data for the controlled structural response and control command for the linear quadratic Gaussian controller presented by Spencer et al.(1998).These inference rules have then been refined using the information about velocity and acceleration in the case of the fundamental mode of vibration.The inference rules were further fine-tuned during the optimization of the controller,observing the contribution from various rules and the position of various membership functions after one run of the optimi-1334/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING /NOVEMBER2001FIG. 3.Inference Rules for FLC Used in This Study TABLE 1.Specifications of FLC Used in This Study Parameters Variables/operators Number fuzzy subsets (membership functions)Input variables Acceleration x ¨a 35Pseudovelocity x ˙a 35Output variable Control signal u 7Aggregation Maximum Fuzzy inference Mamdani type (MATLAB 1999)DefuzzificationCenter of gravity (COG)zation.The adopted inference rules in this study are shown inFig.3.Specifications of the FLC used in this study are given in Table 1.OPTIMIZATION OF FLCIn the present study,a multiobjective optimal FLC design approach results in a set of Pareto-optimal designs.Details of the optimization are discussed in the following subsections.Formulation of Optimization ProblemThe objectives in the optimization problem are to minimize the maximum of the nondimensionalized peak interstory drift J 6[(16)]and the maximum of the nondimensionalized peak acceleration J 7[(17)]due to the given earthquake excitation;J 6and J 7have been used as the two objective functions ␾1and ␾2,respectively,to formulate the fitness function f 1and f 2as given by (2)and (3).The parameters specified prior to the solution of the opti-mization problem are the properties of the structure and the earthquake excitation signals,which remain constant.In ad-dition,the uncontrolled response of the structure has also been computed and provided as a constant parameter for the opti-mization problem.The uncontrolled response parameters pro-vided were the worst-case stationary RMS displacement ␴x 3o and the velocity of the third floor relative to the ground,␴˙x 3o the RMS absolute acceleration of the third floor,peak dis-␴¨x 3o placement x 3o and peak velocity x ˙3o of the third floor relative to the ground,and the peak absolute acceleration x ¨3o of the third floor,corresponding to the respective earthquake.Design variables of the FLC are the parameters of the input and output membership functions (i.e.,a ,b ,and c )for each of the generalized bell-shaped membership function described earlier.Due to symmetry,parameters of only half of the input and output membership functions have been considered as de-sign variables,and the other half have been computed using the symmetry about the membership function ZE (e.g.,if the membership function parameters a ,b ,c for membership func-tion NE are 0.5,2.0,and Ϫ0.5,then these parameters for membership function PO will be 0.5,2.0,and 0.5).Parameter c for all the ZE input and output membership functions has been taken as 0.0.The inference rules have not been consid-ered as design variables,but these rules have been fine-tuned after the first run of the optimization on the basis of the con-tributions from various rules and the position of the various membership functions.Spencer et al.(1998)specified the design constraints for the maximum capacity of the actuator for the active mass driver (e.g.,maximum limit on displacement,acceleration,and con-trol command for the actuator).These constraints can be di-vided into two groups:(1)for the first five evaluation criteria (i.e.,J 1to J 5,which are the maximum limits on the RMS displacement,acceleration,and control command);and (2)for the last five evaluation criteria (i.e.,J 6to J 10,which are the maximum limits on peak displacement,acceleration,and con-trol command for the actuator).These constraints can be for-mulated as given by the following equations:␴Յ␴(22)x x m mmax␴Յ␴(23)¨¨x x am ammax␴Յ␴(24)u u maxmax ͉u (t )͉Յu (25)maxtmax ͉x (t )͉Յx (26)m m maxtmax ͉x ¨(t )͉Յx ¨(27)am am maxtwhere and u max =maximum limit of the RMS control␴u max input and the maximum control input,respectively;and ␴x m max=maximum limit of the RMS displacement and the max-x m max imum displacement of the actuator piston relative to the third floor,respectively;and =maximum limit of the ␴x ¨¨x am ammax maxRMS absolute acceleration and the maximum absolute accel-eration of the actuator,respectively.These constraints have been formulated in a scaled form as given in (4)and (5),so that the same value of the penalty coefficient c i could be used for all the constraints.It is clear from the (22)to (27)that the constraints are nonlinear and discontinuous,which cannot be handled easily by a traditional optimization algorithm.Such constraints can be handled using GA,because GA does not require the computation of deriva-tives or the continuity of the objective function and con-straints.Solution Procedure for OptimizationThe FLC has been implemented in the SIMULINK model (SIMULINK 1998)of the benchmark problem (Spencer et al.1998)using Fuzzy Logic Toolbox (MATLAB 1999)(Fig.4).The parameter used for the SIMULINK model have been spec-ified for the benchmark problem (Spencer et al.1998)which are an integration time step of 0.0005s,sampling time of 0.001s,ADC and DAC resolution of 12bit with a saturation at Ϯ3V ,and sensor noise of 0.01-V RMS (i.e.,0.3%of the span of the ADC).Two inputs,namely,the third-floor absolute acceleration and the third-floor pseudovelocity have been used for the FLC.The details of the FLC are as discussed in the preceding section.The two-branch tournament GA,discussed in the third section,has been used for the optimization of the controller.Param-eters used for GA have been taken on the basis of guidelines given in Grefenstette (1996)and Williams and Crossley (1998).In this study,the population size has been taken as 100members (designs).An upper limit on the number of gen-JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING /NOVEMBER 2001/1335FIG.4.SIMULINK Model for Building with FLCTABLE 2.Initial Parameters and Constraint LimitsParameters and constraintsValue(a)Worst-Case RMS uncontrolled response of third floor(␨g =0.3,␻g =37.3rad/s)␴x 3o 1.31cm␴˙x 3o 47.9cm/s ␴¨x 3o1.79g(b)Peak uncontrolled response of third floor for 1940El Centro earthquakex 3o 3.37cmx ˙3o 131.0cm/s x ¨3o5.05g(c)Peak uncontrolled response of third floor for 1968Hachinohe earthquakex 3o 1.66cmx ˙3o 58.3cm/s x ¨3o2.58g (d )Actuator constraints␴u max 1.0V ␴x m max3.0cm ␴¨x m a max 2.0g u max 3.0V x m max 9.0cm x ¨am max6.0gFIG. 5.Pareto-Optimal Performance Index J 6versus J 7erations has been taken as 500.The probability of crossover and the probability of mutation used in this study are 0.6and 0.003,respectively.A single crossover site has been adopted.Numerical values of various initial parameters and constraints have been given in Table 2.NUMERICAL RESULTSThe optimization of the FLC has resulted in a set of non-dominated (Pareto-optimal)solutions.Variation of the perfor-mance index J 6with J 7,which have been used as the twoobjectives of the multiobjective optimal design of the FLC,has been shown in Fig.5.The variation of the RMS perfor-mance index (i.e.,J 1versus J 2,corresponding to these Pareto-optimal designs)has been shown in Fig.6.From Figs.5and 6it is clear that the performance of the FLC in terms of the performance indices J 1,J 2,J 6,and J 7has been found to be better than that obtained using other controllers reported in the literature (Battaini et al.1998;Breneman and Smith 1998;Kim and Ghaboussi 1999;Kose et al.1998;Lu and Skelton 1998;May and Beck 1998;Spencer et al.1998;Young and1336/JOURNAL OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING /NOVEMBER2001FIG. 6.Variation of Performance Index J 1versus J 2for Pareto-OptimalSolutionsFIG.7.Variation of Control Signal for Worst-Case Stability Test ofFLCBienkiewicz 1998)for the benchmark problem.The modal space sliding-mode control proposed by Adhikari et al.(1998)is an exception.The results show that the performance in this controller in terms of the acceleration response (J 7and J 2)can be improved at the cost of much higher interstory drift re-sponse (J 6and J 1)and vice versa.The objective of this study was to develop a strategy to get a set of Pareto-optimal designs for the FLC.Performance in-dex J 6and J 7have been chosen as the two objectives to achieve using the full capacity of the actuator.Constraints on the actuator capacity [given by (22)–(27)]have automatically put a bound on the other performance indices (J 3,J 4,J 5,J 8,J 9,and J 10).The performance indices J 3,J 4,J 5,J 8,J 9,and J 10relate to the RMS and peak energy requirement and actuator capac-ity.While these indices may be higher than those obtained in the other studies on the benchmark problem,reported in the literature,the current approach results in improved utilization of the available resources (actuator capacity).The stability of the FLC has been examined for each of the Pareto-optimal designs using the extreme (worst)initial con-ditions (Casciati 1997;Battaini et al.1998)and has been found to be stable.Results for the design for which the system has taken the longest time (20s)to reach the neutral position is shown in Fig.7(shown only up to 10s for clarity).For all other cases the settling time for this stability test was found to be less.CONCLUSIONSContributions emerging from this paper are as follows:•An approach for a multiobjective optimal design of a FLC has been demonstrated.The advantage of this approach is that it gives a set of Pareto-optimal designs,for making an appropriate selection.•Performance of the FLC in terms of the structural re-sponse (acceleration and interstory drift)has been found to be better than that obtained using other controllers re-ported in the literature for the benchmark problem.•The major advantage of this controller is its simplicity and the use of a limited number of measured structural responses.•As the controller design is based on fuzzy logic,it incor-porates an inherent robustness and uncertainty handling capability.•To incorporate nonlinearities in the model of the structure,the controller need not to be modified because the FLC can also handle nonlinearities.•As the optimization method is based on GA,the objective function and constraints have to be incorporated in a sin-gle fitness function.This gives flexibility in assigning weights to the objective and constraints in a suitable way.REFERENCESAdhikari,R.,Yamaguchi,H.,and Yamazaki,T.(1998).‘‘Modal space sliding-mode control of structures.’’Earthquake Engrg.and Struct.Dyn.,27(11),1303–1314.Battaini,M.,Casciati,F.,and Faravelli,L.(1998).‘‘Fuzzy control of structural vibration.An active mass system driven by fuzzy controller.’’Earthquake Engrg.and Struct.Dyn.,27(11),1267–1276.Breneman,S.E.,and Smith,H.A.(1998).‘‘Design of H ϱoutput feedback 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