Monte Carlo simulation
Monte Carlo Simulation
Monte Carlo SimulationACCA P4考试:Monte Carlo SimulationTraditional sensitivity analysis can be used if one project variable changes independently of all others. However, some project variables may be interdependent (e.g. production volume and unit costs).Simulation is a technique which allows more than one variable to change at the same time. The classic example of simulation is the "Monte Carlo" method which can be used to estimate not only a project's NPV but also its volatility.Designing a Monte Carlo SimulationAn assessment of the volatility (or standard deviation) of the net present value of a project requires estimates of the distributions of the key input parameters and an assessment of the correlations between variables. Some of variables may be normally distributed (e.g. demand), but others may be assumed to have limit values and a most likely value (e.g. redundancy costs).In its simplest form, Monte Carlo simulation assumes that the input variables are uncorrelated. More sophisticated modelling can, however, incorporate estimates of the correlation between variables.Monte Carlo simulation then employs random numbers to select a specimen value for each variable in order to estimate a "trial value" for the project NPV. This is repeated a large number of times until a distribution of net present values emerges. This distribution will approximate a normal distribution.Refinements such as the Latin Hypercube technique can reduce the likelihood of spurious results occurring through chance in the random number generation process.Outputs From Monte Carlo SimulationThe output from the simulation will give the expected NPV for the project and a range of other statistics including the standard deviation of the output distribution.In addition, the model can rank the significance of each variable in determining the project NPV.Summary of Monte Carlo Simulation1. Specify the major variables.2. Specify the relationship between the variables.3. Attach probability distributions (e.g. the normal distribution) to each variable and assign random numbers to reflect the distribution.4. Simulate the environment by generating random numbers.5. Record the outcome of each simulation.6. Repeat simulation many times to obtain a frequency distribution of the NPV.7. Determine the expected NPV and its standard deviation.。
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)教材
Monte Carlo模拟
2.Monte Carlo方法简史
Stanislaw Ulam (1909-1984)
S. Ulam is credited as the inventor of Monte Carlo method in 1940s, which solves mathematical problems using statistical sampling.
Monte Carlo模拟
第一章 引言 (Introduction)
1. 2. 3. 4. Monte Monte Monte Monte Carlo方法 Carlo方法简史 Carlo模拟的应用 Carlo算法的主要组成部分
Monte Carlo模拟
1.Monte Carlo方法
Monte Carlo模拟
2.Monte Carlo方法简史 Buffon投针实验
1768年,法国数学家Comte de Buffon利用投针实验估 计的值
Monte Carlo模拟
2.Monte Carlo方法简史
Problem of Buffon’s needle: If a needle of length l is dropped at random on the middle of a horizontal surface ruled with parallel lines a distance d > l apart, what is the probability that the needle will cross one of the lines?
蒙特卡洛模拟法(Monte Carlo Simulation)是一种概率模型,用于模拟复杂的系统。
1. 极值理论(EVT,Extreme Value Theory)极值理论是一种专门用于计量尾部风险的数理统计理论。
2. 蒙特卡罗模拟(Monte Carlo simulation)蒙特卡罗模拟是一种广泛应用于金融和保险领域的模拟方法,它通常用于模拟风险并预测未来结果。
3. 历史模拟(Historical Simulation)历史模拟是一种简单但有效的尾部风险计量方法。
例1 在我方某前沿防守地域,敌人以一个炮排(含两门火炮) 为单位对我方进行干扰和破坏.为躲避我方打击,敌方对其阵地 进行了伪装并经常变换射击地点.
经过长期观察发现,我方指挥所对敌方目标的指示有50%是准 确的,而我方火力单位,在指示正确时,有1/3的射击效果能毁 伤敌人一门火炮,有1/6的射击效果能全部毁伤敌人火炮.
蒙特卡罗方法的关键步骤在于随机数的产生, 计算机产生的随机数都不是真正的随机数(由算 法确定的缘故),如果伪随机数能够通过一系列 统计检验,我们也可以将其当作真正的随机数 使用。
rand(1) %每次运ra行nd程('s序tat产e',s生um的(1值00*是clo相ck同)*r的and);
E = P(A0) = P(j=0)P(A0∣j=0) + P(j=1)P(A0∣j=1)
= 1 0 1 1 0.25 2 22
P(A1) = P(j=0)P(A1∣j=0) + P(j=1)P(A1∣j=1)
= 10 11 1 2 23 6
P(A2) = P(j=0)P(A2∣j=0) + P(j=1)P(A2∣j=1)
• 逆变换方法
由定理 1 ,要产生来自 F(x) 的随机数,只要先 产生来自U (0,1) 随机数 u ,然后计算 F 1(u) 即 可。具体步骤如下:
(1) 生成 (0,1)上 均匀分布的随机数U。
(2) 计算 X F -1(U ) ,则 X 为来自 F(x) 分布的随机数.
蒙特卡罗方法的基本思想很早以前就被人们所发现和 利用。早在17世纪,人们就知道用事件发生的“频率” 来决定事件的“概率”。19世纪人们用蒲丰投针的方法 来计算圆周率π,上世纪40年代电子计算机的出现,特别 是近年来高速电子计算机的出现,使得用数学方法在计算 机上大量、快速地模拟这样的试验成为可能。
gcmc模拟分子的吸附 -回复
gcmc模拟分子的吸附-回复什么是gcmc模拟分子的吸附?回答:gcmc模拟(Grand Canonical Monte Carlo simulation)是一种常用的模拟技术,用于研究分子在固体表面或孔道中的吸附行为。
一般来说,gcmc模拟通过以下步骤进行:1. 确定模拟系统的几何结构和边界条件。
2. 初始化系统。
3. 模拟吸附过程。
4. 更新系统状态。
5. 重复步骤3和4直到达到平衡。
6. 收集数据和分析。
秋 实验6蒙特卡洛模拟monto carlo simulation资料
1.Using Monte Carlo simulation, write a Matlab program to calculate an approximation to π by considering the number of random points selected inside the quarter circle22:1,0,0Q x y x y +=≥≥where the quarter circle is taken to be inside the square :01,01S x y ≤≤≤≤ 解:counter=0;N=100000; for i=1:N x=rand(1,1); y=rand(1,1); if x^2+y^2<1 counter=counter+1; end endp=4*counter/N结果:p = 3.14482. Using Monte Carlo simulation, write a Matlab program to calculate thevolume of an ellipsoid (椭球体)22216248x y z ++≤解:counter=0;N=1000; for i=0:Nx=-4*sqrt(2)+8*sqrt(2)*rand(1,1); y=-8+16*rand(1,1);z=-8*sqrt(2)+16*sqrt(2)*rand(1,1); if x^2/2+y^2/4+z^2/8<16 counter=counter+1; end endv=counter/N*8*sqrt(2)*16*16*sqrt(2)结果:v = 2.2528e+0033. Use Monte Carlo simulation to simulate the rolls of an unfair die. Assume解:%v的值代表骰子面的编号d=rand(1,1);if d>=0&d<0.1v=1elseif d>=0.1&d<0.2v=2elseif d>=0.2&d<0.4v=3elseif d>=0.4&d<0.7v=4elseif d>=0.7&d<0.9v=5elsed=6end4.You arrive at the beach for a seven-day vacation and are dismayed to learnthat the local weather prediction is predicting a 50% chance of rain every day. Using Monte Carlo simulation, predict the chance that it rains at leastthree consecutive(接连不断的,连续而来的)days in your vacation. 解:counter=0;N=1e6;for i=1:Nt=0;p=rand(1,7);for j=1:5if p(j)>=0.5&p(j+1)>=0.5&p(j+2)>=0.5t=1;endendif t==1counter=counter+1;endendchance=counter/N结果:chance =0.36765.(Optional) Using Monte Carlo program to2222=--=+z x y and z x y83Note that the two paraboloids intersect (相交)on the elliptic cylinder22x y+=24解:x=-10:0.1:10;y=x;[X,Y]=meshgrid(x,y);Z=8-X.^2-Y.^2;mesh(X,Y,Z)hold onz=X.^2+3*Y.^2;mesh(X,Y,z)ezplot('X.^2+2*Y.^2-4')hold offcounter=0;N=10000;for i=1:Nx=-2+4*rand(1,1);y=-sqrt(2)+2*sqrt(2)*rand(1,1);z=-8+16*rand(1,1);if x^2+2*y^2<4&z>8-x^2-y^2&z<x^2+3*y^2counter=counter+1;endendcountervol=counter/N*4*2*sqrt(2)*16X2+2 Y2-4 = 0Y -10X。
Modulus m 2^31-1
2147483399 2147483563
Multiplier a 16807
在 n 次中出现的频率。假如我们取 fn ( A) 作为 p P(A) 的估计,即 pˆ fn ( A) 。
然后取 ˆ
2l afn ( A)
的估计。根据大数定律,当 n 时,
fn ( A) a.s.
从而有ˆ 2l P 。这样可以用随机试验的方法求得 的估计。历史上 afn ( A)
(2) 计算 X F -1(U ) ,则 X 为来自 F(x) 分布的随机数.
例 1 :设 X ~ U (a,b) ,则其分布函数为
x b
a a
xa a xb
F -1( y) a (b a) y , 0 y 1
生成 U (0,1) 随机数 U,则 a (b - a)U 是来自
许多程序语言中都自带生成随机数的方法, 如 c 中的 random() 函数, Matlab中的rand()函数等。 但这些生成器生成的随机数效果很不一样, 比如 c 中的函数生成的随机数性质就比较差, 如果用 c , 最好自己再编一个程序。Matlab 中的 rand() 函数, 经过了很多优化。可以产生性质很好的随 机数, 可以直接利用。
U (a,b) 的随机数。
例 2:
设 X ~ exp( ) 服从指数分布,则 X 的分布函数为:
在金融行业中,常用的风险评估模型包括 Expected Shortfall Model(ES)、Value at Risk Model(VaR)和Monte Carlo Simulation Model(MCS)等。
1. Expected Shortfall Model(ES)Expected Shortfall Model(ES)是一种基于风险损失的评估方法。
2. Value at Risk Model(VaR)Value at Risk Model(VaR)是一种基于概率统计的风险度量方法。
3. Monte Carlo Simulation Model(MCS)Monte Carlo Simulation Model(MCS)是一种基于随机模拟的风险评估方法。
1. 银行风险评估模型在银行业中,风险评估模型主要应用于信用风险、市场风险和操作风险等方面。
Monte Carlo(蒙特卡洛方法)解析
于是有: l p P( X sin ) 2 0
l sin 2
2 2l dxd a a
2l ap
若我们独立重复地作 n 次投针试验,记 n ( A) 为 A 发生的次数。 fn ( A) 为 A
xi 1 axi
mod m
ui 1 xi 1 / m 其中 xi , a, m 均为整数, x0 可以任意选取。
x0称为种子,a 是乘因子,m是模数
当 x0 1 时,得到序列: 1,6,3,7,9,10,5,8,4,2,1,6,3......
1 确定行为的模拟
本节以曲线下的面 积为例说明蒙特卡罗 模拟在确定行为建模 中的应用.
下面的算法给出了用蒙特卡罗方法求曲线下面积 的计算机模拟的计算格式.
在给定区间上曲线y=cosx下面积的真值是2.注意到即使对 于产生的相当多的点数,误差也是可观的.对单变量函数,一般 说来,蒙特卡罗方法无法与在数值分析中学到的积分方法相比, 没有误差界以及难以求出函数的上界M也是它的缺点.然而,蒙 特卡罗方法可以推广到多变量函数,在那里它变得更加实用.
ˆ f n ( A) 。 在 n 次中出现的频率。假如我们取 fn ( A) 作为 p P( A) 的估计,即 p
ˆ 然后取 2l a.s. ˆ fn ( A) 作为 的估计。根据大数定律,当 n 时, p p. af n ( A) 2l P 。这样可以用随机试验的方法求得 的估计。历史上 af n ( A)
统计方法4 随机模拟2
统计方法4 随机模拟随机模拟(random simulation)方法,又称为蒙特卡洛(Monte Carlo,MC )方法。
Monte Carlo 方法最早产生于二战期间美国研发原子弹的曼哈顿工程。
图:赌城Monte CarloMonte Carlo 方法可以处理的问题基本可以可以分为两类:第一类是随机性的问题。
第一节 生成随机数 1.生成随机数的基本数学原理较为普遍应用的产生随机数的方法是选取一个函数)(x g ,使其将整数变换为随机数。
以某种方法选取0x ,并按照)(1k k x g x =+产生下一个随机数。
最一般的方程)(x g 具有如下形式:c ax x g mod)()(+= (8.1)其中0x 初始值或种子(00>x )=a 乘法器(0≥a )=c 增值(0≥c )=m 模数对于t 数位的二进制整数,其模数通常为t 2。
例如,对于31位的计算机m 即可取1312-。
这里a x ,0和c 都是整数,且具有相同的取值范围0,,x m c m a m >>>。
所需的随机数序{}n x 便可由下式得m c ax x n n mod )(1+=+ (8.2) 该序列称为线性同余序列。
• 估计可靠性/稳健性方法使用的必要性
• 在可靠性分析,稳健性设计中使用 • 容差设计问题中使用
Introduction to Isight
• 概率分布函数 Probability Distribution Functions (pdfs) • 随机数种子生成器 Random Number Generator
• Exponential
• 收敛判断Convergence:
i = N?
• 每25步检查一步Std. Deviation 和 Mean checked
后处理 对响应进行统计学分析
Introduction to Isight
MCS: Basic Approach
• 采样技术: • Simple Random Sampling
确定随机变量 指定分布 设置最大仿真次数N Set i =1
• Descriptive Sampling
• 分布 Distributions: • Normal • Lognormal • Weibull • Gumbel • Uniform
Introduction to Isight
• •
• 经常需要大量的采样点 • 使用减少变异的技术可以减少采样点
• 既然采样点是完全独立的,分布和并行计算是完全可行的
Introduction to Isight
采样技术: Monte Carlo Simulation
一、置信区间(Confidence Interval)置信区间是最常用的不确定性量化方法之一。
置信区间一般表示为估计量±误差界限,例如,估计量为0.5,置信区间为(0.4, 0.6),表示我们有95%的置信度认为总体参数在0.4到0.6之间。
二、蒙特卡洛模拟(Monte Carlo Simulation)蒙特卡洛模拟是一种基于随机抽样的方法,通过多次模拟实验来估计总体参数的不确定性。
三、引导重采样(Bootstrap Resampling)引导重采样是一种基于自助法的方法,用于估计统计量的不确定性。
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)
例:a=5,c=1,m=16,I0=1 Î周期=m=16 1,6,15,12,13,2,11,8,9,14,7,4,5,10,3,0,1,6,15, 12,13,2,..
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)
1961年由IBM提出 I n +1 = (65539 × I n ) mod 2 存在严重的问题:Marsaglia效用,存在于所有乘同余方法的产生器
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)
==〉伪随机数(Pseudo-Random Number) Î优点: – – – 占用计算机的内存少; 产生速度快; 可以重复前次的模拟结果,便于程序的找错;
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)
2.3 线性乘同余方法(Linear Congruential Method)
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)
– 所模拟的物理过程要求随机数应具有下列特性:
• 随机数序列应是独立的、互不相关的(uncorrelated):即序列中的任一 子序列应与其它的子序列无关; • 长的周期(long period):实际应用中,随机数都是用数学方法计算出来 的,这些算法具有周期性,即当序列达到一定长度后会重复; • 均匀分布的随机数应满足均匀性(Uniformity):随机数序列应是均匀的、 无偏的,即:如果两个子区间的“面积”相等,则落于这两个子区间内 的随机数的个数影相等。
蒙特卡罗方法 (Monte Carlo simulation)
2.2 随机数的产生 • [0,1]区间上均匀分布的随机数是Monte Carlo模拟的基础,服从 任意分布的随机数序列可以用[0,1]区间均匀分布的随机数序列 作适当的变换火舍选后求得; • [0,1]均匀分布的随机数的产生方法:
估计蒙特卡罗模拟最著名的早期使用是诺贝尔奖物理学家Enrico Fermi(有时也说是原子弹之父)在1930年的应用,那时他用一种随机方法来计算刚发现的中子的性质。
蒙特卡罗模拟是曼哈顿计划所用到的模拟的核心部分,在20世纪50年代蒙特卡罗模拟就用在Los Alamos国家实验室发展氢弹的早期工作中,并流行于物理学和运筹学研究领域。
蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo算法)算法
• 如果你对随机数有更高的要求,需要自己 编辑“随机数生成器”
• 最简单、最基本、最重要的一个概率分布 是(0,1)上的均匀分布(或称矩形分布)
• 例如在Matlab中,命令“rand()”将产生 一个(0,1)中均匀分布的随机数
• 你可以根据需要给随机数一个“种子”, 以求不同的数
Matlab 的随机数函数
• 大大改善了结果!
• 随机数是我们实现蒙特卡罗模拟的基本工具。 • 随机数的产生就是抽样问题。可以用物理方法
产生随机数,但价格昂贵,不能重复,使用不 便。另一种方法是用数学递推公式产生。这样 产生的序列,与真正的随机数序列不同,所以 称为伪随机数,或伪随机数序列。不过,经过 多种统计检验表明,它与真正的随机数,或随 机数序列具有相近的性质,因此可把它作为真 正的随机数来使用。
用Monte Carlo 计算定积分
• 考虑积分 • 假定随机变量具有密度函数 •则
用Monte Carlo 计算定积分-
• 抽取密度为e^{-x}的随机数X_1,…X_n • 构造统计数
用Monte Carlo 计算定积分--
用Monte Carlo 计算定积分---
• 例如 α=1.9
Monte Carlo Simulation 简介
• 蒙特卡罗(Monte Carlo)方法,或称计算 机随机模拟方法或随机抽样方法或统计 试验方法 ,属于计算数学的一个分支。 是一种基于“随机数”的rlo方法的基本思想很 以前就 被人们所发现和利用。 在17世纪,人 们就知道用事件发生的“频率”来决定 事件的“概率”。19世纪人们用投针试
• 它是以一个概率模型为基础,按照这个模型所 描绘的过程,通过模拟实验的结果,作为问题 的近似解。。
如何产生任意的(x,θ)?x在[0,a]上任意取值,表示x在 [0,a]上是均匀分布的,其分布密度函数为:
1/a, 0xa f1(x)0, 其他 类似地,θ的分布密度函数为:
因此,产生任意的(x,θ)的过程就变成了由f1(x)抽样x及由f2(θ) 抽样θ的过程了。由此得到:
(1).问题的描述、定义和分析; (2).建立仿真模型; (3).数据采集和筛选; (4).仿真模型的确认; (5).仿真模型的编程实现与验证; (6).仿真试验设计; (7).仿真模型的运行; (8).仿真结果的输出、记录; (9).分析数据,得出结论。
➢ 连续系统仿真(Continuous System Simulation) ➢ 系统状态变量随时间连续变化,通常用常微分方程、
如果 divisor 为零,函数 MOD 返回错误值 #DIV/0!。
第一步,加载数据分析工具 。
公共管理的对象通常是社会、经济、军事等复杂系统,一般都不 能通过真实的实验来进行分析、研究。因此,系统模拟技术就 成为十分重要甚至必不可少的工具。本讲在介绍管理系统模拟 的概念以及一般原理、方法和步骤的基础上,主要介绍四种基 本的模拟方法及其模型,即蒙特卡洛模拟方法、排队模型、系 统动力学模拟、多AGENT系统模拟。通过蒙特卡洛模拟可以具 体了解管理系统模拟的基本原理及方法,排队模型与多AGENT 系统体现了离散事件系统模拟的特点与规律,而系统动力学模 拟则是一种可以广泛应用于公共管理决策及 分析的连续系统 模拟方法。
只要求出 Eg( xi ),便能得到J的数值。为求 Eg( xi )
由车比雪夫定理 这样一来,只要能生成随机变量序列 {g ( xi )} 就能计算积分值了。
Monte Carlo方法
x J x dx , J e 下面用C程序实现求 0 0 dx 3 1 1
仿真程序如下: #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> double g(double x) //被积函数 { return (x*x*x);//return (exp(x));}
例:投资可行性分析 某港口有一个万吨级泊位,根据长期观察记录,依次 到港的两艘船只的间隔时间有如表所示的规律.
0.10 0.12 0.14 0.19 0.26 0.06
港口现有一台装卸机,根据其它港口的经验,若用两 台装卸机可以节约装卸时间.经过统计,两种情况下 的装卸规律下表.
船只到港间隔时间的模拟抽样规则,即到港间隔时间 与均匀随机数的对应规则如表3所示. 表3
船只到港间隔时间h 1 5 频率 0.15 0.10 随机数区间
15 20 30 40
0.14 0.19 0.26 0.06
校时站正点通过车次数 ×100%; 校时站通过车次总数
(2)总留乘时间少,减少乘客等待时间,提高服务质 量.其中 2n 总留乘时间=∑(第i个车站留乘人数)×(留乘时间);
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Monte Carlo simulation of the oscillatory behavior in partial oxidation of methane on nickel catalyst under nonisothermal conditionsXiu-Bin Ren a,b ,Xiang-Yun Guo a,*a State Key Laboratory of Coal Conversion,Institute of Coal Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Taoyuan Nanlu 27,Taiyuan 030001,PR China bGraduate University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100039,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f o Article history:Received 24June 2008Accepted for publication 15December 2008Available online 25December 2008Keywords:Monte Carlo simulation OscillationsPartial oxidation of methane Temperature variationa b s t r a c tThe Monte Carlo method has been used to simulate the kinetic oscillations during partial oxidation of methane under nonisothermal conditions.The oscillatory behavior can be found with the selected parameters by using oxide formation and removal model.From the simulation,the temperature variation during the reaction synchronizes well with the oscillations of product formation rates,and also with the rates of oxide formation and reduction pared with the isothermal simulation results,the oscillations under the nonisothermal conditions are observed to have a slightly shorter period,lower maximum carbon coverage and higher nickel oxide coverage.Ó2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionDuring past decades,the partial oxidation of methane to carbon monoxide and hydrogen has received a good deal of attention,mainly because of its potential use as a commercial source of syn-gas [1,2].It has been found that the partial oxidation of methane exhibits nonlinear behavior and reaction rate oscillations under certain circumstances.This oscillatory behavior has been observed for a variety of catalysts including palladium,nickel,cobalt and nickel/chromium alloy [3–15].Among those investigations,the oscillations on nickel catalysts in the partial oxidation of methane have attracted much more interest.Tulenin et al.[10,11]reported the synergistic behavior and reaction rate oscillations during the methane oxidation in a combined catalytic bed containing metal oxides and metal wires.In their further work,the oscillations over Ni foam and nickel/chromium alloy were investigated [6,9].Hu and Ruckenstein [12]studied the temperature oscillation during meth-ane oxidation on supported nickel catalyst.Zhang et al.[4,5]ex-plored the oscillations during methane oxidation on nickel foil and wire in a wide range of the feed-gas composition as well as the reaction temperature.Recently,Bychkov et al.[14]investigated the oscillations over Ni foam using a thermogravimetric method combined with on-line mass spectrometry analysis.They also re-ported the oscillatory behaviour during ethane oxidation over nickel and cobalt catalysts with on-line mass spectrometry analy-sis [16].Slinko et al.[17]developed a continuous mathematical model for describing the oscillatory behavior during partial oxida-tion of methane.In all studies,it is generally suggested that the oscillations originate from the repetitive cycles of oxidation and reduction of Ni catalyst.Monte Carlo (MC)simulations are usually regarded as a comple-ment of Mean-Field (MF)approach.For nonlinear systems,the MF treatment can reproduce the shape of oscillations but cannot give the spatiotemporal distribution of adsorbed reactants on the nano-meter scale.In the MC simulations,however,the distribution of ad-sorbed species can be calculated explicitly [18].Using the MC sim-ulations,the kinetic oscillation behavior of CO oxidation on platinum catalysts has been extensively studied [19–24].For single Pt crystal catalyst,it is generally suggested that the surface restruc-turing is responsible for the generation of oscillatory behavior.And for supported Pt catalyst,the oxide formation is one of the mostly discussed models [20,22].In addition,the oscillatory behavior in NO +H 2,NO +CO,NO +NH 3,H 2+O 2reactions has also been exten-sively studied by the MC simulation under isothermal conditions [19,25,26].In our previous work,the oscillations during partial oxidation of methane have been studied by the MC simulations with the Lang-muir-Hinshelwood (LH)mechanism and the formation and re-moval of nickel oxide under isothermal conditions [27,28].Although the partial oxidation of methane is only slightly exother-mic (D H 0(1000K)=À23.0kJ mol À1)[15],the temperature varia-tion may change the rate constants of surface reaction steps and result in different kinetic behavior.For example,the nonisothermal effect on the kinetic oscillations on single crystalline faces was numerically treated during CO oxidation and multiplicity features like quasi-periodicity were predicted.The nonisothermal effect on the kinetic oscillations on nano-scaled catalysts during CO0039-6028/$-see front matter Ó2008Elsevier B.V.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.susc.2008.12.018*Corresponding author.Tel.:+863514065282;fax:+863514050320.E-mail address:xyguo@ (X.-Y.Guo).Surface Science 603(2009)606–610Contents lists available at ScienceDirectSurface Sciencejournal homepage:www.else v i e r.c o m /l o c a t e /s u scoxidation was theoretically investigated by Yan and a contrac-tion of oscillatory period was observed[29,30].In this paper,the nonisothermal effect is introduced into the MC model and the oscillatory behavior under nonisothermal conditions during the partial oxidation of methane over Ni catalyst was discussed.2.Model and methodThe MC method employed in the simulation is the same to that in our previous work[27].Compared to the continuous mathemat-ical model proposed by Slinko et al.[17],more complete elemen-tary steps are used in our simulation.The detailed elementary steps and corresponding reaction heats are summarized in Table 1.The reaction rate constants for each elementary step can be cal-culated by using the Arrhenius equation.The pre-exponential fac-tors(m)and activation energies(Ea)of various elementary steps can be found in Ref.[27].Especially,the rate of surface oxidation is supposed to be proportional to the O coverage and the fraction of the reduced surface[17,33].In the simulation,the catalyst sur-face is represented by a two-dimensional square lattice of LÂL sites with periodic boundary conditions.CH4adsorption occurs on an empty site while O2adsorption on a pair of nearest-neighbor (nn)empty sites.CH4,CO desorptions and oxide formation are treated asfirst-order processes.Other steps can occur between nn sites.The sum of rate constants for steps8,9,11,14and16is regarded as a constant for normalization.Probability(pi)for event i(i–3,4,5,6,10,18)isP i¼K iK8þK9þK11þK14þK16¼K iK Tð1ÞEspecially,the probability(pi)for steps3,4,5,6,10,18is con-sidered as being equal to1because those steps can proceed com-pletely.Adsorbed CH4,O,CO and H species are allowed to diffuse to an empty nn site and the diffusion rates of those species are con-sidered the same[27].A dimensionless parameter p rea is employed to characterize the relative rates of reaction and diffusion.The parameter N dif=1/p rea is used to represent the ratio of the diffusion and reaction events. The details of MC algorithm are described as follows:(1)A random number f(0<f<1)is generated.If f<p rea,a reac-tion trial is executed.Otherwise,a diffusion trial is performed.(2)For a diffusion trial,a lattice site is randomly chosen.If thesite is occupied by a diffusion particle(adsorbed CH4,O, CO or H)and a randomly selected nn site is empty,the par-ticle jumps to the selected nn site.(3)For a reaction trial,a lattice site and a random number f1(0<f1<1)are generated:i.If the selected site is empty,CH4adsorption occurs forf1<p1and O2adsorption for p16f1<p1+p7.ii.If the selected site is occupied by adsorbed CH4,CH4 desorption or dissociation can occur when f1<p2orf1P p2,respectively.iii.If the selected site is occupied by CH x(x=1–3),and a ran-domly selected nn site is empty,the trial of CH x dissoci-ation is considered to be successful.iv.If the selected site is occupied by C,and a randomly selected nn site is occupied by O x,the adsorbed CO isformed with the probability p12.v.If the selected site is occupied by O,O2desorption(step8),formation of NiO(step11),formation of CO2(step14),formation of OH(step16),or reaction with C(step9)can occur for f1<p8,p86f1<p8+p11,p8+p116f1<p8+p11+p14,p8+p11+p146f1<p8+p11+p14+p16,or f1P p8+p11+p14+p16, the selected site is occupied by CO,step13or15is per-formed for f1<p13,or p136f1<p13+p15,respectively.Step15occurs provided that the randomly selected nnsite is occupied by O x.vii.If the selected site is occupied by H,step17is performed for f1<p17provided that the randomly selected nn site isoccupied by O x.Step10or18occurs immediately andgaseous H2or H2O molecule is released provided thatthe randomly selected nn site is occupied by H or OH,respectively.(4)In the simulations,LÂL attempts of the adsorption–reactionevents are executed in one MC steps(MCS).The real time interval D t is related to the MC time(t MC)[29,30],D t¼t MC=K Tð2ÞAfter50MCS,the rate constants are changed with temperature variation and the probability set is renewed accordingly.The geometry of the particle is assumed as a cube and the temperature variation can be written as[29,30,33],dT¼ÀD HpC prÀhSpC pðTÀT0Þð3ÞD T¼À1p pR D H i r iÀhSp pðTÀT0Þð4Þwhere T is the absolute temperature,D H is the reaction heat, m p=q(aL)3is the catalyst weight,C p is the catalyst heat capacity, r is the reaction rate,h is the heat transfer coefficient,S=(aL)2is the heat transfer area,q is the density of nickel,a is the closest Ni–Ni distance of Ni(111)surface and L is the lattice size.Table1The heat of various elementary steps[31,32].Steps(i)Elementary reactions H(kcal/mol)1CH4ðgÞþÃ!CHÃ4À7.902CHÃ4!CH4ðgÞþÃ7.903CHÃ4þÃ!CHÃ3þHà 2.204CHÃ4þÃ!CHÃ2þHÃ11.705CHÃ2þÃ!CHÃþHà 5.406CHÃþÃ!CHÃþHÃÀ36.507O2ðgÞþ2Ã!2OÃÀ44.6082OÃ!O2ðgÞþ2Ã44.609CÃþOÃ!COÃþÃÀ7.30 102HÃ!H2ðgÞþ2Ã21.7011OÃ!O xÀ2.0012CÃþO x!COÃþà 3.5013COÃ!COðgÞþÃ27.0014COÃþOÃ!CO2ðgÞþ2Ã14.7015COÃþO x!CO2ðgÞþ2Ã16.6016HÃþOÃ!OHÃþÃÀ1.9017HÃþO x!OHÃþÃ0.1018HÃþOHÃ!H2OgÞþ2Ã21.20*Empty active site.X.-B.Ren,X.-Y.Guo/Surface Science603(2009)606–610607The reaction rates of gaseous products are determined by the number of product molecules per lattice site in a second.In the present simulation,the partial pressures of reactants in the gas phase are kept constant.3.Results and discussionThe simulation is performed on a square lattice of400Â400 sites,and the partial pressures of CH4and O2are chosen as 3.34Â104and1.67Â104Pa[4,5],respectively.The parameter N dif is selected as100[27].The values of the parameters corresponding to the temperature calculation are selected as q=8.89g/cm3, C p=1.08Â10À4kcal/(g K),h=1.6Â10À6kcal/(cm2s K),a=2.48Â10À8cm.It should be mentioned that the heat transfer coeffi-cient h is unknown and the coefficient used here is an approximate value,which can be found from literature[17,34].The heat transfer coefficient h may depend on the size of catalyst particles,and we cannot exclude that in our simulations h should be appreciably higher than that in Ref.[17].If this is the case,our simulations presented below may overestimate the amplitude of oscillations of the catalyst temperature.Fig.1presents the rate oscillations of gaseous products from the nonisothermal simulation at T0=1000K.The formation rates of the products,CO,H2,CO2and H2O,exhibit well-developed oscilla-tions and are observed to be in-phase with each other.Considering the selectivities of CO and H2,it can be found that the generation of CO2and H2O are very little,and the selectivities of CO and H2can reach96–99%.Therefore,the formation of CO2and H2O has no significant effect on the oscillations and can be neglected in the ki-netic model,which can be found in our previous discussion[28].The corresponding coverages of adsorbed species and the tem-perature oscillation are shown in Fig.2.Scrutinizing the obtained results,the temperature variation pattern synchronizes well with the oscillations of gaseous product formation rates.During one oscillatory cycle,the highest temperature coincides with the max-imum formation rate of gaseous CO,which corresponds to the maximum O coverage and minimum C coverage.Accordingly,the lowest temperature coincides with the minimum formation rate of gaseous CO.This is because that the stages of methane and oxygen adsorption and dissociation have the largest exothermic thermal effects.However,the temperature oscillation does not synchronize with the variation of O x coverage,which is shown in Fig.3(a).In fact,the temperature variation is in-phase with the rates of oxide formation and reduction process.Fig.3(b)shows the rates of oxide formation and reduction process in the oscillatory cycles. It can be seen that the rate of oxide formation is larger than the rate of oxide reduction during the stage1–2of the oscillatory cycle while the rate of oxide reduction prevails over the rate of oxide for-mation during the stage2–3.From thefigure,the highest temper-ature corresponds to the maximum oxide formation rate and608X.-B.Ren,X.-Y.Guo/Surface Science603(2009)606–610minimum oxide reduction rate.The temperature increase coin-cides with the increase of the oxide formation rate and with the de-crease of oxide reduction rate.When the rates of oxide formation and reduction reach a temporal balance,the O x coverage is at max-imum or minimum.Typical snapshots of adsorbed particles during one oscillatory cycle are exhibited in Fig.4.In thefigure,the adsorbed C,O and O x are only presented in the snapshots.The snapshot correspond-ing to the high rate state is shown in Fig.4(a),which is character-ized by the high percentage of empty sites and adsorbed O.The adsorbed O either quickly reacts with other species or slowly forms the surface oxide.The former leads to the growth of O x coverage, and the later makes the O x coverage reach the maximum(Fig.4 (b)).Fig.4(c)shows the low rate state with the high percentage of adsorbed C and very low coverage of adsorbed O.Thus,the reduction of the metal oxide by adsorbed C becomes a principal reaction way,and then leads to the decrease of O x coverage (Fig.4(d)),which can regenerate a good deal of empty sites.As a result,the system reverts to the high rate state and that a new cy-cle begins.Additional information concerning the periodic oscillations can be obtained by plotting the gaseous CO formation rate vs the cov-erage of O x(Fig.5).It can be found that there exist an obvious tran-sitory induced period and a periodic attractor.When the reduced Ni catalyst is oxidized gradually,and the system reaches a tempo-ral balance,the periodic attractor can be observed immediately.Compared with the isothermal case in our previous work[27], the oscillatory behavior is observed with slightly shorter periods, lower maximum C coverage and higher O x coverage.The decrease of oscillation periods for the nonisothermal case is possibly caused by the diminishing of the low rate state duration.The low rate state,which corresponds to oxide reduction,is more dependent on the temperature.The decrease of maximum C coverage can be understood that as the reaction heat accumulates and the temper-ature increases,the rates of step2and step9increase exponen-tially.At the same time,the O x accumulation on the surface becomes more easily because the O x formation rate increases and fewer C and H are available for the O x removal reactions.As a re-sult,the nonisothermal effect has a significant impact on the oscil-latory behavior,which can shorten the oscillation period and result in a decrease of the maximum C coverage and an increase of O x coverage.4.ConclusionThe oscillatory behavior during the partial oxidation of methane under nonisothermal conditions was studied by the MC simula-tion.It is found that the temperature variation is in-phase well with the oscillations of product formation rates.The highest tem-perature coincides with the maximum formation rate of CO and the lowest temperature accords with the minimum formation rate of CO.Correspondingly,the temperature variation is in-phase withX.-B.Ren,X.-Y.Guo/Surface Science603(2009)606–610609the rate of oxide formation and reduction processes.The highest temperature corresponds to the maximum oxide formation rate and minimum oxide reduction rate.The temperature increase coincides with the increase of oxide formation rate and the de-crease of oxide reduction pared with the isothermal pat-terns,the nonisothermal effect shortens the oscillation period and results in a decrease of the maximum carbon coverage and an in-crease of O x coverage.AcknowledgmentThis work was supported by the Natural Science Foundation of Shanxi Province,PR 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